The Money Masters (Transcription)
The Money Masters (Transcription)
The Money Masters (Transcription)
Economist Henry Pasquet is a ten year instructor in economics.
He agrees the end is near for the US economy.
"... not when you're adding, you know, roughly round term a billion dollars a day. We just
cannot go on. We had less than 1 trillion dollars national debt in 1980. Now it's
approximately 5 trillion dollars, 5 times greater in 15 years. It doesn't take a genius to
realise that this just cannot go on for ever."
The problem is that since 1864, we've had a debt-based banking system.
All our money is based on government debt.
We can not extinguish government debt without extinguishing our money supply.
That's why talk of paying of the national debt, without reforming our banking system, is an
That's why the solution does not lay in discussing the size of national debt.
Rather it lays in reforming out banking system.
Larry Bates "..oh absolutely. The Federal Reserve is neither federal and has doubtful
reserve. It's a private bank, that is own by member banks, and euh, it was charted under
the (dis) guise of deceit by an act of congress in 1913. December the 23rd, 1913, when
most members of the congress had gone home for the holidays, the house of representatives
had passed the federal reserve act of 1913. But it was having difficulties in getting out the
senate. And euh, most people had gone home. But one of the things I used to make sure and
check is when we had a recess in legislating circles, you want to make sure that adjourned
what is called senate die without date.(sunny die without day???)
The senate had die without date(?) . He was still technically in session.
So you had 3 members of the senate, according to the senate journal, were present on that
day, December the 23rd, 1913. And they passed the Federal Reserve Act in the senate on
an unanimous consent voice vote. There was no objection. Had there been one person there
to object, and say in contest, the absence of a court, than it would not have passed."
If there's still any doubt whether the Federal Reserve is a part of the US government, check
your locale telephone book.
In most cities it is not listed in the blue government pages.
It is listed in the business white pages, right next to Federal Express, another private
But more directly, US court has ruled time and time again that the Federal Reserve is a
private corporation.
One of the most outspoken critics in congress of the Fed was the former chairman of The
House of Banking Currency Committee during the depression years, Lewis T. McFadden,
republican of Pennsylvania, said in 1932: "We have in this country one of the most corrupt
institutions the world has ever known.
I refer to the Federal Reserve Board.... This evil institution has impoverished ... the people
of the US
... and has practically bankrupted our Government.
It has done this through ... the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it."
Lewis T. McFadden
Senator Barry Goldwater was a frequent critic of the Fed.: "Most Americans have no real
understanding of the operation
of the international moneylenders .... The accounts of the Federal Reserve System have
never been audited.
It operates outside the control of Congress and ... manipulates the credit of the US." Barry
Larry Bates: "The Federal Reserve really, even though it is not part of the federal
government, it is more powerful than the federal government. It's more powerful than the
president, the congress and the courts.
And a lot of people challenge me on that, but, let me prove my case.
The Federal Reserve determines what the average persons car payment is going to be,
what their house payment is going to be, and whether they have a job or not.
And I submit to you that that's total control.
And the Federal Reserve is the largest single creditor of the US government.
What does proverbs tell us? That the borrower is servant to the lender."
What one has to understand is that from the day the constitution is adopted, right up to
today, the folks who profit from privately owned central banks, as Madison called them
The Money Changers, had fought a running battle for control of who gets to print
America's money.
Why is who prints the money so important?
Think as money is just another commodity.
If you have a monopoly on a commodity that everyone needs, everyone wants, and nobody
has enough of, there are lot's of ways to make a profit and also excerpt(?) tremendous
political influence.
That's what this battle is all about.
Throughout the history of the United States, the money power has gone back and forward
between congress and some sort of privately owned central bank.
The Founding Fathers knew the evils of a privately owned central bank.
First of all they had seen how the privately owned British central bank, The Bank of
England, had run up the British national debt to such an extent that parliament had been
forced to place unfair taxes on the American colonies.
In fact, as we will see later, Benjamin Franklin claimed that this was the real cause of the
American Revolution.
Most of the founding fathers realised the potential dangers of banking and feared bankers
accumulation of wealth and power.
Thomas Jefferson put it this way: "I sincerely believe that banking institutions are more
dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.
The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people to whom it
properly belongs." Thomas Jefferson
That succinct statement of Jefferson is in fact the solution to all our economic problems
It bears repeating: the issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the
people to whom it properly belongs.
James Madison, the main author of the constitution agreed.
Interestingly, he called those behind the central banks scheme, Money Changers.
Madison strongly criticised their actions: "History records that The Money Changers used
every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control
over governments by controlling money, and its issuance." James Madison
The battle over who gets to issue our money has been the pivotal issue throughout the
history of the United States.
Wars are fought over it.
Depressions are caused to acquire it.
Yet after WWI, this battle was rarely mentioned in the news papers or history books.
By WWI, The Money Changers with their dominant wealth had seized control of most of
the nations press.
Throughout US history, this battle over who gets the power to issue our money has
In fact, it has changed hands back and forward 8 times since 1764.
Yet this fact, has virtually vanished from public view for over 3 generations, behind a
smokescreen admitted by Fed chair leaders in the media.
Until we stop talking about deficits and government spending, and start talking about who
controls how much money we have, it's all just a big shell game.
A complete and utter deception.
It want matter if pass an iron clouded amendment to the constitution, mandating a balanced
Our situation is only going to get worse until we root out the cause at it's source.
What's the solution for our national problem?
First of all: education.
That what this presentation is all about.
But secondly we must act.
We must take back the power to issue our own money.
Issuing our own money is not a radical solution.
I want to stress that.
It's the same solution used in history by man like Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson,
Andrew Jackson, Martin Vanburen and Abraham Lincoln.
So, to sum it up.
In 1913 congress gave an independent central bank, deceptively named the Federal
Reserve, a monopoly over issuing America's money and the debt generated by this quasi
private corporation is what is killing the American economy.
Though the Federal Reserve is now the most powerful bank in the world, it was not the
So where did this idea come from?
To really understand the magnitude of the problem, we have to travel back to Europe.
3. Roman Empire
But the money changing scam did not originate in Jesus days.
Two hundred years before Christ, Rome was having trouble with Money Changers.
Two early Roman Emperors had tried to diminish the power of The Money Changers by
reforming usury laws and limiting landownership to 500 acres.
They were both assassinated.
In 48 BC Julius Caesar took back the power to coin money from The Money Changers and
minted coins for the benefit of all.
With this new plentiful supply of money he build great public works projects.
By making money plentiful Caesar won the love of the common men.
But The Money Changers hated him.
Some believe this was an important factor in Caesars assassination.
