Pre-requisites BMA3201
Course Objectives: By the end of the course unit the student will be able to:
The queuing game
4. Network Analysis - Week 5 & 6
Introduction and terminology
Time Analysis
Cost Scheduling
Resource Scheduling
Activity on nodes
5. Queuing System and Models - Week 7
Modes of arrivals
Timing of arrivals
General schematic representative of queuing process
Behavior factors in queues
Classification of queuing models
6. Cat - Week 8
Why is simulation used
Business models
Assessing a models suitability
Random selection
Status variable
10. Main Exam - Week 14
TOPIC THREE: GAMES THEORY .......................................................................................................... 44
Exercise....................................................................................................................................................... 77
4.45 Exercise............................................................................................................................................... 93
7.6 Summary of the Method for Determining an Optimum Solution in an Assignment Problem......... 150
Discipline comes from a convergence of an interest in some class of problems and the
development of scientific methods, techniques and tools which are adequate to solve these
problems. O.R. is no exception. However, the name O.R dates back to 1937 during the World
War II. During this period of war U.K. military executives were faced with waging a war of
which they had very little experience, as the military experience is never continuous, many years
pass before any war develops, consequently past experience is never adequate.
The military Executives then turned to the scientists who had been closely involved with
technological development. They invited the scientists from different disciplines to assist in
solving strategic and tactical problems associated with air and land defence of United Kingdom.
The scientists were asked to assist the military executives in:
a) Learning how to use newly developed radar in locating enemy aircraft, and
b) To do research on military operations.
Consequently, O.R. got its name because the first team formed was dealing with research on
military operations. Other countries quickly picked up the newly developed discipline.
United States of America (U.S.A) successfully applied it on:
i) Complex logistical problems.
ii) Invention of new flight patterns.
iii) Planning sea mining.
iv) Effective utilization of electronic equipment.
After the war, some of those who served with O.R. teams moved into business, industry and civil
government and began spreading word about the effectiveness of the new discipline in solving
executive type of problems.
b) Substantial progress in improving available Operations Research techniques.
c) Computer Revolution.
find the best decisions relative to a large portion of total organization as is possible. O.R has a
goal of an overall understanding of optimal solutions to executive – type problems in
It is the duty of O.R. person to use the systems approach by:
I) Integrating the policies and operations of all the departments in order to obtain an overall
operation and policy that are best for the organization as a whole and the interest of any
particular departments. He must, however consider the effects of the policy on each department.
II) Allocating the organizations available resources to their various activities in a way that is
most effective for the whole organization. Operations Research is used when scarce resources are
to be allocated effectively to the various activities.
Its use helps executives to understand and determine:
- The required resources.
- The way such resources interact.
- Consequences of their alternative uses.
- Consequences of attaining the optimal goals.
b). Improvement of O.R. techniques
There has been substantial progress in the development and improvements of Operations
Research techniques. In 1947, the American mathematician George Dantzig developed simplex
method for solving linear programming problems.
Before the end of 1950s many standard tools of O.R had been developed e.g. linear
programming, Queuing theory, Inventory theory. These and many others that were developed
helped further in spreading the usefulness and need for Operations Research.
c). Computer revolution
To deal with simple computations is not a problem as they can be done manually.
But – dealing with complex problems effectively may not be easily done manually, they do
require some assistance and the development of electronic digital computers with ability to
perform arithmetic calculations with speed and with tremendous capabilities of information
storage and retrieval have been welcome news to operations researchers. Moreover, computers
having grown through several generations have improved on speed, weight and value. The
current generation computer is smaller, less expensive and more powerful. Hence, most
institutions can afford them and start operations research work.
Several attempts have been made at defining Operation Research. Some of the definitions are
either too general or just misleading.
O.R. may be defined as “an application of scientific methods, techniques and tools to problems
involving the operations of systems so as to provide those in control of the operations with
optimum solutions to the problems”.
The British Operational Research Society has adopted the following definitions:
“Operational Research is the Application of the methods of science to complex problems arising
in the direction and management of large systems of men, machines, material and money in
industry, business, government and defence”.
The distinctive approach is to develop a scientific model of the system incorporating
measurements of factors such as chance and risk with which to predict and compare the
outcomes of alternatives decisions, strategies and control.
The purpose is to help management determine its policy and actions scientifically.
It is an aid to a decision maker to better exploit the applied science technology combination of:
a) Quantitative methods and
b) High –speed digital computers
The discipline uses both experience and intuition while encouraging rational decision making
based on the best available approaches and techniques.
- Systems Orientation
The basic idea here is that “the activity of any part of an organization has some effect on the
activity of every other part”.
The principle connects each and every part of the organization to every other part. Hence to
evaluate any decision or action in an organization it is necessary to identify all significant
interactions and evaluate their combined effect on the performance of the organization as a
whole. A systems approach consists of covering the entire area under a manager‟s control and
not to concentrate on some specific and special region, section, or department of an organization.
The objective of O.R is to provide managers of an organization with a scientific basis for solving
problems involving the interaction of components of the organization in the best interest of the
organization as a whole. They want an optimal decision which is best for the organization as a
whole, not a sub-optimal decision which is best for part of an organization. O.R attempts to
consider the interactions or chain of effects as far as these effects are significant. Hence, O.R
approach must be comprehensive. O.R. is concerned with finding an optimum decision, policy or
design. It does not merely seek to find a better solution to a problem than the one in use; it seeks
the best solution possible. It may not always find it because of the limitations imposed by:
- The current state of science
- Lack of funds or
- Lack of opportunities.
But O.R‟s efforts are continually directed to getting the optimum or as close to it as possible.
In the years of O.R. formation, it emerged from other sciences from which it borrowed heavily.
There is a great overlap in methods, techniques and tools with other sciences, but this is because
of the way it was initially carried out.
It is a research performed by teams of scientists whose individual members have been drawn
from different scientific and engineering disciplines. The team might be comprised of a
mathematician, physicist, chemist, biologist, psychologist, sociologist and an economist working
together on a problem. Each individual member of the group represents an alternative way of
looking at the problem.
1.6 Adopt Scientific Method
O.R. uses updated and technological advanced tools e.g. computers. But O.R. problems cannot
be analyzed under controlled conditions because the O.R person cannot manipulate the system he
studies. Hence, he must build mathematical models to represent the actual problem. Such models
can then be manipulated and analyzed. Certain variables can be changed while holding others
constant in order to find out how the system can be affected. O.R. person are able to simulate the
real world and also experiment with it in abstract terms. Solutions to such mathematical models
represent the relationship that exists between controlled and uncontrolled variables. Objective
functions are supplemented by a set of restive statements on the possible values of the controlled
variables. Objectives of O.R models are basically of two types:
- Minimizing costs.
- Maximizing benefits.
The updated scientific method requires.
- Mathematical modeling
- Use of standard O.R techniques
- Establishing controls
- Utilization of computer capabilities.
Most of the solutions of an O.R problem contain uncovered new problems. All inter-related
problems uncovered by the O.R approach do not have to be solved at the same time. However,
each must be solved with consideration for other problems, if maximum benefits are to be
obtained. Hence, O.R is not effectively used if it is restricted to one-shot projects. Greatest
benefits can be obtained through continuity of interrelated problems and solutions.
b) O.R. programs fail to gain acceptance and implementation due to lack of proper
organization. This occurs when O.R. group members do not seek the participation of those
affected. By not letting the affected to participate from the beginning, the O.R. team may not
learn the technical aspects of the operations or define unrealistic objectives. Hence, they cast
aside the important knowledge which would be incorporated into the constraints, assumptions,
and the model itself. Not making use of the experience and judgment of line managers and their
subordinates in an O.R. problem is a fraud. It is essential to gain the participation of, the
managers who must act on recommendations, those who have final word concerning the
functions under study, those who are affected by the final recommendations, operating
management and their subordinates. Some other items that can cause resistance to the
acceptance of an O.R. solution are managers who do not understand the model prejudice against
quantitative techniques in general reluctance to change the status quo.
c) Communication problem.
Personnel who do not understand the models have `difficult accepting the models results.
Sometimes there is rigidity in interpretations of the results. O.R. team must see the models only
as decision making tools, not as the know-all techniques .The team must effectively
communicate the results of the study to all involved in the study. Let the presentation not be too
highly technical as this would encounter communication problem.
d) Costs problem
Sometimes the models can turn out to be too expensive compared to the expected return from
their use. Hence they get abandoned.
Formulating the problem
To formulate the problem involves accepting that there is a problem then gives analysis to the
system under study, objectives of the study, and alternative courses of action. Identify also those
affected by the decisions under study and their pertinent objectives.
Also specify the measure and suitability of the effectiveness of the study results.
Constructing a mathematical model
The model should express the effectiveness of the system under study as a function of a set of
variables, at least one of which is subject to control.
The general form of an O.R. model is:-
E f xi yi
E = Effectiveness of the system.
xi = Variables subject to control.
It might be impossible or too expensive to carry out real experiments in order to find out which
of a number of plans is optimum, such as implementing all the possible plans in succession and
observing which provides the optimum value for the performance measure. All that is necessary
in order to deal with the problem is a representation of the variables and the relationships
between them, such a representation is called a “model” hence, and a model here is defined as an
idealized representation of a real-life system. This system could be already in existence or it may
be still a conceived idea awaiting execution.
Steps to follow:-
1st objective is to analyze the behavior of the system with a view to improving its performance.
2nd objective is to define the ideal structure of the future system which includes the functional
relationships among its components.
The reliability of the solution thus obtained depends on the validity of the model in representing
the real system.
System scientists have classified models into the following types:-
a) Iconic (physical) model – represent the system as it is, look like what they represent, though
physical dimensions are usually scaled down or up i.e. toy airplane or car is an iconic model of a
real one.
b) Analogue Models (Diagrammatic) – the relationship between the variables in the system
under investigation are represented by similar relationships between variables in a different
system. This basically requires the substitution of one property for another for the ultimate
purpose of achieving convenience in manipulating the model to represent different states of the
real system. Observed states of the analogue system can then be translated back to the real
system e.g. graphs, charts etc.
c) Symbolic (Mathematical models) – employ a set of mathematical symbols to represent the
decision variables of the system, and the relationship between them, i.e. Algebraic functions,
linear programming, Inventory models, etc.
- Assumes solutions are defined for all real number – remedy thus use xi 0 the non – negativity
- Assumes the functions have a continuous domain that is used as an approximation.
- Methods have been developed which use only discreet domains i.e. poison probability
distribution used in queuing theory.
- Verification problems when the system is new or even when it is old, historical data may not
be the best. Fortunately we use the experience obtained from standard O.R. models to guide us
to the application of such techniques to new situations.
- Implementation of solutions may not be perfect, so specialists and managers must work
together from the inception stage to the end of implementation for its success. Advantages are
that they are very adaptable, they are used very often and routing have been established for
solving them called algorithm, many of which are iterative.
- The above order follows the order of importance in O.R applications-from the least abstract to
the most abstract.
The introduction of digital computers has led to the introduction of two more types of models in
d) Simulation models – are digital representations which imitate the behavior of a system using
the digital computer or analyze manually the statistic measuring the performance of the system
are accumulated as the simulator advances, which are used to make decisions more flexible than
symbolic models, hence can be applied in more complex situations, but has the disadvantages of
not yielding general solutions like those of the symbolic models due to experimental error, and
there is no reliable way for measuring such impression. Its application may also be uneconomical
hence you apply this model when everything else has failed
e) Heuristic Models – are mainly used to explore alternative strategies which have been over
looked previously, thus differing from mathematical and simulation models which are used to
represent systems having well - defined strategies (courses of action). The heuristic models do
not claim to find the best solution to the problem. Rather, by applying some intuitive rules or
guidelines, new strategies can be generated which will yield improved solutions to the model.
Unlike simulation and heuristic models for which no fixed structures can be suggesting, a
mathematical model includes mainly three basic elements, namely:-
a) Decision variables and Parameters
Decision variables are the unknowns which lead to the solution of the problem –controllable.
Parameters may be deterministic or probabilistic and are the prices, costs or unit resource usage,
etc - which are (short run) uncontrollable variables.
b) Constraints or Restrictions
This allows for solving the problem, because they limit the decision variables to their feasible or
permissible values. Non-negativity constraints allow for real life system which concerns the
operation researcher.
c) Objective Function
This defines the measure of effectiveness of the system as a mathematical function of its decision
variables. It lead to optimum results and a poor formulation of it can only lead to a poor solution
of the problem, yielding sub - optimal results. Here you must use systems approach in
formulating the objective functions, i.e. you must not reflect only on the sales, and finance
departments and not the production department goals.
Kumawar D.S and Kongere T.O (2003). Fundamentals of Operations Research, India Bishen
Singh Mahendra Pal Singh (pg 1-21).
2.0 Purpose
It mainly minimizes the transportation costs of supplying quantities of a commodity from
the warehouses to the shops.
2.1 Objectives
The typical transportation problem deals with a number of sources of supply (e.g. warehouses)
and a number of destinations (e.g. retail shops). The usual objective is to minimize the
transportation cost of supplying quantities of a commodity from the warehouses to the shops.
The major requirement is that there must be a constant transportation cost per unit i.e. if one unit
costs ksh 700 to transport from warehouse A to shop X, five units will cost ksh 3500. This will
be recognized as the linearity requirement fundamental to all forms of Linear Programming (LP).
Although the method of solving transportation problems described below differs in appearance
from the Simplex method it has some basic similarities, as follows:
a) It is an iterative, step by step, process.
b) It starts with a feasible solution and each succeeding solution is also feasible.
c) At each stage a test is made to see whether transportation costs can be reduced
d) Optimum is reached when no further cost reductions are possible.
A firm of office equipment suppliers has three depots located in various towns. It receives orders
for a total of 15 special filing cabinets from four customers. In total in the three depots there are
15 of the correct filing cabinets available and the management wish to minimize delivery costs
by dispatching the filing cabinets from the appropriate depot for each customer.
Details of the availabilities, requirements and transport costs per filing cabinet are given in the
following table.
Note: The body of the table contains the transportation costs per cabinet from the depots to the
customer. For example, it costs ksh14 to send 1 cabinet from Deport Y to customer B (and ksh
28 for 2, ksh 42 for 3 etc.)
Table 1
Step1. Make an initial feasible allocation of deliveries. The method used for this initial solution
does not affect the value of the optimum but a careful initial choice may reduce the number of
iterations that have to be made. The method to be used is to select the cheapest route first, and
allocate as many as possible then the next cheapest and so on. The result of such an allocation is
as follows
Table 2
3 3 4 5
Available X 2 units 2(1)
Note: The numbers in the table represent deliveries of cabinets and the numbers in the brackets
(1), (2), etc represent the sequence in which they are inserted, lowest cost first i.e.
