ULMA Bridge Formwork

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Viaduct 21, Expressway S7, Poland...................................................................................................................................................4
Toowoomba Viaduct, Australia..............................................................................................................................................................6
Hisgaura Cable-Stayed Bridge, Colombia.......................................................................................................................................8
Bridge Over The Wislok River, Rzeszów, Poland....................................................................................................................10
Estaiada Bridge, Metro Line 4, Río de Janeiro, Brazil...........................................................................................................12
Arch Of Innovation Bridge, Brazil......................................................................................................................................................14
D1 Motorway, Bertotovce, Slovakia...............................................................................................................................................16
New Ross Extradosed Bridge, Ireland..........................................................................................................................................18
Access To The West Entrance Of The Dels 2 Valires Tunnel, Andorra................................................................20
Antzuola Viaduct, Spain.........................................................................................................................................................................22
ES 5.5 Bridge, Expressway S8, Poland........................................................................................................................................24
Gafarillos Ravine Viaduct And Cut-And-Cover Tunnel, Almería, Spain...............................................................26
Via Mangue Motorway, Recife, Brazil...........................................................................................................................................27
Bridge Over Stradomka River, Bochnia, Poland.....................................................................................................................28
Eresma Arched Bridge, Segovia, Spain........................................................................................................................................30
Electric Train, Lima, Peru........................................................................................................................................................................32
Allcomachay Bridge, Ayacucho, Peru............................................................................................................................................34
MS-4B Bridge, Cigacice, Poland........................................................................................................................................................36
MG04 Southern Bypass Bridge, Warsaw, Poland................................................................................................................38
Jakarta-Cikampek II Toll Road, Karawang, Indonesia.........................................................................................................40
Bay Of Cádiz Bridge, Spain...................................................................................................................................................................42
Bridge Over The Danube, Bratislava, Slovakia.......................................................................................................................44


The Y-shaped piers were built in three distinct phases. The hollow rectangular bodies The last section of the inclined structures was completed with the ATR self-climbing
VIADUCT 21, EXPRESSWAY S7, POLAND were built in 4.56 m pours with the VMK timber formwork system set on configurable system and BMK brackets. The selfclimbing system was formed with MK trusses and a
BMK climbing brackets. At the base of the column head, where the arms of the Y begin, unique configuration of cylinders placed on the exterior face of the column arms.
singlesided UCAB-EUC formwork was used with the BMK brackets.
The other pier type, with rectangular cross-section, curved sides, and a truncated-cone
column head, was built in two phases. An adjustable circular formwork system was set
Expressway S7 is one of the principal transportation routes in Poland, and its construction Two types of piers were designed to support the bridge. The shorter spans, with uniform to obtain the proper curvature, while the ULMA universal VMK system, adaptable to any
in large part has consisted in improving National Road 7. Stretching 992 m in length, deck dimensions, received rectangular-section piers with curved sides. Y-shaped piers geometry, was employed for the column head.
Viaduct 21, which forms a part of Expressway S7, has joined the Polish regions of Lubień were designed for the larger spans, which range from 90 m to 120 m in length with
and Rabka Zdrój. deck thickness ranging from 3.5 m to 6.7 m. The tallest pier reaches 43 m in height
without counting the deck above.

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As a support structure for the pier heads, Heavy-Duty MK Brackets were employed in
TOOWOOMBA VIADUCT, AUSTRALIA large part because, like the climbing system, they can adjust to any dimension. With a
cantilever of more than 6 m extending out from the sides of each pier, the formwork
shaped the pier heads weighing more than 1000 kN each.
Wide working platforms, measuring 2.6 m in width, were built around the piers using
Extending 41 km in length, the Toowoomba project has created a safer, faster, and more The structure consists of 21 piers reaching a maximum height of 46 m, built using the the MK System. Work was thus carried out in complete safety underneath the deck
efficient route connecting the main mercantile and cargo ports in the region. It has also RKS Formwork System. This guided climbing system permits vertical advance without structure.
redirected all heavy goods traffic away from the financial district of the Australian city. damage to the face of the structure. The lifting structure was built using MK profiles that
provide versatility, adapting to all worksite requirements, including the configuration of The hollow interiors of the piers were built with the KSP Platform, a simple solution
working platforms and safe access points. for supporting the formwork when working in restricted spaces. The system employs
standardised MK components to cover any distance necessary.

