The Bushing Group - Product Spectrum
The Bushing Group - Product Spectrum
The Bushing Group - Product Spectrum
bushings for energy applications using standards of quality, HSP & Trench products have
state-of-the-art manufacturing and been used in numerous applications, including:
testing facilities
■■ Transformer bushings
■■ GIS bushings
■■ Generator bushings
■■ HVDC bushings
1. Terminal
1 2 3 4 5 6 2. Dry filling
3. Insulator
4. Active part
RIP bushing 5. Flange
6. Oil-side end
1 2 3 4 5 6 1. Terminal
2. Oil filling
3. Insulator
OIP bushing 4. Active part
5. Flange
6. Oil-side end
Transformer bushings
HSP & Trench transformer bushings are designed to be connected ■■ RIS insulation rated voltages up to 245 kV and 2000 A
to oil-insulated power transformers and operate with the following ■■ OIP insulation rated voltages up to 1200 kV
environmental media: outdoors, cable junction box-oil and gas insu- and currents up to 5000 A
lated substations. Our product spectrum includes transformer outdoor ■■ RIP insulation rated voltages up to 800 kV
bushings with condenser grading and a choice of active part insula- and currents up to 6000 A
tion: OIP (Oil Impregnated Paper), RIP (Resin Impregnated Paper)
or RIS (Resin Impregnated Synthetics)
■■ Natural cooling
■■ Forced gas cooling
■■ Liquid cooling
Oil-impregnated transformer
1958 bushing 380 kV
05/17-1000 TH 102-170373