ME189 Chapter 4
ME189 Chapter 4
ME189 Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Engineering Mechanics for
Microsystems Design
Structural integrity is a primary requirement for any device or engineering
system regardless of its size.
HSU 2008
Chapter Outline
Thermomechanical analysis
Mathematical models derived from these physical laws are valid for micro-
components > 1 µm.
Mechanical Design of Microsystems
Microrelays, gripping arms in a micro tong, beam spring in micro accelerometers
● Diaphragms in pressure sensors, plate-spring in microaccelerometers, etc
● Bending induced deformation generates signals for sensors and relays using
beams and plates
Capillary tubes in microfluidic network systems with electro-kinetic pumping
(e.g. electro-osmosis and electrophoresis)
Channels of square, rectangular, trapezoidal cross-sections in microfluidic network.
Pressure: Pa
Static Bending of Thin Plates
We will deal with a situation with thin plates with fixed edges subjected
to laterally applied pressure:
My x
Mx P Mx
My h
y z
in which, P = applied pressure (MPa)
Mx, My = bending moments about respective y and x-axis (N-m/m)
h = thickness of the plate (m)
The governing differential equation for the induced deflection, w(x,y) of the plate is:
⎛ ∂2 ∂
2 ⎞⎛ 2
∂ w ∂2 w ⎞ p
⎜ 2+ ⎟⎜ ⎟
⎜ ∂ x ∂ y 2 ⎟⎜ ∂ x 2 + ∂ y 2 ⎟ = D (4.1)
⎝ ⎠⎝ ⎠
E h3
with D = flexural rigidity,D = (4.2)
12(1 − ν 2)
in which E = Young’s modulus (MPa), and ν = Poisson’s ratio
Static Bending of Thin Plates-Cont’d
Once the induced deflection of the plate w(x,y) is obtained from the solution of
the governing differential equation (4.1) with appropriate boundary conditions,
the bending moments and the maximum associated stresses can be computed
by the following expressions:
⎛ ∂2 w 6( M x ) max
w⎞ (σ xx ) max =
M x = − D⎜ 2 + ν ⎟
⎝∂x ∂y ⎠
6( M y ) max
⎛∂ w2
∂ w ⎞⎟
(σ yy ) max =
= − D ⎜ + ν 2
My ⎜ ∂ y2 ∂ x2 ⎟⎠ h
6( M xy ) max
∂ w
= D (1 − ν ) (σ xy ) max =
M xy h
Special cases of bending of thin plates
r a
Let W = total force acting on the plate, W = (πa)p and m=1/
3x5.652 −6
h= = 13.887 x10 m or 13.887 µm
4 x3.14 x(7000 x106 )
Special cases of bending of thin plates-Cont’d
The maximum stress and deflection in the plate are:
p b2 p b4
(σ yy ) max = β and wmax =α (4.8 and 4.9)
E h3
in which coefficients α and β can be obtained from Table 4.1:
a/b 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 ∞
α 0.0138 0.0188 0.0226 0.0251 0.0267 0.0277 0.0284
b = 376 µm
made of silicon. Determine the maximum stress and
deflection when it is subjected to a normal pressure,
P = 20 MPa. All 4 edges of the diaphragm are fixed.
Solution: y
We will first determine α = 0.0277 and β = 0.4974 with a/b = 752/376 = 2.0 from the
Given Table. Thus, from available formulas, we get the maximum stress:
0.308 p a 2
The maximum stress occurs at the middle of each edge: σ max = 2
0.0138 p a 4
The maximum deflection occurs at the center of the plate: wmax =− 3
The stress and strain at the center of the plate are:
6 p (m + 1) a 2
1 −ν
σ= and ε= σ (4.12 and 4.13)
47 m h2 E
Square diaphragm (idealized as a square plate) is the sensing element in
many micro pressure sensors
Example 4.3 (p.116)
a = 532 µm
Determine the maximum stress and deflection in
a square plate made of silicon when is subjected
532 µm
to a pressure loading, p = 20 MPa. The plate has
edge length, a = 532 µm and a thickness,
h = 13.887 µm.
