SafePads - Technical Data Sheet

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Our products use a film consisting of a 60-µm, transparent, cast PVC containing antimicrobial agents and coated with a pressure-
sensitive acrylic adhesive. Intended for antimicrobial protection of surfaces in areas that require a high level of hygiene (hospitals,
agribusinesses and food industries, wet rooms, public places, etc.).

• Protects 24h a day

• 7 days a week

• Protects hygiene critical and unavoidable public touch points

• Inhibits the development of 99.99% of the germs tested (tests in conformity with the ISO 22196 standard)

• Reduces a bacterial population by 4 logs

• Prevents the formation of microorganism growth

Active strains (according to ISO 22196):

Reducing > 99.99 % of bacteria ascertained for:

• Escherichia coli,

• Salmonella (Salmonelle enterica),

• Listeria (Listeria monocytogenes),

• Golden staph (Staphylococcus aureus),

• Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA),

• Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Strain Reduction in bacteria as a % Logarithmic decrease

Log reduction (R) corresponds to the value of antimicrobial activity

Salmonella enterica subsp enterica 99,99 R > 4.56

Listeria monocytogenes 99,99 R > 4.21

Staphylococcus aureus 99,99 R > 4.12

Escherichia coli 99,99 R > 4.54

MRSA 99,99 R > 3.51

Pseudomonas aeruginosa 99,99 R > 5.37

N.B. The logarithmic reductions obtained with silver ions may differ depending on the techniques used and in relation to the
incubation periods and milieus used.


The bacteria reducing properties are inherent to the film (when stored in its original packaging) and confirmed for Golden staph
(Staphylococcus aureus) (Standard ISO 22196):

Initially: > 99.99 %

After 4 years: > 99.97 %

After 6 years: > 99.8 %

Vertical indoor exposure: up to 5 years (in areas not subject to frequent handling or high visitor frequency). A film applied in areas of
frequent handling (e.g.: handles) or high visitor frequency will be subject to repeated abrasion which will reduce its durability (change
of appearance, lifting, etc.). The film durability depends on the intensity and frequency of the mechanical stress to which it is

The film applied in areas of frequent handling (e.g.: handles) or high visitor frequency will be subject to repeated abrasion which will
reduce its durability (change of appearance, lifting, etc.). The film durability depends on the intensity and frequency of the
mechanical stress to which it is exposed.

NOTES: Due to the great variety of substrates and the growing number of new applications, the installer must check the suitability of the medium for each application. The measuring methods for the standards quoted above served as the basis for the development of
our own measuring methods which are available on request. Please feel free to contact us to get the latest instructions in use. All the published information is based on measurements regularly performed in the laboratory. It does not however constitute a binding
guarantee. The seller cannot be h eld liable for indirectly related damages and assumes no liability for claims that are higher than the replacement value of the purchased product. All specifications are subject to potential changes without prior notice.
Veraco Limited 2 of 6


ISO 22196

NOTES: Due to the great variety of substrates and the growing number of new applications, the installer must check the suitability of the medium for each application. The measuring methods for the standards quoted above served as the basis for the development of
our own measuring methods which are available on request. Please feel free to contact us to get the latest instructions in use. All the published information is based on measurements regularly performed in the laboratory. It does not however constitute a binding
guarantee. The seller cannot be h eld liable for indirectly related damages and assumes no liability for claims that are higher than the replacement value of the purchased product. All specifications are subject to potential changes without prior notice.
Veraco Limited 3 of 6

Antiviral activity on the Human coronavirus HCoV-229E strain (according to the ISO
21702 standard):
Proven and tested efficacy on Coronavirus (HCoV- 229E) type viruses.* 

Powerful: reduction of the viral load by 99.87%.

Permanent: 24/7

*According to the standard ISO 21702 (2019).

• 94.99 % after a contact time of 15 min.,

• 99.87 % after a contact time of 60 min.

