Borang Lesson Plan 2
Borang Lesson Plan 2
Borang Lesson Plan 2
ID lesson Teacher's name Gender Day Date Time D uration Class Form Numb er of Subject Topic Learning Outcome Set Induction BBM Set Induction Presentation Stage BBM Presentation Stage Practice Stage BBM Practice Stage Production Stage BBM Production Stage Reflection
(minu tes ) stud en t
1 Hwong Chee Ying Female Monday 2022-02-28 0750-0830 40m Junior One Yong Junior One 35 English Uniquely You At the end of the less on, the s tudents should be able to: 1. Teacher s hows students a picture. A picture of a student playing a cultural 1. Teacher as ks the following questions: Questions from creative notes p. 3 •Have you heard of the word, 'unique'? •What do you think the word 'unique' means? •Can you tell me some people whom you think are unique? 1. Teacher groups students in fours or fives. 1. Picture on OP S-English Student’s Handbook, p. 1 1. Teacher assigns students in each group the roles of encourager, recorder, quiet captain, prais er or gate-keeper. 4 or 5 role cards (Teaching Resource 1): Group work is important to increase students' participation in class.
1. Respond to picture stimuli and talk about self, family and talents 2. Students are required to identify a word to des cribe the picture. instrument • H ave you heard of the word, 'unique'? 2. Teacher dis tributes the questions (Teaching aids ) and A nswer Boards to the students . 2. Questions from Creative N otes p. 4: 2. Teacher distributes the questions (Teaching A ids ) and the role cards (Teaching Resource) to the students. • Encourager: encourages speaking
2. Respond to ques tions given and talk about s elf, family and talents 3. Teacher introduces today’s title – U niquely Y ou . • What do you think the w ord 'unique' means ? 3. Students think of the answ ers . • What do you s ee in this picture? 3. Teacher tells students to respond to the questions by asking each other the questions. • Recorder: records group’s respons e
3. Introduce someone they know such as a relative or a friend and his Rationale: • Can you tell me some people whom you think are unique? 4. Students s tand up and each one res ponds to the questions by telling answers, discuss ing and teaching each other. • What is a talent contest? 4. Teacher asks each group to present their answ ers . • Q uiet captain: ens ures low nois e level
/ her talents w ith correct vocabulary. 1. To arous e students ’ interest in title 2. Teacher expands on the answ ers given by s tudents. 5. When everyone in the group knows the ans wers, students s it dow n. • Who takes part in a talent contest? 5. Teacher accepts all possible answers and expands on s tudents’ ans wers. • P raiser: P raises effort
2. To brains torm w ords Rationale: 6. They write down the answ ers on their group’s Ans wer Board. • Can you tell me some talent contests that you know /have heard of? Rationale: • G ate-keeper: Ensures everyone’s participation
1. To guide s tudents to talk about the title 7. Teacher randomly calls a student from each group and the students rais e up their group’s A nswer Board. 1. To activate students’ background knowledge on the topic in a cooperative learning environment
2. To elicit responses from students on self, friends and abilities 8. Teacher checks the answ ers . 2. To encourage talk in a less-anxiety environment
3. To encourage talk in the class room Rationale: 3. To give input on talking about the topic
1. To create a cooperative learning environment of:
a. Pos itive interdependence
b. Individual accountability
c. Equal participation
d. Simultaneous interaction
2. To encourage talk in a less -anxiety environment
2 Hwong Chee Ying Female Monday 2022-02-28 0830-0910 40m Junior One Yong Junior One 35 English Uniquely You (People – building blocks) At the end of the less on, students should be able to: 1. Teacher s hows a picture of a photographer. A picture of a photographer 1. Teacher gets s tudents to look at the picture s timuli in the student’s handbook in p. 2. Teaching Aids: 1) Picture s timuli in OP S – English Student’s handbook p. 2 2) Questions from creative notes p. 5 • What do you s ee on this page? • What are the activities that you see on this page? 1. Teacher plays the DVD to allow s tudents to listen and practise s aying aloud the targeted vocabulary . Computer, DVD, Speaker 1. Teacher plays the DV D to allow students to lis ten and practis e saying aloud the targeted vocabulary. Computer, D VD, S peaker Praise/Encouraging Words (adapted from Kagan & 25 out of 29 students have achieved the learning outcome. Nice try!
1. respond to picture stimuli and talk about the activities 2. Teacher asks s tudents about the picture. 2. Teacher asks s tudents the follow ing questions : 2. Teacher paus es after each word to allow all s tudents to internalise the targeted vocabulary. 2. S tudents listen and practise s aying aloud the targeted vocabulary. K agan, 2009)
2. say aloud the targeted vocabulary with correct pronunciation 3. Teacher introduces the less on. • What do you see on this page? 3. Teacher ens ures that all s tudents participate actively. Teacher replays the D VD if necess ary. 3. Teacher pauses after each w ord to allow all students to internalise the targeted vocabulary.
3. respond to picture stimuli and talk about the activities using learned vocabulary Rationale: • What are the activities that you see on this page? 4. S tudents stand up and each one practises s aying aloud the targeted vocabulary in their groups. Teacher replays the D VD if necess ary.
1. To arous e students ’ interest in title 3. Teacher reas sures s tudents that it is all right if they cannot pronounce the words correctly. Rationale: 5. When everyo ne in the group is familiar with the vocabulary, students sit down.
2. To brains torm w ords 4. Teacher encourages s tudents by giving positive feedback and reinforcement. 1. To encourage listening and saying aloud 6. Teacher randomly calls a s tudent from each group and the students travel to other groups to pronounce the targeted vocabulary.
5. Teacher accepts all suitable ans wers and expands on the answers given by the students . 7. Teacher tells students who stay to use praise/encouraging words (Teaching A ids ) w ritten on the whiteboard w hen students come to their groups .
Rationale: 1. To create a cooperative learning environment of:
1. To guide s tudents to res pond to the picture s timuli. a. P ositive interdependence
2. To get s tudents to talk about self, friends and talents . b. Individual accountability
3. To encourage talk in the class room c. Equal participation
d. S imultaneous interaction
2. To encourage listening and saying aloud in a less-anxious environment
3 Hwong Chee Ying Female Tuesday 2022-03-01 1420-1455 35m Junior One Yong Junior One 35 English People – Language in Action At the end of the less on, the s tudents should be able to: 1. Teacher talks about a celebrity and her ability. Photograph of a celebrity 1. Teacher draws students ’ attention to the picture stimuli in S tudent’s H andbook p. 3. 1)OPS – English Student’s handbook p. 3 2)Questions from creative notes p. 7 •What do you see in the pictures? •What do you think this video is about? 3) Computer, DVD, speaker 1. Teacher dis tributes the questions (Teaching Aids) and Ans wer boards to the students. Questions for the pictures from creative notes p. 7 1. Teacher plays the DV D and paus es at the follow ing sentence patterns : 1) Computer, D VD, S peaker Grouping helps in speaking a lot, students are less stressed.
