Aksum University College of Engineering and Technology Department OF Electrical AND Computer Engineering

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Prepared by:
Name ID
1. Amanuel Tesfay …………............................ 1139/07
2. Hayelom Amare …………………………… 1546/07
3. Ruta Kidane …………………………… 1923/07
4. Wongelu Reta ………………………….... 2148/07

Advisor: Engr. Lorlie B. Andress

March 19 2018
Table Of Contentes
Table of contents -------------------------------------------------------------------- i
Abstract ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
Statement of the problem --------------------------------------------------------- 3
Objectives -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
Significance of the project -------------------------------------------------------- 5
Scope of the project --------------------------------------------------------------- 6
Project Metodology --------------------------------------------------------------- 7
Materials needed ------------------------------------------------------------------ 8
Time schedule --------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
Cost analaysis --------------------------------------------------------------------- 10

The project is to design Arduino based driver alcohol detector system for safty. We believe the
project needs to be done to minimize the car accident, Which cause human life and material
lose because of drinking and driving a car. The result of the project will be designing a car that
automatically start the engine when the driver is not drunk.
The project will be designed by alcohol detector sensor. The sensor is a device that convertes
the physical variable (sensed value) to electrical variable. The alcohol sensor senses the amount
of alcohol content and sends the sensed value as electrical variable to the micro-controller.
The alcohol sensor will be named MQ-135 for the practical. But for simulation the sensor will
be MQ-2 , MQ-3 , MQ-4 , MQ-5 , MQ-6 , MQ-7 , MQ-8,MQ-9 gas sensor. The micro-
controller used on the project will be Arduino uno for both the paractical and for the simulation.
On the project we care more about to design a car that will start when the driver is not drunk
and to minimize car accident because of drinking alcoholic drink and driving. Drinking alcohol
and driving car is one of the most common reason for car accident to be happened or occurred
in wide areas.
So on the project we will design a car that will start if the driver is not drunk alcoholic drinks.

Arduino based driver alcohol detector system for safty is the project that will design a car that
will not start if the driver is drunk alcoholic drinks and the car will start if the driver is not
Some of the Standards of alcohol content in the blood are listed below this article is according
to Wikipedia.
Drinking enough alcohol to cause a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.03–0.12%
typically causes a flushed, red appearance in the face and impaired judgment and fine muscle
coordination. A BAC of 0.09% to 0.25% causes lethargy, sedation, balance problems and
blurred vision. A BAC from 0.18% to 0.30% causes profound confusion, impaired speech (e.g.,
slurred speech), staggering, dizziness and vomiting. A BAC from 0.25% to 0.40% causes
stupor, unconsciousness, anterograde amnesia, vomiting and respiratory depression
(potentially life-threatening). A BAC from 0.35% to 0.80% causes a coma (unconsciousness),
life-threatening respiratory depression and possibly fatal alcohol poisoning.
Based on the above blood concentration values the sensor will tell us the alcohol content in the driver body
and we will design the car which will be controlled by the Gas sensor.
On the Gas sensor the values of alcoholic content in the blood will be taken based on the above
values of blood alcohol concentration.

Statement of the problem
One of the currently most alarming issue is the car accident which happens because of drinking
alcoholic drink and driving car. Many people drink alcoholic drinks by many reason some of
the reasons to drink alcoholic drinks are: to celebrate Graduations, Birthdays, Holidays,
Parties, Because conflict with someone etc. These reasons of people to drink alcoholic drinks
is not the problems. The problems are driving alcoholic drinks and driving car. These problems
could cause material damage, infrastructure damage, life loss and etc. The problem of drinking
alcoholic drinks and driving car matters is that, because of the car accident many parts of the
society are affected. When we see who does the problem will affect: -
1st the driver will be affected. He/she could be affected physically, material lose and the worst
could be life lose.
2nd if the driver has a family and he/she is the only income generator for the family and got car
accident because of dirking alcoholic drinks and driving car the hole family are affected by
losing the only income generator for the family. When the family lost their only income
generator they will be forced to leave measurable life.
3rd if driver is driving one’s company car and got car accident because of drinking alcoholic
drink and driving, that company is affected by human resource loss, material loss and money
4th in country level the country loses human resource, material resource and money resource.
Drinking alcoholic drinks and driving is causing impact of material lose, money lose and life
This issue is occurred when the driver got car accident because of drinking alcoholic drinks
and driving car.
The importance of doing the project is to minimize one of the alarming reason to cause car
accident because of drinking alcoholic drinks and driving car. On the project we intend to
minimize car accident because of drinking alcoholic drink and driving car by creating car which
will not start if the driver Is drunk.

