Handouts For Tutors 4+ Key
Handouts For Tutors 4+ Key
Handouts For Tutors 4+ Key
UNIT 1: ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS STUDIES ................................... 1
A. Course
1. Analogue /ˈænəlɒɡ ɪˌlekˈtrɒnɪks/ (n) : điện tử tương tự
2. Bachelor /ˈbætʃələ(r)/ (n): cử nhân
3. CAD (computer- /kæd/,/kəmˈpjuːtə(r) eɪdɪd (n) môn CAD
aided design) dɪˈzaɪn/
4. Certificate /səˈtɪfɪkət/ (n): chứng chỉ
5. Computer /kəmˈpjuːtə(r) (n): lập trình máy tính
programming ˈprəʊɡræmɪŋ/
6. Credit /ˈkredɪt/ (n): tín chỉ
7. Degree /dɪˈɡriː/ (n): bằng cấp, trình độ
8. Digital Electronics /ˈdɪdʒɪtl ɪˌlekˈtrɒnɪks/ (n): điện tử số
9. Doctorate /ˈdɒktərət/ (n): tiến sỹ
10. Electrical principles /ɪˈlektrɪkl ˈprɪnsəplz/ (n): nguyên lý điện
11. Entry requirement /ˈentri rɪˈkwaɪəmənt/ (n): yêu cầu đầu vào
12. Full-time /fʊl taɪm/ (a): toàn thời gian, chính
13. Master /ˈmɑːstə(r)/ (n): thạc sỹ
14. Semester /sɪˈmestə(r)/ (n): kỳ học
B. Reasons to choose
15. Academic /ˌækəˈdemɪk/ (a): học thuật
16. Balance /ˈbæləns/ (n): cân bằng
17. Equipment /ɪˈkwɪpmənt/ (n): thiết bị
18. Extra-curricular /ekstrə kəˈrɪkjələ(r)/ (n): ngoại khóa
19. Facility /fəˈsɪləti/ (n): cơ sở vật chất
27. Note taking skills /nəʊt teɪkɪŋ skɪlz/ (n): kỹ năng ghi chép
29. Time management /taɪm ˈmænɪdʒmənt skɪlz/ (n): kỹ năng quản lý thời
skills gian
Exercise 1
Arrange the following words into groups, and say the words aloud, and explain their
meaning in Vietnamese
Reasons to choose
Study skills Subjects
Listen to your tutor saying some words in Vietnamese. Say it out-loud in English
Exercise 3
The students met the entry The students who got 7 points in
Who requirements for this university. Maths exam met the entry
They got 7 points in Maths exam requirements for this university.
The student got the best result in the The student whom I met
Whom national exam. I met him yesterday. yesterday got the best result in the
national exam.
Which equipment. It was upgraded last year. equipment which was upgraded last
I really like the professors, facilities I really like the professors, facilities
That and research. They make the university and research that make the university
in the top ten. in the top ten.
Exercise 1
Complete the following sentences with "who/ whom/ whose/ which". Find the words/
phrases these relative pronouns replace.
1. The equipment __________ has just been upgraded in our lab is very modern and
2. The man __________ is his group’s tutor got a Master’s degree in Electronic
Engineering 3 years ago.
3. She found it important to study under her teacher’s guidance __________ is the key to
her academic success.
4. The students __________ organization skills are poor often miss deadlines.
Exercise 2
Underline the words/ phrases indicating the same people and/ or things. Then
combine the sentences using who/ whom/ which/ that. Try to find all possible
1. The students get an average of 7 points each subject in final exams. They can meet
the entry requirements for this university.
2. The student got the highest point in Olympic Physics Competition last year. I met
him yesterday.
3. The facilities are very modern. They were upgraded last year.
4. I love the professors and facilities. They make the university one of the top ten.
5. I am looking for a college. It is located is in the city center.
6. The lab equipment is constantly upgraded. This made me choose it.
Exercise 3
1. Analogue Electronics (A) which (B) provide (C) basic understanding of electronics is
(D) an important subject for students of electronics engineering.
2. After the course, you have the opportunities to become an (A) Electrical or engineer
whose (B) can work for some of (C) the biggest (D) Australian companies.
3. Digital electronics (A) is (B) an important subject that (C) handle (D) digital signals.
4. The teachers (A) and modern equipment which (B) can help students with (C) their
theoretical and practical work are (D) the factors to this university success.
5. I want to study at (A) Hanoi university of Industry, which (B) good reputation is very
important to (C) my (D) future career.
6. A student whom (A) has (B) great organization skills can manage his (C) study better
7. I got lots (A) of guidance through the lectures that (B) Mr. Green gives (C) during (D)
the course.
8. I like studying (A) computer programming which (B) I will learn in the third semester
because (C)it is one of the most important requirement (D) for my job.
9. Some of the students (A) have not met (B) the graduation requirements that (C)
includes (D) getting an English certificate.
10. I’m (A) proud of my university in terms of (B) academic(C) and extra-curricular (D)
Exercise 1
Read a text about an electronic engineering course and complete the summary with
A (1) …………… student in Electronic Engineering takes this course which lasts (2)
…………… It aims at (3) …………… the foundation of technique to help students gain
more basic understanding and boosting technical skills. Besides, this course also provides
them with theoretical and (4) …………… knowledge of software engineering. After
attending the course, students can become (5) …………… who have wide knowledge and
skills required in some related fields. A project of hardware and software is also added in
the final year in order to develop project management and communications skills.
Exercise 2
Read the following online article and answer the following questions
These applications of time management have proven to be effective as good study habits.
Blocks of study time and breaks.
Blocks ideally are around 50 minutes, but perhaps you become restless after only 30
minutes? Some difficult material may require more frequent breaks. Shorten your study
blocks if necessary-but don't forget to return to the task at hand!
Dedicated study spaces
Determine a place free from distraction (no cell phone or text messaging!) where you
can maximize your concentration and be free of the distractions that friends or hobbies
can bring!
Weekly reviews
Weekly reviews and updates are also an important strategy. Each week, like a Sunday
night, review your assignments, your notes, your calendar.
Prioritize your assignments
When studying, get in the habit of beginning with the most difficult subject or task. You'll
be fresh, and have more energy to take them on when you are at your best.
Achieve "stage one"--get something done!
The Chinese adage of the longest journey starting with a single step has a couple of
meanings: First, you launch the project!
Postpone unnecessary activities until the work is done!
Postpone tasks or routines that can be put off until your school work is finished!
This can be the most difficult challenge of time management.
Identify resources to help you
Are there tutors? An expert friend? Have you tried a keyword search on the Internet to
get better explanations? Are there specialists in the library that can point you to
resources? What about professionals and professional organizations.
Use your free time wisely
Think of times when you can study "bits" as when walking, riding the bus, etc. Perhaps
you've got music to listen to for your course in music appreciation, or drills in language
Review notes and readings just before class
This may prompt a question or two about something you don't quite understand, to ask
about in class, or after.
Review lecture notes just after class
Then review lecture material immediately after class. The first 24 hours are critical.
Forgetting is greatest within 24 hours without review!
Select one of the ten applications above and develop a new study habit!
