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Reviewers For Pe Midterm

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REVIEWERS FOR PE MIDTERM use of weapons of war and dance for royal

PHYSICAL EDUCATION 5.Persia: Empire building through military
aggression. Running throwing a javelin,
Physical education- is a time to held students slinging, hinting and marching. Not intellectual
enjoy their participation in physical activity and but more on strength, conquest and
developed the knowledge, behavioral skills to aggrandizement.
maintain physical active lifestyle.
6.Greece- physical education reached its
-education through physical activities for the golden age.Spartan and Athens were the two
development of the total personality states who give importance to physical activities.

- is an integral part of the education process Spartans: focuses on strong and powerful army.
designed for the optimum development of Only viogries babies. No individual freedom.
individual’s potentials through the
performance of suitable and selected Athens: has individual freedom. Objective is for
movement experience. physical perfection and beauty of physique.
Gymnastics and Music are included in the
-From latin words physica which is known as curriculum. Olympic games in 776 B.C.
physics; educatio meaning training of the bodily
organs and power with the view to the promotion Palaestra- building for exercise and space for
of health and vigor. jumping and wrestling.

Education of Physical- training of the bodily GREEK PHILOSOPHERS

organs and power with the view to the promotion
of health and vigor. 1. Herodotus- PA as an aid to medicine.

HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT 2. Hippocrates- proclaimed the law of use and

disuse of the body parts.
1.Primitive time: Physical activity were not
organized. Only in searching food and 3. Aristotle- progression of exercises and
defending themselves. recognize the interrelationship of body and soul.

2.Ancient Oriental Countries- people were 4. Socrates- gave emphasis on the importance
concern about intelellectual excellence and of PE in attaining health in order to achieve
memorizing the teaching of Confucius. Also one’s purpose in life.
physical activity are only for the rich.
5. Plato- considered gymnastics and music as
Archery, music, dance which leads to
important subject n the curriculum.
sedentary lifestyle. Kung Fu- developed as
medical gymnastics.Oriental- east and 6. Galen- said that PE should be part of
southeast asian countries hygeine and subordinate to medicine.
3.India:focus on spiritual rather than Physical 7. PE in Modern Europe (Germany, Sweden
Activities. Yoga is their biggest contribution. It is and England)-
an exercise in posture and breath taking
involving several positions to discipline the mind. Turner societies- introduced by Germans which
advocated a system of gymnastics training that
4.Egypt: Believed in a life full of physical utilized heavy apparatus. (e.g. side horse,
activities. Young boys were instructed in the parallel and horizontal bars) in the pursuit of
Swedish system- promotes system of exercise LEGAL BASIS
using light apparatus such as wands, climbing
CONSTITUTION which states that the state
The English brough sports and games with a shall promote physical education and encourage
system that stresses moral development through sports programs, league competitions and
participation in physical activities. These three amateur sports to foster discipline, and
nations laid the foundation for sports and excellence for the dev’t of a healthy and alert
recreation in America. citizenry.

8.P.E in Modern United States HOLISTIC DEVELOPMENT

19th century is the time where there is growing 1. Physical Dev’t- an individual who participates
popularity of formal P.E programs all across actively in carefully selected physical education
Europe where calisthenics and gymnastics were activities that will develop and maintain high
all the rage. level of physical fitness.

American schools looked to follow the European 2. Social Dev’t- participation in P.E activities
model by incorporating physical education into provides opportunities for the development of
the curriculum for primary and secondary deirable social traits needed for adjustment to
schools. the social life in general.

Schools focused on gymnastics, hygeine 3. Emotional Dev’t- informal nature of P.E

training and care and development of the human activities offers opportunities for self-expression
body. and emotional mastery.

9. P.E in the Philippines 4. Mental Dev’t- individual develops his mental

capacities as he learn the mechanical principles
Pre- Spanish period underlying movements.

Negritos and Aetas lived mainly through 5. Spiritual Dev’t- provide the development of
hunting with the use of bow and arrow. They the inner self and soul.
have to run, leap, jump and climb that helped
them to be physically fit.

Indonesians and Malay Migrated to the END OF LESSON 1


- planting and cultivating

mountainsides are their ways to
produce food especially those who are
in lowlands and along coast.

Dancing- one of the major activities enjoyed by

Filipinos after the Spanish regime including
Fandangos, Curachas, Jotas of Spain, Polkas,
Rigodon et.al

Games such as palo sebo, pabitin, duplo,

sungka, juego de anillo were also performed
during celebrations.
- Aspects of fitness which lead to better
understanding on how to improve and
develop the abilities for sports and other
Physical activity- a general term that includes physical activities.
sports, dance, and activities done at work or at
home, such as walking, climbing stairs, or 1. Balance- ability to control the body’s position
mowing the lawn. either stationary or while moving.

