NORSOK N-001 2010 Integrity of Offshore Structures
NORSOK N-001 2010 Integrity of Offshore Structures
NORSOK N-001 2010 Integrity of Offshore Structures
This NORSOK standard is developed with broad petroleum industry participation by interested parties in the
Norwegian petroleum industry and is owned by the Norwegian petroleum industry represented by The Norwegian
Oil Industry Association (OLF) and The Federation of Norwegian Industry. Please note that whilst every effort has
been made to ensure the accuracy of this NORSOK standard, neither OLF nor The Federation of Norwegian
Industry or any of their members will assume liability for any use thereof. Standards Norway is responsible for the
administration and publication of this NORSOK standard.
Standards Norway Telephone: + 47 67 83 86 00
Strandveien 18, P.O. Box 242 Fax: + 47 67 83 86 01
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Copyrights reserved
NORSOK standard N-001 Edition 7, June 2010
Foreword 4
Introduction 4
1 Scope 5
2 Normative and informative references 5
2.1 Normative references 5
2.2 Informative references 6
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations 7
3.1 Terms and definitions 7
3.2 Abbreviations 9
4 General provisions and design principles 9
4.1 Regulations, standards and design premises 9
4.2 General requirements relating to personnel qualifications and organisation 10
4.3 Risk assessment 10
4.4 Assessment of existing facilities 10
4.5 Design and assessment by testing 11
4.6 Disposal 11
4.7 Robustness assessment 12
5 Documentation and verification 12
5.1 Documentation 12
5.2 Verification 12
6 Actions and action effects 15
6.1 Standards and guidelines 15
6.2 Partial action factors 15
6.3 Action combinations 17
6.4 Special considerations 17
7 General structural design 18
7.1 Design objectives 18
7.2 Special design considerations 18
7.3 Selection of materials and fabrication control 22
7.4 Corrosion protection of structures 22
7.5 Condition monitoring of structures 23
7.6 Standards and guidelines for design of steel structures 23
7.7 Design of aluminium structures 23
7.8 Design of concrete structures 24
7.9 Soil investigation and geotechnical design 24
7.10 Subdivision, stability and freeboard 25
7.11 Station keeping systems 26
7.12 Marine operations 26
8 Design of various types of structures 27
8.1 Fixed steel structures 27
8.2 Fixed concrete structures 27
8.3 Tension leg platforms 27
8.4 Column-stabilised units 27
8.5 Self-elevating units 27
8.6 Ship shaped units 28
8.7 Other floating units 28
8.8 Topside structures 28
8.9 Helicopter decks 28
8.10 Flare towers 28
8.11 Subsea facilities 28
The NORSOK standards are developed by the Norwegian petroleum industry to ensure adequate safety,
value adding and cost effectiveness for petroleum industry developments and operations. Furthermore,
NORSOK standards are, as far as possible, intended to replace oil company specifications and serve as
references in the authorities’ regulations.
The NORSOK standards are normally based on recognised international standards, adding the provisions
deemed necessary to fill the broad needs of the Norwegian petroleum industry. Where relevant, NORSOK
standards will be used to provide the Norwegian industry input to the international standardisation process.
Subject to development and publication of international standards, the relevant NORSOK standard will be
The NORSOK standards are developed according to the consensus principle generally applicable for most
standards work and according to established procedures defined in NORSOK A-001.
The NORSOK standards are prepared and published with support by The Norwegian Oil Industry Association
(OLF), The Federation of Norwegian Industry, Norwegian Shipowners’ Association and The Petroleum Safety
Authority Norway.
This NORSOK standard is the principle standard for offshore structures. The standard especially refers to
ISO 19900, Petroleum and natural gas industries - General requirements for offshore structures.
It is the intention to revise this NORSOK standard as soon as the International Standards covering the scope
of this NORSOK standard have been published.
Changes since last edition, clause 7.11: References to NMD Regulations updated (new version 2009).
1 Scope
This NORSOK standard specifies general principles and guidelines for the design and assessment of
offshore facilities, and the verification of load bearing structures subjected to foreseeable actions and related
maritime systems.
This NORSOK standard is applicable to all types of offshore facilities used in the petroleum activities,
including bottom founded facilities as well as floating facilities.
This NORSOK standard is applicable to different types of materials used including steel, concrete,
aluminium, etc.
This NORSOK standard is applicable to all structural parts of a facility including substructures, topside
structures, vessel hulls, foundations, mooring systems, and subsea facilities. The standard is also applicable
to crane pedestals, living quarters, maritime systems, helicopter decks, module support frames and lifeboats.
This NORSOK standard specifies principles that are applicable also to the successive stages in construction
(i.e. fabrication, transportation and installation), to the use of the facility during operation, and to its final
This NORSOK standard also specifies principles applicable to the assessments of existing facilities, as
required when
• the structure and related maritime systems has experienced damage or deterioration,
• changes deviate from the original design basis. Such changes would include
− changes in manning,
− changes to facilities,
− modifications of existing facility,
− more onerous environmental criteria,
− more onerous component or foundation resistance criteria,
− physical changes to the design basis such as scour and subsidence,
− inadequate freeboard.
• extension of intended design service life.
