The honorable, Head of English Education Study Program Ms. R Bunga Febriani,
S.S., M.Hum.
The honorable, Chaiman of Students Representative Council in the Faculty of
Teacher Training and Education of Galuh University
The honorable, Chairman of Student Executive Board in the Faculty of Teacher
Training and Education of Galuh University
The honorable, Chairman of Students Association in Faculty of Teacher and
The honorable, Chairman of Students Representative Council in the English
Education Association
The honorable, Chairman of Students Association in Galuh English Student
Association along with all commite of Goes to gravity 2021 And the respectable,
all participants we are proud.
Praise and gratitude let us present to Allah SWT, who has given us mercy and
guidance until we are able to gather in this event that is the "Goes to gravity
G-ESA Relationship, Active, Valuable, Intelligent and Creativity) with the theme
"Empowering student leadership through Amplification (A meaningful thing
comes from little action)"
Prayers and greetings are always overflowing to the Majesty of Nature, the Carrier of
Truth and the Broken of faulty, he is our prophet Muhammad SAW. Also don’t forget
to his family, his friends, and we are as his followers, hopefully get a guide later in the
end of this world.
On this nice occasion, let me deliver the schedule of the event today:
1. Opening
7. Prayers
9. Closing
Thus the schedule of the program to be carried out. Starting the activity agenda this
The next agenda is the reading of the Holy Qur'ani that will be recited by Ade
Rohana. For Ade Rohana, the time is yours.
Thank you for Ade Rohana, who has reading the holy qur’an.
The next agenda is singing of Indonesia Raya song.
To all participants are asked to stand up please
Please sit down again
And the next is the Report from chairman of the Goes to gravity 2021, To wahyu
Rifqi Abdillah the time is yours
Thank you for Wahyu who has deliver the report.
• well the next agenda is the speech of the chairman of Students Association in Galuh
English Student Association to Adi Budianto the time is yours
The next agenda is, The Speech of Head of English Education Study Program, to
Ms. R Bunga Febriani, S.S., M.Hum the time is yours
Thank you for Ms. Bunga who was open this event in this occasion.
The next event is prayers who will delivered by Kurniawan. To Kurniawan, time
is yours.
Thank you for Kurniawan who has led the prayer
Ladies and Gentlement
Arriving at the main event, we hope that all of you are ready to listen
carefully to every material provided, please keep mute the microphone
during the presentation of the material and at the end of the session there
will be questions and answers, before we start I will check your readiness,
if I say are you ready to Goes to gravity 2021? you can unmute the
microphone and answer yes iam ready okayy.....
1. Well let's get the first material about anthropology of Campus to
Wahyu Rifqi Fadilah the time is yours....
2. So the second material about . ...... to Debi maulana ahsan halan the
time is yours
3. The last material about organization, to Adi Budianto the time is yours
Okay the next agenda question and answer session about the material that
has been provided by anthropology campus, production, and organization
so we open one term and one term consists of 3 questioners, please those
who want to ask to leave comments in the drop chat
The event of the goes to gravity 2021 was held, let us say hamdalah together.
(Alhamdulillahirobil ‘alamin)
Im Monica as the Master of Ceremony with all commite of Goes to gravity 2021,
apologize for all mistakes and shortcomings because the essence of perfection only
belongs to Allah SWT. Thank you for your participation see u in the Gravity 2021.
Wabilahitaufik walhidayah