3. The next lowest cost move which is feasible i.e. does not exceed
row or column totals is 1 unit Y B ksh14/ unit 14
Step2. Check solution obtained to see if it represents the minimum cost possible. This is done by
calculating what are known as „shadow costs‟ (i.e. imputed cost of not using a particular route)
and comparing these with the real transport costs to see whether a change of allocation is
This is done as follows:
Calculate a nominal „dispatch‟ and „reception‟ cost for each occupied cell by making the
assumption that the transport cost per unit is capable of being split between dispatch and
reception costs thus:
D (X) + R (B) = 11
D (Y) + R (A) = 17
D (Y) + R (B) = 14
D (Y) + R (C) = 12
D (Z) + R (A) = 18
D (Z) + R (D) = 12
Where D(X), D(Y) and D(Z) represent Dispatch cost from depots X,Y and Z, and R(A), R(B),
R(C) and R(D) represent Reception costs at customers A,B,C,D.
By convention the first depot is assigned the value of zero i.e. D(X) = 0 and this value is
substituted in the first equation and then all the other values can be obtained thus
R (A) = 14
R (B) = 11
R (C) = 9
R (D) = 8
D(X) = 0
D(Y) = 3
D(Z) = 4
Using these values the shadow costs of the unoccupied cells can be calculated. The unoccupied
cells are X: A, X: C, X: D, Y: D, Z: B, Z: C.
Shadow cost
D(X) + R (A) = 0 + 14 = I4
D(X) + R (C) = 0 + 9 =9
D(X) + R (D) = 0 + 8 =8
D(Y) + R (D) = 3 + 8 = I1
D(Z) + R (B) = 4 + 11 = I5
D(Z) + R (C) = 4 + 9 = I3
These computed „shadow costs‟ are compared with the actual transport costs (from Table1),
where the actual costs are less than shadow costs, overall costs can be reduced by allocating units
into that cell.
Cell X: A 13 - 14 = -1
X: C 15 - 9 = +6
X: D 20 - 8 = +12
Y: D 13 - 11 =
The meaning of this is that total costs could be reduced by ksh1 for every unit that can be
transferred into cell X: A. As there is a cost reduction that can be made the solution in Table 2 is
not optimum.
Step3. Make the maximum possible allocation of deliveries into the cell where actual costs are
less than shadow costs using occupied cells i.e.
Cell X: A from Step 2, the number that can be allocated is governed by the need to keep within
the column totals. This is done as follows:
Table 3 3 3 4 5
+ 2-
X 2 units
-1 +1 4
Available Y 6 units
Z 7 units 2 5
Table 3 is a reproduction of table 2 with a number of + and – inserted. These were inserted for
the following reasons.
Cell X: A + indicates a transfer in as indicated in Step 2.
Cell X: B – indicates a transfer out to maintain Row X total.
Cell Y: B + indicates a transfer in to maintain Column B total.
Cell Y: A – indicates a transfer out to maintain Row Y and Column A totals
The maximum number than can be transferred into Cell X: A is the lowest number in the minus
cells i.e. cells Y: A, and X: B which is 1 unit.
Therefore 1 unit is transferred in the + and – sequence described above resulting in the following
Table 4
3 3 4 5
1 1
X 2 units 2 4
Available Y 6 units 2 5
Z 7 units
The new total cost is ksh1 less than the total cost established in step 1. This is the result expected
because it was calculated in step 2 that ksh1 would be saved for every unit we were able to
transfer to Cell X: A and we were able to transfer 1 unit only.
Notes: Always commence the + and – sequence with a + in the cell indicated by the (actual cost-
shadow cost) calculation. Then put a – in the occupied cell in the same row which has an
occupied cell in its column. Proceed until a – appears in the same column as the original +.
Step 4. Repeat step 2 i.e. checks that solution represents minimum cost. Each of the processes in
step 2 is repeated using the latest solution (Table 4) as a basis, thus:
Nominal dispatch and reception costs for each occupied cell.
D (X) + R (A) = 13
D (X) + R (B) = 11
D (Y) + R (B) = 14
D (Y) + R (C) = 12
D (Z) + R (A) = 18
D (Z) + R (D) = 12
Using these values the shadow costs of the unoccupied cells are calculated. The unoccupied cells
are X: C, X: D, Y: A, Y: D, Z: B, And Z: C.
D (X) + R (C) = 9
D (X) + R (D) = 7
D (Y) + R (A) = 16
D (Y) + R (D) = 10
D (Z) + R (B) = 16
D (Z) + R (C) = 14
The computed shadow costs are compared with actual costs to see if any reduction in cost is
Cell X: C 15 - 9 = +6
X: D 20 - 7 = +13
X: A 17 - 16 = +1
Y: D 13 - 10 = +3
Z: B 18 - 16 = +2
Z: C 15 - 14 = +1
It will be seen that all the answers are positive, therefore no further cost reduction is possible and
optimum has been reached.
Optimum solution
1 unit X A
1 unit X B
2 units Y B
4 units X C
2 units X A
5 units Y D
With a total cost of ksh196
This solution is shown in the following tableau.
Table 5
X 1 1
Y 2 4
Z 2 5
Note: In this example only one iteration was necessary to produce an optimum solution mainly
because a good initial solution was chosen. The principles explained above would, of course, be
equally suitable for much iteration.
Table 6
Step1. Add a dummy destination to Table 6 with a zero transport costs and a requirement equal
to the surplus available.
Dummy requirement = 110 – 100 =10 Freezers
Table 7
Shop A shop B shop C shop D Dummy Total
Freezers 25 25 42 8 10 110
Warehouse I 40 ksh3 16 9 2 0
Warehouse II 20 ksh1 9 3 8 0 transport cost
Warehouse III 50 ksh4 5 2 5 0 per freezer
Total 110
Step2. Now that the quantity available equals the quantity required (because of the insertion of
the dummy) the solution can proceed in exactly the same manner described in Para.4 example 7.
First set up an initial feasible solution.
Table 8
A B C D Dummy
25 25 42 8 10
The numbers in the table represent the allocation made and the numbers in brackets represent the
sequence they were inserted based on lowest cost and the necessity to maintain row/ column
totals. The residue of 10 was allocated to the dummy.
Ksh Ksh
I-A 5 units @ 3 = 15
I-D 8 units @ 2 = 16
III - B 8 units @ 5 = 40
III - C 42 units @ 2 = 84
ksh 447
Step3. Check solution to see if it represents the minimum cost possible in the same manner as
previously described i.e.
Dispatch & Reception Costs of used routes:
D (I) + R (A) = 3
D (I) + R (B) = 16
D (I) + R (D) = 2
D (I) + R(Dummy) = 0
D (II) + R (A) = 1
D(III) + R (B) = 5
D(III) + R (C) = 2
R (A) = 3
R (B) = 16
R (C) = 13
R (D) = 2
R (Dummy) = 0
D (I) = 0
D (II) = -2
D (III) = -11
Using these values the shadow costs of the unused routes can be calculated. The unused routes
are I: C, II: B, II: C, II: D, II: Dummy, III: A, III: D and III: Dummy.
Shadow costs Ksh
D (I) + R(C) = 0 + 13 = 13
D (II) + R (B) = -2 + 16 = 14
D (II) + R(C) = -2 + 13 = 11
D (II) + R(D) = -2 + 2 = 0
D (II) + R (Dummy) = -2 + 0 = -2
+ cost increase
- Shadow cost = - cost reduction
Actual Cost
Cell I: C 9 - 13 = -4
II: B 9 - 14 = -5
II: C 3 - 11 = -8
II: D 8 - 0 = +8
It will be seen that total costs can be reduced by ksh8 per unit for every unit that can be
transferred into Cell II: C.
Step4. Make the maximum possible allocation of deliveries into Cell II: C. this is done by
inserting a sequence of + and -, maintaining row and column totals.
Table 9
A B C D Dummy
25 25 42 8 10
5+ 17- 8 10
I 40
20 - +
Available II 20
8+ 42-
III 50
Note: This is a reproduction of table 7 with a sequence of + and – added starting with a + in Cell
II : C and then – and + as necessary to maintain row and column balances. The maximum
number that can be transferred is the lowest number in the minus cells i.e. 17 units in cell 1: B.
Table 10
25 25 42 8 10
I 40 22 8 10
3 17
Available II 20
25 25
III 50
R (A) = 3
R (B) = 8
R (C) = 5
R (D) = 2
R = 0
D (I) = 0
D (II) = -2
D (III) = -3
These values are used to calculate the shadow costs of the unused routes.
Cell I: B = 8
I: C = 5
II: B = 6
II: D = 0
II: Dummy = -2
I: A = 0
I: D = -1
I: Dummy = -3
When these shadow costs are deducted from the actual costs no negative values result: the
allocation shown in Table 10 is optimum with a minimum transportation cost of ksh 311.
Maximizing technique routes should be all negative. If not, make
Maximum contribution first, then next allocation into cell with the largest positive
highest and so on difference. Apart from the differences
above the transportation technique can be
For optimum, the differences between actual followed as usual.
and shadow contributions for the unused
2.12 Summary
- A Flowchart gives an outline of the transportation method for minimizing problems and is
cross referenced to appropriate parts of the chapter.
- Maximizing problems follow the same general pattern except that the initial feasible solution
is made on the basis of maximum contribution first and optimum is recognized when all the
values are negative after deducting shadow from actual contribution.
- The number of allocations made must be one less than the number of rows plus the number of
columns. If this does not happen after making the necessary actual allocations one or more
cells, with zero allocation, must be treated as occupied
Outline of transportation method flowchart. Figure 1
N requirements
Step 1 Para 6 Add dummy
Make initial
feasible solution
Calculate total
Step 1 Para 4
Calculate nominal
dispatch and
Step 2 Para 4 Reception costs
Calculate shadow
costs of unused
Step 2 Para4
negative N
Step 2 Para 4 values?
Put + into cell with greatest
negative values and –s Optimum
Step 3 Para 4 And +s to keep solution
Row and column totals
Sets 20 30 15 5
Shop I 40
2 4 1 6
Available Shop II 20
4 3 3 3
Shop III 20 1 2 5 2
Lucey T. (2000). Quantitative techniques 5th edition London: Ashford colour press (page 286-
3.0 Purpose
In the language of Game Theory each player tries to maximize their payoff irrespective of
what other players are doing.
3.1 Objectives
After studying this topic the student will be able to;
Choose strategies rationally when outcomes depend on the strategies chosen by
others and when information is incomplete?
Rationalize whether to cooperate to realize the mutual gain (or avoid the mutual
loss) or to act aggressively in seeking individual gain regardless of mutual gain or
Know the circumstances under which aggression is rational and in what
circumstances cooperation rational?
determine whether ongoing relationships differ from one-off encounters in this
Game Theory can be regarded as a multi-agent decision problem. Which means there are many
people contending for limited rewards/payoffs? They have to make certain moves on which their
payoff depends. These people have to follow certain rules while making these moves. Each
player is supposed to behave rationally.
In essence each player has to decide a set of moves which are in accordance with the rules of the
game and which maximize his/her rewards.
Game Theory can be classified in two branches
- Non co-operative game theory: In this case the players work independently without assuming
anything about what other players are doing.
- Co-operative game theory: Here players may co-operate with one another.
Game Theory has found applications in Economic, Evolutionary Biology, Sociology, Political
Science etc, now and its finding applications in Computer Science.
A game has the following:-
- Set of Players.
The two players who are choosing either Head or Tail in the Coin Matching Game form the
set of players i.e. P = {P1, P 2}
- Set of Rules.
There are certain rules which each player has to follow while playing the game. Each player can
safely assume that others are following these rules. In coin matching game each player can
choose either Head or Tail. The player has to act independently and made his selection only
once. Player 1 wins if both selections are the same otherwise player 2 wins. These form the Rule
set R for the coin matching game
- Set Strategies Si for each player Pi.
For example in Matching coins S1 = {H, T} and S2 = {H, T} are the strategies of the two Players.
Which means each of them can choose either Head or Tail.
- Set of Outcomes.
In matching Coins its {Loss, Win} for both players. This is a function of the strategy profile
selected. In our example S1 x S2 = {(H, H), (H, T), (T, H), (T, T)} is the strategy profile.
clearly first and last are win situation for first player while the middle two are win cases for the
second player.
-Pay off ui (o) for each player i and for each outcome.
This is the amount of benefit a player derives if a particular outcome happens. In general its
different for different players.
Let the payoffs in coin matching game be,
u1 (Win) = 100
u1 (Loss) = 0
u2 (Win) = 100
u2 (Loss) = 0
Both the players would like to maximize their payoffs (rationality) so both will try to win. Now
let‟s consider a slightly different case. We redefine the payoffs as,
Player 1 is competitor so
u1 (Win) = 100
u1 (Loss) = 0
While player 2 is a very concerned about seeing player 1 happy (player 1 is his little brother) so
for him
u2 (Win) = 10
u2 (Loss) = 100
In this situation only player 1 would try hard to win while player 2 will try to lose. The point to
note is that each player tries maximizing his payoff for which he/she would like to get the
outcome which gives him maximum payoff.
Informally we can say the players sit across a table and play the game according to the set of
rules. There is an outcome for each player when the game ends each player derives a pay off
from this outcome. For example an outcome of victory brings payoff in terms of awards and
fame to the cricket players, while loss means no payoff. Because all the players are rational
beings they will try to maximize their payoffs. In non co-operative games players don't know
what other players are doing. So they have to make the moves without looking at what others are
doing. Each player chooses a strategy i.e. set of moves he would play.
It is the set of moves that a player would play in a game. Being rational a player would chose the
strategy in such a way as to maximize his/her payoff.
Pay off ui (o) for each player i and for each outcome O.
Example; Coin Matching Game: Two players choose independently either Head or Tail and
report it to a central authority. If both choose the same side of the coin, player 1 wins, otherwise
2 wins.
The Game
Tucker began with a little story, like this: two burglars, Bob and Al, are captured near the scene
of a burglary and are given the "third degree" separately by the police. Each has to choose
whether or not to confess and implicate the other. If neither man confesses, then both will serve
one year on a charge of carrying a concealed weapon. If each confesses and implicates the other,
both will go to prison for 10 years. However, if one burglar confesses and implicates the other,
and the other burglar does not confess, the one who has collaborated with the police will go free,
while the other burglar will go to prison for 20 years on the maximum charge. The strategies in
this case are: confess or don't confess. The payoffs (penalties, actually) are the sentences served.
We can express all this compactly in a "payoff table" of a kind that has become pretty standard in
game theory. Here is the payoff table for the Prisoners' Dilemma game:
Table 12
confess don't
The table is read like this: Each prisoner chooses one of the two strategies. In effect, Al chooses
a column and Bob chooses a row. The two numbers in each cell tell the outcomes for the two
prisoners when the corresponding pair of strategies is chosen. The number to the left of the
comma tells the payoff to the person who chooses the rows (Bob) while the number to the right
of the column tells the payoff to the person who chooses the columns (Al). Thus (reading down
the first column) if they both confess, each gets 10 years, but if Al confesses and Bob does not,
Bob gets 20 and Al goes free. So: how to solve this game? What strategies are "rational" if both
men want to minimize the time they spend in jail? Al might reason as follows: "Two things can
happen: Bob can confess or Bob can keep quiet. Suppose Bob confesses. Then I get 20 years if I
don't confess, 10 years if I do, so in that case it's best to confess. On the other hand, if Bob
doesn't confess, and I don't either, I get a year; but in that case, if I confess I can go free. Either
way, it's best if I confess. Therefore, I'll confess."But Bob can and presumably will reason in the
same way so that they both confess and go to prison for 10 years each. Yet, if they had acted
"irrationally," and kept quiet, they each could have gotten off with one year each.
