European Standard Norme Europeenne Europaische Norm

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ICS 01.040.27; 27.080; 27.200 Supersedes EN 378:1994

English version

Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Safety and

environmental requirements - Part 1: Basic requirements,
definitions, classification and selection criteria

Systsmes de nHrigeration et pampes chaleur - Exigences Kalteanlagen und Warmepumpen - Sicherheitstechnische
de securtte at d'environnement ~ Partie 1 : Exigences de und umweltrelevante Anforderungen - Teil1 :
base, definitions. classification et criteres de choix Grundlagende Anforderungen. Definitionen, Kassifikationen
und Auswahlkriterien

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 11 November 1999.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CENlCENElEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member.

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the offidal

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark. Finland. France, Germany, Greece.
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden. Switzerland and United Kingdom.



Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart, 36 B-1050 Brussels

© 2000 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 378-1:2000 EO
worldwide for CEN national Members.
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EN 378-1 :2000



Foreword . 2
Introduction . 3
1 Scope .. 4
2 Normative references . 5
3 Definitions . 5
4 Basic Requirements ...................•..............•.... 12
5 Classification .. 16
6 Selection of refrigerants ...........••..••••................. 23
7 Selection of cooling or heating systems ...................•..... 24
Annex A (informative) Equivalent terms in English, French and German 25
Annex B (informative) Total equivalent warming impact (TEWI) ...•.... 29
Annex C (informative) Location of refrigerating systems . 32
Annex D (informative) Protection of people .....ho are inside cold rooms An

Annex E (informative) Informalion about refrigerants •............... 41

Annex F (informative) Risk assessment .....•...•............... 47
Annex G (informative) Bibliography .....•....................... 48
Annex ZA (informative) Clauses of this European Standard addressing
.-) essential requirements or other provisions of EU Directives .......•... 49


This European Standard has been prepared by Technical Committee CENfTC 182 "Refrigerating systems, safety
and environmental requirements", the secretariat of which is held by DIN.

This European Standard supersedes EN 378:1994.

This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or
by endorsement, at the latest by December 2000, and confiicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest
by December 2000.

This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s).

For relationship with EU Directive(s), see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part of this standard.

NOTE 1: It should be noted that this standard at the time of publication does not satisfy all essential safety
requirements of the Direclive 97/231EC.

NOTE 2: This European Standard had also been proposed for inclusion in the mandate under the EU Direc-
tive 89/3921EEC (Machinery Direclive). As the mandate has been given after the Standard had been accepted
by the Technical Committee for submission to formal vote and in order not to further delay its publication, it
will be reviewed within the context of the latest version of the Machinery Directive directly after the publicalion.

This EN 378-1: 1999 is part of a standard consisting of a series of the following parts:

Part 1 Basic requirements, definitions, classificalion and selection criteria

Part 2 Design, construction, testing, marking and documentation

Part 3 Installation site and personal protection

Part 4 Operation, maintenance, repair and recovery

For the 6-month enquiry, the draft standard was issued in 13 parts. After the discussion of the comments received
during the enquiry it was decided to rearrange the content of 12 parts and to publish the final standard in the above
4 parts. The remaining part 13 will be published as a separate standard.
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EN 378-1 :2000

The annexes A, B, C, D, E, F, G and ZA of this European Standard are informative.

According to the CENICENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following
countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Rnland,
France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland and the United Kingdom.


This European Standard relates to safety and environmental requirements in the design, construction, manufacture,
installation, operation, maintenance and disposal of refrigerating systems and appliances in respect to the iocal and
global environments, but not to the final destruction of the refrigerants.

The term "refrigerating system" used in this standard includes heat pumps.

It is intended to minimize possible hazards to persons, property and the environment from refrigerating systems and
refrigerants. These hazards are associated essentially with the physical and chemical characteristics of refrigerants
as weli as the pressures and temperatures occurring in refrigeration cycies.

Inadequate precautions may result in:

- rupture of a part or even an explosion, with risk from projected materials;

- escape of refrigerant due to a fracture, a.leakage caused by bad design, incorrect operation, and inadequate
maintenance, repair, charging or disposal;

- buming or explosion of escaping refrigerant with consequent risk of fire.

Refrigerants, their mixtures and combinations with oils, water or other materials, which are present in the refrigerat-
ing system,intended or unintended, affect the intemal surrounding materials chemically and physically for example
due to pressure and temperature. They can, if they have detrimental properties, endanger persons, property and the
environment directly or indirectly due to global longterm effects (ODP,GWP) when escaping from the refrigerating
system. The specifications of such refrigerants, mixtures and combinations are given in other standards and are not
included in this standard.

Hazards due to the states of pressure and temperature in refrigerating systems are essentially due to the simulta-
neous presence of the liquid and vapour phases. Furthermore, the state of the refrigerant and the stresses that it
exerts on the various components do not depend solely on the processes and functions inside the plant, but also
from extemal causes.

The following hazards are worthy of note:

a) from the direct effect of low temperature, for example:

- brittleness of materials at low temperatures;

- freezing of enclosed liquid (water, brine or similar);
- thermal stresses;
- changes of volume due to temperature changes;
- injurious effects to persons caused by low temperatures;

b) from excessive pressure due to, for example:

- increase in the pressure of condensation, caused by inadequate cooling or the partial pressure of
noncondensable gases or an accumulation of oil or liquid refrigerant;
- increase in the pressure of saturated vapour due to excessive external heating, for example of a liquid
cooler, or when defrosting an air cooler or high ambient temperature when the plant is at a standstill;
- expansion of liquid refrigerant in a closed space without the presence of vapour, caused by a rise in
external temperature;
- fire;

c) from the direct effect of the liquid phase, for example:

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EN 378-1 :2000

- excessive charge or flooding of equipment;

- presence of liquid in compressors, caused by syphoning, or condensation in the compressor;
- liquid hammer in piping;
- loss of lubrication due to emulsification of oil;

d) from the escape of refrigerants, for example:

- fire;
- explosion;
- toxicity;
- caustic effects;
- freezing of skin;
- asphyxiation;
- panic;
- depletion of the ozone layer;
- global warming;

e) from the moving parts of machinery, for example:

- injuries;
- hearing loss from excessive noise;
() - damage due to vibration:

Attention is drawn to hazards common to all compression systems, such as excessive temperature at discharge,
liquid slugging, erroneous operation or reduction in mechanical strength caused by corrosion, erosion, thermal
stress, liquid hammer or vibration.

Corrosion, however, should have special consideration as conditions peculiar to refrigerating systems arise due to
altemate frosting and defrosting or the covering of equipment by insulation.

The above analysis of the hazards applying to refrigerating systems explains the plan on which this European
Standard has been based.

1 Scope

1.1 This European Standard specifies the requirements relating to safety of persons and property, but not goods
in storage, and the local and giobai environment for:

a) stationary and mobile refrigerating systems of all sizes, including heat pumps;
' .• j b) secondary cooling or heating systems; and

c) the location of these refrigerating systems.

1.2 For refrigerating systems with a limited mass of refrigerant oniy some of the parts and ciauses are applicabie.
The exceptions are defined in the scope and the clauses of each Part of EN 378.

1.3 This European Standard is not applicable to refrigerating systems with air or water as refrigerant.

1.4 This European Standard covers the hazards mentioned in the introduction.

1.5 This European Standard is applicable to new refrigerating systems. The part dealing with maintenance, repair,
operation, recovery, reuse and disposal also applies to existing systems. Parties responsible for existing refrigerating
systems should consider the safety and environmental aspects of this European Standard and implement the more
stringent requirements so far as they are reasonabiy practicable.
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EN 378-1 :2000

The extent to which hazards are covered is indicated in the introduction. In addition, machinery should comply as
appropriate with EN 292-1 and EN 292-2 for hazards which are not covered by this standard.

NOTE Directive 94/9/EC conceming equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive
atmospheres can be applicable to the type of machine or equipment covered by this European standard. The
present standard is not intended to provide means of complying with the essential health and safety requirements
of Directive 94/4/EC.

2 Normative references

This European Standard incorporates, by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These
normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. For
dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publlcations apply to this European
Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references, the latest edition of the
publication referred to applies.

EN 292-1
Safety of machinery - Basic concepts, generai principies for design - Part t: Basic tenninoiogy, methodology

EN 292-2
Safety of machinery - Basic concepts, general prinicples for design - Part 2: Technical principles and
C) EN 294
Safety of machinery - Safety distances to prevent danger zones being reached by the upper limbs

3 Definitions

For the purposes of this European Standard the following definitions apply:

NOTE: See Informative annex A for equivalent terms in English, French and German.

3.1 Refrigerating systems

3.1.1 refrigerating system [heat pump]: Combination of interconnected refrigerant-containing parts constituting
one closed refrigerant circuit in which the refrigerantis circulated for the purpose of extracting and rejecting heat (i.e.
cooling, heating).

3.1.2 self-contained system: Complete factory-made refrigerating system in a suitable frame and/or enclosure, that
is fabricated and transported in one or more sections and in which no refrigerant containing parts are connected on
site other than by companion or block valves.

3.1.3 unit system: Self-contained system that has been assembled, filled ready for use and tested prior to its
installation and is installed without need for connecting any refrigerant containing parts; a unit system can include
factory assembled companion or block valves.

3.1.4 limited charge system: Refrigerating system in which the intemal volume and total refrigerant charge are
such that, with the system idle, the allowablepressurewill not be exceeded If complete evaporation of the refrigerant
charge occurs.

3.1.5 absorption or adsorption system: Refrigerating system in which refrigeration is effected by evaporation of
a refrigerant, the vapour then being absorbed or adsorbed by an absorbent or adsorbent medium respectively, from
which it is subsequently expelled at a higher partial vapour pressure by heating and then liquefied by cooling.
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EN 378-1:2000

3.1.6 secondary cooling or heating system: System employing a fluid which transfers heat from the product or
spaces to be cooled or heated or from another cooling or heating system to the refrigerating system.

3.1.7 closed system: Refrigerating system in which all refrigerant-eontaining parts are made tight by flanges,
screwed fittings orsimilar connections.

3.1.8 sealed system: Refrigerating system in which all refrigerant containing parts are made tight by welding,
brazing or a similar permanent connection.

3.1.9 high pressure side: Part of a refrigerating system operating at approximately the condenser pressure.

3.1.10 lew pressure side: Part of a refrigerating system operating at approximateiy the evaporator pressure.

3.1.11 mobile system: Refrigerating system which is normally in transit during operation.

() NOTE: Mobile systems include the following:

- refrigerating systems in vessels, e.g. refrigerated cargo systems in ships, refrigerating systems in fishing
boats, air conditioning on board, refrigerating systems for provisions;

- transport refrigerating systems, e.g. transport of refrigerated cargo by road, train and containers;

- refrigerating systems for air conditioning in vehicles, e.g. cars, lonries, buses. excavators and cranes.

3.2 Occupancies, localities

3.2.1 special machinery room: Room or enclosure specially intended to contain, for reasons connected with safety
and environmental protection, components of the refrigerating system not accessible to the public but not including
rooms or enclosures containing only evaporators, condensers or piping.

3.2.2 human occupied space: Complete space which is occupied for a significant period by humans. Where the
spaces around the apparent human. occupied space are, by construction or design, not air tight, these are
considered as part of the human occupied space, e.g. false ceiling voids, crawl ways, ducts, movable partitions and
:~) doors with transfer grilles.

