Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Ltd. (DFCCIL) Government of India, Ministry of Railways
Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Ltd. (DFCCIL) Government of India, Ministry of Railways
Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Ltd. (DFCCIL) Government of India, Ministry of Railways
Government of India, Ministry of Railways
Name Of Work:- Construction of double line Rail Flyover including approach portion
between Ganjkhwaja – Mughalsarai Railway Stations and construction of bridges, road
under bridges and other miscellaneous works in Mughalsarai - Sonenagar section of East
Central Railway in Connection with construction of Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor
Revised- Including Corrigendum No.-1 Dated 22.11.2018
Chief Project Manager/MGS, DFCCIL
2nd Floor, Swarna Complex, Susuwahi,
(Near Union Bank of India)
Post-Susuwahi, Thana-Lanka,
Varanasi -221011 (U.P.)
DFCCIL, 5TH Floor, Pragati Maidan Metro Station Building,
New Delhi-110001
Name of the work Construction of double line Rail Flyover including approach
portion between Ganjkhwaja – Mughalsarai Railway Stations
and construction of bridges, road under bridges and other
miscellaneous works in Mughalsarai- Sonenagar section of
East Central Railway in Connection with construction of
Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor
(a) Tender Value (in Rs.) ₹ 1,041,771,544.39
(ii) The above prices are inclusive of all taxes (GST, Works Contract Tax etc.), Octroi or Local levies
(iii) If the uniform percentage quoted by the Tenderer does not clearly indicate whether the rates are above/at
par/below the estimated rates then through sign convention it will be considered to be on plus side and
evaluated accordingly.
(iv) This Tender Schedule does not contain Schedules B-III, B-IV, B-V, B-VIII, B-IX, B-X and B-XI because of
these Schedules are not present.
(v) Rate of item payable to Contractor shall be as per following example:-
1) For Schedule B-I (Updation factor is 1.2230, since 22.30% above is the rate of DFCCIL over USSOR 2012
of EC Railway).
If the rate of any item of USSOR – 2012 of EC Railway/Schedule B-I is “X” and
a) If percentage quoted by the contractor is 5% above (+5%). Rate payable to contractor = (X) x 1.2230 x 1.05
b) If percentage quoted by the contractor is 5% below (-5%). Rate payable to contractor = (X) x 1.2230 x
c) If percentage quoted by the contractor is at par, Rate payable to contractor = (X) x 1.2230
2) Similarly updation factor for Schedule B-II, B-VI, B-VII, B-XII, C-I and C-II is 1.2020, 1.3078, 1.4773,
1.1863, 1.1102 and 1.16902 respectively.
3) In case of NS items i.e. Schedule A-I, A-II, A-III, A-IV, A-V and A-VI the updation factor shall be 1.0
Name of Work: Construction of double line Rail Flyover including approach portion between Ganjkhwaja – Mughalsarai
Railway Stations and construction of bridges, road under bridges and other miscellaneous works in Mughalsarai- Sonenagar
section of East Central Railway in Connection with construction of Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor
Sch - A-I Non Schedule Item
SN Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 NS - 1 Providing and laying in position with batching plants mixed, 1 Cum 14506.341 6526.29 94,672,588.20
transporting by transit mixer and placing by concrete pump
machine vibrated, design mixed cement concrete/ RCC
M30/M35/M40/M50/M55 (Cast in situ) Controlled Concrete
with 20mm size chip of approved quality and grading including
mechanical mixing and placing in position of concrete vibrating
tamping, cutting finishing etc. complete in all portion of the
foundation and substructure viz open/raft foundation
pier/abutment, pile cap, toe wall, drop-wall/cutoff wall and
retaining wall etc. with hard coarse aggregate of approved
quality (max size 20mm) and sand of suitable grade fixing and
carriage of mixed concrete with all leads, lifts and descents,
tamping, vibrating, curing, finishing, keeping holes etc.