Comparison of results obtained from Example 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 for plates made of
silicon having same surface area and thickness, subjecting to the same applied
pressure indicate saignificant difference in the induced maximum stresses and
Geometry Maximum Stress (MPa) Maximum Deflection
7000 55.97
7293 21.76
highest stress output
The circular diaphragm is most favored from design engineering point of view.
The square diaphragm has the highest induced stress of all three cases. It is
favored geometry for pressure sensors because the high stresses generated by
applied pressure loading – result in high sensitivity..
Example 4.4 Determine the maximum stress and deflection in a square diaphragm
used in a micro pressure sensor as shown in the figure. The maximum
(p. 118) applied pressure is p = 70 MPa.
783 µm
Uniform pressure
View on Section “A-A” loading: 70 MPa 783 µm 266 µm
Passage for
Thickness h = 266 µm
Medium 54.74o 480 µm
1085 µm
2500 µm
(Pressurized Medium)
X (t ) = e− λt (C 1 + C 2 t ) for λ2 - ω2 = 0
X (t ) = e− λt C1 cos ω 2 − λ 2t + C 2 sin ω 2 − λ 2t ) for λ2 - ω2 < 0
(− αSinωt + ωSinαt )
d X (t ) X (t ) = Fo
+ kX (t ) = F o Sin(αt ) Eq (4.21) for Case (c)
ω (ω 2 − α 2 )
d t2
F o Sinωt − F o tCosωt
In a special case of which α = ω Resonant vibration: X (t ) =
2ω 2 2ω
A typical µ-accelerometer:
Example 4.6 (p.121) Mass
Determine the amplitude and frequency of vibration Spring or
a tio ion
of a 10-mg mass attached to two springs as shown r t
cele lera
in the figure. The mass can vibrate freely without Ac ece
friction between the rollers and the supporting floor. D
Assume that the springs have same spring constant Math Model:
k1 = k2=k = 6 x 10-5 N/m in both tension and
compression. The vibration begins with the mass
Spring constant, k1 Spring constant, k2
being pulled to the right with an amount of δst = 5 µm.
Mass, m
(as induced by acceleration or deceleration)
In which F1 = F2 , This is the situation that is called “Vibration with balanced force”
Example 4.6-Cont’d
Since the term kX(t) in the differential equation in Eq. (4.14) represent the “spring force”
acting on the vibrating mass, and the spring force in this case is twice the value.
We may replace the term kX(t) in that equation with (k+k)X(t) or 2kX(t) as:
d 2 X (t )
m 2
+ 2k X (t ) = 0
dX (t )
with the conditions: X(0) = δst = 5 µm, and = 0 (zero initial velocity)
dt t =0
The general solution of the differential equation is: X(t) = C1 cos (ωt) + C2 sin(ωt),
in which C1 = δst = 5 x 10-6 m and C2 = 0 as determined by the two conditions.
Thus, the instantaneous position of the mass is: X(t) = 5x10-6 cos (ωt) meter
2k (6 + 6) x10 −5
ω = = −5
= 3.464 rad / s
m 10
Micro accelerometers are used to measure the acceleration (or deceleration)
of a moving solid (e.g. a device or a vehicle), and thereby relate the acceleration
to the associated dynamic force using Newton’s 2nd law: F(t) = M a(t), in which
M = mass of the moving solid and a(t) = the acceleration at time t.
An accelerator requires: a proof mass (m), a spring (k), and damping medium (c),
in which k = spring constant and c = damping coefficient.
