Design of A Steel Foot Over Bridge in A Railway Station
Design of A Steel Foot Over Bridge in A Railway Station
Design of A Steel Foot Over Bridge in A Railway Station
S.Rajesh ,2A.Arunya
Assistant Professor 1,2,Department of Civil Engineering,
BIST, BIHER, Bharath University, Chennai.
3. Methodology
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
4. Analysis By Staad.Pro - Structural Software the Main Truss. The loads act on all the panel points
Main Truss equally with the end panels taking up half of the load
which acts on the other panel points. The loading
The dead loads and the live load were considered for diagram is as shown[14-21].
5. Results And Conclusions results 800:2007. The footing was designed according to
IS456:2000. The sections which are designed for use
The various structural elements of the Foot Over for the various structural elements are specified in the
Bridge were analyzed using STAAD.Pro for the dead following Table 1 to Table 4. The detailed structural
load and live load. The structural steel elements were drawings have been presented in Figure.
then designed for the corresponding data using IS
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
Primary girder parallel to gangway ISMB 200
Main column ISMB 500
Horizontal bracing ISA 75x75x8 (double)
Inclined bracing ISA 75x75x8 (double)
6. Conclusion
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