1. respond to picture stimuli and talk about ones elf and one’s ability 2. Teacher introduces the less on. 2. Teacher asks s tudents the follow ing questions : 2. Students think of the answ ers . • What do you s ee in the pictures ? • ... is my passion and I know I'm good at it. 2) S entence patterns from creative notes
2. respond to ques tions given and talk about oneself and one’s ability Rationale: • What do you see in the pictures? 3. Students s tand up and each one res ponds to the questions by telling answers, and discuss ing with each other. • What do you think this video is about? • I want to ... in the future. p. 8:
3. talk about oneself and one’s ability with correct sentence patterns 1. To arous e students ’ interest in title • What do you think this video is about? 4. When everyone in the group knows the ans wers, students s it dow n. • I really want to ... to the rest of the world. • ... is my passion and I know I'm good at it.
3. Teacher accepts all suitable ans wers related to the picture. 5. Teacher randomly calls a student from each group and they write down the answers on their group’s Answ er board without help. • I love ... • I love ...
4. Teacher plays the DV D and gets students to watch the video and listen to the s enten ce patterns. 6. Teacher as ks the s tudents to raise up their group’s A nswer board. • I hope ... 3) Q ues tions from creative notes p. 8:
2. A t every paus e, teacher asks questions to help students be aware of the s entence patterns used for talking about oneself and one' s ability. • What do you say w hen you w ant to tell your friend of your plans for the future?
Rationale: Rationale: 3. Teacher asks the following ques tions: • What do you say w hen you really like something that you do ?
1. To guide s tudents to talk about the picture. • What do you say w hen you w ant to tell your friend of your plans for the future?
2. To get s tudents to talk about self, friends and talents . 1. To create a cooperative learning environment of: • What do you say w hen you really like something that you do?
3. To encourage talk in the class room a. Pos itive interdependence
b. Individual accountability Rationale:
c. Equal participation 1. To encourage practice of sentence patterns
d. Simultaneous interaction
2. To encourage talk in a les s-anxious environment
4 Hwong Chee Ying Female Tuesday 2022-03-01 1455-1530 35m Junior One Yong Junior One 35 English Uniquely You (People – Language in Use) At the end of the less on, students should be able to: 1. Teacher s hows students a picture. A picture of a winner in a competition 1. Teacher draws students’ attention to the picture stimuli in Student’s Handbook p. 4. 1) O PS-Englis h Student’s H andbook p. 4 2) Q ues tions from creative notes p. 10: • What do you see in this picture? • Who are the people in the picture? • Why do you think the singer is being 1. Teacher dis tributes the questions (Teaching Aids) and Ans wer Boards to the students. 1) 4 Questions for the title from creative notes p. 10 1. Teacher assigns students in each group the roles of encourager, recorder, quiet captain, prais er or gate-keeper (Teaching Resource 1). 4 or 5 role cards (Teaching Resource 1): There's improvement shown in their speaking skills
1. Respond to picture stimuli and talk about ones elf, friends and one's talent 2. Students are required to identify a word to des cribe the picture. 2. Teacher asks the following q uestions: interview ed? • What do you think the interviewer is asking her? 2. Students think of the answ ers . Turn to page 4 of Studen t’s Handbook. 2. Teacher distributes the questions (Teaching A ids ) and gets the s tudents to as k the follow ing questions : • Encourager: encourages speaking
2. Respond to ques tions given and talk about oneself, friends and one’s talent. 3. Teacher introduces today’s les son. • What do you see in the picture? 3. Students s tand up and each one res ponds to the questions by telling answers and discussing w ith each other. • What do you s ee in this pictures? • H ow are you? • Recorder: records group’s respons e
3. Introduce someone they know such as a relative or a friend and his Rationale: • Who are the people in the picture? 4. When everyone in the group knows the ans wers, students s it dow n. • Who are the people in the picture? • What are you good at / What can you do? • Q uiet captain: ens ures low nois e level
/ her talents w ith correct sentence patterns . 2. To arous e students ’ interest in title • Why do you think the singer is being interviewed? 5. Teacher randomly calls a student from each group and the students write down the answ ers on their group’s answer boards. • Why do you think the singer is being interviewed? • When did you discover your talent? • P raiser: P raises effort
3. To brains torm w ords • What do you think the interviewer is as king her? 6. The answer boards are placed face down until every group has completed writing. • What do you think the interview er is asking her? • D o you have a role model? Who is he/she? • G ate-keeper: Ensures everyone’s participation
7. Teacher as ks the s tudents to raise their groups’ ans wer boards simultaneously. • What do you want to do in the future?
3. Teacher accepts all suitable ans wers and expands on the answers given by s tudents. Rationale: 2) A nswer boards 3. Teacher reminds and encourages students to use the s entence patterns learned. Q ues tions from Creative Notes p. 11 :
4. Teacher encourages active participation. 1. To create a cooperative learning environment of: 4. Teacher randomly calls a s tudent from each group to s hare their findings with the class . • H ow are you?
Rationale: a. Pos itive interdependence • What are you good at
1. To encourage talks on the s timulus b. Individual accountability Rationale: / What can you do?
c. Equal participation 1. To encourage and build s tudents’ confidence in s peaking Englis h language w ithout having to write. • When did you discover your talent?
d. Simultaneous interaction • D o you have a role model? Who is he/she?