Conventional M
k C
Casing Casing
(a) Spring-mass (b) Spring-mass-dashpot
Silicon beam
Microaccelerometers k M
Fluid: C
C base
Casing Casing
Once z(t) is obtained from solving the above equation with appropriate initial conditions,
we may obtain the acceleration of the proof mass in a relative movement as:
d 2 z (t )
&z&(t ) =
dt 2
Design Theory of Accelerometers-Cont’d
dz (t )
The solution of z(t) with initial conditions: z(0) = 0 and = 0 is:
dt t =0
z(t) = Z sin(ωt – Φ) (4.30)
ω2 X
⎞ ⎛ ωc ⎞
2 2
⎜ − ω2⎟ − ⎜ ⎟
⎝m ⎠ ⎝m⎠
where X = maximum amplitude of vibration of the base. The phase angle difference, Φ
between the input motion of x(t) and the relative motion, z(t) is:
φ = tan −1 m (4.31b)
Design Theory of Accelerometers-Cont’d
An alternative form for the maximum amplitude of the relative vibration of the proof mass in
the accelerometer, Z is:
ω 2
⎡ 2 ⎤2 2 (4.32a)
⎛ ω ⎞ ⎡ ω ⎤
ω n ⎢1 − ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎥ + ⎢2h ⎥
⎢⎣ ⎝ ω n ⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎣ ωn⎦
For the case of which the frequency of the vibrating base, ω is much smaller than the
natural frequency of the accelerometer, ωn, i.e. ω << ωn:
Z =& − (4.33)
ω 2n
Design of Accelerometers
The engineer may follow the following procedure in the design of appropriate
microaccelerometer for a specific application:
(1) Set the target maximum amplitude of vibration, X of the base (e.g., a
vehicle or a machine) and the anticipated frequency of vibration, i.e. ω.
(3) Compute the maximum relative amplitude of vibration of the proof mass,
Z using the available formulas.
(5) Adjust the parameters in Step (2) if the computed Z is too small to
be measured by the intended transducer.
Design of Accelerometers-Cont’d
Spring constant of simple beams
Simple beams are commonly used to substitute the coil springs in microaccelerometers.
It is thus necessary to calculate the “equivalent spring constant” of these beam springs.
Since the spring constant of an elastic solid, whether it is a coil spring or other geometry,
is define as k = Force/Deflection (at which the force is applied), we may derive the spring
constant for the three simple beam configurations to be:
L F Appliedforce, F 3EI
k = = 3
Induceddeflection, δ L
48 EI 192 EI
k = k =
L3 L3
in which E = Young’s modulus; I = section moment of inertia of beam cross-section.
Design of Accelerometers-Cont’d
Damping coefficients
In microaccelerometers, the friction between the immersed fluid and the contacting
surfaces of the moving proof mass provides damping effect.
Silicon beam
k M
Fluid: C
C base
Casing Casing
Determine the displacement of the proof mass from its neutral equilibrium
Position of a balanced-force microaccelerometer illustrated below:
Beam springs
Rigid bars
Anchors m
Beam mass 700 µm
Beam springs 5 µm
“A” “A”
m 600 µm
Beam mass 1 µm
View “A-A”
Beam springs
With: b = 10-6 m, B = 100x10-6 m, L = 600x10-6 m and Lb = 700x10-6 m, we have
from Example 4.9 the moment of inertia of beam spring cross-section to be:
I = 10.42x10-24 m4
Assume the “rigidly held beam spring case is adopted, the equation of motion of
the proof mass is:
d 2 X (t )
+ ω 2
X (t ) = 0
with initial conditions: X (t ) t =0 = 0 initial position
, and dX (t ) = 50 km / h = 13.8888 m / s initial velocity
dt t =0
The solution of the equation of motion with the given initial conditions is:
X (t ) = 9.3932 x10 −5 Sin(147.86 t )
leading to X(1 ms) = -2.597x10-5 m or 26 µm opposite to the direction of
(a) Damping coefficient in a squeeze film:
Damping Velocity
y H(t) fluid profile
⎛W ⎞ 3
The damping coefficient can be found to be: c = 16 f ⎜ ⎟ W L H 3o
where Ho = nominal thickness of the thin film. ⎝L⎠
⎛W ⎞
The function, f⎜ ⎟ can be obtained by the following Table 4.2:
W ⎛W ⎞ W ⎛W ⎞
f⎜ ⎟ f⎜ ⎟
L ⎝L⎠ L ⎝L⎠
0 1.00 0.6 0.60
0.1 0.92 0.7 0.55
0.2 0.85 0.8 0.50
0.3 0.78 0.9 0.45
0.4 0.72 1.0 0.41
0.5 0.60
Example 4.11 (p.136)
10 µm
1000 µm
Ho=20 µm
Damping fluid:
Silicone oil 50 µm
Ho=20 µm m
Mass, m = 10 mg Beam cross-section
The nominal film thickness, Ho = 20x10-6 m. From Eq. (4.38) we get: c = 8x10-33 N-s/m.
