TRACER STUDY OF RTU Graduates AN Analysis

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Res ea r c her s W o r ld -Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce ■ E-ISSN 2229-4686 ■ ISSN 2231-4172


Thelma L. Ramirez,
Rizal Technological University, Philippines.

Leonardo T. Cruz, Nida V. Alcantara,

Rizal Technological University, Philippines. Rizal Technological University, Philippines.


This paper aimed to determine if the field of specialization in the different colleges of RTU
graduates and their academic-acquired skills and competencies are related to their present
occupations. A modified Graduate Tracer Study (GTS) instrument was utilized to gather the
quantitative data. Out of 500 questionnaires administered, there were 250 graduates returned
answered questionnaires representing the three Colleges: Education, Arts and Sciences, Business
and Entrepreneurial Technology. A face to face interview was also conducted in order to support
the gathered data. The SPSS was used to generate results from the acquired quantitative data
using the frequency counts, percentage and the Chi-square goodness of fit test. The findings
revealed that the graduates claimed that their knowledge, academic-acquired skills and
competencies contributed greatly in their job performance. The Chi-square goodness of fit proved
that there is a significant relationship between the graduates’ fields of specialization and their
occupations after graduation. Likewise, the academic-acquired skills and competencies of the
graduates are relevant to their chosen occupations. The results further proved that RTU produces
marketable and appropriately trained graduates with the majority landing in course-related jobs
within a short period after graduation. The study also indicates that the RTU graduates possess the
skills and competencies necessary to succeed in this competitive world. However eexpansion of
tie-ups with private business entities is made to at least maintain the high employability level of
the graduates.

Keywords: Graduate Tracer Study (GTS), skills, competencies, graduates, employability.

International Refereed Research Journal ■ ■ Vol.– V, Issue – 1, Jan. 2014 [66]
Res ea r c her s W o r ld -Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce ■ E-ISSN 2229-4686 ■ ISSN 2231-4172

A nation’s economy runs on the knowledge and skills of its people.The requirements for skills evolve with
external investment, technological advances and globalization. To keep pace with changes, people need to
acquire skills to be productive and earn a living and all of these can be achieved through education. Education is
the most important mechanism for the empowerment of people for their socio-economic, political and
technological development. The learning environments of higher education institutions must take cognizance of
this in structuring their course programmes. For the purpose of quality assurance of course programs, higher
education institutions can contribute meaningfully by applying the principles of tracer study to create
sustainable learning empowerment environment for the continuous professional development of past students.
While many higher education institutions provide training to a variety of clients, most forget them as soon as
they graduate and leave the institutions’ environment with no means to contact them.
Employability upon graduation and over the long term is, understandably, the major priority for the vast
majority of our University students. Over the past two decades or so the University has increasingly offered a
wide spectrum of higher education courses that provide students with the necessary tools enabling them to
develop their employability skills, to heighten their own awareness of these skills and to improve their ability to
articulate them. These skills, once acquired, of course need to be honed throughout one's working life, being put
into practice not only in job searching and during interviews but also in personal development planning and in
making the most of work experience opportunities. There is no doubt that a student's life long learning
capability and therefore his/her employability are enhanced through their university experience. The core
mission of our University continues to be the creation of an open space of higher learning within a life-long
perspective. This is based on equity of access and should be seen as an opportunity for individual development,
allowing all those capable of benefiting from higher education to integrate better into the global knowledge
With the steady increase in the number of College graduates, employment opportunities for students have
become very competitive. Most universities have the policy to strengthen existing links and to create new
bridges with the world of work. In line with the mission of the Rizal Technological University,a prominent
University recognized for its commitment to innovative programs in addressing society’s challenges, the
College evaluates how its graduates have paired in their employment scene after their graduation. The
Cooperative Education also of this University plays an important role in developing the skills of the RTU
graduates which is done through the different industries whom the institution is linked with.
The University graduate tracer study provides the desirable information as to what is happening to our new
graduates when they join the world of work. It is equally important to find out how adequate is the training
provided by our institution in the overall performance of their career life, the extent by which the knowledge,
communication and other skills have been developed. This tracer study is also a way which can provide
valuable information for evaluating the results of education and training of an institution and thereby serve as a
basis for future planning activities.
It is for the above purpose that a tracer study on the graduates of RTU-Pasig campus is done. The graduates
included in this survey are the RTU-Pasig Graduates of School Year 2006 to 2011 from the three colleges, the
College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), the College of Education (CED) and the College of Business and
Entrepreneurial Technology (CBET) .

