Titan Blader v2

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Titan Blader

Blade Lords
Titan Bladers are regal warriors from the far borders. They
keep civilization safe from the monsters that lurk beyond the Titan Blader
borders, but must also act as diplomats for traders or other Level Proficiency Bonus Features
nations they may encounter, or to broker peace with
intelligent monsters. 1st +2 Titan Blade, Second Wind
They wield what would be impractically large blades for 2nd +2 Stopping Power, Blade Column
anyone else, but are trained to use them to deadly effect. 3rd +2 Potent Blade, Mythic Totem
Their weapons along with their confident stature make them
an imposing presence on any battlfield 4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 Extra Attack, Fast Movement
Myth and Mysticism
Titan Bladers train in places that are a combination of a 6th +3 Wisdom of the Ages
fortress, palace and monastary. Part of their power comes 7th +3 Mythic Totem Feature
from spirit guides. Unlike most spirit guides however, theirs 8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
come in the form of great mythical beasts. They imbue their
blades with power gained from their totem spirits. 9th +4 Mighty Blows
10th +4 Mythic Guidance
Class Features 11th +4 Blade of the Colossus
Hit Points 12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
Hit Dice: 1d10 per Titan Blader Level 13th +5 Mythic Totem Feature
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10+Your Constitution Modifier 14th +5 Mythic Resistance
15th +5 Blade Colonnade
Armor: Light, Medium, and Heavy Armor 16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 Almighty Blows
Weapons: Greataxe, Greatsword
18th +6 Mythic Totem Feature
Tools: None 19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
Saving Throws: Strength and Constitution 20th +6 Blade of Legend

Skills: Choose two skills from Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics,

History, Intimidation, Persuasion, Survival
(a) Greatsword or (b) Greataxe Titan Blade
Chaimail As a Titan Blader you are trained to use a legendary weapon
(a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack called a Titan Blade. Made from metal that comes from the
blood of Titans, it is surprisingly light for its size. Titan
Multi-Classing: You need 13 Strength and Wisdom to multi- Blades are often adorned with designs of mythical creatures.
class into or out of Titan Blader. If you multi-class into Titan You can turn a greatsword or greataxe into a Titan Blade
Blader you gain proficiency with Greatswords and Greataxes. by performing a 1 hour ritual with it. The Titan Blade retains
If you gain second wind from multiple classes your number all the magical and material properties of the original
of uses is unchanged but you add the levels of all classes that weapon. This ritual infuses the blade with metal drawn from
give you second wind to determine the number of hit points the blood of titans, increasing its size whilst keeping it
restored. relatively light.
A Titan Blade is a two-handed heavy weapon that weighs
Second Wind 7lbs and deals 2d8 points of slashing damage.
In order to wield a titan blade one has to undergo rigorous
Starting at 1st Level on your turn you can use a bonus action training and learn specialised techniques. These allow you to
to regain hit points equal to 1d10+your Titan Blader Level. wield the formidable blade but weaken your ability to use
Once you use this feature you must finish a short or long some other weapons. You have disadvantage on all ranged
rest before you can use it again. attacks.
Staggering Blows Blade of the Colossus
Starting at 2nd level your blows stagger your enemies, At 11th level your Titan Blade becomes more powerful and
slowing them down. When you hit a creature with your Titan deals 2d10 damage instead of 2d8.
Blade its speed is halved until the start of your next turn. This
effect doesn't stack. Mythic Resistance
Blade Column Beginning at 14th Level, whenever you fail a saving throw you
may instead choose to succeed. You can't use this feature
At 2nd level, you can interpose your impractically large blade again until you finish a long rest.
between yourself and an attack to provide cover. When you
are targetted by a ranged attack or need to make a dexterity Blade Collenade
saving throw which would benefit from cover you may use At 15th level you can use your titan blade to more effectively
your reaction to grant yourself half cover until the end of the shield yourself and others. When you use your Blade Column
turn. feature you instead gain three-quarters cover. In addition
Mystical Metal when you use your blade column you may choose one
adjacent ally to also benefit from it.
At 3rd Level your Titan Blade is considered to be a magical
weapon. Additionally you can summon it as an action. Almighty Blows
Mythic Totem At 17th level you may use your mighty blows feature on every
attack. You may use mighty blows on creatures smaller than
At third level you choose a Mythic Totem to represent your you even if you miss.
bond to a mythical spirit. This spirit augments your Titan
Blade and your abilities. Your Mythic Totem grants you Blade of Legend
abilities at certain levels. You cannot use any of these abilities At 20th level your Titan Blade reaches its full potential. Its
if you are not wielding your titan blade. damage increases to 2d12, it scores a critical hit when you
Extra Attack roll a 19 or 20, and any critical hits with your Titan Blade
deal maximum damage.
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Fast Movement
Starting at 5th level, your speed increases by 10ft.
Wisdom of the Ages
From 6th level you can impart your wisdom unto others as
sage advice. As a bonus action you can advise an ally within
30ft who can hear and understand you. The next time that
creature makes an attack roll or ability check before your
next turn it does so with advantage and may add your
Wisdom bonus to the result.
Once you use this ability you may not do so again until you
finish a short rest.
Mighty Blows
At 9th level your attacks hit so hard your enemies are
knocked down and around by them. Once per turn when you
hit a creature with your Titan Blade you may make a shove
attack against that creature. Credit: Hyunseok LEE
Mythic Guidance
Starting at 10th Level, your Mythic Totem can impart cryptic
knowledge upon you. You may cast Legend Lore without the
material components as a ritual spell. Once you use this
ability you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.
Further you gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws.
Mythic Totems
Breath of the Dragon
At 7th level you learn to unlock the power of the Dragon's
Breath. You may cast Burning Hands at 2nd level once per
short rest. At 12th level you may cast Burning Hands or
Aganazzar's Scorcher at 3rd level once per short rest. at 17th
level you may cast Burning Hands, Aganazzar's Scorcher at
4th Level or Fireball at 3rd level once per short rest. In all
instances the Saving Throw DC is 8+Your Proficiency
Bonus+Wisdom Modifier and the damage dealt is the same
as the type associated with your Draconic Dedication.
Terrifying Presence
Starting at 13th level you can intimidate those you strike.
When you hit a creature you may have it become frightened
of you until the start of your next turn. You may use this
ability a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier. You
regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Majesty of the Dragon
Starting at 18th level, so long as you are holding your Titan
Blade you have a fly speed of 60ft. You also become immune
to the damage type associated with your Draconic