3.2.3 air lock: Isolating chamber provided with separate entrance and exit doors allowing passage from one place
to another whilst isolating one from the other.

3.2.4 lobby: Entrance hall or large hallway serving as a waiting room.

3.2.5 hallway: Corridor for the passage of people.

3.2.6 exit: Opening in the outer wall, with or without a door or gate.

3.2.7 exit passageway: Passageway immediately in the vicinity of the door through which people leave the

3.2.8 cold room: Room or cabinet, maintained by a refrigerating system at a temperature lower than ambient
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3.2.9 direct communication: Communication where the partition wall between rooms contains an opening which
can optionally be shut by a door, window or hatch.

3.2.10 open air: Any unenclosed space, which may be roofed.

3.3 Pressures

3.3.1 gauge pressure: Pressure for which the value is equal to the algebraic difference between the absolute
pressure and atmospherfc pressure [see EN 764J.

NOTE: All pressures are gauge pressures, unless otherwise indicated.

3.3.2 maximum allowable pressure: Maximum pressure for which the equipment is designed, as specified by the

NOTE 1: Limit to the operating pressure which should not be exceeded either when the system is .....orking or
not, see EN 764.

NOTE 2: The Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC identifies the maximum allowable pressure by the
symbol "PS".

- (.')
\.. ~

3.3.3 design pressure: Pressure chosen for the derfvation of the calculation pressure of each component, see
EN 764.

NOTE: It is used for determining the necessary materfais, thickness and construction for components with
regard to their ability to withstand pressure.

3.3.4 strength test pressure: Pressure that is applied to test the strength of a refrfgerating system or any part of

3.3.5 leakage test pressure: Pressure that is applied to test a system or any part of it for pressure tightness.

3.3.6 maximum declared pressure: Pressure declared by the manufacturer of the component or device to which
it may be subjected without reducing its performance.

3.3.7 ultimate strength of a system: Pressure at which a part of the system ruptures or bursts.

3.4 Components of refrigerating systems

3.4.1 refrigerating installation: Assembly of components of a refrigerating system and all the apparatus necessary
for its operation.

3.4.2 refrigerating equipment: Components forming a part of the refrfgerating system, e.g. compressor, condenser,
generator, absorber, adsorber, liquid receiver, evaporator, surge drum.

3.4.3 compressor: Device for mechanically increasing the pressure of a refrfgerant vapour.

3.4.4 motorcompressor: Fixed combination of electrfcal motor and compressor in one unit.
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EN 378-1 :2000 hermetic motorcompressor: Combination consisting of a compressor and electrical motor, both of which
are enclosed in the same housing, with no extemal shaft or shaft seals, the electrical motor operating in a mixture
of 011 and refrigerant vapour. semi hermetic (accessible hermetic) motorcompressor: Combination consisting of a compressor and
electrical motor, both of which are enclosed in the same housing, having removable covers for access, but having
no extemal shaft or shaft seals, the electrical motor operating in a mixture of oil and refrigerant vapour. canned rotor motorcompressor: Motorcompressor within a sealed housing not enclosing the motor
windings and having no extemal. shaft.

3.4.5 open compressor: Compressor having a drive shaft penetrating the refrigerant-tight housing.

3.4.6 positive displacement compressor: Compressor in which compression is obtained by changing the intemal
volume of the compression chamber.

o 3.4.7 non-positive displacement compressor: Compressor in which compression is obtained without changing
the intemal volume of the compression chamber.

3.4.8 pressure vessel: Any refrigerant-containing part of a refrigerating system other than:

- compressors;

- pumps;

- component parts of sealed absorption systems;

- evaporators, each separate section of which does not exceed 15 I of refrigerant containing volume;

- coils and grids;

- piping and its valves, joints and fillings;

- control devices;

C) - headers and other components having an intemai diameter of not greater than 152 mm and an internal net
voiume of not greater than 100 I.

3.4.9 condenser: Heat exchanger in which vaporized refrigerant is Iiquified by removal of heat.

3.4.10 liquid receiver: Vessel permanently connected to a system by iniet and outlet pipes for accumulation of
liquid refrigerant.

3.4.11 evaporator: Heat exchanger in which liquid refrigerant is vaporized by absorbing heat from the substance
to be cooled.

3.4.12 coil: Part of the refrigerating system constructed from bent or straightpipes or tubes suitably connected and
servinq as a heat exchanger (evaporator or condenser).

3.4.13 grid: Part of the refrigerating system constructed from bent or straightpipes or tubes suitably connected and
serving as a heat exchanger (evaporator or condenser).
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3.4.14 compressor unit: Combination of one or more compressors and the regularly fumished accessories.

3.4.15 condensing unit: Combination of one or more compressors, condensers or liquid receivers (when required)
and the regularly fumished accessories. .

3.4.16 evaporating unit: Combination of one or more compressors, evaporators, liquid receivers (when required)
and the regularly fumished accessories.

3.4.17 surge drum: Vessels containing refrigerant at low pressure and temperature and connected by liquid feed
and vapour retum pipes to (an) evaporator(s).

3.4.18 internal gross volume: Volume calculated from the intemal dimensions of a vessel, no account being taken
of the volume of any intemal parts.

3.4.19 internal net volume: Volume calculatedfrom the intemal dimensions of a vessel, after the subtraction of the
volume of the intemal parts.

3.5 Piping, joints and fittings

3.5.1 piping: Pipes or tubes (including any hose, bellows or flexible pipe) for interconnecting the various parts of
a refrigerating system.

3.5.2 joint: Connection made between two parts.

3.5.3 welded joint: Joint obtained by the joining of metal parts in the plastic or molten state.

3.5.4 brazed joint: Joint obtained by the joining of metal parts with alloys which melt at temperatures in general
higher than 450 ·C but less than the melting temperatures of the joined parts.

3.5.5 soldered joint: Joint obtained by the joining of metal parts with metallic mixtures or alloys which melt at
temperatures In general from 200 ·C to 450 ·C.

3.5.6 flanged joint: Joint made by bolting together a pair of flanged ends.

3.5.7 flared joint: Metal-lo-melal compression joint in which a conicai spread is made on the end of the tube.

3.5.8 screwed joint: Threaded pipe joint not requiring any sealing material e.g. compression joint with deformable
metal ring.

3.5.9 taper pipe thread end: Threaded pipe joint requiring filler materials in order to block the spiral leakage path.

3.5.10 header: Pipe or tube component of a refrigerating system to which several other pipes or tubes are

3.5.11 shut-off device: Device to shut off the flow of the fluid, e. g. refrigerant, brine.
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EN 378-1 :2000

3.5.12 companion [block] valves: Pairs of mating stop valves, isolating sections of systems and arranged so that
these sections may be joined before opening these valves or separated after closing them.

3.5.13 quick closing valve: Shut-off device which closes automatically (e.g. by weight, spring force, quick closing
ball) or has a very 'small closing angle.

3.6 Safety accessories

3.6.1 pressure relief device: Pressure relief valve or bursting disc device designed to relieve excessive pressure

3.6.2 pressure relief valve: Pressure actuated valve held shut by a spring or other means and designed to relieve
excessive pressure automatically by starting to open at a pressure not exceeding the allowable pressure and
reclosing after the pressure has fallen below the allowable pressure.

3.6.3 bursting disc: Disc or foil which bursts at a predetemnined differential pressure.

C) 3.6.4 fusible plug: Device containing a material which melts at a predetemnined temperature and thereby relieving
the pressure.

3.6.5 temperature limiting device: Temperature actuateddevice that is designed to prevent unsafe temperatures.

3.6.6 safety switching device for limiting the pressure: Pressure actuated device that is designed to stop the
operation of the pressure generator. pressure limiter: Device which automatically resets and is called PSH for high pressure protection and PSL
for low pressure protection. pressure cut out: Device which is manually reset without the aid of a tool and is called PZH for high
pressure protection and PZL for low pressure protection.

C) safety pressure cut out: Device which is manually reset only with the aid of a tool and is called PZHH for
high pressure protection and PZLL for low pressure protection.

3.6.7 type tested safety switching device for limiting the pressure: Device which is type tested and designed
to fail safe so that in the event of a defect or malfunction of the device the power supply will be interrupted.

3.6.8 changeover device: Valve controlling two safety devices and so arranged that only one can be made
inoperative at anyone time.

3.6.9 refrigerant detector: Sensing device which responds to a pre-set quantity of refrigerant gas in the environ-

3.7 Fluids

3.7.1 refrigerant: Fluid used for heat transfer in a refrigerating system, which absorbs heat at a low temperature
and a low pressure and rejects heat at a higher temperature and a higher pressure usually involving changes of the
state of the fluid.
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EN 378·1 :2000

3.7.2 heat-transfer medium: Fluid (e.g. brine, water, air) for the transmission of heat without any change in its

3.7.3 toxicity: Ability of a refrigerant to be hannful or lethal due to acute or chronic exposure by contact, inhalation
or ingestion, .

NOTE: Temporary discomfort that does not impair health is not considered to be harmful.

3.7.4 lower flammability limit: Minimum concentration of refrigerant that is capable of propagating a flame within
a homogeneous mixture of refrigerant and air.

3.7.5 fractionation: Change in composition of a refrigerant mixture by e.g. evaporation of the more volatile
component(s) or condensation of the less volatile component(s).

3.7.6 sudden major release: Release and vapourization of the majority of the total refrigerant charge in a short
time, e.g. under 5 min.

3.7.7 short exposure time: Maximum time that humans can be exposed to a major release of refrigerant e.g. no
more than 10 min.

3.7.8 outside air: Air from outside the building.

3.7.9 halocarbon and hydrocarbon:

These are:

CFC: Fully-halogenated (no hydrogen remaining) halocarbon containing chlorine, fluorine and carbon;

HCFC: Halocarbon containing hydrogen, chlorine, fluorine and carbon;

HFC: Halocarbon containing only hydrogen, fluorine and carbon;

PFC: Halocarbon containing only fluorine and carbon;

HC: Hydrocarbon containing only hydrogen and carbon.

3.7.10 recover: Removing refrigerant in any condition from a system and store it in an extemal container.

3.7.11 recycle: Reducing contaminants in usedrefrigerants by separating oil, removing noncondensibles and using
devices such as filters, driers or filter-driers to reduce moisture, acidity and particulate malter.

3.7.12 reclaim: Processing used refrigerants to new product specifications.

NOTE: Chemical analysis of the refrigerantdetennines that appropriate specifications are met. The identifica-
tion of contaminants and required chemical analysis both are specified in national and international standards
for new product specifications.

3.7.13 disposal: Conveying a product to another party, usually for destruction.

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EN 378-1 :2000

3.8 Miscellaneous

3.8.1 competence: Ability to perform satisfactorily the activities within an occupation.

3.8.2 comfort air' conditioning: Method of air treatment designed to satisfy the comfort requirements of the

3.8.3 self-contained breathing apparatus: Breathing apparatus which has a portable supply of compressed air,
independent of the ambient atmosphere, where exhaust air passes without recirculation to the ambient atmosphere.

3.8.4 vacuum procedure: Procedure to check the gas tightness of an uncharged system by drawinq a vacuum.

4 Basic requirements

4.1 General

o 4.1.1 Refrigerating systems

Refrigerating systems shall be designed, constructed, installed, operated, maintained and disposed of according to
this European Standard.

4.1.2 Refrigerants

Where refrigerants of different groups are used in a refrigerating system the requirements of each individual group
shall apply.