(b) Micro damping in shear:
Velocity profile
Gap, H
Su u(y)
ed V
f lui Moving mass, m Velocity, V
d V
Gap, H
Velocity profile
2 µLb
c = FD = N-s/m (4.43)
where L = length of the beam (m); b = the width of the beam (m); H = gaps (m)
µ = dynamic viscosity of the damping fluid (N-s/m2), see Table below.
Dynamic Viscosity for Selected Fluids (in 10-6 N-s/m2)
A.Compressible fluids:
B. Non-compressible fluids:
1 µm
Eq. (4.43) is used for the solutions.
We have L = 700x10-6 m and b = 5x10-6 m
Beam Mass, m B =100 µm
and the gap, H = 10x10-6 m.
A View “A-A”
The dynamic viscosities for air and silicone oil
Top View at 20oC may be found from Table 4.3 to be:
Estimate the deflection of the proof mass in the sensor in vehicle 1 with mass m1,
and also the strain in the two piezoresistors embedded underneath the top and bottom
surfaces of the beam near the support after the two vehicles collide.
Thus, by law of conservation of momentum, we should have the velocity of the entangled
vehicles to be:
m1V 1 − m2 V 2 12000 x50 − 8000 x50
V = = = 10 Km/h
m1 + m2 12000 + 8000
Let us assume that it takes 0.5 second for vehicle 1 to decelerate from 50 Km/hr to
10 Km/hr after the collision. Thus the time for deceleration of the vehicle m1 is
∆t = 0.5 second, in the above expressions.
We may thus compute the deceleration of vehicle m1 to be:
0. 5
Assume that ω<< ωn, (ωn =the natural frequency of the accelerometer = 2437 rad/s2).
Consequently, we may approximate the amplitude of vibration of the proof mass in the
accelerometer using Eq. (4.33) as:
− 22.22
= 3.74 x10 −6 m, or 3.74 µm
Z =& − =− 2
ω n2 ( 2437 )
We thus have the maximum deflection of the cantilever beam of 3.74 µm at the free end in
the accelerometer. The equivalent force acting at the free-end is:
Mmax = FL in which L is the length of the beam. The numerical value of Mmax is:
M max = 2.2213 x10 −4 x10 −3 = 2.2213 x10 −7 N-m
and the corresponding max. strain is obtained by using the Hooke’s law to be:
53.30 x10 5
σ max −4
ε max = = 9
= 02.81x10 = 0.0281%
E 190 x10
Depending on the transducer used in the microaccelerometer, the maximum stress, σmax
can produce a resistance change in the case of “piezoresistors”. Alternatively, the maximum
strain, εmax will produce a change of voltage if “piezoelectric crystal” is used as the transducer.
(Detail descriptions available in Chapter 7)
Beam spring
Table 4-4 Temperature-Dependent Thermophysical Properties of Silicon
Temperature, K Specific Heat, J/g-K Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, 10-6/K
200 0.557 1.406
220 0.597 1.715
240 0.632 1.986
260 0.665 2.223
280 0.691 2.432
300 0.713 2.616
400 0.785 3.253
500 0.832 3.614
600 0.849 3.842
Other thermal-induced effects on solid physical behavior (cont’d):
2. Creep deformation:
Structure changes its shape with time without increase of mechanical load:
e rat ure, T 1
Silicon and silicon compounds have strong creep resistance. Creep is not a problem.
It is the polymer materials and many solder alloys that have this problem.
Thermal Stress and Strain Analysis
Solids expand when they are heated up and contract when they are
cooled down.