2. To encourage talk in a les s-anxious environment • What do you want to do in the future?
5 Hwong Chee Ying Female Wednesday 2022-03-02 1020-1055 35m Junior One Yong Junior One 35 English Uniquely You (People – Having Fun) At the end of the less on, the s tudents should be able to: 1. Teacher s hows students a video clip of a talent show . A video clip of a talent show 1. Teacher draws students’ attention to the picture. 1)Picture on OPS-English Student’s Handbook, p. 5 2)Questions from creative notes p. 12: •What do you see in the pictures? •There’s a boy standing in front of a group. What is he doing? 1. Teacher dis tributes the questions (Teaching Aids) and Ans wer Boards to each s tudent. 1) 2 Q ues tions from creative notes p. 12 Turn to page 5 of Student’s H andbook 1. Teacher assigns students in each group the roles of encourager, quiet captain, prais er or gate-keeper. 4 or 5 role cards (Teaching Resource 1): students showed great interest in telling each other about their talents. Overall good response
1. Respond to picture stimuli and s hare about oneself and one’s ability 2. Students are required to identify a word to des cribe the picture. 2. Teacher asks the following q uestions: 2. Students think of the answ ers and w rite down their answ ers on Answ er Boards . • What do you s ee in the pictures ? There’s a boy standing in front of a group. What is he 2. Teacher distributes the role cards (Teaching Aids) to the students . • Encourager: encourages speaking
2. Introduces hims elf/herself and talk about his /her talent. 3. Teacher introduces today’s les son. • What do you see in the pictures? 3. Students turn to their shoulder partners and each one res ponds to the ques tions to improve their ans wers. doing? 3. Teacher gets s tudents to talk about what they are good at. • Q uiet captain: ens ures low nois e level
3. Able to talk about a friend and his /her talent us ing vocabulary and s entence patterns learned. Rationale: • There’s a boy standing in front of a group. What is he doing? 4. Teacher randomly calls a student from each pair and the students s hare their bes t answers with their face partners. 2) Ans wer boards 4. Teacher asks students to introduce himself / herself and talk about his / her talent to the group members. • P raiser: P raises effort
1. To arous e students ’ interest in title 3. Teacher expands on the answ ers given by s tudents. Rationale: 5. Teacher encourages other s tudents to as k questions after each presentation. • G ate-keeper: Ensures everyone’s participation
2. To brains torm w ords Rationale: 1. To create a cooperative learning environment of:
1. To guide s tudents to talk about the stimuli a. Pos itive interdependence Rationale:
2. To encourage talk in the class room b. Individual accountability 1. To encourage active involvement in the activity.
c. Equal participation
d. Simultaneous interaction
2. To encourage talk in a les s-anxious environment
6 Hwong Chee Ying Female Thursday 2022-03-03 1105-1140 35m Junior One Yong Junior One 35 English Reach for the Stars (People – Stimulus) Learning Outcome: 1. Teacher s hows students a picture. A picture to elicit the word similar to “star” 1. Teacher asks the following q uestions: Questions from creative notes p. 18 •What does it mean when we say someone is a 'star'? •What does the title, 'Reach for the stars' mean? 1. Group members s tand shoulder-to- s houlder. 1) 2 Questions for the title from creative notes p. 18 1. Teacher draws all s tudents’ attention to the picture on p. 7 1) P icture on O PS-Englis h S tudent’s H andbook, p. 7 26 out of 35 can talk briefly about their idols.
At the end of the less on, the s tudents should be able to: 2. Students are required to identify a word to des cribe the verb. • What does it mean when we say someone is a ' star'? 2. Teacher dis tributes the questions (Teaching Aids) and Ans wer Boards to every student. • What does it mean w hen we s ay someone is a 's tar'? 2. Teacher asks the following ques tions: 2) Q ues tions from Creative Notes p. 18:
1. Respond to picture stimuli and talk about famous pers onalities 3. Teacher introduces today’s title – Reach for the Stars • What does the title, ' Reach for the s tars' mean? 3. Students think of the answ ers and w rite down their answ ers . • What does the title, 'Reach for the stars' mean? • What do you see in this picture? • What do you see in this picture?
2. Respond to ques tions given and talk about famous personalities Rationale: 2. Teacher accepts all suitable ans wers and expands on the answers given by s tudents. 4. Students respond to the ques tions by giving answ ers and discuss ing with each other to reach agreement. • Why do you think the people are giving her a homecoming? • Why do you think the people are giving her a homecoming?
3. Talk about other famous personalities and their achievements with correct vocabulary. 3. To arous e students ’ interest in title Rationale: 5. Teacher randomly calls a student from each group and the students go to other groups to s hare their best answers. 2) A nswer Board • Why are there so many people around her? • Why are there so many people around her?
4. To brains torm w ords 1. To guide s tudents to talk about the title Rationale: 3. Teacher accepts all pos sible ans wers.
2. To elicit responses from students on self, friends and abilities 1. To create a cooperative learning environment of:
3. To encourage talk in the class room a. Pos itive interdependence Rationale:
b. Individual accountability 1. To encourage talk on the s timulus
c. Equal participation
d. Simultaneous interaction
2. To encourage talk in a les s-anxious environment
7 Hwong Chee Ying Female Monday 2022-02-28 0750-0830 40m Junior One Ren Junior One 36 English Uniquely You At the end of the less on, the s tudents should be able to: 1. Teacher s hows students a picture. A picture of a student playing a cultural 1. Teacher as ks the following questions: Questions from creative notes p. 3 •Have you heard of the word, 'unique'? •What do you think the word 'unique' means? •Can you tell me some people whom you think are unique? 1. Teacher groups students in fours or fives. 1. Picture on OP S-English Student’s Handbook, p. 1 1. Teacher assigns students in each group the roles of encourager, recorder, quiet captain, prais er or gate-keeper. 4 or 5 role cards (Teaching Resource 1): Group work is important to increase students' participation in class.