One thing is for sure, with the death of Caesar, came the demise of plentiful money in
Taxes increased, as did corruption.
Just as in the case of America today, usury and debased coin became the rule.
Eventually the Roman money supply was reduced by 90%.
As a result the common people lost their lands and their homes.
Just as it is about to happen soon in America.
With the demise of plentiful money the masses lost confidence in the Roman government
and refused to support it.
Rome plunged in the gloom of the dark ages.
4. The Goldsmiths
A 1000 years after the death of Christ, Money Changers, those who loan out and
manipulate the quantity of money, where active in medieval England.
In fact, they were so active, that acting together they could manipulate the entire English
These were not bankers per se.
The Money Changers generally were the goldsmiths.
They were the first bankers, because they started keeping other peoples gold for safe
keeping in their vaults.
The first paper was merely a receipt for gold left at the goldsmith.
Paper money caught on because it was more convenient than carrying around a lot of heavy
gold and silver coins.
Eventually goldsmiths noticed that only a small fraction of the depositors ever came in and
demanded their gold at any one time.
Goldsmiths started cheating on the system.
They discovered that they could print more money than they had gold and usually no one
would be the wiser.
Than they could loan out this extra money and collect interest on it.
This was the birth of fractional reserve banking.
That is loaning out many times more money than you have assets on deposit.
So if a 1000 dollars in gold was deposited with them, they could loan out about 10.000 in
paper money and draw interest payments on it and no one would ever discover the
By this means, goldsmiths gradually accumulated more and more wealth and used this
wealth to accumulate more and more gold.
Today this practice of loaning out more money than there are reserves is known as
fractional reserve banking.
Every bank in the US is allowed loaning out at least 10 times more money than they
actually have.
That's why they get rich on charging let's say 8% interest.
It's not really 8% per year which is their income.
It's 80%.
That's why bank building are always the largest in town.
But does that mean that all interest or all banking should be illegal.
In the middle ages, canon law, the law of the catholic church, forbade charging interest on
This concept followed the teachings of Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas.
They taught that the purpose of money was to serve the members of society, to facilitate the
exchange of goods, needed to lead a virtuous life.
Interest in their believe, hindered this purpose by putting an unnecessary burden on the use
of money.
In other words, interest was contrary to reason and justice.
Reflecting church law in the middle ages, Europe forbade charging interest on loans and
made it a crime called usury.
As commerce grew, and therefore opportunities for investment arose in the middle ages it
came to be recognised that to loan money had a cost for the lender, both in risk and in lost
So some charges were allowed, but not interest per se.
But all moralist, no matter what religion, condemned fraud, oppression of the pour and
injustice as clearly immoral.
As we will see, fractional reserve lending is rooted in a fraud, results in widespread
poverty, and reduces the value of everyone else's money.
Ancient goldsmith discovered that extra profits could be made by rowing(?) the economy
between easy money and tight money.
When they made money easier to borrow, than the amount of money in circulation
Money was plentiful.
People took out more loans to expand their businesses.
But then The Money Changers would tighten the money supply.
They would make loans more difficult to get.
What would happen?
Just what happens today.
A certain percentage of people could not repay their previous loans.
And could not take out new loans to repay the old ones.
Therefore they went bankrupt and had to sell their assets to the goldsmiths for pennies on
the dollar.
The same thing is still going on today.
Only today we call this the rowing(?) of the economy, up and down, the business cycle.
5. Talley Sticks
Like Julius Caesar, king Henry The First of England finally resolved to take the money
power away from the goldsmith about 1100 AD.
Henry could have used anything as money.
Sea shelves, feathers, or even yak dung as is often done in the remote Tibetan provinces.
But he invented one of the most unusual money systems in history.
It was called the Talley Sticks system.
Here I have one of the few surviving examples of this form of British money which lasted
726 years until 1826, a Talley stick.
The Talley system was adopted to avoid monetary manipulation of the goldsmiths.
Talley sticks were money fabricated of long sticks of polished wood.
Notches were cut along one edge of the stick to indicate the denominations.
Then the stick was split lengthwise trough the notches, so that both peaces still had a record
of the notches.
The king kept one half to protect against counterfeiting.
Than he would span the other half into the economy and they would circulate as money.
This particular Talley stick is huge, it represented 25.000 pounds.
One of the original stockholders in the bank of England purchased his original shares with
this stick.
In other words, he bought shares in the world richest and most powerful corporation with a
stick of wood.
It's ironic that after it's formation in 1694, The Bank of England attacked the Talley Stick
system, because it was money outside the power of The Money Changers just as king
Henry had wanted it to be.
Why the people accept sticks of wood for money?
That's a great question.
Throughout history people traded anything they thought had value and used it as money.
You see, the secret is that money is only what people agree on to use as money.
What's our paper money today?
It is really just paper.
But here is the trick.
King Henry ordered that Talley stick had to be used to pay the king's taxes.
This build in demand for Talley stick, immediately made them circulate and be accepted as
And they worked well.
In fact, no other form of money has worked so well and for so long as Talley Sticks.
Keep in mind the British empire was build under the Talley Stick system.
The Talley Stick system succeeded despite the fact that The Money Changers constantly
attacked it, by offering the metal coin system as competition.
In other words, metal coins never went completely out of circulation.
But Talley Sticks hung on, because they were good for the payment of taxes.
Finally, in the 1500th, king Henry VIII, relaxed the laws concerning usury and The Money
Changers wasted no time reasserting themselves.
They quickly made their golden and silver money plentiful for a few decades.
But when queen Mary took the throne and tightened the usury laws again, The Money
Changers renewed the hording of golden and silver coins, forcing the economy to plummet.
When queen Mary's sister, Elisabeth I took the throne, she was determined to regain control
over English money.
Her solution was to issue golden and silver coins from the public treasury and take the
control over the money supply away from The Money Changers.
Although control over money was not the only cause of the English Revolution in 1642,
religious differences fuelled the conflict, monetary policy played a mayor role.
Financed by The Money Changers, Oliver Cromwell finally overthrew King Charles,
purged the parliament, and put the King to death.
The Money Changers were immediately allowed to consolidate their financial power.
The result was that for the next 50 years The Money Changers plunged great Britain into a
series of costly war.
They took over a square mile of property in the centre of London, known as The City of
This area is still known today as one of the predominant financial centres of the world.
Conflicts with the Stuart kings lead The Money Changers in England to combine with those
in the Nederland's, to finance the invasion of William of Orange, who overthrew the Stuart
in 1688 and took the English throne.
Charles Collins: "Alexander Hamilton was a tool of the international bankers, and he
wanted to create The US bank, the Bank of the United States, and did so."
