Bar Charts Worksheet
Bar Charts Worksheet
Bar Charts Worksheet
1. The table shows pupils favourite subject in year 7. 2. The table shows pupils favourite pet animal in year 7.
Complete the missing information in the pictogram. Complete the missing information in the tally chart.
Favourite Freque Favourite Frequen
Pictogram Key: Tally
Subject ncy = 4 people Animal cy
Maths Dog
English Cat
Science Rabbit 4
Art 12 Hamster 13
PE 14 Other 6
Pivot Questions:
Eg1. Using starter question one:
a) Draw a bar chart.
Eg2. The information in the table shows the sports boys and girls in year 7 enjoy the most.
Fluency Questions
1. The table shows pupils favourite pet animal in year 7.
Animal Dog Cat Rabbit Hamster Other
Frequency 7 10 4 13 6
2. Kitty and George sell cars. The table shows the number of cars sold by Kitty and George in the first five months of
Month January February March April May
Frequency 10 3 12 8 5
George 6 7 15 8 1
b) What month did Kitty and George sell the same number of cars?
3. Pupils were asked what their favourite type of social media was. The table shows the data found.
Month Facebook Twitter Instagram Snapchat Other
Year 7 5 1 3 1 3
Year 8 3 4 6 10 1
Year 9 8 5 7 6 2
7S 7A 7C 7R
Blue 8 9
Brown 15 14
Green 4 4 6
Hazel 3 4
Give an example...
3. When will you use a compound bar chart?
Give an example...
4. Write down what is wrong with each bar chart.
Key Question
Tim's class collected information about all their pets. They have six different kinds of pets between them.
This is the block graph they are making to show how many of each pet the class has altogether.
The children have not yet put in the animal names under each column. Can you do this for them
using the information below?
The number of fish added to the number of gerbils is equal to the number of dogs.