The Bushing Group - Product Spectrum

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Today HSP & Trench produce condenser Backed by consistent specialization and the highest

bushings for energy applications using standards of quality, HSP & Trench products have
state-of-the-art manufacturing and been used in numerous applications, including:
testing facilities
■■ Transformer bushings
■■ GIS bushings
■■ Generator bushings
■■ HVDC bushings

The Bushing Group

Product Spectrum
RIS bushing

1. Terminal
1 2 3 4 5 6 2. Dry filling
3. Insulator
4. Active part
RIP bushing 5. Flange
6. Oil-side end

1 2 3 4 5 6 1. Terminal
2. Oil filling
3. Insulator
OIP bushing 4. Active part
5. Flange
6. Oil-side end

Transformer bushings
HSP & Trench transformer bushings are designed to be connected ■■ RIS insulation rated voltages up to 245 kV and 2000 A
to oil-insulated power transformers and operate with the following ■■ OIP insulation rated voltages up to 1200 kV
environmental media: outdoors, cable junction box-oil and gas insu- and currents up to 5000 A
lated substations. Our product spectrum includes trans­former outdoor ■■ RIP insulation rated voltages up to 800 kV
bushings with condenser grading and a choice of active part insula- and currents up to 6000 A
tion: OIP (Oil Impregnated Paper), RIP (Resin Impregnated Paper)
or RIS (Resin Impregnated Synthetics)

Served application are:

■■ Transformer – Outdoor
■■ Transformer – Cable junction box
■■ Transformer – SF6 insulated switchgear

Transformer – SF6 switchgear Transformer – Cable junction box

HVDC bushings
HSP & Trench offer special HVDC bushings for high voltage direct-current transmission systems, which can be connected to HVDC
transformers, inductors or air insulated system parts. They are calculated and designed in accordance with individual requirements.
The bushings are provided with dry or gas insulation. In addition to standardized products, we also offer our customers individualized
custom products and tested in our fully equipped, internationally accredited test facility.

GIS bushings Generator bushings

HSP & Trench offers standardized products as well as customized HSP & Trench bushings for generators or electric machines are
bushings with optimum voltage distribution for gas insulated and air suitable for internal spaces and are resistant to generator cooling
insulated switchgear, even when there are VFT (Very Fast Transient). fluids. The range extends between porcelain insulators, or combi-
Our offer includes pure SF6 insulated products, as well as bushing nation of porcelain insulator for the outdoor side and resin or
with RIP active component for specific application. fiberglass insulation for the internal side, as well as design
with RIP (Resin Impregnated Paper) insulation both sides
■■ SF6 insulated directly connected to the GIS pressure, and additional special varnish for not polluted environments.
designed for rated voltages up to 550 kV
and currents up to 4000 A The range extends up to 36 kV and up to 50 kA for the liquid
■■ RIP insulation (unpressurized bushing) rated voltages cooled bushing. The generator bushings are designed in order
up to 550 kV and currents up to 4000 A to operate with the different types of cooling:

■■ Natural cooling
■■ Forced gas cooling
■■ Liquid cooling

GIS bushing Generator bushing

Continuous innovation since 1913

First production of condenser

1913 bushings made of impregnated paper

Oil-impregnated transformer
1958 bushing 380 kV

Initial production of bushings

1960 made of resin-impregnated paper Published and copyright © 2017:

HSP Hochspannungsgeräte GmbH

Camp-Spich-Str. 18
First 420 kV GIS outdoor bushing 53842 Troisdorf-Spich
1987 with silicone sheds Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 22 41/25 26-0
Fax: +49 (0) 22 41/25 26-116
First dry version of 500 kV HVDC
1997 RIP transformer and wall bushings Trench France SAS
16, Rue du Général Cassagnou
B.P. 70 F-68 302
St. Louis, Cedex, France
First dry version of 800 kV HVDC
2009 RIP transformer and wall bushings
Phone: +33 3 89 70-23 23
Fax: +33 3 89 70-23 59

First dry version of 1100 kV HVDC

2012 RIP transformer bushing
Trench High Voltage Shenyang
No. 2 Jingshenxisan Street
Daiyi Economic Development Zone
Shenbei New District, Shenyang 110136
First 800 kV RIP transformer bushings People’s Republic of China
2013 with heatpipe technology Phone: 86-24-8 89 23 99
Fax: 86-24-89 73 72 00

Initial production of bushings made

2014 of resin-impregnated synthetic

05/17-1000 TH 102-170373

All rights reserved.

Subject to change without prior notice.

The information in this document contains general
descriptions of the technical options which are not
necessarily available in every single case.
The required features must therefore be defined in
each individual case when concluding the contract.

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