Product Contact Duration (mins) Logarithmic reduction (log 10) Antiviral Efficiency (%)

15 1.3 94,99%
Antimicrobial Coating
60 2.9 99,87%

*Feline coronavirus, Strain Munich & HCoV-229E

NOTES: Due to the great variety of substrates and the growing number of new applications, the installer must check the suitability of the medium for each application. The measuring methods for the standards quoted above served as the basis for the development of
our own measuring methods which are available on request. Please feel free to contact us to get the latest instructions in use. All the published information is based on measurements regularly performed in the laboratory. It does not however constitute a binding
guarantee. The seller cannot be h eld liable for indirectly related damages and assumes no liability for claims that are higher than the replacement value of the purchased product. All specifications are subject to potential changes without prior notice.
Veraco Limited 4 of 6


ISO 21702 2019

NOTES: Due to the great variety of substrates and the growing number of new applications, the installer must check the suitability of the medium for each application. The measuring methods for the standards quoted above served as the basis for the development of
our own measuring methods which are available on request. Please feel free to contact us to get the latest instructions in use. All the published information is based on measurements regularly performed in the laboratory. It does not however constitute a binding
guarantee. The seller cannot be h eld liable for indirectly related damages and assumes no liability for claims that are higher than the replacement value of the purchased product. All specifications are subject to potential changes without prior notice.
Veraco Limited 5 of 6

Study Report: Ref: 832/0914-2302 Assessment and analysis of irritant effect

The tested product is “NON-IRRITANT” Safe for use on human skin. Assessment and analysis of the irritant effect do not
reveal any irritant effect, which demonstrates good skin compatibility of the product.

Biophyderm S.A.S. Study 832/0914

Aim of Study To assess the cutaneous compatibility by means of semi-occlusive cutaneous tests under strict
dermatological control of a product intended to be in contact with the skin.

Methodology Volunteers: 15 healthy subjects, ages between 18 and 65

Inclusion criteriaL reactive tendency non pathological skin

Exclusion criteria: confirmed evolutive allergic background

MethodL semi-occlusive direct application time: 6 hours reading immediately after removal, then 30
minutes and 24 hours after

Results The cutaneous irruption index for the product with application time of 6 hours is 0.27

Conclusions The tested product is NON IRRITANT.

Safe for use on human skin.
The assessment and the analysis of the irritant effect don’t reveal any irritant effect which demonstrates
good cutaneous compatibility of the product.

NOTES: Due to the great variety of substrates and the growing number of new applications, the installer must check the suitability of the medium for each application. The measuring methods for the standards quoted above served as the basis for the development of
our own measuring methods which are available on request. Please feel free to contact us to get the latest instructions in use. All the published information is based on measurements regularly performed in the laboratory. It does not however constitute a binding
guarantee. The seller cannot be h eld liable for indirectly related damages and assumes no liability for claims that are higher than the replacement value of the purchased product. All specifications are subject to potential changes without prior notice.
Veraco Limited 6 of 6



It is a living organism that is not visible to the naked eye. In this family there are bacteria, fungi, yeasts, molds but also viruses.

Micro-organisms characterized by the absence of a cell nucleus. They spread by cell division, at a speed that may vary depending on the environment. They are characterized by
their cellular membrane (Gram-positive or Gram-negative) as well as their shape (coccus or bacillus).

Still single- or multiple-cell living organisms that absorb organic molecules directly into the environment they are.


Microorganism that requires the presence of a host cell to reproduce. Smaller in size than other microbes.

Molecule or substance is called bactericide when it has the ability to kill bacteria. This is characterized by a 99.999% reduction (or log 5) of bacterial load according to ISO 22196.

Molecule or substance is called bactericidal when it has the ability to kill bacteria. This is characterized by a reduction of 99% (or log 2) to 99.999 % (log5) of bacterial load
according to ISO 22196.

Any substance or mixture, in the form in which it is delivered to the user, consisting of one or more active substances, containing or pro ducing, which is intended to destroy, repel
or turn harmful organisms to be harmless, to prevent their action or to fight them in any other way than a simple physical or mechanical action. These products are managed by EU
Directive 98/8/EC of 16 February 1998 replaced in 2012 by a regulation.

