Electronics: Review of Electric Vehicle Technologies, Charging Methods, Standards and Optimization Techniques
Electronics: Review of Electric Vehicle Technologies, Charging Methods, Standards and Optimization Techniques
Electronics: Review of Electric Vehicle Technologies, Charging Methods, Standards and Optimization Techniques
Review of Electric Vehicle Technologies, Charging Methods,
Standards and Optimization Techniques
Syed Muhammad Arif 1,2 , Tek Tjing Lie 1, * , Boon Chong Seet 1 , Soumia Ayyadi 3 and Kristian Jensen 2
1 Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland 1010,
New Zealand; Arif.Syed@wsp.com (S.M.A.); boon-chong.seet@aut.ac.nz (B.C.S.)
2 Department of Industrial and Utilities, WSP, Auckland 1010, New Zealand; Kristian.Jensen@wsp.com
3 Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Mohammadia School of Engineers,
Mohammed V University, Rabat 10070, Morocco; soumiaayyadi@research.emi.ac.ma
* Correspondence: tek.lie@aut.ac.nz
Abstract: This paper presents a state-of-the-art review of electric vehicle technology, charging
methods, standards, and optimization techniques. The essential characteristics of Hybrid Electric
Vehicle (HEV) and Electric Vehicle (EV) are first discussed. Recent research on EV charging methods
such as Battery Swap Station (BSS), Wireless Power Transfer (WPT), and Conductive Charging (CC)
are then presented. This is followed by a discussion of EV standards such as charging levels and their
configurations. Next, some of the most used optimization techniques for the sizing and placement of
EV charging stations are analyzed. Finally, based on the insights gained, several recommendations
are put forward for future research.
Transportation is one of the significant emission sectors, contributing to 22% of the total
CO2 emissions in 2020 [1]. Most public and personal vehicles run on Internal Combustion
Engines (ICE), which can be considered as one of the major causes of climate change. On
the other hand, EVs do not directly emit CO2 or are less susceptible to the high oil price.
To overcome the global emissions problem, most electric utility industries should
move towards renewable resources, e.g., wind, solar, and wave/tidal. As an example, the
Chinese government aims to install 150–180 GW of wind power and 20 GW of Photovoltaics
(PV) power generations by 2020 [2,3]. The contribution of PV-based energy generation was
less than 1% to U.S. electricity production in 2015. Still, due to the decreasing PV panel cost,
solar energy production will continue to grow. It is projected that solar could contribute
nearly 15% of U.S. energy demand until 2030 and 30% by 2050 [4,5].
The advancement of EV technology has increased the social and economic benefits
in both the transportation and energy sector. Despite these benefits, battery technology
limitations such as weight, lifespan, and storage capacity, and high battery cost [6,7] are
still the major hindrances to the broad acceptance of EVs. However, many automotive
industries, organizations, and countries are investing in the research and development of
EV battery technology. For example, Google spent $10 million, and the U.S. government
spent $2 billion on the development of an EV battery [3,8,9]. Moreover, the U.S. government
has committed to bringing one million Plug-in EVs onto the road in the next five years.
Considering the research and development in EV industries, according to the Australian
Energy Market Commission (AEMC) global trend of increasing EV and decreasing ICE
sales is also present. In Australia, the EV sale in 2019 was 6718, a 203% increase compared
to 2018 [10,11].
Likewise, in recent years, the New Zealand government has set the target for the
transition to 100% renewable electricity by 2035. In New Zealand 85% of electricity gen-
eration is based on renewable: 60% hydro, 18% geothermal, 5% wind, 2% biomass, and
15% is a fossil fuel, as shown in Figure 2. New Zealand’s strong point is the wide mix
of renewables such as hydro, geothermal, wind, and biomass for electricity generation.
As 30% of the fossil fuel is consumed by the transportation sector [12], this offers a good
opportunity to transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy by using technology, such
as the electric vehicle.
2. Vehicle Technology
The main issue with ICE vehicles is fossil fuel consumption along with rising fuel
prices and this causes two main problems: energy security and CO2 emission to the environ-
ment. According to the observatory of economic complexity at the MIT media lab, oil is the
spark of life for humans and is imported from politically unstable countries [13]. Consider-
ing the pressure on fossil fuels and increment in the CO2 emission, EVs reduce the reliance
on transportation on crude oil and reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) emissions.
