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Lesson Plan With Adjustments

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Year Level: Time: 1.30pm- 2.20pm Students’ Prior Knowledge:

Year 1 o Read, compare and order 2 & 3 digit numbers
o Social skills including taking turns, active listening,
Content Descriptor(s): Concept(s): cooperative learning
Recognise, model, read, write, and order numbers to Place Value – Week 1 o Place value understanding- ones, tens, hundreds
at least 100.  Locate these numbers on a number
line (ACMNA013)
EYLF Links:

General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)

Literacy Numeracy ICT competence Critical and Ethical behaviour Personal and Intercultural
creative thinking Social competence understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)
Proficiency Strand(s): (addressed in the lesson) Reasoning, Problem Solving, Understanding, Fluency
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability
Lesson Objectives (i.e., anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)

As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

 (1) Read 4-digit numbers correctly and state the value of each digit

 (2) Create 3- and 4-digit numbers using understanding of place value to reach a target number

 (3) Demonstrate turn taking skills and patience during a mathematics game

Teacher’s Prior Preparation / Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:

o 6 x get to know you question cards Enabling Prompt(s):
o 18 x counters Compare and order 3-digit numbers
o Target number mats (3-digit/ 4-digit/ 5-digit) Using a place value chart one, tens, hundreds, thousands of
o Investigation: 4 x sets of 0–9-digit cards, a sand timer, recording sheet sections to break up numbers
Extending Prompt(s):
Order all the numbers in the target drop from smallest to largest

Assessment of the objectives:

(1) Anecdotal notes
(2) Checklist
Selects and orders the most appropriate 3 digits Selects and orders the most appropriate 4 digits Key:
to reach a target number to reach a target number Achieved Developing Not Apparent
(3) Observation
Time: LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc. as relevant) Getting to know you
1.30pm Motivation and Introduction: cards
1. Lay 6 cards out in an array.
2. Select one student to go first.
3. Student selects and flips a card over- the student is to read the get to know you question and provide a response.
4. Continue taking turns until all the cards have been discussed.

Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & key questions): 18 X counters
WALT: Read 4 digit numbers and apply our understanding of place value to make numbers Target number mats-
5. Make 4-digit number using target number mat (drop 9x counters) 3/5/5-digit
 Drop 9 x counters onto target mat Place value comparison
Any counters that do not land on the target become units/ones. chart
Calculate the number and write it into the place value chart- e.g. If 3 counters land in the thousands target this means
there are 3 thousands etc
6. Repeat process generating another number
7. Which number is the bigger number? How do we know this?
Key teaching points:
8. When we compare numbers with the same number of digits (4 digits each), we compare the highest place value first. A
higher face value means a greater number.
9. If the higher place values are having the same face values, then compare lower face values
10. Use the grid below to model to students how to break up the numbers into their place value and use the = < > signs
11. *** key teaching point- what happens when we have a 0 in the hundreds/ tens place?

12. Students take it in turns to drop counters onto the target mat- start with hundreds, progress to thousands
13. Each time students write their number- students are to read the number out loud
- Is your number larger or smaller, how do you know?
- What is the value of the digits in the hundred’s column? How about the thousands?
- What happens if the hundreds column changes to zero? How does that effect my number? How do we say the
number now?
** adjustment: increased number of counters to 18 for students to drop to make larger numbers for students to read/ model the
concept of 10 x in place value.

1.50pm 4 x sets of 0–9-digit

Investigation: a sand timer
Equipment: 4 x sets of 0–9-digit cards, a sand timer, recording sheet recording sheet
Mix all 40-digit cards into one pack, give them a good shuffle, and place the pack face-down between the two players.
The first player takes the top 3 cards of the pack and places them face-up on the table.
These cards form a three-digit ‘Target Number’, the first card is the ‘hundreds’, second card is the tens, and the third card is the
‘units’ or ‘ones’
Students record this number on their recording sheet
Teacher deals 4 more cards face-up row beneath the ‘Target Number’
The teacher now turns over the sand-timer and each player has one minute to try to create a number that is as close to the ‘Target
Number’ as possible. 
This means that students discard one number and order the other 3
Get students to read out their target number
Decide which student is the winner of the round by comparing their number to the target number
14. How many thousands do you have in your number?
15. Why did you choose to order the cards like that?
16. What strategies are you using to help you order your numbers
Repeat steps for 3-, 4- and 5-digit numbers
2 x 3- digit
3 x 4- digit
1 x 5- digit
** adjustment- took away the timing element
** adjustment- Student A continued with the option of the extra card to discard, Student B focused only on 3 cards (needed support)
** adjustment- extension for student A- how many more would we need to make 2000 for example when 1948 was the target
Lesson Closure:(Reflection on lesson/take home message)
Rocket Writing Reflection:
How did you grow as a mathematician today? Pick 2 questions and discuss with your group (teacher to record)

** Adjustment: Ran out of time- students selected one question and briefly provided a response

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

2.18 Students to pack up all resources and place in basket
Students to return to classroom with teacher
Students return to class 2.30pm

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