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The classic H-type piers, measuring 24 m and 42 m in height respectively, are designed
HISGAURA CABLE-STAYED BRIDGE, COLOMBIA similarly to the pylons, with one tower featuring a square cross-section and its pair a
rectangular one. The shorter pier is built with a transverse girder at its crown, whereas
the girder of the taller pier is set midway, at a height of 21 m.
In order to accommodate the diverse geometries of the project, the fixed BMK
Hisgaura Bridge, stretching 653 m in length with a single span reaching 400 m, has The two inverted Y-type pylons, reaching 142 m and 125 m in height respectively, are configurable climbing brackets were combined with articulated climbing bracket to
became in 2018 the longest cable-stayed bridge in South America. joined by transverse girders at 40 m and 70 m above the valley floor. At deck height form the inclined sections; in both cases they were equipped with roll-back systems. The
ULMA developed a comprehensive solution for the project, employing the ideal the pylon towers incline toward each other and eventually fuse into a single vertical beam formwork system ENKOFORM VMK gave shape to both the interior and exterior
formwork and scaffolding systems for each element of the bridge, including piers and structure, where the cable stays are anchored. of the tower bodies. KSP shaft platforms were used inside the towers, employing special
pylons, pier caps, approach spans, and abutments, as well as careful planning of the corner panels that facilitated adaptation to variations in shape and cross-section.
onsite support to be provided. The transverse girders were poured simultaneously with the pylon and pier bodies
using MK modular trusses 12 set on MT-800 consoles. Both the underside and lateral
formwork systems were set on this grid structure.

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The pylon legs are 5.75 m by 4.75 m box girders, with wall thickness varying between
BRIDGE OVER THE WISLOK RIVER, RZESZÓW, POLAND 1.30 m and 0.80 m. ULMA supplied two separate sets of formwork designed specifically
for the ATR-B self-climbing system, which permitted the entire structure to be elevated
simultaneously. The two sets of ENKOFORM panels, respectively measuring 4.8 m and
4.5 m tall, had a cycle time of only 6 hours.
This cable-stayed bridge is the largest structure of its kind in the Podkarpacie region, In the first phase of the project, the pylon arm foundations were poured using ENKOFORM The exterior formwork, weighing more than 30 tonnes, was supported by only four ATR
with a length of 480 m and the singular feature of a reinforced-concrete pylon 108.5 m VMK formwork. The structures, measuring 14.5 m in height with a T-shaped cross- brackets. The carriages installed on the brackets allowed the formwork structure to roll
tall. section, were later used as a base to install the self-climbing systems. In order to ensure back up to 80 cm, providing easy access when installing the steel reinforcement and
The pylon was constructed in 26 phases: in the first 14, the pylon arms; in the following worker safety, the formwork system was equipped with four complete working platform cycling the formwork. The interior part of the self-climbing system, weighing 4 tonnes,
3, the pier cap; and in the last 9, the cable-stayed portion was completed. levels with vertical access between them. only required two ATR brackets. Cycle times were thus reduced from 7 to 3 days.
Due to the presence of the cable anchors, the cable-stayed section of the pylon was
strengthened with a steel core positioned inside the tower and joined to the wall. The
exterior formwork, weighing more than 27 tonnes, was installed on four ATR self-
climbing brackets.

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The flexibility and productivity of the ATR system made it ideal for the project, given that The ATR system, combined with the ENKOFORM VMK beam formwork, allowed the
ESTAIADA BRIDGE, METRO LINE 4, RÍO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL the towers are differently inclined – one set at 25o and the other at 21o. The solution assembly to be moved successively in 4 m stages. After 19 pours, executed at a rate of
proposed by the ULMA engineering team was to incorporate a pair of MK trusses on the one per week, the project was completed.
self-climbing brackets set in the inclined faces, supporting another pair of MK trusses
Both pedestrian and vehicle traffic continued unheeded during construction. This was
run across the two lateral faces. The four trusses thus created a ring surrounding the
made possible using 24 cm thick formwork panels set on a structure of MK trusses with
The infrastructural improvements planned for the 2016 Olympic Games have The pylons are inclined at 23 from the vertical and are composed of two hollow,
o pylon with work platforms elevated by the hydraulic equipment set on the climbing
supports spaced at 20 m, instead of the traditional formwork assembly of panels set on
revolutionised Río de Janeiro. Among the many ambitious undertakings, Estaiada Bridge symmetrical towers varied on all four faces and joined to each other at various heights. brackets. This design allowed the structure to adapt to the changes in each section
numerous smaller metal rails.
stands out especially for its size and the challenges presented in its construction. It is a To construct these pylons the ATR self-climbing system was chosen for its hydraulic without need for disassembly.
cable-stayed bridge 72 m tall and 320 m long. assembly capable of lifting vertical structures without the need for a crane.