Interestingly one of Hamilton's first jobs after graduating from law school in 1782, was as
an aid to Robert Morris, the head of the Bank of North America.
In fact the year before Hamilton had written Morris a letter saying: "A national debt, if not
excessive will be to us a national blessing."
A blessing to whom?
After a year of intense debate in 1791, congress passed the bill and gave it a 20 year
The new bank was to be called The First Bank of the United States, or BUS.
Here we are in front of The First Bank of the United States in Philadelphia.
The bank was given a monopoly on printing US currency, even though 80% of it's stock
would be held by private investors.
The other 20% would be purchased by the US Government.
But the reason was not to give the government a peace of the action, it was to provide the
capital for the other 80% honours.
As with the old Bank of North America and The Bank of England before that, the
stockholders never paid the full amount for their shares.
The US Government put up their initial $2 million in cash.
Than the bank thru the old magic of fractional reserve lending, made loans to it's charter
investors, so they could up with the remaining $8 million of capital needed for this risk free
Like The Bank of England, the name of the Bank of the United States, was deliberately
chosen to hide the fact that it was privately controlled.
And like The Bank of England, the names of the investors in the bank were never revealed.
Many years later it was a common saying that the Rothschilds were the power behind the
old Bank of the United States.
The bank was sold to congress as a way to bring stability in the banking system and to
eliminate inflation.
So what happened?
Over the first 5 years the US Government borrowed $8.2 million from the Bank of the US.
In the same 5 year period, prices rose by 72%.
Jefferson as the new Secretary of State watched the borrowing with sadness and frustration
unable to stop it: "I wish it were possible to obtain a single amendment to our
Constitution .. taking from the federal government their power of borrowing." Thomas
Millions of Americans feel the same way today.
They watch in helpless frustration as the federal government borrows the American
economy into oblivion.
So although it was called The First Bank of the United States, it was not the first attempt, at
a privately owned central bank in this country.
As with The Bank of North America the government put up most of the cash to get this
private bank going.
Then the bankers loaned this money to each other, to buy the remaining stock in the bank.
It was a scam, plain and simple.
And they wouldn't be able to get away with it for long.
But first we have to travel back to Europe, to see how a single man was able to manipulate
the entire British economy, by obtaining the first news about Napoleons final defeat.
14. Waterloo
But now, let's return to Napoleon.
Because nothing else in history more accurately demonstrates the ingenuity of the
Rothschild family, then their control of the British stock market after Waterloo.
In 1815, a year after the end of the war of 1812 in America, Napoleon escaped his exile and
returned to Paris.
French troops were send out to capture him, but such was his charisma that the soldiers
rallied around their old leader and hailed(?) him as their emperor once again.
In march of 1815 Napoleon equipped an army which Britain's duke of Wellington, defeated
less than 90 days later, at Waterloo.
Some writers claimed Napoleon borrowed 5 million pounds from the Bank of England to
But it appears these funds actually came from Hubard(?) Banking House in Paris.
Nevertheless, from about this point on, it was not unusual for privately controlled central
banks to finance both sides in a war.
Why would a bank finance opposing sides in a war?
Because war is the biggest debt generator of them all.
A nation will borrow any amount for victory.
The ultimate loser is loaned just enough to hold out the vain hope of victory and the
ultimate winner is given enough to win.
Besides such loans are usually conditioned upon the guaranty that the victor will honour the
debts of the vanquished.
This is the Waterloo battlefield about 200 miles north-east of Paris in what today is
Here Napoleon suffered his final defeat, but not before thousands of French and
Englishmen gave their lives on a steamy summer day in July of 1815.
Right over there, on June 18th 1815, 74.000 French troops met 67.000 troops from Britain
and other European nations.
The outcome was certainly in doubt.
In fact, had Napoleon attacked a few hours earlier, he would probably have won the battle.
But no matter who won or lost, back in London, Nathan Rothschild planned to use the
opportunity, to try to seize control over the British stock and bond market and possibly
even The Bank of England.
Rothschild stationed a trusted agent, a man named Rotworth(?), on the north side of the
battlefield, closer to the English channel.
Once the battle had been decided, Rotworth(?) took of for the channel.
He delivered the news to Nathan Rothschild, a full 24 hours before Wellington's own
Rothschild hurried to the stock market, and took up his usual position in front of an ancient
All eyes were on him.
The Rothschilds had a legendary communications network.
If Wellington had been defeated, and Napoleon was loose on the continent again, British
financial situation would become grave indeed.
Rothschild looked sadly.
He stood there motionless, eyes down cast.
And suddenly he began selling.
Other nervous investors saw that Rothschild was selling.
It could only mean one thing: Napoleon must have won, Wellington must have lost.
The market plummeted.
Soon everyone was selling their consols(?), their British government bonds and prices
dropped sharply.
But then Rothschild started secretly buying up the consols(?) through his agents for only a
fraction of their worth hours before.
Myths, legends you say?
One hundred years later, the New York Times ran the story that Nathan Rothschild
grandson had tempted to secure a court order to suppress a book with that stock market
story in it.
The Rothschild family claimed that the story was untrue and libellous(?).
But the court denied the Rothschilds request and ordered the family to pay the courts costs.
What's even more interesting about this story, is that some authors claim that the day after
the battle of Waterloo in a matter of hours, Nathan Rothschild came to dominate not only
the bond market but The Bank of England as well.
Whether or not the Rothschild family seized control of The Bank of England, the first
privately own central bank in a major European nation and the wealthiest, one thing is
certain: by the mid 1800th, the Rothschilds were the richest family in the world bar
They dominated the new government bond markets, and branched in other banks and
industrial concerns.
In fact, the rest of the 19th century was known as the age of the Rothschilds.
Despite this overwhelming wealth, the family has generally cultivated an aura of
Although the family controls scores of industrial, commercial, mining and tourist
corporations, only a handful bear the Rothschild name.
By the end of the 19th century, one expert estimated that the Rothschild family controlled
half the wealth of the world.
Whatever the extent of their fast wealth, it is reasonable to assume that their percentage of
the worlds wealth is increased since then.
But since the turn of the century (1900) the Rothschild have cultivated the notion that their
power has somehow weaned(?) even as their wealth increases.
16. Andrew Jackson
After 12 years of manipulation of the U.S. economy on the part the Second Bank of The
U.S., the American people had had just about enough.
Opponents of the bank nominated a dignified senator from Tennessee, Andrew Jackson, the
hero of the battle of New Orleans to run for president.
This is his home, the hermitage.
No one gave Jackson a chance, initially.
The bank had long ago learned how the political process could be controlled with money.