The vehicle technology is typically divided into four main categories [14,15] shown in
Figure 3; moving from left to right is an electrification increase. The sources of energy for a
conventional vehicle are petrol or diesel fuel, which are the main contributors of carbon
radiation in the environment. Therefore, the carbon emission rate of a hybrid is less than
for conventional combustion engine vehicles. The third and fourth types are also known as
zero-emission vehicles (measured at the tailpipe) which depend on the hydrogen fuel cell
and battery, respectively. The details of the different technologies will be discussed in the
sections below.
configuration is the series drivetrain which provides power to the electric motor. The motor
obtains power either from a generator run by a diesel/petrol engine or from the battery
pack while, in the parallel drivetrain, the ICE and motor work in parallel to generate power
that propels the vehicle. However, the series-parallel hybrid merges the complication
and advantages of both series and parallel drivetrains. Toyota Prius is an example of a
series-parallel hybrid. The authors in [21] used the series-parallel hybrid vehicle consisting
of the control, combustion engine, electrical system, and power split device is used as
shown in Figure 4.
The controller obtains motor speed, generator speed, brake, and acceleration informa-
tion from the vehicle dynamics. The electrical section obtains generator torque and motor
torque from the controller, deciding when to charge and discharge the battery. Whenever
a driver applies the brakes, the motor acts becomes a generator and starts to charge the
battery; this is called regenerative braking [22,23]; otherwise, it will consume power from a
battery. The electrical section consists of a synchronous motor and drive, a synchronous
generator and drive, a DC-DC converter, and a battery bank.
The ICE obtains the throttle position from the controller used to regulate the amount
of fuel or air entering the engine. As shown in Figure 4, the power split device is the brain
of a hybrid vehicle that controls how the gasoline engine, generator, and electric motor
work together. It allows the car to operate in series or parallel (independently, both the
motor and ICE engine and both can power up the car) [22]. The vehicle dynamic provides
vehicle speed which depends upon the vehicle body, road inclination, and wind resistance.
Typical HEVs have four modes of operation [24], as shown in Figure 5.
The modes of operations are as follows:
(i) Start and Low to Mid-range Speeds: During low to mid-range speeds or at the
vehicle’s starting, the engine stops, and the vehicle is propelled by the motor alone.
(ii) Driving Under Normal Conditions: The power split device sends some power to
run the generator and the rest of the power to drive the wheels directly. If there is
excessive power, then it’s used to charge the battery.
(iii) Sudden Acceleration: Both the battery and engine provide power during sudden
(iv) Deceleration: The regenerative braking system converts the kinetic energy into elec-
trical energy that is stored in the high-performance battery.
Electronics 2021, 10, 1910 5 of 21
The fully EV uses only a battery power pack to propel the vehicle. Therefore, EVs
are better for combatting global warming as compared to HEVs. The EVs use only the
battery to operate the motor which propels the vehicle and have a regenerative braking
system to recapture vehicles’ kinetic energy into electrical energy to be stored in the battery.
Therefore, EVs are better for urban driving because in urban driving, the vehicle frequently
starts and stops, during which the vehicle recaptures some of the kinetic energy into the
battery. As compared to typical HEVs, the EVs have only two modes of operation, which
are as follows (see Figure 7):
(i) All times: Whenever the vehicle needs to move, the battery propels the vehicle.
(ii) Deceleration or Braking: When the vehicle decelerates or brakes, the vehicle recap-
tures the kinetic energy into the battery using regenerative technology.
Electronics 2021, 10, 1910 6 of 21
The FCEV is ideal for slow speed with smooth power demand applications such as
buses, forklifts, and trams, etc. [26]. Nowadays, FCEV manufacturers such as Hyundai,
Toyota, and Honda manufacture high-performance FCEV vehicles in terms of fuel economy
and vehicle efficiency by adopting various energy management techniques [27].