Providing employment for an expanding population is one of the greatest challenges nations must have to face
the present time. This is particularly acute in developing countries where the rate of population growth far
outstrips job opportunities. Mounting a drive to meet that challenge should come not only from the government
but also from the private sector.
Importance of job creation. Not only do jobs in the private sector provide employment opportunities for the
members of the Labor force which endow them with purchasing power through the incomes they receive as
compensation for their contribution on product but at the same time job creation is responsible for the so-called
multiplier effect. The birth of new manufacturing establishment, for instance, will help bring about the use of
raw materials that are indigenous in the country and to certain extent will contribute to the ability of the
government to discharge its responsibility to the people which it seeks to serve through the taxes they pay. With
high incidence of employment rate, not to say, full employment, aggregate purchasing power of the Labor force
helps boost the economy through increasing production, since they are all consumers thereby resulting in the

International Refereed Research Journal ■ ■ Vol.– V, Issue – 1, Jan. 2014 [67]
Res ea r c her s W o r ld -Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce ■ E-ISSN 2229-4686 ■ ISSN 2231-4172

efficient use of country’s resources. Also with more people gainfully employed, hours are put to productive use
thereby affording little room for misdemeanors and criminality than when individuals have all the time for
Labor must be made acquainted with all these gains that partly accrue to their interests. And so they have a
moral obligation to insure the continuous operation of business establishment if only for their own sake and not
those of the owners of the business alone. Any closure or contraction of business operation affects labor’s
interest and the economy as well.
Further, tracer studies can provide the information needed to reform educational programs to bring about the
match between the requirements of the employment world and study. Surveys do have their disadvantages for it
is sometimes difficult to locate graduates and let them complete questionnaires. Schomburg (2007) warns that
the graduates might not always be able to identify the relationship between the knowledge acquired during
study and their professional lives and that research findings are valuable inasmuch as planners can turn the
findings into concrete reforms.
However, the main purpose of this paper was for the researchers to investigate the employment status of the
graduates and determine what percentage of the graduates had acquired first job after they graduated. The
concepts that the researchers had to indulge in were to look on the graduates’ important profiles and to assess
whether or not these profiles had satisfied their expectations so that whatever results they could account for
would be a good venue of curriculum enhancement as well as institutional development.
This study aimed to trace the graduates of the RTU-Pasig Campus during School Year 2006 to 2011.
Specifically the study sought to find answers to the following research questions:
1. What are the personal details of the graduates in terms of the following personal characteristics?
1.1 Gender
1.2 Civil Status
1.3 Field of Study
1.4 Educational Attainment
2. What is the incidence of employment, self-employment, unemployment, and further education among the
3. How relevant are the school-acquired skills and competencies to the graduates’ chosen occupations?
4. What skills and competencies do the graduates recommend to make the curricular offerings more relevant
to current jobs?

1. The RTU-Pasig graduates are mostly employed within their fields of specialization.
2. The school-acquired skills and competencies of the graduates are relevant to their chosen occupations.


This study is very important for the following reasons:
1. For the academic department to help assess/evaluate the curricular programs of the University.
2. For the other higher learning institutions to compare what program offerings are best fitted and in demand
in the job market.
3. For the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) that will aid their Curricular Committee in the
designing/redesigning of the programs to be offered and served to the students.


This tracer extends to the graduates who enrolled and finished their course from SY 2006 to 2011 at the RTU
Pasig campus. The researchers delimit the program of concerns into three since the Pasig campus offers only
three programs when the scope of investigation had been identified. The three programs offered in this campus
are the; College of Education, College of Business and Entrepreneurial Technology and College of Arts &
Sciences. Areas being considered for every graduate are their personal qualities, academic factors and
employment factors. The focus of the investigation was centered on the contentions of tracing the graduates’
employment and on whether their acquired skills and competencies during their college were significant and
relevant to their occupations upon employment.