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One of the most relevant requirements in this project has been the versatility of the
ARCH OF INNOVATION BRIDGE, BRAZIL systems and the safety of the operators. To this end, the engineering team developed
an integrated solution with the ideal formwork and scaffolding systems and applications
for the pylons and the roads that run between them.
The ATR self-climbing system was chosen for the two pylons with variable inclination and
The arch of innovation is a cable-stayed bridge that will connect Zarur, São João, and This bridge will create a safer and faster route for more than 180,000 vehicles per day, four-sided section, in combination with the VMK timber-beam formwork for the outside
Cassiano Ricardo avenues in São Paulo, Brazil. With a height of 100 m, it has become which will ease the city's traffic. It will also include a bicycle lane of more than 3.6 km. and the KSP platform for the inside. The self-climbing system has been perfectly adapted
one of the most iconic bridges in the country of its type, given its peculiar arc shape. to the inclination and elliptical curve of the shaft of up to 23º in the last concreting.
The whole set has allowed high execution rates, 3-day concreting cycles in 3.6 m high
sections, without the need for a crane. Despite the complexity of the geometry, the MK
system in its different applications has solved all the structural requirements.
The two carriageways rest on an X shape. They were built with ENKOFORM HMK,
supported by T-60 shoring towers. A solution of MK gantry formwork was proposed for
the rest of the board to avoid closing the tracks.

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The piers, abutments, and pier segments were all built using modular formwork based
D1 MOTORWAY, BERTOTOVCE, SLOVAKIA on the MK system. For the structure used to support the reinforcement wall, both the
heavy duty MK brackets and the climbing system were customised to fit the shape of
the piers.
At the upper part of the pier, 4 transverse trusses were passed through the gaps between
The project forms part of the most important motorway in Slovakia. The motorway not The bridge measures 281 m in length with 4 separate spans, the largest of which is 87 m supports and placed on the drop beam grid. With this structure for support, the pier
only connects the two ends of the country it also forms a part of the trans-European long. The piers have an unusual structure, composed of 4 columns joined together at segment was poured in three phases using MK beam formwork set both vertically and
motorway network. the top by a reinforcement wall. The tallest piers, reaching 38.5 m, have an additional horizontally.
wall built halfway up their side.
This solution, made of 12 m trusses paired almost entirely with standard pieces, had no
competitor in the hiring market. The concrete could be poured in 4 m sections thanks
to the MK climbing brackets.

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The same formwork assemblies were reused to complete the three pylons with heights The 21 m trusses and 36 m shoring towers are extremely durable with a high load-
NEW ROSS EXTRADOSED BRIDGE, IRELAND ranging from 16 m to 27 m and variable sections. The majority of the bridge was built bearing capacity, easily capable of spanning large distances, making them indispensable
using gantry falsework, since the geotechnical complexity of the ground below made in the soft ground present on both sides of the riverbank.
other shoring systems impractical or impossible. The gantry falsework allowed for
The pier segment for piles four and five, measuring 21 m wide and 12 m long, was built
savings in foundation work.
using ENKOFORM HMK and backed by two shoring systems. The formwork system was
The bridge over the Barrow River, is an extradosed structure 887 m in length, the longest The project consists of eight piers with heights ranging from 12 m to 36 m. The piles The modular MK System was used to span lengths of 35 m, 45 m, 75 m, and 95 m, divided into five distinct assemblies: one of 3.4 m set on the pile and shored by T-60
bridge of its kind in the world. This section of the N25 has become a crucial component are rectangular, measuring 2 m by 6 m and 3.4 m by 6 m, with chamfers at the corners respectively, in the approach spans. Forming trusses, shoring towers, and formwork towers reaching 23 m in height, and four of 2.5 m supported by eight MK Trusses and
of Ireland´s transportation infrastructure, and part of the Trans-European Transport and midline of the section. The pier cap is curved with a radius of 18.8 m and reaches a assemblies, this system provided significant savings in diverse applications. MK Towers.
Network (TEN-T). height of 8 m. The formwork employed for the piers, both in the rectangular and circular
ULMA was responsible for the transverse section of the approach span decks, the piers, sections, was the ENKOFORM V-100 supported by CR-250. The climbing assemblies
pylons, and pier segments of the bridge. were 6 m in height, featuring two stories of working platforms for pouring and auxiliary