Totemic Heads
At 3rd level your Titan Blade gains 2 Totemic Heads. These
Credit: Jin Woo Park may appear as etchings of hydra heads on the blade or as
dangling charms on the pommel or something else. Your
Titan Blade gains an extra Totemic Head at levels 7, 13, and
Dragon 18.
Draconic Dedication
Storm of Teeth
When you follow the Dragon Totem at 3rd level you choose a
specific colour of dragon to guide you. The dragon colour you At 3rd level you can make an attack and manifest your blades'
choose will influence some of the abilities your totem grants totemic heads to strike your enemies. These spectral heads
you, see the table below. appear from the blade to seek out their foes.
When you take the attack action with your Titan Blade you
Draconic Dedication gain a number of additional melee spell attacks equal to the
Colour Damage Type number of Totemic Heads you have. These spell attacks have
Red, Gold or Brass Fire an extra 5ft reach than your Titan Blade, deal 1d6 damage,
and use Wisdom on the attack roll. You cannot attack a
Blue or Bronze Lightning creature with a spell attack that you have already attacked
Green Poison this turn with a spell attack. These spell attacks are not made
White or Silver Cold
using your Titan Blade.
Black or Copper Acid Hydra's Healing
Starting at 7th level as an action you can heal an amount of
Endurance of the Dragon hp equal to 5x your Titan Blader level.
At 3rd level, your hit point maximum increases by 3 and
increases by 1 again whenever you gain a level in this class.
Additionally, you gain resistance to the damage type chosen
in your Draconic Dedication.
Snapping Heads
At 13th level your reach with your Titan Blade increases by
5ft. You gain an extra reaction each round for each Totemic
Head. These may only be used to make opportunity attacks.
The first time someone enters your reach on their turn
voluntarily triggers an opportunity attack for you.
Heart of the Hydra
At 18th level you can call upon the true power of the hydra
totem. The damage from your Storm of Teeth increases to
1d8+Wisdom modifer and the reach of all your Titan Blade
attacks increases by 5ft.
Whenever you take 20 or more damage from a single
attack you can gain a totemic head as a reaction which lasts
for 10 minutes.

Credit: Inkthinker
Writhing Blade
At 3rd level your Titan Blade can spawn tentacles to grab
your foes. When you successfully hit a large or smaller
creature with a Titan Blade attack you may use your bonus
action to try and grapple that enemy with tentacles that
sprout from your blade.
While you are grappling an enemy this way you cannot use
your Titan Blade to attack any creature except the grappled
creature. If you hit the grappled creature with your Titan
Blade you may make a Strength (Athletics) check vs. either
Credit: Geun Cheol Jang their Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) as a bonus
action. If you succeed the enemy becomes restrained (escape
DC=8+ Proficiency Bonus+Wisdom Modifier)
Deep Sea Titan Ink Cloud
At 3rd level you gain a swim speed of 30ft and can breathe Starting at 7th level you can create a cloud of ink (if
underwater. Further, attacks with your Titan Blade made underwater) or smoke (if not) in a 20ft radius centred on you
underwater are not made with disadvantage. which lasts for 1 minute. This cloud heavily obscures the
area and deals 2d10 poison damage to any creature except
you that starts it's turn inside it unless they make a
constitution saving throw with a DC=8+Proficiency
Bonus+Wisdom Modifier.
This Damage increases to 3d10 at level 12 and 4d10 at level Once you use this ability you may not do so again until you
17. finish a long rest.
When you use this ability you may take the hide action as a
bonus action in the same turn. You must take a short rest
before using this ability again.
At 13th level you can grapple any sized creature using your
Writhing Blade ability. In addition if you are only grappling
large or smaller sized creatures you can move at full speed
whilst dragging them. Finally, you have advantage on ability
checks made to maintain grapples.
Storm Bringer
At 18th level you learn how to harness the weather
controlling abilities of the Kraken Totem. You can cast
Control Weather once before needing to take a long rest to
cast it again. This spell uses your Wisdom as it's casting
If you use Control Weather to create stormy conditions
then you can also call down lightning as long as you maintain
concentration on the spell. You can call a total of 10 lightning
bolts per casting of the spell. As an action you may call down
any number of your remaining lightning bolts.
Choose a point for each lightning bolt. Each creature
within 5ft of that point must make a Dexterity saving throw or
take 4d10 lightning damage, or half on a success. A creature
cannot be affected by more than one lightning bolt in a single