1. Respond to picture stimuli and talk about self, family and talents 2. Students are required to identify a word to des cribe the picture. instrument • H ave you heard of the word, 'unique'? 2. Teacher dis tributes the questions (Teaching aids ) and A nswer Boards to the students . 2. Questions from Creative N otes p. 4: 2. Teacher distributes the questions (Teaching A ids ) and the role cards (Teaching Resource) to the students. • Encourager: encourages speaking
2. Respond to ques tions given and talk about s elf, family and talents 3. Teacher introduces today’s title – U niquely Y ou . • What do you think the w ord 'unique' means ? 3. Students think of the answ ers . • What do you s ee in this picture? 3. Teacher tells students to respond to the questions by asking each other the questions. • Recorder: records group’s respons e
3. Introduce someone they know such as a relative or a friend and his Rationale: • Can you tell me some people whom you think are unique? 4. Students s tand up and each one res ponds to the questions by telling answers, discuss ing and teaching each other. • What is a talent contest? 4. Teacher asks each group to present their answ ers . • Q uiet captain: ens ures low nois e level
/ her talents w ith correct vocabulary. 1. To arous e students ’ interest in title 2. Teacher expands on the answ ers given by s tudents. 5. When everyone in the group knows the ans wers, students s it dow n. • Who takes part in a talent contest? 5. Teacher accepts all possible answers and expands on s tudents’ ans wers. • P raiser: P raises effort
2. To brains torm w ords Rationale: 6. They write down the answ ers on their group’s Ans wer Board. • Can you tell me some talent contests that you know /have heard of? Rationale: • G ate-keeper: Ensures everyone’s participation
1. To guide s tudents to talk about the title 7. Teacher randomly calls a student from each group and the students rais e up their group’s A nswer Board. 1. To activate students’ background knowledge on the topic in a cooperative learning environment
2. To elicit responses from students on self, friends and abilities 8. Teacher checks the answ ers . 2. To encourage talk in a less-anxiety environment
3. To encourage talk in the class room Rationale: 3. To give input on talking about the topic
1. To create a cooperative learning environment of:
a. Pos itive interdependence
b. Individual accountability
c. Equal participation
d. Simultaneous interaction
8 Hwong Chee Ying Female Monday 2022-02-28 0830-0910 40m Junior One Ren Junior One 36 English Uniquely You (People – building blocks) At the end of the less on, students should be able to: 1. Teacher s hows a picture of a photographer. A picture of a photographer 1. Teacher gets s tudents to look at the picture s timuli in the student’s handbook in p. 2. Teaching Aids: 1) Picture s timuli in OP S – English Student’s handbook p. 2 2) Questions from creative notes p. 5 • What do you s ee on this page? • What are the activities that you see on this page? 1.
2. Teacher plays the DVD
To encourage talktoinallow
a s tudents to listen
less -anxiety and practise s aying aloud the targeted vocabulary .
environment Computer, DVD, Speaker 1. Teacher plays the DV D to allow students to lis ten and practis e saying aloud the targeted vocabulary. Computer, D VD, S peaker Praise/Encouraging Words (adapted from Kagan & 25 out of 29 students have achieved the learning outcome. Nice try!
1. respond to picture stimuli and talk about the activities 2. Teacher asks s tudents about the picture. 2. Teacher asks s tudents the follow ing questions : 2. Teacher paus es after each word to allow all s tudents to internalise the targeted vocabulary. 2. S tudents listen and practise s aying aloud the targeted vocabulary. K agan, 2009)
2. say aloud the targeted vocabulary with correct pronunciation 3. Teacher introduces the less on. • What do you see on this page? 3. Teacher ens ures that all s tudents participate actively. Teacher replays the D VD if necess ary. 3. Teacher pauses after each w ord to allow all students to internalise the targeted vocabulary.
3. respond to picture stimuli and talk about the activities using learned vocabulary Rationale: • What are the activities that you see on this page? 4. S tudents stand up and each one practises s aying aloud the targeted vocabulary in their groups. Teacher replays the D VD if necess ary.
1. To arous e students ’ interest in title 3. Teacher reas sures s tudents that it is all right if they cannot pronounce the words correctly. Rationale: 5. When everyo ne in the group is familiar with the vocabulary, students sit down.
2. To brains torm w ords 4. Teacher encourages s tudents by giving positive feedback and reinforcement. 1. To encourage listening and saying aloud 6. Teacher randomly calls a s tudent from each group and the students travel to other groups to pronounce the targeted vocabulary.
5. Teacher accepts all suitable ans wers and expands on the answers given by the students . 7. Teacher tells students who stay to use praise/encouraging words (Teaching A ids ) w ritten on the whiteboard w hen students come to their groups .
Rationale: 1. To create a cooperative learning environment of:
1. To guide s tudents to res pond to the picture s timuli. a. P ositive interdependence
2. To get s tudents to talk about self, friends and talents . b. Individual accountability
3. To encourage talk in the class room c. Equal participation
d. S imultaneous interaction
2. To encourage listening and saying aloud in a less-anxious environment
9 Hwong Chee Ying Female Tuesday 2022-03-01 1420-1455 35m Junior One Ren Junior One 36 English People – Language in Action At the end of the less on, the s tudents should be able to: 1. Teacher talks about a celebrity and her ability. Photograph of a celebrity 1. Teacher draws students ’ attention to the picture stimuli in S tudent’s H andbook p. 3. 1)OPS – English Student’s handbook p. 3 2)Questions from creative notes p. 7 •What do you see in the pictures? •What do you think this video is about? 3) Computer, DVD, speaker 1. Teacher dis tributes the questions (Teaching Aids) and Ans wer boards to the students. Questions for the pictures from creative notes p. 7 1. Teacher plays the DV D and paus es at the follow ing sentence patterns : 1) Computer, D VD, S peaker Grouping helps in speaking a lot, students are less stressed.
1. respond to picture stimuli and talk about ones elf and one’s ability 2. Teacher introduces the less on. 2. Teacher asks s tudents the follow ing questions : 2. Students think of the answ ers . • What do you s ee in the pictures ? • ... is my passion and I know I'm good at it. 2) S entence patterns from creative notes
2. respond to ques tions given and talk about oneself and one’s ability Rationale: • What do you see in the pictures? 3. Students s tand up and each one res ponds to the questions by telling answers, and discuss ing with each other. • What do you think this video is about? • I want to ... in the future. p. 8:
3. talk about oneself and one’s ability with correct sentence patterns 1. To arous e students ’ interest in title • What do you think this video is about? 4. When everyone in the group knows the ans wers, students s it dow n. • I really want to ... to the rest of the world. • ... is my passion and I know I'm good at it.
3. Teacher accepts all suitable ans wers related to the picture. 5. Teacher randomly calls a student from each group and they write down the answers on their group’s Answ er board without help. • I love ... • I love ...
4. Teacher plays the DV D and gets students to watch the video and listen to the s enten ce patterns. 6. Teacher as ks the s tudents to raise up their group’s A nswer board. • I hope ... 3) Q ues tions from creative notes p. 8:
2. A t every paus e, teacher asks questions to help students be aware of the s entence patterns used for talking about oneself and one' s ability. • What do you say w hen you w ant to tell your friend of your plans for the future?
Rationale: Rationale: 3. Teacher asks the following ques tions: • What do you say w hen you really like something that you do ?