However, FCHEV adds another auxiliary Energy Storage System (ESS) or ultracapaci-
tor in the powertrain for high-speed operation, which can be charged and discharged based
on the vehicle power demand and supply. The fuel cell tank is used as the main energy
source, and ESS or ultracapacitor is used for smooth and efficient operation [28]. The only
drawback of the FCHEV is the increase in weight due to the extra ESS or ultracapacitor in
the powertrain.
Electronics 2021, 10, 1910 7 of 21
3. EV Charging Methods
Battery exchange, wireless charging, and conductive charging are the three main
charging techniques. The conductive charging is further divided into pantograph (Bottom-
up and Top-down) and overnight charging, as shown in Figure 9.
For higher battery capacity and quick charging requirement applications, such as
buses and trucks, the following two charging techniques are utilized, as discussed below:
Overnight Depot Charging: The overnight depot charging system can be designed
for slow and fast charging. It is usually installed at the end of the lines and used for
night-time charging. Thus, slow charging is the most favorable option because of the low
charging impact on the distribution grid [46,47]. However, for higher battery capacity with
quick charging requirement applications, the Pantograph charging technique is suitable.
Pantograph Charging: This type of charging is one of the opportunities for charging
options. This kind of charging infrastructure is used for higher battery capacity and power
requirement applications, such as buses and trucks. This charging technique offers less
investment in the bus battery thus reducing the bus investment cost, however, the charging
Electronics 2021, 10, 1910 9 of 21
infrastructure cost increases [48]. Pantograph charging is further divided into the following
two categories:
(i) Top-down Pantograph: The charging setup is mounted on the roof of the bus stop
therefore it is commonly known as an off-board top-down pantograph. This method
provides high power direct current which is already demonstrated in Singapore,
Germany, and the U.S. [49].
(ii) Bottom-up Pantograph: This type of charging method is suitable for those applica-
tions where the charging equipment is already installed in the bus. This is also known
as an on-board bottom-up pantograph [49].
Figure 10. EV charging configuration for off-board (DC Levels 1 and 2 or Mode 4).
However, the on-board charging offers lower kW transfer and adds weight to the
vehicle. Because of the weight, space, and cost constraints the single-phase on-board
chargers limit the transfer of high power [52,53]. Therefore, it takes more charging time
than the off-board charging configuration. The EV charging configuration for AC (Modes
1 and 2 and Level 1 and 2 for IEC and SAE standard, respectively) requirements with
on-board charger is demonstrated in Figure 11 [54,55] and DC charging levels as described
in Table 1.
Due to the increasing number of EVs the IEC and SAE in [56] proposed AC and DC
charging standards for the U.S. and EU considering the voltage levels and current, etc. (see
Table 2). The details are further explained in the next subsection.
Electronics 2021, 10, 1910 10 of 21
Figure 11. EV charging configuration for on-board (AC Levels 1 and 2).
Table 2. IEC and SAE standards: Current and voltage level for AC and DC charging.
5. Optimization Techniques
Optimization is the optimal allocation of the available resources to produce the best de-
sign to get the required output. In other words, optimization means finding the values of a
variable that maximizes or minimizes the objective function while satisfying the constraints.
The integration of RESs and EVs imposes several challenges for the widespread adoption
of the smart grid. For example, wind and PV resources are very much irregular [38], and
due to the integration of EVs to the smart grid, both demand and supply become more
intermittent and cause energy losses in the distribution system [57]. Thus, Distributed
Generator (DG) sizing, placement, and EV charging (scheduling) are very complicated unit
commitment problems associated with different contradictory constraints and objectives.
Therefore, optimization techniques are used to overcome these issues. According to [58],
60% of the total EV being charged during off-peak hours, then energy loss can increase up
to 40% depending on the charging strategies. As such, it may jeopardize the stability and
Electronics 2021, 10, 1910 11 of 21
reliability of the grid [59]. The proper operation of the EV charging station not only resolves
the issue mentioned above but also maximizes the electric EV station profit [60–62].
