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Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Ltd. (DFCCIL) Government of India, Ministry of Railways

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Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Ltd.

Government of India, Ministry of Railways

Tender No. MGS/EN/19/2018-19/GAQ RFO & Balance SEB-MGS/288


Name Of Work:- Construction of double line Rail Flyover including approach portion
between Ganjkhwaja – Mughalsarai Railway Stations and construction of bridges, road
under bridges and other miscellaneous works in Mughalsarai - Sonenagar section of East
Central Railway in Connection with construction of Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor

Revised- Including Corrigendum No.-1 Dated 22.11.2018


Chief Project Manager/MGS, DFCCIL
2nd Floor, Swarna Complex, Susuwahi,
(Near Union Bank of India)
Post-Susuwahi, Thana-Lanka,
Varanasi -221011 (U.P.)

DFCCIL, 5TH Floor, Pragati Maidan Metro Station Building,
New Delhi-110001

TENDER NOTICE NO MGS/EN/19/2018-19/GAQ RFO & Balance SEB-MGS/288

Name of the work Construction of double line Rail Flyover including approach
portion between Ganjkhwaja – Mughalsarai Railway Stations
and construction of bridges, road under bridges and other
miscellaneous works in Mughalsarai- Sonenagar section of
East Central Railway in Connection with construction of
Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor
(a) Tender Value (in Rs.) ₹ 1,041,771,544.39

(b) Completion Period 18 months

(c) Earnest Money ₹ 10,417,715

(d) Date and Time of Issue of From 11 Hrs of 01.11.2018


(e) Last date and Time of 30.11.2018 upto 15:00 hrs

submission of Tender

(f) Date and Time of Opening of On 30.11.2018 at 15:30 hrs

Tender (Technical bids -Packet A) Opening date of Financial Bid will be Notified later

(g) Validity of offer 120 days

(h) Retention Money / Security 5 % of Contract Value

(i) Performance Bank Guarantee Performance Guarantee (PG) have to submit within 30(thirty)
days from the date of issue of Letter Of Acceptance (LOA),
amounting to 5% of the contract value in the form as give in
clause 16.4 of GCC
Summary of Prices
Name of Work: Construction of double line Rail Flyover including approach portion between Ganjkhwaja –
Mughalsarai Railway Stations and construction of bridges, road under bridges and other miscellaneous works in
Mughalsarai- Sonenagar section of East Central Railway in Connection with construction of Eastern Dedicated
Freight Corridor
Cost as per USSOR DFCCIL
Description of works 2012 of EC Rly/ updated
No. Updated cost
Basic Cost %
1 2 3 4 5
Execution of all works as per Schedule "A - I" 94,672,588.20 - 94,672,588.20
(NS Item)
Execution of all works as per Schedule "A - II" 195,961,923.58 - 195,961,923.58
(NS Item)
Execution of all works as per Schedule "A - III" 262,464,818.00 - 262,464,818.00
(NS Item)
Execution of all works as per Schedule "A - IV" 83,480,540.00 - 83,480,540.00
(NS Item)
Execution of all works as per Schedule "A - V" 114,515,495.00 - 114,515,495.00
(NS Item)
Execution of all works as per Schedule "A - VI" 21,851,500.00 - 21,851,500.00
(NS Item)
Execution of all works as per Schedule "B - I " 40,673.08 22.30 49,743.18
8 (Item as per SOR 2012 of EC Rly Chapter - 1
Execution of all works as per Schedule "B - II " 4,090,890.16 20.20 4,917,249.97
9 (Item as per SOR 2012 of EC Rly Chapter - 3, 4, 9,
11 & 18 only)
Execution of all works as per Schedule "B - VI " 53,708,873.93 30.78 70,240,465.32
13 (Item as per SOR 2012 of EC Rly Chapter - 19, 20
& 22 only)
Execution of all works as per Schedule "B - VII " 2,911,728.00 47.73 4,301,495.77
14 (Item as per SOR 2012 of EC Rly Chapter - 21
Execution of all works as per Schedule "B - XII " 5,000,000.00 18.63 9,315,000.00
(Item as per SOR 2012 of EC Rly Chapter - 8, 10
& 17 only)
Execution of all works as per Schedule "C - I " 49,691,844.17 11.02 55,167,885.40
19 (Item as per SOR 2012 of EC Rly Chapter -
Cement - OPC 43 Grade only)
Execution of all works as per Schedule "C - II " 106,784,178.16 16.902 124,832,839.95
(Item as per SOR 2012 of EC Rly Chapter -
20 Reinforcement Steel FE500D only)

Total 995,175,052.29 1,041,771,544.39

Name of Work: Construction of double line Rail Flyover including approach portion between Ganjkhwaja –
Mughalsarai Railway Stations and construction of bridges, road under bridges and other miscellaneous works in
Mughalsarai- Sonenagar section of East Central Railway in Connection with construction of Eastern Dedicated
Freight Corridor
Cost as per USSOR DFCCIL
Description of works 2012 of EC Rly/ updated
No. Updated cost
Basic Cost %
1 2 3 4 5
(i) The Tenderer shall quote single percentage for each Schedule. If the tenderer quotes different percentage
(%) above / below againts each items of any schedule (i.e. A-I, A-II, A-III, A-IV, A-V, A-VI, B-I, B-II, B-VI, B-
VII, B-XII, C-I & C-II ), his offer will be summarily rejected.