ISO 19903, Petroleum and natural gas industries – Fixed concrete offshore structures
MARPOL, Consolidated edition of 2006, Annex I, Reg. 19.3.1 and 19.3.2
MEPC.139(53), Guidelines for the application of the revised MARPOL Annex I. Requirements to
floating production, storage and offloading facilities (FPSOs) and floating storage
units (FSUs)
NORSOK G-001, Marine soil investigations
NORSOK M-001, Materials selection
NORSOK M-101, Structural steel fabrication
NORSOK M-102, Structural aluminium fabrication
NORSOK M-120, Material data sheets for structural steel
NORSOK M-121, Aluminium structural materials
NORSOK M-501, Surface preparation and protective coating
NORSOK M-503, Cathodic protection
NORSOK N-002, Collection of metocean data
NORSOK N-003, Actions and action effects
NORSOK N-004, Design of steel structures
NORSOK N-005, Condition monitoring of load bearing structures
NORSOK S-002, Working environment
NORSOK Z-001, Documentation for operation (DFO)
NMD: Regulations of 4 September 1987 No. 857, Regulations concerning anchoring /positioning on
mobile offshore units (issued with amendments 1997)
NMD: Regulations of 20 December 1991 No. 878, Regulations concerning stability, watertight
subdivision and watertight/weathertight closing means on mobile offshore units
NMD: Regulations of 20 December 1991 No. 879, Regulations concerning ballast systems on mobile
offshore units
NMD: Regulations of 10 February 1994 No. 123, Regulations for mobile offshore units with production
plants and equipment
NMD: Regulations of 1 April 1996 No. 320, Regulations concerning certificates of competency and
qualification requirements for the manning of mobile offshore units
NS 3472, Steel structures – Design rules
NS 3473, Concrete structures – Design and detailing rules
Petroleum Act, The Norwegian parlament: Act 29 November 1996 No. 72 relating to petroleum
PSA: Information
Regulations,Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA), Norwegian Pollution Control Authority
Duty Regulations, (SFT) and Norwegian Social and Health Directorate (NSHD): Regulations relating
to material and information in the petroleum activities
PSA: The Facility Regulations relating to design and outfitting of facilities etc. in the petroleum
Regulations, activities
PSA: The Regulations relating to management in the petroleum activities
Royal Decree Royal Decree 31 August 2001: Regulations relating to health, the environment
(Norway), and safety in the petroleum activities
Working Environment Act, The Norwegian parlament: Act of 17 June 2005 No. 62 relating to working environment,
working hours and employment protection, etc.
API RP 2A, Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing and Constructing Fixed
Offshore Platforms
BS 8100-1, Lattice towers and masts – Part 1: Code of practice for loading
DNV-OS-C101, Design of Offshore Steel Structures, General (LRFD-method)
Structural Design of Offshore Ships
DNV-OS-C102, Structural Design of Offshore Ships
DNV-OS-C103, Structural Design of Column Stabilised Units (LRFD-method)
DNV-OS-C104, Structural Design of Self Elevating Units
DNV-OS-C502, Offshore Concrete Structures
DNV-OS-E401, Helicopter Decks
DNV-RP-H102, Marine operations during Removal of Offshore Installations
DNV Rules for Planning and Execution of Marine Operations
DNV Classification Note No. 30.4, Foundations
IMO MODU Code, Code for the construction and equipment of mobile offshore drilling units
ISO 19904-1, Petroleum and natural gas industries – Floating offshore structures –
Part 1: Monohulls, semi-submersibles and spars
Maritime Directorate's regulations, Norwegian Maritime Directorate's regulation for Mobile
Offshore Units, InfoMediaHuset, Oslo, 2003
NORSOK N-006, Assessment of structural integrity for existing offshore load-bearing
structures (to be issued)
NORSOK S-001, TTechnical safety
NORSOK U-001, Subsea structures and piping system
NS 3465, Execution of concrete structures – Common rules
NS 3481, Soil investigations and geotechnical design for marine structures
PSA: The Framework Regulations, Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA), Norwegian
Pollution Control Authority (SFT) and Norwegian Social and Health
Directorate (NSHD): Regulations relating to health, environment and safety in
the petroleum activities
NOTE The reference to DNV rules applies to the technical provisions therein. Any requirement therein for classification, certification or
third party verification is not part of this NORSOK standard and may be considered as a separate service. Wherever the terms
"agreement", "acceptance" or "consideration" etc. appear in the DNV rules they shall be taken to mean agreement, acceptance or
consideration by the client/purchaser or any other specifically designated party. Likewise, any statement such as "to be submitted to
DNV", shall be taken to mean "to be submitted to client /purchaser" or any other specifically designated party.
action effect
effect of actions on structural components
verbal form used for statements of possibility and capability, whether material, physical or casual
characteristic value
value of a basic variable, an action or a strength model having a prescribed probability of not being violated
by unfavourable values
design premises
set of project specific design data and functional requirements which are not specified or are left open in the
general standard
design service life
assumed period for which a structure or a structural component is to be used for its intended purpose with
anticipated maintenance, but without substantial repair being necessary
NOTE On the NCS the design service life will be limited to the planned design service life in plan for development and operation and
the DFI résumé as described in PSA: Information Duty Regulations.
design value
value of a basic variable, action or strength model derived from a representative value for use in a design
verification procedure
NOTE For a design check in accordance with the partial factor design format, a design value for a strength variable or model is found
by dividing the representative value of strength by a partial resistance factor, and for an action variable by multiplying the representative
value of the action effect by a partial action factor.
limit state
state where a structure or part of a structure no longer meets the requirements laid down for its performance
or operation
verbal form used to indicate a course of action permissible within the limits of this NORSOK standard
mobile offshore unit
structure intended to be relocated to perform a particular function
Norwegian petroleum activities
petroleum activities where Norwegian regulations apply
company or an association that through the granting of a production licence is responsible for the day to day
activities carried out in accordance with the licence
petroleum activities
offshore drilling, production, treatment and storage of hydrocarbons
principal standard
standard with higher priority than other similar standards
NOTE Similar standards may be used as supplements, but not as alternatives to the principal standard.
recognised classification society
classification society with recognised and relevant competence and experience from the petroleum activities,
and established rules and procedures for classification/certification of installations used in the petroleum
representative value
value of a basic variable, action or strength model, for verification of a limit state
NOTE The representative value can be equal a characteristic value, a nominal value, or other rationally determined value.