International Refereed Research Journal ■ ■ Vol.– V, Issue – 1, Jan. 2014 [68]
Res ea r c her s W o r ld -Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce ■ E-ISSN 2229-4686 ■ ISSN 2231-4172


The review of literature guides the readers to further point out the answers to the various research questions
established by the researchers and to find relevant justifications to the findings and observations taken into
consideration in the investigation.
Based on the Manual Tracer Studies prepared by Ralf Lange (May 2001), the key questions a tracer study
should answer are the following:
What is the effect of the course offered? Do graduates find jobs after graduation and do they earn an
adequate income? Even more important: why do they fail in the labor market?
To what extent do they apply the skills and knowledge imparted? Do we train them the right skills? What
competencies do they lack?
Is there a need for further training (i.e. skill upgrading courses) and other post training support mechanisms
in order to promote employment of our graduates? Or, in case such support services are offered, how
effective are they?
Do we have to update our curricula, to improve our training delivery? Tracer studies, as a tool for
monitoring and (self)-evaluation, should contribute to find answers on the following issues:
o Is the training offered relevant to the needs of the market? Does it meet the expectations/employment
criteria of potential employers?
o What are the labor market trends? Which course areas offer growth potential, which ones face stagnation?
o Is there a measurable and positive social and economic impact attributed to the training offered (e.g. on
the social status of the ex-trainee, on the living standard/income)?
He further suggested the following points in the selection of research questions:
How do graduates assess the relevance, quality and usefulness of their education and training?
What is the incidence of employment, self-employment, further education, and under/unemployment among
What are the economic and social returns on the received education/training?
Are the present occupations of graduates related to their training?
Are there significant differences in labor market outcomes with respect to gender and socio-economic
What is the rate of (international) migration?
The study quotes the speech made by Y.B. DatosEri Mohamed Khaled Nordin, Minister of Higher Education
Malaysia, in a seminar entitled “Enhancing Graduate Employability: Issues, Concerns and the Way Forward”
(July 21, 2009).
Today’s challenging economic situation means that it is no longer sufficient for a new graduate to have
knowledge of an academic subject; increasingly it is necessary for students to gain skills which will enhance
their prospects of employment. Hence, Higher Education Institutions must be responsive to these changes.
Historically, academic institutions have tended to serve as institutions for moral and intellectual development as
well as centers of civilization. With rapid economic development, they are now more utilitarian with emphasis
on professional training. Their prime task is to ensure that education and training are market driven and
responsive to the changing needs of the various sectors of an economy.
In connection with this, Mercado (2004) mentioned the initiative of the Commission on Higher Education in the
Philippines to spearhead the conduct of GTS among selected Higher Education Institutions in order to obtain
data that would show if HEI’s are offering courses or programs that produce graduates to meet the needs of
industry and society. Likewise, through the GTS, HEIs would be able to align their efforts with the manpower
needs of industry. (CHED CMO #s 38, s. 2006, 11, s. 1999)
In the study conducted by Lalican (2007) she emphasized that the acquisition of knowledge in the
undergraduate specialization, skills and competencies will also promote productivity, efficiency and expertise in
the graduates’ present job.
On Employment Status (Miranda, 2000), the provision of written agreement notwithstanding and regardless of
the oral agreement of the parties, an employment shall be deemed to be regular where the employee has been
engaged to perform activities which are usually necessary or desirable in the usual business or trade of the
employee; except where the employment has been fixed for a specific project or undertaking the completion or
termination of which has been determined at the same time of engagement of the employee or where the work
or service to be performed is seasonal in nature and employment is for the duration of the season.
A study made by Yangco (2007) showed that ECEgraduate-respondents are employed and mostly with

International Refereed Research Journal ■ ■ Vol.– V, Issue – 1, Jan. 2014 [69]
Res ea r c her s W o r ld -Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce ■ E-ISSN 2229-4686 ■ ISSN 2231-4172

permanent positions. As to the small portion who were unemployed they said that they wanted to apply for a job
abroad. The respondents also suggested more skills related to information technology and improved facilites for
hands-on-training to further improve the curriculum.
On the number of employed and unemployed, (Diestro, 2013), most of the graduates are employed on the
course they finished while those who did not land a job mentioned the following reasons: busy as housewives
and some pursue to higher studies (masteral and doctorate).


