8.8 External Clock: Frequency CKSEL3..0
8.8 External Clock: Frequency CKSEL3..0
8.8 External Clock: Frequency CKSEL3..0
8 External Clock
To drive the device from an external clock source, XTAL1 should be driven as shown in Figure 8-4. To run the device on an
external clock, the CKSEL fuses must be programmed to “0000” (see Table 8-14).
Frequency CKSEL3..0
0 to 16MHz 0000
When this clock source is selected, start-up times are determined by the SUT fuses as shown in Table 8-15.
When applying an external clock, it is required to avoid sudden changes in the applied clock frequency to ensure stable
operation of the MCU. A variation in frequency of more than 2% from one clock cycle to the next can lead to unpredictable
behavior. If changes of more than 2% is required, ensure that the MCU is kept in reset during the changes.
Note that the system clock prescaler can be used to implement run-time changes of the internal clock frequency while still
ensuring stable operation. Refer to Section 8.11 “System Clock Prescaler” on page 32 for details.
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