complete with contractor’s own materials lie coarse sand,
stone aggregate and admixture etc of appropriate specification
with all necessary construction plants and machinery, layout
etc. complete as per drawing, specification and as directed by
engineer the shall be arranged by the contractor at his own
coast. The rate shall include shuttering, cutting, bending and
binding of reinforcements with binding of reinforcements and
placing in proper position dewatering with pump sets, shoring
(if required0 and dowel grouting as per approved drawing,
curing up to specified period, de shuttering, running expenses
of all equipment material, tools & plants and consumables
complete in all respect as per BIS 456-2000 (and up to date
corrected if any). (1. Cement and Reinforcement steel shall be
paid separately vide items under schedule – C-I & C-II
(i) Steel (Plates and Rolled section) should conform to
IS: 2062 - 2011. It shall have Sub quality 'BO' & Grade
E250 (fe 410) for rolled sections and E350 (Fe 490)
for plates shall be fully killed and fully controlled
(ii) The steel Shall be procured only from those firms,
which are Established, Reliable, Indigenous & Primary
Producers of Steel, having Integrated Steel Plants
(ISP), using iron ore as the basis raw material and
having in house iron rolling facilities, followed by
production of liquid steel and crude Steel.
(iii) 40% of rate payment shall be made after Steel
material required for fabrication (as per drawing) is
received at site
(iv) 15% of rate payment shall be made on
acceptance of fabricated components at site
(v) 20% of rate payment shall be made after erection
& launching
(vi) (a) 10% of rate payment shall be made after
metalizing / Painting
(b) 15% of rate payment shall be made after final
approval of DFCCIL and successful completion of all
works included in this item including metalizing and
finishing complete.
(vii) No deduction for holes and no addition for
riverts / bolts/ welds etc Shall be made
(viii) The contractor shall submit the detailed
erection drawing and launching scheme along with
necessary design calculation for approval to DFCCIL
before erection and launching of Girder.
(a) 14051 Turfing with sods, 10cm thick and 20cm square 100 Sqm 788.2 5160.4 40,673.08
closely laid
Total Amount 40,673.08
Name of Work: Construction of double line Rail Flyover including approach portion between Ganjkhwaja –
Mughalsarai Railway Stations and construction of bridges, road under bridges and other miscellaneous works in
Mughalsarai- Sonenagar section of East Central Railway in Connection with construction of Eastern Dedicated Freight
Annexure of Sch B-II
SN Ref. Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
no. of ECR
SOR 2012
1 31020 Providing and laying cement concrete, up to
plinth in retaining walls, walls (any thickness)
including attached plasters, columns, pillars,
posts, struts, buttresses, string or lacing
courses, parapets, coping, bed blocks, anchor
blocks, plain window sills, fillets etc, excluding
the cost of cement and of shuttering,
centering. (M-20)
(a) 310231:2:4 (1 cement : 2 sand : 4 graded stone 1 Cum 1387.53 2911.03 4,039,126.90
aggregate 20mm nominal size)
2 181030 Demolishing R.C.C. work including cutting and 1 Cum 71 729.06 51,763.26
stacking of steel bars and disposal of
unserviceable material within 50m lead. (Extra
payment for scraping, cleaning and
straightening of bars to be made separately)
3 221060 Providing and laying pitching with stone 1 Cum 156.267 1623.52 253,702.60
boulders weighing not less than 35kg each
with the voids filled with cement sand mortar
1:4 on slopes laid over prepared filter media
including boulder apron laid dry in front of toe
of embankment complete as per drawing and
Technical specifications (filter media to be
paid separately under the relevant item).
4 221070 Providing and laying Filter Material as per 1 Cum 163.9 2626.05 430,409.60
RDSO Specifications underneath pitching in
slopes complete as per drawing and Technical
Name of Work: Construction of double line Rail Flyover including approach portion between Ganjkhwaja – Mughalsarai
Railway Stations and construction of bridges, road under bridges and other miscellaneous works in Mughalsarai- Sonenagar
section of East Central Railway in Connection with construction of Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor
(a) 192102 Initial load test above 50 ton capacity upto 1 Each 0 58452.49 -
100 ton capacity pile.
Name of Work: Construction of double line Rail Flyover including approach portion between Ganjkhwaja – Mughalsarai
Railway Stations and construction of bridges, road under bridges and other miscellaneous works in Mughalsarai- Sonenagar
section of East Central Railway in Connection with construction of Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor
iv) Ownership of such material shall be deemed to vest with the DFCCIL for which the contractor should submit an
indemnity bond in prescribed format.
v) Before releasing the stage payment, the contractor shall insure the material at his own cost in favour of DFCCIL against
theft, damages, fire etc.
vi) Stage payment in all such cases not be more than 75% of the rate of steel awarded in the contract. The balance payment
shall be released only after the material is actually consumed in the work.
vii) The price variation claim for steel would continue to be governed as per extant PV clause and with reference to delivery
at site.