To the surprise and the dismay of The Money Changers Jackson was swept into office in
Jackson was determined to kill the bank at the first opportunity and wasted no time in
trying to do so.
But the bank's 20 years charter didn't come up for renewal until 1836, the last years of his
second term, if he could survive that long.
During his first term, Jackson contented himself with the rooting out the banks many
million from government service.
He fired 2000 of the 11.000 employees of the federal government.
In 1832 with his re-election approaching the bank struck an early blow, hoping Jackson
would not want to stir up controversy.
They asked congress to pass a renewal bill for years early.
Naturally congress complied, than send it to the president for signing.
But Jackson wade in with both feet.
Old hickory, never a coward, vetoed the bill.
His veto message is one of the great American documents.
It clearly lays out the responsibility of the American government toward its citizens rich
and poor.
Andrew Jackson: "It is not our own citizens only who are to receive the bounty of our
More than eight millions of the stock of this bank are held by foreigners ....
Is there no danger to our liberty and independence in a bank that in its nature has so little
to bind it to our country?...
Controlling our currency, receiving our public moneys, and holding thousands of our
citizens in dependence.... would be more formidable and dangerous than a military power
of the enemy.
If [government] would confine itself to equal protection, and as Heaven does its rains,
shower its favour alike on the high and the low, the rich and the poor, it would be an
unqualified blessing.
In the act before me there seems to be a wide and unnecessary departure from these just
principles." Andrew Jackson
Later that year, in July 1832, congress was unable to override Jackson's veto.
Now Jackson had to stand for re-election.
Jackson took his argument directly to the people.
For the first time in the U.S. history Jackson took his campaign on the road.
Before then, presidential candidates stayed at home and looked presidential.
His campaign slogan was "Jackson and no bank"
The National Republican Party ran senator Henry Clay against Jackson.
Despite the fact that the bankers put over $3 million into Clays campaign, Jackson was re-
elected by a landslide in November of 1832.
Despite his presidential victory, Jackson knew the battle was only beginning.
"The hide-rope(?) corruption is only scoped(?) not death."said the newly elected president.
Jackson ordered his new secretary of the treasury, Lewis McLane, to start removing the
governments deposits from The Second Bank and start placing them in state banks.
But McLane refused to do so.
Jackson fired him and appointed William James Dwaine(?) as the new secretary of the
Dwaine also refused to comply with the presidents request and so Jackson fired him as well
and then appointed Robert B. Tainy(?) to the office.
Tainy(?) did withdraw Governments funds from the banks, starting on October 1st 1833.
Jackson was dubbilant(jubilant?): "I have a chain, I am ready with screws to draw every
toot and the stumps".
But the bank was not yet done fighting.
Its head, Nicholas Biddle, used his influence to get the senate to reject Tainy(?) nomination.
Then in a rare show of arrogance, Biddle threatened to cause a depression if the bank was
not re-chartered.
Nicholas Biddle: "This worthy President thinks that because he has scalped Indians and
imprisoned Judges, he is to have his way with the Bank. He is mistaken." Nicholas Biddle
Next in an unbelievable fit of honesty for a banker, Biddle admitted that the bank was
going to make money scares to force congress to restore then bank: "Nothing but
widespread suffering will produce an effect on Congress.... Our only safety is in pursuing a
steady course of firm restriction - and I have no doubt that such a course will ultimately
lead to restoration of the currency and the re-charter of the bank." Nicholas Biddle
What a stunning revelation.
Here was the pure truth, revealed with shocking clarity.
Biddle intended to use the money contraction power of the bank to cause a massive
depression until America gave in.
Unfortunately, this has happened time and time again throughout U.S. history and is about
to happen again in today's world.
Nicholas Biddle made good on his treat.
The bank sharply contracted the money supply by calling in all loans and refusing to extend
new ones.
A financial panic ensued(?), followed by a deep depression.
Naturally Biddle blamed Jackson for the crash, saying it was caused by the redrawal of
federal funds from the bank.
Unfortunately, his plan worked well.
Wages and prices sacked, unemployment soared along with business bankruptcies.
The nation quickly went into an uproar.
Newspapers editors blasted Jackson in editorials.
The bank threatened to withhold payments which then could be made directly to key
politicians to support.
Within only months, congress assembled at what was called the panic session.
Six months after he had withdrawn funds from the bank Jackson was officially censured(?)
by a resolution which passed the senate by a vote of 26 to 20.
It was the first time a president had ever been censured(?) by congress.
Jackson lashed out at the bank : "You are a thin of vipers, I intend to root you out and by
eternal God I will rite your out"
America's faith tethered(?) on a knife edge.
I congress could master to enough votes to override Jackson's veto, the bank would be
granted another 20 years monopoly or more over America's money.
Time enough to consolidate its already great power.
Then America would hurt.
The governor of Pennsylvania came out supporting president Jackson and strongly
criticised the bank.
On top of that, Biddle had been caught boosting in public about the banks plan to crash the
American economy.
Suddenly the tide shifted.
In April of 1834 the House of Representatives voted 134-82 against rechartering the bank.
This was followed up by an even more lap sided vote to establish a special committee to
investigate what if the bank had caused the crash.
When the investigating committee arrived at bank store in Philadelphia, armed with a
subpoena to examine the books, Biddle refused to give them up.
Nor would he allow inspection of correspondence with congressman relating to their
personal loans and advances he made to them.
He also refused to testify before the committee back in Washington.
On January 28 1835 Jackson paid of the final instalment of the national debt which had
been necessitated by allowing the bank to issue currency for government bonds, rather than
simply issuing treasure notes without such debt.
He was the only president to ever pay of the debt.
A few week later on January the 30th 1835, an assassin by the name of Richard Lawrence
tried to shoot president Jackson.
But by the grace of God both pistols misfired.
Lawrence was later found not guilty by reason of insanity.
After his release he bragged to friends that powerful people in Europe had put him up to the
task and promised to protect him if he were caught.
The following year when its charter ran out The Second Bank of The United States ceased
functioning as the nations central bank.
Biddle was later arrested and charged with fraud.
He was trailed and acquitted, but died shortly thereafter, while still tied up in civil sueds(?).
After his second turn as president, Jackson retired here to the hermitage in Nashville to live
out his life.
He is still remembered here for his determination to kill the bank.
In fact he killed it so well that it took The Money Changers 77 years to undo the damage.
When asked what his most important accomplishment had been, Jackson replied: "I killed
the bank!"
17. Abe Lincoln
Unfortunately even Jackson failed to grasp the entire picture and true cause.
Although Jackson had killed the central bank, the most insidious weapon of The Money
Changers, fractional reserve banking, remained in use by the numerous state charted bank.