(ii) The above prices are inclusive of all taxes (GST, Works Contract Tax etc.), Octroi or Local levies

(iii) If the uniform percentage quoted by the Tenderer does not clearly indicate whether the rates are above/at
par/below the estimated rates then through sign convention it will be considered to be on plus side and
evaluated accordingly.
(iv) This Tender Schedule does not contain Schedules B-III, B-IV, B-V, B-VIII, B-IX, B-X and B-XI because of
these Schedules are not present.
(v) Rate of item payable to Contractor shall be as per following example:-
1) For Schedule B-I (Updation factor is 1.2230, since 22.30% above is the rate of DFCCIL over USSOR 2012
of EC Railway).
If the rate of any item of USSOR – 2012 of EC Railway/Schedule B-I is “X” and

a) If percentage quoted by the contractor is 5% above (+5%). Rate payable to contractor = (X) x 1.2230 x 1.05

b) If percentage quoted by the contractor is 5% below (-5%). Rate payable to contractor = (X) x 1.2230 x

c) If percentage quoted by the contractor is at par, Rate payable to contractor = (X) x 1.2230

2) Similarly updation factor for Schedule B-II, B-VI, B-VII, B-XII, C-I and C-II is 1.2020, 1.3078, 1.4773,
1.1863, 1.1102 and 1.16902 respectively.
3) In case of NS items i.e. Schedule A-I, A-II, A-III, A-IV, A-V and A-VI the updation factor shall be 1.0
Name of Work: Construction of double line Rail Flyover including approach portion between Ganjkhwaja – Mughalsarai
Railway Stations and construction of bridges, road under bridges and other miscellaneous works in Mughalsarai- Sonenagar
section of East Central Railway in Connection with construction of Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor
Sch - A-I Non Schedule Item
SN Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 NS - 1 Providing and laying in position with batching plants mixed, 1 Cum 14506.341 6526.29 94,672,588.20
transporting by transit mixer and placing by concrete pump
machine vibrated, design mixed cement concrete/ RCC
M30/M35/M40/M50/M55 (Cast in situ) Controlled Concrete
with 20mm size chip of approved quality and grading including
mechanical mixing and placing in position of concrete vibrating
tamping, cutting finishing etc. complete in all portion of the
foundation and substructure viz open/raft foundation
pier/abutment, pile cap, toe wall, drop-wall/cutoff wall and
retaining wall etc. with hard coarse aggregate of approved
quality (max size 20mm) and sand of suitable grade fixing and
carriage of mixed concrete with all leads, lifts and descents,
tamping, vibrating, curing, finishing, keeping holes etc.
complete with contractor’s own materials lie coarse sand,
stone aggregate and admixture etc of appropriate specification
with all necessary construction plants and machinery, layout
etc. complete as per drawing, specification and as directed by
engineer the shall be arranged by the contractor at his own
coast. The rate shall include shuttering, cutting, bending and
binding of reinforcements with binding of reinforcements and
placing in proper position dewatering with pump sets, shoring
(if required0 and dowel grouting as per approved drawing,
curing up to specified period, de shuttering, running expenses
of all equipment material, tools & plants and consumables
complete in all respect as per BIS 456-2000 (and up to date
corrected if any). (1. Cement and Reinforcement steel shall be
paid separately vide items under schedule – C-I & C-II

Total Amount 94,672,588.20

Name of Work: Construction of double line Rail Flyover including approach portion between Ganjkhwaja – Mughalsarai
Railway Stations and construction of bridges, road under bridges and other miscellaneous works in Mughalsarai-
Sonenagar section of East Central Railway in Connection with construction of Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor

Sch - A-II Non-Schedule Item

SN Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 NS - 1 Supply, fabrication and erection (within traffic block 1 MT 1400 139,972.80 195,961,923.58
hours in IR portion) of welded type open web
girders of span 45.7 m & 76.00 m span as per RDSO
standard drg (DFCCIL Loading) / approved drawing
and as per Indian Railway Standard specification for
febrication and erection of steel girder bridges and
locomotive turnable (Febrication Specification) etc
Serial No B1 - 2001 (amended up to date) including
all incident works etc, Supplying and fixing in position
of shop welding/shop bolting with nuts and washers,
field bolts, required for complete fabrication of the
girders and transportation of the fabricated material
at site and stacking of the same at place as directed
by engineer including metalizing as per Clause No.
39.2.1 of B1- 2001 over the structural members with
all contractor’s labour , fuel , consumable,
machinery, loading, unloading, tools and plants,
material, lead and lift complete job as per
specifications and as directed by Engineer and Notes
approved in GAD of the RFO.