1. To guide s tudents to talk about the picture. • What do you say w hen you w ant to tell your friend of your plans for the future?
2. To get s tudents to talk about self, friends and talents . 1. To create a cooperative learning environment of: • What do you say w hen you really like something that you do?
3. To encourage talk in the class room a. Pos itive interdependence
b. Individual accountability Rationale:
c. Equal participation 1. To encourage practice of sentence patterns
d. Simultaneous interaction
10 Hwong Chee Ying Female Tuesday 2022-03-01 1455-1530 35m Junior One Ren Junior One 36 English Uniquely You (People – Language in Use) At the end of the less on, students should be able to: 1. Teacher s hows students a picture. A picture of a winner in a competition 1. Teacher draws students’ attention to the picture stimuli in Student’s Handbook p. 4. 1) O PS-Englis h Student’s H andbook p. 4 2) Q ues tions from creative notes p. 10: • What do you see in this picture? • Who are the people in the picture? • Why do you think the singer is being 1.
2. Teacher dis tributes
To encourage talk inthe questions
a les (Teaching
s-anxious Aids) and Ans wer Boards to the students.
environment 1) 4 Questions for the title from creative notes p. 10 1. Teacher assigns students in each group the roles of encourager, recorder, quiet captain, prais er or gate-keeper (Teaching Resource 1). 4 or 5 role cards (Teaching Resource 1): There's improvement shown in their speaking skills
1. Respond to picture stimuli and talk about ones elf, friends and one's talent 2. Students are required to identify a word to des cribe the picture. 2. Teacher asks the following q uestions: interview ed? • What do you think the interviewer is asking her? 2. Students think of the answ ers . Turn to page 4 of Studen t’s Handbook. 2. Teacher distributes the questions (Teaching A ids ) and gets the s tudents to as k the follow ing questions : • Encourager: encourages speaking
2. Respond to ques tions given and talk about oneself, friends and one’s talent. 3. Teacher introduces today’s les son. • What do you see in the picture? 3. Students s tand up and each one res ponds to the questions by telling answers and discussing w ith each other. • What do you s ee in this pictures? • H ow are you? • Recorder: records group’s respons e
3. Introduce someone they know such as a relative or a friend and his Rationale: • Who are the people in the picture? 4. When everyone in the group knows the ans wers, students s it dow n. • Who are the people in the picture? • What are you good at / What can you do? • Q uiet captain: ens ures low nois e level
/ her talents w ith correct sentence patterns . 2. To arous e students ’ interest in title • Why do you think the singer is being interviewed? 5. Teacher randomly calls a student from each group and the students write down the answ ers on their group’s answer boards. • Why do you think the singer is being interviewed? • When did you discover your talent? • P raiser: P raises effort
3. To brains torm w ords • What do you think the interviewer is as king her? 6. The answer boards are placed face down until every group has completed writing. • What do you think the interview er is asking her? • D o you have a role model? Who is he/she? • G ate-keeper: Ensures everyone’s participation
7. Teacher as ks the s tudents to raise their groups’ ans wer boards simultaneously. • What do you want to do in the future?
3. Teacher accepts all suitable ans wers and expands on the answers given by s tudents. Rationale: 2) A nswer boards 3. Teacher reminds and encourages students to use the s entence patterns learned. Q ues tions from Creative Notes p. 11 :
4. Teacher encourages active participation. 1. To create a cooperative learning environment of: 4. Teacher randomly calls a s tudent from each group to s hare their findings with the class . • H ow are you?
Rationale: a. Pos itive interdependence • What are you good at
1. To encourage talks on the s timulus b. Individual accountability Rationale: / What can you do?
c. Equal participation 1. To encourage and build s tudents’ confidence in s peaking Englis h language w ithout having to write. • When did you discover your talent?
d. Simultaneous interaction • D o you have a role model? Who is he/she?
2. To encourage talk in a les s-anxious environment • What do you want to do in the future?
11 Hwong Chee Ying Female Wednesday 2022-03-02 1020-1055 35m Junior One Ren Junior One 36 English Uniquely You (People – Having Fun) At the end of the less on, the s tudents should be able to: 1. Teacher s hows students a video clip of a talent show . A video clip of a talent show 1. Teacher draws students’ attention to the picture. 1)Picture on OPS-English Student’s Handbook, p. 5 2)Questions from creative notes p. 12: •What do you see in the pictures? •There’s a boy standing in front of a group. What is he doing? 1. Teacher dis tributes the questions (Teaching Aids) and Ans wer Boards to each s tudent. 1) 2 Q ues tions from creative notes p. 12 Turn to page 5 of Student’s H andbook 1. Teacher assigns students in each group the roles of encourager, quiet captain, prais er or gate-keeper. 4 or 5 role cards (Teaching Resource 1): students showed great interest in telling each other about their talents. Overall good response
1. Respond to picture stimuli and s hare about oneself and one’s ability 2. Students are required to identify a word to des cribe the picture. 2. Teacher asks the following q uestions: 2. Students think of the answ ers and w rite down their answ ers on Answ er Boards . • What do you s ee in the pictures ? There’s a boy standing in front of a group. What is he 2. Teacher distributes the role cards (Teaching Aids) to the students . • Encourager: encourages speaking
2. Introduces hims elf/herself and talk about his /her talent. 3. Teacher introduces today’s les son. • What do you see in the pictures? 3. Students turn to their shoulder partners and each one res ponds to the ques tions to improve their ans wers. doing? 3. Teacher gets s tudents to talk about what they are good at. • Q uiet captain: ens ures low nois e level
3. Able to talk about a friend and his /her talent us ing vocabulary and s entence patterns learned. Rationale: • There’s a boy standing in front of a group. What is he doing? 4. Teacher randomly calls a student from each pair and the students s hare their bes t answers with their face partners. 2) Ans wer boards 4. Teacher asks students to introduce himself / herself and talk about his / her talent to the group members. • P raiser: P raises effort
1. To arous e students ’ interest in title 3. Teacher expands on the answ ers given by s tudents. Rationale: 5. Teacher encourages other s tudents to as k questions after each presentation. • G ate-keeper: Ensures everyone’s participation
2. To brains torm w ords Rationale: 1. To create a cooperative learning environment of:
1. To guide s tudents to talk about the stimuli a. Pos itive interdependence Rationale:
2. To encourage talk in the class room b. Individual accountability 1. To encourage active involvement in the activity.
c. Equal participation
d. Simultaneous interaction
2. To encourage talk in a les s-anxious environment
12 Hwong Chee Ying Female Thursday 2022-03-03 1105-1140 35m Junior One Ren Junior One 36 English Reach for the Stars (People – Stimulus) Learning Outcome: 1. Teacher s hows students a picture. A picture to elicit the word similar to “star” 1. Teacher asks the following q uestions: Questions from creative notes p. 18 •What does it mean when we say someone is a 'star'? •What does the title, 'Reach for the stars' mean? 1. Group members s tand shoulder-to- s houlder. 1) 2 Questions for the title from creative notes p. 18 1. Teacher draws all s tudents’ attention to the picture on p. 7 1) P icture on O PS-Englis h S tudent’s H andbook, p. 7 26 out of 35 can talk briefly about their idols.