Adapted from articles in Coursehero and lvc
2. How many tips are mentioned in the text?
3. According to the text, how long should a student study a difficult subject?
4. How often should a student review notes and assignment?
5. How soon should a student review a note after class?
Exercise 3: Which course should I choose?
Look at the table and decide what criteria should I look at? Then decide the course
Course 1
Introduction to Electronic Systems
Description This course provides a basic introduction to the world of electronic
systems for the complete beginner. It illustrates how real-life
problems can be solves by electronic means.
Award National Certificate
College Paramount University of Technology, USA
Mode Evening
Duration 16 weeks x 2.5 hours
Course 2 ( title)
International Certificate in Information Technology
Description A two-year programme of electronics, control systems, and technical
computing modules for technicians in employment.
Award International Certificate
College Nanyang University, Singapore
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Exercise 1: Role play
Work in pairs
Card 1
Student A: You are a student. You are meeting a counselor. You want to know some
information about the course, ask him/her some questions.
Course 1
Electronic Engineering
College (1)…………………………………………..
Mode (2)…………………………………………..
Duration (3)…………………………………………..
Award (4)…………………………………………..
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Student B: You are a counselor. Give information about the course to a student. Add
further explanation to your answer using WHO, WHOM, WHICH, THAT
Course 1
Introduction to Electronic Engineering
Description Entry requirements: no
Total credits: 55
Basic Subjects: Electrical principles, Analogue Electronics, Digital
Facilities: well-equipped labs
Award National Certificate in Electronic Engineering
College Hanoi University of Industry, Vietnam
Mode Evening class
Duration 8 months
A: Good morning. I need some information about an electronic engineering course. Can I
ask you some questions?
B: Sure. Go ahead.
A: Which college provides this course?
B: It’s Hanoi University of Industry, which is one of the best technical universities in
A: ………………………………………………….
Card 2
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Student A: You are a counselor. Give information about the course to a student. Add
further explanation to your answer using WHO, WHOM, WHICH, THAT.
Course 2
Electrical Engineering
Description Entry requirements: average of 4.5 points for 3 subjects ( physics,
maths, chemistry)
Total credits: 105
Basic Subjects: Electrical principles, , Computer Programming, CAD
Facilities: modern labs and equipment
Award Associate Degree
College Da Lat College, Vietnam
Mode Full time
Duration 2,5 years
Student B: You are a student. You are meeting a counselor. You want to know some
information about the course, ask him/her some questions.
Course 2
Electrical Engineering
College (1)…………………………………………..
Mode (2)…………………………………………..
Duration (3)…………………………………………..
Award (4)…………………………………………..
Description Entry requirements: (5)………………...( last year)
Facilities: (6)……………………………..
Total credits: (7)…………………………
Basic Subjects: (8)……………………….
Exercise 2: Monotalk
Talk about your education at university using the suggested questions
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Exercise 1
Choose the correct answer
Dear Sir or Madam,
I (1) am writing/ write this email (2) to request/ requesting information about master’s
program in Electronic Engineering at Hanoi University of Industry.
I would really (3) appreciate/ grateful if you could also share information about:
1. Curricula
2. Professors
3. Facilities
4. Tuition fees
Please (4) send/ sending this information to my email davidwhite@gmail.com.
Should you (5) have/ to have any questions, please phone me at 48895234939
Thank you for your (6) assistance/ assistant and cooperation!
I am looking forward (7) to hearing/to hear from you
(8) Yours/ your faithfully,
David White
Electrical Engineer
SHD company
Exercise 2
Use the suggested words to write full sentences.
1. Thank/ your assistance/!
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2. I /look forward/ hear/ you/.
3. I /thankful/ if/ you/ send /some information/the course/.
4. I /interested/ your college/ like/ get /some information/.
5. Regard/ your ad/New York Times/, /I / like /request /some further information/
curriculum/ professors/ facilities/.
Exercise 3
You are Charlie Johnson, an engineer at Nissan Company. Yesterday, you read newspaper
and you saw an ad on a Master program course at MIT University. Write email to the
university to ask for information about the course in terms of the curricula, tuition fee and
Your email address: charliejohnson@gmail.com
The university email address: admission@mit.com
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Exercise 2
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Exercise 3
Fill ONE word in each gap to complete sentences. Use the first letter as a suggestion.
1. You might also need to m_ _ _ _ _ the electrical equipment based on the existing
2. Frequent equipment b_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ has been a problem in our company.
3. One of the main duties of sales engineer is looking for p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ customers.
4. The parts of Iphone 7 are made in China and then shipped to Vietnam for a_ _ _ _ _ _
5. A residential electrician often helps you to t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ home electrical
6. A routine i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ revealed several faults with the wiring system.
7. The technical sales engineer must know how to n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a price effectively.
8. Electrical Engineers can use the c_ _ _ _ _ _ b_ _ _ _ to demonstrate the ways electricity
9. L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t_ _ _ _ suggest that the new products still have some faults to be
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10. The technician will analyze data and r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ improvements and models.
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b. Useful expressions:
Complete the following sentences by using the correct form of words in the blanks.
Exercise 2
Identify the error (A, B, C or D) in each sentence and write the correct words/
1. One (A) ceiling light fixture is not (B) working, so I will (C) hiring an electrician (D) to
fix it.
2. I would like to (A) applying for a maintenance (B) tech but I (C) can't get on site (D) to
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3. (A) Technicians frequently (B) have to(C) stand and (D) walking.
4. An (A) electrician should (B) wearing personal protective (C) equipment when
(D) carrying out their jobs.
5. (A) Most electrical (B) engineers will (C) understood basic (D) circuit theory.
6. I (A) think talented technicians will (B) to have the opportunity (C) to work in a
diversity (D) of relating fields.
7. (A) Electricians must (B) lift heavy objects (C) and (D) climbing ladders.
8. Most hiring managers (A) will not (B) interviewing you (C) if you send
a resume (D) alone.
9. (A) Are you (A) responsible for (B) modify existing circuit (D) boards?
10. (A) How's business? - Pretty good. (B) Sales of our new (C) products are really
(D) grow.
Exercise 1
Read a text about an electronics engineer and choose the correct option to complete
the sentences:
I’m an electronics engineer. For the past eleven years, I’ve worked for an electronics
company in Research and Development. The focus of my work is medical imaging
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electronics. That means I help design devices that doctors can use to see inside people’s
When I was a child, my father worked in a factory assembling cars. He was very good with
his hands and he was very good at solving mechanical problems. He encouraged my
interest in engineering. So you could say I’ve always been interested in engineering.
I did a degree in electronic engineering at university. Then I did a Master’s and a PhD. In
my first job after my PhD, I worked with a team that created integrated circuits used in
medical imaging machines. And I’ve worked with medical imaging technology since then.
Doctors have used X-rays for medical purposes for more than a hundred years. But
developments in electronics led to the invention of CT scanner. CT stands for Computed
Tomography. This basically means that the machine uses a computer to change medical X-
ray images into digital information – information a computer can work with. The computer
can create very detailed images of the insides of people bodies, for example the brain. It’s
an extremely important tool for doctors.