The descriptive method, specifically the normative survey, was used to discover facts on which professional
judgment was made on the graduates based on such areas as place of employment or self-employment after
graduation from college. The researchers were able to acquire data by sending the survey questionnaires to the
graduates through post mail, likewise by outright answering the questionnaires every time the graduates visited
the RTU Registrars office for securing their requested academic documents. Other processess for data gathering
used by the researchers were through the courtesy of the graduates’ friends or relatives.


There were eight hundred thirteen total population of graduates from 2006 to 2011 at the RTU-Pasig Campus.
The identification of the graduates was primarily taken on the roster of graduates from the Registrar’s office
Pasig campus, making available the names, addresses, emails and telephone numbers of the graduates.The
researchers made a follow up on the contact addresses of all students to update their address details due to
possible change of addresses and contacts.
Based on the tracing methods described above, the researchers utilized the stratified simple random sampling in
which they considered the percentage of retrieval of questionnaires and representations of the identified number
of graduates in the three colleges across the different programs. From the total population of graduates the
researchers distributed at least 500 questionnaires that made up 61.50% from the total population. In total, there
were 250 or 30.75 % rate of retrieval from the 500 questionnaires distributed that emanated from the graduates
in the three colleges, the CBET, CED, CAS.
The quantitative data obtained through the questionnaire were subjected to a descriptive statistical test to
determine the percentage of frequency of occurrence of the different categories of variables being identified in
the questionnaire. Since the study is just a part of a bigger tracer study in the university, the researcher agreed
that the data gathered will no longer be subjected to a further statistical tests of significance. Hence, they just
made a further confirmation on the relevancy of the graduates’ acquired skills and competencies with their
obtained occupations. Utilizing the Chi-square for the frequency data gathered, the researchers made use of the
one way frequency/contingency table(1999) in order to determine the existence of relevancy between the skills
and competencies of graduates and the type of occupations they were able to acquire within one to six months
after graduation.

The questionnaire comprised three main themes:
1. Personal Details, such as gender, civil status and field of study;
2. Academic Details. This theme was primarily included in order to collect data about the students' academic
backgrounds and training;
3. Current Major Activity. This theme was included to obtain the employment status and areas of employment
of the graduates as well as data on graduates not yet employed and those currently studying full time.

For the statistical treatment of data, the researchers made use of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences
Software or SPSS to organize, process and generate answers to the problem investigated. The SPSS is best used
in this kind of data due to its user friendly environment or simple features, where it does not complicate the
processing of data in a programming approach but taking into account the process of garbage in garbage out
(GIGO) or what you feed is what you get. It was further used in order to capture the accurate view of people's
attitudes, preferences and opinions likewise to get the power from the basic to professional and advanced
statistical analysis in understanding the accumulated data, identify trends and produce accurate conjectures on

International Refereed Research Journal ■ ■ Vol.– V, Issue – 1, Jan. 2014 [70]
Res ea r c her s W o r ld -Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce ■ E-ISSN 2229-4686 ■ ISSN 2231-4172

the data results (SPSS, Inc. Singapore. 1999), The following statistical tools were utilized:
1. Frequency counts (F). To describe the distribution of samples among the concepts that are under
2. Percentage (P). To compare two magnitudes to determine their relationship using the formula
% = (N/S) x 100
where N = number of responses following under a particular item/category
S = the total number of subject respondents
% = the percentage
3. Chi-Square Goodnest of fit test (X2). To determine the correlates of graduates’ fields of specialization,
acadmic-acquired skills and competencies towards the relevancy to thier job. (Antonio S. Broto, Statistics
Made Simple, 2nd Edition, National Bookstore, Philippine Copyright, 2006)

X2 = the Chi-Square
O = the observed frequencies
E = the expected frequencies
Degrees of freedom = (r-1) (c-1)