capacity of a structure, component or cross-section of a component to withstand action effects without
exceeding a limit state
verbal form used to indicate requirements strictly to be followed in order to conform to this NORSOK standard
and from which no deviation is permitted, unless accepted by all involved parties
verbal form used to indicate that among several possibilities one is recommended as particularly suitable,
without mentioning or excluding others, or that a certain course of action is preferred, but not necessarily
examination to confirm that an activity, a product or a service is in accordance with specified requirements
warranty surveyor
independent third party ensuring that the terms of the marine insurance warranty clauses are complied with
3.2 Abbreviations
ALS accidental damage limit state
API American Petroleum Institute
BS British Standard
DFF design fatigue factor
DFI design, fabrication and installation
DNV Det Norske Veritas
DP dynamic positioning
EN European Standard
FLS fatigue limit state
FPSO floating production, storage and offloading structure
FSO floating storage and offloading structure
IMO International Maritime Organisation
ISO International Organisation for Standardisation
MARPOLInternational Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
MODU mobile offshore drilling unit
MPI magnetic particle inspection
NCS Norwegian Costal Shelf
NDE non-destructive examination
NMD Norwegian Maritime Directorate
NPD Norwegian Petroleum Directorate
NS Norsk Standard
PSA Petroleum Safety Authority Norway
SLS serviceability limit state
ULS ultimate limit state
Action factors, material factors, DFFs and rules for combination of actions shall be determined on the basis of
relevant national or international requirements with regard to reliability. When the rules of a classification
society are used as basis for design and documentation, possible additional requirements necessary to fulfil
relevant national regulations shall be identified and implemented. A class notation should be specified with
the objective to minimise the need for additional requirements.
A design premises document shall be prepared and used as basis for design and documentation, stating all
project specific regulations, standards, and functional requirements.
On 2004-01-01 the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA) was established as an independent, government supervisory body
under the Ministry of Labour and Government Administration. The PSA will be the authority in charge of safety, emergency
preparedness and working environment in the petroleum activities. The responsibility was taken over from the NPD.
The party carrying out the design shall have a person who is professionally responsible. This person shall
have extensive experience in design work and shall be given adequate opportunity to follow up the technical
side of the work. The position for this person should be identified in the project organization chart.
The party carrying out the design shall ensure that the combined qualifications of the group of involved
engineers are appropriate.
The designer shall have adequate opportunity to carry out design work satisfactorily.
Adequate requirements to training and experience for personnel who are professionally responsible and for
personnel carrying out design and verification shall be stipulated. Documentation for the qualifications of
personnel shall be available.
The designer shall be qualified to make simplified modelling and perform corresponding calculations of
relevant structural parts where faults may entail major consequences.
In the guidelines for selection of materials and fabrication of structures, reference is made to recognised
standards for personnel qualifications, e.g. NS 3465 for personnel who will be carrying out and checking
concrete work.
A number of maritime operations (e.g. anchoring, DP, crane operations, stability management and ballasting)
require highly qualified and experienced personnel.
Special provisions
For special provisions relating to the Norwegian petroleum activities, see NMD: Regulations of 1 April 1996
No. 320.
For the Norwegian petroleum activities risk analysis shall comply with PSA: The Management Regulations.
• the structure and related maritime systems has experienced damage or deterioration,
• intended design service life is extended,
• changes may be more onerous than in the original design basis. Such changes would include
− changes in manning,
− changes to facilities,
− modifications of existing facility,
− changes in environmental criteria,
− changes in component or foundation resistance criteria,
− physical changes to the design basis such as scour and subsidence,
− inadequate freeboard.
Assessment of existing facilities shall be performed taking the following elements into account:
• relevant information from design, fabrication and installation, e.g. design basis, specifications and as-built
• historic performance and operational experience of the structure with respect to incidents, accidents,
degradation, repair and inspection results;
• as-is condition;
• an evaluation of expected future degradation of the structure based on the historic performance;
• planned modifications and mitigations to the structure and facility;
• new developments in knowledge and technology.
Assessment, analysis and verifications to verify that the structure is sufficiently safe in the planned service life
should be carried out in accordance with NORSOK N-006, taking these elements into account. Further,
technical and operational modifications found necessary to obtain such safety should be described, including
plan for necessary inspection and maintenance. New structural elements introduced as a result of
modifications or mitigations should be designed according to this NORSOK standard.
NOTE On the Norwegian continental shelf analysis and verification of the existing structures may be carried out in accordance with the
same design standards and guidelines to which the facility was originally designed with respect to technical minimum requirements.
This NORSOK standard also specifies principles applicable to conversion of mobile offshore units. Important
areas to be addressed during conversions are
• pre-conversion survey,
• effects of prior service,
• corrosion protection and material suitability,
• inspection and maintenance.
Special attention shall be given to a detailed "close up" visual inspection of crack prone structural details,
including a related significant level of non-destructive testing in order to identify existing fatigue-related
problems. A corrosion protection management philosophy shall be prepared and taken into considerations in
structural design, taking into account
• effects of prior service and current condition related to coating degradation and corrosion wastage,
• future corrosion protection management system and potential future corrosion rates.
General guidance related to conversions is given in the normative part of ISO 19904-1.
Reference is made to EN-1990, Annex D, for guidance on determination of characteristic values from the
testing to be used for design. For new types of materials and/or where the failure mode(s) of the structural
components are not well defined the characteristic value should be determined based on procedure for
“unknown” coefficient of variation in test data. Number of test data applies to one and the same failure mode
only. In case of well known failure mechanisms, where similar test data are frequently available, the
characteristic values can be determined from statistics with coefficient of variation in test data assumed as
For testing of new types of structural components, reference is also made to DNV-OS-C501, Section 10.
Tests shall be conducted whenever uncertainties about action levels, action effects and corresponding
freeboard requirements are present, e.g. in wind tunnel, wave tank or ice tank. This applies in particular to all
new concepts. Towing tank tests shall be conducted, when relevant.
4.6 Disposal
Final disposal of the facilities shall be considered at the design stage, to the extent required by the operator.
A removal dossier, containing details of the facility and other aspects that may influence the final disposal of
the facilities, should be prepared.