The technology is always improving. It’s also incredibly expensive. So we use the very
latest technology, and think ahead to the future. The equipment need to be useful to doctors
for the next ten or fifteen years. It’s difficult, though, because change and development in
the field of electronics happens very quickly.
Exercise 2
Read an occupational manual. Then, mark the following statements as True (T) or
False (F).
Electrician Occupational Outlook
The job of an electrician involves putting in and maintaining electrical power systems.
This is done in homes and businesses. The work of an electrician is occasionally
demanding. Electricians must lift heavy objects and climb ladders. The work may require
them to bend, stand, kneel, or stoop down low for long periods.
To be successful, electricians need to work fast. In order to grab and release tools quickly,
they wear a tool belt. To prevent electric shock, electricians usually turn off the power
source before working. They turn on the power when they are done. Electricians also use
sharp tools to split wires.
Adapted from an article in Botana
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4. Electricians don’t need to turn off the power source before working. _____
5. Electricians always turn the power when they are done. _____
Take turn and play the roles of the situation as the following
Turn 1:
Student A: You have read a job advertisement on the internet. Make a call to the company
recruiter to ask for more information about the job duties.
Student B: You are the recruiter. Answer the candidate’s questions.
Candidate Recruiter
Turn 2
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Student B: You have read a job advertisement on the internet. Make a call to the company
recruiter to ask for more information about the job duties.
Student A: You are the recruiter. Answer the candidate’s questions.
Candidate Recruiter
Exercise 2
Work in pair and discuss about “ideal job” based on the following structures and
useful expressions.
Ideal job - Could you describe your ideal - Well, my ideal job would be…
job? - I would like to be…
- What’s your ideal job? - I would like to work in/for…
- What kind of job is ideal for
- What would be your ideal job?
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Workplace and - What kind of working hours - I would like full-time work.
Working hours would you prefer? - I’m flexible, but I prefer to…
Best things - What is the best thing about - The thing that I love the most
your job? is…
Reason for - Why do you love that job? - Well, I love this job because…
Exercise 1
Write an email of application in response to the following advertised vacancy.
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Ask questions about anything you think you need to know and/or Closure.
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Exercise 3
Find the odds one out.
1. A. Shaft B. Torch C. Handle D. Blade
2. A. Diagonal cutters B. Wire strippers C. Spanner D. Pliers
3. A. Utility knife B. Scissors C. Hacksaw D. Hammer
4. A. Pliers B. Wrench C. Magnifier D. Drill
5. A. Strike B. Twist C. Sharp D. Loosen
6. A. Insulation B. Screwdriver C. Measuring tape D. Soldering iron
7. A. Wedge-shaped B. Flat C. Slotted D. Bore
Exercise 4
Choose the sentences that use the underline parts correctly.
1. A. John left his tool kit in the truck.
B. A utility knife can easily cut through metal.
2. A. I used a drill to hit the nails.
B. Sam covered the wires with electrical tape.
3. A. I need a wrench to tighten the loose bolts.
B. The wires need to be cut by a hacksaw.
4. A. A screwdriver is used to drive screws.
B. You can use a soldering iron to twist the wires.
5. A. Scissors are used for gripping wires.
B. A drill is used for boring holes in various materials.
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A. Structures and useful expressions to talk about future:
a. Future Simple:
Positive: Subject + will + V (infinitive)
Negative: Subject + will + not + V (infinitive)
Yes/No Question: Will + Subject + V (infinitive)?
Answer: Yes, Subject + will.
No, Subject + will not (won’t)
WH-questions (Where, When, Why, What, How, etc.):
Question words + will + Subject + V (infinitive)?
a. Note: S + would like, want, expect, intend, etc + to V
B. Structures and useful expressions to talk about job duties:
a. Modals: must, have to, should, need to
Positive: Subject + modals + V (infinitive)
Negative: Subject + modals + not + V (infinitive)
Yes/No Question: Modals + Subject + V (infinitive)?
Answer: Yes, Subject + modals.
No, Subject + modals + not
WH-questions (Where, When, Why, What, How…):
Question words + modals + Subject + V (infinitive)?
b. Useful expressions:
Be responsible for + V (ing)
Be in charge of + V (ing)
Exercise 1
Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words or phrases in the box.
You can use a word/ phrase more than once.
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Exercise 3
Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.
1. How can I help you? – I’d like to buy a small sharp utility knife.
2. That black heavy hammer is made of tough steel.
3. I usually have a pair of light Chinese simple scissors in my toolkit.
4. They are Russian cylindrical useful flashlights.
5. Give me the white circular big saw on the table. I need to cut this pipe.
6. My steel heavy wrench is really easy-to-use.
7. Is this blue well-made handle insulated? – Yes, it is made of rubber.
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Exercise 1
Read the article and match the tools with their functions. There may be more than
one correct answer.
Potentially very dangerous, fixing wires and electrical fixtures requires a lot of care
and proper tools. Investing in basic tools is beneficial, as they help ensure long-lasting
electrical connections and protect against electric shock. The following tools help
electricians handle any electrical work timely and safely.
1. Channel lock pliers
Channel lock pliers have several tasks to perform. They are useful when tightening
Romex connectors in electrical boxes, removing knockouts from the boxes, and
adjusting expansion-type ceiling fan boxes.
2. Screwdriver
Every electrician should have a set of screwdrivers. They are useful when driving
screws in electrical fixtures, or screwing the outside plates onto the wall or ceiling.
Many screwdrivers also feature insulation for safe use.
3. Hammer
A hammer is a necessary multifunctional tool for electrical work. It helps secure boxes
that come with nail-on brackets. You’ll also need it to drive Romex straps when adding
new Romex wiring.
4. Wire strippers
Wire strippers remove the insulation off electrical wires without damaging the interior
wire. They are equipped with different sized cutting teeth for various sized wires. They
also have a cut-off portion in order to cut the wire.
5. Utility knife
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A utility knife cuts through many materials and serves as an essential for any electrical
work. This knife is needed to cut the insulation off wires. You will also need to open
boxes when doing the installation and this tool will come in handy.
6. Measuring tape
A measuring tape helps when it comes to fitting new electrical fixtures and centering
lighting fixture boxes. Measuring wall height and depth as well as wire length represent
just some of the common electrical works.
7. Wrench
An adjustable wrench becomes handy when loosening or tightening nuts and bolts.
Moreover, wrenches with interchangeable bits also prove useful. Sometimes, a vise
grip wrench is required for an electrical works as well.
Adapted from an article in Scribd
Exercise 2
Read the instructions for fixing underground wires. Then choose the correct answers.
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Fixing underground wires sounds difficult. But it’s actually simple. You just need a set
of tools to splice some wires.
To begin, switch off the electricity. Accidental shocks are always a risk when working
with electricity. Next, use a wire tester to test the electricity to make sure it is off. Push
a button on the same circuit. If it is safe, dig into the ground. You can use a flashlight to
inspect the wires, and find the damaged part. Then cut it off by a pair of diagonal cutters.