Dominant Strategies
What has happened here is that the two prisoners have fallen into something called “dominant
strategy equilibrium."
Dominant Strategy: Let an individual player in a game evaluate separately each of the strategy
combinations he may face, and, for each combination, choose from his own strategies the one
that gives the best payoff. If the same strategy is chosen for each of the different combinations of
strategies the player might face, that strategy is called a "dominant strategy" for that player in
that game.
Dominant Strategy Equilibrium: If, in a game, each player has a dominant strategy, and each
player plays the dominant strategy, then that combination of (dominant) strategies and the
corresponding payoffs are said to constitute the dominant strategy equilibrium for that game.
In the Prisoners' Dilemma game, to confess is a dominant strategy, and when both prisoners
confess, that is dominant strategy equilibrium.
Issues With Respect to the Prisoners' Dilemma
This remarkable result that individually rational action results in both persons being made worse
off in terms of their own self-interested purposes is what has made the wide impact in modern
social science. For there are many interactions in the modern world that seem very much like
that, from arms races through road congestion and pollution to the depletion of fisheries and the
overexploitation of some subsurface water resources. These are all quite different interactions in
detail, but are interactions in which (we suppose) individually rational action leads to inferior
results for each person, and the Prisoners' Dilemma suggests something of what is going on in
each of them. That is the source of its power. Having said that, we must also admit candidly that
the Prisoners' Dilemma is very simplified and abstract if you will, an "unrealistic" conception of
many of these interactions. A number of critical issues can be raised with the Prisoners'
Dilemma, and each of these issues has been the basis of a large scholarly literature:
- The Prisoners' Dilemma is a two-person game, but many of the applications of the idea are
really many-person interactions.
- We have assumed that there is no communication between the two prisoners. If they could
communicate and commit themselves to coordinated strategies, we would expect a quite
different outcome.
- In the Prisoners' Dilemma, the two prisoners interact only once. Repetition of the interactions
might lead to quite different results.
- Compelling as the reasoning that leads to the dominant strategy equilibrium may be, it is not
the only way this problem might be reasoned out. Perhaps it is not really the most rational
answer after all.
Table 13
Head Tail
Head 1,-1 -1,1
Tail -1,1 1,-1
If we add up the payoffs in each cell, we find 1-1=0. This is a "zero-sum game."
Definition: If we add up the wins and losses in a game, treating losses as negatives, and wins as
positives and find that the sum is zero for each set of strategies chosen, then the game is a "zero-
sum game."
In less formal terms, a zero-sum game is a game in which one player's winnings equal the other
player's losses. Do notice that the definition requires a zero sum for every set of strategies. If
there is even one strategy set for which the sum differs from zero, then the game is not zero sum.
Table 14
Price=ksh10 Price=ksh20
We saw that the maximum solution was for each company to cut price to ksh10. That is also
dominant strategy equilibrium. It's easy to check that: Apollo can reason that either Perry cuts to
ksh10 or not. If they do, Apollo is better off cutting to ksh10 to avoid a loss of ksh5000. But if
Perrier doesn't cut, Apollo can earn a profit of ksh 5000 by cutting. And Perrier can reason in the
same way, so cutting is a dominant strategy for each competitor. But this is, of course, a very
simplified, even unrealistic, conception of price competition. Let's look at a more complicated,
perhaps more realistic pricing example:
Table 15
Order served Gross Payoff Net Payoff
First 20 18
Second 17 15
Third 14 12
Fourth 11 9
Fifth 8 6
Sixth 5 3
These payoffs assume, however, that one does not stand in line. There is a two-point effort
penalty for standing in line, so that for those who stand in line, the net payoff to being served is
two less than what is shown in the second column. These net payoffs are given in the third
column of the table.
Those who do not stand in line are chosen for service at random, after those who stand in line
have been served. (Assume that these six passengers are risk neutral.) If no-one stands in line,
then each person has an equal chance of being served first, second, ..., sixth, and an expected
payoff of 12.5. In such a case the aggregate payoff is 75.
But this will not be the case, since an individual can improve her payoff by standing in line,
provided she is first in line. The net payoff to the person first in line is 18, so someone will get
up and stand in line.
This leaves the average payoff at 11 for those who remain. Since the second person in line gets a
net payoff of 15, someone will be better off to get up and stand in the second place in line.
This leaves the average payoff at 9.5 for those who remain. Since the third person in line gets a
net payoff of 12, someone will be better off to get up and stand in the third place in line.
This leaves the average payoff at 8 for those who remain. Since the fourth person in line gets a
net payoff of 9, someone will be better off to get up and stand in the fourth place in line.
This leaves the average payoff at 6.5 for those who remain. Since the fifth person in line gets a
net payoff of 6, no-one else will join the queue. With 4 persons in the queue, we have arrived at
Nash equilibrium of the game. The total payoff is 67, less than the 75 that would have been the
total payoff if, somehow, the queue could have been prevented.
Two people are better off: the first two in line with the first gaining an assured payoff of 5.5
above the uncertain average payoff she would have had in the absence of queuing and the second
gaining 2.5. But the rest are worse off. The third person in line gets 12, losing 0.5; the fourth 9,
losing 3.5, and the rest get average payoffs of 6.5, losing 6 each. Since the total gains from
queuing are 8 and the losses 16, we can say that, in one fairly clear sense, queuing is inefficient.
We should note that it is in the power of the authority (the airline, in this case) to prevent this
inefficiency by the simple expedient of not respecting the queue. If the clerks were to ignore the
queue and, let us say, pass out lots for order of service at the time of their arrival, there would be
no point for anybody to stand in line, and there would be no effort wasted by queuing (in an
equilibrium information state).
3.7 Summary
- Game theory. It‟s a multi-agent decision problem.
- Rationality. It implies that each player tries to maximize pay off irrespective of what other
Players are doing
- Strategy. Set of moves that a player would play in a game.
- Prisoners‟ Dilemma. Each has to choose whether or not to confess and implicate the other.
- Zero sum games. If the wins and losses in a game are added treating losses as negative and
gains as positive and the Sum is zero for each set of strategies.
- Mixed strategy. A game where a player chooses two or more strategies at random according to
specific probabilities
- Queuing game. It extends the prisoners‟ Dilemma in some interesting ways.
1. We will think of two companies that sell mineral water. Each company has a fixed cost
of Ksh 50000 per period, regardless whether they sell anything or not. We will call the
companies Perry and Apollo, just to take two names at random.
The two companies are competing for the same market and each firm must choose a
high price (Ksh 20 per bottle) or a low price (Ksh 10 per bottle). Here are the rules of
the game:
a) At a price of ksh20, 5000 bottles can be sold for total revenue of ksh100000.
b) At a price of 10, 10000 bottles can be sold for total revenue of ksh100000.
c) If both companies charge the same price, they split the sales evenly between them.
d) If one company charges a higher price, the company with the lower price sells the
amount and the company with the higher price sells nothing.
e) Payoffs are profits revenue minus the Ksh 50000 fixed cost.
i) Draw the payoff table for these two companies
ii) What is the solution to the game?
2. Following a long tradition in economics, we will think of two companies selling
"widgets" at a price of ten, twenty, or thirty shillings per widget. The payoffs are profits
after allowing for costs of all kinds and are shown in the table below. The general idea
behind the example is that the company that charges a lower price will get more
customers and thus, within limits, more profits than the high-price competitor.
Table 16
Acme Widgets
p=10 0,0 50, -10 40,-20
Roger McCain‟s Game Theory. A None Technical Introduction to Analysis of strategy. World
Scientific Publishing Company (Pg 35-51).
4.0 Purpose
4.1 Objectives
Network analysis is a generic term for a family of related techniques developed to aid
management to plan and control projects. They can provide planning and control information on
the time, cost and resource aspects of a project. Network analysis is likely to be of most value
where projects are: complex, large, and restrictions exist.
The head of the arrow indicates where the task ends and the tail where the tasks begin. It points
from left to right and is not drawn to scale. An essential preliminary to the use of network
analysis is establishing:
i) What activities are involved in the project?
ii) Their logical relationship.
iii) An estimate of the time the activity is expected to take.
This is a point in time and indicates the start or finish of an activity, or activities, e.g. wall built.
It is represented in a network by a circle or node as follows:
Dummy activity
This is an activity which does not consume time or resources. It is used merely to show clear,
logical dependencies between activities so as not to violate the rule for drawing networks. It is
represented on a network by a dotted arrow as follows:
Dummy activities are not usually listed with the real activities but become necessary as the
network is drawn.
This is the combination of activities, dummy activities and events in logical sequence according
to the rules for drawing networks.
Figure 2
4.3 Rules for Drawing Networks
a) A complete network should have only one point of entry – a start event and only one point of
exit – a finish event.
b) Every activity must have one preceding of „tail‟ event and one succeeding or „head‟ event.
Note that many activities may use the same tail event and many may use the head event, e.g.
Figure 3
Head events
Tail events
However an activity must not share the same tail event and the same head event with any other
a) No activity can start until its tail event is reached.
b) An event is not complete until all activities leading in to it are complete.
c) A series of activities which lead back to the same event (loops) are not allowed since the
essence of networks is a progression.
Figure 4
All activities must be tied into the network. Activities which do not link into the overall project
are termed „danglers‟
Dangler not to be used Figure5
Dangling activity
By the use of a dummy activity it could be shown correctly as follows:
Figure 6 Car
B rreeaaddyy Right
Car Car
Arrived ready
A Right
Assume that part of a network involves a man lighting a cigarette. The activities involved, and
their relationship are assumed to be as follows.
Activity Preceding activity
A-Remove cigarette from case (Relates to earlier part of network)
C-Put cigarette case away A
B-Strike match (Relates to earlier part of network)
D-Light cigarette A, B
Figure 7
If the network had been drawn as follows it would have been incorrect.
Figure 8
It is incorrect because it depicts that the cigarette case cannot be put away (C) until the match has
been struck (B) which is incorrect according to the precedence rules given above.
Network example
Project One Constructing a house
A - Draw a plan
B - Make a budget
Figure 9
4 M
1 6 L N
C 3 G 7 8
0 D F
2 J
4.7 Summary
- Network analysis is used for the planning and control of large, complex projects.
- Networks comprise activities (represented as ) and events (represented us O).
Activities consume time and resources, events are points in time.
- Networks have one start event and one end event. An event is not complete until all activities
leading into it are complete.
- The length of the arrows representing activities is not important because networks are not
drawn to scale.
- Dummy activities (represented thus ----) are necessary to show logical relationships.
They do not consume time or resources.
1. Draw the network for the following project.
Activity Preceding
A -
B, C, D A
I H, I
L I, J, K
T. Lucey (2000) Quantitative techniques, 5th edition. London: Ashford colour press (Pg 322-
Bishen Singh (2003) Fundamentals of Operation Research New Connaught place Dehra Dun-
India (Pg310-323)
Network Analysis -Time Analysis
4.11 Objectives
After studying this subtopic the student will be able to:
Know that there may be single or multiple time estimates for each activity
Be able to define the critical path
Understand how to find the critical path using the forward pass and the backward pass
Know what is meant by float and how it is calculated
Understand how basic time analysis can be extended using multiple time estimates
Be able to estimate the standard deviation of the project duration
Know how to use both continuous and discrete probabilities in networks
Expected time =
b) Use of time estimates. On the completion of the basic time analysis, projects with
multiple time estimates can be further analyzed to give an estimate of the probability of
completing the project by a scheduled date.
c) Time units. Time estimates may be given in any unit i.e. minutes, hours, days, weeks,
depending on the project. All time estimates within a project must be in the same units.
4.13 Basic Time Analysis – Critical Path
Critical path: The critical path of a network gives the shortest time in which the whole project
can be completed. It is the chain of activities with the longest duration time.
There may be more than one critical path in a network and it is possible for the critical path to r-
un through a dummy.
Earliest start time (EST). It is the earliest possible time at which a succeeding activity can start.
B 4
Activity label
Event number
1 3 4 5
0 A C E F
3 1 2 1
Activity duration
Figure 11
B 4
0 1 3 4 5
0 1 4 7 9
1 3 1 2
Project duration
4.14 Calculation of EST (forward pass).
The EST of a head event is obtained by adding onto the EST of the tail event the linking activity
duration starting from event 0, time 0 and working forward through the network. Where two or
more routes arrive at an event the longest route time must be taken e.g. activity F depends on
completion of D and E. E is completed by day 5 and D is not complete until day 7 thus F cannot
start before day 7.The EST in the finish event no 5 is the project duration and is the shortest time
in which the whole project can be completed.
Latest start times (LST). To enable the critical path to be isolated, the LST for each activity must
be established. The LST is the latest possible time at which a preceding activity can finish
without increasing the project duration. Using the example above the LSTs is as follows.
Figure 12
3 3 LST
4 D
0 1 3 4 5
A C E F 9
0 0 1 1 4 6 1 7 7 9
1 3 2
Figure 13
3 3
4 D
0 1 3 4 5
A C E F 9 9
0 0 1 1 3 4 6 1 7 7
1 2
The activities along the critical path are vital activities which must be completed by their
EST‟s/LST‟s otherwise the project will be delayed. The non critical activities i.e. C and E have
spare time of float available thus could take up to an additional 2 days in total without delaying
the project duration. If it is required to reduce the overall project duration then the time of one or
more of the activities on the critical path must be reduced perhaps by using more labour, or more
or better equipment or some other method of reducing job times.
4.17 Float
There are three types of float, total, free and independent float.
Using the diagram below, we will illustrate float.
J 5 K 6 N
10 20 40 50
Other parts of network
i) Total float
This is the amount of time a path of activity could be delayed without affecting the overall
project duration i.e. activity K.
Total float = Latest head time (Latest finishing time) – Earliest tail time – Activity
Total float = 50 – 10 – 10
= 30 days
ii) Free float
This is the amount of time an activity can be delayed without affecting the commencement of
subsequent activity at its earliest start time, but may affect float of a previous activity.
Free float = Earliest head time (Earliest finishing time) – Earliest tail time – Activity
Free float = 40 – 10 – 10
= 20 days
iii) Independent float
This is the amount of time an activity can be delayed when all preceding activities are
complete as late as possible and all succeeding activities complete as early as possible.
Independent float therefore does not affect the float of either preceding or subsequent
Independent float = Earliest head time – Latest tail time – Activity duration
Independent float = 40 – 20 – 10
= 10 days
The most important type of float is total float because it is involved with the overall project
duration. When float is used without qualification assumes that total float is required.
The total float can be calculated separately for each activity but it is often useful to find the
total float over chains of non-critical activities between critical events. For example in the
example under critical path the non-critical chain activities is C, E for which the following
calculation can be made:
If some of the chain float is used up on one of the activities in a chain it reduces the leeway
available to other activities in the chain.
