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LP Week 4 Maths

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Year Level: Year 1 Time: 1.30-2.20 pm Students’ Prior Knowledge:
Repeated addition
Times tables
Content Descriptor(s): Concept(s): Skip counting- 2, 5, 10
Year 2- Recognise and
represent multiplication as repeated
addition, groups and arrays (ACMNA031)

EYLF Links:

General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)

Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
competence creative Social understanding
thinking competence
Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)
Proficiency Strand(s): (addressed in the lesson) Fluency, Problem solving, understanding
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australia’s engagement with Sustainability
histories and cultures Asia

Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)

As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

 Create and use equal groups to find the solution to a basic multiplication problem
with 80% accuracy
 Create an array to model multiplication with the correct order for rows and columns

Teacher’s Prior Preparation / Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:

Deck of number cards
Unifix blocks (40 +2) Enabling Prompt(s):
Red dice (6-sided) Reference sheet for arrays
White dice (6-sided)
Counters Extending Prompt(s):
Recording sheet Increase to 9-sided dice
Array game sheet
Pencil (2 x colours)
Self-assessment strip
Assessment of the objectives:
Create and use equal groups to find the solution to a basic multiplication problem with
80% accuracy- WORK SAMPLE COLLECTED. Students to get a minimum of 3 out of 4 to
achieve learning objective

Create an array to model multiplication with the correct order for rows and columns-
Observation (Checklist)
Time: Motivation and Introduction:
Mental maths warms up: +/ -1 snap with a deck of cards
- Students begin by facing each other
Deck of num
- Teacher flips over cards one at a time
- The students call snap if the current card was +/- 2 than the previous card
- Winner is the student with the most cards at the end of the game

Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & key questions):

Activity 1
Unifix Sharing
Materials: unifix blocks or similar
1.35 Group size: small group lead by teacher
- Each student is given a collection of twenty blocks
- Students are asked to share them into groups of 4 Unifix block
- How many groups can you make? Compare answers
- Combine groups to make twenty again.
- This time ask students to make groups of 2. How many groups can you make?
- This time ask students to make groups of 7. Are there any left over? How many
more blocks would we need to make another group of seven?
- Teacher provides student with another block to make 3 groups of 7
Activity 2
Dice multiplication
- Players roll 2 dice- red dice is the number of groups, the white die is the number in Red dice
each group White dice
- Students make the multiplication sum using kinder squares and counters Squares
- Students then record what they did using drawings or symbols onto recording sheet Counters
1.40 - Explain to students this strategy is called equal groups Recording s
- What other ways do you know how to represent multiplication?
- Model an array- an array is an arrangement of columns and rows that match a
multiplication problem.
- The first number (number of groups) is the rows, and the second number (number in
each group) is the columns.
- Have students practice drawing arrays on back of equal groups sheet

Activity 3 Array game

Array Game sheet
- Players roll 2 dice- red = number of rows, white = number in each row Pencil (2 x
- Using a 10x 10 grid students colour the corresponding area in on the grid and write the colours)
multiplication sum e.g., 2x 6 Red dice
- Students continue until all the grid is filled up- the winner is the person who has White dice
covered the most amount of the grid before the end of the game
- Questions: What do you notice?

Lesson Closure:(Reflection on lesson/take home message) Self-assess
Self-Assessment- students initial their name if they agree with the learning statement: strip
I enjoyed the learning activities I did today
I learnt something new in the lesson today
I feel confident to use equal groups in multiplication
I feel confident to use the array strategy to solve multiplication problems

Sticker- last session with students- give each student a sticker 

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

Pack away all resources/ students return to class

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