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The new access roads to the Dos Valires Tunnel are part of one of the largest infrastructure ENKOFORM HMK Formwork with falsework was used for casting the bridge decks, of
projects carried out in Andorra. They connect the towns of Encamp and La Massana more than 250 meters. In the cases where 28 m span stretches had to be covered, H-33
through a complex orography reducing travel times. Trusses combined with heavy duty T-500 shoring towers were used.

Safety is the basic requirement in this type of construction work. For this reason, a lateral of the various construction stages. The gangs, of approximately 4 m, consisted of bottom
passageway was provided on the cross section for the transit of people, along with a formwork (ENKOFORM HMK), two formwork sides and one formwork panel as stopend. This
safety handrail. solution provided a perfect concrete finish and enabled dismantling the formwork by parts.
The pier at the junction of the three structures had been designed as a tripod on top The design of the falsework and the formwork for the construction of the pier cap used
of a plinth. The forks of different lengths and with 3.5 m width and a variable cross a combination of the systems ENKOFORM HMK, ENKOFORM V-100, beams and the
section were built using the same products as for the viaduct deck, making the most shoring system fastened to the pier by means of MT Gantry Brackets.

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The solutions were designed so as to be able to reuse the systems for each section, The number of T-500 towers necessary was reduced by using the piers to support the
ANTZUOLA VIADUCT, SPAIN even though the spans were not of the same length. This made it possible to complete nearby beams, so that no additional shoring was necessary in the adjacent area.
the entire project with the same material from start to finish: 2400 tonnes of shoring,
Given that the area is both logistically important and features complex terrain, open
formwork, and trusses.
frame protective BRIO scaffolding was installed. Moreover, to avoid blocking traffic on
The stripping process was made as efficient as possible with a system of electric winches the busy road underneath and prevent falling objects, the structure was designed so
The Antzuola Viaduct is one of the many structures that make up the high-speed train Due to the impossibility of using a movable falsework system for the 495 m deck with to remove the material. This method provides increased safety and efficiency of the that that it could also function as a support for the formwork gangs during the stripping
corridor in Basque Country, Spain. The complexity of the project, due to mountainous varied thickness, the engineering team chose to use a gantry falsework system with H-33 operation, saving time while reducing personnel and auxiliary equipment. process.
terrain combined with tight deadlines, required technologically advanced products, trusses, heavy-duty T-500 towers, and ENKOFORM H-120 formwork. These products
response capacity, and material provisioning in strict accordance with the client’s provided the (required) optimal performance to shore heavy loads at heights of more
demands. than 30 m with spans reaching up to 70 m between supports.

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In order to adapt to the terrain, a variety of construction methods were used, perhaps
ES 5.5 BRIDGE, EXPRESSWAY S8, POLAND the most noteworthy of which was the MK gantry falsework.
MK shoring systems, composed of standard elements, were used to meet the high load-
bearing requirements of the project. It order to optimise the potential of this system, the
towers were placed with 12 m spacing between them. In the pier areas, however, where
Expressway S8, which runs between the cities of Wroclaw and Bialystok, passing through built. The bridge has five distinct spans, two of which extend 40 m over land, while the the deck is thicker, the towers were spaced 8 m apart.
Łódź and Warsaw, constitutes one of the major transportation routes in Poland. Along remaining three pass over the Warta River.
the stretch between Walichnowy and Wroclaw, a two-lane bridge 950 m in length was The thickness of the bridge deck varies between 2.6 m and 6 m, necessitating two types
of formwork: ORMA modular formwork for the exterior and ENKOFORM VMK beam
formwork for the interior. The wall formwork was installed on steel rails designed to
transfer loads to the towers.