Heat, Q→∆T
Strip 2: α2, E2
The bi-metallic strip will bend when it is subjected to a temperature rise of ∆T = T – To.
The strip will bend into the following shape if t2>t1 and α2 > α1:
In which ρ = radius of curvature of the bent strip.
Radius of curvature,ρ
If we let: m = t1/t2 and n = E1/E2.
Since the strips are of rectangular shape with
a unity width, the moment of inertia for strip 1
and strip 2 are: t3 t3
I1 = 1
and I2 = 2
12 12
The radius of curvature, ρ can be obtained by the following expression:
6 (1 + m ) (α 1 − α 2 )∆ T
ρ ⎡ ⎛ 1 ⎞⎤ Eq. (4.49)
h ⎢ 3 (1 + m ) + (1 + mn )⎜ m 2 +
⎣ ⎝ mn ⎠ ⎦
*The unity width is used to simplify the derivation. The width of the strip does not affect
the curvature of the bent beam.
For a special case when t1 = t2 = h/2 m = 1, we have:
1 24(α 2 − α1 )∆T
ρ ⎛ 1⎞
h⎜14 + n + ⎟
⎝ n⎠
1 3 (α 2 − α1 )∆T
ρ 2 h
or in another way:
ρ =
3(α 2 − α1 )∆T
2(10 x10 −6 )
ρ= −6 −6
= 0.3643 m
3(2.33 x10 − 0.5 x10 )10
In reality, however, we will design the actuator for the end movement to the desired amount.
Thus, we have to translate the radius of curvature of the actuated beam to that amount by
taking the following approach:
θ ρ
b a
If the same bi-layer beam described in Example 4.17 is used, but with the thickness of the
SiO2 film being reduced to 2 µm and the total thickness, h remains to be 10 µm, meaning
the thickness of the Si beam being increased to 8 µm. Estimate what will be the change
in the actuated strip.
We have in this case, t1 = t SiO2 = 2x10-6 m and t2 = tSi = 8x10-6 m, which leads to:
( )
6(1 + 0.25) 0.5 × 10 −6 − 2.33 × 10 −6 × 10
= − 2.187
ρ ⎡ ⎛ ⎞⎤
10 × 10 −6 ⎢3(1 + 0.25) + (1 + 0.25 × 2.026 )⎜ 0.252 +
2 1
⎣ ⎝ 0. 25 × 2. 026 ⎠⎦
or ρ = - 0.4572 m, which leads to the end deflection, δ = 1.73 µm (downward with –ve ρ)
Design of thermal-actuated relay using bi-layer beams:
We realize the fact that the actuation of this type of relays is due to the fact that
dissimilar materials with different coefficient of thermal expansion are the reason
for its bending when it is subjected to a temperature rise.
In the above formulation in Eq. (4.49), we realize that the “Stiffness” ratio, i.e.
n = E1/E2 is a part of the equation used to calculate the radius of curvature
of the bent beam.
Higher n = t1/t2 means thicker 0.00E+00
SiO2 portion and thus stiffer the 0 0.5 1 1.5
Thermal stresses and strains in a solid structure can be induced in three conditions:
(1) Uniform temperature rise (or fall) in structure with constrained boundaries;
σzy σ
p(x,y,z) σxz zx
σyx σxy
x σyy σyz x
The stress component: σxy in which the subscript x = the axis that is perpendicular to
the plane of action. The subscript y = the direction of the
stress component.
