Design of A Steel Foot Over Bridge in A Railway Station

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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Volume 116 No. 13 2017, 519-523

ISSN: 1311-8080 (printed version); ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)
Special Issue


S.Rajesh ,2A.Arunya
Assistant Professor 1,2,Department of Civil Engineering,
BIST, BIHER, Bharath University, Chennai.

1. Introduction • Review of literature and study of examples for the

proposed project.
Civil engineering deals with the design, construction • Study of codal provisions for Design of steel
and maintenance of physical and naturally built structures, loading details.
environment, including works like bridges, roads, • Selection of site and collection of site information
canals, dams and buildings. It is the oldest and broadest from previously completed projects and concerned
engineering profession. All the engineering specialties authorities.
have been derived from civil engineering. It is divided • Preparation of plan and elevation of the structure
into various sub disciplines including environmental using AUTOCAD.
engineering, geotechnical engineering, structural • Making the models of the various components in
engineering, transportation engineering, material STAAD and assigning member and material
engineering, surveying and construction engineering. properties as per the design.
The principles of all the above engineering aspects are • Loading the structure elements for Dead Loads,
applied to the residential, commercial, industrial and Imposed Loads and Wind Loads as per the Indian
public works projects of all sizes and levels of Railway Standard – Steel Bridge code[1-4].
construction. • Design of structural components of the foot over
bridge for the loading details acquired from
2. Objectives STAAD model.
• Design of the appropriate foundation for the
1. To analyse and design a Foot Over Bridge at a
loading details.
railway station in a metropolitan city.
2. To design a light weight structure with maximum • Preparation of detailed design drawings.
strength, durability and safety factor.
3. To make use of a simple and effective design 3.1 Location
methodology and construction. The design
procedure and methodology adopted is to be in The site chosen for the design of Foot Over Bridge is
conformance to the present methodology being Park Railway Station located in Chennai district, Tamil
used in the industry. Nadu. The Foot Over Bridge spans for a total length of
4. To analyze the structure using STAAD.Pro for the 28m over 3 tracks[5-8].
various loads acting on the structure.
5. To meet the requirements of the codal provisions
given in the codes, being considered and try to
adopt economical sections in the structure.
6. To make detailed drawings indicating the sections
used for the various components

3. Methodology

• Collection of details and information about analysis

and design of steel structural elements and current Figure 1. View of Location
practices in the industry.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

4. Analysis By Staad.Pro - Structural Software the Main Truss. The loads act on all the panel points
Main Truss equally with the end panels taking up half of the load
which acts on the other panel points. The loading
The dead loads and the live load were considered for diagram is as shown[14-21].

Figure 2. Loading diagram of Main Truss

4.1 Column column. This load is then distributed to the foundation

below. Horizontal and inclined bracings are provided to
The loads acting on the structure get distributed arrest buckling. The loading diagram is shown below.
through the primary and secondary girders to the

Figure 3. Loading diagram of Column

5. Results And Conclusions results 800:2007. The footing was designed according to
IS456:2000. The sections which are designed for use
The various structural elements of the Foot Over for the various structural elements are specified in the
Bridge were analyzed using STAAD.Pro for the dead following Table 1 to Table 4. The detailed structural
load and live load. The structural steel elements were drawings have been presented in Figure.
then designed for the corresponding data using IS

Table 1. Sections used for main truss


Top chord Compression ISA 150x150x12 (double)

Bottom chord Tension ISA 150x150x12 (double)
Compression ISA 100x100x10 (double)
Tension ISA 100x100x10 (double)

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

End diagonals Compression ISA 150x150x12 (double)

Vertical Tension ISA 90x90x8 (single)

Table 2. Sections used for gangway

Primary girder parallel to gangway ISMB 200

Secondary girder perpendicular to gangway ISMB 200

Table 3. Sections used for column

Main column ISMB 500
Horizontal bracing ISA 75x75x8 (double)
Inclined bracing ISA 75x75x8 (double)

Table 4. Schedule of footings


Footing 1400 1400 300 10mm dia @ 100mm c/c both


6. Conclusion

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