4.1.3 Discharge of refrigerants

Deliberate discharge of environmentally harmful refrigerants shall be avoided.

4.1.4 Selection of refrigerants

When selecting a refrigerant the potential influence on global warming and the depletion of ozone in the stratosphere
shall be taken into account.

NOTE 1: A way of assessing global warming is using the concept of total equivalent warming impact (TEWI)
that combines the direct contributionof refrigerant emissions into the atmosphere with the indirect contribution
of the carbon dioxide emissions resulting from the energy required to operate the refrigerating system over
its operational life, also see informative annex B.

NOTE 2: Emitted refrigerant can have global impact due to:

- global warming potential (GWP);

- ozone depletion potential (GOP).

4.2 Design, construction, materials

4.2.1 Components under pressure

All parts of the refrigerant circuit shall be designed and manufactured to remain leakproof and withstand the pressure
which may occur during operation, standstill and transportation taking into account the thermal, physical and
chemical stresses to be expected.
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EN 378·1 :2000

4.2.2 Protection against excessive pressure

In refrigerating systems the pressure during normal operation, standstill and transportation shall not exceed the
maximum allowable pressure of any component. Excessive intemal pressure from foreseeable causes shall be
prevented or relieved with minimum practicable risk for persons, property and the environment, and if a pressure
relief device is discharging, the pressure on any component shall not exceed the allowable pressure by more than
10 'Yo.

4.2.3 Indicating and measuring instruments (monitoring)

Refrigerating systems shall be equipped with the indicating and measuring instruments necessary for testing,
operating and servicing as specified in this European standard.

4.2.4 Safeguarding against unauthorized actuation

Control and safety devices which should not be operated by unauthorized persons shall be safeguarded against
deliberate or accidental actuation.

4.2.5 Refrigerant charge

Refrigerating systems shall be designed with due care for their local and global environment in such a way that each
refrigerant charge is kept as small as reasonably practicable in a system which is as tight as reasonably practicable.

4.2.6 Loss of refrigerant

Refrigerating systems shall be so equipped with devices necessary for testing, servlcinq, maintenance and recovery
of refrigerant and so construeled that even in the case of fire or leakage the loss or refrigerant is minimized.

4.2.7 Liquid slugging in compressors

Refrigerating systems shall be so designed and installed that liquid refrigerant or oil cannot return in excessive
quantity to damage the compressor(s).

4.2.8 Liquid hammer in systems

Piping in refrigerating systems shall be so designed and installed that liquid hammer (hydraulic shock) cannot
damage the system.

4.2.9 Moving parts of machinery

Moving parts of machinery shall be guarded according to EN 292·1, EN 292-2 and EN 294.

4.2.10 Noise

Compressors, fans, valves, equipment and ducts of refrigerating systems shall be so designed and constructed that
risks resulting from the emission of airborne noise are reduced to the lowest practical level taking account of
technical progress and the availability of means of reducing noise in particular at source.
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EN 378-1 :2000

4.2.11 Vibration

Compressors, fans, valves, equipment and ducts of refrigerating systems shall be so designed and constructed that
risks resuiting from vibration produced by the parts of the system are reduced to the lowest practical level taking
account of technic~1 progress and the availability of means of reducing vibration in particular at source.

4.2.12 Contact with foodstuffs

Parts of refrigerating systems which are in contact or are intended to come into contact with foodstuffs (food or
beverages) shall be designed and constructed from suitable materials, the surfaces of which can be cleaned before
each use.

4.2.13 Energy consumption

Refrigerating sysiems shall be so designed and constructed that under ihe ioreseeabie operaiing conditions the
energy consumption is kept as low as reasonably practicable.

4.3 Installation, commissioning

() 4.3.1 Installation in relation to occupancies

Refrigerants and refrigerating systems shall be selected, instailed and utilized with regard to the categories of
occupancy and operated so that persons are not endangered. if national regulations do not exist, iniormative
annex C should be used.

4.3.2 Special machinery rooms

In some cases special machinery rooms shall be provided for accommodating parts of refrigerating systems,
especially those of the high pressure side, and the compressors, for reasons of safety.

NOTE: Housings kept tight and vented may also serve as special machinery rooms.

4.3.3 Cold rooms

Cold rooms shall be equipped or so constructed that trapped persons can escape. if national regulations do not
exist, informative annex D should be used.

4.3.4 Discharge of refrigerant

Discharge of refrigerant into the atmosphere shail be minimized. Discharges of refrigerant that cannot be avoided
shall take place so that persons are not endangered.

4.3.5 Protection devices, piping and fittings

Protection devices, piping and fittings shall be protected as far as possible against adverse climatic effects and the
accumulation of dirt or debris.

4.3.6 Electrical installation

The design, construction, installation, testing and use of electrical equipment shall be in accordance with the
appropriate European standards, e.g. EN 60204·1, EN 60335-1, prEN 60335·2·24:1997, EN 60335·2·34,
EN 60335·2·40.
Page 15
EN 378-1 :2000

4.3.7 Flammable refrigerants

Rooms which contain any part of a refrigerating system with a flammable refrigerant, except ammonia or up to a
limited quantity of another flammable refrigerant, shall comply with the requirements for a "potentially expiosive

4.3.8 Fire extinguishing equipment

Rre extinguishing equipment shall be readily available and appropriate, in particular, to the size of the refrigerating
system, the refrigerant, the heat-transfer medium, the insulation and the conditions of the site.

4.4 Testing, marking

4.4.1 Tests (in respect to safety and environmental protection) Before putting into service any refrigerating system, all t~e components or the whole refrigeiating system
shall undergo the following tests:

a) strength pressure test;

() b) leakage test;

c) functional test of safety devices;

d) test of the complete installation before putting it into operation. Relevant safety accessories shall be tested regularly. The results of the tests shall be recorded.

4.4.2 Marking Every refrigerating system and its main components shall be identifiable by marking. This marking shall
always be visible. Shut-off devices and main control devices shall be suitably marked if it is not obvious what they control.
4.5 Operation, maintenance, repair, personal protective equipment

4.5.1 Operational instructions For refrigerating systems operational instructions shall be prepared giving directions for the operation and
servicing of the system, including precautions to be observed in case of breakdown or leakage. The manufacturer or installer shall suppiy instruction manuals or leaflets and shall also provide safety
instructions written in one of the languages of the country in which the refrigerating system is to be used.

For refrigerating systems which are used for transport purposes in several countries, such instructions shall be in an
appropriate official language and may be repeated in one or more other ianguages.
Page 16
EN 378-1 :2000

4.5.2 Maintenance, repair Refrigerating systems shall be maintained and repaired only by competent persons (see 4.6). Personnerin charge shall have knowledge and experience of the mode of functioning, use and day to day
monitoring of the whole refrigerating system.

4.5.3 Personal protective equipment

Personal protective equipment appropriate to the quantity and type of refrigerant shall be readily available.

4.6 Competence

4.5.1 Training and knowledge

Persons, who are responsible for design, construction, installation, inspection, testing, operation, maintenance,
repair, disposal and assessment of refrigerating systems and their parts shall have the necessary training and
knowledge for their task to achieve competence.
4.6.2 Competence in different tasks

Competence in each task shall be required for health, safety, environmental protection and energy conservation

4.7 Recovery, reuse, disposal

All parts of refrigerating systems, e.g. refrigerant, oil, heat-transfer medium, filter, drier, insulating material, shall be
recovered, reused and/or disposed of properly in connection with maintenance, repair and scrapping.

5 Classification

5.1 General

5.1.1 Refrigerating systems

Refrigerating systems are classified as shown in table 1 according to the method of extracting heat from (cooling)
or adding heat to (heating) the atmosphere or substance to be treated.

5.1.2 Occupancies

Occupancies are classified in respect to the safety of the persons, who may be directly affected in case of abnormal
operation of the refrigerating system.

5.1.3 Refrigerants

Refrigerants are classified into groups according to their influence on health and safety.
\..J o
Table 1: Types of cooling and heating systems

coo Ing systems Healing systems

Subclause substance Hemgerallng suostance
nation Noles
10 be cooled I system
Heat pump
I to be healed

5.2.1 Direct Evaporator In direct Condenser in direct

System communication with
the substance 10 be
§ ~ cornmunlcauon with
the substance to be
cooled. heated.

Evaporator Condensor Indirect Evaporator cools a Condenser heals a

Open heat-transfer medium ~----~ ~----~ heat-transfer medium
System which is brought into ~-i---E1 o---~~' which Is brought Into
direct communication direct communication
with the substance 10 wilh Ihe subslance to
be cooled. be heated.
Evaporator Condensor Indirect Similar 10 but vented vented Similar 10 but
Vented with open or venled ....-.-'---, with open or vented

Open tank. I I tank.


Evaporator Condensor Indirect Evaporator cools a Evaporator Condensor Condenser heats a

Closed heat-transfer medium heat-transfer medium
System which passes through which passes
a closed circuit In through a closed
._--~----~ ~-'---I'--
direct communication -'--'/ g
;:::::;. g
circuit In direct com-
with Ihe substance 10 municaUon with lhe
.._--;-- -€l J:+- --I- ==
be cooled. substance to be

liqUid expansion LIquid expansion m

(continued) ~
•. ·w
~ ,D
a -.j

Table 1: (concluded) m-u
....0 0 log neallng systems
suustance Hemgerallng :;UOSlance
natlon Noles Heal pump Noles
to be cooled system 10 be healed i<>
§ Indirect
Similar 10 bul
withopen or vented :::.::t---.
,- --,
g----j::::: ..
Similar to 5.2.2,4 but
with open or vented
lank. £1--'-1-----

Evaporator Condensor Double A combination of A combination at

System and
where cooled heat-
transfer medium
I ,----
~-t€1 L __ . n ~lRl"~
---_.I I
fJ '==:, o-l-::r-' and
where heated heat-
transfer medium
passes through passes through
second heat Evaporator Condensor second heat
exchanger. exchanger.

Pipework containing refrigerant

Pipework containing heat-transfer medium' ••• - - - -

Page 13
EN 378-1 :2000

5.2 Classification of refrigerating systems

5.2.1 Direct system

The evaporator or condenser of the refrigerating system is in direct communication with the substance to be cooled
or heated. .

5.2.2 Indirect systems General

The evaporator or condenser of the refrigerating system. located extemally to the space where the heat is extracted
from or delivered to the substance to be treated, cools or heats a heat-transfer medium which is circulated to cool
or heat the substance. Indirect open system

The evaporator cools or the condenser heats the heat-transfer medium which is brought into direct communication
with the substance to be treated e.g. by sprays or similar means.

C) Indirect vented open system

This system is similar to that of except that the evaporator or condenser is placed in an open or vented tank. Indirect closed system

The evaporator cools or the condenser heats the heat-transfer medium which passes through a closed circuit in
direct communication with the substance to be treated. Indirect vented closed system

This system is similar to that of except that the evaporator or condenser is placed in an open or vented tank. Double indirect system

This system is similar to that of except that the heat-transfer medium passes through a second heat
exchanger located extemally to the space as described in and cools or heats a second heat-transfer medium
fluid which is brought into direct communication with the substance to be treated e.g. by sprays or similar means.

5.3 Classification of occupancies

5.3.1 General

Considerations of safety in refrigerating systems take into account the site, the number of people occupying the site
and the categories of occupancy.

The occupancies are classified into three categories, given in table 2, which refer to all those areas where an
Installation would affect safety.
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EN 378-1 :2000

Table 2: Categories of occupancy

Categories General characteristics Examples')

. Rooms, parts of buildings, bulding where Hospitals, courts or prisons, theatres, super-
markets, schools, lecture halls, public trans-
- people may sleep; port termini, hotels, dwellings, restaurants.

- people are restricted in their movement;

A -
- an uncontrolled number of people are
present O'r to which any person has
access without being personally
acquainted with the necessary safety

Rooms, parts of buildings, buiidings where Business or professional offices, laboratories,

only a limited number of people may be places for general manufacturing and where
B assembled, some being necessarily people work.
acquainted with the general safety
precautions of the establishment.
Rooms, parts of buildings, buildings where Manufacturing facilities, e.g. for chemicals,
only authorized persons have access, who food, beverage, ice, Ice-cream, refineries,
are acquainted with general and special cold stores, dairies, abattoirs, non-public
safety precautions of the establishment and areas in supermarkets.
where rnanutactunnq, processing or storage
of material or products take place.

') The list of examples is not exhaustive.

5.3.2 More than one category of occupancy

Where there is the possibility of more than one category of occupancy, the more stringent requirements apply. If
occupancies are isolated, e.g. by sealed partitions, floors and ceilings, in which case the requirements of the
individual category of occupancy apply.

NOTE: Attention is drawn to the safety of adjacent premises and occupants in areas adjacent to a refrigera-
ting system. Refrigerants heavier than air can cause oxygen deficient pockets at low levei (see molar mass
in the informative annex E).

5.4 Classification of refrigerants

5.4.1 General

Refrigerants are classified into groups according to their influence on health and safety.

NOTE: The classification of some refrigerants is listed in the informative annex E. The classification of
refrigerants as defined in Directive 97/23/EC is listed in the European standard on "Pressure equipment for
refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Part 1: Vessels - General requirements" which is in preparation, see
informative annex G.

5.4.2 Health and safety classification

Refrigerants are classified ac~ording to their flammability and toxicity.

Page 2i
EN 378-1 :2000 Flammability classification

Refrigerants shall be assigned to one of the three groups 1, 2 and 3 based on the lower flammability limit at
atmospheric pressure and room temperature:

- group 1: Refrigerants which are not flammable in vapour fomn at any concentration in air;

- group 2: Refrigerants whose lower flammability limit is equal to or greater than 3,5 % VN when they fomn a
mixture with air,

- group 3: Refrigerants whose lower flammability limit is less than 3,5 % VN when they fomn a mixture with air.

NOTE: The lower flammability limits are detenmined in accordance with an appropriate standard e.g.
ANSI/ASTM E 681. . Toxicity classification

Refrigerants shall be assigned to one of the two groups A and B based on toxicity:

- group A: Refrigerants with a time weighted average concentration not having an adverse effect on nearly all
workers who may be exposed to it day after day for a normal a-hour workday and a 40-hour workweek whose
C) value is equal to or above 400 ml/m3 (400 ppm (VN»;

- group B: Refrigerants with a time weighted average concentration not having an adverse effect on neariy all
workers who may be exposed to it day after day for a normal a-hour workday and a 40-hour workweek whose
value Is below 400 mllm 3 (400 ppm (VN)).

NOTE: Toxic decomposition products may result from contact with flames or hot surfaces under certain
conditions. Major decomposition products of group L1 (A 1) refrigerants, with the exception of carbon dioxide,
are hydrochloric acid and hydrofluoric acid. Although toxic, they provide an automatic and definite warning by
their exceedingly irritant smell even at low concentrations.
Page 22
EN 378-1 :2000 Safety groups

Refrigerants are assigned to safety groups as shown in table 3.

Table 3: Safety groups as determined by flammability and toxicity

Safety group

A3 83
ttl Lower
E A2 82
'E flammability
C> No flame
c: A1 81
'(j; propagation
l!! Hig her
I Lower
toxicity toxicity

Increasing toxicity
For the purpose of this standard a simplified grouping is made as follows:

L1 = A1;
l2 = A2, 81, 82;
L3 = A3,83.

The refrigerant shall be classified in that group requiring the more stringent precautions where there is doubt under
which group a refrigerant is to be classified. Health and safety classification of refrigerant mixtures (blends)

Refrigerant mixtures, whose flammability and/or toxicity characteristics may change as the composition changes
during fractionation, shall be assigned a dual safety group classification separated by a slash (I). The first classifica-
tion listed shall be the classification of the fonmulated composition of the mixture. The second classification listed
shall be the classification of the mixture composition at the "worst case of fractionation". Each characteristic shall be
considered independently.

(~J Each of the two classifications shall be detenmined according to the same criteria as a single-component refrigerant.

For toxlcity, "worst case of fractionation" shall be defined as the composition that results in the highest concentration
of the component(s) in the vapour or liquid phase. The toxicity of a specific mixture composition shall be determined
on the basis of the single components.

NOTE 1: Since fractionation can occur as the result of a refrigerating system leak, the composition of the
mixture remaining in the refrigerating system and the composition of the mixture leaking from the refrigerating
system should be considered when detenmining the "worst case of fractionation". The "worst case of fractiona-
tion" can be either the formulated composition or a composition that occurs during fractionation.

NOTE 2: The "worst case of fractionation" for toxicity might not be the same as the "worst case of
fractionation" for flammability. Practical limits

Practical limits shall be as required by national reguiations. If national regulations do not exist, informative annex E
should be used.
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EN 378·1 :2000

6 Selection of refrigerants

6.1 Refrigerants shall be selected with due regard to their potential influence on the global environment as well as
their possible effects on the local environment and their suitability as refrigerants for the particular system, see
informative annex F.

The influence of a refrigerant on the global environment is a function of the application and the leak tightness of the
system, the type of system, the refrigerant charge, the handling of the refrigerant and the potential of the refrigerant
to create or add to hazands to the environment.

6.2 Refrigerants shall be selected with as Iowan OOP as is reasonably practicable. Refrigerants shall be selected
such that their possible Impact on health and safety (toxicity/flammability) are minimized.

NOTE: For refrigerants OOP values are determined according to their global environmental influence in
respect to their ozone depletion potentialwhich are indicated in the informative annex E. The OOP values are
relative to R11.

6.3 Refrigerants shall be selected with as Iowa GWP as is reasonably practicable whilst at the same time giving
a good energy efficiency.
() NOTE: For refrigerants GWP values are determined according to their global environmental influence in
respect to their global warming potential which are indicated in the informative annex E. The GWP values are
relative to carbon dioxide (C02 ) and to a time horizon of 100years.

6.4 Refrigerants shall be selected which give good energy efficiency for the system.

6.5 If it is necessary to use refrigerants with an OOP or a GWP greater than zero (0), the charge shall be

6.6 If global warming is the only environmental effect,energy efficiency shall be given preference over low charge,
if both requirements cannot be fulfilled simultaneously.

NOTE 1: Be aware that low charges could affectthe energy efficiency thus contributing indirectly to the global

NOTE 2: Indirect systems reduce the charge of refrigerants and should provide a more leakresistent system,
however, the energy efficiency may be lower than with direct systems.

6.7 The system shall be designed and installed to remain leakproof (as tight as possible).

Particular attention shall be paid to the following factors affecting the tightness of the system:

- type of compressor;

- type of joints;

- type of valves.

NOTE 1: Where it is technically possible a hermetic compressor should be chosen.

NOTE 2: Welding and brazing are preferred to flanged, screwed or other similar joints.

NOTE 3: Capped valves are preferred.

NOTE 4: Factory-made systems are usually more tight than site erected systems.
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EN 378-1:2000

6.8 Refrigerants shall be selected with due regard to the ease of their subsequent reuse or disposal.

7 Selection of cooling or heating systems

7.1 General

If a cooling or heating system is to be installed. the refrigerant and the type of refrigerating system shall be selected
and applied with regard to the category of occupancy specified in table 2.

When refrigerating systems are to be installed in locations adjacent to occupancies categorised in table 2 due regard
shall also be paid to the safety of'the adjacent locations and their occupants.

For each category of occupancy. certain systems and certain locations of refrigerating equipment and piping in
combination with certain refrigerants shall be either prohibited or subjected to restriction or permitted without
restriction of refrigerant charge.

7.2 location of cooling or heating systems

(J" The location of cooling or heating systems shall be as required by national regulations. If national regUlations do not
" exist. informative annex C shouid be used.

7.3 Skating rinks

7.3.1 General

Halocarbon refrigerants with an ODP greater than 0 shall not be used for direct systems in skating rinks, see
informative annex E.

7.3.2 Indoor skating rinks

Indoor skating rinks shall comply with 5.3.1 where an adequate, reinforced. tightly sealed concrete floor separates
the refrigerating system from the public area. If direct systems with group L2 refrigerant are used. refrigerant
receivers shall be provided which can hold the total refrigerant charge. In all cases there shall be adequate means
of escape in an emergency.

7.3.3 Outdoor skating rinks and installations for similar sporting activities

Outdoor skating rinks shall comply with 5.3.2. All refrigerating equipment, piping and fittings shall be fully protected
against unauthorized interference and so arranged that they are accessible for inspection. There shall be adequate
means of escape in an emergency. Refrigerant receivers shall be provided as in 7.3.2.
Page 25
EN 378-1:2000

Annex A (informative)

Equivalent terms in English, French and German

Index Repertoire Verzeichnis

of the terms Clause
des termes deflnis der in der Norm
dellned in the standard dans la norme definierten Benennungen

absorption or adsorption systems 11 absorption ou a Absorptions- oder 3.1.5

system adsorption Adsorptionsanlage

accessible hermetic [semi- motocompresseur hermeflque Halbhermetischer Motorver-

hermetic] motor compressor accessible dichter

air lock sas Luftschleuse 3.2.3

block [companion] valves robinets-vannes [ou contre- Trenn-[Verbindungs-]arma- 3.5.12
robinets] de sectionnement turen

brazed joint joint brase fort Hartl6tverbindung 3.5.4

bursting disc disque de rupture Berstscheibe 3.6.3

canned rotor motorcompres- motocompresseur 11 rotor Spaltrohr-Motorverdichter

() sor chemise

changeover device inverseur Wechselventil 3.6.8

closed system systeme ferma Geschlossene Anlage 3.1.7

coil serpentin Rohrschlange 3.4.12

cold room enceinte refrigeree Kiihlraum 3.2.8

comfort air conditioning conditionnement de I'air de Behaglichkeitsluft- 3.8.2

confort konditionierung

companion [block] valves contre-robinets lou robinets- Verbindungs-[Trenn-]armatur 3.5.12

vannes] de sectionnement

competence competence Sachkunde 3.8.1

compressor compresseur Verdichter 3.4.3

compressor unit groupe compresseur Verdichtersatz 3.4.14

condenser condenseur Verfhisslqer 3.4.9

.J condensing unit groupe de condensation VerflUssigungssatz 3.4.15

design pressure pression de conception Konstruktionsdruck 3.3.3

direct communication communication directe Direkte Verbindung 3.2.9

disposal mise au rebut Entsorgung 3.7.13

evaporating unit groupe evaporateur Verdampfersatz 3.4.16

evaporator evaporateur Verdampfer 3.4.11

exit sortie Ausgang 3.2.6

exit passageway passage de sortie Ausgangskorridor 3.2.7

flanged joint joint 11 bride Ranschverbindung 3.5.6

tiared joint joint evase B6rdelverbindung 3.5.7

fractionation fractionnement Fraklionierung 3.7.5

Page 26
EN 378-1 :2000

Index Repertoire Verzeichnis

of the terms Clause
des termes definis der in der Norm
defined in the standard number
dans la norme definierten Benennungen
fusible piug bouchon fusible Schmelzpropfen 3.6.4
gauge pressure pression ellective Uberdruck 3.3.1
grid batterie Rohrregister 3.4.13
hallway corridor Durchgang 3.2.5
halocarbonlhydrocarbon halocarbure/hydrocarbure Halogenkohlenwasserstolll 3.7.9
header collecteur Sammel- und VerteilstOck 3.5.10
heat pump [refrigerating a
pompe chaleur [systerne de Warmepumpe [Kalteanlage] 3.1.1
system] refrigeration1
heat-transfer medium fluide caloporteur Warmetrager 3.7.2
hermetic motorcompressor motocompresseur herrnetique Hermetischer Motorverdichter

() high pressure side cote haute pression Hochdruckseite 3.1.9

human occupied space espace occupe par des Personen-Aufenthaltsbereich 3.2.2
hydrocarbonlhalocarbon hydrocarbure!halocarbure KohlenwasserstofflHalogen- 3.7.9

intemal gross volume volume inteme brut Bruttoinhalt 3.4.18

intemal net volume volume inteme net Nettoinhalt 3.4.19
joint joint Verbindung 3.5.2
leakage test pressure pression de I'essai de fuite Dichtheits-PrOfdruck 3.3.5
limited charge system systems a charge llrnitee Anlage mit begrenzter FOII- 3.1.4

liquid receiver reservoir de Iiquide FIOssigkeitssammler 3.4.10

lobby hall d'entree vornaue 3.2.4
low pressure side cote basse pression Niederdruckseite 3.1.10
, __ I

lower flammability limit limite interieure Untere Explosionsgrenze 3.7.4

maximun allowable pressure pression maximale Maximal zulassiqer Druck 3.3.2
maximum declared pressure pression maximale declares H6chster angegebener Druck 3.3.6
mobile system systems mobile Ortsveranderliche Anlage; 3.1.11

motorcompressor motocompresseur Motorverdichter 3.4.4

non-positive displacement compresseur non volu- Str6mungsverdichter 3.4.7
compressor rnetrlque

open air air libre 1m Freien 3.2.10

open compressor compresseur ouver! Ollener Verdichter 3.4.5
outside air air exterieur AuBenluft 3.7.8
piping tuyauterie Rohrleitung 3.5.1
Page 27
EN 378-1 :2000

Index Repertoire Verzeichnls

of the terms des termes definis der in der Norm
defined in the standard dans la norme definierten Benennungen

positive displacement compresseur volumetrique Verdrangerverdichler 3.4.6


pressure cut out a

pressoslat reenclencharn- Druckbegrenzer
ent manuel sans outil

pressure limiter limiteur de pression Druckwachtar

pressure relief device dispositif de surpression Druckentlastungseinrichtung 3.6.1

pressure relief valve soupape de securite Druckentlastungsventil 3.6.2

pressure vessel reservoir a pression Druckhehalter 3.4.8

qulck closing valve robinet a fermeture rapide Schnel/schluBventii 3.5.13

reclaim regeneration Wiederaufbereitung 3.7.12

recover recuperation Ruckgewinnung 3.7.10

C) recycle recyclage Recycling 3.7.11

refrigerant fluide frigorigeme Kaltemittel 3.7.1

refrigerant detector detecteur de fluide frigorigene Kallemitteldetektor 3.6.9

refrigerating equipment composants frigorifiques Kaltetechnische Kornpo- 3.4.2


refrigerating installation installation de refrigeration Kaltetechnische Einrichtung 3.4.1

refrigerating system [heat systerne de refrigeration Kalteanlage [Warmepumpe] 3.1.1

pump] a
[pompe chaleur]

safety pressure cut out pressoslat de secunte Sicherheitsdruckbegrenzer

safety switching device for dispositif de sacurite de lirni- Sicherheitsschalteinrichtung 3.6.6

limiting the pressure tation de la pression zur Druckbegrenzung

screwed joint joint vlssa Schraubverbindung 3.5.8

sealed system systems scelle Dauerhafl geschlossene 3.1.8

) Anlage
' . ../

secondary cooling or heating systerne secondaire de Indirektes KOhl- oder Heiz- 3.1.6
system refroidissement ou de system

self-contained breathing appareil respiratoire Unabhanqiqes Aternschutz- 3.8.3

apparatus gerat (Isollerqerat)

self-contained system systems autonome Kaltesatz 3.1.2

semihermetic [accessible motocompresseur hermefique Halbhermetischer Motorver-

hermetic] motorcompressor accessible dichter

short exposure lime temps d'exposition maximal Kurzzeitexposition 3.7.7

shut-off device dispositif d'arret Absperreinrichtung 3.5.11

soldered joint joint brass tenore Weichl6tverbindung 3.5.5

special machinery room salle des machines spectate Besonderer Maschinenraum 3.2.1
Page 28
EN 378-1:2000

Index Repertoire Verzeichnis

of the terms Clause
des termes definis der in der Norm
defined in the standard dans la norme definierten Benennungen

strength test pressure pression de I'essai de Festiqkeits-Prufdruck 3.3.4


sudden major release emission majeure PI6tziiche gr6Bere Frei- 3.7.6

soudaine setzung

surge drum reservoir-tampon Abscheider 3.4.17

taper pipe thread end joint mete conique Rohrende mit konischem 3.5.9

temperature iimiting device dispositif de iimitation de la Temperaturbegrenzungsein- 3.6.5

temperature richtung

toxicity toxiclta Giftigkeit 3.7.3

type tested safety switching dispositif de securite de Baumustergepriifte 3.6.7

device for iimiting the llrnltatlon de pression ayant Sicherheitsgehalteinrichtung
() pressure subi un essai de type zur Druckbegrenzung

ultimate strength of a system resistance ultime d'un Bruchfestigkeit einer Anlage 3.3.7

unit system systems monobloc Betriebsfertiger Kaltesatz 3.1.3

vacuum procedure tirage au vide Vakuumverfahren 3.8.4

welded joint joint soude SchweiBverbindung 3.5.3

Page 29
EN 378-1 :2000

Annex B (informative)

Total equivalent warming impact (TEWI)

The total equivalent warming impact rrEWI) is a way of assessing global warming by combining the direct
contribution of refrigerant emissions into the atmosphere with the indireat contribution of the carbon dioxide
emissions resulting from the energy required to operate the refrigerating system over its operational life.

TEWI is designed to calculate the total global wanning contribution of the refrigeration process in use. It measures
both the direct global warming effect of the refrigerant, if emitted, and the indirect contribution of the energy required
to power the unit over its normal operational life. It is only valid for comparing alternative systems or refrigerant
options for one application in one location.

For a given system TEWI includes:

- the direct global warming effect under certain conditions of refrigerant loss;

- the direct giobai warming effect of greenhouse gases emitted from insulation or other components, if applicable;

- the indirect global warming effect from the CO, emitted during generation of the power to run the system.

Direct effect
(refngerant and insulation)

[co, /
Indirect effect

Figure B.1: Refrigerating system

It is possible to identify the most effective means to reduce the actual global warming impact of a refrigerating
system by using TEWI. The main options are:

- design/selection of the most suitable refrigerating system - and refrigerant - to meet the demand of a specific
cooling application;

:) - optimisation of the system for best energy efficiency (the best combination. and arrangement of components
and system use to reduce energy consumption);

- proper maintenance to sustain optimum energyperformance and to avoid refrigerant leaks (e.g. all systems will
be further improved with correct maintenance and operation);

- recovery and recylinglreclaim of used refrigerant;

- recovery and recylinglreclaim of used insulation.

NOTE: Energy efficiency is therefore a far more significant target for reducing global warming from refrigera-
tion. In many cases, a very efficient refrigerating system with a refrigerant which has a global warming
potential may be better for the environment than an inefficient refrigerating system with a low GWP-refrigerant
which increases energy consumption. All the more so if emissions are minimised: no leaks mean no direct
global warming.
Page 30
EN 378-1 :2000

TEWI is calculated relative to a particular refrigerating system and not only to the refrigerant itself. It varies from one
system to another and depends on assumptions made relative to important factors like operating time, service life,
conversion factor and efficiency. For a given system or application, the most effective use of TEWI is made by
determining the relative importance of the direct and indirect effects.

For instance, where the refrigerating system is only an element of a larger system, such as in a secondary
circuiVsystem (e.g. central station air conditioning) then the total energy consumption in use (including the standing
and distribution losses of the air conditioning system) has to be taken into account in arriving at a satisfactory
comparison of the total equivalent warming impact.

The TEWI factor can be calculated by the following formula where the various areas of impact are correspondingly

TEWI = [GWPxLxn]+[GWPxm(l-CL=•..,)]+[nxE'M"lxl3]

GWPxLxn = impact of leakage losses )

f direct GWP
GWPxm(l -CL,..,.,•.,) = impact of recovery losses

nXE,•• .,.xl3 = impact of energy consumption indirect GWP

C) where:

TEWI is the total equivalent warming impact, in kilogrammes of CO2 ;

GWP is the global warming potential, CO2-related;

L is the leakage, in kilogrammes per year,

n is the system operating time, in years;

m is the refrigerant charge, in kilogrammes;

a,.,....,. is the recovery/recycling factor, a to 1;

E,,"",I is the energy consumption, in kilowatt-hour per year;

13 is the CO,-emission, in kilogrammes per kilowatt-hour.

NOTE 1: This global warming potential is rated In comparison to CO2 and it is based on an agreed time
horizon of 100 years. GWP-values for different refrigerants, see informative annex E.

NOTE 2: The conversion factor 13 gives the quantity of CO, produced by the generation of 1 kWh.

When greenhouse gases may be emitted by insulation or other components the global warming potential of such
gases is to be added:

GWP; xm;(l - CL;}


GWP; is the global warming potential of gas in the insulation, CO2 -related;

is the gas charge in the insulation system, in kilogrammes;

is the rate of gas recovered from the insulation at the end of life, from 0 to 1;
Page 31
EN 378-1 :2000


When calculating TEWI it is very important to update GWP CO2·related and CO2-emission per kilowatt - hour from
the latest figures.

Many of the assumptions and factors in this calculation method are usually specific to an application in a particular

Comparisons (of results from) between different applications or different locations are therefore unlikely to have
much validity,

This caiculation is of particular importance at the design stage or when a retrofit decision is to be made.

Comparison of two different refrigerant charges in a medium temperature system with HR 134-a having a capacity
of 13,5 kW and operating with an evaporating temperature of -10 ·C and a condensing temperature of +40 ·C. The
ieakage is assumed to be 8 % of the charge per year. The other characteristics are as follows:

m 10 kg or 25kg a~C(lYI:f)' 0,75

L 0,8 kg/year or 2,0 kg/year n 15 years

". E,nnuu 5 kWx5 000 h/year GWP 1 300 (C0 2 = t)
[time horizon 100 years]
~ 0,6 kg C0,lkWh


E = Impact of
200 '- .. energy consumption

Rl = Impact of
E recovery
100 - losses
- VRl II = Impact of
vRI leakage

10 kg 25 kg

Refrtgerant charge m

Figure 8.2: Comparison of two TEWI figures (Example)

Page 32
EN 378-1 :2000

Annex C (informative)

Location of refrigerating systems

C.1 General .

There are three types of location for refrigerating systems. The appropriate location shall be selected in accordance
with this European Standard which takes account of possible hazards.

The three types of location are:

a) a refrigerating system located in a human occupied space which is not a special machinery room;

b) a refrigerating system with the high pressure side (except air cooled condensers) located in a special
machinery room (see EN 378-3) or in the open air;

c) a refrigerating system with all refrigerant containing parts located in a special machinery room (see EN 378-3)
or in the open air.

NOTE 1: Some heat pumps/air conditioners operate for either heating and cooling by reversing the flow from
the compressor to the heat exchangers by means of a special reversing valve. In these cases the high and
low pressure sides of the system can change depending on the mode of the unit.

Refrigerating systems or parts of systems shall not be installed in or on stairways, landings, entrances or exits used
by the public, if free passage is thereby limited.

NOTE 2: Table C.1 shows whether combinations are permitted or not. Combinations which are permitted but
subject to restrictions are indicated by the number(s) of the clause(s) or subclause(s) specifying the restriction
of refrigerant charge.

The maximum charge of refrigerant in the refrigerating system shall comply with the requirements in C.2 (see also
table C.1).

C.2 Maximum charge of refrigerant

C.2.1 Group L1 refrigerants

C.2.1.1 General

<:._) The practical limits for group L1 refrigerants (see informative annex E) are based on the effect of a sudden major
release of refrigerant with short exposure time. They do not refer to safe limits for regular day to day exposure. Such
limits are given in tables of occupational exposure limits.

C.2.1.2 Occupancy category A

C. A refrigerating system located in a human occupied space which is not a special machinery room shall
meet the following requirements:

a) the refrigerant charge, in kilogrammes, contained in a refrigerating system shall not exceed the product of:

1) the practical limit for the refrigerant, in kilogrammes per cubic metre, (see informative annex E); and

2) the voiume, in cubic metres, of the smallest human occupied space in which refrigerant containing equipment
is located;

NOTE 1: The total voiume of all the rooms cooled or heated by air from one system is used as the volume
for calculation, if the air supply to each room cannot be restricted below 25 % of its full supply.
Page 33
EN 378-1 :2000

NOTE 2: If the space has a mechanical ventilation system which will be operating during the occupation of
the space, the effect of the air change may be considered in calculating the volume.

NOTE 3: Other methods of ensuring safety in the event of a sudden major release of refrigerant are
permitted. Such methods should ensure that the concentrations will not rise above the practical limits given
in the Infomriative annex E arlo give adequate waming to occupant(s) in the space of such a rise so that they
may avoid excess exposure time. The alternative method should demonstrate a level of safety at least
equivalent to the method described in a).

b) occupancies where people may be restricted in their movement and in which open fiames or similar hot
surfaces are present shall always be sufficiently vented because of possible danger from decomposition products.
If this is not done, direct and indirect open systems shall not be used.

C. A refrigerating system with the high pressure side (except air cooled condensers) located in a speciai
machinery room or in the open air shall meet the following requirements:

a) for direct and indirect open systems (see table 1) the restriction of refrigerant charge ofC. shall appiy:

b) for indirect vented open, indirect closed, indirect vented closed and double indirect systems (see table 1) there
is no restriction of refrigerant charge.

C. A refrigerating system with all refrigerant containing parts located in a special machinery room or in the
open air has no restriction of refrigerant charge.

C.2.1.3 Occupancy category B

C. A refrigerating system located in a human occupied space which is not a special machinery room has no
restriction of refrigerant charge except that the use of such systems below ground or on upper floors without
adequate emergency exits shall meet the same restriction of refrigerant charge as for occupancy category A (see

C. A refrigerating system with the high pressure side (except air cooled condensers) located in a special
machinery room or in the open air or with all refrigerant containing parts located in a special machinery room or in
the open air has no restriction of refrigerant charge.

C.2.1.4 Occupancy category C

C. A refrigerating system located in a human occupied space which is not a special machinery room has no
restriction of refrigerant charge except that, where direct or indirect open systems are used below ground or on
upper floors without adequate emergency exits, taking into account the number of persons normally present, the
refrigerating system shall meet the same restriction of refrigerant charge as for occupancy category A (see
C.2. t .2.1).

C. A refrigerating system with the high pressure side (except air cooled condensers) located in a special
machinery room or in the open air or with all refrigerant containing parts located in a special machinery room or in
the open air has no restriction of refrigerant charge.

C.2.2 Group L2 refrigerants

C.2.2.1 General

In general, group L2 refrigerants shall not be permitted in direct, indirect open or indirect vented open systems for
air conditioning or heating for human comfort, If people are restricted in their movement.
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EN 378-1 :2000

C.2.2.2 Occupancy category A

C. A refrigerating system located in a human occupied space which is not a special machinery room or with
the high pressure side (except air cooled condensers) located in a special machinery room or in the open air shall
be a sealed system and for compression systems the refrigerant charge shall not exceed the amount derived from
the practical limits 'given in the informative annex E and the volume of the space. For sealed sorption systems the
refrigerant charge shall not exceed 2,5 kg.

C. A refrigerating system with all refrigerant containing parts located in a special machinery room or in the
open air shall meet the following requirements:

a) for direct, indirect open and indirect vented open systemsthe refrigerant charge of a refrigerating system shall
not exceed 2,5 kg;

b) for indirect closed, indirect vented closed and double indirect systems which do not have a direct communica-
tion to rooms of category A and ....Jhich have an exit into U'8 open air there is no restriction of the refrigerant

i-I C.2.2.3 Occupancy category 8

C. For a refrigerating system located in a human occupied space which is not a special machinery room the
refrigerant charge shall not exceed 10,0 kg.

C. A retrigerating system with the high pressure side (except air cooled condensers) located in a special
machinery room or in the open air shall meet the following requirements:

a) for direct, indirect open and indirect vented open systems the refrigerant charge shall not exceed 25 kg;

b) for indirect closed, indirect vented closed and double indirect systems there is no restriction of refrigerant

C. For a refrigerating system with all refrigerant containing parts located in a special machinery room or in
the open air there is no restriction of refrigerant charge provided the special machinery room has no direct
communication to a human occupied space.

() C.2.2.4 Occupancy category C

C. A refrigerating system located in a human occupied space which is not a special machinery room shall
meet the following requirements:

a) where the density of personnel is lower than 1 person per 10 m' and provided there are a sufficient number
of clearly indicated emergency exits for the number of persons normally present the refrigerant charge shall not
exceed 50 kg;

b) where the density of personnel is not restricted apart from the restrictions imposed by building regulations the
refrigerant charge shall not exceed 10,0 kg.

C. A refrigerating system with the high pressure side (except air cooled condensers) located in a special
machinery room or in the open air shall meet the following requirements:

a) for direct, indirect open and indirect vented open systemsthere is no restriction of refrigerant charge provided
the refrigerating system does not extend to rooms where the density of personnel is greater than 1 person per
10m' and there are clearly indicated emergency exits;

b) for indirect closed, indirect vented closed and double indirect systems there is no restriction of refrigerant
Page 35
EN 378-1 :2000

C. For a refrigerating system with all refrigerant containing parts located in a special machinery room or in
the open air there is no restriction of refrigerant charge.

C.2.3 Group L3 refrigerants

C.2.3.l General

In general, group L3 refrigerants are highly flammable and explosive. Direct, Indirect open and indirect vented open
systems shall not be permitted for air conditioning and heating for human comfort.

C.2.3.2 Occupancy category A .

C.2.3.2.l A refrigerating system not located in a special machinery room or in the open air shall be sealed system
with a refrigerant charge calculated from the practical limits given in the informative annex E up to a maximum of
1,5 kg provided there are no sources of ignition associated with the refrigerating system.

C. A refrigerating system with all refrigerant containing parts located in a special machinery room or in the
open air shall meet the following requirements:

C) a) above ground the refrigerant charge shall be calculated from the practical limits given in the informative
annex E up to a maximum of 5,0 kg;

b) below ground the refrigerant charge shall be calculated from the practical limits given in the informative
annex E up to a maximum of 1,0 kg.

C.2.3.3 Occupancy category B

C.2.3.3.l A refrigerating system located in a human occupied space which is not a special machinery room or with
the high pressure side (except air cooled condensers) located in a special machinery room or in the open air shall
meet the following requirements:

a) above ground the refrigerant charge shall be calculated from the practical limits given in the informative
annex E up to a maximum of 2,5 kg;

b) below ground the refrigerant charge shall be calculated from the practical limits given in the informative
annex E up to a maximum of 1,0 kg.

C. A refrigerating system with all refrigerant containing parts located in a special machinery room shall meet
the following requirements:

a) above ground the refrigerant charge shall not exceed 10,0 kg;

b) below ground the refrigerant charge shall not exceed 1,0 kg.

C.2.3A Occupancy category C

C.2.3A.l A refrigerating system located in a human occupied space which is not a special machinery room shall
meet the following requirements:

a) above ground the refrigerant charge shall not exceed 10.0 kg;

-----b)-betow-groonrJ1tTe-Tefrigerant-ch"arge shal'ln;no"'tCOe"-x"'cnee
Page 36
EN 378-1 :2000

C. A refrigerating system with the high pressure side (except air cooled condensers) located in a special
machinery room or in the open air shall meet the following requirements:

a) above ground the refrigerant charge shall not exceed 25 kg;

b) below ground the refrigerant charge shall not exceed 1,0 kg.

C. A refrigerating system with all refrigerant containing parts located in a special machinery room or in the
open air shall meet the following requirements:

a) above ground there is no restriction of refrigerant charge;

b) below ground the refrigerant charge shall not exceed 1,0 kg.


, ' : i
\J \ ....J

Table C.l: Allowable refrigerant charge of a refrlgerallng system according to occupancy categories (synopllc chart of C.2) zm-o
Occupancy category A 'P--..

