Demand Letter Accretion
Demand Letter Accretion
Demand Letter Accretion
We write on behalf of our client, Jason Abiog Flores, who solicited the services of this
office for the purpose of demanding that you vacate the alluvial deposit or the parcel of
land which rightfully belongs to our client. Such alluvial deposit is an accretion to TCT
We understand that you entered into such property in 2013 without any consent or
permission from our client.
In view thereof, on behalf of our client, we most respectfully request that you vacate the
said premises within ten (10) days from receipt of this letter.
This will save all of you from a long and protracted court litigation. Should you feel that
we can help you in this regard, please feel free to communicate with us. We offer our law
office as a venue for any conciliation meetings among you.
Very Sincerely,
Legal Counsel