When people do physical activity especially for 2. Agility- the capacity to change direction or
the purpose of getting fit, they are doing location with quickness and lightness of
exercise. movement.

Physical exercise- a planned program of 3. Speed- ability to perform a movement within a

physical activity usually designed to improve short period of time.
physical fitness with the purpose of increasing
physical fitness level. 4. Reaction time- the time elapsed between
stimulation and the beginning of the reaction of
Physical fitness- refers to the ability of an it.
individual to perform his daily task efficiently
without underfatigue and with extra “reserved” 5. Power- ability to do strength work in an
energy in case of emergency. explosive pace.

COMPONENT OF PHYSICAL FITNESS 6. Coordination- ability to integrate different

types of movements into a smooth aand
HEALTH RELATED COMPONENTS- factors accurate whole.
that are related to how well the system of the
body work. It is a physiological state of well- PRINCIPLE OF EXERCISE
being that reduces the risk of diseases; a basis
1. Overload Principle- relies on the premise
of participation in sports; and a vigor for the
that to improve, the muscle must produce work
tasks of daily living.
at a level that is higher than its regular workload.
1. Muscular Strength- amount of force that can
2. Progressive Principle- means the body
be reproduced by a single contraction of a
adapts to the initial overload, the overload must
be adjusted and increase gradually.
2. Muscular Endurance- ability of the muscle to
3. Recovery Principle- adaptation to physical
perform continuous movements without fatigue.
activity occurs gradually and naturally, but time
3. Flexibility- capacity of the body joints to must be allowed for the regenerate and build.
move through a wide range of motion.
4. Reversibility Principle- all gains due to
4. Body Composition- relative amount of exercise will be lost if one does not continue
muscle, fat, bone, and other vital parts of the exercise.
5. Specificity Principle- state that each form of
5. Cardiovascular Endurance- the ability of the the activity would produce different result.
heart and lungs to work together to provide the
needed oxygen and fuel to the body during
sustained workloads.
1. Warm-up- it prepares your body for the
activity of the conditioning part of your workout. Fundamental movement skills- movement
It allows your body to adjust gradually to the patterns that involve different body parts. It is
increased demand on your heart, muscles, referred to at times as the movement foundation
breathing and circulation. It also increases body because of their importance in the subsequent
temp slowly and improve flexibility, and protect development of more complex skill
against injury and muscle soreness. combinations. These movements serve as the
foundation or building blocks to the more
2. Conditioning- it is about performing the specialized, complex skills used in games,
exercise that produces fitness benefits such as sports, gymnastics and the likes.
calorie burning,building endurance or muscle
3. Cool down- ends your exercise session with
recovery time for your body. It requires you to 1. Locomotor- skills that involve moving from
keep moving after you end the conditioning one place to the next. Examples are:
phase. It also alllows your blood pressure and
body temp to return slowly to normal.  Walking- transfer of weight from one
foot to the other while moving.
 Running- a run is not really a fast walk
1. Frequency- how often exercise is done. because the movement lifts up into the
air. It is a series of small leaps. In
2. Intensity how hard the activity or exercise is.
running, there is a momentary period
3. Time- duration or how long the exercise will where the body is not supported at all.
take. The body leans forward in running to
place, the center of gravity above the
4. Type- refers to the kind of activity or exercise. front foot.
 Jump- a lift into the air by means of
“Physical fitness is something you do. Physical
force made by the feet or hands against
fitness is something you acquire, a characteristic
a surface landing evently on two feet.
or an attribute one can achieve by being
physically active. And exercise is structured and
 Hopping- involves jumping from one
tends to have fitness as its goal.
foot to the same foot after a brief
suspension in the air.In which, the knee
is slightly bent to help absorb the shock
END OF LESSON 3 of landing.
 Skip- a combination of a step and a hop
sequence with alternating feet after
each hop.
 Sliding- this is sideways movement in
which the weight of the body is shifted in
the direction of the slide. In a slide to
right, the left push pushes off the floor
and right foot moves sideways and
assumes the weight.
 Leaping- a jump from one foot while LESSON 5 : CARDIORESPIRATORY
moving the body forward. In the leap, FITNESS
the toes of the take-off foot leave the
floor last and the landing is on the ball of
the opposite foot. Cardiorespiratory fitness- refers to the ability
 Gallop- is a step together of the legs of the circulatory and respiratory systems to
going in the forward direction. suppy oxygen to skeletal muscles during
sustained physical activity.
 Roll- is a rotation of the body on the
floor. Sideways rolls can be done on the - It reduces the risk of heart disease, lung
bare floor, forward and most back rolls cancer, diabetes and stroke. It helps in
need mats. improving lung and heart condition as
 Crawl- is a step together of the legs well as increases feeling of well-being.
going in the forward direction.
Cardiorespiratory endurance- level at which