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The Mediterranean Railway Corridor is one of the most noteworthy projects in the The enlargement of the Paulo Guerra Bridge is the first cable-stayed bridge in Recife,
country currently in the process of expanding and modernising its entire railway system. and it was built in such a way as to allow traffic to continue unheeded throughout the
At one of its most complex sections, stretching 1.7 km, ULMA provided the necessary entire construction process. With a total length of 560 m and a height of 12 m, the
equipment and on-site consultation. cable-stayed section stretches 97 m long and is supported by fourteen steel cables,
seven on each side.
The viaduct is a double-track structure measuring 434 m in length and 17.97 m in width.
The viaduct is connected to a mine tunnel 1.1 km in length, the southern portal of which MK trusses were used as shoring for the deck structure of the bridge expansion. A
is a cut-and-cover tunnel of 300 m. modular assembly of walers, the MK system adapted perfectly to the requirements of
the project, supporting varied sections extending up to 23.7 m in length.
To construct the deck, 7,800 m2 of ENKOFORM formwork and 93,600 m3 of shoring
were employed. The piers were built with ENKOFORM V-100 formwork. Formwork units Thanks to its high load-bearing capacity the MK system was capable of supporting
of 5 m were set on climbing brackets for pier construction, and the bridge abutments spans of up to 47 m. For sections with lesser strength requirements or shorter distances
were made using large ORMA modular formwork units. between supports, BRIO falsework was used in combination with ALUPROP props.
A 300 m cut-and-cover tunnel was built using the MK System. For the tunnel vault, a The deck, with a section varying between 7.80 m and 15.70 m, required formwork
formwork carrier was constructed to support the circular formwork. The tunnel was capable of withstanding considerable pouring pressure. ENKOFORM was used as both
completed in 10 m sections, with electromechanical advance of the entire assembly. the horizontal and vertical formwork, chosen for its adaptability to any geometry.
Previous to this, the inverted arch was built in 30 m sections with ORMA formwork, and
the sidewalls in 10 m sections with circular ENKOFORM V-100 stabilised with ALUPROP
aluminium props.

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The T-60 shoring towers, used in formats of 1 m x 1 m, 1 m x 1.5 m, and 1.5 m x 1.5 m, The lateral walls of the beams were formed with NEVI modular formwork. In sections
BRIDGE OVER STRADOMKA RIVER, BOCHNIA, POLAND adapted perfectly to the shoring needs of the arched beams as well as the transverse with a more pronounced arch, the formwork panels were shut tight with boards fixed
beams, set on the ground or on metal rails. to their exterior surface.
The foundation was built with ORMA modular formwork.
In the city of Stradomka, a new bridge was built to span the neighboring river of the The ends of the bridge deck were shored with T-60 shoring towers, while in the central
same name. The structure chosen was an arch bridge of reinforced concrete with a spans of the bridge the shoring was made of a grid formed by metal rails on heavy-duty
single span. It measures 13.2 m wide and 82 m in length, and was designed with two props.
arched beams running longitudinally over the deck, which is suspended from the beams
by steel cables. The arches, as well as the transverse beams joining them, were also built with ENKOFORM
VMK formwork, a system chosen for its strength and versatility. The phenolic panels were
ENKOFORM VMK formwork was used for the deck, employing metal MK Walers in given their curvature with a rib structure. Push-Pull Props E were used with walers and
combination with wooden beams. MK connectors to shape the arch in sections where the curvature was most pronounced.

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The shoring system consisted in T-500 towers reaching 40 m in height, without the need
ERESMA ARCHED BRIDGE, SEGOVIA, SPAIN for any additional bracing. The entire arch was built with only five supports.
Given the short distance between piers, the solution chosen for the deck consisted in
a system of supporting brackets set on the pier caps, upon which the formwork was
directly supported. Thus the pier itself served as a shoring system, making it unnecessary
The Eresma viaduct forms part of the SG-20 Highway expansion, the future ring road For the arch, ULMA proposed a gantry falsework solution set on foundation to span the to modify the terrain in order to assemble shoring structures on the ground.
around the regional capital. It comprises one of the most heavily used transportation precipitously steep terrain. The geometry of the arch was formed with 20 m long H-33
networks in the area, with the current volume of traffic tripling what was predicted in Trusses to support the double sided formwork system used to form the curve. All of the collective protective equipment necessary was supplied for the shoring towers,
2002, with 18,000 rather than 6,000 vehicles daily. trusses, and formwork, making it possible to complete all auxiliary work in complete safety.
The uniqueness of this structure lies in its arched shape, with the deck placed on the
upper part of the arch.

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This emblematic project of the City of Lima involves the construction of a 12.5 km long The necessity of undertaking the construction of distinct structures within tight deadlines
elevated viaduct and 10 train stations. The train is going to solve traffic problems and lead ULMA to select the MK system as the primary solution for all configurations.
the chaos of public transport suffered by more than 300,000 passengers every day. Shoring, both vertical and horizontal formwork, trusses, and the cantilever formwork
carriage CVS were all built with MK technology.