(i) Steel (Plates and Rolled section) should conform to
IS: 2062 - 2011. It shall have Sub quality 'BO' & Grade
E250 (fe 410) for rolled sections and E350 (Fe 490)
for plates shall be fully killed and fully controlled
(ii) The steel Shall be procured only from those firms,
which are Established, Reliable, Indigenous & Primary
Producers of Steel, having Integrated Steel Plants
(ISP), using iron ore as the basis raw material and
having in house iron rolling facilities, followed by
production of liquid steel and crude Steel.
(iii) 40% of rate payment shall be made after Steel
material required for fabrication (as per drawing) is
received at site
(iv) 15% of rate payment shall be made on
acceptance of fabricated components at site
(v) 20% of rate payment shall be made after erection
& launching
(vi) (a) 10% of rate payment shall be made after
metalizing / Painting
(b) 15% of rate payment shall be made after final
approval of DFCCIL and successful completion of all
works included in this item including metalizing and
finishing complete.
(vii) No deduction for holes and no addition for
riverts / bolts/ welds etc Shall be made
(viii) The contractor shall submit the detailed
erection drawing and launching scheme along with
necessary design calculation for approval to DFCCIL
before erection and launching of Girder.

(ix) Temporary support if any required for the

election / launching shall be erected after the
approval of Engineer. Nothing extra shall be payable
on this account
(x) The contractor shall take all safety precautions
with engineer as per extant rules/ guidelines nothing
extra shall be payable on this account
(xi) Not with standing above, the contractor shall be
fully responsible for any mishap that make occur as a
result of negligent working. Contractor has to take
every precautionary measure for safety of running
train during and after launching of Girder.
(xii) The rate includes launching under traffic blocks
wherever required. However, tha rate does not
include the cost of possession of traffic / OHE block.
(xiii) The block required shall be arranged by DFCCIL
at the request of contractor. The duration of the
blocks shall be as approved by Engineer. if the block
granted is not made available due to unavoidable
reason, nothing extra/ no compensation shall be
(xiv)However penalties, if any, levied by Indian
Railway caused due to any careless working or
otherwise of violation of the Terms and condition of
the track/ OHE block, shall be payable by the
(xv) The Cost of all tests as per prevailing code for
acceptance shall be borne by Contractor
Total Amount 195,961,923.58
Name of Work: Construction of double line Rail Flyover including approach portion between Ganjkhwaja – Mughalsarai
Railway Stations and construction of bridges, road under bridges and other miscellaneous works in Mughalsarai-
Sonenagar section of East Central Railway in Connection with construction of Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor
Sch - A-III Non-Schedule Item
Ref. Item
SN no. of ECR Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
SOR 2012
1 NS - 1 Earthwork in embankment fill as per specifications 1 Cum 625405 354 221,393,370.00
given in RDSO/2007/GE:0014 for two layer system
for axle load of 32.5 T with minimum SQ1 type of soil
(Minimum CBR 5) including clearing and grubing
from approved borrow area, compacting to minimum
97% of MDD with earth excavated from outside
Railway boundary entirely arranged by the contractor
at his own cost including all leads, royalty, lifts,
Ascents, descents, crossing of nallahs or any other of
obstructions. The rates shall include all dressing of
bank to final profile, demarcation and setting out of
profile, site clearance, removing of shrubs, roots of
vegetation growth, heavy grass, benching of existing
slope of old Bank, all handling/ Re handling, Taxes,
octroi and royalty etc. as a complete job. Cut trees
shall be property of DFCCIL and to be deposited in
the DFCCIL godown unless specified otherwise in the
special condition of contract.
Note: - (i) Quantity for this item shall be calculated on
finished compacted cross sectional areas of the
desired final profile. The payment will be made @
90% of the net quantity of the earth work in bank.
Balance 10% payment will be made progressively on
completion of turfing which will be certified by
Engineer in-charge before releasing the balance

