Reflection #5
Reflection #5
Reflection #5
The success management cycle is a model that, through a systematic process of employee
growth, helps management and staff to help meet organizational objectives. It is shorter and uses the
implementation, supervision, monitoring, evaluation, situation analysis, planning and directing of a
continuous seven-step process. Increased competition, more structural versatility, and greater
employee engagement are benefits of using this process.
Monitoring is a constantly ongoing task that begins at the preparation stage of a project or
program. Monitoring makes it easier to track and use outcomes, practices and interactions as a
framework to direct decision-making and learning processes. Monitoring reviews progress on plans. For
assessment, the data collected by monitoring is used. Since the monitoring is carried out by the project
sponsors themselves, it is necessary to track whether the proposed initiatives have been consistently
adopted, whether they are adequate, and if any unexpected developments in environmental
circumstances have adversely affected the climate. In contrast with that the evaluation explores internal
and external influences that may have an impact on sound or bad project or program execution.
Evaluation is sometimes scheduled after a certain amount of time has expired, normally taking place at
the mid-point or end point of the initiative or program. The process of evaluation assesses the services
used and the success of execution. It aims to reveal the successes and shortcomings of the initiative or
plan, and provides guidance on development strategies Evidence-based information that is credible,
reliable and useful should be provided by an evaluation. The evaluation findings, recommendations and
lessons should be used to inform future decision-making processes in relation to the project.. There are
6 School monitoring process first is monitoring SIP Implementation the goal of a school and/or district
improvement plan is to direct the problem-solving and organizing phase of school and district
improvement during the year and to define and align initiatives and services that can contribute to
improved school student achievement. Second is Monitoring Curriculum Implementation a method of
obtaining evidence to assess the feasibility of the program and to ensure that the curricula intended,
applied and completed are compatible. Usually, this method reflects on topics such as importance,
accuracy, practicality, efficiency, scaling-up and longevity, as well as whether the predicted learning
results are obtained by learners. Third is Tracking Staff Performance the leadership of every good school
needs to know what workers do on-the-clock and how to use their working hours productively and how
to contribute to the accomplishment of the school targets outlined in SIP. Fourth is School asset
management is designed to ensure that learners and teachers have access to the services and tools
needed to provide a productive experience of teaching and learning. The fifth school monitoring process
is the learner tracker, which is the process of recording the learner's academic and social engagement,
learner knowledge and school program results.
This topic addresses the importance of Monitoring and Evaluation for individuals working in
policy-making settings, as well as for civil society, communities and different stakeholders and schools.
Monitoring and Evaluation is a vital collection of protocols that allow for a consistent review of
processes and success in the work we do.