For the first time in the history of the country viaduct piers were built in situ. Two
elevated bridges standing at over 38 m in height were built using this construction
method. Both viaducts, stretching more than 250 m, were constructed in 5 m segments
using cantilever formwork carriage CVS, which are capable of adapting to distinct pier
ULMA supplied more than 700 t of equipment, and the building solutions for everything
from the footings to the bridges. Along the length of the viaduct, ENKOFORM VMK was
used to build more than 400 octagonal columns. For the undersides and walls of the pier
caps ENKOFORM HMK and VMK were used, shored by ALUPROP towers.
The towers taller than 20 m were built in two stages using ORMA modular formwork,
which is capable of withstanding high pouring pressures, along with BMK climbing
brackets. For the bridges that were built in situ, a solution was developed that would
allow traffic flow to continue. MK trusses and ALUPROP towers were built up to the full
bridge height along with BRIO scaffolding, which ensured safe worker access.

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The Allcomachay bridge is located over the Huarpa River, on the Mayocc-Huanta section For the abutments and the two piers, ULMA has proposed a solution with COMAIN
of the Mayocc-Ayacucho highway. With a total length of 190 m, the new bridge will handset panel formwork, with pours up to 3 m, resulting in material and thus usage
help connecting Ayacucho and Huancavelica provinces. optimization while reducing the cost of the project.

The 13-metre-long pier segment, with a box section located at a height of 14.3 metres,
was built in three phases: the lower slab, the sidewalls and the top slab. To successfully
execute this plan, a solution was designed with the G Heavy Duty Bracket system,
together with the COMAIN Handset Panel Formwork for the sidewalls, and BRIO Shoring
System for supporting the top slab.
To execute the span over the Huarpa River and the adjacent spans, the solution of
successive CVS cantilever formwork carriage has been chosen. The agility in execution
was a key factor. This is why four CVS carriages were used simultaneously and due to
their flexibility and efficiency, 5-day pouring cycles were achieved.
The access to the pier segment, piers and abutments has been facilitated with BRIO
scaffolding braced to existing structures.

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Four CVS Cantilever Formwork Carriages were chosen to execute the spans crossing and
MS-4B BRIDGE, CIGACICE, POLAND adjoining the river. This system has demonstrated its efficacy in spanning large distances
while requiring only limited ground-space, thanks to the lack of shoring systems needed.
Each carrier is equipped with a hydraulic system used to advance, level, and anchor
it. The use of a wide range of hydraulic systems allowed for the effective and safe
The bridge over the Odra river in Cigacice, measuring 500 m in length, it is part of one towns of Legnica and Lubawka. The new section has connected a current section of advance of the formwork structure. In the case of spans located above the ground, the
of the most important infrastructures in Poland, the S3 motorway, which has linked the Polish infrastructure with the road infrastructure of the Czech Republic. incremental launching method was used.
For the span executed using the balanced cantilever method, the pier caps were built
using the universal formwork system ENKOFORM HMK in combination with T-60 Frame
Shoring Towers. In order to guarantee that work is carried out safely, the form carrier
was provisioned with working platforms at every level. The platforms, designed with
BRIO Modular Scaffolding components, were set on the trusses at the front of the carrier
along with the suspended formwork, thus guaranteeing employee safety while working
with the formwork at the back of the carrier.

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For the execution of section MG04-01, the incremental launching method has been Once the core of the box was finalized, the deck flanges were concreted with MK Deck
MG04 SOUTHERN BYPASS BRIDGE, WARSAW, POLAND used. ULMA has designed a group of formwork for the execution of the bridge segments of Flange Form Carriage. This system incorporated a set of MK trusses from which the
26 m in length. ENKOFORM HMK formwork was utilized for the bottom slab, sidewalls formwork equipped with BRIO working platforms was suspended. The formwork was
and top slab of the box. For the top slab of the deck, CC-4 aluminium modular formwork equipped with 3 different hydraulic systems supply from a single hydraulic unit, offering
was used, resulting in an optimal performance on site. agile and safe formwork handling.
The MG04 bridge over the Vistula River is part of the S2 road project connecting the The project is divided into three sections: from Puławska to Przyczółkowa, to the
road network of Puławska and Lubelska. This important road infrastructure will provide junction Wał Miedzeszyński and finally to Lubelska. The second section, 6.5 km long,
faster and safer national and international transport, which will have a positive impact has been divided into three sections: MG04-01 (near the Wilanów district), MG04-02
on the country's economic development. (the main bridge) and MG04-03 (near the Wawer district).