Example: The construction of a house example is reproduced with the addition of activity
A - Draw a plan 9
B - Make a budget 3
The network is shown below from which it will be seen that the critical path is:
Activities 1, 3, 7, 12, 14 with duration of 29 days
18 22
3 3
1 C 3 4 5 N 8
0 A G L
9 9 17 17 6 23 23 25 25 4
9 8 2 29 29
0 0
3 B
F2 1 K
2 5
11 18 4 19 22
B 0 0 11 18 3 15 8 8
C *9 9 17 17 8 - - -
D 9 9 11 18 2 7 - -
E 9 9 18 22 3 10 6 6
F 17 17 19 22 2 3 - -
G * 17 17 23 23 6 - - -
H 17 17 18 22 1 4 - -
J 11 18 19 22 4 7 4 -
K 19 22 23 23 1 3 1 -
L *23 23 25 25 2 - - -
M 18 22 25 25 3 4 4 -
N 25 25 29 29 4 - - -
The total float on the non critical chains can also be calculated:
Non-critical chain Time float required chain Time available Total over
B, J, K 8 23 15
D, J, K 7 14 7
F, K 3 6 3
E, M 6 16 10
H, M 4 8 4
E, dummy 3 14 9
H, dummy 1 6 5
Slack is the difference between the EST and LST for each event. It does not apply to activities.
Events on the critical path have zero slack.
.5‐1‐1.5 3
A C D 4
2‐3.5‐4 5.6‐7‐15
0 2 E
4‐5‐6 5‐6‐8
4 6 4 5
B= = 5 weeks
5.6 15 4 7
D= = 8.1 weeks
3 5.4 4 4.5
F= = 4.4 weeks
If the critical activities were to occur at their optimistic times, event 4 would be reached in 12.6
weeks but if the critical activities occurred at their pessimistic times, event 4 would be reached in
26.4 weeks. As these durations span the scheduled date of week 19 some estimate of the
probability of achieving the scheduled date of week must be calculated, as follows.
Make an estimate of the standard deviation for each of the critical activities. If no additional
information is available the following PERT (Programme Evaluation and Review Technique)
formula can be used.
6 4
i.e. standard deviate on Activity B = = 0.33
15 5.6
Activity D = = 1.57
5.4 3
Activity F = = 0.4
Find the standard deviation of event 4 by calculating the statistical sum (the square root of the
sum of the squares) of the standard deviation of all activities on the critical path.
= 1.65 weeks
Find the number of event standard deviations that the scheduled date is away from the expected
19 17.5
= 0.91
If you look in the table of areas under the normal curve the probability of achieving the
scheduled date of week 19 is 82 %. If management consider that the probability of 82 % is not
high enough, efforts must be made to reduce the times or the spread of time activities on the
critical path. It is an efficient use of resources to try to make the probability of reaching the
scheduled date 100 %. It is considered by some experts that the standard deviation, as
calculated above, underestimates the true standard deviation. When activity times have variations
the critical path will often change as the variations occur.
0 C
B 3 0.4
5 0.6
12 0.6
C 14 0.3
17 0.1
A, B route
Durations 9 11 13 15 Weeks
These values are found by combining the durations and probabilities of activities A and B. For
example activity A duration of 6 weeks, probability 0.5, can be combined with activity B
duration of 3 weeks, probability 0.4, to give 9 weeks duration and probability of 0.2(i.e. 0.5 x
C route
Durations 12 14 17 Weeks
The A, B route and the C route alternate as the critical path with varying probabilities as shown
in the following table.
Table 17
A, B route
9 11 13 15
12 12 13* 15
14 14 14 15
17 17 17 17
0.02 0.03 0.02 0.03
Durations Probability
12 0.6
C route 14 0.3
17 0.1
*This means that if the A, B route with 13 weeks duration, probability 0.2, occurs at the same
time as the C route duration of 12 weeks, probability 0.6, the critical path would be 13 weeks i.e.
the longer duration, with the probability of 0.12 (0.6 x 0.2).
4.20 Summary
- Basic time analysis of a network involves calculating the critical path i.e. the shortest time in
which the project can be completed.
- The critical path is established by calculating the EST (Earliest Start Times) and LST (Latest
Start Time) for each event and comparing them. The critical path is the chain of activities
where the EST‟s and LST‟s are the same.
- Float is the spare time available on non-critical activities. There are three types of float; total
float; free float and independent float.
- To calculate the probability of achieving scheduled dated it is necessary to establish what
variability is likely to exist for each activity.
- Given activity time estimates the expected value of the project duration is calculated and an
estimate made of the activity standard deviations.
- The activity standard deviations are combined to form the standard deviation of the overall
project so that probability estimates can be made for various project duration possibilities.
1. Find the critical path of the following network using the EST/LSTs.
A - D
H B, F K
I G, H H
L I, J, K D
4.20 Network Analysis - Cost Scheduling
4.21 Objectives
After studying this subtopic the student will be able to:
Understand the principles of least cost scheduling or crashing the network
Know the meaning of normal and crash costs, normal and crash times, and cost slopes
Be able to use the rules of least cost scheduling
Know how to crash a network
6400 4800
Cost slope =
12 8
Table 18
Project data Preceding Time (days) Crash Costs Crash Cost
Activity activity Normal Normal (ksh) Slope (ksh)
A - 4 3 360 420 60
B - 8 5 300 510 70
C A 5 3 170 270 50
D A 9 7 220 300 40
Figure 16
1 3
4 4 14 14
0 2
0 0 9 9
Note: all activities are now critical.
d) Several alternative ways are possible to reduce the project time by a further 1 day but note 2
or 3 activities need to be shortened because there are several critical paths.
Possibilities available
Table 19
An indication of the total extra costs apparently indicates that the second alternative (i.e D and E
reduced) is the cheapest. However, closer examination of the last alternative (i.e. A and E
reduced) reveals that activity C is non-critical and with 1 day floats. It will be recalled that
activity C was reduced by 1 day previously at an extra cost of ksh50. If in conjunction with the A
and E reduction, activity C is increased by 1 day, the ksh50 is saved and all activities become
critical. The net cost therefore for the 12 day duration is ksh1, 300 + (140-50) = ksh1,390. The
network is now as follows:
1 D 3
3 3 9 12 12
A 5
3(crash) E 4
0 2
8 7 7
0 0 B
Duration 12 days
Cost 1,390
d) The next reduction would be achieved by reducing D and E at an increase of Ksh120 with
once again all activities being critical.
Project duration 11days
Project cost Ksh1, 510
e) The final reduction possible is made by reducing B, C and D at an increased cost of Ksh160.
The final network becomes:
Figure 18
1 D 3
3 3 7(Crash) 10 10
A 4 Duration 10 days
3(crash) E 3(crash)
2 Cost 1,670
B 7 7
0 0 7
All activities critical
- All the principles necessary to crash networks have already been covered and the following
points may save time in an examination.
- Only critical activities affect the project duration so take care not to crash non-critical
- The minimum possible project duration is not necessarily the most profitable option it may be
cost effective to pay some penalties to avoid higher crash costs.
- If there are several independent critical paths then several activities will need to be crashed
simultaneously. If there are several critical paths which are not separate i.e. they share an
activity or activities then it may be cost effective to crash the shared activities even though they
may not have the lowest cost slopes.
- Always look for the possibility of increasing the duration of a previously crashed activity
when subsequent crashing renders it non-critical, i.e. it has float.
4.25 Summary
- Cost analysis of network seeks the cheapest ways of reducing project times
- The crash cost is the cost associated with the minimum possible time for an activity which is
known as the crash time.
- The average cost of shortening an activity by one time period (day, weeks etc) is known as the
cost slope.
- Least cost scheduling finds the cheapest method of reducing the overall project time by
reducing the time of the activity on the critical path with the lowest cost slope.
- The total project cost includes all activity costs not just those on the critical path.
- The usual assumption is that the cost slope is linear. This need not be so and care should be
taken not to make the linearity assumption when circumstances point to some other
- The example used in this chapter includes increasing the time of a subcritical activity
- Which has already been crashed, so saving the extra costs incurred? Always look for such
- Dummy activities have zero slopes and cannot be crashed.
4.26 Exercise
1. Calculate the cost slopes and the critical path of the following network:
5 2,3 5 3 850 1000
1. Construct a least cost schedule for the network in question 11 showing all durations from
normal time- normal cost to crash time –crash cost.
4.31 Objectives
After studying this subtopic the student will be able to:
Understand the principles of resource scheduling
Known how to draw a Gantt chart
Be able to prepare a resource aggregation profile
Know how to use resource leveling
Be able to prepare a resource allocation profile
Resource and networks
Project resources: The resources (men of varying skills, machines of all types, the required
materials, finance and space) used in a project are subject to varying demands and loadings as
the project proceeds. Management need to know what activities and what resources are critical to
the project duration and if resource limitations (e.g. shortage of materials, limited number of
skilled craftsmen) might delay the project. They also wish to ensure, as far as possible, constant
work rates to avoid paying overtime at one stage of a project and having short time working at
another stage.
Table 21
Project data
Figure 19 1 C
1 2 4
3 3 F
1 4
D 5 5
0 0 5
2 3 E
2 4
Critical path-activity D –durations 5 days (Without taking account of the resource constraint)
0 1 2 3 4 5
Time scale in days
Time scaled network
Based on the time bar chart prepares a resource aggregation profile i.e total resource
requirements in each time period.
Figure 21
Figure 22
No. of 3
men 2
1 D
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
The above profile shows that to achieve the 5 days duration it is necessary to have men available
from day 2 to day 4.
4.37 Summary
- To enable resource scheduling to be carried out the resource requirement for each activity
must be specified.
- In addition the various resources involved (men, machinery etc) must be classified and the
availability and constraints specified.
- After calculating the critical path in the usual manner a resource aggregation profile (s) is
prepared i.e. the amount of the resource (s) required in each time periods of the project based
on the EST‟s of each activity.
- If the resource aggregation indicates that a constraint is being exceeded, and float available the
resource usage is „smoothed‟ i.e. the start of activities is delayed.
- The smoothing of resource profiles is largely a matter of experimentation but if the time for the
project is fixed concentrate attention on those activities with free float.
4.38 Exercises
1. A project has the following activity duration and resource requirements
Table 22
Activity Preceding activity Duration (days) Resource
requirements (units)
A - 6 3
B - 3 2
C - 2 2
D C 2 1
E B 1 2
F D 1 1
Assuming no restrictions show the network critical path and resource requirements on a day by
day basis, assuming that starts are made on the EST of each activity.
2. Assume that there are only 6 units of resources what would be the plan?
4.40 Network Analysis – Activity on Nodes
4.41 Objectives
After studying this subtopic the students will be able to:
Understand the characteristics of activity on node networks ( or precedence diagrams)
Be able to draw activity on node networks
Know how to identify the critical path in such networks
Understand how computers can assist in network analysis.
Example Conventional network Activity on node
A. Activity X Y X Y X
depends upon
a) Events as such do not appear in activity on node (A/N) networks
b) The lines shown in A/N networks indicate precedence and are not activities. The
activities are represented by the square boxes.
c) From example C it will be seen that dummies are not necessary in A/N networks
d) The time (6 days) shown on the A/N network in example D is known as the dependency
- Events as such do not appear in activity on node (A/N) networks.
- The lines shown in A/N networks indicate precedence and are not activities. The activities are
represented by square boxes.
- From example C it will be seen that dummies are not necessary in A/N networks.
- The time (6 days) shown on the A/N network in example D is known as the dependency time.
Activity on node example Based on the conventions described above a full (A/N) network is
shown below. This uses the same activities, sequences and durations already used.
Figure 23
1 C
2 4
3 3 1 F
1 4
D 5 5
0 0 5
2 3 E
2 4
Convectional network
Figure 24 F 1
A 1 C 1 2 3
1 2 4 5
0 1 Duration
3 4 Activity
2 3
D 5 5
0 5 Finish
0 5 5 EST EFT
B 2 E 1
0 2 2 3
2 4 4 5
- The lines joining the boxes are not activities; they are precedence‟s as originally specifically
- The EST/LSTs in the boxes are calculated by the same process as previously described but
note that they are not the same values as shown in the events of the conventional network.
- The EFT (earliest finish time) and LFT (latest finish time) are calculated by adding the activity
time on to the EST and LST respectively.
- The critical path is found by the usual method of comparing the EST and LST (or EFT and
4.44 Summary
- Activity on node networks is an alternative method of presentation to
Conventional networks
- A/N networks do not show events but show the links (precedence) between activities.
- Forward and backward passes are made as usual. The forward pass gives the same
EST as in conventional networks, but the backward pass gives the LST of the activity
in the node rather than the LST of the succeeding activity as in the convectional
- The critical path is established in the normal manner by comparing EST/LST or
- Computers are widely used for practical problems because of their greater speed,
calculating ability and the existence of many standard packages.
4.45 Exercise
1. Draw an activity on node diagram for the following project.
Table 23
Activity Preceding activity Duration (days)
1 - 4
2 1 7
3 1 5
4 1 6
5 2 2
6 3 3
7 5 5
8 2,6 11
9 7,8 7
10 3 4
11 4 3
12 9,10,11 4
2. Calculate the EST/LST and LFT values for each box.
Lucey T. (2000).Quantitative techniques, 5th edition London: Ashford colour press (pg 353-357).
5.0 Purpose:
Determining the cheapest and easiest ways of offering services
5.1 Objectives
After studying this chapter the students will be able to:
Identify situations where queuing is experienced.
Determine the number of items in the queuing system.
Determine the number of items actually waiting in the queues.
Determine amount of time an item spends in the queue.
Determine the probability of the number in the queue and the time in the queue.
In all these situations there are arrivals, waiting and service. New arrivals wait because the
existing demand for service exceeds the existing capacity of the service facility making it not
possible for arriving customers to receive immediate service. It is also important to note that
waiting occurs when there is variability in the arrival pattern of customers and also variability in
the time required to provide required service.
Because there is no control to determine when the next customer should be arriving or how long
it should take to serve a customer waiting lines are bound to occur. In those occasions where
customers arrive too frequently, they must either wait for the service or do without it. But in
cases where they arrive to infrequently, the service facility will have to remain idle while
awaiting customers‟ arrival. Hence, in both cases, waiting customers and /or idle facilities form
some waiting line or queue.
It is important to note that there need not be physical waiting line for a queuing situation to exist.
Waiting lines or queues have some associated costs, which may either be monetary or non
Two primary costs associated with waiting lines are waiting costs, which are costs incurred
because a customer is waiting for a service to be performed, and service costs, which are costs
incurred for providing the service or having an idle facility.
An organization can reduce the waiting costs when it increases the rate of service, hence either
increases the number of service facilities or increases the rate of providing the service.
In either case, the service cost will be increased. But service costs can also be reduced by
increasing the waiting costs. It is in the interest of management to reduce the inconvenience of
waiting by finding that service rate that will minimize total costs, where total costs are composed
of the sum of waiting and service costs.
Figure 25: General representation-costs and service rate
Service rate is the rate at which customers can be served. Note that the service rate SR1 which is
directly below the lowest point on the total cost curve, is the required optimal service rate that
yields to the organization the minimum total costs. Both service costs and waiting costs depend
on the service rate. To the optimum service rate, the management requires to link these costs to
the service rate.
These are the components of a queuing model: input source, calling units, Queues, service
facility and served units.