Refrigerant Group L1 (C.2.1) L2 (C.2.2) L3 (C 2.3)

Cooting or healing Direct or indirect Other indirect Direct, indirect Other Indirect Direct, Indirecl Other Indirect a
systems open open, indirect closed open, Indirect closed
Localion vented open vented open
of refrigerating

Not in a special machinery room If people ere Nol tor air Not for air conctuon- restricted in their condilloning for Ing for human comfort
movement, open human comfort, If C.2.3.1
flames or similar hot people are reslc/cled
surfaces are 10 be In their movement
avoided In rooms C.2.2.l
without proper steady

Refrigerant charge not exceed the product of Only sealed systems. Only sealed systems calculated from practical
pracllcallimil ·PL· of the informative annex E Sorption syslems up to 2,5 kg limits up to 1,5 kg provided there are no
and the volume ·V· of the smallest human Otherwise calculated from practicalllmlls sources of Ignillon.
occupied space In which refrigerant containing C. C.
equipment Is located,
PL (kg/m')xV (m')


Compressor, accumulator In a No restrictions of

special machinery room or In the charge C.
open air

All refrigerant containing parts in a No restrictions of charge C. Not for air With exit to the open Not for air
special machinery room or in the condllionlng for air no restrictrons of conditioning for
open air human comfort, If charge human comfort
C.1c) people are restrlcted C. C.2.3.1
in their movement
C.2.2.1 Calculated from practical IImlls
Otherwise up to Beiow ground up to 1,0 kg
2,5 kg C.
C. Otherwise up to 5,0 kg


Table C.1: (continued)

Occupancy category B

Aefrigeranl Group L1 (C.2.1) l2 (C.2.2) L3 (C.2.3)

Cooling or heating Direct or Indirect Other Indirect Direct, Indirect Other Indirect Direct, Indirect Olher indirect
systems open open. Indirect closed open. indirect closed
Location vented open vented open
of refrigerating

Not in a special machinery room Below ground or on upper floors without Not for air condltlon- Not for air condltlon- adequate emergency exits like category A lng for human com- ing for human comfort
Otherwise no restrictions of charge fort, if people are C.2.3.1
C.2.1.3.t restricted In their

Up to 10,0 kg

Compressor, accumulator In a No restrlcllons of charge Not for air condillon- No restrictions of Calculated from practical limits
special machinery room or in the C. Ing for human com- charge Beiow ground up to 1,0 kg
open air fort, If people ere C. C.2.3.3.' b) restricted in their Otherwise up to 2,5 kg
movement C.2.3.3,la)
Otherwise up to
25 kg

All refrigerant containing parts in a Not for air conditlon- Not for air condition-
special machinery room or in the Ing for humen com- ing for human comfort
open air fort, If people are C.2.3.'
c.ic) restricted In their

Without direct communlcallon to a human Below ground up to 1,0 kg

occupied space: no restrictions of charge C.
C. Otherwise up 10 , 0,0 kg
C. z
C-J o
Table C.1: (concluded) m '0
Occupancy category C ~ ,,J
, ,0

Refrigerant Group L1 (C.2.1) l2 (C.2.2) L3 (C.2.3) i\l

Cooling or healing Direct or Indirect Olher indirect Dlrecl, Indirect Other Indlrecl Direct, indirect Other Indirect o
systems open open, Indirect closed open, Indirect closed
Location venled open venled open
01 relrigeraling

Not in a special machinery room Below ground or on Not for air condillon- Not for air conditlon- upper floors without Ing for human com-. jng for human comfort
adequate emergency fort, If people are C,2.3.1
ex/ls like category A restricted In their
C. movement

Otherwise no restrictions of charge up to 10,0 kg Below ground up 10 1,0 kg

C. C. b) C.
Otherwise up 10 10,0 kg
No more than 50 kg, If density of personnel C. a)
< 1/10m' and adaquate exlls avallabla

Compressor, accumulator In a No restrictions of charge Not for air condltlon- No restrlcllons of Not for air condlllon-
special machinery room or In the C. Ing for human com- charge Ing for human comfort
open air fort, if people are C. C.2.3.1 restricted in their
No reslrlcllons, If Below ground up to 1,0 kg
density of personnel C.2,3.4.2b)
< 1110 mZ and
Olherwlse up to 25 kg
adequate exits avalla-

All refrigerant containing parts In a Not for air condl- Not for air condJllon-
special machinery room or in the tloning for human Ing for human comfort
open air comfort, If people are C.2.3.1
C.le) restricted In their

No restricllons of charge C. Below ground up to 1,0 kg

Otherwise no restrictions of charge
Page 40
EN 378-1 :2000

Annex D (informative)

Protection of people who are inside cold rooms

0.1 General

In order to minimize the hazard for people who get locked in cold rooms, sometimes along with strong currents of
air, measures as described in the following clauses shall be taken. Care shall be taken to ensure that no personnel
are locked in cold rooms at the end of the working day.

0.2 Operation of doors and emergency exit doors

It shall be possible to leave a cold room at all times. Therefore it shall be possibie to open doors both from the
inside and the outside.

0.3 Emergency switch or signal

According to the operating conditions, the following devices shall be provided in cold rooms with a volume of more
than 10 m 3 : .

a) an alarm switch operated by illuminated push buttons near the floor or by chains hanging near the floor,
installed in a suitable place in the cold room, the operation of which initiates an audible signal and a sight signal,
in a place where the permanent presence of a person is guaranteed. It shall not be possible to stop this signal
except by means of a specific operation;

b) signal devices connected to an electric circuit with a voltage of at least 12 V. Batteries for this purpose shall
have an operating time of at least 10 h and be connected to a mains supplied automatic charging device. If a
transformer is used, it shall be supplied with current from a different circuit to the one used for other equipment
in the cold room. Furthermore, the device shall be of such design that it does not cease to function due to
corrosion, frost or the formation of ice on contact surtaces;

c) a light switch in the cold room in parallel with light switches located outside this room so that the lighting
turned on by means of the inside switch cannot be turned off by means of the outside switch;

d) a plug switch or other systems giving the same result for the fans located in the cold room in series with the
switches located on the outside so that the fans turned off by means of the inside switch cannot be tumed on by
means of the outside switch;
',j e) light switches shall have permanently illuminated buttons;

f) in the event of failure of the lighting, the routes towards the emergency exit (and/or alarm SWitch) shall be
indicated by independent lighting or by other approved means;

g) a permanent emergency lighting system.

0.4 Cold rooms with a controlled atmosphere

In cold rooms with a controlled atmosphere (rooms with an atmosphere in which the concentration of oxygen, carbon
dioxide and nitrogen are different from those in normal air) the following additional requirements apply:

a) a self-contained breathing apparatus shall be worn when entering these cold rooms;

b) if a coid room with a controlled atmosphere is entered, another person shall remain outside the room and in
visual contact with those inside through an inspection port. The person outside shall also have a self-contained
breathing apparatus at his disposal in case he should have to enterthe room in order to rescue the person inside
in an emergency.

c) doors, hatches and other appliances giVing access to the cold room shall be provided with a written warning
notice against too low oxygen level in the cold room.
"~ /-'\
(J <,-:J

Annex E (informative) zm-u

Information about refrigerants ep~

Table E.1: Information about refrigerants')

Ctassitlcation Descffp Ion Mo'ar racucai Flammability Global Uzone o
Group Satety Refrigerant Formula mass'') limit').') Aulo-Igmllon t-Iammabilily liriills warming, deplelion
L grollp nllmhor') lemporaluro conconlrallon In air pOlonllal') potenltal')
(MM) lower limit upper limit
(composition = % weight) kg/kmol kglm' 'C kglm3 % vlv kglm' % vlv GWP,oo ODP

1 Al R-l1 Trichlorolluoromethane CCI,F 137,4 0,3 - - - - - 4000 1

1 Al R-12 Dichlorodifluoromethane CCI,F, 120,9 0,5 - - - - - 8500 1

I Al R-12Bl Bromochlorodilluoromelhane CBrCIF, 165,4 0,2 - - - - - . 3

1 Al R-13 Chlorotrirtuoromethane CCIF, 104,5 0,5 - - - - - 11700 1

1 Al R-13Bl Bromotrifluaromethane CBrF3 148,9 0,6 - - - - - 5600 10

1 Al R-22 Chlorodifluoromelhane CHCIF, 86,5 0,3 635 - - - - 1700 0,055

1 Al R-23 Trlfluoromethane CHF, 70 0,66 765 - - - - 12100 0

1 Al R-113 1,1,2-Triehloro-l ,2,2-trlfluoroelhane CCI,FCCIF, 187,4 0,4 - - - - - 5000 0,8

1 Al R-l14 1,Z·Dlchloro-1, 1,2,Z-tetrafluoroethane CCIF,CCIF, 170,9 0,7 - - - - - 9300 1

1 Al R-115 2·Chloro·1 ,1,1.z.z-pemanucrceibene CF,CCIF, 154,5 0,6 - - - - - 9300 0,6

1 Al R-124 2-Chloro-l, 1,1.z-tetrauucrocibanc CF,CHCIF 136,5 0,11 . - - - - 480 0,022

1 Al R-125 Penlafluoroethane CF,CHF, 120 0,39 733 - - - - 3200 0

1 Al R-134a l,l,l,2-Telrafluoroelhano CF,CH,F 102 0,25 743 - - - - 1300 0

1 Al R-218 Octafluoropropane C3F! 188 1,84 - - - - - 7000 0

1 Al R-C318 Octafluorocyclobulane C~F8 200 0,81 - - - - - 9100 0

1 Al R-500 R-121152a (73,8/26,2)

CC1 2F2 +
99,3 0.40 . - - - - 6300 0,74

c) V

Table E.1: (continued)

ciassmcauon uescnpnon MOlar ractlcal ~lammaDllITy GloDal uzone

I Group Salely Refrlgoranl Formula mass") limit').') Aulo-lgnllion Flammablllty IImlls warmIng depletion
L group number') temperature concentration In air porsnuai') potenltal')
(MM) -lowefllmTt upper Iimil
(composition = % weight) kglkmol kglm' 'c kglm' %v/v kglm' %v/v GWP 100 ODP

1 Al R-501 R-12122 (25175) CCI,F, + CHCIF, 93,1 0,38 · - - - - 3400 0,29

1 Al R-502 R-22/115 (48,8/51,2)

111.7 0,45 · - - - - 5600 0,33

1 Al R·503 R-13123 (59,9140,1) CCIF, + CHF, 87,3 0,35 · - - - - 11900 0,6

1 Al R-507 R-1251143a (60/50)

98,8 0,49 · - - - - 3800 0

1 Al R·508A R-23/116 (39/61) CHF 3+C2F6 100,1 . · - - - - 12300 0

1 Al R-509 R-22/218 (44156)

124 0,56 · - - - - 4700 0,024

1 Al R-718 Waler H,O 18 - - - - - - 0 0

1 Al R-744 Carbon dioxide CO, 44 0,1 - - - - - 1 0

1 AlIAl R-401A R·221152a1124 (53113/34)
94,4 0,30 681 - - - - 1100 0,037

1 AllAl R-401B R-22/152a1124 (61111128)
92,8 0,34 685 - - - - 1200 0,040

CHCIF, + .
1 AllAl R-401C R-221152a1124 (33115152)
CHF 2CH3 +
101 0,24 · - - - - 830 0,030 m
(conllnued) 'l'il
., <C
G o
Table E.1: (continued) m '0
ClassI tcatron
I Group Satety Refrigerant
Malar IPractlca
mass 3)Iimil').')
Auto-tqnlticn Flammability limits
dapletlon .
OJ -I.>.

L group number') temperature concentration In air potentlal') potenltel') i0

(MM) IOWernmlt uppe(limlt
(compos ilion = % weight) kg/kmol kg/m' 'C kg/m' %vlv kglm' '% vlv GWP,.. OOP 8
It;1',CHF, +
1 AllAl R·402A R·125/290/22 (60/2138) CH3CHiCH 3 +
101,5 0,33 723 - - - - 2600 0,021

1 AI/Al R·402B R·125/290/22 (38/2160) CH;lCH lCH3 +
94,7 0,32 641 - - - - 2200 0,033

CHCIF2 + C;lFa +
1 AI/AI R·403A R·221218/290 (75/20/5) C3H, 92 0,33 · - - - - 2700 0,041

CHCrFi + CaFe +
1 AllAI R·403B R·221218/290 (56/3915) C3Hs 103,2 0,41 - - - - 3700 0,031

1 AI/AI R·404A R·125/143a1134a (44/5214) CF3CH3 +
97,6 0,48 728 - - - - 3800 0

I AI/Al R·405A
CHF,CH,+ 111,9 . · - - - - 4800 0,028

CH2F2 +
1 AIIAl R·407A R·3211251134a (20/40/40) CF,CHF, + 90,1 0,33 685 - - - - 1900 0
CH,F, +
1 AIIAI R·407B R·321125/134a (10fTOI20) CF;lCHF2 + 102,9 0,35 703 - - - - 2600 0
CHlF2 +
1 Al/AI R·407C R·3211251134a (23/25/52) CF3CHF2 +
86,2 0,31 704 - - - - 1600 0

1 AllAl R·408A R·125/143a122 (7/46/47) CF,CH, +
87 0,41 · - - - - 3100 0,026

() U

Table E,1: (continued)

Classl icatlon Descrtpllon Molar I Practice Flammability urccar uzone

urouc Safety Refrigerant Formula mass3 } IImU'),') "ulo·,gnlllon Harnmaonuy urnus warming deplelion
L group number") temperature concentration In air potential$) potenttaf}
(MM) lower umn upper umu
(composition = % weight) kg/kmol kg/rn' 'C kg/rna % vlv kg/m3 % v/v GWP,OO OOP
"M'A", +
1 Al/Al R·409A R·221124/142b (60/25/15) CF,CHCIF +
97,S 0,16 · - - - - 1400 0,048

1 Al/A1 R·409B A·221124/142b (65/25/10)
96,7 0,17 · - - - - 1400 0,048

1 Al/A1 A·410A A·321125 (50/50) CH,F, + CF,CHF, 72,6 0,44 · - - - - 1900 0

1 Al/Al A·41GB A·321125 (45/55) CH,F, + CF,CHF, 75,5 0,43 · - - - - 2000 0

1 Al/Al A·508B A·23/116 (46/54) CHF 3+C2Fs 95,4 · · - - - - 12300 0

l;Hl;It', +
2 Al/A2 A·406A A·221142b/600a (55/41/4)
89,9 0,13 · - - - - 1800 0,057

2 Al/A2 A·411A A·221152a11270 (87,5/11/1,5)
CaH s
62,4 · · - - - - 1500 0,048

2 AlIA2 A·4l1B R·221152a11270 (94/3/3)
CaH a
83,1 · · - - - - 1600 0,052

2 Al/A2 A·4l2A A·221218/142b (70/5/25) CaFe +
92,2 0,18 · - - - - 2000 0,055

(continued) m
..... lll
" co
0 ....

Table E.1: (continued) m'lJ
Clasalbcatlon uescnpnon Malar , ~racllca, Plarnmabntty ,,'ooal uzone OJ'"
Group Safely Refrigerant Formula warming ,(J1
maes'') Iimil'),') AUIO·,gnil,on Harnmabllity umus deplelion ~

L group number) temperature concentrallon In air pOlenlial') potenitef) i\)

(MM) lower ftrnit upper IImil
(composltlon = % weight) kg/kmol kg/m' 'C kglm3 % v/v kg/m 3 % vlv GWP,oo OOP o
2 A2 R·32 Oifluoromethane CH 2F2 52 0,054 530 O,~!7 12,7 0,710 33,4 580 0
2 A2 R·50 Melhane CH, 16 0,006 645 0,032 4,9 0,096 15 24,5 0
2 A2 A·141b 1,1-Dlchloro-t-Iluoroethane CCI,FCH, 117 0,053 532 0,268 5,6 0,847 17,7 630 0,11

2 A2 A·142b t-chlcro- 1,1-dlfluoroethane CCIF 2CH3 100,5 0,049 632 0,247 6 0,74 18 2000 0,065

2 A2 A·143a 1,1,1-Trifluoroelhane CF,CH, 84 0,048 750 0,244 7 0,553 16,1 4400 0

2 A2 R·152a 1,1-Dlflucrcethane CHF,CH, 66 0,027 455 0,137 5,1 0,462 17,1 140 0

2 A2 R·160 Elhylchloride CH,CH,CI 64,5 0,019 510 0,095 3,6 0,39 14,8 · 0

2 81 R·123 2,2-Dichloro·1,l,1-trifluoroelhane CF,CHCI, 152,9 0,10 730 - - - - 93 0,02

2 81 R-764 Sulfur dioxide SO, 64,1 0,00026 • - - - - · 0

2 82 A·30 Methylene chloride CH 2CI2 84,9 0,017 662 0,417 12 0,764 22 15 0
2 82 A·40 Melhylchlorlde CH,CI 50,5 0,021 625 0,147 7,1 0,382 18,5
· 0

2 82 A·611 Methylformate C2H.t° 2 60 0,012 456 0,123 5 0,687 28 · 0

2 82 R·717 Ammonia NH, 17 0,00035 630 0,104 15 0,195 28 0 0

2 82 A·1130 1 ,2~Dlchloroelhylene CHCI = CHCI 96,9 . 458 0,246 6,2 0,595 15 · 0

(J 0
Table E.1: (concluded)

roup a ety Refrigerant
I Descnplion
Formula I
limit').') I Auto-Ignn,on
Flammability limits
L group number) temperature concentration in air potenlial') potenltaf)
I (MM) lower limit upper limit
(composition = % weight) kglkmol kg/m' 'C kglm' % vtv kg/rna % vtv GWP,oo ODP

3 A3 R·170 Ethane CH,CH, 30 0,008 515 0,037 3 0,19 15,5 3 0

3 A3 R-290 Propane CHaCH2CH3 44 0,006 470 0,036 2,1 0,171 9,5 3 0

3 A3 R-600 Butane C4H 1D 58,1 0.008 365 0,036 1,5 0,202 8,5 3 0

3 A3 R-600a Isobutane CHICH,), 58,1 0.008 460 0,043 1,8 0,202 8,5 3 0
3 A3 R-1150 Ethylene CH, = CH, 28,1 0,006 425 0,031 2,7 0,391 34 0
3 A3 R-1270 Propylene C3Hs 42,1 0.008 455 0,043 2,5 0,174 10,1 0
3 A3 - Dlmethylether CH,OCH, 46 0,011 235 0,064 3,4 0,489 26 0

• = nol known
- = not applicable

'J The table Is nol a complete list of substances whIch could be used as refrigerants. If othersubslances are used the appropriate practical limits are derived using the method oulllned In 4) and
the refrigerant is applied as appropriate to Its safety group and pracllcaillmit.

2) The A-numbers are In accordance with ISO 817,

3) For comparison, the molecularmass of air Is taken equal 10 28.8 kg/kmol,

.) The practical limits for group L1 refrigerants are less Ihan half the concentration of the refrigerant which can lead to suffocation due 10 oxygen displacement or whlch has narcotic (N) or cardiac
sensilisation (CS) effect (BO % of the effect level) after a shortlime, whIchever Is the most critical. .

For single component refrIgerants of group L1, the calculation of practical limits (PL) is ·PL (kglm3) = CS or N (ppm)xO,8xMMx1O-8/24,45"; for blends (AlBIC). the calculation is
·PI. (kg/m') = 1/INl00IPL(A)+ B/100/PL(B)+C/l00/PL(C)j' with A, B, C expressed in % weight.

For group l2 refrigerants Ihe pracllcaillmlts refer to the toxicological and flammability characlerlsllcs, whIchever Is the most crilleal. For group L2·B1 a value corresponding to 100"10 of IDLH
(immedlaleiy dangerous concentrallons tor life or health) Is taken for R·764 and 100 % of OEL (occupational exposure limit) Is taken for R·12a. For group L2·B2 a value corresponding to 100 %
of IOLl-l or 20 % of LFL (lower flammability limit) is taken, whichever Is lhe lower value.

For Group L3 retrigerants 20% of LFL Is used as practical limit.

5) These values are reduced to 2/3 of the listedvalue for alllludes higher than 2 000 m above sea level and 10 1/3 of Ihe listed value for alliludes higher than 3 500 m above sea level.
6) The GWP is defined In Ihe ·Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: 1994, The IPCC Scientific Assessment". These data are Ihe most updated sclenliflc values and can be revised, z
') The ODP data are those listed In the 'Offlclal Journal of the European Communilies L a33, volume 37, 22 December 1994' and used by all regulators. They are different from scientific ODP-
values, which are continuously updated, CD"
0 ....
Page 47
EN 378-1 :2000

Annex F (informative)

Risk Assessment

When selecting a refrigerant the following factors in respect of risk should be considered:

NOTE: Without priority.

a) environmental effects (global environment);

b) refrigerant charge;

c) application of refrigerating system;

d) design of refrigerating system;

e) manufacture of refrigerating system;

f) competence;

g) maintenance;

h) energy efficiency;

i) health and safety, e.g. toxicity, fiammability (local environment).

This list is not exhaustive.

Page 48
EN 378-1 :2000

Annex G (informative)


EN 133
Respiratory protective devices - Classification

EN 378-3
Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Safety and environmental requirements - Part 3: Installation site and
personal protection

EN 736-1
Vaives - Terminology - Part 1: Definition of types of valves

EN 764
Pressure equipment - Terminology and symbols - Pressure, temperature, volume

EN 60204-1
Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 1: General requirements (lEG 60204-1 : 1997)

(J EN 60335-1
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances - Part 1: General requirements (lEG 60335-1 : 1991,

prEN 60335-2-24 : 1997

Safety of household and similar electrical appliances - Part 2: Particular requirements for refrigerators and food-
freezers and ice-makers (IEC 60335-2-24 : 1997)

EN 60335-2-34
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances - Part 2: Particular requirements for motorcompressors
(IEC 60335-2-34 : 1996)

EN 60335-2-40
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances - Part 2: Particular requirements for electrical heat pumps,
air-conditioners and dehumidifiers (lEG 60335-3-40 : 1997. modified)

ISO 817
Organic refrigerants - Number designation

Test method for concentration limits of flammability of chemicals

Pressure equipment for refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Part 1: Vessels - General requirements
(WI 00182025)
Page 4·9
EN 376-1 :2000

Annex ZA (informative)

Clauses of this European Standard addressing essential requirements or other provisions of EU


This European standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association and supports essential requirements of EU Directive 97/231EC of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 29 May 1997 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning
pressure equipment.

WARNING: Other requirements and other EU Directives may be applicable to the products falling within the
scope of this standard.

The following clauses of this standard are likely to support requirements of the Directive 97/23/EC.

Compliance with these clauses of this standard provides one means of conforming with the specific essential
requirements of the Directive concerned and associated EFTA regulations.

Table ZA.1: Correspondence between this European Standard and Directive 97/231EC

C) Clauses/sub-clauses of this Essential requirements (ERs)

Qualifying remarks/Notes
European Standard of Directive 97/23/EC

3,4,5,6,7 1.1,1.2,1.3 General

Page 50
EN 378-1 :2000

Annex ZB (informative)


A-deviation: National deviation due to regulations. the alteration of which is for the time being outside the
competence of the CEN/CENELEC member.

This European standard falls partly under Directive 97/23/EU and 98/37/EU.

In the relevant CENICENELEC countries these A-deviations are valid instead of the provisions of the European
Standard until they have been removed.

Sweden has at present national legislative requirements in conflict with some clauses of 378 Part 2. National
regulations concerning pressure equipment are covered by AFS 1994:39, Tryckkart issued by the National Board of
Occupational Safety and Health.

The following parts in EN 378-2 are in conflict:

Clause Deviation

C) 3.4.8 Pressure vessel (AFS 1994:39 Chap. 1 section 2 and Chap. 2 section 2).
4.4.2 Marking (AFS 1994:39 Chap. 3 section 6)

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