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For the execution of the piers, from the second pour, the configurable climbing bracket For this type of execution, safety is a key aspect. This system has allowed assembly and
JAKARTA-CIKAMPEK II TOLL ROAD, KARAWANG, INDONESIA BMK has been used with ENKOFORM VMK timber beam formwork. Thanks to the disassembly from the top, without any operator having to access the bottom.
versatility of the system, ENKOFORM VMK has also been used to achieve the inclined
and curved shape that was proposed for pier caps. Due to the use of a single system,
resulted in an optimum efficiency.
The 38-kilometer Jakarta-Cikampek II Toll Road is part of a government masterplan to ULMA has built the piers, the pier caps and the wings of steel composite bridges. One of the project's requirements was to avoid the closure of the tracks due to the
ease traffic congestion towards and around the capital and to boost economic growth high volume of vehicles that circulate daily. For this reason, the engineering team has
by improving the country's infrastructure. developed a solution for the construction of the board with MK system, the HC console.
It is a modular formwork that is used to concrete the bridge wings with a metal core.
The formwork hangs and is anchored to the core, and consists of MK, VM-20 beams
and other accessories.

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The first section, starting from the abutment, measures 380 m and consists of 9 piers gantry falsework supported by T-500 Shoring Towers with high load-bearing capacity,
BAY OF CÁDIZ BRIDGE, SPAIN with 40 m spans between them. The section was completed in 10 phases of 40 m each. H-33 Trusses, and ENKOFORM; the flanges, extending out 10 m to each side, required
With a constant deck thickness of 2 m, it was possible to complete each phase in a single a large carriage. Measuring 40 m wide, 25 m tall, and 16 m long, the carriage executed
pour. For this section, full shoring was chosen and it was combined with ENKOFORM 42 phases of 15 m each. Two pouring cycles were completed each week.
Bridge Formwork.
Over the Bay of Cádiz, in southern Spain, a bridge was built even taller than the mythical ULMA executed a number of sections totalling 1,079 m in deck length, all with a large For the second section, measuring 79.5 m long and supported by two piers 12 m tall,
Golden Gate of San Francisco. In fact it is one of the largest bridges in the world, and the cross-section, complex interior geometry, and an exterior in the shape of a trapezium the same shoring was employed. As this section is transitional, the thickness varies from
second tallest, with a length of 3,082 m, a deck width varying between 31 m and 33 m, with parallel sides of 10 m and 30 m respectively, and height varying from 2 m to 3 m. 2 m to 3 m, requiring the pouring to be performed in multiple stages.
and a clearance of 69 m that permits even large ships to navigate underneath with ease.
The third section stretches 619 m over 9 spans varying in length from 62 m to 75 m, with a
maximum height of 40 m. In order to increase efficiency this section was completed using
a combination of two distinct construction systems: the central core was completed with

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The highest pier which is 9.1 m high, consist of two inclined pylons that are circular
BRIDGE OVER THE DANUBE, BRATISLAVA, SLOVAKIA on the outside and rectangular on the inside. ENKOFORM V-100 was utilized for the
flat faces while the truncated cone surfaces were made with wooden beams on top of
special curved walers. For the execution of the pier cap, ENKOFORM H-120 system was
chosen along with OC shoring towers.
This project, called the D4 project, is the largest both public and private partnership The R7 is a new 32-kilometre radial dual highway with two lanes between Bratislava For the 4 m long, 14.3 m wide and 4.3 m deck pier segment, ENKOFORM H-120 system
(PPP) project in Slovakia's history: A brand new highway construction of-27 kilometres (Prievoz) and Holice. was used, supported by two H-33 trusses located on each side of the pier, which were
between Jarovce and Rača, that creates a ring road surrounding the east of the city. combined with T-500 heavy-duty shoring system. As for the pouring of the bridge
flanges, the technical solution proposed by ULMA consisted of using the deck flange
form carriage, a system that allows highly efficient work cycles due to its easy utilization
and repetitive movements.

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ULMA C y E, S.Coop.
Ps. Otadui, 3 - P.O. Box 13
20560 Oñati (Spain)


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