There are numerous optimization methods in the literature; the main three heuris-
tic optimization techniques used in the research of EV charging stations are the Particle
Swarm Optimization (PSO), Genetic Algorithm (GA) [63–66], and Simulated Annealing
(SA) [67–69] and the integer algorithm such as mixed-integer linear programming (MILP)
and Mixed Integer Programming (MIP). These optimization methods are used to accom-
plish different objectives such as outage management scheme, mismatch issues between the
electricity production of DG units and load consumption, energy trade between upstream
(Aggregator) and downstream (PL), annual profit maximization of PEV(Plug-in Electric
Vehicle)-PL by selling electricity to PEV, sizing and sitting of the fast-charging station,
sizing of ESS in a fast-charging station power loss, voltage deviation and to maximize
the Parking Lot Owner (PLO) profit maximization by satisfying certain constraints. The
following subsections will explain the above mentioned objectives in detail.
5.1. Reliability
The authors in [59] treated the parking deck as an ESS and to quantify the potential
contribution of the parking deck a non-sequential Monte Carlo simulation method was
proposed. The authors used the output of Wind Turbines (WTs), PVs, and diesel gener-
ators and the parking deck available power to improve the reliability of the advanced
distribution system during the outage event and introduce stochastic modeling to capture
the intermittency of the renewable energy resources. The V2G capable EV charge sched-
ule is formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) problem as shown in
Equation (1):
Min ∑ Ptch ∗ bt − Ptdch ∗ st ∗ ∆t (1)
The price of electricity for battery charging and the reward given to the EV owner for
power discharge are shown in the first and second terms in Equation (1) respectively. Both
of the terms are multiplied with the time duration and summed for the whole charging
period T = [starting and ending times of charging period], P is the charging/discharging
power, b is electricity cost, and is the EVs discharge reward under the feed-in-tariff policy.
The batteries of the fleet of EVs are used as an energy storage system to improve the
reliability of the system. However, in a practical point of view, very limited EV companies
allow the V2G facilities for a specific country because discharging of the batteries can
reduce the lifetime which results in the early retirement of the cell. Also, the authors used
the National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) data which is not practical EVs data.
The first term in Equation (2) shows the active power loss of line l in period t per unit
(PU). The second term represents the total capacity of DG, EV charging station, and BESS
unit of bus i. The third term denotes the difference between active power loss in period
t and the total capacity of DG, BESS, and EV charging station units. The authors did not
perform any financial analysis however the big size of BESS may cost a lot.
The annual capital costs of distributed storage (DS) unit, solar-based DG unit, and
purchasing electrify cost from the grid is subtracted from the annual revenue generated by
selling electricity to PEVs and solar-based DG energy unit selling to the network.
The authors mentioned the benefits of the integration of renewable-based DG, DS in
the parking lot and sell the energy to the grid but the power companies do not give much
profit to the parking lot owner. On the other hand, selling the power to a building can
maximize the benefit more.
The authors in [72] proposed an optimal allocation and sizing for a fast-charging
station and public parking lot by using the PSO and Voronoi diagram to minimize the
annual cost of the whole PEV charging station. The proposed framework is verified by
testing it on a real urban area in China. The objective of the integrated framework is to
minimize the annual social cost which is as follows Equation (4):
where C I is the investment cost such as charging facility, grid reinforcement, and land
cost, CT is the waiting cost, and CO&M is the annual operation and maintenance cost of
a charging station. Different charging facilities have different voltage levels, and corre-
spondingly the price is different. Thus, CE = CEH + CEP + CEF represents the electricity cost,
where CEH , CEP , and CEF is the constituting electricity cost at home, public charging station,
and fast charging station, respectively. However, the proposed scheme is limited to private
vehicle charging and did not consider the public fleet such as taxies and buses.
To keep the operational cost of a fast-charging station low, the authors in [37] proposed
an approach by using ESS in a rapid charging station to reduce the negative impact on the
power grid during peak hours. The proposed design is treated as a mixed-integer linear
programming problem, and the output is the optimal capacity of BESS (CESS ). The BESS is
used to store energy from the network during low peak hours and return stored energy to
EVs. The objective function of the proposed approach is to determine the optimal size of
BESS for a fast-charging station to minimize the station energy cost (SEC) and storage cost.