At the end of the less on, the s tudents should be able to: 2. Students are required to identify a word to des cribe the verb. • What does it mean when we say someone is a ' star'? 2. Teacher dis tributes the questions (Teaching Aids) and Ans wer Boards to every student. • What does it mean w hen we s ay someone is a 's tar'? 2. Teacher asks the following ques tions: 2) Q ues tions from Creative Notes p. 18:
1. Respond to picture stimuli and talk about famous pers onalities 3. Teacher introduces today’s title – Reach for the Stars • What does the title, ' Reach for the s tars' mean? 3. Students think of the answ ers and w rite down their answ ers . • What does the title, 'Reach for the stars' mean? • What do you see in this picture? • What do you see in this picture?
2. Respond to ques tions given and talk about famous personalities Rationale: 2. Teacher accepts all suitable ans wers and expands on the answers given by s tudents. 4. Students respond to the ques tions by giving answ ers and discuss ing with each other to reach agreement. • Why do you think the people are giving her a homecoming? • Why do you think the people are giving her a homecoming?
3. Talk about other famous personalities and their achievements with correct vocabulary. 3. To arous e students ’ interest in title Rationale: 5. Teacher randomly calls a student from each group and the students go to other groups to s hare their best answers. 2) A nswer Board • Why are there so many people around her? • Why are there so many people around her?
4. To brains torm w ords 1. To guide s tudents to talk about the title Rationale: 3. Teacher accepts all pos sible ans wers.
2. To elicit responses from students on self, friends and abilities 1. To create a cooperative learning environment of:
3. To encourage talk in the class room a. Pos itive interdependence Rationale:
b. Individual accountability 1. To encourage talk on the s timulus
c. Equal participation
d. Simultaneous interaction
2. To encourage talk in a les s-anxious environment
13 Hwong Chee Ying Female Monday 2022-02-28 0750-0830 40m Junior One Gang Junior One 39 English Uniquely You At the end of the less on, the s tudents should be able to: 1. Teacher s hows students a picture. A picture of a student playing a cultural 1. Teacher as ks the following questions: Questions from creative notes p. 3 •Have you heard of the word, 'unique'? •What do you think the word 'unique' means? •Can you tell me some people whom you think are unique? 1. Teacher groups students in fours or fives. 1. Picture on OP S-English Student’s Handbook, p. 1 1. Teacher assigns students in each group the roles of encourager, recorder, quiet captain, prais er or gate-keeper. 4 or 5 role cards (Teaching Resource 1): Group work is important to increase students' participation in class.
1. Respond to picture stimuli and talk about self, family and talents 2. Students are required to identify a word to des cribe the picture. instrument • H ave you heard of the word, 'unique'? 2. Teacher dis tributes the questions (Teaching aids ) and A nswer Boards to the students . 2. Questions from Creative N otes p. 4: 2. Teacher distributes the questions (Teaching A ids ) and the role cards (Teaching Resource) to the students. • Encourager: encourages speaking
2. Respond to ques tions given and talk about s elf, family and talents 3. Teacher introduces today’s title – U niquely Y ou . • What do you think the w ord 'unique' means ? 3. Students think of the answ ers . • What do you s ee in this picture? 3. Teacher tells students to respond to the questions by asking each other the questions. • Recorder: records group’s respons e
3. Introduce someone they know such as a relative or a friend and his Rationale: • Can you tell me some people whom you think are unique? 4. Students s tand up and each one res ponds to the questions by telling answers, discuss ing and teaching each other. • What is a talent contest? 4. Teacher asks each group to present their answ ers . • Q uiet captain: ens ures low nois e level
/ her talents w ith correct vocabulary. 1. To arous e students ’ interest in title 2. Teacher expands on the answ ers given by s tudents. 5. When everyone in the group knows the ans wers, students s it dow n. • Who takes part in a talent contest? 5. Teacher accepts all possible answers and expands on s tudents’ ans wers. • P raiser: P raises effort
2. To brains torm w ords Rationale: 6. They write down the answ ers on their group’s Ans wer Board. • Can you tell me some talent contests that you know /have heard of? Rationale: • G ate-keeper: Ensures everyone’s participation
1. To guide s tudents to talk about the title 7. Teacher randomly calls a student from each group and the students rais e up their group’s A nswer Board. 1. To activate students’ background knowledge on the topic in a cooperative learning environment
2. To elicit responses from students on self, friends and abilities 8. Teacher checks the answ ers . 2. To encourage talk in a less-anxiety environment
3. To encourage talk in the class room Rationale: 3. To give input on talking about the topic
1. To create a cooperative learning environment of:
a. Pos itive interdependence
b. Individual accountability
c. Equal participation
d. Simultaneous interaction
14 Hwong Chee Ying Female Monday 2022-02-28 0830-0910 40m Junior One Gang Junior One 39 English Uniquely You (People – building blocks) At the end of the less on, students should be able to: 1. Teacher s hows a picture of a photographer. A picture of a photographer 1. Teacher gets s tudents to look at the picture s timuli in the student’s handbook in p. 2. Teaching Aids: 1) Picture s timuli in OP S – English Student’s handbook p. 2 2) Questions from creative notes p. 5 • What do you s ee on this page? • What are the activities that you see on this page? 1.
2. Teacher plays the DVD
To encourage talktoinallow
a s tudents to listen
less -anxiety and practise s aying aloud the targeted vocabulary .
environment Computer, DVD, Speaker 1. Teacher plays the DV D to allow s 25 out of 29 students have achieved the learning outcome. Nice try!
