Assessment Record l1
Assessment Record l1
Assessment Record l1
Lesson 1-12/10/2021
Objective 1: Read a 4-digit number and state the value of each digit
Read the digit State the value of each digit
Student A Difficulty reading 4-digit Understanding of the th, hundreds, tens,
number when there is a 0 in and one’s units. Student was also able to
the hundred’s column- read as note that in the number 682, there is 6
thirty thousand and forty-two. hundred, 8 tens and 2 ones or 68 tens
and 2 ones.
Student self-correcting
Student successful at the end
of the lesson with the
numbers 7021, 4301
Student B Can read 4-digit numbers States the value of the th, hundreds,
correctly tens, and one’s units in a 4-digit
+Can read 5-digit numbers number- can show the concept of 10 x
more in each place value using counters