(ii) the outside soil shall preferably be as per

specification or preferred field material given as
(a) Fine particles (less than 75 micron size less than
(b) Liquid limit under 35% and plasticity index under
(iii)Uniformly coefficient
The following (Cu)not
soil will greater than 7 for earth
be allowed
work in Embankment:
(a) Peat and Organic solid
(b) Chalk etc. which are likely to disintegrates
(c) Poorly graded sands with cu less than 2
Highly compressible clay and silty soil i.e. CH & MH
type of soil in top 1 m of Embankment.
(iv) Earthwork shall be done strictly in accordance
provision of RDSO Guidelines, GCC & additional
condition and specifications given in the tender
Name of Work: Construction of double line Rail Flyover including approach portion between Ganjkhwaja – Mughalsarai
Railway Stations and construction of bridges, road under bridges and other miscellaneous works in Mughalsarai-
Sonenagar section of East Central Railway in Connection with construction of Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor
Sch - A-III Non-Schedule Item
Ref. Item
SN no. of ECR Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
SOR 2012
(v) Payment royalty, taxes, cost of earth and any
other incidental charges are to be borne by the
Contractor and the quoted rate should include all
such charges.
(vi) The Contractor shall establish field laboratory
with all equipment for conducting required soil tests
and compaction tests at site.

(vii) Samples of earth along with its test results as

prescribed and slope analysis results shall be
submitted to the Engineer in-charge for approval
before making the Embankment.

(viii) The suitability of the ground/subsoil strata shall

be tested as per RDSO/2007/GE:0014. The
Contractor shall take undisturbed samples as per IS
2132 1986 of the parent soil over which the
Embankment shall rest and shall conduct prescribed
laboratory test to enable analysis of stability of the
base to asses its long term stability and distance of
borrow pits etc. test results and technical
observation should be submitted for approval of the
Engineer in-charge.

(ix) The temporary service road, if required for

transportation of earth to be prepared and
maintained by the contractor at his own cost.
(x) Before quoting the contractor should inspect the
site to assess the lead, site condition etc.

(xi) The contractor shall assist DFCCIL in taking

physical possession of land for construction of
formation. For this purpose, they shall deploy
required number of machineries namely JCB, Hywa,
Roller, Tractor, Grader etc. as and when program is
fixed in consultation with District Administration and
the contractor shall carryout the work in shortest
possible time at the acquired land. On few occasions,
such deployments may not yield successful
possession, for which a mutually agreed idling charge
of Rs. 25,000 (Rs. Twenty Five Thousand) per
occasion and nothing extra shall be payable to the
Name of Work: Construction of double line Rail Flyover including approach portion between Ganjkhwaja – Mughalsarai
Railway Stations and construction of bridges, road under bridges and other miscellaneous works in Mughalsarai-
Sonenagar section of East Central Railway in Connection with construction of Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor
Sch - A-III Non-Schedule Item
Ref. Item
SN no. of ECR Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
SOR 2012
2 NS - 2 Supplying at site approved quality of sub-grade 1 Cum 101662 404 41,071,448.00
material as per specifications given in
RDSO/2007/GE:0014 for two layer system for axle
load of 32.5 T with minimum SQ2 type of soil
(Minimum CBR 8), spreading, watering and
compacting in layers such that compacted thickness
will not more than 200 mm. The rates shall include
cost of material, labour, tools and plants,
transporting it to the site, including all lead and lift,
royalty, watering & compacting to minimum 98% of
MDD and testing of material in laboratory for MDD,
OMC and CBR etc as well as MDD & OMC in field and
all other charges required to complete the work.

Note: - (i) Quantity for this item shall be calculated on

finished compacted cross sectional areas of the
desired final profile. The payment will be made @
90% of the net quantity of the earth work in bank.
Balance 10% payment will be made progressively on
completion of turfing which will be certified by
Engineer in-charge before releasing the balance

(ii) the outside soil shall preferably be as per

specification or preferred field material given as
(a) Fine particles (less than 75 micron size0 less than
(b) Liquid limit under 35% and plasticity index under
(iii) The following soil will not be allowed for earth
work in Embankment:
(a) Peat and Organic solid
(b) Chalk etc. which are likely to disintegrates
(c) Poorly graded sands with cu less than 2
Highly compressible clay and silty soil i.e. CH & MH
type of soil in top 1 m of Embankment.
(iv) Earthwork shall be done strictly in accordance
provision of RDSO Guidelines, GCC & additional
condition and specifications given in the tender
Name of Work: Construction of double line Rail Flyover including approach portion between Ganjkhwaja – Mughalsarai
Railway Stations and construction of bridges, road under bridges and other miscellaneous works in Mughalsarai-
Sonenagar section of East Central Railway in Connection with construction of Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor
Sch - A-III Non-Schedule Item
Ref. Item
SN no. of ECR Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
SOR 2012
(v) Payment royalty, taxes, cost of earth and any
other incidental charges are to be borne by the
Contractor and the quoted rate should include all
such charges.
(vi) The Contractor shall establish field laboratory
with all equipment for conducting required soil tests
and compaction tests at site.

(vii) Samples of earth along with its test results as

prescribed and slope analysis results shall be
submitted to the Engineer in-charge for approval
before making the Embankment.