Thermal Stresses in Thin Plates with
Temperature Variation Through the Thickness (p.158)
Being a thin plate, the stress components along the z-axis
are negligible. We thus have the situation:
0 x σxx (x,y,z) = f1(z) and σyy (x,y,z) = f2(z)
2ν ⎛ N T 3 z ⎞ 1 +ν
ε zz = − ⎜ +
(1 −ν ) E ⎜⎝ 2h 2h 3 M T ⎟⎟ + 1 −ν αT ( z )
x ⎛ NT 3z ⎞
In x-direction: u= ⎜ + 3 MT ⎟ (4.54a)
E ⎝ 2h 2h ⎠
y ⎛ NT 3z ⎞ (4.54b)
In y-direction: v= ⎜ + 3 MT ⎟
E ⎝ 2h 2h ⎠
In z-direction: w = −
3MT 2
x (
+ y 2
+ ) 1 ⎡
(1 − ν ) E ⎣
(1 + ν )αE z
∫o T ( z ) dz −
NT −
3νz 2 ⎤
MT⎥ (4.54c)
4h 3 E h 2h 3 ⎦
N T = αE ∫−h T ( z )dz
M T = αE ∫−h T ( z ) zdz
Thermal Stresses in Beams with -Temperature Variation in the Depth
0 x y
L/2 L/2 b
b N T z (b M T )
σ xx ( x, z ) = −αET ( z ) + + (4.56)
The shearing stresses: σxz = σzx = 0
The deflections
In the x-direction:
x ⎡b NT z ⎤
u ( x, z ) = + (b )
E ⎢⎣ A
M T ⎥ (4.58a)
I ⎦
In the z-direction:
b M T 2 ν ⎡b NT z
2 ⎤ ⎛1 +ν ⎞z
w( x, z ) = − x − ⎢ z + (b MT ⎥
) + α ⎜ ⎟ ∫0 T ( z )dz (4.58b)
2 EI E⎣ A 2I ⎦ ⎝ E ⎠
N T = αE ∫−h T ( z )dz
M T = αE ∫−h T ( z ) zdz
1 b
The curvature of the bent beam is: ≈ − MT (4.59)
ρ EI
Example 4.19 (p.160)
Determine the thermal stresses and strains as well as the deformation of a thin beam
at 1 µsec after the top surface of the beam is subjected to a sudden heating by the resistance
heating of the attached thin copper film. The temperature at the top surface resulting from the
heating is 40oC. The geometry and dimensions of the beam is illustrated below. The beam
is made of silicon and has the following material properties (refer to Table 7.3, p. 257):
NOTE: This is not a bi-material strip. It is a beam made of a single material – silicon.
Thermal stresses and deformations occur because of the uneven temperature
distribution in beam (from top to bottom) in early stage of heating.
The Cu heating film is so thin that it does not affect the mechanical deformation
or stresses in the structure.
Solution procedure includes:
(1) Use the “heat conduction equation (Eq.(4.60)) to solve for temperature distribution
in beam, i.e. T(z,t) with the boundary conditions of T(5 µm,t) = 40oC, and T(-5 µm,t)
= 20oC as the case in the problem:
T(5 µm,t) = 40oC z = +5 µm
T(z,t) x
z = -5 µm
T(-5 µm,t) = 20oC
(2) Exact solution of T(z,t) for this problem is beyond the scope of this chapter.
(3) Instead, we use an approximate solution for the temperature distribution along
the depth of the beam at t = 1 µs to be: T(z) = 2.1x106z +28.8 oC
(4) We may thus use Eqs. (4.55a) and (4.55b) to calculate the thermal force and thermal
NT = αE ∫−hh T ( z )dz = (2.33x10 −6 )(190000 x10 6 ) ∫5 x10 − 6 (2.1x10 6 z + 28.8)dz = 127.5
−5 x10
−6 −6
M T = αE ∫− h T ( z ) zdz = ( 2.33 x10 )(190000 x 10 ) ∫−5 x10−6 (2.1x 10 z + 28.8) zdz = 77.4725 x10 N-m
h 6 5 x10 6
(5) Once NT and MT are computed, we may calculate the maximum bending stress
using Eq. (4.56):
σ xx ( z ,1µs ) = −(2.33 x10 )(190000 x10 )( 2.1x10 z + 28.8)
6 6
(7) The associated thermal strain components may be computed using Eqs. (4.57a)
and (4.57b):
(9) The displacements, or deflection of the beam, at the top free corners with x = ± 500 µm
and z = +5 µm can be computed using Eqs. (4.58a) and (4.58b):
Deflection in the x-direction:
(10) The curvature of the bent beam as estimated from Eq. (4.58) is:
Many MEMS and microsystems components are made of layers of thin films
using physical or chemical vapor deposition methods (Chapter 8).
