10 Ways 2 Reduce Stress
10 Ways 2 Reduce Stress
10 Ways 2 Reduce Stress
You walk into your office, there are a thousand things to do,
your boss screams at you and you feel like you just can’t go
on. You get home and there are another thousand things that
need to get done. Maybe you brought some work home so
you can catch up. After tackling all those things that have to
get done you finally get to bed at 2-am and you’re up at 6-am
to start the grind all over again.
You’re tired, you don’t have the energy, you can’t focus, you
can’t sleep, you’re putting on weight from eating junk food
because you don’t have the time to make a decent meal and
you feel like screaming!
The stress had taken its toll and there was still no end in
sight. I just felt like I was in a dark room and couldn’t find a
way out.
Well, I did find a way out and I managed to get rid of the
stress and all the anxiety, fear and self-doubt that was keep
me up and slowly ruining my life.
You don’t have to follow all 10 every day. Work with one or a
few or all 10 if you like. Try different steps and then continue
using those that you feel are most effective. The more you
do; the better but don’t overwhelm yourself.
Laughter has both short and long term benefits. When you
start to laugh you lighten your load mentally and trigger
physical changes in your body!
Smell some lavender (it relaxes the mind and can help you
fall asleep).
We've all had days that start off on the wrong foot -
perhaps an argument with a spouse or partner,
running late for an appointment despite your phone
reminding you a gazillion times about that key
meeting you have to attend or feeling overwhelmed
with the thought of making it to the grocery store after
work and then rushing home to make dinner before
you need to get the kids off to their karate class.
The more you think about your schedule, and all that
has to be done the more the you feel the stress.
Be mindful of your thoughts and take control of them.
Easier said than done right?
Try the various techniques you just read about and see
if they help. Everyone is different and how your body
responds to the various techniques to reduce and
manage your stress will vary.
Reduce Stress
Improve Sleep
Increase Energy
Improve Focus
Improve Memory
Improve Mental Clarity
Improve Your Mood
Helps Reduce Weight