Course Specification - Che524
Course Specification - Che524
Course Specification - Che524
Saint Louis University
School of Engineering and Architecture
Department of Chemical Engineering
is expected that a General Community Quarantine (GCQ) will be applied based on the
recommendations of the above mentioned agency which will still defer the face-to-face
classes. Under the recommendations, students may adopt flexible learning that will involve
an access to an internet for doing their internet-based activities and have offline classes by
downloading learning materials uploaded using Learning Management Systems (LSM) like
Schoology, Google Classroom, Google Meet, etc.
11 Assessment and The course has formative and summative assessment activities that will be administered in
Evaluation Details two modes depending on the student’s situation: (a) mainly via Google Classroom and other
appropriate learning management systems or (b) via printed and recorded materials that
will be sent through express mail services.
12 Monitoring Details For the students with internet connection, they will be monitored through the SLU student
portal and through their participation with the online activities in the Google Classroom
Discussion Forum or other learning management system that will be applied.
For the students without internet connection but with computers or laptops at home, they
will be monitored through: (a) printed modules that are to be sent and submitted back as
scheduled, (b) telephone calls or short message services (SMS) at least once a week.
13 Technological Support The delivery of the course will require the use of the SLU subscribed Google Suite, Schoology,
SLU E-Learning Resources, and SLU Student Portal. It will also require the use of one (1)
USB sticks that will be used to send the printed and recorded materials for offline
correspondence. These are scheduled to be sent for Midterm and Finals. The same memory
sticks will be used by the students to send back their outputs.
14 Course Budget The cost that will be included in the regular fees of the students will be the cost of the
(2) USB memory sticks
Courier services
Printing materials and services
Saint Louis University
School of Engineering and Architecture
Department of Chemical Engineering
School-based QA Officer