9.2 Bod Disable: 35 Atmega328P (Datasheet)
9.2 Bod Disable: 35 Atmega328P (Datasheet)
9.2 Bod Disable: 35 Atmega328P (Datasheet)
2 BOD Disable
When the brown-out detector (BOD) is enabled by BODLEVEL fuses, Table 27-7 on page 244, the BOD is actively
monitoring the power supply voltage during a sleep period. To save power, it is possible to disable the BOD by software for
some of the sleep modes, see Table 9-1 on page 34. The sleep mode power consumption will then be at the same level as
when BOD is globally disabled by fuses. If BOD is disabled in software, the BOD function is turned off immediately after
entering the sleep mode. Upon wake-up from sleep, BOD is automatically enabled again. This ensures safe operation in
case the VCC level has dropped during the sleep period.
When the BOD has been disabled, the wake-up time from sleep mode will be approximately 60µs to ensure that the BOD is
working correctly before the MCU continues executing code.
BOD disable is controlled by bit 6, BODS (BOD Sleep) in the control register MCUCR, see Section 9.11.2 “MCUCR – MCU
Control Register” on page 38. Writing this bit to one turns off the BOD in relevant sleep modes, while a zero in this bit keeps
BOD active. Default setting keeps BOD active, i.e. BODS set to zero.
Writing to the BODS bit is controlled by a timed sequence and an enable bit, see Section 9.11.2 “MCUCR – MCU Control
Register” on page 38.
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