Input source
This is the population or collection of people or things that generate people or things found in the
queue, waiting for service. The people or things that are generated and waiting for service are
called calling units. The input source may consist of finite or infinite number of calling units. If
an organization has a fleet of 50 vehicles which are serviced by the organization‟s own
mechanics, then this fleet forms a finite source because of the known number of vehicles
available for serving. If on the other hand you sank a bore hole and then you pump water from it
that water originates from an infinite source. Or a petrol station along a highway is fed by an
infinite source. As more or less vehicles or a continuous stream of vehicles using the highway,
might call at the station for service. The type of input source will affect the construction of
queuing models as it influences the conclusions reached from such models.
Served units are calling units who have already been served and now departing from the queue.
Arrival process of calling units are considered as the mode of arrival and the timing of arrival of
calling units waiting for service.
Modes arrivals include;
a) Bulk arrivals
Some calling units arrive at the point of service as a group. For example assume one takes stage
coach bus to western Kenya. On arrival in Nakuru, the buses stop at shell B.P petrol for
passengers to alight and have some refreshments from the restaurants at that station. Passengers,
therefore, arrive for refreshments from these restaurants as a group (bulk arrivals).
b) Single arrivals
Some calling units arrive at service points individually, for example a customer may go to the
post office alone to buy postage stamps.
c) Independent or conditional arrivals
The mode of arrival may be independent or conditional. If the state of the system or the sequence
preceding arrivals does not affect subsequent arrivals, then the arrivals are said to be
independent, otherwise conditional.
After specifying the details of arrivals, the average rate of arrival should be specified. The
average rate of arrival determines the frequency of arrival. This average rate of arrival is denoted
by the Greek letter lambda,
Hence, = Mean arrival rate
The number and arrangement of queues
There may be a single queue feeding into a single server
Queues may not exist at all, as when calls to a busy number are rejected. Or there may be a
restriction as to the number of units which are allowed to form a queue, like the number of
students allowed to form a class because of the existing facilities they will use for learning.
When constructing queues, calling units behavior might influence the queuing system because
such behavior may help in selecting or rejecting a queue, or determine how the calling unit will
behave in the queue.
a) A human server may speed up rate of service when the waiting line is building up.
b) Rejection. If the system is filled to capacity, then the calling unit is rejected. For example
when cinema theaters are full, newly arriving cinema goers may be rejected.
c) Jockey: in multiple - queue systems, calling units may jump from one line to another with the
hope of reducing waiting time.
d) Balk: a human customer may balk or refuse joining a queue if he anticipates that there might
be a long delay.
f) Renege: if a calling unit was already in the queue but thinks that additional waiting may not
be worth it, he may renege or fall off and leave the queue altogether.
g) Collusion: if calling units feel that the explicit processing of one unit represents the implicit
processing of more than one unit, then they may collude to have one of them perform for the
others e.g. allowing one person to buy movie tickets for others.
Formulae – Simple queues
i) The probability of having no queue on arriving i.e. the probability that the service point is busy
at any moment chosen at random = P .This is as there is only one channel.
ii) From (a) it follows that the probability that a customer is served immediately = 1 P .This is
the same as the probability that there is no one in the system.
iii) The average number of people in system is or
1 P
iv) The average number of people in the queue =
1 P
1 P
v) The average time spent in the queue =
vi) From v it follows that the average time spent in the system is
P 1 1 1
1 P 1 P
Multi- channel queuing formulae
The following formula can be derived using , 0 and , the average rate of service for each
0 = The probability that there are no customers in the system, and is given by the formula:
c !1
c 1 1 n
c c!1 n 2n
Average number of customers in the queue = 0
c!1 c
This formula would also apply to a simple queue with only one service channel.
5.7 Example
In the newly created Sukuba district, there is Obongo health center.
The centre has a single medical doctor to take care of patients arriving from the rural community.
The government is convinced that the situation faced here is a single- serve queuing situation
with Poisson arrivals and Poisson service. After all, the calling units are the members of the
community and the service mechanism is the doctor attending them.
From the minister‟s records, it has been established that patients arrive randomly at a rate of 0.20
patients per hour. Each patient requires different amount of time for treatment. The doctor
reckons, however, that he treats his patients at an average rate of 0.21 patients per hour.
a) The average number of patients in the queuing system
b) The number of patients actually waiting in the queue
c) The average amount of time a patient spends in the queuing system
d) The average amount of time a patient spends in the queue
e) The probability of having exactly zero patients in the queuing system
f) The probability that there will be 10 or more patients in the queuing system
g) The utilization ratio with the doctor functioning as the service mechanism.
a) The average number of patients in the queuing system:
L = = 20 Patients
0.21 0.2
P n = 1 = 0.21 1 0.21 = 0.05
Hence, there is a probability of 0.05 that no patient is waiting to see a doctor or is actually
being treated.
f) The probability that there will be 10 or more patients in the queuing system:
k 10
P n k = 0.21
There is a probability of 0.60 that there will be 10 or more patients in the queuing system.
g) The utilization ratio with the doctor acting as the service mechanism
= = 0.95
5.9 Summary
a) The single - server queue structure
Customers arrive, wait for the server to be free, take a further period to be served, and leave
the system. The server occasionally catches up with the arrivals. In effect we have two
separate processes producing sequence of lives:
i) The arrival process, which is usually seen as being switched on exogenously (but can also be
modeled as depend on the state of the serve)
ii) The service process, which is usually seen as being switched on by an arrival and running
until it has run out of customers, then going idle until another customer arrives.
b) The multi - server queue structure
Customers are dealt with by one of several alternative servers, and then leave the system.
There are now r service processes and l arrival process, impinging on each other.
c) Arrival processes
Generally distributed independent inter –arrival intervals, of which exponential interval gammas
intervals and constant intervals are special cases. Generally distributed independent variations
from an underlying schedule of arrivals, of which departure from fixed interval arrivals is a
special case. In both cases, it is possible to link arrivals with the waste of the queue for example:
deterrence by long queues getting tired of waiting limited pool of potential customer‟s limited
waiting room.
d) Service processes
Generally distributed independent service times, of which we have exponential service times
enlarge service times and constant service times. It is possible to specify many variations of
services; these include increased speed when the queue is long, fifo/lifo/random as the queue
discipline, priority groups. (Pre-emptive and non-pre-emptive) A fairly widely used notation to
describe simple queues takes the format: arrival process/service process/ no. of service; for
example, GI/G/r, M/G/I, Ek /Eh /4. There are extensions to deal with things like priorities and
queue discipline.
e) General results for stationary systems
i) Stationary and non-stationary systems
Basically the servers can cope if:
E (service time) <r
E (interval between arrivals)
In this case there will be a tendency for queues to build - up and clear again if service times
Or inter-arrival show stochastic variation.
The system will, in the long run, be expected to spend:
- A proportion π0 of total time with 0 customers
- A proportion π1 of total time with 1 customer
- A proportion π2 of total time with 2 customers.
And so on. If E (service time) > r
E (interval between arrivals)
Then we expect queues to build-up without limit.
ii) General stationary system
In the long run, the expected number of customers in the system is:
n 0. 0 1.1 ... r. r r 1 r 1 ...
n nq E (Number of servers busy)
= nq E (Service time)
Wq = E (time in system) = nq . E (intervals between arrivals)
GI / G / r VaVs M / M / r 1 Va 1 Vs D / D / r
Va (1 Vs ) M / D / r (1 Va ).Vs D / M / r
Va = V (interval between arrivals) / (E (interval between arrivals)) 2
Vs = V (service time) / (E (service time)) 2
Page has produced tables of [M/M/r], D/M/r] in units of E (service time) for traffic
Intensities of 0.10 (0.05) 0.40 (0.02) (0.74) (0.01) 0.95 and for r =1(1) 20 (2) 40.
He has also tabulated Pr (having to queue) for these systems. For [M/M/r] and [M/D/r] the
Results are almost identical; for [D/M/r] the probability is noticeable less.
iv) M/G/r: waiting room limited to r
In this system, customers who cannot be served immediately cannot join the system and
cannot form a queue. It can be shown that:
E (servicetime) 0
0 1
E (int erval between arrivals) n
Applications: telephone exchanges, maternity beds.
v) M/G/l: k Non-Pre-emptive priority groups
In these system customers, in group l jump ahead of customers of lower priority, so the
waiting queue has the structure:
..4 4 3 2 2 2 1 3
No one is displaced from service once started. If we write Pj for:
E(service time for type i)
E (int erval between arrivals of typei)
i 1
And p0 = 0
Then the general results:
E (time in system for a customer of type j)
E(service time for type i)
i 1 E (int erval between arrivals of typei)
2(1 p j 1)(1 p j )
Then the time - to- the next - event is exponential, mean 1/ n n and we have a simple
0 ... n 1 0
n =
1... n
5.10 Particular Models
M/M/l (unlimited waiting room) has n and n (for all n > 0); it is a model of Poisson
arrivals and exponential service times. From downstream its output appears to be a Poisson
process, rate λ and we can therefore consider problems which have networks of M/M/l
(unlimited) queues
Machine breakdowns have λn= (m-n) λ to describe the rate of breakdowns when for the total of
m machines there are already n being repaired or waiting for repair.
The Operational Research group gongo goldmine constructed the following scenario for part
of a new gold smelting works which was being designed. Trolleys will arrive at regular 15
minute interval. There will be four anodes on each trolley. Two identical processing machines
will be available but, since trolles are very heavy, all four nodes will be processed by the same
machine even if the other machine is idle. Processing will normally take exactly 15 minutes
for each anode. However, 40 % of anodes will need an additional period of processing, with
mean 24 minutes. The operational research group first calculated the means and standard
deviations of:--
- The total time to process an anode for the 40 % needing additional work.
- The total time to process an anode chosen randomly from the 60:40 mixes,
- The total time to process a randomly selected group of 4 anodes.
a. confirm their finding that it would, on average, take 24 minutes to process a trolley load of
anodes, with a standard deviation of 4 minutes. After that, they disagreed about how to use
queuing theory to estimate the mean time a trolley could expect to wait for processing machine
to become free.
b. Kuojak found a formula for M/M/l queues and used it on the basis that each machine could
be separately regarded as a server receiving 2 customers an hour. What would his estimate be?
c. Ajuoga found a more advanced book with formulae for M/M/r queues, and did a calculation
for r = 2. What is his estimate?
d. Ragot discovered a reference book that had tablets for D/M/ queues. What would his
estimate be?
e. Otuga used estimate and approximate interpolation method for GI/G/r queues. What would
his estimate be, and what conclusions could be drawn about the calculations made by the
other three?
f. since trolleys only need to stay while the first three anodes are processed, otuga also
calculated how long on average, a trolley would take between arriving and leaving. What is
the average? Having done that, he then suddenly began to doubt whether he had done the
right calculations. Ought he to do all the calculations again with a mean service time of 18
minutes and a standard deviation of 3.464 minutes? Why?
2. Annie has found that inter-arrival times are almost exponential apart from a relative
scarcity of values near zero, with mean 8 minutes and standard deviation 7.07 minutes.
a) She conjectures that arrivals might plausibly be modeled as consisting of a short
exponential phased (with highish λ1) followed by a longer exponential phase (with lowish λ2).
In order to estimate λ1 and λ2 she set up two equations.
8 = mean inter-arrival time as a function of λ1 and λ2
7.07 = standard deviation of inter-arrival time as a function of λ1 and λ2.
Write down the equations and show they are satisfied by:
1 1, 2
Show that in general, writing m and s for the mean and standard deviation, the equations are
satisfied by:
1 1
(m 252 m2 ) And
1 2
(m 252 m 2 )
1 1
2 2
b) There are two servers each capable of dealing with a customer in a time averaging 12
minutes, with a standard deviation 4 minutes. The servers work separately. How long can a
customer expect to wait before entering service? How many customers are on average waiting
to enter service?
What difference does it make if we assume service is constant? Those inter-arrivals are
exponential? That service is constant and arrivals are random?
[6.95 mins, 0.87mins, 6.15mins, 8.72mins, 7.88 mins]
Kumwar D.S and kongere T.O (2003) Fundamentals of operations Research India: Bishen
Mahendra Pal Singh. (Pg 263-278)
6.0 Purpose
Examination in depth of inventory control and planning and control techniques
6.1 Objectives
After studying this topic students will be able to
Have been introduced to the key principles of inventory control which are developed
in the following three subtopics.
Know the reasons why stocks are held.
Understand the four costs associated with inventory.
Be able to define common inventory, control terms such as Lead time, Physical and
Stock, Economic Ordering Quantity
Know what is meant by Pareto or ABC analysis
a) Raw materials - the materials, components, fuels etc used in the manufacture of products.
b) Work-in-Progress-(W-I-P) – partly finished goods and materials, sub-assemblies etc. held
between manufacturing stages.
c) Finished goods- completed products ready for sale or distribution.
The particular items included in each classification depend on the particular firm. What would be
classified as a finished product for one company might be classified as raw materials for another.
For example, steel bars would be classified as a finished product for a steel mill and as raw
material for a nut and bolt manufacturer.
6.3 Reasons for Holding Stocks
- The main reasons for holding stocks can be summarized as follows:
- To ensure that sufficient goods are available to meet anticipated demand;
- To absorb variations in demand and production;
- To provide a buffer between production processes, this is applicable to work-in-progress
stocks which effectively de-couple operations;
- To take advantage of bulk purchasing discounts;
- To meet possible shortages in the future;
- To absorb seasonal fluctuations in usage or demand;
- To enable production processes to flow smoothly and efficiently;
- As a necessary part of the production process e.g. the maturing of whisky;
- As deliberate investment policy particularly in times of inflation or possible shortage
Interest on capital invested in the stock, Storage charges (rent, lighting, heating, refrigeration, air
conditioning, etc), Stores staffing, equipment maintenance and running costs, handling costs.
Audit, stocktaking or perpetual inventory costs. Insurance, security deterioration and
obsolescence Pilferage, vermin damage
6.12 A Simple Stock Situation Illustration
The following diagram shows a stock situation simplified by the following assumptions: regular
rates of demand, a fixed lead time, and replenishment in one batch
Figure 27
Reorder level
Slides indicate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Time (in days or weeks etc)
6.13 Pareto Analysis
Detailed stock control uses time and resources and can cost a considerable amount of money.
Because of this it is important that the effort is directed where it can be most cost effective –
there is little point in elaborate and costly recording and control procedures for an item of
insignificant value. Because of this it is worthwhile carrying out a so called Pareto or ABC
analysis. It is often found that a few items account for a large proportion of the value and
accordingly should have the closest monitoring. A typical analysis of stock items could be as
Class A items- 80% of value in 20% of items – Close day-to-day control.
Class B items- 15% of value in30% of items –Regular review
Class C items- 5% of value in 50% of items –Infrequent review.
Such a review can help to ensure that resources are used to maximum advantage. Detailed,
selective control will be more effective than a generalized approach which treats all items
6.15 Summary
- Stock may conveniently be classified into Raw materials, Work – in- progress, and finished
- The classification of an item depends upon the nature of the firm
- Stock are held to satisfy demands quickly, to allow unimpeded production, to take advantage
of bulk purchasing, as a necessary part of the production process, and to absorb seasonal and
other fluctuations.
