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Assignment I

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Investigation on the Effects of Parameter

Variations on a Full Bridge AC-DC Converter

Muhammad Fitri Bin Mohd Efendy*

Faculty of Electronic Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) Pauh Putra Campus,
02600 Arau, Perlis, Malaysia.

Abstract---The main purpose of this paper is to utilizes both halves of the waveform to produce the
study on the effects of parameter variations on a output which is a sense greatly improve the
full bridge AC-DC Converter. The parameter of efficiency. Besides the fact that it employs both
interest are the effects of coil winding and the halves of the waveform, another advantage of using
effects of capacitor towards the output voltage full wave rectifier circuit is that the output produced
produced. The circuit topography was drawn and could be altered to greater heights by employing the
crafted in a simple manner as the main objective of aid of a smoothing capacitor. The capacitor provides
this study is to observe the changes of listed the smoothing effect on the output produced due to
parameters on the output voltage produced. the result of ripple frequency[3]. There are two type
of full wave rectifier circuit which is the center
Keywords---AC-DC Converter, Bridged Rectifier tapped full wave rectifier circuit and the bridge
I. INTRODUCTION rectifier circuit. The bridge rectifier circuit is by far
one of the most used configurations these days. This
Alternating Current or the term that most of us is due to the reduction of circuit difficulty and
familiar with which is AC current. It is a type of increase in efficiency by employing an extra two
current which as the name says, that is always diode[4].
alternating between the positive cycle and negative
cycle which often be represented in a sinusoidal In this paper, A simple full bridge AC-DC Circuit is
wave. The AC current possess a great benefit in designed with the additional of a step-up
applications such as Power Transmission Line or transformer[5]. The parameters of interest are the
Power Transmission Grid[1]. However, for effects of transformers coil winding, the effect of
household usage, it is preferable for the current to be capacitor on smoothing the output waveform via the
in DC form of Direct Current as most of household effect of ripple frequency. Finally, generating an
appliances runs on DC current. To solve this crisis, output voltage suitable for the usage of an electrical
a rectifier circuit was introduced to convert the AC vehicle battery charger in Malaysia.
incoming current into a DC output current[2]. The II. CIRCUIT DESIGN, PROCEDURE AND
rectification process is usually done by employing WORKING OPERATION
the usage of diode or mosfet that are arranged in
such connection. Diode and mosfet are chosen for Figure 1 shows the proposed design for the circuit.
the task as they possess a certain characteristic that The design is simple as the main goal of the study
permits current flow in a direction and blocking it was to investigate the effects of varying the
from flowing against it. parameters of interest on the output voltage
produced. The proposed circuit design employs the
There are two type of rectification process, The half usage of the full wave bridge rectifier circuit as it
wave rectification process and the full wave greatly increases the efficiency and reduce the
rectification process. The half wave rectification circuit complexity.
process utilizes a single diode which only permits
the input signal to pass through in one direction.
This kind of characteristic is perfect for an AC-DC
converter, However, as the diode only employ a
single usage of diode, the rectification process only
occurs on one cycle while the other cycle is
remained untouched. This flaw is what makes the
other type of rectification process which is the full
wave rectification process a perfect answer for AC-
DC converter usage. It follows the same concept of
rectification process as half wave rectifier but
Figure 1. Circuit Configuration for AC-DC diode D2 as it is arranged in forward bias. The signal
Converter. later passes through the capacitor and load before
returning to the transformer and voltage source
The full wave bridge rectifier circuit operates on two through the path of diode D3. During this state,
modes of operation. The modes of operation are diode D2 and D3 are biased in forward bias while
known as the Positive half cycle operation and the diode D1 and D4 are biased in reverse bias thus
Negative half cycle operation. blocking the signal flow.
A. Positive Half Cycle Operation The circuit was designed and simulated with the aid
This is the mode where the full wave bridge rectifier of the PSIM software. In the software, users are
circuit operates on the positive half cycle of the given the degree of freedom to design any form of
Sinusoidal wave input signal. circuit where it is backed up with a numerous of
components available on the component’s library.
For this circuit, A step-up transformer is selected in
order to boost up the input voltage as the standard
input voltage for household usage in Malaysia is
capped at 240V. Four diode is selected in order to
realize the full wave bridge rectifier circuit. Next, a
capacitor is selected in order to smoothen out the
output received. The parameter that is kept fixed is
the Diode spec which is kept at an ideal condition.
Figure 2. Positive Half Cycle Operation The Resistor load is also kept constant. The
parameters of interest are the turn ratio of
Figure 2 shows the graphical presentation of the transformers winding and the capacitor effect on the
flow during the positive half cycle of the operation. output voltage.
This mode starts by the input AC current varying on
the step-up transformer. A change in the signal C. Transformers
occurs, and the signal proceed to pass through the The transformers, a device that converts electrical
diode D1 as it is arranged in forward bias. The signal energy from one circuit to another via the principle
later passes through the capacitor and load before of Electromagnetic Induction. The transformer
returning to the transformer and voltage source equation can be written as: -
through the path of diode D4. During this state,
diode D1 and D4 are biased in forward bias while 𝑉𝑝 𝑁𝑝
diode D2 and D3 are biased in reverse bias thus 𝑉𝑠 𝑁𝑠
blocking the signal flow.
Where: -
B. Negative Half Cycle Operation
Vp = Primary voltage Vs = Secondary voltage
This is the mode where the full wave bridge rectifier
Np = Primary winding Ns = Secondary winding
circuit operates on the negative half cycle of the
Sinusoidal wave input signal. The transformer also consist of turns ratio which
directly impact and determine whether the
transformer is a step-up transformer or step-down
transformer. The formula for the transformer turns
ration can be written as: -
𝑉1 𝐼1
𝐾= =
𝑉2 𝐼2
Where: -