For the Norwegian petroleum activities, reference is made to the Petroleum Act, Ch. 5, and Royal Decree
Checking robustness covers an evaluation of the vulnerability of a structure or a maritime system in addition
to the ALS check for accidental loads as described in a risk analysis. It should include an evaluation of the
vulnerability of the structure or the maritime system for
It is normally assumed that such errors and damages are restricted to a local area, or to a single event. This
check is not intended to cover fundamental or systematic failures in the design, fabrication or operation.
Basis for check of local damage and failure of structures shall be based on the ALS principle as stated in
6.2. All maritime systems shall be categorized with regards to safety criticality, redundancy and robustness.
Proper maintenance- and spare part philosophy shall be demonstrated for all essential maritime systems.
5.1 Documentation
Documentation shall be prepared and submitted as basis for consents and decisions in accordance with
relevant national regulations.
Sufficient documentation shall be prepared to ensure that the activities are carried out in accordance with the
The operator shall assess the need for documentation in the various phases of the activities. In his
documentation system the operator may make use of the documentation and the documentation systems
already established with the various contractors and suppliers.
During the operational phase, documentation may be limited to what is required in order to be able to give an
overall assessment of possible damage, repairs and modifications, and to be able to set up and carry out
condition monitoring rationally. The documents that are required have not been specified, and shall
consequently be considered in each separate case. This implies that possible incidents and the need for
documentation shall be considered thoroughly. Measures shall be taken for procreation of necessary
documentation at short notice.
The designer shall carry out additional simplified calculations of relevant structural parts where failure may
entail major consequences of the structural integrity.
For the Norwegian petroleum activities, reference is made to PSA: Information Duty Regulations.
5.2 Verification
It shall be verified that provisions contained in relevant national and international regulations or decisions
made pursuant to such regulations, have been complied with.
The extent of the verification, and the verification method in the various phases, shall be assessed. The
consequences of any failure or defects that may occur during construction of the facility and its anticipated
use shall receive particular attention in this assessment. The party carrying out the verification shall be given
opportunity to carry out the verification in a satisfactory manner. "All phases" also comprise soil
investigations, preparing specifications, calculations, concreting, testing and similar. If work that is difficult to
check later is carried out (e.g. soil investigations and concreting), the requirement implies that the party
carrying out the verification shall witness the work when it is carried out.
The verification shall confirm whether the facility satisfies the requirements for the specific location and
method of operation, taking into consideration the design, including material selection and corrosion
protection, and the analyses methods used.
There shall be organisational independence between those who carry out the design work, and those who
verify it. Special consideration should be given to the organisation of verification activities in cases which
involve a new type of facility, new project execution models or information technology systems.
If an operator takes over a specification from another operator, verification may be omitted if this specification
has previously been verified pursuant to the present regulations, and the specifications are otherwise
applicable to the location in question and to the facility concerned.
The design of structures or structural parts of significance to the overall safety should be verified by means of
independent calculations. Such verification may be carried out by manual or computer calculations. When
computer calculations are used, it is normally assumed that the person carrying out the verification uses
another programme than the designer. Special care and attention to simplified additional calculations should
be evaluated when this is not fulfilled. Further, the computer models shall be independent. Possible
discrepancies between the initial calculations and verification analyses shall be clarified on the basis of the
differences in the method applied in the respective software and the models applied to ensure that
conservative estimates are used for the design.
The calculations should be sufficiently accurate and extensive to demonstrate clearly that the dimensions are
a) that specifications are in compliance with the applicable rules and regulations etc.;
b) personnel qualifications and organization of the design;
c) calculations of actions and action effects;
d) that accidental actions are in compliance with the results from the risk analyses;
e) the applicability of computer software, and that computer programmes are adequately validated and
documented with respect to theory and use. This is of particular importance when programmes are used
in dealing with new problems, structures or new software;
f) that simplifications made in manual or computer based analyses, are conservative;
g) that methods used in respect of geometry, actions, resistance calculations and manner of operation are
suitable by carrying out alternative calculations;
h) that equipment and procedures for control of actions has adequate reliability, and by carrying out random
i) that the boundary conditions are representative;
j) that metocean data collection requirements are complied with, see also NORSOK N-002;
k) that deviations during fabrication and installation are assessed and, if necessary, corrected;
l) that drawings are in accordance with calculations and specifications;
m) corrosion and erosion protection;
n) that a design review is carried out by different professional sectors co-operating in solving problems;
o) the design of important structural details.
With regard to the design of concrete structures, verification of the design should meet the requirements of
NS 3473.
The verification of organisation and personnel qualifications can be carried out as a combination of
documentation review and audit.
a) that the specifications are in accordance with public regulations/provisions and safety and health
b) that satisfactory work instructions, procedures and plans are prepared;
A certification scheme for production of steel plates may replace the operator’s verification in view of the
authority regulations. The certification shall then include an acceptance of the equipment used for the steel
making and production of plates, acceptance of technical specifications, procedures and work instructions,
extensive testing of the steel products in delivery condition, and an evaluation of the quality assurance
A follow-up of the steel mill shall be executed in accordance with defined plans and include audit of the
quality assurance system, review of documentation, inspection of production testing and surveillance of the
processes. The certification scheme representative shall have relevant competence within steel materials
and steel making in order to execute the verification described above.
With regard to fabrication of concrete structures, verification of the execution of the concrete works should
meet the requirements of NS 3473.
a) the relevance of analysis and technical documentation used as basis for the integrity management,
b) that the maintenance-, design- and fabrication philosophy in combination forms a sufficient basis for
ensuring sufficient integrity,
c) that the actual maintenance strategy meets the principles described in the maintenance philosophy,
d) the methods and the development of the inspection programme,
e) the inspection methods and whether these are sufficient to meet the maintenance philosophy and
f) that data collection and experience from inspections are adequately evaluated , used for updating of the
inspection programme and are stored for later use,
g) that trends in data are adequately evaluated,
h) the integrity of the facility,
i) that mitigating measures are implemented to obtain sufficient integrity of structure and related maritime
systems in case of deficiencies,
j) the emergency preparedness procedures following a failure of a structure, a structural part or a related
maritime system, including the criterions for when these are triggered,
k) the personnel qualifications of personnel involved in the integrity management and inspection.