A pathogenic agent is a factor (chemical molecule or organism) than can lead to an injury or cause a disease.

A nosocomial infection is an infection contracted in a health facility. It is defined as any infection that occurs during or following patient care process (diagnostic, therapeutic or
preventive act) provided that the infection is neither present nor incubating at the time of patient care process (a 48-hours delay after hospitalization is usually admitted).

Neutral chemical molecule consisting of a positive silver ion and a negative counter-ion (eg silver nitrate Ag+ No3 ).

Oxidized form of metallic silver (always associated with a counter-ion) and which under this state has biocide properties on microbes.


Active agent disrupts the wall of the bacteria. It then penetrates the cell, binds to a protein and disrupts energy production, enzyme func tions and cell duplication phenomena. This
is acting by contact. The bacterium does not die, but its spread is greatly reduced. There is no biocide emission in the surrounding atmosphere.


After one hour of contact (following Iso 22196), 99% of Salmonella bacteria were destroyed.

No decrease of the activity after 365 cleaning operations with water, ethanol, bleach or «ANIOSURF»

Gram- bacteria, found in mammals. They represent 80 % of human’s intestinal flora. It can cause diarrhea, urinary and gastric infections, meningitis, septicaemia.

Gram+ bacteria, found in humans, in the nasal cavity or throat. It can cause food poisoning, skin infections (pus production). An untreated infection, or if on an immunosuppressed
patient, can lead to septicaemia, that might be fatal.


Gram- bacteria; it is a specific strain of S. Aureus that has developed resistance to an antibiotic (methicillin), and is therefore more diffi cult to control.

It is part of the multi-resistant bacteria (MRB). It can cause infections and septicaemia, which are more serious and therefore there is a higher mortality than with ordinary
staphylococcus aureus.


Gram+. The human contamination comes mainly from food (poorly washed fruits, undercooked meats...). It can cause listerioris (more or less severe symptoms: fevers, headaches,
meningitis, septicaemia...), especially among fragile people (eg pregnant women)

Gram+. This bacterium is able to colonize food manufacturing premises and its vector is therefore food. It can cause gastroenteritis, food infections, septicaemia, meningitis
(infants) and typhoid fevers.

Gram- . They are one of the most resistant and difficult bacteria to handle. They have a strong ability to form biofilms. They can cause eye infections, sores, urinary, intestinal and
lung infections; septicaemia for immunosuppressed patients, as well.

(multi)-bacterial layer organized and aggregated on a surface, resistant to certain cleaning and disinfection protocols. This is the next step after bacterial colonization.

Discovered in 1959, it is a -lactamine type antibiotic, belonging to penicillase-resistant penicillins’ group.

An antibiotic (from ancient Greek anti: «against,» and bios: «life») is a natural or synthetic substance that destroys or blocks the growth of bacteria. In the first case, it is called a
bactericidal antibiotic and in the second case a bacteriostatic antibiotic.

The bacterium is in a spherical form, it is called coccus

The bacterium is in a more or less elongated stick form; it is called bacillus.

ISO 22196
International standard that measures the decline of bacteria in contact with a substance: 106 colonies of bacteria are put in a box (or in a liquid) and after a certain period (24 hours
to 35 °C in general) remaining colonies are counted.

disinfection liquid from the company Anios, widely used in the medical community.


a product or process that has the ability to inactivate viruses, fungi or yeasts under defined conditions.

NOTES: Due to the great variety of substrates and the growing number of new applications, the installer must check the suitability of the medium for each application. The measuring methods for the standards quoted above served as the basis for the development of
our own measuring methods which are available on request. Please feel free to contact us to get the latest instructions in use. All the published information is based on measurements regularly performed in the laboratory. It does not however constitute a binding
guarantee. The seller cannot be h eld liable for indirectly related damages and assumes no liability for claims that are higher than the replacement value of the purchased product. All specifications are subject to potential changes without prior notice.

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