Using the V2G facility, the authors in [69] proposed a SA approach for intelligent en-
ergy resource management from the aggregator point of view and compared the simulation
results with General Algebraic Modelling System (GAMS) and GAMS_N. The problem is
characterized as MILP, and the objective is to minimize the aggregator operation cost. The
Electronics 2021, 10, 1910 13 of 21
proposed method is validated on IEEE-33 bus test system with 66 distributed generators
units (33 PV, 8 fuel cells, 4 wind farms, 2 small hydro stations, 1 waste to energy, 3 biomass
units, and 15 cogeneration units), 32 loads, and 1000 Grid-able vehicles. The proposed SA
method provides the solution in less than 1 s, while the other approaches take more than
5 h. However, the total cost of network simulation is 3% higher than GAMS and GAMS_N.
In [73], the authors used the storage capability of EVs to reduce the intermittency of
wind power generation and grid operation costs. The grid operation cost is minimized by
the hourly coordination of EV operation and wind power generation by using the proposed
stochastic security constraints unit commitment model (SCUC). Due to the grid complexity
and mobility of V2G treated mixed integer programming (MIP). The proposed approach is
tested on the IEEE-6 bus and modified IEEE-118 bus test system. However, the authors
only used the vehicle storage capability and not the BESS as a storage device. Further,
frequent charging/discharging reduces the lifespan of the vehicle battery.
With EVs becoming more popular and EV charging from standard outlets at homes or
car parks becoming more common, the uncoordinated charging by these extra electrical
loads will cause additional power loss and voltage deviation in the distribution system.
Hence, the coordinated charging is proposed to minimize the power loss and maximize the
load factor [74,75]. The optimal charging profile is obtained with the quadratic program-
ming technique and analysis on the IEEE-34-node test system. However, this approach
can prolong grid balancing and voltage control by the PHEV reactive power control. The
proposed method is limited to loss minimization and load factor maximization.
The authors in [76,77] proposed a three-level Energy Management System (EMS),
consisting of primary, secondary, and tertiary levels to minimize the economic cost related
to energy exchange between gird and micro-grid. The tertiary level minimizes the economic
cost of microgrid operation as load, weather, and vehicle mobility profile forecasts for the
next day, whenever the vehicle plug-in the EMS runs in every 3 h. The secondary level
minimizes the forecast deviation between the real and forecast value for the next 15 min.
The EMS runs every half an hour. The primary level runs every 3 s to ensure the balance
between the demand and generation against any unexpected load or fault.
By introducing these three management levels, critical, adjustable, and shiftable loads
can be managed efficiently, and profits can be increased when the shiftable loads are
assigned to off-peak hours which saves the economic cost related to energy exchange
between grid and micro-grid. However, the introduction of BESS in the proposed EMS can
generate more profit and can efficiently manage them as critical, adjustable, shiftable load.
As mentioned above regarding the intermittency of the PV, wind power generation is
one of the most significant challenges in the adoption of the RESs. Therefore, the authors
in [78,79] proposed a novel optimization scheme to coordinate the charging/discharging
of EV batteries to deal with the intermittency in the RESs for minimizing the power
imbalance in the grid. The authors used the energy resources such as WT, PV, and generator
and used the standard linear programming method with root-mean-square objective
function and linear constraints. The optimization is repeatedly computed to revise the
V2G/G2V facilities to deal with the error in the prediction and can compute the problem
quickly and efficiently by standard optimization software. However, the continuous
charging/discharging of EV degrades the vehicle battery lifespan. This power imbalance
issue can be resolved more efficiently by bringing the storage system into the microgrid.
Further, the diesel generator is used to provide the ancillary service which causes the
CO2 emission.
6. Discussion
6.1. Energy Source
The state-of-the-art parking lot consists of different energy resources and ESS to meet
the power demand due to the increasing number of EVs in the mark and to support
renewable energy generation. Energy sources used in the state-of-the-art parking lot are
as follow:
Electronics 2021, 10, 1910 14 of 21
1. Grid.
2. WT/PV.
3. Diesel Generator.
4. Hydro.
5. Thermal.
6. EV Fleet (for V2G purpose).
7. ESS.
Energy Optimization
Ref. Optimization Objective Contribution Service Test System Remarks
Source Method
Grid Enhance reliability through a The NHTS data used is not practical EV data.