Next, strip the insulation off the wires by a utility knife. Use a pair of long nose pliers to
twist the ends of the wires together. Then, pull on them to make sure they are joined. If
they are, bind the ends together with electrical tape. After that, you will need a pair of
wire strippers to install waterproof insulation plastic covering on the wires. Finally,
connect the electricity.
Adapted from an article in Botana
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Lineman's Pliers
A good heavy set of lineman's pliers will often be needed. Again, Klein makes a very
good set with an optional fish-tape-pulling arrangement on the side - a very handy option
for the electricians.
Side-Cutting Pliers
Side-cutting pliers are common to every electrician’s tool set. These are used to not only
cut wires, but nails, cables, and other items. Make sure that the jaws are hardened for
such use, not merely intended for cutting copper or aluminum wires. Ideal makes two
different sets; one with red handles and one with blue handles and hardened jaws. Knipex
also makes a good set of side-cutting pliers. These pliers should be in the 8-inch - 10-
inch length.
Wire Strippers
Although not truly pliers, a pair of wire strippers is a necessary item in the electrician’s
tool belt. Wire strippers are available for Romex wires, but far more common are simple
strippers for smaller solid wires. Recommended are either Ideal or Greenlee strippers;
Ideal is usually a little cheaper, though Greenlee is more comfortable to use.
1. Answer the question: “What is the author’s purpose of writing this article?”
A. Advising the electricians to buy expensive electrical tools
B. Making an advertisement for some famous tool brands
C. Suggesting some specific types and brands of pliers
D. Emphasizing the importance of pliers to the electricians
2. Complete the summary below with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.
Even though you are a new electrician who hasn’t got much money, you should not fill
your (1) ____________ with cheap low-quality tools. Dan Harmon discusses about one of
the basic (2) ____________ - pliers and recommends some specific types.
According to Dan, needle-nose pliers must have the (3) ____________, and Klein and
Knipex both make a very good set including this part. Klein also produces a good set of (4)
____________, which has a fish-tape-pulling arrangement on the side. Electricians often
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use side-cutting pliers to cut wires, nails, cables, so the jaws must be (5) ____________.
Ideal provides two different sets with red and blue handles. The (6) ____________ of these
pliers should be from 8 to 10 inches. Wire strippers are necessary to the electricians. Apart
from the wire strippers for Romex wires, there are also simple ones, such as Ideal or
Greenlee strippers, to work on (7) ____________.
Exercise 1
Come back to the matching table in Exercise 1 - Reading Part.
Work in pairs.
Ask and answer about these tools’ functions.
Use the given cues in the table and various structures to express the questions and
For example:
A: What are wire strippers used for?
B: It’s used for removing the insulation off wires and cutting the wires. What is the
function of a wrench?
A: It allows us to loosen nuts and bolts …
Exercise 2: Role play
Student A: You are a professional electrician. You need a wrench but you left it in the tool
kit in the garage. The apprentice agrees to get it for you. Give him some information so
that he can get the right one.
Student B: You are an apprentice. The professional electrician needs a wrench but he left
it in the tool kit in the garage. You agree to get it for him. Ask for some information so that
you can get the right one.
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Exercise 3: Monotalk
You are a salesman of Klein Company, which is famous for electrical tools. Your
company has just launched three different types of pliers.
Prepare a short talk to introduce these types to your customers based on given cues.
You may add some more information about it (if possible).
Parts of tool: Handles, head with gripping jaws or cutting edges
Handles: be insulated
grip and cut wires
make terminal loops of copper wires
another name: needle nose pliers
can reach tight space or small areas
B. Wire Strippers
remove insulation from wires
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be equipped with different sized cutting
teeth for many wire sizes
C. Diagonal Cutters
cut medium and big wires
remove screws, nails or bolts
length: from 4 to 8 inches
another names: diagonal cutting pliers,
side cutters
Exercise 1
Write the full sentences based on given words.
1. Electrical tape/ be/ make/ of/ plastic/ use to/ insulate/ electrical/ wires.
2. Wire strippers/ use for/ cut/ remove/ insulation/ from/ wires.
3. You/ can/ use/ diagonal cutters/ cut/ copper/ wires.
4. I/ need/ allen wrench/ loosen/ screws/ electrical panel.
45 | P a g e
5. My/ hex wrench/ be/ make/ of/ metal/ have/ hexagonal/ head.
Exercise 2
You are a customer and you want to order some tools from a tool store. Write an email to
the manager and write down the type of tools, the quantities that you need and their price.
46 | P a g e
47 | P a g e
48 | P a g e
49 | P a g e
1. Making complaints
Complaints are expressions of "displeasure or annoyance" in response to an action or an
event. For example, you want to complain about the laptop you have just ordered because
the touchpad doesn’t work.
Common expressions/ structures to make complaints
I wish to complain about …
I’m ringing up to complain about …
I’m calling to complain about …
Excuse me but there is a problem about...
Common expressions/ structures to deal with complaints
I’m sorry to hear that.
I (do) apologize for that. (do for more emphasize)
It must be our fault.
I'm so sorry, but this will never happen again.
+ S + is/am/are + P2 (+by O). Your phone case is scratched.
- S + is/am/are + not + P2 (+by O). Your phone case is not scratched.
? Is/am/are + S + P2 (+by O)? Is your phone case scratched?
Exercise 1
Choose the best answers.
50 | P a g e
1) I wish …………….. about the new charger I bought from you yesterday.
A. complain
B. to complain
C. complaining
2) I ………………. up to complain about the air conditioner I bought at your store last
A. ring
B. to ring
C. am ringing
3) I want………………. about the cooker I purchased from you last week.
A. to complain
B. complain
C. complaining
4) Excuse me but there ……………….. a problem about my new air-conditioner.
A. is
B. are
C. was
5) I’m sorry ……………….. that. We will resolve this problem right away.
A. hear
B. to hear
C. hearing
6) I sincerely apologize …………………… that. It won’t happen again.
A. about
B. for
C. of
7) It must …………………… our fault. We will give you 10% discount off the next
A. be
51 | P a g e
B. is
C. are
8) I'm so sorry, but this problem……………….. again.
A. will never happen
B. will happen
C. never will happen
Exercise 2
Write the past participle form of the following words. One example has been done for
Bend Bent
Exercise 3
Identify the error (A, B, C or D) in each sentence and write the correct words/ phrases.
Write the full form of the auxiliary.
1. I’m ringing up (A) complain (B) about the new charger I bought (C) from (D) you
52 | P a g e
2. I call (A) to complain (B) about the screen protector I purchased (C) from you last week
3. I’m sorry (A) hear (B) that. We will solve (C) this problem (D) right away.
4. It (A) must is (B) our fault. We will give (C) you a 5% discount (D) off the next
5. Look (A) at my (B) case. The surface is burn (C). And the lock is jammed (D).
6. Look! The handle is crushed (A) and twisted (B). Moreover, the top is dent (C) and
scratched (D).
7. You’ve just delivered a desk to (A) our showroom. However it’s badly damaged (B).
The front right (C) hand leg bend (D).
8. We’ve got a problem (A) with the hired car which you returned (B) this morning. One
(C) of the front sidelights breaks (D).