- Stocks accumulate unnecessarily through poor control methods, obsolescence, poor liaison
and sub-optimal decision making.
- The costs associated with stock are: holding costs, costs of obtaining stock, and stock outs cost
- The overall objective of inventory control is to maintain stock at a level which minimizes total
stock costs.
- Inventory control has its own terminology, the basic contents of which are given in this
chapter. The various definitions should be thoroughly learned.
6.16 Exercise
1. How may inventories be classified?
2. Why are stocks held?
3. What are the major categories of cost associated with stacks?
4. What is the overall objective of stock control systems?
5. Define at least six common terms used in Inventory Control.
6. What is ABC analysis?
6.21 Objectives
After studying this subtopic students will be able to:
Have been introduced to the two main inventory control systems.
Know the principles of the re-order level or two-bin system.
Be able to calculate the key control levels; re-order level, minimum level and maximum
Understand the characteristics of the periodic review system.
whereby the stock is segregated into two bins. Stock is initially drawn from the first bin and a
replenishment order issued when it becomes empty.
e) Most organizations operating the re-order level system maintain stock records with calculated
re-order levels which trigger off the required replenishment order.
= 4,200 units
Minimum Level = Re-order Level –Average Usage for Average Lead Time
= 4,200 – (110x27.5)
= 1,175 units
Maximum Level = Re-order level + EOQ – minimum Anticipated usage in Lead Time
= 7,950 units
a) The three levels would be entered on a Stock card comparisons made between the actual
stock level and the control levels each time an entry was made on the card.
b) The re-order level is a definite action level, the minimum and maximum points are levels
at which management would be warned that a potential danger may occur.
c) The re-order level is calculated so that if the worst anticipated position occurs, stock
would be replenished in time.
d) The minimum level is calculated so that management will be warned when demand is
above average and accordingly buffer stock is being used. There may be no danger, but
the situation needs watching.
e) Maximum level is calculated so that management will be warned when demand is the
minimum anticipated and consequently the stock level is likely to rise above the
maximum intended.
f) In a manual system if warnings about maximum or minimum level violations were
received, then it is likely that the re-order level and /or EOQ would be recalculated and
adjusted. In a computer based system such adjustments would take place automatically to
reflect current and forecast future conditions.
g) Critical factors in establishing re-order levels and for calculating EOQs is the forecast of
expected demand. Forecasting has been covered earlier in the stock
effect of the system is to order variable quantities at fixed intervals as compared with the re-
order level system, described n Para.2, where fixed quantities are ordered at variable intervals.
6.22 Illustration of a Simple Manual Periodic Review System
A production control department maintains control of the 500 piece parts used in the assembly of
the finished products by the periodic review system.
The stock levels of all 500 parts are reviewed every 4 weeks and a replenishment order issued to
bring the stock of each part up to a previously calculated level. This level is calculated at six-
monthly intervals and is based on the anticipated demand for each part.
Based on the above system, the following graph shows the situation for one of the piece parts,
part No.1101x, over a period of 16 weeks.
The following diagram shows a stock situation simplified by the following assumptions: regular
rates of demand, a fixed lead time, and replenishment in one batch.
Figure 28
Forecast level
level 2000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
The re-order quantities, based on the agreed system are 1,500 units, 1,200 units, and 1,000 units
It will be that the rates of usage are assumed to be variable and the lead time has been assumed to
be 2 weeks.
The above illustration is merely one of operating a periodic review system and many variants
exist, particularly relating to the method of calculating the re-order quantities.
- All stock items are reviewed periodically so that there is more chance of obsolete items being
- Economies in place orders may be gained by spreading the purchasing office load more
- Large quantity discounts may be obtained when a range of stock items are ordered at the same
time from a supplier.
- Because orders will always be in the same sequence, there may be production economies due
to more efficient production planning being possible and lower set up costs. This is often a major
advantage and results in the frequent use of some form of periodic review system in production
control systems in firms where there is a preferred sequence of manufacture, so that full
advantage can be gained from the predetermined sequence implied by the periodic review
- In general larger stocks are required, as re-order quantities must take account of the period
between reviews as well as lead times
- Re-order quantities are not at the optimum level of a correctly calculated EOQ
- Less responsive to changes in consumption. If the rate of usage change shortly after a review,
a stock out may well occur before the next review.
- Unless demands are reasonably consistent, it is difficult to set appropriate periods for review.
6.24 Re-order Level System
- Lower stocks on average.
- Items ordered in economic quantities via the EOQ calculation somewhat more responsive to
fluctuations in demand.
- Automatic generation of a replenishment order at the appropriate time by comparison of stock
level against re-order level.
- Appropriate for widely differing types of inventory within the sane firm.
- Many items may reach re-order level at the same time, thus overloading the reordering system.
- Items come up for re- ordering in a random fashion so that there is no set sequence.
- In certain circumstances (e.g. variable demand, ordering costs etc), the EOQ calculation may
not be accurate.
6.26 Summary
- There are two basic inventory control systems, the re-order level or two-bin system and the
periodic review system
- The re-order level system usually has three control levels: re-order level, maximum level and
minimum level.
- In the re-order level system the usual replenishment order quantity is the EOQ.
- The re-order level system results in fixed quantities being ordered at variable intervals
dependent upon demand.
- The periodic review system means that all stocks are reviewed at fixed intervals and
replenishment orders issued to bring stock back to predetermined level.
- The replenishment order quantity is based upon estimates of the likely demand until the next
review period.
- The periodic review system results in variable quantities being ordered at fixed intervals.
6.27 Exercise
1) The following data relate to a given stock item.
Normal usage 1,300 per day
Minimum usage 900 per day
Maximum usage 2, 000 per day
Lead time 15-20 days
EOQ 30,000
6.31 Objectives
After studying this subtopic the student will be able to:
Understand the assumptions necessary to calculate the basic Economic Order Quantity
Be able to find the EOQ graphically and by formula.
Know how calculate the EOQ with gradual replenishment and where stock outs are
Understand how to find the best order quantity when price discounts are possible
Know the importance of marginal costs in EOQ calculations.
EOQ assumptions
The EOQ has been previously defined as the ordering quantities which minimizes the balance of
cost between inventory holding costs and re-order costs. To be able to calculate a basic EOQ
certain assumptions are necessary:
- That there is a known, constant stockholding cost,
- That there is a known, constant ordering costs,
- That rate of demand is known,
- That there is a known, constant price per unit,
- That replenishment is made instantaneously, i.e. the whole batch is delivered at once,
- No stock outs allowed.
It will be apparent that the above assumptions are somewhat sweeping and they are a good
reason for treating any EOQ calculation with caution. The rationale of EOQ ignores buffer
stocks which are maintained to cater for variations in lead time and demand.
Table 24
Order quantity Average no. of Annual Average stock Stock holding Total cost
orders p.a ordering cost cost p.a
50,000/Col.I Col. II x Col.I/2 Col. IV x Col. III+ col. v
ksh150 ksh1.5
Ksh Ksh Ksh
1,000 50 7,500 500 750 8,250
2,000 25 3,750 1,000 1,500 5,250
3,000 16 2/3 2,500 1,500 2,250 4,750
4,000 12 1/2 1,875 2,000 3,000 4,875
5,000 10 1,500 2,500 3,750 5,250
6,000 8 1/3 1,250 3,000 4,500 5,750
Total cost
Stock holding
5,000 (Col.V)
Order Cost
(Col. III)
Order Size
1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000
From the graph it will be seen that the EOQ is approximately 3,200 widgets, which means that
an average of slightly under 16 orders will have to be placed a year.
From a graph closer accuracy is not possible and is unnecessary anyway.
It will be seen from the graph that the bottom of the total cost curve is relatively fat, indicating
that the exact value of the EOQ is not too critical. This is typical of most EOQ problems.
2.C o . D
C c
The closest value obtainable from the graph was approximately 3,200 which are very close to the
exact figure.
Always take care that demand and carrying costs are expressed for the same time period. A year
is the usual period used.
In some problems the carrying cost is expressed as a percentage of the value whereas in others it
is expressed directly as a cost per item. Both ways have been used in this example to provide a
X1 X2
Stock Levels showing Instantaneous Replenishment
If however, the widgets were manufactured internally, they would probably be placed into stock
over a period of time resulting in the following pattern:
Figure 31
Sloping lines indicate net
rate of replenishment
level X1 and X2 are the
periods over which
replenishment are
X1 X2
EOQ with gradual replenishment = .
Cc(1 )
Where R= Production rate per annum, i.e. the quantity that would be produced if production of
the item was carried on the whole year.
All other elements in the formula have meanings as previously defined.
Example of EOQ with gradual replenishment
Example 2
Assume that the firm described in example 1 has decided to make the widgets in its own factory.
The necessary machinery has been purchased which has a capacity of 250,000 widgets per
annum. All other data are assumed to be the same.
2 x150 x 50, 000
EOQ with gradual replenishments =
50, 000
1.5(1 )
250, 000
= 3,535 widgets
The value obtained above is larger than the basic EOQ because the usage during the
replenishment period has the effect of lowering the average stock holding cost.
The ordering costs for internal ordering usually include set up and tooling costs as well as paper
work and administration costs.
2.Co Cc Cs
= x
Cc Cs
Where Cs = stock costs per item per annum and the other symbols have the meanings previously
It will be seen that the formula is the basic EOQ formula multiplied by a new expression
containing the stock out cost.
Example of EOQ where Stock outs are Permitted
Assume the same data as in 6.3.2 except that stock outs are now permitted. When a stock out
occurs and an order is received for widgets the firm has agreed to retain the order and, when
replenishments are received, to use express courier service for the delivery at a cost of ksh 0.75
per widget. Other administrative costs associated with stock outs are estimated at ksh 0.25 per
unit. What is the EOQ?
Co = Ksh 150
D = 50,000
Cc= ksh1.5
Cs= ksh0.75 + ksh0.25 = ksh1
2 x150 x 50, 000 1.5 1
Thus EOQ (with stock outs) =
1.5 1
= 3162x 1.58
= 4,996
Increased costs arise from the extra stockholding costs caused by the average stock level being
higher due to the large order quantity.
2 x 2, 000 x 20
Basic EOQ =
10 x 2
= 200 brackets
Based on this EOQ the various costs and savings comparisons are given in the following
Table: 25
Order 200(EOQ) 400 800 1,600 Line No.
Discount - 2% 4% 5% 1
Average N. of 10 5 2½ 1¼ 2
Orders p.a.
Average N. of - 5 7½ 8¾ 3
Orders saved
400 800
Order quantity
Line 7 is the cost of carrying the average stock, i.e. x Cost per item x carrying
cost percentage.
Line 9 is line 6 minus line 8
6.38 Summary
- The EOQ is the order quantity which minimizes the total costs involved which include
holding costs and order costs.
- The basic EOQ calculation is based on constant ordering and holding costs, constant demand
and instantaneous replenishment.
- The basic EOQ formula is
Cc(1 )
- Where replenishment is not instantaneous, the EOQ calculated is larger than the basic EOQ.
- Where stock outs are permitted and stock-out costs are known, the formula becomes
2.Co.D Cc Cs
Cc Cs
- Where larger quantities are ordered to take advantage of price discounts stockholding costs
increase, but savings are made in the price reductions and reduced ordering costs.
- The costs to be used in EOQ calculations must be marginal costs. Fixed costs should not be
6.39 Exercise
1. Calculate the various control levels given the following information:
Normal usage 560 per day
Minimum usage 240 per day
Maximum usage 710 per day
Lead Time 15-20 days
EOQ 10,000
2. a) A company uses 100,000 units per year which cost ksh3 each. Carrying costs are 1% per
month and ordering costs are Ksh 250 per order. What is the EOQ?
b) What would be the EOQ if the company made the items themselves on a machine with a
potential capacity of 600,000 units per year?
3. Demand is 5,000 units per year. Ordering costs are Ksh 100 per order and the basic unit
price is ksh5. Carrying costs are 20% p.a.
Discounts are available thus:
1,200-1,399 less 10%
1,400- 1,499 less 15%
1,500 and over less 20%
What is the most economical quantity to order?
6.41 Objectives
After studying this subtopic the students will be able to:
Understand that safety or buffer stocks are necessary to cope with variations in demand
and / or lead time.
Know how to calculate the safety stock by tabulating costs.
Be able to calculate the safety stock by statistical methods for various risk levels.
Understand how sensitivity analysis can be applied to inventory control.
Figure 32
= Reorder level
demand and/or lead time. In such circumstances the re-order level calculation can be
conveniently considered in two parts.
a) The normal or average rate of usage times the normal or average lead time(i.e. as the re-order
level calculation in conditions of certainty) plus
b) The safety stock
Example 1
An electrical company uses a particular type of thermostat which costs Ksh 5. The demand
averages 800 p.a. and the EOQ has been calculated at 200. Holding costs are 20% p.a. and stock
out costs have been estimated at Ksh 2 per item that is unavailable. Demand and lead times vary,
but fortunately the company has kept records of usage over 50 lead times as follows:
Table 26
(a) (b) (c)
Usage in lead Number of times recorded Probability b/50
25-29 units 1 0.02
30-34 units 8 0.16
35-39 units 10 0.20
40-44 units 12 0.24
45-49 units 9 0.18
50-54 units 5 0.10
55-59 units 5 0.10
Total 50 1.00
From the above re-order level and safety stock should be calculated.
Step1- Using the midpoint of each group calculate the average usage in the lead time.
Table 27
x t xt
27 1 27
328 2 56
37 10 370
42 12 504
47 9 423
52 5 260
57 5 285
50 2,125
Step2- Find the holding and stock out costs for various re-order levels
Table 28
Re- Safety Holding Possible Probabilit No of Shortage Total
order stock cost(B x shortages y (from orders cost cost
level (A- ksh1) (mid Table 1) p.a. (DxExFxks (C+G)
42.5) points) 800 h2)
( )
(Table 2- 200
45 2.5 ksh 2 .18 4 Ksh ksh
2.5 7 .10 4 2.88 20.58
12 .10 4 5.6
50 7.5 7.5 2 .10 4 1.6 14.7
7 .10 4 5.6
55 12.5 12.5 2 .10 4 1.6 14.1
60 17.5 17.5 17.5
From Table 3 it will be seen that the most economical re-order level is 55 units. This re-order
level, with the average demand in the lead time of 42.5, gives a safety stock of 12.5, say 13 units.
Using the data from Example1, it was found that the average demand during the lead time was
42 ½ units. The company has carried out further analysis and has found that this average lead
time demand is made up of an average demand (D) of 3.162 units per day over an average lead
time (L) of 13.44 days. Both demand and lead time may vary and the company has estimated that
the standard deviation of demand (óD) is 0.4 units and the standard deviation of lead time (óL) is
0.75 days. The companies are prepared to accept a 5% risk of a stock out and wish to know the
safety stock required in the following three circumstances:
1, 350 5 x164
Total costs if an EOQ of 164 was used = x 50 822
164 2
c) Thus ksh3 (i.e.825-822) extra costs were incurred by using the 150 EOQ based on the
incorrect usage. This means that a 20 % increase in demand has caused only approximately 0.5%
change in total costs. We conclude that total costs are insensitive to errors in demand estimates.
