3.2 Method Statement-Wet Mix Macadam
3.2 Method Statement-Wet Mix Macadam
3.2 Method Statement-Wet Mix Macadam
Prepared by:
Checked by:
Approved by: THE ENGINEER
Table of Contents
DISTRIBUTION LIST................................................................................1
1. Scope & Objective..............................................................................................................3
3. Safety...................................................................................................................................3
4. Materials.............................................................................................................................3
5. Procedure............................................................................................................................4
5.1. Step 1 – Preparation Of Mix........................................................................................4
5.2. Step 2 – Setting Out.....................................................................................................4
5.3. Step 3 – Spreading Of Mix...........................................................................................4
5.4. Step 4 – Compaction....................................................................................................5
5.5. Step 5 – Level Control.................................................................................................5
5.6. Step 6 – Shoulder & Median........................................................................................5
Paved Shoulder.................................................................................................................5
Earthen Shoulder..............................................................................................................5
5.7. Step 7 – Rectification Of Segregation & Surface Irregularity.....................................6
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This method statement is explains contractor’s method of construction for Wet Mix Macadam
(WMM) & the objective is to have a standard approach of construction in order to meet the specification
and quality set. It is therefore this method statement shall outlay the contractor sequence of work and
ensuring that the work is carry out with due consideration of having doing "first time right".
Construction of Wet Mix Macadam (WMM) and related works is covered under Specifications for
Road & Bridges (MORT&H) 5th Revision and Codes are as follows: -
3. Safety
Signboards shall be placed along the right hand side on increasing chainage at every 500
Moveable signboards shall be place at area where heavy machineries and survey works being
carried out. Flagman’s shall control the movement of machines and tippers/dumpers at these
areas. Signboards such as “CAUTION MAN AT WORK (WMM) GO SLOW”, “CAUTION GO
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Bamboos painted with red and white stripes with reflective stickers placed at every 20-meter
along the entire working areas as a guide for the traffics during at day and night.
Plastic Safety Cones are placed wherever necessary
4. Materials
The material used for the work shall be a crushed Stone upon the the grading required and shall
conform to table 400-13 of MORTH (5th Revision) Specification. The material shall be free from organic or other
deleterious constituents.
The water absorbtion value of the coarsed aggeregate shall be determined as per IS:2386(Part – 3);if the value is
greater than 2 %, the soundness test shall be crried out on the material delivered to site as per IS: 2386 part-5.
Physical requirements for material of Wet Mix Macadam As per MORTH 5 th revision Table No. 400-12.
The aggregates shall be crushed stone and conform to the physical requirement as per Table
400-12 & gradation given in Table 400-13 of MORTH 5th revision.
Job Mix Formula to be carried out to determine mix proportions and shall be approved by the
5. Procedure
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WMM material is mixed using positive mixing arrangement with pug mill type mixer adding water
to the required Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) in respect to modified Proctor test result to
obtain a homogeneous mix.
Mixed WMM material will be transported immediately to the discharge location by means of
tippers trucks having jacking facility to unload
Rolling shall be carried out by using vibratory roller with static weight 100kN at a speed not
exceeding 5 km/h
Rolling will start from lower edge and progress gradually to upper edge of the laid strip
longitudinally as per clause 406.3.5
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To avoid unevenness on the surface during compaction of short lengths as a result of frequent
stoppage of roller, the compaction to be done only when the length of laid strip is approximately
100 meters or before excessive moisture loss.
Vibratory roller will be always standby and follow closely behind the paver to carry out the
compaction work to the required density.
Paved Shoulder
Paved shoulder will be carried out together as to the pavement layers as the
material and process are same.
Earthen Shoulder
Submission of RFI
Earthen Shoulder is done immediately upon completion of each pavement layer.
Earthen shoulder shall be compacted to required cross fall of 3%
Any pavement surface contaminated will be cleaned by using brooms and “panja” manually
with labors.
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