Table 1 shows the characteristics of the sample in terms of their personal details like: gender, civil status,
educational attainment and the year of graduation. It could be gleaned that there were 178 or 71.2 % females
and only 71 or 28.4 % males. Most of the graduates were single with 196 or 78.4 %, followed by those married,
51 or 20.4 %. There were only 3 or 1.2 % single parents The highest educational attainment of the graduates
was BS degree with 207 or 82.8 % while only 12 or 4.8 % had master’s units.
It also shows the year of graduation. It could be seen that many of the respondents did not indicate the year of
graduation which was equivalent to 98 or 39.%.
Table 1: Distribution of Graduates by their Personal Qualities/Demographics
Gender Frequency Percentage
1. Male 71 28.4
2. 2. Female 178 71.2
Total 249 99.6
Civil Status
1. Single 196 78.4
2. Married 51 20.4
3. Single Parent 3 1.2
Total 250 100
Highest Educational Attainment
1. BS Graduate 207 82.8
2. With Master’s Units 12 4.8
3. Did not respond 31 12.4
Total 250 100
Year of Graduation
2011 36 14.4
2010 37 14.8
2009 33 13.2
2008 16 6.4
Other year not specified 98 39.2
Did not respond 30 12.0
Total 250 100

International Refereed Research Journal ■ ■ Vol.– V, Issue – 1, Jan. 2014 [71]
Res ea r c her s W o r ld -Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce ■ E-ISSN 2229-4686 ■ ISSN 2231-4172

Table 2 illustrates the graduates according to their fields of study. The College of Business and Entrepreneurial
Technology had the greatest number of graduates with 167 or 66.8 % with the Financial Management having
the most number of graduates, 68 or 27.2 %; followed by the College of Education with 67 or 26.8 % and the
College of Arts and Sciences with 16 or 6.4 %.

Table 2 : Distribution of Graduates by Field of Specialization

Field of Specialization Frequency Percentage Rank
CED 67 26.8 2
CBET 167 66.8 1
CAS 16 6.4 3
Total 250 100

Table 3: Distribution of Graduates by Employment Status
Employment Status Frequency Percentage
1. Regular/Permanent 124 49.6
2. Temporary 9 3.6
3. Casual 8 3.2
4. Contractual 52 20.8
5. Self employed 12 4.8
Sub-total 205 82
Did not respond 2 0.8
Unemployed 43 17.2

Table 3 reveals that most of the graduates had a regular or permanent status on their jobs with 124 or 49.6%
followed by with contractual status, 52 or 20.8%. The rest were self-employed - 12 or 4.8%, temporary - 9 or
3.6% and casual - 8 or 3.2%.

Table 4: Distribution of Employed Graduates by Nature of Occupation

Nature of Occupations Frequency Percentage
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) 5 2.0
Trade/Industry 24 9.6
Legal 2 0.8
Telecom/Communications 7 2.8
IT/computer/software 16 6.4
Banking & Finance 22 8.8
Services 72 28.8
Electronics/Electrical 3 1.2
Insurance 2 .8
Government 4 1.6
Academic 48 19.2
Total 205 82.00

Table 4 shows the distribution of employed graduates by nature of occupations. It can be gleaned from the
figures that most of the graduates’ occupations are in the Services with 72 or 28.8% followed by the academic
or teachers that garnered 48 or 18.8%, third are in the Trade/Industry with 24 or 9.6%, also banking and finance
with 22 or 8.8%. Other areas like, IT/computer/software with 16 or 6.4%, Telecom/communications with 7 or
2.8%, BPO and those in the government obtained 5 or 2% and 4 or 1.6%, respectively.

International Refereed Research Journal ■ ■ Vol.– V, Issue – 1, Jan. 2014 [72]
Res ea r c her s W o r ld -Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce ■ E-ISSN 2229-4686 ■ ISSN 2231-4172

Table 5: Distribution of Employed Graduates according to Job level Position

First Job Current or Present Job
Job Level
Frequency % Frequency %
1. Rank-in-file or Clerical 102 40.8 60 24.0
2. Professional, Technical or Supervisory 44 17.6 66 26.4
3. Managerial or Executive 6 2.4 9 3.6
4. Self-employed 7 2.8 7 2.8
Total 159 63.6 142 56.8

Table 5 shows that most of the job level positions of the employed graduates were rank-in-file or clerical with
102 or 40.8% for the first job and 60 or 24.0% for the present, followed by the professional, technical or
supervisory of 44 or 17.6% (first job) and 66 or 26.4% (current job). Less had been accounted for managerial or
executive while the others were self-employed.