Figure 3. Negative Half Cycle Operation K = Turns ratio

Figure 3 shows the graphical presentation of the V1 = Primary voltage V2 = Secondary voltage
flow during the negative half cycle of the operation.
I1 = Primary current I2 = Secondary current
This mode starts by the input AC current varying on
the step-up transformer. A change in the signal For this circuit, a step-up transformer is used in
occurs, and the signal proceed to pass through the order to boost up the Malaysia standard 240V
household voltage supply for electrical car charger
that would require an approximately around 450V.
A step-up transformer is a transformer that
transforms low voltage to on the primary side to a
high voltage on the secondary side. The formula for
a step-up transformer can be written as: -
𝑉𝑠 = (𝑉𝑝)

Where: -

Vp = Primary voltage Vs = Secondary voltage

Np = Primary winding Ns = Secondary winding

Based on the formula listed, we can calculate the

number of turns on the transformer winding in order
to produce the desired output.
Figure 4. The (i) Input voltage, (ii) Output voltage
D. Capacitor Filter and (iii) Output current.

A capacitor is added into the circuit to filter the From the parameters above, by setting up the
output DC signal. The capacitor filter can be transformer winding turn ratio to 1:1. The output
expressed with the following equation: - voltage observed appears to be equal with the input
voltage due to no voltage amplification.
∆𝑉𝑜 ≈ Next, the turn ratio is set to be 1:1.25 which is an
increment of 60 from the primary winding.
Where: -
Circuit Parameter
Vm = Vrms (√2) f = Frequency Item Spec
Vin 240V
R = Resistor C = Capacitance Np 240
The capacitor function is to smoothen the DC signal Ns 300
C 470uF
produced at the output.
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 2. Circuit parameters varying in transformer
turn ratio 1:1.25
The parameters of interest are the effects of
transformer winding turn ratio and the effect of
capacitor filter on the output signal produced. The
first parameter of interest is the transformer winding
turn ratio. For this experiment, the first turn ratio is
set to be 1:1 which is 240.

Circuit Parameter
Item Spec
Vin 240V
Np 240
Ns 240
C 470uF
Table 1. Circuit parameters varying in transformer
turn ratio 1:1

Figure 5. The (i) Input voltage, (ii) Output voltage

and (iii) Output current
From the parameters above, by setting up the
transformer winding turn ratio to 1:1.25 The output
voltage observed appears to be slightly amplified
compared to the input voltage.

After that, the turn ratio is set to be 1:1.5 which is an

increment of 120 from the primary winding.

Circuit Parameter
Item Spec
Vin 240V
Np 240
Ns 360
C 470uF
Table 3. Circuit parameters varying in transformer
turn ratio 1:1.5

Figure 7. The (i) Input voltage, (ii) Output voltage

and (iii) Output current

From the parameters above, by setting up the

transformer winding turn ratio to 1:1.75. The output
voltage observed appears to be quite amplified
compared to the input voltage.

Finally, the turn ratio is set to be 1:2 which is an

increment of 240 from the primary winding.

Circuit Parameter
Item Spec
Vin 240V
Np 240
Ns 480
C 470uF
Figure 6. The (i) Input voltage, (ii) Output voltage Table 5. Circuit parameters varying in transformer
and (iii) Output current turn ratio 1:2

From the parameters above, by setting up the

transformer winding turn ratio to 1:1.5 The output
voltage observed appears to be moderately
amplified compared to the input voltage.

Next, the turn ratio is set to be 1:1.75 which is an

increment of 180 from the primary winding.

Circuit Parameter
Item Spec
Vin 240V
Np 240
Ns 420
C 470uF
Table 4. Circuit parameters varying in transformer
turn ratio 1:1.75

Figure 8. The (i) Input voltage, (ii) Output voltage

and (iii) Output current
From the parameters above, by setting up the
transformer winding turn ratio to 1:2. The output
voltage observed appears to be greatly amplified
compared to the input voltage. Double the input
voltage to be exact.

The second parameter of interest is the effect of

capacitor filter towards the output signal. For this
experiment, the first capacitor value is set to be

Circuit Parameter
Item Spec
Vin 240V
Np 240
Ns 480
C 150uF
Table 6. Circuit parameters varying in capacitor Figure 10. The (i) Input voltage, (ii) Output voltage
value 150uF and (iii) Output current

From the parameters above, by setting up the

capacitor value at 220uF. The output observed
produced a ripple waveform. However, there is a
slight reduction in the ripple observed.

After that, the capacitor value is set to be 330uF

Circuit Parameter
Item Spec
Vin 240V
Np 240
Ns 480
C 330uF
Table 8. Circuit parameters varying in capacitor
value 330uF

Figure 9. The (i) Input voltage, (ii) Output voltage

and (iii) Output current

From the parameters above, by setting up the

capacitor value at 150uF. The output observed
produced a ripple waveform.

Next, the first capacitor value is set to be 220uF

Circuit Parameter
Item Spec
Vin 240V
Np 240
Ns 480
C 220uF
Table 7. Circuit parameters varying in capacitor
value 220uF Figure 11. The (i) Input voltage, (ii) Output voltage
and (iii) Output current
From the parameters above, by setting up the approximately 450V. Malaysia national household
capacitor value at 330uF. The output observed power grid is capped at 240V this a step-up
produced a ripple waveform. However, there is a transformer with a ratio of 1:2 is necessary. The
moderate reduction in the ripple observed. capacitor is chosen to be at the value of 70uF due to
the results observed shows the greatest reduction of
Finally, the capacitor value is set to be 470uF ripple on the output signal produced.
Circuit Parameter IV. CONCLUSION
Item Spec
Vin 240V In this paper, a numerous of value is tested on the
Np 240 effects of transformer winding ratio and capacitor
Ns 480 filter on the output signal produced. The most ideal
C 470uF components parameters for the circuit is the last
R 2KΩ combination which employ a 1:2 winding ratio for
Table 9. Circuit parameters varying in capacitor the transformer and 470uF for capacitor filter. The
value 470uF output signal produced satisfy the condition for an
electric car charger to be used in country such as
Malaysia that distribute its national power grid at
240V for household usage.


[1] O. E. Idehen, D. R. Trainer, K.

Vershinin, H. Dang, S. Brehaut, and E.
Farr, “The Series Bridge Converter: A
Compact and Economic VSC-HVDC
Converter,” 2019.

[2] Institute of Electrical and Electronics

Engineers. and IEEE Power Electronics
Society., PESC 08 : 39th IEEE Annual
Power Electronics Specialists
Conference, Capsis Hotel and
Figure 12. The (i) Input voltage, (ii) Output voltage
Convention Center, Rhodes, Greece,
and (iii) Output current
15-19 June 2008 : proceedings. IEEE,
From the parameters above, by setting up the 2008.
capacitor value at 330uF. The output observed
produced a ripple waveform. However, there is a [3] Y. Konishi, Z.-Z. Yang, Y.-H. Ho, and Y.
great reduction in the ripple observed. Lin, “Single Phase ACDC Converter
From the experiments of the variation above, the Performance Improvement with AC
most ideal circuit parameters are observed to be the Power Ripple Compensation
circuit with this set of parameters: - Controller.”
Circuit Parameter [4] IEEE Power Electronics Society, IEEE
Item Spec
Industry Applications Society, and
Vin 240V
Np 240 Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Ns 480 Engineers, ECCE 2018, 10th
C 470uF anniversary : IEEE Energy Conversion
R 2KΩ Congress & Expo : Portland, Oregon,
Table 10. Ideal circuit parameters for AC-DC
Sept. 23-27.

The transformer is kept at the winding ratio of 1:2 to [5] “TRANSFORMERS AND REACTORS,”
amplify the input voltage of 240V. This is due to the 2017.
requirement of an electric car to be charged at

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