your heart, lungs and muscles work together.
2. NON-LOCOMOTOR When youre exercising for en extented period of
time, this shows how efficiently your
-Skills that involve moving in one place.
cardiorespiratory system functions, and indicator
Examples are as follow:
of how fit and healthy you are.
 Bend- a flex of a body part at a joint.
 Stretch- extending a body part or the
whole body.
 Swing- a pendular motion of a body part .1. Butt Kick- is a type of polymetric, or jump
that can move forward and backward or training exercise. This is a powerful aerobic
side-to-side. exercise that works your cardiovascular system
 Twist- a partial rotation of body parts and boost your muscle strength using only your
around an axis. body weight as resistance.
 Turn- a full rotation of the body around
a vertical or horizontal axis. Full, half or 2. High knee jog- cardio-intensive exercised
quarter turns. performed at a fast pace . It engages your core.
 Shake- short quick vibrating movement strengthens all the muscles in your legs, gets
in a body part or the whole body. your heart rate up and improves
 Wiggle- small or big, fast or slow curvy momentum,coordination and flexibility.
movement of a body part or the wholw
3. Seal Jacks- is a calisthenics, total body, and
cardiovascular exercise that primarily targets te
 Rock or sway- shift of the body weight quads, and to a lesser degree also targets the
forward,backward, side to side or in a chest, hamstrings hip flexors, middle back of
circular pathway. your chest.
3. Manipulative- include motor skills that involve 4. Shuffle- is a latteral motion that warms up
handling and controlling objects with the hand, your glutes, hip flexors, quads, calves and
foot or an implement. har.mstrings. It is done quickly and increases
agility, coordination, and provides a good cradio
 Throwing
workout. It is also best as a perfect cardio
 Striking
burning fat workout.
 Kicking
5. Split squat jump is a calisthenics,
cardiovascular, and plyometrics exercise that
primarily targets the calves and glutes. the lower back and core and is effective for
building strength.
6. Squat drops- is a calisthenics and
plyometrics exercise that primarily targets the 2. Sit- ups- classic abdominal exercise done by
quads. lying on your back and lifting your torso. They
use your body weight to strengthen and tone
7. Bear Crawl- is a body weight mobility the core stabilizing abdominal muscles. It helps
exercise that uses strength in the shoulders, in promoting good posture by working your
quads and abdominal muscles. It appears very rectus abdominis, lower back and gluteal
similar to a baby crawl but requires you to bear muscles.
the weights on your hands and toes rather than
your knees.. It is an excellent exercise in core 3. Glute bridge- exercise that tones the glutes
controland focused breathing. and the hamstrings. It is a lower body workout
that isolates and strengthens the glutes ,
8.Mountain Climber- is a body weight exercise hamstrings, the core stability muscles, the hip
that serves as a great full-body workout. It and lower back muscles, and of course
engages multiple muscle groups at once helping strengthens the stabilization of the spinal cord.
to improve your balance, agility, coordination,
strength, flexibility and blood circulation. It can 4. Static lunge- is a great place to start and
also improve your reflex speed, joint movement understand the proper form of a lunge. During
and overall stability. this exercise, your feet don’t move; they stay in
the same spot until you switch legs entirely.
9. Walking lunges- variation on the static lunge
exercise. Instead of standing back upright after 5. Side lying Clam- a calisthenics exercise that
performing a lunge on one leg, as you would in a primarily targets the glutes and to a lesser
static bodyweight lunge, you walk forward y degree also targets the groin, hamstrings,hip
lunging out with the other leg. The movement flexors and lower back.
continues for a set number of repetitions.
6. Donkey kick- it targets the glutes in a way
many other compound exercises can’t. This
move can be completed without equipment and
END OF LESSON 5 can be modified for all fitness levels. This
exercise is also beneficial for achieving stability
and toning since it targets our gluteus maximus-
LESSON 6: RESISTANCE TRAINING the largest of our three glutes muscles, and the
EXERCISE bulk of your body.

7. Reverse Lunge- it activates our core, glutes

and hamstrings. This exercise put less stress on
Resistance training exercise- any exercise your joints and give you a bit stability in your
that causes the muscles to contract against an front leg. This exercise is ideal for people who
external resistance with the expectation of have knee concerns, difficulty in balancing, or
increases in strength, tone, mass or endurance. less hip mobiity.

1. Push- ups- exercise in which a person lies 8. Side lying hip raise- is a hip abduction
facing the floor and, keeping their back straight, exercise that works mainly the glute medius and
raises their body by pressing down on their upper glutes. It helps in achieving stronger booty
hands. It s beneficial for the triceps, pectoral and alleviating knee pain.
muscles and shoulders.It can also strengthen
9. Sumo squats- the feet are placed winder and
the toes are angeled out away from the midline
of the body. This creates a new challenge due to
foot positioning changing your base of support.

- Also, this is the most popular squat variation

since it has many benefits such as it helps in
increasing adductor strength, core strength,
hamstrings and glutes.

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