From management‟s viewpoint, this is good news. It means that even if errors are made in the
estimates, which are all too likely, it doesn‟t make much difference to the final result.
6.47 Summary
- Safety stocks are necessary because of demand and/or lead time variations.
- Re-order level is the average demand over the average lead time plus safety stock.
- The safety stock level can be established by comparing the safety stock holding cost and the
stock out cost at various re-order levels.
- Where it is necessary to calculate the safety stock level to cater for a given risk of stock out,
statistical methods based on areas under the normal curve, can be used.
- The means and standard deviations of demand and lead time must be calculated or estimated
and the number of standard deviations appropriate to the risk level added to the average demand
and/or lead time before multiplying together to establish the re-order level and thus the safety
1. A company uses 2,000 components per annum and the cost is ksh6 per component.
Holding costs are ksh2 per component p.a and stock out costs are ksh3 per component per
item unavailable. The EOQ is 500 and demand is variable as follows:
80 0.2
90 0.5
100 0.3
Lucey T. (2000). Quantitative techniques, 5th edn. London: Ashford colour press (Pg 217-223).
This is where:
Determine the best supply
i) The number of sources equals the number of destinations
and demand mix option
ii) The assignment table is square (n = m)
involving one person with
iii)The model employs specific techniques in which each job is
the least cost or
assigned to and is performed by only one man, and each man has
the responsibility of only one job. Hence the supply at each source is one and the demand at each
destination is one.
Three conditions of assignment problem
i) The value in each cell xij has only two-aspects
ii) It receives a „1‟ if the facility i (man or capital) is assigned to the requirement j (job or
iii) It receives a „0‟ if the man i is not selected for the job j.
Each cell receives specific cost or profit or merit or scores or rates denoted by Qij, which
represents the cost or return of the assignment of the facility i to the requirement j
The objective function is a minimization in case of cost or maximization in case of a profit. The
assignment table of an optimum solution will have n filled cells.
The following rating table indicates the scores obtained by three clerks A, B and C when the
manager has analyzed each man for each job. The manager wants to assign each man to each job
in order to get the maximum benefit.
A 62 31 82
B 30 53 29
C 72 33 23
The objective of this problem is of maximizing the scores when the jobs are assigned.
In the optimum solution each job will be assigned to only one man and each man will be
responsible to only one job. Hence there will be only filled cells.
Optimum solution for assigning one job to each of the three men
A 0 0 1 1
B 0 1 0 1
C 1 0 0 1
JOB 1 2 2
Each cell receives either „1‟ if the facility i is assigned to the requirement j or A „0‟ if the man i
is not selected for the job j. In this case, the assignment problem is normally considered under
Several appropriate techniques may be used in solving assignment problems. To efficiently solve
such a problem the following steps are to be followed:
Steps 1: subtract the minimum value in each column from every entry in the same column
Step2: using the matrix resulting from step 1, subtract the minimum value in each row from
every entry in the same row.
Step 3: draw a few vertical and /or horizontal lines as possible through the rows and columns to
delete all the zero entries.
Step 4 : if the minimum number of lines drawn in step 3 to delete all the zero entries, equals the
number of columns or rows, then make an optimal assignment using only the cells with zero
entries. If the minimum number of lines drawn is less than the number of columns or rows, go to
the next step.
Step 5: find the smallest entry which is not crossed by one of the lines of step 3, and subtract this
entry from every entry in the matrix that is not crossed and add it to every entry which comes at
an intersection of two of the lines of step 3.
To illustrate the assignment method, let us consider the following problem with 3 jobs and 3
machines. The initial solution (using the northwest corner rule) is obviously degenerate. This
will always be the case in the assignment model regardless of the method used to obtain the
starting basis. In fact, the solution will continue to be degenerate at every iteration
The special structure of the assignment model allows the development of an efficient method of
solution. This method will be illustrated with the example:
Table 30
1 2 3
5 7 9
1 1
1 0
JOB 14 10 12
2 1 0 1
15 13 16
3 1
1 1 1
The optimal solution of the assignment model remains the same if a constant is added or
subtracted to any row or column of the cost matrix. This is proved as follows: If Pi and qj are
subtracted from the ith row and jth column, the new cost elements becomes: C‟ij = Cij- Pi - qj.
This yields the new objective function:
Z ' C 'i j Ci j Pi q X ij
i j i j
Z ' C 'i j X ij Pi X ij q j X j
i j i j j i
Since X
ij 1, X j
ij 1 We get: Z‟= Z – constant
This shows that the minimization of the original objective function yields the same solution as
the minimization of Z. This idea indicates that if one can create a new Cij matrix with zero
entries, and if these zero elements or a subset thereof constitute a feasible solution, this feasible
solution is optimal, because the cost cannot be negative.
In the table the zero elements are created by subtracting the smallest element in each row
(column). If one considers the row first, the new C‟ij matrix is:
Table 31
1 2 3
1 P1= 5
//Cij // = 2 0 2 4 P2 =10
3 P3 =13
4 0 2
2 0 3
The last matrix can be made to include more zeros by subtracting q3=2 from the third column.
This yields the following table:
Table 32
1 2 3
0 2 2
//Cij // 2
4 0 0
2 0 1
q3 =2
The squares give the feasible (and hence optimal) assignment: (1,1), (2,3) and (3,2); costing
4 + 13 + 12 = 30. Notice that this cost is equal to P1 + P2 + P3 + q3. Unfortunately, it is not
always possible to obtain a feasible assignment as in the example above. Further rules are thus
required to find the optimal solution. These rules are illustrated with the following example:
Table 33
1 2 3 4
1 4 6 3
9 7 10 9
4 5 11 7
8 7 8 5
0 3 5 2
2 0 3 2
0 1 7 3
3 2 3 0
0 3 2 2
2 0 0 2
0 1 4 3
3 2 0 0
0 3 2 2
2 0 0 2
0 1 4 3
3 2 0 0
After carrying out the same initial steps as in the previous example, one gets the table (3). A
feasible assignment to the zero elements is not possible in this case. The procedure then is to
draw a minimum number of lines through some of the rows and columns such that all zeros are
crossed out (as shown in table (3)).
The next step is to select the smallest uncrossed-out element and added to every element at the
intercession of two lines. This yields table (4), which gives the optimal assignment (1,1), (2,3),
(3,2) and (4,4). The corresponding total cost is: 1 + 10 + 5 + 5 = 21. It should be noted that if the
optimal solution was not obtained in the step above, the given procedure of drawing lines should
be repeated until a feasible assignment is achieved.
7. 4 Integer Programming
It is a technique for solving a linear programming model with an added constraint that the
decision variables must only be non-negative integers.
In the case of linear programming there is no single, method that can be used for solving all
types of integer linear programming problems.
Two widely used techniques are:
i) The method of integer forms,
ii) Branch and bound techniques.
Simple method (or graphical method) is still valid if the required answer gives integer values.
Step 1
Prepare a rating table in which each cell receives an evaluation score or costs for performing
each job by each man i.
Step 2
From the rating table, subtract the smallest value in each column from every entry in the same
Step 3
From the table obtained from step 2, subtract the smallest cell-value in each row from every
entry in the same row.
Step 4
Find the smallest number of line s (row and /or columns) which delete all the zeros present in the
table. If the number of lines equals the number of rows or columns (n=m), then the problem is
optimal and solved. Secure the best solution. If however this number of lines is not equal to the
number of rows or column, go to the next step.
Step 5
Checking the table, find the smallest value which is not crossed by the lines. When this values is
found, add it to each value which is located at the intersection of a row and column. The same
value must be subtracted from every entry in the table which has not been crossed by the lines go
back to step 4.
Step 6
The solution is obtained by assigning n zeros in such a way that only one zero is present in each
row and column.
7.7 Exercise
The dean of the faculty of commerce wants to assign some five responsibly to five academic
members of staff. To assign each member a responsibility, the dean conducted an objective
survey to evaluate the pros and cons of the assignments. After the evaluation of staff he
prepared a rating table, where the scores represented the cost of assigning responsibility to
each staff. The rating was as follows:
Scores of ability of the five staff members in relation to each responsibility are tabled below
Table 33
Academic Library Time-table Exams research Computing
Prof. Okelo 40 15 25 30 35
Prof. Gupta 30 10 30 40 35
Dr. Barton 35 25 40 10 45
Pro. Shalpiro 10 10 55 10 50
Dr. Ngeny 35 55 50 15 45
Assign each academic staff to each responsibility.
7.8 References:
Kumwar D.s and Kongere,T.o. (2003). Fundamentals of operations Research: India: bishen
Singh mahendra pal Singh (pg 209-220).
8.0 Purpose
8.1 Objectives
After studying this topic students will be able to:
Define simulation and know why it is used.
Understand what is meant by a model and how models are development.
Know what is meant by Monte Carlo simulation.
Be able to describe the typical variables used in simulation.
Know the advantages and disadvantages of simulation.
Thus for example, the simulation of an inventory systems performance over 30 months could be
carried out using a computer in as many minutes. In addition, the analyst can manipulate or
experiment with the system at will. He could for example, alter the frequencies of receipts and
issues, the decision rules governing re-order levels and reorder quantities and so on to observe
the effects of these changes on the system being simulated or imitated. Fundamental to
simulation is the concept of a model.
b) Critical variables and relationships. A model building is an alternative, creative process with
the aim of identifying those variables and relationships which must be included in the model. It
is not essential or indeed desirable to include all variables in the model
c) Simplicity. The best model is the simplest that has adequate predictive qualities.
e) Model development. If a model is to be used more than once, e.g. a corporate planning model
used each quarter, care must be taken to modify and refine the model characteristics so that it
continues to represent reality.
8.7 Monte Carlo Simulation
Any realistic business problem contains probabilistic or random features e.g. arrivals at a store
may average 80 per day, but the actual arrival pattern is likely to be highly variable in a
corporate planning exercise forecast of the likely sales will obviously vary according to different
circumstances etc. because models must behave like the system under observation, the model
must contain these probabilistic elements. Simulations involving such random elements are
sometimes termed Monte Carlo simulations.
The repeated random selection of input values and the logging of the resultant output is the very
essence of simulation. In this way an understanding is gained of the likely pattern of results so
that a more informed decision can be taken.
Note: As all operational simulation uses computers, method (a) above is by far the most
Controlled variables: these are the variables that can be controlled by management. Changing
the input values of the controlled values, and noting the change in the output results, is the prime
activity of simulation. For example, typical controlled variables in an inventory simulation might
be the re-order level and re-order quantity. These could be altered and the effect on the system
outputs noted.
Non-controlled variables: these are input variables which are not under management control.
Typically these are probabilistic or stochastic variables i.e. they vary but in some uncontrollable,
probabilistic fashion. For example, in a production simulation the number of breakdowns would
be deemed to vary in accordance with a probability distribution derived from records of past
breakdown frequencies in an inventory simulation, demand and lead time would also be
generally classified as non-controlled, probabilistic variables.
These are also input variables which for a given simulation have a constant value. Parameters are
factors which help to satisfy the relationships between other types of variables. For example in a
production simulation a parameter (or constant) might be the time taken for routine maintenance;
in an inventory simulation a parameter might be the cost of a stock-out.
Status variables
In some types of simulation the behavior of the system (rates, usages, speeds, demand and so on)
varies not only according to individual characteristics but also according to the general state of
the system at various times or seasons. As an example in a simulation of supermarket demand
and checkout queuing, demand will be probabilistic and variable on any given day but the
general level of demand will be greatly influenced by the day of the week and the season of the
year. Status variables would be required to specify the day(s) and season(s) to be used in a
Note: on occasions, status variables and parameters would both be termed just parameters,
although strictly there is a difference between the two concepts.
Output variables
These are the results of the simulation. They arise from the calculations and tests performed in
the model, the input values of the controlled values, the values derived for the probabilistic
elements and the specified parameters and status values. The output variables must be carefully
chosen to reflect the factors which are critical to the real system being stimulated and they must
relate to the objectives of the real system. For the example, output variables for inventory
simulation would typically include:
This is the heart of the simulation construction. The key questions are: how are the input
variables changed into output results? What formulae/decision rules are required? How will the
probabilistic elements be dealt with? How should the results be presented?
To illustrate these steps a simple problem follows together with a solution using the six step
approach given above.
A simple inventory simulation
Example 1
A wholesaler stocks an item for which demand is uncertain. He wishes to assess two re-ordering
policies i.e. order 10 units at a reorder level of 10, or order 15 units at a reorder level of 15units ,
to see which is most economical over a 10 day period.
The following information is available:
Demand per day(units) probability
4 0.10
5 0.15
6 0.25
7 0.30
8 0.20
Carrying costs at ksh 15 per unit per day. Ordering costs ksh 50 per order. Loss of good- will for
each Unit out of stock ksh 30. Lead time 3 days. Opening stock 17 units.
The probability distribution is to be based on the following random numbers
41 92 05 44 66 07 00 00 14 62
20 07 95 05 79 95 64 26 06 48
Note: the reorder level is physical stock plus any replenishment orders outstanding.
To simulate the behavior of two ordering policies-order 15 at reorder level of 15 and order 10 at
reorder level of 10- to establish the cheaper policy.
Controlled variables:
Order quantity
Reorder level
Non-controlled variables:
Probabilistic demand
The two random number sequences supplied can then be used for the two runs of the simulation
with each pair of digits used to select a demand. For example, for the 15 order quantity
simulation, the first two digits, 41, give a day 1 demand of 6 units. The next two digits, 92, give a
day 2 demand of 8 units and so on.
Step 4: identify parameters and status variables
Opening stock 17units
Carrying costs ksh15 per unit per day
Ordering costs ksh50 per order
Loss of goodwill ksh30
Lead time 3 days
There are no status variables in this simple example.
The main output variable is total cost. However ancillary output variables which arise from the
simulation include:
N umber of orders placed
Number of stock outs
Cost of stock outs
Total carrying cost
Total order cost
Step 6: determine model logic
In this simple example the logic and rules required nothing more than the basics of inventory
control thus:
Reorder level = physical stock + replenishment orders outstanding
Closing stock = opening stock - demand
Carrying cost per day = stock x ksh15 per unit
Goodwill cost = stock shortfall x ksh30 per unit
Total cost = goodwill costs + carrying costs + ordering costs.
The information, values and rules are then used to simulate the two ordering policies. The results
of these simulations are shown in the schedules I figure 33 and figure 34 from which it will be
seen that the simulation shows that the „order 15‟ policy is more economical over the 10 days
It must be emphasized that in practice the simulations would be carried out over many more
cycles than 10 days in order to obtain a truly representative picture.
Table 33
2 11 8 3 ksh45 45
3 3 4 - - ksh30 30
5 9 7 2 ksh30 30
6 2 4 - - ksh60 60
8 11 4 7 ksh105 105
9 7 5 2 ksh50 ksh30 30
The daily demand is found by using the random numbers in example 1 (i.e. 41 95 05 etc.) and
determining the demand from the probability allocation in step 3 above. Thus 41 is in the 25-49
group and correspond to a demand of 6, 92 is in the 80-99 group corresponding to a demand of 8
and so on. An order for 15 is placed whenever physical stock and replenishment orders
outstanding < 15. This occurs on days 1, 4, 7 and 10.Table 33
10 - 6 - - 180 180
ksh150 ksh405 ksh690 ksh1,245
Results of simulation using order quantity and re-order level of 10 units‟.
