Series and Parallel Circuits Practical - KS3
Series and Parallel Circuits Practical - KS3
Series and Parallel Circuits Practical - KS3
1 2
Remove the ammeter from position 1,A1 and place at position 2,A2.
iv. What can you conclude about how current behaves in a series circuit?
2. Set up a circuit consisting of a cell, a voltmeter, an ammeter, wires, and two bulbs, Bulb 1
and Bulb 2, in series with each other.
i. Draw a circuit diagram for the circuit containing Bulb 1 and Bulb 2.
ii. Describe what happens to the brightness of each bulb in the series circuit compared the
brightness of bulb 1 by itself.
iii. Measure the potential difference across each bulb and the cell:
Voltmeter reading across Bulb 1: ………………………… V
Voltmeter reading across Bulb 2: ………………………… V
Voltmeter reading across Cell: ……………………… V
iv. What can you conclude about how potential difference behaves in a series circuit?
ii. What can you conclude about how potential differences behaves in a parallel circuit?
3. TASK D – Investigating current in parallel circuits
Set up the circuit using the circuit diagram from task C:
(note: there are 3 positions for the ammeter – one for each parallel loop, and one before the
parallel loops.)
i. Measure the current at each position:
ii. What can you conclude about how currents behaves in a parallel circuit?
4. Complete the table below for series and parallel circuits describing which quantities
are the ‘same’ and which are ‘shared’: