Water: On Ripples-A Boundary Layer-Theoretical Definition
Water: On Ripples-A Boundary Layer-Theoretical Definition
Water: On Ripples-A Boundary Layer-Theoretical Definition
On Ripples—A Boundary Layer-Theoretical Definition
Ulrich Zanke 1,2, * and Aron Roland 3
1 Z & P—Prof. Zanke and Partner, Ackerstr. 21, D-30826 Garbsen, Hannover, Germany
2 TU Darmstadt, D-64289 Darmstadt, Germany
3 BGS-ITE, Pfungstaedter Straße 20, D-64297 Darmstadt, Germany; a.roland@bgsite.de
* Correspondence: zanke@aol.com
Abstract: Once the first initial ripples have developed, they form according to the actual flow forces
and sediment properties. In this paper, a semianalytical approach to determine the length of the
developed ripples is presented. The theory assumes initial disturbances at the bed surface and
corresponding flow separations resulting from an individual respective boundary layer. What causes
the initial rhythmic perturbations is not the subject of this paper. Based on boundary layer theory,
this approach explains a possible physical background for the existence and length of developed
ripples in cohesion-free sediments. At the same time, the approach provides a distinction from dunes:
ripples are sand waves affected by a viscous sublayer, and dunes are sand waves where this is not
the case. Applications to Earth, Mars, and Titan are shown.
1. Introduction
During the transport of granular sediment, a wavy bed forms under certain combi-
nations of flow and sediment, independent of material and nature of the fluid. On the
Citation: Zanke, U.; Roland, A. On windward side, these bed forms have a slowly rising bed. At a certain position, the ac-
Ripples—A Boundary
cretion of sediment ends and a trough develops. Here, the flow stalls and a roller with
Layer-Theoretical Definition. Water
horizontal axis is formed (Figure 1). Beginning from the reattachment point, a new bound-
2021, 13, 892. https://doi.org/
ary layer develops (e.g., Plate 1966 [1]). These sedimentary waves appear in two main
forms, the ripples and the dunes. The most striking difference is that ripples are small
and in the subaqueous case, if the water depth is greater than about three ripple heights,
Academic Editor: Sameh Kantoush
they are independent of the water depth. According to phenomenological surveys, ripple
Received: 26 January 2021
lengths on earth are L <≈ 0.6 m (e.g., Yalin 1964 [2], Allen 1968 [3], Kennedy 1969 [4],
Accepted: 13 March 2021
Fredsoe 1982 [5], Ashley 1990 [6]). Dunes, on the other hand, are dependent on water
Published: 24 March 2021 depth, both in terms of length and height.
The subject of this paper is the distinction between ripples and dunes in cohesion-free
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral sediments and a theory of their evolved dimensions after they have emerged. For this
with regard to jurisdictional claims in purpose, a semianalytical approach based on boundary layer theory is developed.
published maps and institutional affil-
v? d
Re? = (1)
? v ?2
τ = 0 (2)
ρ gd
D ?3 = (3)
where v? = shear velocity, ν = fluid viscosity, ρ0 = (ρs − ρ)/ρ = relative density, ρ =
fluid density and ρs = sediment density. Obviously, ripples and dunes can be graphically
represented as a function of all these three variables by two-dimensional expressions.
The respective third variable is sometimes added as a parameter:
τ ? = f ( Re? ) e.g., Chabert & Chauvin1963 [9].
D ? = f ( Re? ) e.g., Bonnefille & Pernecker 1966 [10], Vollmers & Giese 1970 [11],
Wieprecht 2001 [12].
τ ? & = & f ( D ? ) e.g., v.d. Berg & v.Gelder [13].
This way, the graphical results of the according graphs look quite different although
they express widely the same. Burr et al., 2013 [14] showed that the results of bed shape
stability (i.e., discrimination of ripple and dune areas) from Southard and Boguchwal
1990 and v.d. Berg and v.Gelder 1993 [13] express almost the same. A similar result was
presented by Kleinhans 2005 [15]. Transferring the results of Southard and Boguchwal
1990 [8] to water depths around h ≈ 1 m as in the Zanke 1976 [7] graph and considering
that in Figure 2, dm is used instead of d50 , the blue curve in Figure 2 results. From the above,
it is clear that there is widely agreement regarding the demarcation between ripples and
dunes. However, the question of “why” is open.
Figure 2. Bed forms as expression of the sedimentological and hydraulic parameters for the sand-
water system, modified after Zanke (1976) [7]. For comparison, the limiting curve of the areas of the
ripples and the dunes of Southard and Boguchwal 1990 [8] is shown in blue color.
Water 2021, 13, 892 3 of 19
Yalin 1985 [16], based on an evaluation of data from different researchers investigated
the length of developed ripples and derived a dimensionless representation which applies
to various combinations of liquid and sediment. The result is shown with Figure 3. As long
as approximately X ≈< 3 results Y = 1/X or
L 1 Ld
∼ ? or L? = = const. (4)
d Re ν
Figure 3. Prediction for ripple lengths according to Yalin [16] based on measurement results of
different authors.
As soon as the values at the abscissa rise above about 3, another, still unknown, effect
occurs. As a consequence, the ripple lengths deviate from the previously valid trend and
increase exponentially.
The most recent data analysis on the delineation of ripples and dunes and on ripple
lengths was presented by Lapotre, Lamb and McElroy 2017 [17]. Figure 4 shows their
division into ripples and dunes as a function of
χ = Re? τ ? = Re?2 D ?−3/2 . (5)
v? L
L? = = 2504χ1/3 . (7)
Water 2021, 13, 892 4 of 19
Figure 4. Bed forms and ripple lengths as result of a data evaluation after Lapotre et al., 2017. Green:
ripples, magenta: dunes, blue addressed as an intermediate stage. The red line shows the mean
course of the data from Yalin 1985 (Figure 3).
This transport imbalance leads to local erosion, which results in a ripple trough and this
way determines the ripple length. The sediment transport on the stoss side is strongly
influenced by sweeps and burst from the outer flow. The possible effect of this is not
investigated here.
Figure 5. Development of the boundary layer along a flat plate with laminar-turbulent changeover
(top) and local shear stress on the plate (bottom).
Figure 6. Principle sketch of the development of a ripple starting from initial disturbances on a
flat bed. The stoss-side develops from a flat bed in a feedback process with the boundary layer.
Sediment is retained and, at the same time, the local shear stress increases until transport is balanced
at each location.
According to the relevant literature (e.g., Schlichting 1965 [31], Schlichting and Gersten
2005 [32]) the relatively sudden switch from laminar to turbulent boundary layer occurs at
a Reynolds number formed with the running length from the beginning of the boundary
layer, x = λcrit :
v∞ λcrit
Recrit = = au (8)
with au ≈ 3 × 105 . . . 106 . The value of au clearly depends on the degree of turbulence
of the outer flow velocity, v∞ . In case of strong external turbulence, au is smaller than
3 × 105 but can be much larger in case of a very low degree of disturbance of the external
flow [31,32]. In the present case, the turbulence is particularly increased at the beginning
of the developing boundary layer, i.e., at the reattachment point. With the local resistance
coefficient of the viscous boundary layer [31,32]
v x − 1
∞ 2
c f = 0.664 . (9)
With also c f = 2 v∞ , at the position x = λcrit yields
Water 2021, 13, 892 6 of 19
2 − 1
v∞ λcrit 2
cf = 2 = 0.664 . (10)
v∞ ν
This value is lower than the values obtained from wind tunnel tests of about au = 3 × 105 .
However, there is consensus that the external turbulence has a considerable influence
on the turn over to a turbulent boundary layer [31,32]. In the boundary layer along the
windward slope of the ripple, this is the case to a considerable extent. The corresponding
critical value of
v? λcrit
= 2700. (13)
is therefore quite realistic. The distance λcrit corresponds to the length of the windward
slope, LS . With Figure 7 can be approximated
LS 1
= tan β
L +1
tan α
tan β = L
. (16)
H − tan ϕ
Figure 7. Definitions of the parameters used here to describe the ripple geometry.
Recent in-depth investigations of the flow over two-dimensional sand waves have
been carried out by Dey et al., 2020a [33], Dey et al., 2020b [34] based on experiments and
by Zhao 2021 [35] based on numerical modelling. These investigations largely agree with
respect to the angle α and confirm earlier investigations (e.g., Schlichting [31]) at an angle
of about 9◦ to 10◦ . For a mean slope of H/L = 1/11, an angle of repose of ϕ = 30◦ , and a
separation angle of α = 9o , the windward slope λcrit = LS ≈ 0.6 L. This ratio is not very
sensitive to a variation of the angles in the natural environment. Thus one obtains for the
ripple length
v? L 0.577 3/4
L? = ≈ a = 4500. (17)
ν 0.6 u
and in a different notation
L L? 4500 4500 τ ?
= ? ≈ = . (18)
d Re Re? χ
Water 2021, 13, 892 7 of 19
According to Equation (18) all measurement results for the dimensionless ripple
lengths would have to coincide on the level L? = 4500 or Ld = 4500 Re? . These are the light
blue arithmetic crosses in Figure 8. Although the general trend of measured L/d∼1/Re?
agrees with the theory, there is a shift for the mass of the data and a deviating trend for the
data marked by the red ellipse. The reason for this is obviously an effect that overlays the
boundary layer effect. This is discussed in the following.
L 4500
= ? (21)
d Re × S
Water 2021, 13, 892 8 of 19
L 1 4500
×√ = . (22)
d τ ? χ ×S
The settling velocity needed in Equation (20) can be determined from Zanke 1977 [38]
12 ν ? 3
w= 1 + (0.21 D ) (2.7 − 2.3 SF ) − 1 . (23)
d (2.7 − SF )
where SF is the shape factor after McNown and Malaika 1950 [39]. For sand from natural
waters SF ≈ 0.7 and then
11 ν p
w= 1 + 0.01 D ?3 − 1 . (24)
The effect of S has provided a good approximation and is shown in Figure 8 with the
calculated results in magenta color.
Figure 8. Comparison of the measured data (green), Equation (18) (blue) and Equation (22) (magenta).
The difference of the two equations describes the individual effects of suspension (Note: In the range
of χ > 9, according to Lapotre et al., 2017, bed forms are dunes.) For data source, see Section 3.
v? λcrit
< 7.9 × 103 . . . 1.1 × 104 . (30)
After considering λcrit ≈ 0.6 L (Figure 7) finally follows for the limit of the existence of
ripples ?
v L
= L?lim < 1.34 × 104 . . . 1.83 × 104 . (31)
ν lim
As mentioned above, the critical value up to which laminarity can be maintained is
most likely somewhat higher in the case of avoiding turbulence than in the case of com-
pletely damping existing turbulence. It is important to note that the laminar reference
Equation (10) is valid for flat plate boundary layers without acceleration. Nevertheless, it
proves to be representative here as Pschernig 2017 [41] lined out, based on measurements.
The c f values measured by Pschernig after relaminarization were somewhat higher than
those after Equation (10), so that the calculated values of Equation (31) could well be
determined somewhat higher.
Based on a comparison with the measured data, we assume that the limit of ripple
existence is phenomenologically well described due to the discontinuity in the wave lengths
at the blue-magenta boundary in Figures 9 and 10 by
L 30, 000 L 30, 000
L?lim ≈ 30, 000 or ≈ or √ ≈ (32)
d lim Re? d τ ? lim χ
Figure 9 shows the latest at χ >≈ 4; the effect of acceleration dominates and ends at
χ >≈ 8 . . . 9 (blue data points). This can explain the transition range defined by Lapotre et al.
(Figure 4).
Water 2021, 13, 892 10 of 19
4.3.2. Solution Proposal for the Calculation of the Effect of Boundary Layer Acceleration
From the comparison with the measured values an approximate empirical function
for the acceleration-related value of au in Equation (8), results:
au,acc 1
A= = (33)
au (1 − χ/9)1.35
Here A is the acceleration-related factor in respect to L? . With Equations (19) and (33) results
L? = 4500 × . (34)
and the same physics in a different notation reads
L 4500 A L 4500 A
= or √ = (35)
d Re? S d τ? χ S
which is shown in Figures 9 and 10 with the red symbols as “calculated” results.
Figure 9. Comparison of the measured data and Equation (34) (red). For data source, see Section 3.
Figure 10. Comparison of the measured data and Equation (35) (red). For data source, see Section 3.
appropriate. Duran 2019 [42], based on evaluations of the results of a numerical channel
with coupled hydromechanics and sediment transport, estimated Re? ≈ 20 . . . 25 as a limit.
This paper: With the theory presented, due to the effects of flow acceleration at the
windward slopes of the ripples, these are limited with L? ≈ 30,000. It is worth mentioning
that in the numerical channel of Duran et al. the upper limit of the ripple range is at
L? ≈ . . .15,000 . . . 20,000. The data recorded by these authors show ripples up to about
L? ≈ 25,000. This confirms the order of L? resulting from our theoretical approach.
From Figures 9 and 10 it can be seen that this fairly corresponds well to χ ≈ 9, which
thus provides an explanation for the limit established by Lapotre et al., 2017. With the
definition of χ from Equation (5) and χ = 9, the following results for limiting Re? and
D ? are 2/3
? 9 ? 9
Re = √ and D = . (36)
τ ? τ?
Thus ripples exist in the range of e.g., 0.05 < τ ? < 1 at about 40 > Re? > 9 and 30 >
D ? ∗ > 4.3. Based on χ = 8 as a boundary results 36 > Re? > 8 and 29 > D ? ∗ > 4.
Figure 11 shows an evaluation of the Re? numbers in the case of ripples from an excerpt of
the data set. The effect of boundary layer acceleration proposed in this paper can explain
the existence of ripples up to Reynolds numbers in the range of 30 or even 40. Such values
occur when the Yalin number χ → 9, while the shear stress is only slightly above the critical
value. This result is in good agreement with the data analyses of Lapotre et al., 2017 (their
Figure 2C). At the same time, L? ≈ 30,000.
Based on the considerations about the effect of flow acceleration on windward slopes,
it can also be understood why the ripple formation, although dominated by the viscous
boundary layer, does not end at Re? ≈ 5, as would be expected according to Nikuradse.
Figure 11. Re? at the upper limit of the ripple domain from the data set used and from two data-based
diagrams from the literature (Chabert and Chauvin 1963 and Wieprecht 2001) as an example. For
data source, see Section 3.
depending on the grain size and the amount of cohesive parts, these sediments do not
develop ripples.
The experiments of Grazer, however, are explicitly based on noncohesive sediments.
From this it can be concluded that cohesion can limit the existence of ripples in
fine sediments.
Figure 12. Representation of the domain boundaries in the τ ? − Re? -plane. Ripples exist in the green
and blue areas. In the green area the ripples are dominated by the Reynolds number v? d/ν and are
modulated by the degree of suspension concentration. The area marked blue is dominated by the
effect of boundary layer acceleration. For data source, see Section 3.
Figure 13. Dimensionless length of ripples and dunes, L? , as well as their subdivision according to
boundary layer instabilities. The data are adjusted for the suspension effect. The ripples, dominated
by the acceleration effect are colored in blue. Red curve: Equation (34). For data source, see Section 2.
Figure 14. Relative length of ripples and dunes, L/d, as well as their subdivision according to
boundary layer instabilities. The data are adjusted for the suspension effect. The ripples, dominated
by the acceleration effect, are colored in blue. Red curve: Equation (35), Black line: Equation (35) with
A = 1. For data source, see Section 3.
sediment motion ρ = 0.02 kg/m3 and ρs = 3200 kg/m3 while after Lapotre et al. 2017 [44]
0.002 kg/m3 < ρ < 0.02 kg/m3 and ρs = 2900 kg/m3 .
Figure 15 shows for some examples that the domain of the ripples is on the one
hand limited by the beginning of sediment motion and is on the other hand limited by
L? ≈ 30,000.
According to many observations, the beginning of the ripple formation is slightly
above the critical value for the beginning of motion according to Shields 1936 [45]. The point
of intersection of these two limits coincides with about 20 < Re? < 30, which also agrees
with observations. With exceeding the critical conditions for the beginning of the movement
(here v?c ) comparatively long ripples develop. With increasing v? , the length decreases and
achieves a minimum value at χ ≈ 4. Then the lengths increase until the limit of the ripple
domain at L? ≈ 30,000 is being reached. This coincides approximately with χ ≈ 9. For
larger grain sizes, the beginning of the movement may coincide with χ >= 4. Then the
ripple length does not decrease after exceeding v?c but immediately increases with v? . Thus
the limiting factors are summarized as follows:
1. Critical shear stress. Ripples only develop when τ >≈ τc and L? ≈< 30,000 which
coincides with χ ≈ 9.
2. Re? > 20. . . 40. If the theoretical length would be L? = 30,000, but the actual shear
stress is still subcritical, so no ripples can emerge. This happens when Re? > 20 . . . 40
(Figures 12–15).
In many natural waters on Earth the beginning of the ripple development is influenced
by cohesive sediment components. In Figures 15 and 16, the black dashed curve in the
case of sand-water shows the beginning of sediment movement in natural sand mixtures
with cohesive components typical for rivers. This curve is based on the curve developed
by Hjulström 1935 [46]. Finally, Figure 17 shows the results of Equation (35) for the ripple
length vs. sediment particle diameter, d. As you can see, in case of the earth Equation (35)
is in good agreement with the observations with a maximum of L ≈ 0.6 . . . 0.8 m. On Mars
and Titan, however, depending on the constellation of ρ0 , g, ν, d, several meters of length
are possible. This is also in accordance with respective observations (e.g., [44]).
Typical here are grain sizes of some millimeters. From the figure it can be seen that the
ripples in hydraulic models with movable bed can develop lengths of about 0.8 m < L <
1.3 m. Thus, “sand” waves considered as dunes in such models may actually be ripples.
Note that with respect to the results shown in Figures 15–17 in case of wind action,
saltation-impact related v?c , τc? are used (here taken as 0.5 τc,drag
? ). With drag only, the do-
main of ripples begins with correspondingly higher values of vc,drag ≈ 1.4 ∗ v?c,impact .
Figure 16. Predicted length of ripples on Earth, Mars, and Titan based on the theory presented here, assuming a completely
cohesion-free sediment. Upper row: Earth with sand-water and sand-air (left) and polystyrene-water (right). The dashed
curve in the sand-water case shows the effect of sediments with some parts of cohesives on the beginning of motion,
analogous to the well-known Hjulström curve. Lower row: Mars (martian sands driven by highly concentrated brines, left)
and Titan (ice grains driven by liquid methane flows (right).
Water 2021, 13, 892 16 of 19
In the case of distant planets, the existence and characteristics of ripples indirectly
provides information about the fluid flows and winds there. Furthermore, it is important for
the approach developed here to show that it also provides plausible results for completely
different conditions of viscosity, gravity, and densities.
Figure 17. Examples of predicted ripple lengths on Earth, Mars, and Titan based on the theory presented here, noncohesive
sediment assumed. (In case of gaseous fluids τc? here taken as τc,impact
? ?
= 0.5 τc,drag ). Right side, red case: Mars air-density
data according to Lapotre et al., 2016 [44] assumed with ρ = 0.02 kg/m3 , green: ρ = 0.002 kg/m3 . Note: Real winds on
Mars have been found to reach v? < 4 m/s.
8. Discussion
To distinguish ripples from dunes, the wavelength of L ≈ 0.6 m is often used in the
literature. In a recent paper, Lapotre et al., 2017 pursue an alternative definition based on
data analysis. They use the Yalin parameter χ and empirically define χ = 4 as the ripple
limit. According to Lapotre et al., dunes exist at χ > 9 and the range of 4 < χ < 9 is
defined as a transition.
