Directions: Answer The Following Questions: Students Online Submit Your Work Within

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Name: Ira Joy Sebastian Date: February 2, 2022

Course & Year: BSA 2A Worksheet No. 1

Directions: Answer the following questions: Students online submit your work within
the specified date and time. You are limited to five lines only in every question. Please
see to it that you open the lesson plan and instructional materials before you can
answer. Don't forget to turn-in your work. Write your answers below the questions:

1. What three significant learnings did I get from the video clip presentation on
Humanae Vitae?


The value and significance of marriage, conjugal love, the morality of intimacy,
and child propagation are among the most important lessons I've learned. It's about the
responsibility of producing and nurturing human life in all of its forms: spiritual, bodily,
and emotional life shared by marriage. Then I also learned that contraception is against
God's purpose since it eliminates the procreative component of life and undermines
unity because artificial birth control leads to marital infidelity and moral deterioration.
Lastly, it is against moral law to directly disrupt a life that has already begun and, above
all, it is against god's law to knowingly obtain an abortion.

2. What two challenges will I try to respond to, based on the video clip presentation
on Humanae Vitae?


The first challenge to which I will attempt to respond is about prohibition of

church to the use of contraception and other methods that stop procreation such as
sterilization and abortion, because if there are valid reasons for spacing the births of
children, whether due to health or external circumstances, it is permissible to take into
account natural cycles, such as natural family planning. Another is that when a couple
enters marriage, they must be completely prepared for marital obligations, as they must
understand what marriage is. Before getting married, consider the obligations that come
with it.

3. What one concrete and simple action will I commit to do in my life and to the


In connection with Humane Vitae, the most basic action I can commit is to be a
good citizen by upholding my morals and ethics and make actions that will serve a good
life, or a community as a whole. I will try to make actions based on moral principles and
not something that will be contrary to God’s will that could affect humanity.

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