Cry Ycc Week 3 Activity PPT Sg3 g5
Cry Ycc Week 3 Activity PPT Sg3 g5
Cry Ycc Week 3 Activity PPT Sg3 g5
Economic Recession:
Financial Collapse: Leads to unemployment Environm-
and loss of savings. ental
Inflation: Erodes purchasing power, making Factors
basic necessities unaffordable.
Social Factors Include:
Lack of Services:
Healthcare: Inadequate facilities and access
drive people to migrate.
Education: Poor quality and limited
opportunities push families to relocate.
Family Separation:
Reunification: Individuals migrate to join settled
family members.
Environmental Factors Include: Environmental Degradation:
Natural Disasters: Deforestation: Loss of forests can lead to loss of
Earthquakes: Large-scale seismic events can livelihoods, especially for communities dependent
destroy homes and infrastructure, displacing on forest resources.
thousands or even millions. Pollution: Severe air, water, and soil pollution can
Hurricanes and Floods: Severe weather events can create health hazards and reduce the quality of life,
lead to immediate displacement as well as long- prompting migration.
term uninhabitable conditions.
Climate Change:
Rising Sea Levels: Coastal areas and islands are
particularly vulnerable to rising sea levels, which can
inundate homes and agricultural land.
Desertification: The gradual transformation of arable
land into desert can reduce food production and
force rural populations to migrate to urban areas or
other countries.
Political Factors Include:
Conflict and Violence:
Wars: Armed conflicts and wars create dangerous
and unlivable environments, prompting mass
displacement and refugee crises.
Civil Unrest: Protests, riots, and general civil disorder
can create an unsafe environment, leading people to
seek safety elsewhere. Political Instability:
Persecution: Corruption: Rampant corruption can undermine
Political Persecution: Individuals targeted by the rule of law and public trust in government,
oppressive regimes for their political beliefs, prompting people to migrate to more stable and
activism, or opposition may flee to avoid transparent regions.
imprisonment, torture, or death. Weak Governance: Countries with weak
Ethnic and Religious Persecution: Minority groups institutions, poor law enforcement, and ineffective
facing discrimination, violence, or genocide often governance can become unstable, leading people
seek asylum in safer countries. to seek stability elsewhere.
What is distressed migration? Has migration become a necessity?
People migrate to different regions or countries,
often from rural to urban areas, in search of
better socio-economic opportunities.
Many times, people are forced to leave their
homes due to extreme poverty, food insecurity,
health hazards, etc.
In times of extreme hardship, such as such as
conflict, violence, natural disasters, or severe
economic conditions, people have to migrate.
Distressed migration refers to this migration
that is fueled by urgent survival needs. In
today’s changing world, it is slowly but surely
becoming more common, and a great problem.
How does climate change influence migration?
Climate change extreme weather incidents such
as – Flood, Drought, Extreme Heat, Extreme Cold,
etc. This forces many people to leave their homes
and reside in another city/country for better
weather conditions.
Climate change also impacts farmers, which
leads them to migrate as they can neither afford
to live in a region with no rain, nor afford to live in
a region with too much rain, as the extreme of
both the situations can harm their crops.
As our climate changes slowly but surely, it is
disturbing livelihoods and displacing
What are the positive implications of migration on a child's well-being?