WT/PV Mixed Integer Linear probability model to Outage management NHTS IEEE-34-node Did not consider DRSs and EV constraints
[59] V2G
Diesel programming (MILP) quantify available energy in scheme Test System CO2 emission generated due to the use of
Parking lot the PL diesel generators
Grid Second-order conic Solved mismatch issue The investment and maintenance costs of ESS
Minimize total loss and Alibeykoy feeders
PV/WT programming between the production of are ignored
[32] maximize penetration G2V Hamikoy feeders
ESS/Parking (Convex DG unit and load Power sold to the grid, instead of the
Multi-objective optimization (Istanbul, Turkey)
lot Optimization) consumption contracted building
Parking lot owner profit is
Grid IEEE-34-node Test Used real PV and WT data, but the EV arrival
maximized through a Energy trading between
PV Mixed Integer Linear System and departure times are not based on
[70] two-level problem model upstream (Aggregator) PL2G
ESS programming (MILP) PL assumed 1000 real data
PLO profit maximization and downstream (PL)
Parking lot parking spaces Only focus on the operational framework
DSO cost minimization
Markov Chain Monte Annual profit
Implemented in an EV arrival and departure times are not based
PV Carlo Simulation is Parking lot owner profit maximization of PEV-PL
[71] PL2EV existing building in on real data
ESS used to generate maximization by selling electricity to
Toronto, Canada Only focused on the planning framework
A/D/S duration PEV
One Nissan Leaf is
Particle Swarm Minimize the annual cost of selected to represent
Sizing and sitting of Fast EV arrival and departure times are not based
[72] Grid only Optimization (PSO) an entire PEV charging G2V the PEV population
charging station on real data
and Voronoi diagram station for the PL owner Implemented in an
urban area in China
Only considered fixed electricity rate and not
Minimize Station Energy real-time electricity rate. The presence of ESS
Grid Mixed Integer Linear Sizing of ESS in a
[37] Cost (SEC) and ESS G2V UK daily traffic data is thus not economical
ESS Programming (MILP) fast-charging station
storage cost Potential constraints such as inverter, Grid,
and vehicles are ignored
Electronics 2021, 10, 1910 16 of 21
Table 3. Cont.
Energy Optimization
Ref. Optimization Objective Contribution Service Test System Remarks
Source Method
IEEE-33 bus Test
The total cost of network simulation is higher
RES Minimize aggregator The SA approach has a system with 66
Simulated Annealing than another deterministic approach, e.g.,
[69] ESS operation cost through SA lower execution time than V2G generators, 32 Loads
Approach (SA) GAMS (General Algebraic Modelling System)
PL approach (GAMS) and GAMS_N & 1000 Grid-able
and GAMS_N
Modeling of large-scale
Minimize grid operation cost
Grid/Wind PEV integration as mobile IEEE-6-Bus power Only used vehicle storage capability and not
through proposed stochastic
Hydro Mixed Integer distributed storage system ESS as a storage device.
[73] security constraints unit V2G
Thermal Programming (MIP) Modeling of load facilities Modified Frequent charging and discharging degrade
commitment model for PEV
EV fleet and their impact on the IEEE-118-bus system the battery lifespan
and Wind
power system.
Minimize the distribution
power loss
Lower power loss The proposed approach can prolong voltage
Quadratic Maximize the main Grid IEEE-34-node Test
[74] Grid only Lower voltage deviation G2V control by PHEV reactive power control and
programming load factor using the System
by leveling the peak power Grid balancing
proposed coordinated
Grid Minimize economic cost Allocation of the shiftable By introducing ESS, the critical, adjustable,
Mixed Integer Linear Household data from
[76] Wind/PV related to energy exchange load during off-peak hours V2G and shiftable load can be managed efficiently
Programming (MILP) Spain
EV between grid and micro-grid minimizes the overall cost and profit can be increased
The optimization problem
can compute quickly and
Standard linear Minimize power imbalance efficiently The power imbalance issue can be resolved
Wind Wind data collected
programming with in the grid through Optimization will by using ESS more effectively
[77] PV G2V/V2G from Victoria state,
the root-mean-square coordinated EVs charging repeatedly calculate to A diesel generator is used to provide ancillary
Generator Australia
objective function and discharging revise V2G/G2V output of service, which contributes to CO2 emissions.
vehicle to deal with the
error in prediction
Electronics 2021, 10, 1910 17 of 21
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