(viii) The temporary service road, if required for

transportation of earth to be prepared and
maintained by the contractor at his own cost.
(ix) Before quoting the contractor should inspect the
site to assess the lead, site condition etc.

Total Amount 262,464,818.00

Name of Work: Construction of double line Rail Flyover including approach portion between Ganjkhwaja –
Mughalsarai Railway Stations and construction of bridges, road under bridges and other miscellaneous works in
Mughalsarai- Sonenagar section of East Central Railway in Connection with construction of Eastern Dedicated
Freight Corridor
Sch - A-IV Non-Schedule Item
SN Ref. Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
no. of ECR
SOR 2012

1 NS - 1 Supplying, stacking, spreading in 200 mm 1 Cum 13400 3400 45,560,000.00

(compacted thickness) and compacting with
about 04 passes of 10-12 ton capacity roller,
machine crushed track Ballast as per
specifications in RDSO IRS-GE-1, June' 2004
with up to date correction slips, if any, and
from approved quarry/source, Stacking in
trapezoidal shape as per standard profile-
complete in all respect. The rate includes
levelling/surface preparartion of track-bed
/stacking-ground, transportation of all lead,
lift, taxes, royalties etc.
(a) 70% of the quoted rate will be after
supplying and stacking of ballast at the
location approved by Engineer.
(b) The balance 30% of the payment will be
paid after spreading, compacting of ballast
over formation including all lead, lift,
rehandling complete in all respect.
Note-2: 1/12 th voids will be deducted from
stacked measurement
Note-3: Quantity of 200 mm thick (Difference
of Initial level and final level) compacted
ballast will be calculated by multiplying with
length and width of spreaded and compacted
ballast and if there is difference noticed in
quantity supplied in stack and qunatity
calculated after spreading and compaction,
payment will be made for minimum of the two
2 NS-2 Supplying and stacking, machine crushed track 1 Cum 15933 2380 37,920,540.00
Ballast as per specifications in RDSO IRS-GE-1,
June' 2004 with up to date correction slips, if
any, and from approved quarry/source,
Stacking in trapezoidal shape as per standard
profile- complete in all respect. The rate
includes levelling/surface preparation of
stacking-ground, transportation of all lead, lift,
taxes, royalties etc.

Note: 1/12 th voids will be deducted from

stacked measurment for payment.
Total Amount 83,480,540.00
Name of Work: Construction of double line Rail Flyover including approach portion between Ganjkhwaja –
Mughalsarai Railway Stations and construction of bridges, road under bridges and other miscellaneous works in
Mughalsarai- Sonenagar section of East Central Railway in Connection with construction of Eastern Dedicated
Freight Corridor
Sch - A-V Non-Schedule Item
SN Ref. Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
no. of ECR
SOR 2012
1 NS - 1 Supplying and spreading at site approved 1 Cum 45533 2515 114,515,495.00
quality blanketing material (Minimum CBR 25)
mixed with job mix formula (JMF) designed in
laboratory for minimum 600mm thickness
compacted in layers up to 200mm as per RDSO
GE-14 for heavy axle load of 32.5 ton loading
with 100% compaction after rolling, watering
and Compacting such that compacted thickness
will not be more than 200 mm on top of newly
constructed embankment compacting the
same by Mechanicals means including
sprinkling of water if required complete in all
respect. The rate shall include cost of material,
labour, tools and plants transporting it to the
side including all lead and lift, royality and
testing of material and all other charges
required to complete the work.

Total Amount 114,515,495.00

Name of Work: Construction of double line Rail Flyover including approach portion between Ganjkhwaja – Mughalsarai
Railway Stations and construction of bridges, road under bridges and other miscellaneous works in Mughalsarai-
Sonenagar section of East Central Railway in Connection with construction of Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor
Sch - A-VI Non-Schedule Item
Ref. Item
SN no. of ECR Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
SOR 2012
1 NS - 1 Transporting, Launching / placing of pre-cast RCC box 1 MT 7535 2900 21,851,500.00
bridge segments / Slabs as per approved drawing with the
help of crane of adequate capacity and linking track fit for
20 KMPH with initial packing etc. during traffic block
period with all labour, tools & plants, crane, equipment,
lead & lift, handling, making arrangements for propping of
crane, cutting rails, drilling holes etc to complete the work
as per approved drawing or instruction of Engineer in-
Charge. The work will be done in Conjunction with other
item of this schedule. The work will be done during traffic
Block/without traffic block (as case may be) of suitable
duration. RCC box / slab will be casted at nearest of bridge
site. The rate includes transportation of segments/slabs
from the casting place. If required, removal of existing
track and ballast and then putting back of ballast and re-
linking of track is included in the rates. The contractor will
submit the scheme of execution of work for approval
before starting of the work. The faces of the
segments/slabs shall be properly matched and aligned.
The gaps between the segments shall be filled/ grouted
with suitable epoxy grout to make it water tight.
Railway/DFCCIL will try to arrange traffic block in time, but
in case of delay/non-Granting of block, no any extra
payment will be made.