9. The windscreen cracks (A) at (B) the bottom corner on (C) the passenger’s (D) side.
10. The surface (A) of my fridge is scratch (B) by (C) the delivery guy. I knew he couldn’t
move (D) it safely.
53 | P a g e
Exercise 1
Read the letter and choose the most suitable words to fill in the blanks.
Customer Service Department
Porelli Electronics
45F Hartlord Way
London, England
1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
54 | P a g e
Exercise 2
Read the letter and answer the following questions with ONE WORD AND/OR A
NUMBER from the letter.
9 December 2016
Dear Sir or Madam,
Account No: 12345678
Customer Rights Act 2015
On 26 October 2015 I entered into a Hire Purchase agreement with you for an all in
one printer from Errol’s Electronics.
I now have a problem with the goods: The printer turns off after 5 minutes of use
and won’t switch on again for half an hour. I went back to the shop and they refused
to replace it.
I understand that under above legislation, it is your responsibility to resolve the
matter and would therefore ask that this is done within the next 14 days.
Yours faithfully,
Naresh Arun
Legislation / ledʒ.ɪˈsleɪ.ʃ ə n/ Pháp luật, pháp chế
1. What month is the letter written in?
55 | P a g e
Jane Brown
123 Street
1 January 2013
Dear Manager
I am unhappy with the quality of a television cabinet I bought at 5 Street on 15
December and I am writing to seek a replacement.
The cabinet doors do not open and shut properly and the stain on the cabinet is
uneven, with one half darker than the other. The cabinet was delivered on 30
December and I noticed this problem as soon as I unpacked it from the box.
The cabinet is not of acceptable quality and does not match the sample cabinet I
was shown in store. I would like you to replace it with one of the same quality and
finish as the sample and arrange for return of the faulty cabinet at no cost.
I have attached a photocopy of my receipt as proof of purchase.
I would like to have this problem fixed quickly please. If I do not hear from you
within 10 days, I will lodge a formal complaint with Consumer Affairs in my state.
You can contact me on 1234 5678 during working hours or after hours on 123 456
789 to discuss this matter further.
Yours sincerely,
Jane Brown
Enclosed: Copy of the receipt for television cabinet
56 | P a g e
57 | P a g e
Exercise 2: Monotalk
You are Peter. You are working at a store. Yesterday, you received a phone call about a
complaint from a customer. Now the manager asks you to report what happened. Based on
the table below, tell him about the complaint and give a suggestion to deal with this
Name of customer Linda Smith
Order number 240793/19
Kind of product Laptop
Model number 1402
Details of complaint The cursor – not move by using the touchpad.
Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with the words from the table. Two options are not needed.
contact writing to Dear attached
sincerely attach writing would like
58 | P a g e
Nhon Street
24 July 2016
(1) ………….. sir/madam,
I am unhappy with the quality of the phone I bought on 19 July and I am (2) …………..
seek a replacement.
The product was delivered to my house on 20 July. Unfortunately, when I opened the
box, the phone case had a dent. I (3) ………….. you to replace it with another phone
case for free.
I have (4) ………….. a photocopy of my receipt as proof of purchase.
I would like to have this problem fixed quickly please.
You can (5) ………….. me on 0163 4349 874 to discuss this matter further.
Yours (6) …………..,
Le Nguyen
Exercise 2
You have bought a new mobile phone and in a few days of purchase it has stopped working.
You spoke to the company representative a week ago but it has still not been repaired.
Write a letter to the company. In your letter:
Introduce yourself
Explain the situation
Say what action you would like to company to take.
Suggested template
[Email/Phone number]
59 | P a g e
Dear Sir or Madam,
Re: COMPLAINT ABOUT [product/ service] PURCHASED AT [location]
ON [date]
I am unhappy with the quality of [product/ service] I bought
at [location] on [date] and I am writing to seek [solutions].
[Details of the problems]
I have attached a photocopy of my receipt as proof of purchase.
I would like to have this problem fixed quickly please.
You can contact me on [phone number] to discuss this matter further.
Yours faithfully,
60 | P a g e
62 | P a g e
9. /ɪmˈpruːv/ __________________
10. /ˈben.ɪ.fɪt/ __________________
11. /rɪˈpleɪs/ __________________
12. /pɚˈfɔːrm/ __________________
13. /ˈrek.əɡ.naɪz/ __________________
Exercise 3
Fill ONE word in each gap to complete sentences. Use the first letter as a suggestion.
1. A r _ _ _ _ is a machine that can perform a complicated series of tasks automatically.
2. R _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is the science of designing and operating robots
3. An a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a program designed to do a particular job.
4. This robot’s sensor can d _ _ _ _ _ the position of objects.
5. Robot s _ _ _ _ _ _ are what robots need to know the world around them.
6. The p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is often referred to as the “brain” or “control center” in a robot.
7. The motors and drives inside a robot that create motion are called a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
8. A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ intelligence (AI) is arguably the most exciting field in robotics.
9. This factory does not need many workers because it is mostly a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
10. Aibo Robot can be controlled by a wireless c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
Components Questions What elements/parts Q: What elements does
do/does + S+ have? this robot consist of?
What elements/parts A: This robot consists
do/does + S+ consist of? of three elements: a
Answers S+ have/ has ………… humanlike body, a
S+ consist(s) of processor, and a
………… camera.
Specifications Questions What + is + the + N + of Q: What is the height of
(Measurement – + S? Asimo model 2011?
What) What + is + the + S + = What is the Asimo’s
possessive + N? (model 2011) height?
Answers It’s + number + unit of A: It is 130 centimetres.
Questions How + Adj + to be + S? Q: How high is Asimo
63 | P a g e
Exercise 1
Choose the correct word to complete the following sentences.
1. How ______ is Asimo?
A. heavy
B. weigh
C. weight
64 | P a g e
65 | P a g e
B. to sense
C. sensed
9. How ________ is Snakebot?
A. long
B. length
C. lengthen
10. This robot _______ five parts.
A. consists
B. consists of
C. consists off
Exercise 2
Reorder the given words to make meaningful sentences.
1. Robotic lawn mowers/ necessary. /contain / if/ rain /sensors/./
2. Wakamaru’s /self-position / helps / and/ collisions. /sensors /detect/./
3. places./Using /dangerous /explore /robots /helps /./
4. How /robot/ go?/far/ can/ this/./
5. controlled /can/ be/ by/ Robots /computer/./
6. What /does /consist of?/ this robot /parts/. /
7. How /Asimo?/ heavy /is/./
8. How/ robot/ reach?/ high/ can /this /./
66 | P a g e
9. Most/ can/ operations./ maintenance /to / allow /robots /during/ take place/./
10. Robot /is /fish /like /a fish. /shaped/./
Exercise 3
Give the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. Korean robots nowadays (consist of) ____________ a lot of modern equipment.
2. Anarchic-robots (shape) ____________ like spiders.
3. This robot’s microphone allows it (interact) ____________ with humans.
4. Robot lawn mowers help people (clean) ____________ their gardens.
5. Some robots (power) ____________ by solar cells.
6. Mars Rovers enable humans (explore) ____________ the red planet.
7. Many kinds of robots (control) ____________ by voice commands.
8. This domestic robot-guard can (detect) ____________ signs of a burglary.
9. Artificial Intelligence helps the humankind (develop) ____________ in many
aspects of life.
