05 - TDS - Flowcable50
05 - TDS - Flowcable50
05 - TDS - Flowcable50
Expanding plasticising admixture for cement, grout and concrete
Description *Properties
FLOWCABLE® 50 is an expansion system which Colour: Brown/grey powder
compensates for plastic shrinkage and settlement Chloride content: Nil to BS 5075 : 1982
in cementitious grouts. Supplied in powder form, Nitrate content: Nil
FLOWCABLE® 50 produces controlled expansion Freezing point: n/a
Flash point: None
in cement grouts and maintains high water
Dosage: 500gm/100kg cement
retention. It contains a water-reducing agent
which increases the workability of the mix with a
reduced water content, making a stronger grout.
FIP RILEM Joint Committee on Grouting Report.
Full expansion is achieved before initial setting
occurs resulting in a high degree of interfacial
Expanding properties
The expansion of grouts containing FLOWCABLE®
50 is sufficient to overcome normal settlement
without producing undue pressure against the
For bedding, jointing, duct grouting and void filling
sides of the duct. The grout therefore forms a firm
applications where the following characteristics
and uniform bond to the concrete and to the steel
are beneficial:-
along the length of the tendon, and at the same
time provides good protection for the cable. The
• A cement plasticising and water reducing
expansion obtained by the use of FLOWCABLE®
agent to improve the free flowing properties of
50 reaches a maximum within 1 - 2½ hours of
the grout at low water/cement ratios.
mixing under average temperature conditions.
• An expanding agent that increases the volume
After this period no settlement occurs, and the
of the grout which in turn eliminates shrinkage
grout retains its maximum expansion.
and settlement.
FLOWCABLE® 50 produces a maximum
• A catalyst to control the rate of expansion and
expansion of 3.25% in a neat cement grout, and
to ensure full expansion of the grout.
2% expansion in a 1:1 sand/cement grout.
Field service, where provided, does not constitute
supervisory responsibility. For additional
information contact your local BASF
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application are beyond our control.
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