Total Amount 21,851,500.00

Name of Work: Construction of double line Rail Flyover including approach portion between Ganjkhwaja –
Mughalsarai Railway Stations and construction of bridges, road under bridges and other miscellaneous works
in Mughalsarai- Sonenagar section of East Central Railway in Connection with construction of Eastern
Dedicated Freight Corridor
Annexure of Sch B-I
SN Ref. Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
no. of ECR
SOR 2012
1 14050 Turfing / planting, including all lead & lift and
watering as required until properly rooted
with. Note - Initially payment of only 40% will
be made. Balance 60% will be paid only after 3
months of maintenance period, if the turfing is
properly rooted.

(a) 14051 Turfing with sods, 10cm thick and 20cm square 100 Sqm 788.2 5160.4 40,673.08
closely laid
Total Amount 40,673.08
Name of Work: Construction of double line Rail Flyover including approach portion between Ganjkhwaja –
Mughalsarai Railway Stations and construction of bridges, road under bridges and other miscellaneous works in
Mughalsarai- Sonenagar section of East Central Railway in Connection with construction of Eastern Dedicated Freight
Annexure of Sch B-II
SN Ref. Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
no. of ECR
SOR 2012
1 31020 Providing and laying cement concrete, up to
plinth in retaining walls, walls (any thickness)
including attached plasters, columns, pillars,
posts, struts, buttresses, string or lacing
courses, parapets, coping, bed blocks, anchor
blocks, plain window sills, fillets etc, excluding
the cost of cement and of shuttering,
centering. (M-20)

(a) 310231:2:4 (1 cement : 2 sand : 4 graded stone 1 Cum 1387.53 2911.03 4,039,126.90
aggregate 20mm nominal size)
2 181030 Demolishing R.C.C. work including cutting and 1 Cum 71 729.06 51,763.26
stacking of steel bars and disposal of
unserviceable material within 50m lead. (Extra
payment for scraping, cleaning and
straightening of bars to be made separately)

Total Amount 4,090,890.16

Name of Work: Construction of double line Rail Flyover including approach portion between Ganjkhwaja – Mughalsarai
Railway Stations and construction of bridges, road under bridges and other miscellaneous works in Mughalsarai- Sonenagar
section of East Central Railway in Connection with construction of Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor

Annexure of Sch B-VI

SN Ref. Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
no. of ECR
SOR 2012
1 192010 Earthwork in excavation for foundations and
floors of the bridges, retaining walls etc.
including setting out, dressing of sides,
ramming of bottom, getting out the excavated
material, back filling in layers with approved
material and consolidation of the layers by
ramming and watering etc. including all lift,
disposal of surplus soil upto a lead of 300m, all
types of shoring and strutting with all labour
and material complete as per drawing and
technical specification as directed by Engineer
in charge.

(a) 192011 All kinds of soils 1 Cum 20860.85 292.93 6,110,769.38

2 194020 Providing and laying in position machine 1 Cum 1848.252 2745.77 5,074,874.89
mixed, machine vibrated and machine
batched Design Mix Mass Cement Concrete M-
20 / M-25 grade (cast in-situ) using 20mm
graded crushed stone aggregate and coarse
sand of approved quality in Drop and curtain
wall and alike structures below bed level,
including the cost of centring, shuttering and
finishing complete as per drawings and
technical specifications as directed by
Engineer. Payment for cement &
reinforcement shall be paid extra.

3 221060 Providing and laying pitching with stone 1 Cum 156.267 1623.52 253,702.60
boulders weighing not less than 35kg each
with the voids filled with cement sand mortar
1:4 on slopes laid over prepared filter media
including boulder apron laid dry in front of toe
of embankment complete as per drawing and
Technical specifications (filter media to be
paid separately under the relevant item).
4 221070 Providing and laying Filter Material as per 1 Cum 163.9 2626.05 430,409.60
RDSO Specifications underneath pitching in
slopes complete as per drawing and Technical
Name of Work: Construction of double line Rail Flyover including approach portion between Ganjkhwaja – Mughalsarai
Railway Stations and construction of bridges, road under bridges and other miscellaneous works in Mughalsarai- Sonenagar
section of East Central Railway in Connection with construction of Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor

Annexure of Sch B-VI

SN Ref. Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
no. of ECR
SOR 2012
5 222040 Supply and laying of coarse sand including 1 Cum 17442.52 1386.33 24,181,094.30
consolidation, supply of all materials, labour,
lead, lift, tools, plants, crossing of tracks as per
drawing and technical specification as directed
by the Engineer in charge in case loose slush is
encountered at site of foundation before
casting the foundation or before laying the
filtering media.
6 222290 Providing Boulder Backing behind wing wall, 1 Cum 4053.814 168.19 681,810.98
return wall, retaining wall with hand packed
boulders & cobbles with smaller size boulders
toward the back including all lead, lift, labour
& other incidental charges as complete work
in all respect. Payment for boulder/cobbles
will be done extra.
Name of Work: Construction of double line Rail Flyover including approach portion between Ganjkhwaja – Mughalsarai
Railway Stations and construction of bridges, road under bridges and other miscellaneous works in Mughalsarai- Sonenagar
section of East Central Railway in Connection with construction of Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor

Annexure of Sch B-VI

SN Ref. Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
no. of ECR
SOR 2012
7 192070 Providing, driving and installing Bored cast in-
situ Reinforced Cement Concrete piles of
specified diameter and length below pile cap
in M-35 grade Design Mix Cement Concrete,
using 20mm graded crushed stone aggregate
and coarse sand of approved quality, to carry
a safe working load not less than specified,
excluding the cost of casing pipe but including
the cost of shoe and length of pile to be
embedded in pile cap etc. complete,
concreting by machine batching, machine
mixing, scaffolding, using Admixture in
recommended proportion (as per IS:9103), if
approved in design Mix, placing with tremie
pipe, chipping off of pile top to remove
laitance concrete above cut off level etc.,
pumping and bailing out water with all labour
material complete including crossing of tracks
if required, as per approved drawing,
specification and direction of the Engineer in
charge. Length of the pile for payment shall be
measured upto the bottom of pile cap
excluding the mud mat. Payment for cement,
casing pipe & reinforcement shall be paid

(a) 192073 1000mm diameter 1 meter 1722.5 8244.28 14,200,772.30

8 192100 Conducting load testing of a single pile upto
following capacity in accordance with IS:2911
(Part-IV) including installation of loading
platform and preparation of pile head or
construction of test cap and dismantling of
test cap after test etc. with all labour,
material, tool & plants, equipment,
machinery, etc. complete as per drawing and
specification, as directed by the Engineer.

(a) 192102 Initial load test above 50 ton capacity upto 1 Each 0 58452.49 -
100 ton capacity pile.
Name of Work: Construction of double line Rail Flyover including approach portion between Ganjkhwaja – Mughalsarai
Railway Stations and construction of bridges, road under bridges and other miscellaneous works in Mughalsarai- Sonenagar
section of East Central Railway in Connection with construction of Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor

Annexure of Sch B-VI

SN Ref. Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
no. of ECR
SOR 2012
(b) 192107 Routine Load Test above 100 ton capacity 1 Each 2 76386.05 152,772.10
upto 250 ton capacity pile.
9 192110 Lateral load testing of single pile in accordance
with "IS Code of practice IS:2911 (Part-IV) for
determining safe allowable lateral load of
pile” with all labour, material, tool & plants,
equipment, machinery, etc complete as per
drawing and specification as directed by
the Engineer.
(d) 192113 Piles with lateral load capacity of above 20 1 Each 1 56648.87 56,648.87
10 201070 Providing, fabricating & fixing in position to 1 MT 12 135257.1 1,623,084.72
exact design profiles, prestressing H.T.S.
cables of all classification made from Low
Relaxation strands conforming to
IS:14268–1995 in Prestressed Concrete
girders/slabs etc. including supplying, cutting,
making into cables with necessary spacers,
colour coding, protecting with water soluble
oil at all time, anchoring of cables, supplying
and placing spiral corrugated type galvanized
metal steel ducts sheathing made up of Cold
Rolled Cold Annealed (CRCA) mild steel
conforming to IS:513 of required
diameter/thickness, vent pipe, placing,
bending, routing, fixing, stressing & grouting
of cable ducts with cement grout. Anchorage
sets in required number with provision for
future pretressing, if any including all lead and
fit with contractor own materials, labour,
equipement etc. complete as per drawings &
specifications. Rate also includes covering
anchorage pads with epoxy mortar of
approved quality to avoid corrossion. Cement
for grouting to be paid separately.
Name of Work: Construction of double line Rail Flyover including approach portion between Ganjkhwaja – Mughalsarai
Railway Stations and construction of bridges, road under bridges and other miscellaneous works in Mughalsarai- Sonenagar
section of East Central Railway in Connection with construction of Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor

Annexure of Sch B-VI

SN Ref. Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
no. of ECR
SOR 2012
11 222140 Providing, cutting, fabricating, treating, fixing 1 MT 12 78577.85 942,934.20
structural steel as per IS:2062 in access
ladders (top of girder/slab to pier cap), inserts,
platforms, railing, trolley refuges, drain pipes
etc. by drilling holes and grouting with C.C. as
per specifications including painting with two
coats of approved paint over two coats of
primer. (cement for grouting shall be paid