Example 2
A filling station is being planned and it is required to know how many attendants will be needed
to maximize earnings. From traffic studies it has been forecast that customers will arrive in
accordance with the following table:
Probability of 0 customer arriving in any minute 0.72
Probability of 1 customer arriving in any minute 0.24
Probability of 2 customer arriving in any minute 0.03
Probability of 3 customer arriving in any minute 0.01
From past experience it has been estimated that service times vary according to the following
Service time in
Minutes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Probability 0.16 0.13 0.12 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.05
If there are more than two customers waiting, in addition to those being serviced, new arrivals
drive on and the sale is lost.
A petrol pump attendant is paid ksh20 per 8 hour day, and the average contribution per customer
is estimated to be ksh2.
How many attendants are needed?
Similarly for the service pattern we assign the random numbers thus:
Service 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Likelihood 0.16 0.13 0.12 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.04
Random 01-16 17-29 30-41 42-51 52-60 61-68 69-75 76- 82- 87- 92- 97-
numbers 81 86 91 96 100
The random number table is read in any direction in groups of two digits and, according to the
digits, the appropriate arrival pattern or service time is selected.
For example, assume that for the arrival pattern the table is read from left to right starting from
the first row.
17 49 0
Etc 0
Table 33
Selecting on this basis over say, a week‟s operations, will result in a random selection reflecting
the estimated probabilities.
Step 4: parameters
Attendant cost ksh20 per day
Average contribution per customer ksh2
Simulation logic
Randomly selected
no of arrivals in
any minute
Yes Is attendant No
Queue 1 or 2
Randomly length?
service time
>2 Drive on
Add 1 to
„drive on‟
Add ksh2 to
contribution Drive on
counter Has Cost/
Carrying out the simulation
Now that the objectives, variables, logic and so on have been established the simulation is
carried out for a number of iterations each representing 1 minutes operations; first with 1
attendant, then 2 attendants, then 3 and so on until a cost/contribution pattern emerges.
As the flowchart, figure 33, is worked through every minute, the number of arrivals would be
randomly selected as in table 33. If an attendant was free, a random selection of service time
would be made and the appropriate number of minutes logged against the attendant. For
example, in table 2 an arrival occurred in minute 5. If the random selection of service time was,
say 10 minutes, and the simulation was dealing with one attendant then that attendant would be
engaged from minute 5 to minute 14.
In such circumstances the worksheet would be as figure 35.
It will be apparent that such a simulation is simple to set up and use but becomes very tedious
indeed to repeat for hundreds of iterations.
Results of simulation
From the table it will be seen that there is little difference is net profit per day between 2, 3 and 4
attendants, although there is of course a substantial difference in the average number of vehicles
driving on. The results of a simulation do not necessarily indicate an optimal solution but provide
more information upon which a reasoned decision can be taken.
8.15 Summary
- Simulation is the process by which a model is experimented upon and the results of various
policies examined
- At the heart of simulation is the concept of a model. A model is any representation of reality
and business models can take the forms of flowcharts, formulae, equations etc.
- A model must reflect reality and reality inevitably involves variable or probabilistic elements.
- Practical simulations must include these variations and this is sometimes known as Monte
Carlo simulation.
- Because of the iterative nature of simulation the use of a computer is a necessity for all
practical problems.
i) Why is the concept of a model basic to the technique of simulation?
ii) What are the major factors to be considered in constructing a model?
iii) What is the essential feature of Monte Carlo simulation?
iv) What types of variables are found in simulation models?
v) What are the steps in contracting a simulation model?
vi) What is the role of computers in carrying out simulation?
vii) What are the advantages and disadvantages of simulation?
Lucey T. (2000). Quantitative techniques, 5th edition. London: Ashford colour press (Pg 224-
Question 1
v. When applying the EOQ model to the production process, you must determine a set-up
cost. In determining set-up costs, which one of the following should not be included:
a) Paperwork cost of processing the work order and the production authorization
b) Ordering cost to provide materials for the batch or order
c) Cost of procuring new machinery to produce the order
d) Engineering costs of setting up the production lines or machine
vi. Inventory theory is of no value when:
a) Demand is not known
b) Carrying costs are not known
c) Ordering costs are not known
d) None of the above
vii. When a transaction is due to arrive in a simulated system, it is not moved through the
system until:
a) The next transaction following the one currently arriving is assigned to a
scheduled arrival time
b) A check is made to see if there is room in the waiting line
c) The transaction just ahead of the one currently arriving has completed service
d) None of the above
viii. Unlike linear programming branch and bound and dynamic programming, simulation is
not an analytical model. This means we view the results of simulation as:
a) Unrealistic
b) Exact
c) Approximately
d) Simplified
ix. Simulation often involves replication, where a system is simulated a number of time
using different streams of random numbers. This procedure may help establish the
validity of the simulation if:
a) The output is consistent among the various replications
b) The behavior is consistent among the various replications
c) The simulated system itself is not changed in any of the replications
d) All of the above
x. Every path in a PERT network would be critical if all activities:
a) Were to start at their earliest finish times
b) Took as much time to accomplish as their pessimistic times
c) Have zero standard deviations
d) Were to start at their earliest start times.
Question 2
a) Explain the disadvantage of Queuing Theory as a tool for solving managerial problems
and give suggestions on how these can be overcome.
b) The tuition-fee payment window at one of the professional for programme. Service times
are exponentially distributed, averaging 6 minutes. Student arrivals at this window are
approximately Poisson with an average of 8 per hour.
Required to determine
I. The mean time a student waits before service starts
II. The mean interval between the time a student arrives and departs
III. The mean number of students awaiting service
IV. The mean number of students either in line or at the window
V. The proportion of the time the clerk is idle.
Out of the following multiple choice questions, indicate the appropriate answer:
i) A model
a) Forces a manager to identify explicitly the steps of decisions that influence objectives
b) Forces a manager to identity interactions and trade-offs between decisions involving
different entities such as how much to produce of two different products that employ
common resources.
c) Forces a manager to record explicitly constraints placed on the values that variables can
ii) The scientific method in Operations Research study generally involves:
a) Judgement Phase
b) Research Phase
c) Action Phase
d) All of the above
e) None of the above
iii) The drawback to using the transportation problem method in solving an assignment
problem is that:
a) A Degeneracy results from every improvement in the total cost
b) The assignment problem can‟t be formulated as a transportation problem
c) The assignment problem is an unbalanced transportation problem
d) Too many alternative optimal results.
iv) In the EOQ model
a) Directly proportional to
b) Directly proportional to the square root of
c) Not dependent on
d) Directly proportional to the reciprocal of
vii) Estimating expected activity times in a PERT network
c) Is motivated by beta distribution
d) All of the above
viii) In the CPM time-cost trade-off function
a) Relatively straightforward and flexible and can be used to solve real-world problems
b) Once model has been constructed it may be used over and over to analyze all kinds of
different situations
c) Each situation model is unique and its solutions and inferences are not usually
transferable to other problems
d) Valuable and convenient method of breaking down a complicated system into sub-
e) All but not (c)
f) All of the above
xi) One of the disadvantages of simulation is that
a) An observation from a set of numbers (say integers 00-99) each of each is equally likely
b) In observation selected at random from a normal distribution
c) An observation selected at random from any distribution provided by the analyst
d) None of the above
xiii) In performing a simulation it is advisable to
a) Use the results of earlier decisions to suggest the next decision to try
b) Use the same number of trials for each decision
c) Simulate all possible decisions
d) None of the above
xiv) Out of the following multiple choice questions, indicate the appropriate answers:
In business and complex management decision-making, the study of Operations
Research helps to have:-
a) Better control
b) Better decisions
c) Better system
d) All of the above
xv) Management science/operations research analyst do not:-
b) In a business context, most managers prefer to work with formal models
c) It forces management to address a clear defined problem
d) It allows the manager to better communicate with the management scientists and
therefore to be more discriminating in hiring policies.
xviii) Suppose you had an assignment problem where 5 jobs are to be assigned to 5
people, but there are in fact 7 people available to do the 5 jobs. You could solve the
problem in the same manner as an unbalanced transportation problem is solved by:-
a) Creating two dummy jobs with zero cross and solve a 7 x 7 problem.
b) Arbitrarily eliminating two of the people and solve a 5 x 5 problem
c) Solving the assignment problem as a 5 x 7 problem
d) All of the above
xix) PERT assumes that the span of time between the optimistic and pessimistic time estimates
of an activity are:-
a) 3 standard deviations
b) 6 standard deviations
c) 8 standard deviations
d) 12 standard deviations
xx) Which of the following represents a method of readjusting a PERT network to achieve better
project results?
a) Obsolescence
b) Issuing purchase orders
c) Placing goods into inventory
d) None of the above
xxv) Set up costs do not include:-
would produce:-
a) Invalid results
b) The same answers
c) Long waiting lines
d) None of the above
xxviii) In order to ensure consistency when comparing different sets of system
parameters changed, we can ensure consistency in our comparisons by:
a) Using the same random number sequence in each of the runs
b) Using the same length of sample size
c) Both (a) and (b)
xxix Unlike linear programming, simulation is not an analytic model. This means we must view
the results of the simulation as:-
a) Unrealistic
b) Exact
c) Approximations
d) Simplified
xxx The Operations Research Models can be classified according to :
a) Degree of abstraction
b) Structure
c) Purpose
d) Nature of environment
e) Behaviour characteristics
f) Procedure of solution
g) All of the above
h) None of the above
a) Simulation techniques have been used to analyze problems of two distinct types: Practical
real life problems and theoretical problems related to basic sciences. Illustrate the
statement giving examples of each type. (5 marks)”
b) Eastland‟s supermarket has only one clerk who performs the task of receiving payments
and handing over goods to customers whose arrival pattern at the counter is random
phenomenon. Time between arrival at service varies from 1 minute to 10 minutes, the
frequency distribution of which is as follows:- (15 marks)
Time between Frequency% Service time Frequency %
Arrivals (minutes) (minutes)
1-2 5 1-2 10
2-3 10 2-3 10
3-4 25 3-4 20
4-5 30 4-5 25
5-6 10 5-6 10
6-7 5 6-7 10
7-8 5 7-8 5
8-9 5 8-9 5
9-10 5 9-10 5
The owner of Eastland‟s supermarket knows that the mean arrival rate of customers is 8 minutes
and mean service time is 4 minutes. The store opens at 10.00am and closes at 12 pm for prayers
at the nearby mosque. The owner pays the clerk at the rate of sh.10 per hour and if the customer
waits, it costs the owner Ksh 20 per hour
Using the following random numbers for arrival and service, simulate for 15 runs and
29,47,24,67,24,45,76,39,81,76,87,05,18,35 AND 36
90,24,32,04,72,90,90,68,14,32,47,64,38,96,24 AND 33
a) How would PERT and CPM techniques be used in decision making? (5 marks)
b) State the major similarities between PERT and CPM (5 marks)
c) Under what circumstances is CPM a better technique than PERT? (5 marks)
Activities A, B and E may be started at the beginning of the project when activity B is completed
D and G may start.
When A is completed F and D are completed and is a final activity, H can start after C is
completed and is a final activity.
K must follow the finish of E. L cannot start until both G and K are completed J start when L is
completed and is a final activity.
A 3 4 5
B 6 8 10
C 2 3 4
D 4 5 12
E 5 7 9
F 9 16 17
G 8 12 10
H 8 10 12
J 4 5 6
K 7 8 15
L 8 11 14
Determine the critical path, critical activities and project duration, EST, LST, EFT and LFT for
each of the activities (5 marks)
1 20
2 28
3 17
1 15
2 19
3 13
4 18
The following table gives the transportation costs per ton shipment from each warehouse to each
1 Ksh 210 Ksh 420 Ksh 560 Ksh350
2 420 70 140 350
3 490 560 270 630
Using the stepping stone method, determine what supplies to dispatch from each of the
warehouses to each customer so as to minimize overall transportation cost.
Mradi Company is in the business of training people to be computer literate. It trains people in
four areas: Programming, Computer Applications, Networking and Graphics. Trainees are
charged on an hourly basis. Profit matrix: Days expected profit in Kshs.
Computer areas
Trainees programming applications Networking Graphics
Kirit 1 8 4 1
Talesu 5 7 6 5
Sokaru 3 5 4 2
Simba 4 1 6 3
Assign the four trainees to the four computer areas so as to maximize the day‟s expected profit.
(20 marks)
The total revenue (TR) and total cost (TC) functions for a business (for output between 1,000
and 1,300 units per period) are as follows:
Draw a graph showing marginal revenue and marginal cost for output between 1,000 and 1,300
units per period, clearly indicating the profit maximizing output. (15 marks)
Production line turns out about 50 trucks per day. Fluctuations in production occur for many
reasons. The production can be described by a probability distribution as follows:
45 0.03
46 0.05
47 0.07
48 0.10
49 0.15
50 0.20
51 0.15
52 0.10
53 0.07
54 0.05
55 0.03
Finished trucks are transported by train at the end of the day. The train capacity is only 51 trucks.
a. Using the following random numbers, simulate the production for the next 8 days.
(10 marks)
b. Determine the number of empty spaces (10 marks)
The university is having its workshop at Thika campus where most of the maintenance job is
done. The storekeeper in charge of the vital spare parts is concerned about the stock level of
these parts. He feels that the level is too low. Currently the workshop orders these parts at a cost
of ksh 40 a unit in batches of 200 units. The workshop operates for 250 days in a year, and for
each day there is a demand for 100 units of these parts. Ordering costs per batch is ksh 25 while
the inventory carrying cost is 12%.
a). Calculate the economic order quantity. (5 marks)
b) .Determine the annual savings which would be made over the current policy of ordering if the
economic order quantity were adopted. (5 marks)
c). Of late the economy has been experiencing lots of difficulties, resulting into the demand and
lead time for these parts becoming quite unstable. The university invited the members of the
department of management science to study the situation. After thorough scrutiny of the situation
after some time, the department established that average demand per day is 150 units with a
standard deviation of 10 units; and average lead time is 8 days with a standard deviation of 2
days. Determine the reorder level for the workshop if they want to maintain a buffer stock with
99 % safety factor. (10 marks)
Ndege Airline Company has drawn up a new flight schedule to eight destinations: Kisumu,
Eldoret, Nakuru, Nairobi, Garissa, Mandera, Malindi, and Mombasa. To assist in assigning eight
pilots to these flight destinations, the management has asked them to state their present scores by
giving each destination a number out of 10.The higher the number the greater the preference.
Chepkwony 8 2 0 5 4 9 3 10
Purado 10 9 2 8 4 6 1 7
Nzuve 5 4 9 6 0 10 3 7
Heikh 3 6 2 8 7 1 10 9
Raziella 5 6 10 4 3 0 8 7
Nyamo 10 1 7 2 9 8 4 4
Buya 8 2 9 1 3 10 5 6
Ndieki 7 3 9 10 3 4 2 6
Assign the pilots to flight destination in order to meet as many preferences as possible.
(20 marks)