1. respond to picture stimuli and talk about the activities 2. Teacher asks s tudents about the picture. 2. Teacher asks s tudents the follow ing questions : 2. Teacher paus es after each word to allow all s tudents to internalise the targeted vocabulary.
2. say aloud the targeted vocabulary with correct pronunciation 3. Teacher introduces the less on. • What do you see on this page? 3. Teacher ens ures that all s tudents participate actively. Teacher replays the D VD if necess ary.
3. respond to picture stimuli and talk about the activities using learned vocabulary Rationale: • What are the activities that you see on this page?
1. To arous e students ’ interest in title 3. Teacher reas sures s tudents that it is all right if they cannot pronounce the words correctly. Rationale:
2. To brains torm w ords 4. Teacher encourages s tudents by giving positive feedback and reinforcement. 1. To encourage listening and saying aloud
5. Teacher accepts all suitable ans wers and expands on the answers given by the students .
1. To guide s tudents to res pond to the picture s timuli.
2. To get s tudents to talk about self, friends and talents .
3. To encourage talk in the class room
15 Hwong Chee Ying Female Tuesday 2022-03-01 1420-1455 35m Junior One Gang Junior One 39 English People – Language in Action Photograph of a celebrity 1)OPS – English Student’s handbook p. 3 2)Questions from creative notes p. 7 •What do you see in the pictures? •What do you think this video is about? 3) Computer, DVD, speaker Grouping helps in speaking a lot, students are less stressed.
16 Hwong Chee Ying Female Tuesday 2022-03-01 1455-1530 35m Junior One Gang Junior One 39 English Uniquely You (People – Language in Use) A picture of a winner in a competition There's improvement shown in their speaking skills
17 Hwong Chee Ying Female Wednesday 2022-03-02 1020-1055 35m Junior One Gang Junior One 39 English Uniquely You (People – Having Fun) A video clip of a talent show 1)Picture on OPS-English Student’s Handbook, p. 5 2)Questions from creative notes p. 12: •What do you see in the pictures? •There’s a boy standing in front of a group. What is he doing? students showed great interest in telling each other about their talents. Overall good response
18 Hwong Chee Ying Female Thursday 2022-03-03 1105-1140 35m Junior One Gang Junior One 39 English Reach for the Stars (People – Stimulus) A picture to elicit the word similar to “star” Questions from creative notes p. 18 •What does it mean when we say someone is a 'star'? •What does the title, 'Reach for the stars' mean? 26 out of 35 can talk briefly about their idols.
19 George Erus Male Monday 2022-02-28 0710-0750 40m Junior One Yong Junior One 35 Bahasa Malaysia Tayangan video klip ‐ Hantu Mak Limah Tayangan video klip ‐ Hantu Mak Limah Papan putih Papan putih pelajar telah mempelajari nilai moral bekerjasama
20 George Erus Male Tuesday 2022-03-01 0830-0910 40m Junior One Yong Junior One 35 Bahasa Malaysia Kebaikan remaja membuat kerja sambilan dan keburukannya Buku Teks LCD 1. Murid menyenaraikan kata yang yang sinonim dengan kebaikan menggunakan “padle”t LCD, VLE 1. Membaca dan memahami soalan pemahaman, merujuk teks dan mencari jawapan soalan pemahaman. Buku Teks planar telah mempelajari berdikari, mengisi masa lapang dengan cara yang betel, matang,
21 George Erus Male Wednesday 2022-03-02 1405-1530 1h 20m Junior One Yong Junior One 35 Bahasa Malaysia Simpulan Bahasa LCD LCD LCD Kertas Kebanyakan murid dapat menjelaskan ciri ciri simpulan bahasa
22 George Erus Male Thursday 2022-03-03 1330-1405 35 mins Junior One Yong Junior One 35 Bahasa Malaysia Pakaian Tradisional Kad Bergambar "Malaysiaku" Gambar ransangan Dialog “Pakaian Tradisional Kebangganku" Lembaran Kerja Penerapan nilai murni: Talong menolong dan hormat menghormati
23 George Erus Male Thursday 2022-03-03 1405-1530 35m Junior One Yong Junior One 35 Bahasa Malaysia Perkataan Vokal Berganding Lagu Gambar untuk latihan tubi Said PowerPoint, Kad bacaan bergred Berjaya
24 George Erus Male Friday 2022-03-04 0710-0830 1h 20m Junior One Yong Junior One 35 Bahasa Malaysia Merentas Desa contoh simpulan bahasa Bahan edaran rumusan Kebanyakkan mürid telah menunjukkan kefahaman tentang peribahasa yang diahar
25 George Erus Male Monday 2022-02-28 0710-0750 40m Junior One Gang Junior One 39 Bahasa Malaysia Tayangan video klip ‐ Hantu Mak Limah Tayangan video klip ‐ Hantu Mak Limah Papan putih Papan putih pelajar telah mempelajari nilai moral bekerjasama
26 George Erus Male Tuesday 2022-03-01 0830-0910 40m Junior One Gang Junior One 39 Bahasa Malaysia Kebaikan remaja membuat kerja sambilan dan keburukannya Buku Teks LCD 1. Murid menyenaraikan kata yang yang sinonim dengan kebaikan menggunakan “padle”t LCD, VLE 1. Membaca dan memahami soalan pemahaman, merujuk teks dan mencari jawapan soalan pemahaman. Buku Teks planar telah mempelajari berdikari, mengisi masa lapang dengan cara yang betel, matang,
27 George Erus Male Wednesday 2022-03-02 1405-1530 1h 20m Junior One Gang Junior One 39 Bahasa Malaysia Simpulan Bahasa LCD LCD LCD Kertas Kebanyakan murid dapat menjelaskan ciri ciri simpulan bahasa
28 George Erus Male Thursday 2022-03-03 1330-1405 35 mins Junior One Gang Junior One 39 Bahasa Malaysia Pakaian Tradisional Kad Bergambar "Malaysiaku" Gambar ransangan Dialog “Pakaian Tradisional Kebangganku" Lembaran Kerja Penerapan nilai murni: Talong menolong dan hormat menghormati