In the present work, a definition of ripples based on boundary layer theory was
developed. For its verification and adjustment, 512 measured data from different authors
are available.
The principle of the theory is the fact that an initially viscous boundary layer turns
over to turbulence after a certain flow path. This is also the case on the stoss-side of ripples.
The turnover causes a significant increase in sediment transport rates, which results in local
erosion and thus in a limitation of the ripple length.
The solution of this effect directly describes the ripple lengths in the range of about
0.4 < χ < 4. For χ < 0.4, an increasing influence of the suspension potential was
found and an associated empirical description is presented. For χ > 4, the acceleration
of the flow along the windward slope obviously has an additional influence by pushing
out the position of the turnover to turbulence. With reference to the relevant literature,
we concluded that ripples can exist up to a dimensionless ripple length of L? ≈ 30,000.
With this in mind, we assign the transition region according to Lapotre et al. to ripples
According to our results, the domain of ripples is bounded on the one hand by the on-
set of sediment movement and on the other hand by the dimensionless ripple length
L? =< 30,000. Thereby, with respect to the ripple-dune border, L? = 30,000 and χ = 9 al-
most coincide. Another result is that a minimum of ripple lengths occurs at a Yalin number
of χ ≈ 4.
Exemplary evaluations for ripples on Earth, Mars, and Saturn’s moon Titan are pre-
sented. In the case of Earth, the developed solution reflects the frequently cited maximum
ripple length of about 0.6 m, in both the sand-water and sand-wind cases. The predicted
ripples of other planets, some of which are much longer than those on Earth, are also
consistent with observations.
Water 2021, 13, 892 17 of 19
In light of the fact that the numerical effects of suspension and acceleration are
described empirically, further research is needed with this respect.
9. Conclusions
With the approach presented here, a clear definition of what ripples are can be given.
Accordingly, ripples are characterized by a viscous boundary layer along the windward
slope and its transition into turbulence. If this is not the case, e.g., because due to the grain
size no viscous boundary layer can exist on the windward slope, dunes are formed. Then
other mechanisms are effective, which are not the subject of this paper.
A Factor of flow acceleration effect on viscous boundary layer, Equation (33) -
au critical Reynolds number v∞ λ/ν für turn from laminar to turbulent boundary layer -
au,acc same as au but in case of accelerated flow -
cf local drag coefficient -
d grain diameter m
dm mean grain diameter (d10 + d20 + . . . d90 )/9 m
d50 Grain size, which is exceeded by 50% of its weight m
D∗ dimensionless grain diameter = (ρ0 g/ν2 )1/3 d = ( Re∗2 /τ ? )1/3 -
g acceleration of gravity m/s2
H height of bed forms m
h mean water depth = h1 + H/2 (Figure 2) m
h1 water depth over the crests of ripples and dunes m
K key parameter describing the ability to relaminarize a viscous boundary layer, Equation (25) -
L length of bed forms m
L? = v? L/ν -
Ls partial length of bed forms with significant skin friction m
Re∗ = v? d/ν, particle Reynolds number -
S factor describing the effect of suspension on ripple length, Equation (20) -
vm depth and time averaged flow velocity m/s
v∞ velocity of the outer
p flow ofp the boundary layer m/s
v? shear velocity = τ/ρ = τ ? ρ0 gd m/s
w settling velocity m/s
α angle of free turbulence ◦
β angle of inclination of the windward slope of ripple and dunes ◦
λcrit critical length after which the boundary layer switches from viscous to turbulent m
ν kinematic viscosity of fluid m2 /s
ρ density of fluid kg/m3
ρs density of sediment kg/m3
ρ0 = (ρs − ρ)/ρ, relative density -
τ = ρghI = v? 2 ρ, shear stress at the bed N/m2
τ? = τ/((ρs − ρ) gd) = v?2 /(ρ0 gd), dimensionless shear stress -
ϕ angle of repose = angle of internal friction of sediment ◦
χ Yalin number as defined by Lapotre et al. [17], Equation (5) -
Water 2021, 13, 892 18 of 19
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