This fuelled economic instability in the years before the civil war.
Still the central bankers were out and as a result America thrived as an expanded west
During this time, the principal Money Changers struggled to regain their lost centralized
power but to no avail.
Then finally they referred to the old central bankers formula: war to create debt and
If they couldn't get their central bank any other way, America could be brought to its knees
by plunging it into a civil war just as if they had done in 1812 after The First Bank of The
United States was not recharted.
One month after the inauguration of Abraham Lincoln, the first shots of the American Civil
War were fired here at Fort Sumter South Carolina on April 12 1861.
Certainly slavery was "a" cause for the civil war but not the primary cause.
Lincoln knew that the economy of the south depended upon slavery and so before the civil
war he had no intention of eliminating it.
Lincoln had put it this way in his inaugural address only one month earlier: "I have no
purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where
it now exists.
I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so."
Even after the first shots were fired here at fort Sumter, Lincoln insists that the civil war
was not about the slavery: "My paramount objective is to save the Union, and it is 'not'
either to save or destroy slavery.
If I could save the Union without freeing any slave, I would do it."
"After WWI, Germany fell into the hands of the German international bankers. Those
bankers bought her and they now own her, lock, stock, and barrel. They have purchased
her industries, they have mortgages on her soil, they control her production, they control
all her public utilities.
The international German bankers have subsidized the present Government of Germany
and they have also supplied every dollar of the money Adolph Hitler has used in his lavish
campaign to build up a threat to the government of Bruening.
When Bruening fails to obey the orders of the German International Bankers, Hitler is
brought forth to scare the Germans into submission...
Through the Federal Reserve Board ... over $30 billions of American money ... has been
pumped into Germany .... You have all heard of the spending that has taken place in
Germany... modernistic dwellings, her great planetariums, her gymnasiums, her swimming
pools, her fine public highways, her perfect factories. All this was done on our money. All
this was given to Germany through the Federal Reserve Board.
The Federal Reserve Board ... has pumped so many billions of dollars into Germany that
they dare not name the total." Rep. Louis McFadden
In his last year in office Hoover desperately put forward a plan to bail out the failing banks.
But he needed support from the democratic congress and that was not to be had.
That same year Franklin D. Roosevelt was swept into office during the 1932 presidential
Once Roosevelt was in office however sweeping emergency banking measures were
immediately announced, which did nothing but increase the Fed.'s power over the money
Then and only then did the Fed finally begin to loosen the purstrings(?) and feed new
money out to the starving American people.
At first Roosevelt railed(?) against The Money Changers as being the cause of the
Believe it or not, but this was what he said on march 4th 1933, in his inaugural address:
"Practices of the unscrupulous Money Changers stand indicted in the court of public
opinion, rejected by the hearts and minds of men... The Money Changers have fled from
their high seats in the temple of our civilization." Franklin D. Roosevelt
But two days later Roosevelt declared a bank holiday and closed all banks.
Later that years Roosevelt outlawed private ownership of all gold bullion(?) and all gold
coins with the exception of rare coins.
Most of the gold in the hands of the average American was in the form of gold coins.
The new decree was in affect a confiscation.
Those who didn't comply risk as much as 10 year in prison and a $10.000 fine, the
equivalent of a $100.000 today.
Out in small town America some people didn't trust Roosevelt's order.
Many were thorn between keeping their hard earned wealth or obeying the government.
Those who did turn in their gold were paid the official price for it, $20.66 per ounce.
So unpopular was the confiscation order that no one anywhere in government would take
credit for authoring it.
No congressman claimed it.
At the signing ceremony president Roosevelt made it clear to all present that he was not the
author of it and publicly stated that he had not ever read it.
Even the secretary of the treasury said he never read it either, saying it was "what the
experts wanted".
Roosevelt convinced the public to give up their gold by saying that pulling the nations
resources was necessary to get America out of the depression.
With great fanfare he ordered a new bullion depository built to hold the mountain of gold
the U.S. Government was illegally confiscating.
By 1936 the U.S. bullion depository Ford Knox was completed.
And in January 1937, the gold began the flow into it.
The rip off of the ages was about to proceed.
In 1935 once the gold had all been turn in, the official prize of gold suddenly raised to $35
per ounce.
But the catch was only foreigners could sell their gold at the new higher prize.
The Money Changers who had heated Baruch's note and gotten out of the stock market just
before the crash and bought gold at $20.66, then shipped it to London, could now bring it
back and sell it to the government nearly doubling their money while American starved.
The Ford Knox Bullion depository sits here in the middle of the Ford Knox military
reservation 30 miles south-west of Louisville Kentucky.
This is as close as we were permitted to get to the depository, despite years of letters from
members of congress to allow our film crew inside.
The four acres ground immediately surrounding the building are guarded by an electrified
steel fence, an open mote(?) and machine guns armed guardtillboxes at the structures
When gold began arriving on January 13th 1937, there was unprecedented security.
Thousands of official guests watched the arrival of a nine car train from Philadelphia,
guarded by armed soldiers, postal inspectors, secret service men, and guards from the U.S.
It was all great theatre.
America's gold supply from across the land had been pulled, supposedly for the public
benefit and then safely tucked into Ford Knox.
For all that security would soon be breached (gebroken) be the government itself.
Now the stage was set for a really big war.
One which would pile up debt far beyond that of WWI.
"For example in 1944 alone the US national income was only $183 billion, yet $103 billion
was spend on the war.
This was 30 times the spending rate of WWI. In fact the American taxpayer picked up 55%
of the total allied cost of the war. But equally important, virtually every nation involved in
WWII greatly multiplied their debt. In the U.S. for example federal debt went from 43
billion in 1940 up to 275 million in 1950, an increase of 598%. Between 1940 and 1950
Japanese's debt swelled 1348%. French debt grew 583%. In Canadian's debt worth
After the war, the world was now divided in two economic camps: communist commend
economies on the one hand versus monopoly capitalist on the other, set to fight it out in a
perpetual and highly profitable arms race.
It was finally time for the central bankers to embark in earnest on their 3 step plan to
centralize the economic systems of the entire world and finally bring about their global
government or New World Order.. The phases of this plan were: Step one: central bank
domination of national economies worldwide.
Step two: centralize regional economies to organisations such as the European Monetary
Union, and regional trade unions, such as NAFTA Step three: centralize the world economy
to a World Central Bank, a world money , and ending national independence to abolition of
all tear-offs, treaties like GATT Step one was completed long ago.
Steps two and three are far advanced and nearing completion.
What about gold?
Amongst central banks, the largest holder of gold is now the IMF.