29 George Erus Male Thursday 2022-03-03 1405-1530 35m Junior One Gang Junior One 39 Bahasa Malaysia Perkataan Vokal Berganding Lagu Gambar untuk latihan tubi Said PowerPoint, Kad bacaan bergred Berjaya
30 George Erus Male Friday 2022-03-04 0710-0830 1h 20m Junior One Gang Junior One 39 Bahasa Malaysia Merentas Desa contoh simpulan bahasa Bahan edaran rumusan Kebanyakkan mürid telah menunjukkan kefahaman tentang peribahasa yang diahar
31 Liaw Tian Yan Male Tuesday 2022-03-01 1020-1055 35 minutes Junior One Yong Junior One 35 Bola Keranjang 4 biji sikital besar 4 biji sikital besar, 10 biji bola 4 biji sikital besar, 10 biji bola 4 biji sikital besar, 10 biji bola Guru menerangkan kepentingan melakukan teknik-teknik asas melantun bola dengan betul
32 Liaw Tian Yan Male Tuesday 2022-03-01 1020-1055 35 minutes Junior One Ren Junior One 36 Bola Keranjang 4 biji sikital besar 4 biji sikital besar, 10 biji bola 4 biji sikital besar, 10 biji bola 4 biji sikital besar, 10 biji bola Guru menerangkan kepentingan melakukan teknik-teknik asas melantun bola dengan betul
33 Liaw Tian Yan Male Tuesday 2022-03-01 1020-1055 35 minutes Junior One Gang Junior One 39 Bola Keranjang 4 biji sikital besar 4 biji sikital besar, 10 biji bola 4 biji sikital besar, 10 biji bola 4 biji sikital besar, 10 biji bola Guru menerangkan kepentingan melakukan teknik-teknik asas melantun bola dengan betul
34 Liaw Tian Yan Male Tuesday 2022-03-01 1020-1055 35 minutes Junior One Zhi Junior One 29 Bola Keranjang 4 biji sikital besar 4 biji sikital besar, 10 biji bola 4 biji sikital besar, 10 biji bola 4 biji sikital besar, 10 biji bola Guru menerangkan kepentingan melakukan teknik-teknik asas melantun bola dengan betul
35 George Erus Male Friday 2022-03-04 1105-1215 1h 10m Junior One Yong Junior One 35 Seni Visual Dinasour Haiwan Purba video trailer LCD, Kertas bergrid Kertas bergrid Kertas bergrid 30/33 murid dapat menyelesaikan kerja seni ini.
36 George Erus Male Friday 2022-03-04 1105-1215 1h 10m Junior One Ren Junior One 36 Seni Visual Dinasour Haiwan Purba video trailer LCD, Kertas bergrid Kertas bergrid Kertas bergrid 30/33 murid dapat menyelesaikan kerja seni ini.
37 George Erus Male Friday 2022-03-04 1105-1215 1h 10m Junior One Gang Junior One 39 Seni Visual Dinasour Haiwan Purba video trailer LCD, Kertas bergrid Kertas bergrid Kertas bergrid 30/33 murid dapat menyelesaikan kerja seni ini.
38 George Erus Male Friday 2022-03-04 1105-1215 1h 10m Junior One Zhi Junior One 29 Seni Visual Dinasour Haiwan Purba video trailer LCD, Kertas bergrid Kertas bergrid Kertas bergrid 30/33 murid dapat menyelesaikan kerja seni ini.
39 George Erus Male Friday 2022-03-04 1105-1215 1h 10m Junior One Qiang Junior One 32 Seni Visual Dinasour Haiwan Purba video trailer LCD, Kertas bergrid Kertas bergrid Kertas bergrid 30/33 murid dapat menyelesaikan kerja seni ini.
40 George Erus Male Friday 2022-03-04 1105-1215 1h 10m Junior One Yi Junior One 38 Seni Visual Dinasour Haiwan Purba video trailer LCD, Kertas bergrid Kertas bergrid Kertas bergrid 30/33 murid dapat menyelesaikan kerja seni ini.
41 Susanna Lee Female Monday 2022-02-28 1105-1215 70 minutes Junior One Yi Junior One 38 Science Kepelbagaian Organisma (Bahagian 1) Gambar Whiteboard Buku modal, whiteboard Kuiz, soal jawab Kebanyakkan pelajar dapat menjawab soalan quiz
42 Susanna Female Tuesday 2022-03-01 0750-0830 40 minutes Junior One Yi Junior One 38 Science Kepelbagaian Organisma (Bahagian 2) Papan putih Papan tulis Kertas Quiz Murid telah membuat beberapa latihan pengukuhan yang telah diberikan oleh guru.
43 Susanna Lee Female Wednesday 2022-03-02 1020-1055 35 minutes Junior One Yi Junior One 38 Science Menerangkan tentang biodiversiti Gambar Papan putih Kertas Kuiz
44 Susanna Lee Female Thursday 2022-03-03 0710-0750 40 minutes Junior One Yi Junior One 38 Science Ekosistem (Bahagian 1) Gambar Papan putih Papan putih Quiz 30/33 orang murid dapat menerangkan maksud pengeluar, pengguna dan pengurai berserta contoh-contohnya.
45 Susanna Lee Female Friday 2022-03-04 1255-1405 40 minutes Junior One Yi Junior One 38 Science Ecosistem (Bahagian 2) Buku Modal Papan putih Kertas Quiz
46 Susanna Lee Female Monday 2022-02-28 1105-1215 70 minutes Junior One Qiang Junior One 32 Science Kepelbagaian Organisma (Bahagian 1) Gambar Whiteboard Buku modal, whiteboard Kuiz, soal jawab Kebanyakkan pelajar dapat menjawab soalan quiz
47 Susanna Female Tuesday 2022-03-01 0750-0830 40 minutes Junior One Qiang Junior One 32 Science Kepelbagaian Organisma (Bahagian 2) Papan putih Papan tulis Kertas Quiz Murid telah membuat beberapa latihan pengukuhan yang telah diberikan oleh guru.
48 Susanna Lee Female Wednesday 2022-03-02 1020-1055 35 minutes Junior One Qiang Junior One 32 Science Menerangkan tentang biodiversiti Gambar Papan putih Kertas Kuiz
49 Susanna Lee Female Thursday 2022-03-03 0710-0750 40 minutes Junior One Qiang Junior One 32 Science Ekosistem (Bahagian 1) Gambar Papan putih Papan putih Quiz 30/33 orang murid dapat menerangkan maksud pengeluar, pengguna dan pengurai berserta contoh-contohnya.
50 Susanna Lee Female Friday 2022-03-04 1255-1405 40 minutes Junior One Qiang Junior One 32 Science Ecosistem (Bahagian 2) Buku Modal Papan putih Kertas Quiz