10. Robots’ sensors allow them (collect) ____________ information about the
environment around them.
Exercise 1
Read the passage below and answer the questions
When will we have robots? We already have many kinds of robots! Industries use a
variety of robots and now robots are becoming more common in the home.
The Husqvarna Company makes a lawn mowing robot called the Auto Mower. The
robot has sensors that detect where objects are in the yard and it maneuvers around
them. The robot can cut the grass while you relax on the patio with a glass of lemonade!
67 | P a g e
Also, Eureka now makes a robotic vacuum cleaner. Like the robot lawn mower, the
vacuum cleaner automatically detects where the furniture is and vacuums around it.
Robotic DogCars are becoming robots now that many cars have GPS (Global
Positioning Systems) on them. A car with a GPS system can give you directions on
how to go somewhere, tell you where the closest gas station is, and, some day in the
future, will drive itself. You will take a nap or read while the car drives itself to your
We even have robotic pets now. The Sony company makes a robotic dog named Aibo
that can sit, stand, and walk like a regular dog but can also communicate and take
pictures! Aibo understands certain commands, like a dog does, such as "Sit down",
"Stand up", "Turn right", etc. If you ask Aibo a question such as "How old are you?",
its eyes will flash the number of years old it is. Aibo is also a great guard dog. He can
patrol the yard and take pictures with a built in camera of anything suspicious.
Adapted from articles in Passporttoenglish
68 | P a g e
The Department of Defense of the USA organized the race known as the Grand
Challenge competition. It offered the prize to the team that could successfully move a
robot across the desert in less than ten hours. The purpose of the race is to increase
research into robotics. The Department of Defense says the use of robots will change
how wars are fought and reduce the number of people killed.
The race is considered the first of its kind because the robots were required to find their
own way to the finish line. Team members were not permitted to intervene after the
vehicles began to move. The robots had radar and laser sensors, GPS receivers and
Thirteen robots started the race, but none finished. Many crashed or stopped just after
the start. For example, the robot from Virginia Tech University in Blacksburg had its
brakes fail in the starting area. The robot from the only high school team in the
competition stopped after hitting a wall. The robot that traveled the farthest was built
by a team from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It traveled
more than eleven kilometers before it got caught at the edge of the road and its tires
started to burn.
Government officials praised the robots even though none finished the race. They
promised to hold the same competition again and again until a team wins the one
million dollar prize. The next race will probably be held next year. Until then, the
government plans to talk with some of the competing teams to find out how they built
their robots. And they may pay some of the teams for sharing the technology they have
already developed.
69 | P a g e
A) 6 people
B) 8 scientists
C) 13 teams
3) Why was this race organized?
A) Because these robots will maybe replace soldiers in the future
B) Because the US government wanted to organize a new game
C) Because the government wanted to improve the robots used by American
4) What were the rules?
A) You could help you robot to find his way
B) The robot had to find his way without your help
C) You could help the robot twice
5) Who won the race?
A) Carnegie Mellon University
B) The only high school team
C) Nobody
Exercise 3
Read the passage below and answer the questions
Parts of a Robot
Robots can be made in many ways, using all kinds of materials, but the most common
elements of robots are:
I. Sensors
Robot sensors allow a robot to get information about its environment. This information
can be used to guide the robot. Some sensors are familiar equipment:
- Cameras allow a robot to have an image of its environment, such as shape,
color, size and distance of objects.
70 | P a g e
71 | P a g e
Developer _________
Shape Humanlike
Weight _________
Height 130 cm
Width _________
Color White
Main _________
Power a rechargeable 51.8 V
Control _________
Price Not commercialized yet
72 | P a g e
Student B:
Developer Honda
Shape ________
Weight 52 kg
Height ________
Width 45 cm
Color ________
Main Body parts like a human,
Elements sensors, a computer
Power ________
Control a PC, wireless controller, or
System voice commands
Price ________
Design your own robot. Describe your robot, including:
Its name
Its main parts
Its functions
Its benefits
73 | P a g e
74 | P a g e
75 | P a g e
2. You have to check the components inside the computer to i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ its condition
is good or not.
3. The solar cells c_ _ _ _ _ _ the sunlight into the electrical energy.
electrical shock.
6. He was a_ _ _ _ _ _ to be in electrocution due to a heavy electrical shock.
9. This machine has worked without i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ for 3 years. You don’t need to buy
a new one.
10. The software works really e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ without any defects and complaints.
76 | P a g e
Exercise 1
Choose the most suitable conjunctions for blanks.
1. _______ the switch closed, the light was still on.
A. When B. Due to C. Because of
2. While checking, all the components were in good quality ________ regular
A. when B. because of C. because
3. He got an electric shock _________ the exposure to energized electrical plugs.
A. due to B. because C. while
4. We ordered these cabinets for the office ____________ they were made of iron.
A. because B. because of C. when
5. __________ the Internet was shut down suddenly, we didn’t finish the report.
A. Due to B. Because C. Because of
6. I can’t see anything on that smartphone anymore _______its broken screen,
A. Because B. Because of C. As
7. The incident took place at about 8.30 a.m _______ the three cartons were taken out
from the pallets.
77 | P a g e
Exercise 1
Read the report and answer the questions
The three cartons were taken from - Cartons removed from storage rack prior
three pallets. The plastic film over the to picking stage.
pallets was torn. There were no signs 3. Assumptions we can safely make:
78 | P a g e
of a break-in to the warehouse form the - Theft carried out by insider (warehouse
outside. worker)
CAUSES: - Incident took place 08.30-09.25
We know all for certain that (1) the 4. Some mistakes identified:
cartons were RFID – tagged on - Faulty portal C left out of action for two
receipt, (2) all carton tags scanned weeks
positive during put-away and - Hand scanning not carried out at portal C
picking and (3) one RFID scanning RECOMMENDATIONS:
portal (portal C, between the - Immediately review all CCTV footage in
warehouse and staging area) was relevant areas.
faulty at the time of the incident. - Don’t inform police until more
1.Possibilities: information available.
- Good stolen after picking from
storage rack and before staging
- Theft occurred in staging area
2. Things we can definitely rule
- Cartons taken during receiving
1. How was the plastic film over the pallets before staging?
2. When was the incident assumed to happen?
3. Who was the most likely person who carried out the theft?
4. What was wrong with the portal C’s hand scanning?
5. What was the recommendation with the CCTV footage?
Exercise 2
Read the report and choose the correct answer for each question.
INCIDENT Report Detail
79 | P a g e
Follow-up Exercise: Read the report again and fill in the report form:
Location Time Incident description Degrees Causes Recommendat
of ion
Exercise 1: Mono-talk
Use the report form in the Follow-up part, prepare a short talk to report the incident
Exercise 2: Report
Make a short report about an incident you may get at work and Exercise talking to your
tutor. You may base on below suggested questions:
81 | P a g e
Date: ---------------------
TROUBLE/INCIDENT/ACCIDENT REPORT OF ---------------------------------------
1. Owner’s Name:
(Write exact name of Owner)
2. Messrs. Name:
(Write exact name of contractor who signed contract with the company)
3. Project Name – Work Item: (answer “Where” question)
4. Trouble Notification:
Time of trouble happened: Hrs:… Min … on date …… (answer “When”
Trouble informed by: (answer “Who” question)
Information received by: (answer “Who” question)
5. Trouble/Incident/Accident Description: (answer “Who”; “When”; “What”
Who come to the site to investigate? To whom did he communicate about trouble?