For flagged units the certificates from the flag state and the certification authorities can be used as
documentation for performed verification.
a) the conditions of the as-built and installed facility, including soil conditions,
b) changes to structure, maritime systems and corresponding battery limits during operation,
c) the inspection and repair history of the structure and related maritime systems,
d) the effect of damages of structure and related maritime systems,
e) that foreseeable aging effects are included,
f) condition of corrosion protection systems,
g) water level, scour, marine growth, metocean data,
h) that the need for measurement of action and action effects are evaluated.
NOTE Information duty regulation § 5 and § 6 should be complied with in Norwegian petroleum activities. For flagged mobile offshore
units the NPD letter of semi submersibles as of 01.04.2003 and the PSA letter on jack-ups as of 05.01.2006 should be complied with
for units exceeding 19 years of age.
a) review of specifications to check their quality, adequacy and compliance with the applicable rules and
regulations etc.,
b) evaluation of methods and results of actions and action effects for the site specific operation,
c) check that accidental actions are in compliance with the results from the risk analyses,
d) the applicability of computer software, and that computer programmes are adequately validated and
e) documented with respect to theory and use. This is of particular importance when programmes are used
in dealing with new problems, structures or new software,
f) the procedure and quality of results of the soil investigations,
g) whether the relevant unit can comply with the national requirements and operate within the limits of the
h) unit and its equipment with respect to water depth, minimum temperature, anchor holding capacity, soil
conditions etc.
NOTE For units operating on the NCS the PSA: The Framework Regulations, § 3, should be complied with.
The principal standard for calculation of actions and action effects is NORSOK N-003. Design data should be
determined from actual measurements at the site or by suitable validated model data, e.g. from hind cast
models. Such design data shall be stated in the design premises.
6.2.1 General
The principles of the design format of partial factors are given in ISO 19900.
When checking the ULS, the SLS, the ALS and the FLS, the action factors shall be used according to
Table 1.
The actions are to be combined in the most unfavourable way, provided the combination is physically feasible
and permitted according to the action specifications.
Certain actions, which can be classified as either permanent or variable, may be treated as imposed
deformations (D). Load effects caused by imposed deformations shall be treated in the same way as load
effects from other normal loads or by demonstration of strain compatibility and equilibrium between applied
actions, deformations and internal forces.
• thermal effects,
• pre-stressing effects,
• creep and shrinkage effects,
• differential settlement of foundation components.
For calculation of the action carrying capacity of the soil during cyclic actions, the design action shall be
stipulated in the following two cases:
Case 1: Action factor equal to 1,0 for the cyclical actions and 1,3 for the largest environmental action.
Case 2: Action factor larger than 1,0 for the cyclical actions in the total action history. The value of the action
factor shall be determined based on an evaluation of the uncertainty attached to the cyclical actions in the
action history.
Where the action is a result of high counteracting and independent hydrostatic pressures, the action factor
shall be multiplied by the pressure difference. For facilities with the shape of a ship, the action factor for
environmental actions (E) (see Table 1) may be reduced to 1,15 (action combination "b") when calculating
bending moment in the longitudinal extent, if the still water moment represents between 20 % and 50 % of
the total moment.
a) the possibility that the actions may deviate from the characteristic actions;
b) the reduced possibility that different actions contributing to the action effect analyzed, will reach their
characteristic value at the same time;
c) possible inaccurate calculation of action effects, to the extent that such inaccuracies may be assumed to
be independent of the construction material.
If conditions other than those mentioned take effect, the action factor shall be adjusted accordingly.
A number of parameters in fatigue assessments contribute to uncertainty in the calculated fatigue life of
structures. To account for this uncertainty, and include issues like consequence of damage and accessibility
for inspection and repair DFFs are introduced such that fatigue analysis performed according to standard
procedure result in structures with acceptable safety.
A reduced action factor of 1,2 for ULS action combination "a" for permanent actions in Table 1 will normally
be acceptable for external hydrostatic fluid pressures, if the action effects can be determined with normal
accuracy. If there is a significant uncertainty with regard to determining the water level (e.g. due to reservoir
subsidence), the factor 1,3 shall nevertheless be used. With regard to structures where effects of the second
order are significant, the factor 1,3 shall be used.
If there is doubt as to whether the actions and the action effects have been determined with adequate
accuracy, action factors for such actions may be substantiated according to the provisions of 7.2.2. The
analysis shall then be sufficiently accurate to be able to differentiate between different phases, structural
parts and failure types, and to take into account accuracy in relevant operations.
The action factor 1,3 (action combination "b") for wave, current and wind actions in Table 1 can be reduced to
1,15 if the facility is unmanned during storms. This will be based on an evaluation as to whether a collapse
The operator should then discuss the three items above and include an evaluation in a statement in the
design premises. Such evaluations may be relevant for i.a. loading buoys, separate flare towers, stability
during installation, subsea facilities and other facilities which are unmanned during storms. Documentation of
a facility being unmanned during storms shall include an assessment showing that the probability of
personnel being on the facility simultaneous with environmental actions damaging main safety functions is
less than 10 per year.
A detailed and specific description of how actions of different values shall be combined is given in NORSOK
Flare towers, drilling towers, bridges, crane pedestals and other fatigue exposed structures should be given
special attention.
The requirement relating to checking weight applies to all phases from design to operation of the facility.
For floating facilities weights engineering and weight control shall be considered in relation to stability criteria
and stability control, see 7.10.
An inclining test shall be carried out after topside completion for newbuildings (before tow-out) and after
major conversions performed inshore for exiting floating facilities. After major conversions performed offshore
or after major weight increases, a displacement test shall be performed for floating facilities.
Weight engineering and weight control shall be performed in accordance with ISO 19901-5.