Fracture mechanics was first introduced by Griffith in 1921 in the study of crack
propagation in glasses using energy balance concept. It was not a practical
engineering tool due to the difficulty in accurately measure the “surface energy”
required in the calculation.
The essence of the LEFM is to formulate the stress/strain fields near tips of
cracks in elastic solids.
Stress Intensity Factors
Y (X2)
σxy σyz
Stress field σzy
X (X1) σzx
r σxx σxz
Leading edge σzz
of the crack
Z (X3)
Stress Intensity Factors-cont’d
The “Three modes” of fracture of solids:
Y (X2)
σxy σyz
Stress field σzy
X (X1) σzx
r σxx σxz
Leading edge σzz
of the crack
Z (X3)
y y
(a) Mode I (b) Mode II (c) Mode III
The Opening mode The Shearing mode The Tearing mode
Stress Intensity Factors-cont’d
y y
(a) Mode I (b) Mode II (c) Mode III
(The Opening mode) (The Shearing mode) (The Tearing mode)
r K II
σ xy = for the shearing mode
r λ II
Interfacial Fracture Mechanics-Cont’d
ln(r) ln(r)
re re
ro ro
Thin Film Mechanics (p.172)
These films usually are in the order of sub-micrometer or a few micrometers thick.
Due to the fact that the overall microcomponent structures are minute in size,
thin films made of different materials can effect the overall stiffness, and thus
the strength of the structures.
Quantitative assessment of induced stresses in thin films after they are produced
on the top of the base materials is not available for the following two reasons:
(1) These films are so thin that the unusual forces such as molecular forces
(or van der Waals) forces become dominant forces. There is no reliable way
to assess such forces quantitatively at the present time.
(2) Another major source that induces stresses in thin films is “residual stresses”
resulting from fabrication processes.
Total stress in thin films is expressed as: σ = σth + σm + σint (4.70)
where σth = thermal stress; σm = due to mechanical loads; σint = intrinsic stresses.
Finite element method (FEM) is a powerful tool in stress analysis of MEMS and
microsystems of complex geometry, loading and boundary conditions.
The essence of FEM is to discretize (divide) a structure made of continuum into a finite
number of “elements” interconnected at “nodes.” Elements are of specific geometry.
One may envisage that smaller and more elements used in the discretized model
produces better results because the model is closer to the original continuum.
Continuum mechanics theories and principles are applied on the individual elements,
and the results from individual elements are “assembled” to give results of the overall
I/O in FEM for Stress Analysis
● Input information to FE analysis:
(1) General information:
y x
r z
x-y for plane
r-z for axi-symmetrical x-y-z for 3-dimensional geometry
User usually specifies desirable density of nodes and elements in specific regions.
(Place denser and smaller elements in the parts of the structure with abrupt change of
geometry where high stress/strain concentrations exist)
(3) Material property input:
Displacements at nodes.
σ =
(σ xx − σ yy
) + (σ xx − σ zz
) + (σ yy − σ zz
) + (
6 σ 2
xy + σ 2
yz + σ 2
xz ) (4.71)
The von Mises stress is used to be the “representative” stress in a multi-axial stress
It is used to compare with the yield strength, σy for plastic yielding, and to σu for the
prediction of the rupture of the structure, often with an input safety factor.
Application of FEM in stress analysis of silicon die in a pressure sensor:
by V. Schultz, MS thesis at the MAE Dept., SJSU, June 1999 for LucasNova Sensors
In Fremont, CA. (Supervisor: T.R. Hsu)
Region for
FE Model
Silicon diaphragm
Silicon die
Die Attach
View on Section “A-A”
Signal generators
Pyrex Constraint and interconnect
Pressurized Medium
Silicon Metal
Diaphragm Adhesive Casing
Pyrex Glass
Constraining Passage for