Phoenix Song
Starting at 3rd level you can heat the air around you with
your breath. When you use your Second Wind each creature
within 5ft of you must make a dexterity saving throw with the
DC equal to 8+your Wisdom modifier+your proficiency
bonus. If they fail they take fire damage equal to the amount
healed with your Second Wind, or half on a success. Credit: sclzwi
Tears of the Phoenix Fiery Vitality
At 7th level you can restore you and your allies to health. As At 18th level you generate large amounts of heat when your
an action you can touch a creature to restore 2d6 hit points. body recovers from its injuries. Whenever you have hit points
That creature also benefits from the Lesser Restoration spell. restored by one of your class features or by a spell of 1st level
If the creature was on 0hp then it restores 4d6 hit points or higher you may have a creature of your choice within 30ft
instead. take 1d10+Wis fire damage.
You can use this ability a number of times equal to your
Wisdom modifier. You regain all expended uses when you
finish a long rest. Sphinx
Sphinx Lore
Explosive Recovery
At 3rd Level your Titan Blade gives you insight and
Starting at 13th level you can harness the legendary ability of knowledge. Choose two of the following skills: Arcana,
the phoenix to defy death. When you hit zero hit points you Insight, History, Religion, Perception. As long as you have
explode in fire. You may spend any number of hit dice up to your Titan Blade on your person you are proficient in the
half your level, and heal that amount. In addition, each chosen skills and add double your proficiency bonus to any
creature within 20ft of you takes that much fire damage if checks using those skills.
they fail a Dexterity saving throw, or half as much on a
success. The DC of this saving throw is equal to 8+your
Wisdom modifier+your proficiency bonus.
Minor Charms
At 3rd level you learn two Cantrips from any spell list.
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for them. They cannot be
spells that can deal damage.
Major Charms
Starting at 7th level you learn more powerful magicks.
Choose two 1st level spells from the Major Charms table
below. You may cast all your Major Charms at will. Wisdom is
your spellcasting ability for these spells.
At 12th level you may select a 2nd level spell and add it to
your Major Charms. At 17th level add an additional 1st and
2nd level spell to your Major Charms.
Whenever you gain a level in Titan Blader you may change
one of these spells for another on the list of the same level.
Major Charms
1st Level 2nd Level
Animal Friendship Animal Messenger
Comprehend Languages Augury
Detect Magic Beast Sense
Detect Evil and Good Darkvision
Disguise Self Detect Thoughts
Identify Find Traps
Mage Armor Levitate
Silent Image Locate Object
Speak With Animals See Invisibility Credit: Hyung-Tae Kim
Tensers Floating Disk Zone of Truth
Unseen Servant Carapace Stance
At 7th level you can emulate the fortitude of the tarrasque. As
Spell Breaker a bonus action you can enter Carapace Stance. When you do
Starting at 13th level you may cast Dispel Magic using you gain resistance to all damage until the start of your next
Wisdom as your spellcasting ability. You may cast it twice turn. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your
before requiring a long rest to do so again. Wisdom modifier. You regain all expended uses when you
You may cast Dispel Magic as a bonus action to target a finish a long rest.
creature if you have hit that creature with your Titan Blade Spell Reflection
this turn.
You also add Remove Curse to your Major Charms known. At 13th level you can reflect spells cast against you back at
their caster. When you are targetted by a spell you can try to
Mind of the Sphinx reflect it as a reaction by making a Wisdom ability check, the
At 18th Level your mind becomes as unbreakable as a DC is equal to 10+ the spell level. If you succeed you change
Sphinx's. You become immune to psychic damage and the the target of the spell to the caster. Once you use this ability
charmed and frightened conditions. Any attempts to read you may not do so again until you finish a short rest.
your thoughts or emotions automatically fails. You can only Legends Never Die
be contacted by telepathy if you allow it.
You gain true sight out to 60ft. At 18th level when you enter Carapace Stance you may
choose to become immune to all damage instead. While
immune to damage in this way any spell that targets you is
Tarrasque subject to your Spell Reflection ability without you having to
Blade Shield use a reaction.
Once you use this ability you may not do so again until you
Starting at 3rd level you have learned how to more effectively finish a long rest.
use your Titan Blade for defence as well as offence. When
you take the attack action on your turn you can choose to
fight defensively. If you do you gain +2 to your AC and cannot
take opportunity attacks until the start of your next turn.

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