• structures and structural elements shall normally be designed with ductile resistance behaviour;
• an unintended event shall not escalate into an accident of significantly greater extent than the original
• structures shall be designed to minimise overall stress concentrations and provide a well defined stress
• the design shall secure that fabrication, including surface treatment, can be accomplished in accordance
with relevant recognised techniques and practices;
• the design of details, selection of profiles and use of materials shall be done with the objective to minimise
corrosion, degradation, and the need for special precautions to prevent corrosion and degradation;
• adequate access for inspection, surveillance, maintenance and repair shall be provided;
• satisfy functional requirements as given in the design premises.
Active operation (e.g. draft adjustment, re-location of cargo, etc.) may be taken into consideration on the
condition that it can be demonstrated that the operations have an acceptable degree of reliability. Active
operation in an emergency situation should consequently not depend on a high degree of reliability of
The facility may be designed on the assumption that individual components may be replaced to maintain an
acceptable overall safety. Replacement procedures should be prepared during the design phase.
Methods based on permissible stresses can only be used if it can be demonstrated that they provide results
that are on the safe side compared to the limit states design method.
Commonly used design methods are based on the assumption that design values for actions and resistance
can be calculated separately. In cases where integrated non-linear analyses are used, care should be taken
to ensure that intended levels of safety are obtained.
In cases where a high resistance is unfavourable for the structure, the characteristic resistance shall be
determined as an upper characteristic resistance. This probability shall be of the same level as the probability
of a lower value, e.g. 5 % vs. 95 % fractile. For geotechnical analyses "low probability" will in most cases
mean a conservatively estimated mean value. The wording has been chosen to cover a number of special
structures. It is consequently expected of the designer to consider the relevant cases.
When the action effect is increased with the material resistance, the design should be based on an upper
characteristic resistance, e.g. based on 95 % fractile.
Design against fatigue failure in steel, aluminium and concrete should be based on S-N curves with
characteristic resistance based on 2,3 % fractile. Fracture mechanics analyses of crack propagation can be
used in special cases.
Design actions and resistances may be calculated by using deterministic computational models. Normal
uncertainties in the computational models are assumed covered by the partial factors.
The design may be based on a more complete reliability design method, provided it can be documented that
the method is suitable from a theoretical point of view, and that it provides adequate safety in typical known
cases. This opens for use of reliability methods which entail calibration of action and material factors against
a given failure probability level, or direct design by means of such methods. The safety level can be calibrated
directly against the safety of known structure types and be based on corresponding assumptions.
When reliability methods are used, it shall be documented that the results are on the safe side.
For structures of reinforced concrete, the material factor shall be 1,25. For reinforcement steel and steel for
pre-stressed concrete, the material factor shall be 1,15.
For composite glass reinforced plastic and fibre reinforced plastic load bearing structures, partial resistance
factors shall be taken from DNV-OS-C501, Section 8, B700, table B8 and B9. For lifeboats, table B8 shall be
used in combination with a high safety class.
In the case of geotechnical analyses, the material factor shall normally not be lower than 1,25. For piles and
anchors the material factor for soil shall be 1,3. The material factor applies to the group of piles. A material
factor lower than 1,3 is permitted for individual piles, if it can be documented that this will not result in adverse
If necessary, the safety level shall be adjusted to the desired value through the use of factors. The factors
shall take into account any conditions deviating from the conditions on which the material factors were based.
Reference is made to NORSOK N-004 for steel and EN 1999 (all parts) for aluminium.
The material factor in this NORSOK standard is a partial factor for a material property, also accounting for
model uncertainties and dimensional variations, see also ISO 19900, 8.3.2.
Serviceability requirements will normally be defined by the operator for the specific project. Limitations with
regard to deflections, displacements, settlements, water tightness, vibrations and operation of the facility shall
be defined during the design and stated in the design premises. In absence of project specific requirements
the provisions given in Table 2 shall be used.
L is the span of the beam. For cantilever beams L is twice the projecting length of the cantilever.
δ max = δ 1 + δ 2 − δ 0 (1)
δ max is the sagging in the final state relative to the straight line joining the supports
δ0 is the pre-camber
δ1 is the variation of the deflection of the beam due to the permanent actions immediately after loading
δ2 is the variation of the deflection of the beam due to the variable actions plus any time dependent
deformations due to the permanent load
Contribution from environmental actions shall also be considered when calculating the maximum deflection.
Structures with extensive deflections, velocities and accelerations shall be designed so that equipment that is
of significance to safety is not rendered non-functional as a result of the movements. The provisions given in
the IMO MODU Code relating to machinery installations for all types of units should be complied with, when
relevant. For structures with extensive deflections, velocities and accelerations maximum permissible
deflections, velocities and accelerations shall also be stipulated based on working environmental
For facilities in the Norwegian petroleum activities which are covered by the scope of application of the
Working Environment Act, design criteria shall be stipulated based on working environment considerations,
cf. the Working Environment Act, Section 8, subsection 1, literas e) and f).
DFFs shall be applied taking into account damage consequences and the need for in-service inspection,
maintenance and repair, see NORSOK N-005. Minimum values for the DFFs are given in Table 3.
Assumptions made regarding damage consequences, accessibility and DFFs shall be stated in the design
"Collapse of the structural part" means that adequate safety in damaged condition shall be demonstrated
according to 7.2.6.
With regard to accessibility for inspection and repair distinction is made between the terms "no access or in
the splash zone", "below splash zone" and "above splash zone or internal". In this connection "below and
above splash zone" of a facility is related to the programme for condition monitoring prepared for that specific
facility, see NORSOK N-005. If regular dry docking is performed each fifth year for mobile offshore units, the
entire facility may be regarded as being above the splash zone. The splash zone for fixed facilities can be
taken from 4 m below the lowest tide to 5 m above the highest tide.
The material factor shall be 1,0 in the ALS check. For concrete structures the material factor shall be in
compliance with NS 3473.
The methodology implies that minor damage is accepted for the ALS. This also applies to damage that
cannot be repaired, e.g. in connection with the foundation.