Content of trouble information, when did staff of the company arrive trouble place
(to show the staff’s effort to customer)? What we found on site, broken things,
82 | P a g e
Write a short report (about 70-100 words) based on the above form about one of
incidents at work you know/ remember.
83 | P a g e
84 | P a g e
1. Construction period /kənˈstrʌkʃ(ə)n ˈpɪərɪəd Tính toán thời gian thi công
estimation ɛstɪˈmeɪʃ(ə)n/
10. Read design report riːd dɪˈzʌɪn rɪˈpɔːt/ Đọc báo cáo thiết kế
Exercise 1
Tutor says random words in Vietnamese, and then call students says them in English.
85 | P a g e
Exercise 2
Look at the transcriptions and write the words or phrases
1. /kənˈstrʌkʃ(ə)n ˈpɪərɪəd ɛstɪˈmeɪʃ(ə)n/ ………………………………
2. /kwə(ʊ)ˈteɪʃ(ə)n/ ………………………………
3. /ɪˈkwɪpm(ə)nt prʌɪs/ ………………………………
4. /ɪˈfɪʃ(ə)nsi/ ………………………………
5. / səˈdʒɛst/ ………………………………
Exercise 3:
Fill ONE word in each gap to complete sentences. Use the first letter as a suggestion.
1. It was difficult to e_ _ _ _ _ _ _how many plugs were broken.
2. We decided to make another q_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _to inform the customers about the higher
3. The p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ work has to be done before next week to move to installation work.
4. For guarantee and maintenance work, we will have staff check weekly o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ for about one year.
5. The manager will provide more b_ _ _ _ _ to develop electronics manufacturing in 2016.
6. Some problems are p_ _ _ _ _ _ _, so we should be careful during the project.
7. He e_ _ _ _ _ _ to develop a new kind of machine to cut steel faster in the future.
8. You should set d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ for every work you do to achieve the best results.
9. If you have a problem, you can make a trouble r_ _ _ _ _ to us through hotline 364-5611.
10. During the period of i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, each step will be strictly examined and followed
by the manager.
Tenses Future simple Near future
Form (+) S + will/shall + V(inf) (+) S + am/is/are + going to V(inf)
(-) S + will/shall + not + V(inf) (-) S + am/is/are + not + going to
(?) Will/shall + S + V? V(inf)
(?) Am/is/are + S + going to V(inf)?
86 | P a g e
87 | P a g e
Exercise 1
Complete the table of these adjectives, then use the adjectives to write sentences to
compare some couples of products
Adjectives Comparatives Superlatives
88 | P a g e
Compare two kinds of lamps
LED lamp Halogen lamp
Lifetime (hours) 50,000–100,000 3,000–6,000
Exercise 2
Put the words into the correct order to make completed sentences.
1. The/ at/ project/ going to be/ is/ started / of/ the beginning / new year/./
89 | P a g e
2. Need/ a/ high-quality/ the/ we/ engine/ to/ diesel/ drive/ for/ electrical blackout/
electricity generator/./
3. For/ model/ inverter compressor/ digital/ the/ is/ warranted/ compressor/ years/ ten/
4. New/ because/ the/ materials/ new/ are/ lighter/ much/ than/ the/ ones/ of/ old/
5. A/ usually/ made/ linking/ together/ electrical components/ with/ pieces/ wire cable/ of/
circuit/ is/ by/./
6. Easily/ calculate/ you/ equivalent/ the/ you/ when/ can/ have/ you/ identical/ in/
resistors/ parallel/ can/./
7. An/ electric motor/ and/ electric current/ a/ magnetic field/ in/ produce/ an/ turning
8. Signals/ the/ control unit/ that/ the/ is/ closed/ switch/ the/ and/ door/ closed/ ./
Exercise 1
Read the text and answer the questions WITH NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS.
Electronics Primer: How to Solder Electronic Components
Materials and Equipment
90 | P a g e
91 | P a g e
Read the text and answer the questions WITH NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS.
1. Where is the solder in the picture? ______________a plastic tube
2. What is solder braid used for? – to ______________
3. What is used to strip the plastic covering of wire? - __________________
4. Why can prototype boards connect components?- because they
have ____________or pads
5. How can connection prior be cleaned to soldering? – by ___________/ fine sandpaper.
Exercise 2
Read the text and complete the summary with NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS.
A heat pump is an electrical device that pumps heat from one place to another. During
cold weather, it extracts heat from the outside air, and transfers it into the building.
During hot weather, the heat pump reverses this operation, and transfers heat from inside
the building to the outside.
The machine is based on the two principles of the refrigeration cycle: (1) when a gas is
compressed, it condenses, and gives out heat, and (2) when a liquid is expanded, it
evaporates, and absorbs (or takes in) heat.
The main parts of a heat pump are a compressor, and expansion valve, two fans, a
reserving valve and two sets of coils, one on the outside and the other on the inside of
the building. The coils are thin pipes which are bent in a U shape many times. They can
absorb and give our heat.
92 | P a g e
The compressor pumps a special fluid called a refrigerant around the coils. The
refrigerant is under high pressure as it flows from the compressor to the condenser. As
the fluid passes around the condenser coils, it gives out heat to the surrounding air. The
fluid then passes through the expansion valve. Here the pressure is suddenly reduced and
the fluid expands. This makes it evaporate. As the fluid passes around the evaporator
coils, it absorbs heat from the surrounding air, making it cold. Then the fluid flows back
to the compressor.
In the cold weather, the outside coil acts as the evaporator and the inside coil acts as the
condenser. The fluid in the evaporator is under low pressure, and so it evaporates. The
fan pulls the outside air over the evaporator and the fluid absorbs heat from it. The
compressor then pumps the heated fluid into the building under high pressure to the
condenser. The second fan blows air over the condenser, and the heated air is blown into
the building.
Adapted from articles in Obuda
During cold weather, the heat is extracted from the outside air to transfer into the house.
(1) ………………… – a special fluid is pumped around the coils by the compressor. The
coils include thin (2) ………………… in a U shape. First, the outside air is pulled through
the (3) ………………… by the first fan and is absorbed the heat by the fluid. Then the
heated fluid into the building is pumped (4) ………………… to the condenser by the
compressor. In the condenser, the (5) ………………… blows air over. Finally, the air is
heated and blown into the house.
Exercise 1: Role play
A is project manager who is going to implement the electronic project for client.
B is a house’s owner who wants to have a new circuit and a water heater for his
Now ask and answer about the project. Use various structures to ask and answer the
93 | P a g e
Student A:
Student B
94 | P a g e
Exercise 2: Monotalk
Imagine you are a project manager. Write about your master schedule.
