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Magnetism Booklet - Differentiated

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Introduction to magnetism

The ends of a magnet are called poles.

Magnetism is an example of a non-contact force. This means the objects do not have
to be physically touching to experience a force.

Forces between two magnets

Magnetic materials

There are three metals that are magnetic, these are: Iron, Nickel and Cobalt.

Steel is also a magnetic metal as it contains iron. Metals other than these are not
magnetic. Magnetic materials can only attracted to a magnet.
Magnetic fields
Magnetism is an example of a non-contact force.

A non-contact force acts between objects that are not physically touching each

Magnetic fields

A magnetic field is a region around a magnet where a magnetic force is felt.

Non-contact forces are caused by field lines.

We can visualise the magnetic field around a

bar magnet by using iron filings. A bar magnet
can be put under a piece of paper, with iron
filings then sprinkled on top of the paper.

The iron filings arrange themselves in the

shape of the field and are most attracted to
the regions with the strongest field
(the poles).

The magnetic field lines for a bar magnet are

shown in the diagram below.

Magnetic field lines have the following properties:

1. The field lines point away from the North pole and towards the South pole.
2. Magnetic field lines never cross.

3. The magnetic field is stronger near the ends (poles) of the bar magnet.
- We can tell this because the magnetic field lines are closer together.

Magnetic materials and magnetic fields

Q1. What are the ends of a magnet called ? ………………………………………

Q2. Like poles ……………………………….. , unlike poles ……………………………………… .

Q3. Name three magnetic materials.
1. ……………………………………… , 2. ……………………………………… 3. ………………………………………
Q4. Define the term ‘magnetic field’.



Q5. State the direction that magnetic lines point. ………………………………………………

Q6. What piece of equipment can be used to show the direction of a magnetic field ?


Q7. The following statements are either true or false. State which are true and which are false.

a) Cobalt is attracted to a bar magnet. ……………………………………….

b) A north pole repels another north pole. .………………………..…………….

c) Copper is attracted to a bar magnet. ……………………………………….

d) A north pole attracts a south pole. ……………………………………….

e) The closer together the magnetic field lines, the stronger the field. …………………...…………………

f) Iron is repelled by a bar magnet. ………………………………………

g) Magnetic field lines point away from a South pole and towards a North pole. ………………………………………

Q8. Sketch the pattern of magnetic field lines around a bar magnet.

Q9. Describe what the magnetic field would look like if a stronger magnet was used ?



Investigation: Magnetic field around bar magnet

We already know that we can use iron filings to show the magnetic field around a bar
magnet. Iron filings don’t show the direction of the field, though. If we want to show
the direction of a magnetic field then we need to use plotting compasses.

A plotting compass is a small bar magnet that is free to rotate. The north pole of the
small bar magnet in the compass will always point towards the earth’s north-pole. It is
for this reason that the North pole of a magnet is also known as the ‘north-seeking
Results: Magnetic field around a bar magnet
Stretch: Can you draw the magnetic field pattern between:
a) Two attracting magnets b) repelling magnets.

Permanent and induced magnets

A permanent magnets (like a bar magnet) produce its
own magnet field and can both attract and repel another

Induced magnets – only ‘become’ a magnet in the

presence of an external magnetic field. When the
external magnetic field is removed the induced magnet is
no longer magnetic. Induced magnets ONLY attract.

***Repulsion is the only test to know if a material is a permanent magnet. ***

A magnetic material can be magnetised by:

1. Stroking with a permanent magnet in the same direction.

2. Put in an external magnetic field – this can be done with a coil of wire with
direct current (DC) through it.

A permanent magnet can be de-magnetised by:

1. heating it,
2. hitting it with a hammer / dropping
3. placing it in an alternating magnetic field -

Domains Theory
To understand why some objects are permanent magnets,
some induced magnets and some not at all we need to
understand the ‘atomic nature’ of magnetism.