The ALS check may be omitted if an overall evaluation shows that a collapse (by "collapse" is meant collapse
of the entire facility) will not entail
The operator shall then discuss the three items above and include the evaluation in a statement in the design
premises. This may be relevant for i.a. loading buoys, separate flare towers, stability during installation,
subsea facilities and other facilities which are unmanned during storms.
Simple and minor repairs may be carried out in accordance with a general procedure. Major repairs should
be carried out according to special procedures that describe how control and documentation of the work is to
be carried out.
A proper corrosion management and a corresponding corrosion protection system shall be implemented for
internal zones of load bearing structural parts of mobile offshore units, taking into consideration i.a. the
design service life of the facility, the maintenance philosophy, steel temperature and single or double side
exposure. Special attention shall be given to corrosion protection of the ballast tank, the crude oil storage
tank, and related systems.
Adequate accessibility for corrosion protection and maintenance shall be allowed for in the design.
The principal standards for planning and implementation of a corrosion protection system for load bearing
structures are NORSOK M-001, NORSOK M-501 and NORSOK M-503.
Other design standards and guidelines may be used as supplements to the principal standards specified
above. The use of such supplementary standards should depend on type of structure, area of location and
relevant accumulated experience.
Consistency between structural design criteria, technical solutions and applied corrosion protection system
shall be documented.
Principal standards for material selection and for structural steel fabrication are NORSOK M-001, NORSOK
M-101 and NORSOK M-120, respectively.
The designer should be aware of the reduced strength and ductility in the welds and the heat affected zones
in hardened aluminium materials. Plastic hinges shall be avoided at or in the vicinity of welds.
a) action factors, material factors and DFFs shall comply with this NORSOK standard;
b) guidelines for selection of recommended materials according to 7.7.2;
c) inspection categories for welds according to 7.7.3;
d) mechanical data given in material standards referred in Material Data Sheet in NORSOK M-121 shall be
The following items shall, when relevant, be specified by the designer, and be noted on the drawings:
Table 4 - Determination of inspection categories for joints subjected to static and fatigue loads
Functional requirements relevant to a special design shall be stated in the design premises.
Other design standards and guidelines (e.g. DNV-OS-C502), may be used as supplements to the principal
standards specified above. The use of supplementary standards should depend on type of structure, location
and relevant accumulated experience.
Due to potential hazards from shallow gas, it should be evaluated to perform the investigation outside
the foundations.
NOTE By geotechnical data is meant results from examination of soil conditions on the continental shelf carried out for safety reasons.
b) when soil investigations have been carried out to evaluate the foundation, it is recommended that they are
placed at the disposal of Norges geologiske undersøkelser - NGU (The Geological Survey of Norway),
see PSA: Information Duty Regulations, § 10.
The results of both laboratory tests and in-situ tests shall be evaluated and corrected on the basis of
recognised practice and experience. Such evaluations and corrections shall be documented. Possible
effects of installation activities on the soil properties should be considered.
The characteristic values of a soil parameter shall secure that the probability of a less favourable value
governing the occurrence of the limit state is small. When the limit state is governed by a large soil volume,
the characteristic mean value for the soil parameter or the characteristic depth profile for the same soil
parameter shall be selected such that the probability of having a less favourable mean value governing the
occurrence of the limit state is small.
Other design standards and guidelines (e.g. NS 3481, API RP 2A and DNV Classification Note No. 30.4),
may be used as supplements to the principal standards. The use of such supplementary standards should
depend on type of structure, location and relevant accumulated experience.
Selection of safety factor for global and local slope stability shall be based on a total risk evaluation
considering both soil type, triggering mechanisms, loads and consequences. Regarding human activity, the
main objective shall be not to worsen the safety if the calculated safety already is marginal.
For surface units (e.g. ship- or barge-type displacement hull of single or multiple hull construction),
selfelevating units and column-stabilised units the detailed provisions of the IMO MODU Code relating to
subdivision, stability and freeboard should be complied with.
FPSOs/FSOs intended for oil storage shall have protection against pollution as specified in MEPC.139 (53).
Provisions shall be made such that the ballast system is not contaminated in case of a leakage between a
ballast tank and an oil storage tank.
a) the individual technical provisions for new units in the NMD: Regulations of 20 December 1991 No. 878,
are recognised standards for stability;
b) any space adjacent to the sea should be calculated to be able to be flooded if
• the space has penetrations to the sea,
• the space may become flooded as a result of a system or operation failure,
• relevant accidental events entail significant leakage.
c) if a dimensioning accidental event may entail damage to the bulkheads between two spaces, the possibility
of flooding of both spaces should be taken into account;
d) if a risk analysis shows that the greatest relevant accidental event with regard to collision is a drifting
vessel with a displacement which does not exceed 5 000 tons, the extent of damage required in the Maritime
Directorate’s regulations can be used. In other cases the damage has to be calculated based on the collision
energy, see NORSOK N-003 and NORSOK N-004;
e) the structural elements of concrete structures adjacent to the sea should, if failure or leakages may entail
loss of human life, significant pollution or major economical consequences, be designed for a pressure
differential equal to at least 1,0 MPa, and the thickness should be at least 0,5 m (the 1,0 MPa should be used
in the ALS check);
f) the individual technical provisions for new units in the NMD: Regulations of 20 December 1991 No. 879,
are recognised standards for ballasting;
g) FPSOs/FSOs (steel surface units including column-stabilised units) intended for oil storage for NCS shall
have a double hull arrangement with recommended distance between oil tight boundaries and external
boundaries (e.g. side shell and bottom shell) larger than two meter, to facilitate acceptable conditions for
inspection and repair and protection against collision. For other offshore installations intended for oil storage
other methods of design and construction can be accepted as alternatives to the requirements prescribed for
FPSOs/FSOs, provided that such methods will document an equivalent safety level as that required for steel
surface units related to structural integrity (e.g. fatigue, impact and robustness assessment ref. 4.7) and
protection against oil pollution. Due consideration shall also be given to inspection and repair issues.