It and central banks now controlled two-thirds of the worlds gold supply, giving them the
ability to manipulate the gold market.
Remember The Money Changers golden rule: he who has the gold, makes the rules.
But before we get into solutions to our problems, let's take a look at what happened to all
that gold in Ford Knox.
Because if we don't understand that the gold has been stolen, than when the crash comes,
we allow ourselves to be stampeded into the wrong solution of gold backed currency.
Most Americans still believe that the gold is still here at Ford Knox.
At the end of WWII, Ford Knox contained over 7 million ounces of gold, an incredible
70% of all the gold in the world.
Who much remains?
No one knows.
Despite the fact that federal law requires annual physical audits of the Ford Knox gold, the
treasury has consistently refused to conduct one.
The truth is that a reliable audit at whatever remains here, has never been conducted since
President Eisenhower ordered one in 1953.
Where did America's gold in Ford Knox go?
Over the years it was sold off to European Money Changers at the $35 per ounce prize.
Remember this was during the times that it was illegal for Americans to buy any of their
own gold from Ford Knox.
In fact there was a very infamous case, were the Firestone family set up a string of dummy
corporations to purchase Ford Knox gold and keep it in Switzerland, never hitting U.S.
They were eventually caught however and successfully prosecuted.
Finally by 1971 all the pure gold had been secretly removed from Ford Knox, drained back
to London.
Once the gold was gone from Ford Knox president Nixon closed the gold window by
repealing Roosevelt's gold reserve act from 1934, finally making it legal once again for
Americans to buy gold.
Naturally gold prices immediately began to soar.
Nine years later, gold sold for $880 per ounce, 25 times what the gold in Ford Knox was
sold for.
One would think that eventually someone in the government would get wind of what was
happening and blow the whistle.
The largest fortune of the history of the world stolen.
Shades of the old James Bond film Goldfinger.
Well, as a matter of fact, Ian Fleming, the author of James Bond series, was head of the
British Counter-Intelligence Service, MI5.
Some believe in the intelligence community that he wrote much of his fiction as a warning
as many authors of fiction do.
Yet the removal of all the good delivery gold from Ford Knox, can be viewed as a
deliberate raid on the U.S. treasury, and such an operation might well had been years in the
making, namely 40 years, certainly enough time for Fleming to get wind of it and try to
prevent it.
So, just how did the story of the Ford Knox gold robbery get out ?
It all started with an article in a New York periodical in 1974.
The article charged that the Rockefeller family was manipulating the Federal Reserve to
sell off Ford Knox gold at bargain based prices to unanimous European speculators.
Three days later, the unanimous source of the story, Louise Arcanclass Boyer, mysteriously
fell to her death, from the window of her 10 floor apartment in NY.
How had misses Boyer had known of the Rockefeller connection to Ford Knox gold heist ?
She was the long time secretary of Nelson Rockefeller.
For the next 14 years, this man Ed Durell, a wealthy Ohio industrialist, devoted himself to a
quest for the truth concerning the Ford Knox gold.
He wrote thousands of letters to over one thousand government and banking officials,
trying to find out how much gold was really left and were the rest of it was gone.
Edith Roosevelt, the granddaughter of Teddy Roosevelt, questioned the acts of the
government in a march 1975 edition of The New Hampshire Sunday News: "Allegations of
missing gold from our Fort Knox vaults are being widely discussed in European financial
cycles. But what is puzzling is that the Administration is not hastening to demonstrate
conclusively that there is no cause for concern over our gold treasure - if indeed it is in a
position to do so." Edith Roosevelt
Unfortunately Ed Durell never did accomplish his primary goal, a full audit of the gold
reserve in Ford Knox.
It 's incredible that the world greatest treasure has had little accounting or auditing.
This gold belongs to the American people, not the Federal Reserve and their foreign
One thing is certain, the government could blow all this speculation away in a few days,
with a well publicized audit, under the serying(?) lights of media camera's.
It has chosen not to do so.
One must conclude that they are afraid of the truth, such an audit would reveal.
what is the government so afraid of?
Here is the answer.
When president Ronald Reagan took office in 1981, his conservative friends urged him to
study his ability of returning to a Gold Standard, as the only way to curb government
It sounded like a reasonable alternative.
So president Reagan appointed a group of men, called the Gold Commition, to study the
situation and report back to congress.
What Reagan's Gold Commition reported back to congress in 1982 was the following
shocking revelation concerning: "The U.S. treasury owned no gold at all."
All the gold that was left in Ford Knox was now owned by the Federal Reserve, a group of
private bankers as collateral against the national debt.
The truth of the matter is, that never before had so much money been stolen from the hands
of the general public and put into the hands of small group of private investors, The Money
26. IMF/World Bank
I am standing in front of the headquarters of the International Monetary Fund located in
Washington DC.
Across the street, right over there, is the headquarters of the World Bank.
What are these organisation an who controls them and most importantly are they about to
create a huge worldwide depression?
Let us step back in time for a moment to the aftermath if WWI.
People were tired of war.
So under the guise of peacemaking the international bankers devised a plan to consolidate
power even further.
Claiming only an international government would stem the tied of world wars The Money
Changers pushed forward a proposal for world government which stood on three legs: a
world central bank to be called the ban of international settlements; a world judiciary to be
called the world court located in Den Haag in the Netherlands; and a world executive
legislator to be called The League of Nations.
As president Clinton's mentor, Georgetown historian Carroll Quigley, wrote in his 1966
'Tragedy and Hope' : "The powers of financial capitalism had [a] far reaching [plan],
nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to
dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.
This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world
acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences.
The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel,
Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were
themselves private corporations.
Each central bank ... Sought to dominate its government by its ability to control treasury
loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the
country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the
business world." Carroll Quigley
Despite intense pressure from the international bankers and the press a handful of US
senators lead by senator Henry Cabott Large, kept the U.S. out of these schemes.
Without U.S. participation the League was doomed.
Incredibly, even though U.S. rejected the world central bank , BIS, the New York Federal
Reserve ignored its government, and arrogantly sent representatives to Switzerland to
participate in the central bankers meeting right up until 1994, when the U.S. was finally
officially dragged into it.
Their world government scheme sported (?) the bankers resorted to the old formula.
Another war to weir down the resistance to world government while reaping handsome
To this end Wall Street helped resurrect Germany through the Thyssen Banks which were
affiliated with the Harrimans Interest in NY, just as the Chase Bank had assisted in the
financing of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia during WWI.
Chase Bank was controlled by the Rockefeller family.
Subsequently it was merged with the Warburgh's Manhattan Bank and formed the Chase-
Manhattan Bank.