If you break a bar magnet in half, each half still behaves

as a complete magnet.

Break the piece in half again, and you have four complete magnets. Break them in half again
and you have more magnets.

Even when your piece is one atom thick, there are two poles. This suggests that atoms
themselves are magnets.

A collection of magnetic atoms that point in the same direction are called a domain.
In a material different regions will have a domain pointing in a certain direction.
As shown in the diagram below, for a permanent magnet MOST domains align in the same
direction. In a nonmagnetic material, there are NO domains and an unmagnetised e.g.
magnetic material the domains all point in random directions – this cancels the overall
magnetism of the material.

In the case of an induced

magnet the domains start to align and point in the same direction when an external magnet
is placed near. This is shown in the diagram below.
Electromagnetism – Electromagnets
Electromagnets – factors and uses
Q1. What is an electromagnet ?


Q2. Label the electromagnet below

Q2. What factors affect the strength of an electromagnet ?



Q3. Describe the advantages of using electromagnets over permanent magnets.



Q5. State 2 uses for electromagnets.



Q6. A scrapyard shows a crane with an electromagnet being used to lift a car.

a) What material the car is likely to be made from ?


b) The electromagnet used to lift the cars uses a soft-iron

core, why would steel not be suitable as a core?


c) The electromagnet circuit contains a variable resistor.

What is the role of the variable resistor and how does it

Investigation – factors affecting electromagnets

Before you begin to build your electromagnet make sure you have completed the health and
safety box and have labelled the diagram below:

You are going to investigate the effect of changing:

1. The Number of Turns in the Wire

2. The Size of the Current
3. The Type of Core

Complete your prediction below:

Investigation: Results
How will you carry out the investigation?

Recording your Results:
In the space below, you will need to sketch a table to take your results in.

Considering your results/conclusions

What did you discover?

Geomagnetism is also known as Earth’s magnetic field.
A freely hanging magnet will rotate about its axis until
it has aligned with the earth’s magnetic field.

A compass will always align in the same direction

pointing towards the North pole. It is for this reason
that compasses can be used to help navigate.

Confusingly, the North pole of the Earth is

actually a magnetic south pole!
Furthermore, the location of the ‘magnetic
north pole’ and the geographic north pole differ
by an angle of 11.5o – know as the angle of dip.
As you can see in the diagram, the magnetic
field lines around the Earth are similar to that of
a bar magnet.

The current theory for the origin of earth’s magnetic field is

due to the rotation of the liquid iron in the outer core which
causes a ‘dynamo effect’ this generates the magnetic field.
It is a common misconception to think it is because ‘iron is
magnetic’ – however, at such high temperatures iron loses its
permanent magnetism.
Earth’s magnetic field is repsonsible for protecting us from
solar winds (charged particles from the sun).

It is also responsible for causing

the Northern Lights
phenomena, Aurora borealis,
due to charge particles
spiralling around the poles
release light when they collide
with the atmosphere.

Q1. What is geomagnetism ? ……………………….………………………………….………………………………………………………….………

Q2. What is a compass ? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Q3. The following statements are either true or false. State which are true and which are false.

a) A compass points towards magnetic North. ……………………………………………..

b) A compass points towards geographic North. ……………………………………………..

c) Geographic south is the same direction as magnetic south. ……………………………………………..

Q4. State what the outer core of the Earth is made of.


Q5. What is the current theory explaining the cause of earth’s magnetic field ?



Q6. “Earth’s magnetic field is due to the iron in the core being magnetic” explain why this is not correct.
Hint: How do we demagnetise a magnet ? – why does this apply to the iron core ?


Q7. The diagram below shows the Earth, draw the magnetic field around it.

Q9. Using the diagram from Q7, label the following:

i) Magnetic North
ii) Geometric North
iii) Angle of dip – state the value as well.
iv) Where the magnetic field is strongest.
Q10. Give one use of Earth’s magnetic field.

STRETCH : True North and Magnetic North

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