Specific design conditions and criteria shall be established in relation to the type of facility, the type of
operation, the operating philosophy, the consequences of failure etc. A description of the specific design
conditions and criteria shall be included in the design premises.
The strength of the fluke or plate anchor can be controlled either by pre-tensioning to the design action level
or by analyzing
a) that the anchor is able to take the design actions after dragging. The analyses shall be based on site
specific soil data, with action and soil material factors according to this NORSOK standard,
b) the consequences of dragging on the other lines, other infra structure and third parties. The drag length
should be calculated, and the effect of dragging the most exposed line, on the other lines shall be
calculated. The results shall be checked against the requirements in intact conditions.
When calculating mooring systems of catenary type intact condition is considered as ULS. For ALS the
number of line failures and location of failure are to be determined in relation to an annual probability of
exceedance of 10 . Alternatively at least two line failures may be taken as basis when combined in the most
unfavourable way.
In the ALS condition the geotechnical design of pile anchors and suction anchors shall be based on a load
factor equal to 1,0 and a material factor equal to 1,0. Generally for one and two line failure an environmental
action with an annual probability of exceedance of 10 should be applied. For two line failures an
environmental load with an annual probability of exceedance of 10 can be applied in the geotechnical
design, in this case a material factor equal to 1,25 shall be used.
Provided all conditions given in 7.2.2 are fulfilled, the design of station-keeping systems may be based on a
reliability based design method. The damage condition (i.e. the number of line failures and the failure
locations) and the storm condition to be considered for the ALS check should then be based on risk analyses.
Actual dimensions of permanent mooring chain in service are not to be smaller than the dimensions
presupposed in the analysis.
If fatigue analysis is not performed, chains above 20 years should be inspectected annually using MPI or
similar test methods, on all available parts. Loose studs should be MPI tested before cold pressing.
Special provisions relating to the Norwegian petroleum activities are as follows:
a) the principal standards for design of station keeping systems are the technical provisions for new units in
NMD: Regulations of 10 February 1994 No. 123, and the technical provisions for new units in NMD:
Regulations of 2009-07-10 No. 998;
b) NMD: Regulations of 2009-07-10 No. 998, shall be used for preloading of the anchors, based on the
calculated 100 year actions;
c) for design of DP systems and for thruster assist systems, the technical provisions for new units in the
NMD: Regulations of 2009-07-10 No. 998, shall be complied with.
The NMD: Regulations of 2009-07-10 No. 998; shall be used for new units with approved plan for
development and operation after 2010-01-01.
For operations where a marine warranty surveyor has been appointed to fulfil the clauses in the insurance
policy, all requirements given by the marine warranty surveyor shall be complied with. For operations where a
marine warranty surveyor has not been appointed, the DNV Rules for Planning and Execution of Marine
Operations, should be applied.
The soil-structure interaction shall be carefully assessed in the calculation of soil reactions for the design of
the structure including skirts, dowels etc. Realistic upper and lower bounds of soil parameters shall be
assumed so as to ensure that all realistic patterns of soil reactions are enveloped in an appropriate manner.
As part of this degree of mobilisation both local and global effects shall be considered as well as plasticity at
stress peaks and time dependent effects. Skirt compartments that in the design are assumed to rely on pore
pressure higher than ambient, shall be documented to have the appropriate tightness for all limit states.
With regard to the extent of damage in relation to loss of buoyancy, see 7.10.
The IMO MODU Code should be complied with. If the rules of a classification society are to be applied, the
relevant Class Notation shall be stated in the design basis.
NOTE 1 For Norwegian petroleum activities DNV OS-C103, or equivalent standard achieving the same level of safety, should be
applied for units that are to have maritime certificates.
NOTE 2 For non-Norwegian petroleum activities the rules of a selected recognised classification society should be complied with.
The IMO MODU Code should be complied with. If the rules of a classification society are to be applied, the
relevant class notation shall be stated in the design basis.
NOTE 1 For Norwegian petroleum activities DNV OS-C104, or equivalent standard achieving the same level of safety should be
applied for units that are to have maritime certificates. For units involved in Norwegian petroleum activities that are not to have maritime
certificates, the technical provisions in DNV OS-C104, or equivalent standard achieving the same level of safety should be used as a
NOTE 2 For non-Norwegian petroleum activities the rules of a selected recognised classification society should be complied with.
The IMO MODU Code should be complied with. If the rules of a classification society are to be applied, the
relevant class notation shall be stated in the design basis.
NOTE 1 For Norwegian petroleum activities DNV OS-C102, or equivalent standard achieving the same level of safety should be
applied for units that are to have maritime certificates,.
NOTE 2 For non-Norwegian petroleum activities the rules of a selected recognised classification society should be complied with.
If the rules of a classification society are to be applied, the relevant class notation shall be stated in the
design basis.
NOTE 1 For Norwegian petroleum activities DNV OS-C101, or equivalent standard achieving the same level of safety, should be
applied for units that are to have maritime certificates. For units involved in Norwegian petroleum activities that are not to have maritime
certificates, the technical provisions in DNV OS-C101, or equivalent standard achieving the same level of safety, should be used as a
NOTE 2 For non-Norwegian petroleum activities the rules of a selected recognised classification society should be complied with as
Displacements and fatigue damage caused by vortex induced vibrations, including wake interactions, local
frame vibrations and global vibrations, shall be considered.
Flare towers should preferably be designed with the objective to avoid vortex induced vibrations. Permissible
design ranges based on critical velocities may be utilised.
Alternatively, flare towers may be designed according to relevant fatigue criteria, taking into account the
accumulated damage caused by vortex induced local vibrations and global dynamic action effects.
In special cases (e.g. temporary phases), the use of vortex reducing devices may be considered.
Dynamic loading and fatigue should in particular be considered in the design of subsea facilities that are
connected to surface facilities by mooring lines, cables or risers.