Now this has merged with the Chemical Bank of NY making it the largest Wall Street
Their strategy worked.
Even before WWII was over world government was back on track.
In 1944 at Brattonwood New Hampshire, the International Monetary Fund and the World
Bank were approved with full US participation.
The second League of Nations, renamed the United Nations, was approved in 1945.
Soon a new national court system was functioning as well.
All affective opposition to these international bodies before the war had evaporated in the
heat of the war, just as planned.
These new organisations simply repeated on a world scale, what the National Banking Act
in 1864, and the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, had established in the U.S..
They created a banking cartel composed of the world Central Banks, which gradually
assumed the power to dictate credit policies to the banks of all nations.
For example, just as the Federal Reserve Act authorized the creation of a new national fiat
called Federal Reserve Note, the IMF has been given the authority to issue a world fiat
money called Special Drawing Rights or SDR's.
To date the IMF has created an excess of $30 million worth of SDR's.
Member nations are been pressured to make their currencies fully exchangeable for SDR's.
In 1968 congress approved laws authorizing the Fed. to accept SDR's as reserves in the US,
and to issue Federal Reserve Notes in exchange for SDR's.
What does that mean?
In means that in the U.S., SDR's already a part of our lawful money.
And what about gold?
SDR's are already partially backed by gold and with two-thirds of gold now in the hands of
central banks, The Money Changers can go about structuring the world economic future, in
which ever way they deem most profitable.
Keep in mind, just as the Fed. is controlled by its board of governors, the IMF is controlled
by its board of governors, which are either the heads of the different central banks or the
heads of the national treasury departments dominated by their central banks.
Voting power in the IMF gives the U.S. and the UK, that is to say the Fed. and the Bank of
England, affective control.
Just as the Fed controls the amount of money in the U.S., the BIS, IMF, and World Bank
control the money supply for the world.
So we see the repetition of the old goldsmith's fraud.
Replicated on the national scale, with central banks like the Fed and on the international
scale by the three arms of the world central bank.
Is this organisation of the BIS, the IMF and the World Bank, which we refer to collectively
as the World Central Bank, presently expanding and contracting world credit?
Regulations put into effect in 1988 by the BIS, required the world bankers to raise their
capital and reserves to 8% of liabilities by 1992.
Increased capital requirement put an upper limit to the fractional reserve lending similar to
the way cash reserve requirements do.
What is this seemingly insignificant regulation made in a Suisse city 8 years ago meant to
the world?
It means our banks can not loan more and more money to buy more and more time, before
the next depression, as a maximum loan ratio is now set.
It means those nations with the lowest bank reserve in their systems have already felt the
terrible effects of this credit contraction as their banks scramble to raise money, to increase
their reserves to 8%.
To raise the money they had to sell stocks which depressed their stock market and began
the depression first in their countries.
Japan which in 1988 had amongst the lowest capital in reserve requirements and thus was
the most effected by the regulation, has experienced the financial crash which began almost
immediately in 1989 which has wiped out a staggering 50% of the value of its stock market
since 1990 and 60% of the value of its commercial real-estate.
The bank of Japan has lowered its interest rates to 0.5% practically giving away money to
resurrect the economy but still the depression worsens.
Due to the $20 billion bail out of Mexico the financial collapse in that nation is already
known here.
Yet despite the bail out the economy continues to be a disaster.
One huge debt after another is rolled over as new loans are been made simple to enable
Mexico to pay the interest on the old loans.
In the south of Mexico the poor had been in open revolt as every spare peso is been
sipend(?) out of the country to make interest payments.
It is important to note that a radical transfer of power is taking place as nations become
subservient to a supra-national world central bank controlled by a handful of the world
richest bankers.
As the IMF creates more and more SDR's by the stroke of a pen on IMF legures(?), more
and more nations borrow them to pay interest on their debts and gradually fall under the
control of the faceless bureaucrat of the worlds central bank.
As the worldwide depression worsens and spreads this will give the world central bank the
power of economic life and death over these nations.
It will decide which nations will permitted to receive further loans of SDR's and which
nations will starve.
Despite all the rhetoric about the development and elevation of poverty the result is a
steady transfer of wealth from the debtor nations to The Money Changers central banks
which control the IMF and the World Bank.
For example in 1992 the third world debtor nations which borrowed from the World Bank
paid $198 million more to the central banks of the developed nations for world bank funded
purposes than they received from the World Bank.
All this increases their permanent debt in exchange for temporary relief of poverty caused
by prior borrowings.
Already these repayments exceed the amount of the new loans.
By 1992 Africa's external debt had reached $290 billion, two and a half times greater than
1980 resulting in skyrocketing infant mortality rates and unemployment, deterioration of
schools, housing and the general help of the people.
The entire world faces the immeasurable suffering already destroying the third world and
now Japan, all for the benefit of The Money Changers.
As one prominent Brazilian politician put it: "The Third Word War has already started. It
is a silent war. Not, for that reason, any less sinister. The war is tearing down Brazil, Latin
America, and practically all the Third World. Instead of soldiers dying, there are children.
It is a war over the Third World debt, one which has as its main weapon, interest, a
weapon more deadly than the atom bomb, more shattering than a laser beam."
27. Conclusions
Although it would be absurd to ignore the pivotal role played by the influential families
such as the Rothschilds, the Warburghs, the Shiffs, the Morgans and the Rockefellers, in
any review of the history of central banking and fractional banking, keep in mind, by now
central banks and the large commercial banks are up to three centuries old and deeply
entrenched in the economic life of many nations.
These banks are no longer depending on clever individuals, such as a Nathan Rothschild.
Years ago the question of ownership was important, but no longer.
For example, The Bank of England and The Bank of France were nationalized after WWII
and nothing changed, nothing at all.. They endure and continue to grow now protected by
numerous laws, paid politicians and mortgaged media, untouched by the changing of
Three centuries have given them an aura of respectability.
The old school tie is now worn by the sixth generation son who has been raised in a system
that he may never question as he is named to serve on the governing boards of countless
philanthropic organisations.
The focus attention today on individuals or families, or to attempt to sort out the current
holders of power, serves little useful purpose and would be a distraction from the cure.
The problem is far bigger than that.
It is the corrupt banking system that was and is been used to consolidate vast wealth into
fewer and fewer hands that is out current economic problem.
Change the names of the main players now, and the problem will neither go away, nor even
miss a beat.
Likewise among the bureaucrat working in the World Bank, central banks an international
banks, only a tiny fraction have any idea what's really going on.
No doubt they would be horrified to learn that their work is contributing to the terrible
impoverishment and gradual enslavement of mankind to a few incredibly rich plutocrats.