4.1General objectives
The general objectives of the project will be to achieve Arduino based driver alcohol
detector system for safty to minimize the car accident which occure because of drinking
alcoholic drinks and driving car. The project is planed to create driver safety system
composed of gas sensor, Arduino micro-controller.

4.2Specific objectives
The specific objectives of this project is to design driver safety system in which the car will
not move if the driver is drunk alcoholic drinks beyond the limit. The measurability of this
project is that it could create a car that minimize the car accident which occur because of
drinking alcoholic and driving.
This project will be attainable by it’s new driver safety system. With the gas sensor we can
detect the amount of alcoholic content in the driver.
The project will be done with gas sensor, Arduino Uno micro-controller by using these
materials we can design this driver safety system.

Significance of the project
Today’s cars are getting smarter and the project is to protect against drunk drivers. Arduino
based driver alcohol detector system for safty will be designed to add the new safety features
of cars. The alcohol detection system will measure the alcohol in the driver’s blood in less than
a second. The legal limit of alcohol content in the driver is below 0.12%. If the measured value
of alcohol is above 0.12% the car won’t move or the engine won’t start. This program will be
programed for zero (0) tolerance policy. To get accurate and reliable reading the alcohol sensor
will be located on the driver side door or on the steering column. As the driver breathes
normally the alcohol sensor senses the alcoholic content of the driver and if the alcoholic
content is above the allowed limit the car engine will not start.

Scope of the Project
The project will cover the design, development and simulation of Arduino Based Alcohol
driver alcohol detector system for safty which will perform the following functionalities and
tasks: It will Sense the amount of alcoholic content in the driver, it will Send alcoholic content
of the driver to the Arduino, it will Receive command to start the engine and to stop the engine,
it will Perform the command, it will Display the readings in the lcd display, if the driver is
drunk the engine will not start or the car wont move, if the driver is not drunk the engine will
start or the car will move.

The beneficiaries of the project are:

I. The project designers. They are beneficiary by the income they get from the project
when the project is finished.
II. The drivers and the driver’s family. They are beneficiary by minimizing the car
accident because of drinking and driving.
III. Company. The company is beneficiary by if the driver of that company wants to drive
while he/she is drunk the car accident because of drinking and driving is minimized.
IV. Country. The country is beneficiary by when car accident because of drunk is
minimized the country could not lose man power, recourse, money.

Project Methodology
The project will be done using gas sensor, Arduino Uno micro-controller, breadboard,
jumper wires. The step is shown in the figure below

Alcohol Gas Arduino Uno

Micro- Start/Stop The
Sensor Engine

Figure 7.1 Block Diagram of the System

In the above figure the input for the system is the sensed value from the alcohol gas sensor and
the Arduino will read the sensed value and if there is allowed alcohol value the engine will
start. If there is alcohol value beyond the limited value, the engine will stop and the buzzer will
start alarming. The LED is to indicate the system is working.


Get Gas Reading

If Gas detected If Gas Not Detected


Start the Engine

Stop The Engine


Figure7.2 Flow chart of the System

Materials Needed
Hardware Requirements
 Alcohol gas sensor: is a device that is used to measure the Alcoholic content.
 Arduino Uno: is a device used building digital devices and interactive object that can
sense and control objects.
 Led: is light emitting diode which is used to indicate the system is working.
 Lcd: display is liquid crystal device used to display the values from the Arduino Uno.
 Buzzer: is a device used to alarm when we want to warn.
 Dc motor: is a device to indicate the car.

Software Requirements

 Proteus 8 Professional is an application used for showing simulation which consists of

different instruments.
 Arduino is a software which enable us to write our code and upload the code to the


Activities March March March April April April April

7-14 14-21 21-30 1-7 7-14 14-21 21-30

Reading related
literature review

analysis and
data gathering
Project proposal


and coding

Testing the

of the project

everything is

Figure 9.1 Table for Time Schedule

Cost Analysis

Material Needed Quantity Price in birr

Arduino Uno 1 200
Gas sensor 1 60
Led 3 2*3
LCD 1 70
DC Motor 1 155
Buzzer 1 100

Total Price 591

Figure 10.1 cost Analysis

Based on the above table the project is cost effective because with the cost of 591 we can save
human life, material lose and money lose.


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