Total Amount 53,708,873.93

Name of Work: Construction of double line Rail Flyover including approach portion between Ganjkhwaja – Mughalsarai
Railway Stations and construction of bridges, road under bridges and other miscellaneous works in Mughalsarai-
Sonenagar section of East Central Railway in Connection with construction of Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor

Annexure of Sch B-VII

SN Ref. Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
no. of ECR
SOR 2012
1 211140 Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true
to line and level POT-PTFE bearing
consisting of a metal piston supported by a
disc or un reinforced elastomer confined
within a metal cylinder, sealing rings, dust
seals, PTFE surface sliding against stainless
steel mating surface, complete assembly to
be of cast steel / fabricated structural steel,
metal and elastomer elements complete as
per IS:2062, IS:1030, AISI:304, AISI:316,
IS:6911, BS:3784, IS:3400, IS:226, BS-5400,
Bridge Code and as per drawing and
approved Technical Specifications. The
design of the bearings shall be submitted by
the manufacturers/contractor and got
approved from Railway before fixing. Test
report of the bearings should be got
approved before the materials are lifted
from the manufacturer premises. Payment
is based on 250 MT capacity of Bearing.
(a) 211141 POT-PTFE Bearing (300 MT capacity of 1 MT Bearing 2400 412.94 991,056.00
2 211110 Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true
to line and level forged steel roller bearing
conforming complete as per IS:7666,
IS:9565, IS:1030, IS:919, IS:3073 and as per
Bridge Code including all accessories as per
drawing and Technical Specifications.
(a) Roller Bearing (300 MT capacity of Bearing). 1 MT Bearing 2400 412.27 989,448.00
3 211100 Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true
to line and level cast steel rocker bearing
complete as per IS :7666, IS:9565, IS:1030,
IS:919, IS:3073 and as per Bridge Code
including all accessories as per drawing and
Technical Specifications.
(a) Rocker Bearing (300 MT capacity of 1 MT Bearing 2400 388.01 931,224.00
Total Amount 2,911,728.00
Name of Work: Construction of double line Rail Flyover including approach portion between Ganjkhwaja –
Mughalsarai Railway Stations and construction of bridges, road under bridges and other miscellaneous
works in Mughalsarai- Sonenagar section of East Central Railway in Connection with construction of
Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor

Annexure of Sch B-XII

SN Ref. Item no. Description Unit Basic cost Rate Amount
1 Unforeseen items not cover in LS 5000000 5,000,000.00
items in schedule of B-I, II, VI,
VII, C-I & C-II of ECR SOR 2012
Total Amount 5,000,000.00
Name of Work: Construction of double line Rail Flyover including approach portion between Ganjkhwaja –
Mughalsarai Railway Stations and construction of bridges, road under bridges and other miscellaneous works in
Mughalsarai- Sonenagar section of East Central Railway in Connection with construction of Eastern Dedicated
Freight Corridor

Annexure of Sch C-I

SN Ref. Item no. Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 252040 Ordinary Portland Cement 1 MT 7493.462 6631.36 49,691,844.17
Total Amount 49,691,844.17
Name of Work: Construction of double line Rail Flyover including approach portion between Ganjkhwaja – Mughalsarai
Railway Stations and construction of bridges, road under bridges and other miscellaneous works in Mughalsarai- Sonenagar
section of East Central Railway in Connection with construction of Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor

Annexure of Sch C-II

SN Ref. Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
no. of ECR
SOR 2012
1 45011 Supplying reinforcement for R.C.C work
including straightening, Cutting, bending, placing
in position and binding all complete. High yield
strength deformed bars.
(a) 45016 Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars 1 Kg 1,656,596 64.46 106,784,178.16
Total Amount 106,784,178.16

Note for Stage Payment:

i) The material shall be delivered at site and properly stored under covered sheds in measurable stacks.
ii) The quantities of materials shall be brought to the site only in such installments that would facilitate smooth progress of
work and consumed in reasonable time.
iii) Proper accountal in the material register to be maintained in the prescribed format at the site for the receipt and use of
the material.

iv) Ownership of such material shall be deemed to vest with the DFCCIL for which the contractor should submit an
indemnity bond in prescribed format.
v) Before releasing the stage payment, the contractor shall insure the material at his own cost in favour of DFCCIL against
theft, damages, fire etc.
vi) Stage payment in all such cases not be more than 75% of the rate of steel awarded in the contract. The balance payment
shall be released only after the material is actually consumed in the work.

vii) The price variation claim for steel would continue to be governed as per extant PV clause and with reference to delivery
at site.

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