So really, there is no use in emphasizing the role of individuals any more.
And the problem even transcends the normal spectrum of political right or left.
Both communism and socialism, as well as monopoly capitalism have been used by The
Money Changers.
Today they profit from either side of the new political spectrum.
The big government welfare-state, the so called left wing versus the neo-conservative laysa
fer (?) capitalists who want big government totally out of their lives o, the right wing.
Either way the bankers win.
Monetary reform is the most important political issue facing this nation.
That clarified lets proceed to the conclusions in the spirit Lincoln declared: "With malice
towards none, with charity towards all".
See also
Los Amos del Dinero
Cómo los Banqueros Internacionales Ganaron el Control de America (1996)
1. Introducción - El Problema
¿Qué está pasando en América hoy día?
¿Porqué estamos endeudados hasta el cuello?
¿Porqué los políticos no pueden controlar la deuda?
¿Porqué hay tanta gente, a menudo ambos padres ahora trabajando con bajos salarios en
empleos sin futuro, y aún arreglándoselas con menos?
¿Cuál es el futuro de la economía Americana y su estilo de vida?
¿Porqué el gobierno nos dice que la inflación es baja, cuando el poder de compra de
nuestros cheques de pago declina a un ritmo alarmante?
Solo una generación atrás el pan costaba 0.25 ctvs. Y un auto nuevo $1.995!
¿Nos dirigimos a un colapso económico de proporciones jamás vistas, una que hará que el
colapso financiero de 1929 y la gran depresión que le siguió parezcan un paseo dominical?
¿Si es así, podemos evitarlo?
¿Y que podemos hacer para proteger nuestras familias?
Expertos confiables dicen que el colapso de acerca.
También dicen que hay cosas simples y económicas que cualquiera pude hacer para
proteger sus familias, y mantener comida sobre la mesa y un techo sobre nuestras cabezas,
incluso en el peor de los tiempos.
Pero para hacer esto tenemos que entender porque se aproxima el colapso, quien está detrás
de él, que quieren ellos, y como los perpetradores planean proteger sus familias.
Armados con conocimiento, cualquiera de nosotros, puede superar la tormenta que se
Larry Bates fue presidente de un banco por 11 años.
Cómo miembro de la Cámara de Representantes por Tennessee presidió el Comité sobre
Banca y Comercio.
También es un antiguo profesor de economía y autor del éxito editorial “El Nuevo
Desorden Económico”.
“Puedo decirle ahora mismo, que habrá un colapso de proporciones sin precedentes. Un
colapso como nunca antes visto en este país.
El más grande choque de esta década es que mas gente va a perder más dinero que en
ninguna otra época anterior en nuestra historia. Pero el segundo más grande choque será
la increíble cantidad de dinero que un pequeño grupo de gente hará exactamente al mismo
tiempo. Verá, en períodos de agitación y crisis económica la riqueza no es destruida.
Simplemente es transferida.”
El candidato Presidencial Charles Collins es un abogado, ha poseído bancos y sirvió como
director bancario.
El cree que nunca saldremos de la deuda porque la Reserve Federal controla nuestro dinero.
“Ahora mismo está perpetuada por la Reserva Federal haciéndonos prestar dinero al
interés para pagar el interés que ya está acumulado.
Así que no podemos salirnos de la deuda en la manera como vamos ahora.”
El economista Henry Pasquet ha enseñado economia por 10 años.
Él está de acuerdo que el fin está cerca para la economía estadounidense.
“. . . no cuando usted está añadiendo, ustedes saben, un aproximado de un billón de
dólares diarios. No podemos continuar. Teníamos menos de un trillón de dólares de deuda
nacional in 1980. Ahora es aproximadamente 5 trillones de dólares (1995), 5 veces más
grande en 15 años. No se necesita ser un genio para darse cuenta que esto no puede
continuar por siempre.”
El problema es que desde 1864, hemos tenido un sistema bancario basado en la deuda.
Todo nuestro dinero se basa en deuda pública.
No podemos extinguir la deuda pública sin extinguir nuestro suministro de dinero.
Es por eso que hablar de pagar la deuda nacional sin reformar el sistema bancario es una
Es por eso que la solución no yace en discutir el tamaño de la deuda pública.
Mas bien yace en la reforma de nuestro sistema bancario.
Larry Bates: “. . oh por supuesto. La Reserva Federal no es federal y dudosamente
reserva. Es un banco privado, propiedad de miembros de la banca, y fue fundada bajo el
disfraz de engaño por una ley del congreso en 1913. El 23 de diciembre de 1913, cuando
la mayoría de los miembros de el congreso se habían marchado para las vacaciones, la
cámara de representantes había aprobado la ley de la reserva federal de 1913. pero estaba
teniendo dificultades en sacarla en el senado. Y la mayoría de la gente se había marchado
a casa. Pero una de las cosas de las que suelo asegurarme y verificar es cuando tenemos
un receso en los círculos legislativos, usted quiere asegurarse que la actividad fue
aplazada sin fecha.
¿La aplazó el senado sin fecha? Estaba aún técnicamente en sesión.
Así que usted tenía 3 miembros del senado, según los registros del senado, que estaban
presentes ese día, diciembre 23 de 1913. Y ellos pasaron la ley de la Reserva Federal con
un unánime voto. No hubo objeción. Si hubiera habido una persona que la objetara, y
dicho en respuesta, la ausencia de un quorum, no hubiera pasado.”
Si hay aún alguna duda de si la Reserva Federal es parte del Gobierno, verifiquen su guía
telefónico local.
En la mayoría de las ciudades no está listado en las páginas azules del gobierno.
Está listada en las páginas blancas de negocios, justo al lado de Federal Express, otra
compañía privada.
Pero más directamente, la corte de los Estados Unidos a fallado una y otra vez que la
Reserva Federal es una corporación privada.
¿Por qué el congreso no puede hacer nada acerca de la FED?
La mayoría de los miembros simplemente no entienden el sistema.
Y los pocos que lo entienden tienen miedo de hablar.
Por ejemplo, inicialmente un veterano congresista de Chicago, nos preguntó si el podía ser
entrevistado para este video.
Sin embargo en las dos ocasiones en que nuestro equipo llegó a su oficina para la
entrevista, esto fue todo lo que fuimos capaces de filmar.
El congresista nunca apareció.
Y finalmente decidió que ya no quería participar.
Pero otros pocos en el congreso han sido persistentes a través de los años.
He aquí 3 rápidos ejemplos.
(07:42) En 1923, el representante Charles E. Lindberg, un republicano de Minnesota, y
padre del famoso aviador, lo planteó de este manera: