Semester Hours: Contact Hours: 3 Coordinator: Text: Author: Year
Semester Hours: Contact Hours: 3 Coordinator: Text: Author: Year
Semester Hours: Contact Hours: 3 Coordinator: Text: Author: Year
Catalog Description:
Problem solving and algorithm development. Basic programming concepts including elementary
data types, arrays, strings, files, control structures, and functions. Searching and sorting
algorithms. Testing and debugging strategies. Prerequisite: Math placement score of 32 or MATH
1200 or MATH 99 or higher. Approved for distance education.
• CS 1 Analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other
relevant disciplines to identify solutions
• CS 2 Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of
computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline
• CS 5 Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate
to the program’s discipline
• CS 6 Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce
computing-based solutions
Faculty who recently offered CS 2010 have discussed and identified a list of topics related to
computer security in this course. Below is a list for instructors to incorporate. (*) indicates topics
that are mandatory.
Security Topic Description Class
*Read Only Constant values (const) cannot be changed Chapter 2.16 <1
during execution.
*Validation Validating/inspecting input data to determine Chapter 4.11 1
whether it is acceptable. Bad output will be Chapter 5.3
produced from bad input.
*Integer overflow Integer overflow occurs when assigning a Chapter 3.4 <1
value that is too large (overflow) or too small
(underflow) to be held in a variable.
Variable contains value that is ‘wrapped
around’ set of possible values to negative.
*Initialization C++ local variables are not initialized by Chapter 6.11 1
default, initialize before use. Static local and
global variables are initialized by default.
Starting Out with C++ from Control Structures through Objects, Tony Gaddis, 9th Edition.