Reviewers For Pe Midterm
Reviewers For Pe Midterm
Reviewers For Pe Midterm
PHYSICAL EDUCATION 5.Persia: Empire building through military
aggression. Running throwing a javelin,
Physical education- is a time to held students slinging, hinting and marching. Not intellectual
enjoy their participation in physical activity and but more on strength, conquest and
developed the knowledge, behavioral skills to aggrandizement.
maintain physical active lifestyle.
6.Greece- physical education reached its
-education through physical activities for the golden age.Spartan and Athens were the two
development of the total personality states who give importance to physical activities.
- is an integral part of the education process Spartans: focuses on strong and powerful army.
designed for the optimum development of Only viogries babies. No individual freedom.
individual’s potentials through the
performance of suitable and selected Athens: has individual freedom. Objective is for
movement experience. physical perfection and beauty of physique.
Gymnastics and Music are included in the
-From latin words physica which is known as curriculum. Olympic games in 776 B.C.
physics; educatio meaning training of the bodily
organs and power with the view to the promotion Palaestra- building for exercise and space for
of health and vigor. jumping and wrestling.
2.Ancient Oriental Countries- people were 4. Socrates- gave emphasis on the importance
concern about intelellectual excellence and of PE in attaining health in order to achieve
memorizing the teaching of Confucius. Also one’s purpose in life.
physical activity are only for the rich.
5. Plato- considered gymnastics and music as
Archery, music, dance which leads to
important subject n the curriculum.
sedentary lifestyle. Kung Fu- developed as
medical gymnastics.Oriental- east and 6. Galen- said that PE should be part of
southeast asian countries hygeine and subordinate to medicine.
3.India:focus on spiritual rather than Physical 7. PE in Modern Europe (Germany, Sweden
Activities. Yoga is their biggest contribution. It is and England)-
an exercise in posture and breath taking
involving several positions to discipline the mind. Turner societies- introduced by Germans which
advocated a system of gymnastics training that
4.Egypt: Believed in a life full of physical utilized heavy apparatus. (e.g. side horse,
activities. Young boys were instructed in the parallel and horizontal bars) in the pursuit of
Swedish system- promotes system of exercise LEGAL BASIS
using light apparatus such as wands, climbing
CONSTITUTION which states that the state
The English brough sports and games with a shall promote physical education and encourage
system that stresses moral development through sports programs, league competitions and
participation in physical activities. These three amateur sports to foster discipline, and
nations laid the foundation for sports and excellence for the dev’t of a healthy and alert
recreation in America. citizenry.
19th century is the time where there is growing 1. Physical Dev’t- an individual who participates
popularity of formal P.E programs all across actively in carefully selected physical education
Europe where calisthenics and gymnastics were activities that will develop and maintain high
all the rage. level of physical fitness.
American schools looked to follow the European 2. Social Dev’t- participation in P.E activities
model by incorporating physical education into provides opportunities for the development of
the curriculum for primary and secondary deirable social traits needed for adjustment to
schools. the social life in general.
Negritos and Aetas lived mainly through 5. Spiritual Dev’t- provide the development of
hunting with the use of bow and arrow. They the inner self and soul.
have to run, leap, jump and climb that helped
them to be physically fit.
When people do physical activity especially for 2. Agility- the capacity to change direction or
the purpose of getting fit, they are doing location with quickness and lightness of
exercise. movement.
1. Push- ups- exercise in which a person lies 8. Side lying hip raise- is a hip abduction
facing the floor and, keeping their back straight, exercise that works mainly the glute medius and
raises their body by pressing down on their upper glutes. It helps in achieving stronger booty
hands. It s beneficial for the triceps, pectoral and alleviating knee pain.
muscles and shoulders.It can also strengthen
9. Sumo squats- the feet are placed winder and
the toes are angeled out away from the midline
of the body. This creates a new challenge due to
foot positioning changing your base of support.