Unit: Dynamic Websites Assignment Title: Plastic Pollution Autumn 2019
Unit: Dynamic Websites Assignment Title: Plastic Pollution Autumn 2019
Unit: Dynamic Websites Assignment Title: Plastic Pollution Autumn 2019
Dynamic Websites
Assignment title:
Plastic Pollution
Autumn 2019
Important notes
• Please refer to the Assignment Presentation Requirements for advice on how
to set out your assignment. These can be found on the NCC Education
website. Click on ‘Policies & Advice’ on the main menu and then click on
‘Student Support’.
• You must read the NCC Education Documents What is Academic
Misconduct? Guidance for Candidates and Avoiding Plagiarism and
Collusion: Guidance for Candidates and ensure that you acknowledge all the
sources that you use in your work. These documents are available on the
NCC Education website. Click on ‘Policies & Advice’ on the main menu and
then click on ‘Student Support’.
• You must complete the Statement and Confirmation of Own Work. The form
is available on the NCC Education website. Click on ‘Policies & Advice’ on
the main menu and then click on ‘Student Support’.
• Please make a note of the recommended word count. You could lose marks
if you write 10% more or less than this.
• You must submit a paper copy and digital copy (on disk or similarly
acceptable medium). Media containing viruses, or media that cannot be run
directly, will result in a fail grade being awarded for this assessment.
• All electronic media will be checked for plagiarism.
PlasticPollutions are an environmentally friendly action group whose aim is to stop plastic
waste harming oceans and wildlife. They are promoting action to stop the flow of plastic
pollution into our environment and they are looking to manufacturers and retailers to help
phase out non-essential, single-use plastics.
The company was formed because the owners were really upset to hear about the tonnes
of plastic that ends up in the sea each year and that approximately only 9% is recycled so
they have set up a company to promote recycling.
The owners have asked you to develop a dynamic website for them. The website needs
to include the following:
• Home Page: this will be a very striking landing page with a clean background
colour. It must include a responsive navigation bar with responsive dropdown
buttons to the different pages. The page should have a brief introduction to the
company at the top third of the page which includes a “pop-up” “sign up now” box to
include First Name, Last Name, Email address and password with confirmation
button to click “sign up now” which will enable an account to be created. It should
also include a twitter feed from their twitter account. It should include an image
slider with appropriate content on the home page. It should also include social
media buttons and a links to Privacy, Copyright and Cookies information on the
home page and allow the user to “accept” cookies message.
• What to do about plastic: This page will provide up to date information about the
different types of plastic, how to donate to end plastic pollution and to sign their
petition to stop plastic pollution.
• Contact Us: This page will allow customers to contact the business through an
interactive form.
• Latest on plastic: This page should give visitors the latest information on the
campaign and plastic problems.
• Strategy: This page should include an overview of the organisations strategy
linked to plastic pollution.
• Campaigns: This page should include details of the campaigns to influence the
government and different manufacturers.
• How you can help: This page will provide details of how the visitors can help to
prevent plastic pollution.
The website needs to include customer login which records invalid login attempts and
locks the user out after THREE (3) attempts. The reset should be allowed after THREE (3)
You have been commissioned by the owners to produce a web-based application which
will enable visitors to register their interest and access other sections of the website. The
website must be able to be viewed on mobile devices including at least TWO (2) different
devices and include accessible content, particular to the audio and video files.
The website should have a cookie notification which appears when the site is loaded
which allows visitors to agree and proceed to accept cookies or request further
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Dynamic Websites © NCC Education Limited 2019
A database will need to be created to allow visitors to create their own personal account.
The system will store personal details of each visitor, their first name, surname, their email
address and donation received. The database should be able to store the details and be
searched to find the total amount of donations from each visitor.
A web enabled application needs to be created to allow users to create, query, browse
and manipulate the database and allow the user to create and delete records they are
currently browsing.
Visitors need to create their own account to log into the system via a registration script.
Once they log in they should be presented with an interface that allows them to:
You are expected to use a combination of PHP, MySQL and JavaScript to create this
application. Your application should also make use of a web service for online bookings.
Task 1 – 10 Marks
Create a setup page and tables for the PlasticPollution website including a sign up now
form and cookie notification message.
Task 2 – 15 Marks
Create the login and registration system. This should include username and password
and store personal details and an email address. To gain the highest marks for this task
you should make the system as robust as possible and it should allow reset after THREE
(3) minutes. The password should be encrypted to maintain security.
Task 3 – 15 Marks
Implement a system to allow each member to access their registration record and to make
donations. They should be able to view past donations made. This should be created
through php.
Task 4 – 20 Marks
The owners have asked for additional functionality for the website. Implement the following
• Mobile accessible website on at least two devices
• ‘Sign up Now’ Pop Up that appears on the home page
• Links to Privacy, Copyright and Cookies information
• Social media buttons and inclusion of relevant media to enhance the web page
• Twitter feed on the home page (as outlined on page 2)
• Homepage with striking landing page including image slider (as outlined on page 2).
• Accessible audio and video content for disabled users.
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Task 5 – 15 Marks
Ensure that the visitors that have created their own account can create/query/update their
own records that they are currently browsing by using an appropriate web-enabled
Task 6 – 10 Marks
Include a visitor registration number generator – this should auto-generate six-digit
numbers with a prefix of PP (plus the six digits).
Task 7 – 15 Marks
You are required to write a FIVE HUNDRED WORD REPORT (500)-word reflection on this
activity. Answer the following questions:
Submission requirements
• For each task, you should present the necessary code and screen dumps in a
word-processed document.
• All references and citations must use the Harvard Style.
Candidate checklist
Please use the following checklist to ensure that your work is ready for submission.
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Dynamic Websites © NCC Education Limited 2019