Table 6: Distribution of Graduates by Initial Gross Monthly Earnings on their First Job
Monthly Earnings on their First Job Frequency Percentage
Below P 5,000.00 24 11.53
P 5,000 to less than P 10,000.00 79 37.98
P 10,000 to less that P 15,000.00 95 45.67
P 15,000 to less than P 20,000.00 20 9.62
P 20,000 to less than P 25,000.00 6 2.88
P 25,000.00 and above 0 0

Earnings are awaited by the new graduates as anybody else, which make many of them look for a job right after
graduation. In this study, as shown in table 6, the gross monthly earnings of those employed graduates ranged
from P5,000 to less than P15,000 with 174 or 83.65 % respondents while others had below P5,000 – 24
or 11.53 %, P15,000 to less than P20,000 – 20 or 9.62 % and P20,000 to less than P25,000 – 6 or 2.8 8 %.
There were no employed graduates whose earnings were P25, 000 and above.

Table 7: Distribution of Graduates by Employment, Self-employment,

Unemployment, and with Further Education
Graduates Employed Self-employed Unemployed
Field of Study
N N % N % N %
College of Education 67 58 29.59 2 0,8 7 2.8
College of Business &
167 125 63.78 6 2.4 34 13.6
Entrepreneurial Technology
College of Arts and Sciences 16 13 6.63 1 0.4 2 0.8
Total 250 196 78.4 9 4.8 43 17.7

Table 7 shows the distribution of graduates according to their status of employment after graduation. It could be
seen that the CBET had the highest number of employment with 125 graduates or 63.78 %, followed by the
CED with 58 or 29.50 % and the least employed graduates among the fields of study were in the CAS with
only 13 or 6.63 %. There were only 16 graduate respondents from CAS resulting in the least number of
employed graduates among the different colleges.
Table 8: Distribution of Employed Graduates on the Extent of Use and Relevancy of the
School-Acquired Knowledge or Competencies and Skills in their Chosen Occupation
Extent of Use and Relevancy of the Acquired Knowledge Frequency Percentage
1. Very highly useful / relevant 35 14.0
2. Highly useful/ relevant 125 50.0
3. Moderately useful/ relevant 29 11.6
4. Fairly useful/ relevant 7 2.8
5. Poorly useful/ relevant 0 0

International Refereed Research Journal ■ ■ Vol.– V, Issue – 1, Jan. 2014 [73]
Res ea r c her s W o r ld -Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce ■ E-ISSN 2229-4686 ■ ISSN 2231-4172

Table 8 shows the extent of use of the acquired competencies and skills of the graduates in their chosen
occupations. The data proved that their acquired competencies and skills during their college life were highly
useful in and relevant to their present jobs.

Table 9: Distribution of Employed Graduates on the Extent of Development on

the School-acquired Knowledge or Competencies and Skills in their Chosen Occupation
Extent of School-acquired Competencies and
Frequency Percentage
Skills in the Chosen Occupation
1. Very Highly developed 35 14.0
2. Highly developed 125 50.0
3. Moderately developed 29 11.6
4. Fairly developed 7 2.8
5. Poorly developed 0 0

Table 9 shows the extent of development of the acquired competencies of the graduates during college. The
employed graduates found out that the competencies and skills they acquired while in college were highly
developed, thus enabling them to perform well in their jobs.

Table 10: Distribution of Employed Graduates on the Recommendation of Skills and

Competencies for Curricular Offerings to be More Relevant to Current Job

Skills and Competencies for Curricular Offerings Frequency Rank

1. Communication skills 98 1
2. Human Relations skills 63 4
3. Entrepreneurial skills 33 6
4. Information technology skills 83 3
5. Problem-solving skills 61 5
6. Critical thinking Skills 86 2
7. Other skills 5 7

Table 10 describes the graduates’ recommendations on the skills and competencies that could make curricular
offerings more relevant to current jobs. Communication skills, critical thinking skills and Information
technology skills were the top three relevant skills. Human relations skills and problem-solving skills ranked
fourth and fifth. Graduates found these skills relevant due to the up-to-date level of job performance in the
market. Other skills were also relevant but were classified the least related since they could be acquired as they
went along in their job.
CHED recognizes this fact as Mercado (2004) mentioned that the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) in
the Philippines has spearheaded the conduct of GTS among selected Higher Education Institutions to obtain
data that would show if HEI’s are offering courses or programs that produce graduates to meet the needs of
industry and society. With the GTS, HEIs would be able to align their efforts with the manpower needs of
industry. (CHED CMO #s 38, s. 2006, 11, s. 1999).

