LP Week 4 Maths
LP Week 4 Maths
LP Week 4 Maths
Year Level: Year 1 Time: 1.30-2.20 pm Students’ Prior Knowledge:
Repeated addition
Times tables
Content Descriptor(s): Concept(s): Skip counting- 2, 5, 10
Year 2- Recognise and
represent multiplication as repeated
addition, groups and arrays (ACMNA031)
EYLF Links:
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
Create and use equal groups to find the solution to a basic multiplication problem
with 80% accuracy
Create an array to model multiplication with the correct order for rows and columns
Create an array to model multiplication with the correct order for rows and columns-
Observation (Checklist)
Time: Motivation and Introduction:
Mental maths warms up: +/ -1 snap with a deck of cards
- Students begin by facing each other
Deck of num
- Teacher flips over cards one at a time
- The students call snap if the current card was +/- 2 than the previous card
- Winner is the student with the most cards at the end of the game
Lesson Closure:(Reflection on lesson/take home message) Self-assess
Self-Assessment- students initial their name if they agree with the learning statement: strip
I enjoyed the learning activities I did today
I learnt something new in the lesson today
I feel confident to use equal groups in multiplication
I feel confident to use the array strategy to solve multiplication problems