Table 11: Relationship between the Employed Graduates’

Fields of Specialization and the Present Occupations
Variables Sig. Value Verbal Interpretation
The employed graduates’ fields of
Fields of specialization
128.756 specialization are related to their
vs Present Occupations .000
present occupations.
α = .05, df =12, Cv>Tv, accept the Alternative hypothesis

Table 11 explains the relationship between the employed graduates’ fields of specialization and their acquired
occupations. It further expounds that knowledge and skills acquired in their chosen fields of specializations

International Refereed Research Journal ■ ■ Vol.– V, Issue – 1, Jan. 2014 [74]
Res ea r c her s W o r ld -Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce ■ E-ISSN 2229-4686 ■ ISSN 2231-4172

have a greater relevancy to their jobs acquired after graduation. It can be seen from the table that there is a
significant relationship between the two variables, field of specialization and present job, with a computed chi-
square of 128.756 at 12 degree of freedom. This will take a conclusion to accept the alternative hypothesis
raised by the researchers.
Table 12: Relationship between the Employed Graduates’ Fields of
Specialization and the Academic-acquired Skills and Competencies
Variables Sig. Value Verbal Interpretation
The employed graduates’ fields
Fields of Specialization vs of specialization are related to
Academic-acquired Skills and 217.168 .000 their school-acquired skills and
Competencies competencies which are relevant
to their chosen occupations.
α = .05, df = 12, Cv > Tv, accept the Alternative hypothesis

Table 12 describes the relationship between the employed graduates’ fields of specialization and the school-
acquired skills and competencies that are relevant to their chosen occupations after graduation. It signifies that
there is a significant relationship between the two variables that was explained by the obtained chi-square value
of 217.168 in a degree of freedom of 12, with significant value of .000 which is less than the α = .05.

Relative to the findings, the following conclusion are raised:
1. Most of the graduates for SY 2006 to SY 2011 are females and single, majority of whom are in the field of
business and entrepreneurial technology particularly financial management , a few in education and very few
in arts and sciences.
2. RTU produces marketable graduates who prefer to work in the country than abroad. The rate of employment
among them is very high; self-employment rate is almost unnoticeable, while that of unemployment is very
3. A very small number of graduates pursue further studies primarily to satisfy their personal ambition and to
assure their career development . Most of the graduates are employed along their fields of specialization, that
is, business and entrepreneurial technology graduates go into business-related job, education graduates into
teaching and arts and science graduates to their areas.of concern.
4. The fields of specialization and school-acquired skills and competencies of the graduates are relevant to their
chosen occupations.and these greatly help them in the performance of their jobs.
5. There is still a need to strengthen the skills/competencies that could make curricular offerings more relevant
to current jobs specifically the skills on communication, critical thinking, Information technology, human
relations, and problem-solving.

The researchers have arrived to the following recommendations:

1. The expansion of tie-ups with private enterprises that can provide employment opportunities to the
University graduates be a continuing process in all colleges to at least maintain the high employability level
of the graduates.
2. The installation of a system that can help employed graduates avail of higher education be studied;
3. The review and upgrading of curricular offerings to ensure the provision of more skill/competency
development programs specially for skills on communication, critical thinking, Information technology,
human relations, and problem-solving.
4. Tracer studies such as this one be given due support by the institution for it to be kept abreast of how its
graduates are doing and what initiatives can be done further in the curriculum and manner of instruction for
more productive and worthy graduates.

International Refereed Research Journal ■ ■ Vol.– V, Issue – 1, Jan. 2014 [75]
Res ea r c her s W o r ld -Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce ■ E-ISSN 2229-4686 ■ ISSN 2231-4172

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