Budget $5000
1. Electrical socket: 10
2. Computer: 10
2. Modem: 10
3. Wi-fi Reuter: 10
95 | P a g e
Exercise 1
96 | P a g e
Work summary:
………………………………….. 5th, Jan, 2017 – 17th, Jan, 2017
…………………………………… 10th, Jan, 2017 – 26th, Jan, 2017
……………………………………….. 24th, Jan, 2017 – 28th, Fed, 2017
Equipment order and delivery …………..7th, Feb, 2017 – 6th, Mar, 2017
………………………………………. 28th,Feb, 2017 – 6th, Mar, 2017
Start supply power From ………….27th, ………….Mar,
……………………………………. 3 weeks after starting supplying power
Exercise 2
Complete the sentences with suggestions.
97 | P a g e
98 | P a g e
6. The guarantee/ maintenance work/ will/ last/ nearly 1 month / 27th, March / 17th,
Exercise 3
Write a short report about this master schedule.
99 | P a g e
Exercise 1
Tutor says random words in Vietnamese, and then call students says them in English.
Exercise 2
Fill ONE word in each gap to complete sentences. Use the first letter as a suggestion.
100 | P a g e
101 | P a g e
Adverbs Tomorrow, tonight, next week/ month/ year, someday, in the future
Where will you travel next year? I think I might visit Italy next year.
Are you watching the game on Sunday? I might not watch the football game
on Sunday; I am too busy.
What will you eat for lunch? I may eat at McDonald’s for lunch.
I have a lot of homework to do, so I may not go to her party this weekend.
What problems we may have during the project? – I think there may be an
electrical black out.
102 | P a g e
Exercise 1
Use “will/ be going to” to put the correct form of the verb in the brackets
1. I think the electrical black out (fix) ……………… on because we run out of petrol for
emergency electricity generator.
2. When you buy a heat light, you (have) ……………… 5 year guarantee and
3. You ……………… (make) technical report for this project? – Yes, the report (rent)
……………… to you at the end of each month.
4. The purchase work is a very important work in phase 2 of the Master Schedule which
we (finish) ……………… next month.
5. Don’t worry! I (prepare) ……………… and inform you the latest quotation tomorrow.
6. Next weekend, he (fly) ……………… to London to inspect new electrical product and
see if any problems.
7. For the current time, this project (break down) ……………… into 4 stages lasting from
now to the end of July.
8. It is predicted that some problems (occur) ……………… during the period of
inspection like lacking staff or budget.
9. The machine (not start) ……………… any program unless the door is fully closed and
10. Have you finished the back-up plan? – Yes, I (send) ……………… to you via email
right now.
Exercise 2
103 | P a g e
Identify the error (A, B, C or D) in each sentence and write the correct words/ phrases
1. Polyester is (A) toughest (B) than other traditional fabric (C). You can’t bend (D) it.
2. Laser 775 might not (A) the cheap (B) sockets in (C) the (D) market.
3. Electricity used (A) during the peak hours of the late afternoon will be (B) most (C)
expensive than electricity used in (D) the early morning.
4. I am going to build (A) my own circuit with a (B) small light bulb, 2 battery (C) and
some electrical tapes (D).
5. The (A) modified barrier is (B) the narrower (C) than the standard one (D).
6. In (A) engineering, powerful laser beams can be (B) focused on (C) an (D) small area.
7. If you connect (A) the battery directly (B) to the LED, lots of current
will flows (C) through (D) the LED.
8. Electric motors play(A) an essential parts (B) in our daily (C) life as (D) many
applications, services and many systems.
9. In (B) this session, we are going (B) to talking (C) about the moment of (D) a force.
10. In an (A) electric motor, an electric currents (B) and magnetic field produce (C) a
turning movement (D).
Read the passage and put these statements into the correct order.
Gas central heating
Most gas central heating works on the ‘wet’ system of heat transfer between water
flowing through pipes. A typical system includes a boiler, a network of pipes, a feed, and
expansion tank, radiators, and a hot water storage system.
104 | P a g e
In conventional boilers, water is heated by gas burners. It is then pumped around the
central heating system and the hot water storage cylinder. The flow of gas to the burner
is controlled by a valve (or valves) which can be operated by a time switch or by a boiler
thermostat, hot water cylinder thermostat, or by a thermostat located in one of the rooms.
Air is necessary for complete combustion and is supplied to the burners either from inside
the house, when adequate ventilation must be ensured, or directly from outside through
a balanced flue.
Water is circulated through a heat exchangers above the burner. The heat exchanger is
made of tubes of cast iron or copper. Both types use fins to increase the surface area in
contact with water. A thermostat located in the boiler causes the gas control valve to shut
off when the water temperature reaches the pre-set level.
After being pumped through a diverter valve, water circulates around either one of two
loops of pipework, which act as heat exchangers. One loop passes through the inside of
the hot water storage cylinder in a coil arrangement. Heat is transferred to the
surrounding water, which can then be drawn off from this cylinder from various hot taps
in the house when required. The loop then returns to the boiler for re-heating.
The other loop of the circuit passes to the radiators, which provide room heating. Several
radiators are generally connected, where one pipe provides the hot water input and the
other carries the cold water back to the boiler. In this way, all radiators receive hot water
directly from the boiler.
Adapted from articles in Brainly
1. One loop passes through the inside of the hot water storage cylinder in a coil of pipes
2. The other loop of the circuit passes to the radiators.
3. Cold water from the radiators returns to the boiler.
4. Water is circulated through a heat exchanger.
5. Water is heated by gas burners.
6. The loop returns to the boiler for re-heating.
105 | P a g e
Imagine you are a project manager. Talk about this master schedule.
Budget $5000
* Available:
- Electrical socket: 10
- Computer: 10
- Modem: 10
- Wi-fi Reuter: 10
106 | P a g e
Imagine you are a project manager. Write about the plan for your project.
Budget 5000$
* Available:
- Electrical socket: 10
Equipment - Computer: 10
- Installing tools: 5 sets
* Requirement:
107 | P a g e
108 | P a g e
3. The facilities are very modern. They were upgraded last year.
The facilities which/ that were upgraded last year are very modern.
4. I love the professors and facilities. They make the university one of the top ten.
I love the professors and facilities that make the university one of the top ten.
5. I am looking for a college. It is located is in the city center.
I am looking for a college which/ that is located is in the city center.
6. The lab equipment is constantly upgraded. This made me choose this university.
The lab equipment of this university is constantly upgraded, which made me choose this
Exercise 3
1. C provides 2. B who/ that
3. D handles 4. B that
5. B whose 6. A who/that
7. C gave 8. D requirements
9. D include 10. D extra-curricular
Exercise 1
1. full time
2. 3 years
3. building
4. practical
5. a technician
Exercise 2
1. Time management
2. 10
3. 30 minutes
4. weekly/ every week
5. within 24 hours
Exercise 3
1. Duration - Course 1
2. Mode – Course 1
3. Award – Course 2
4. College – Course 2
5. Tittle – Course 2
Exercise 1
1. am writing 2. to request 3. appreciate 4. send
5. have 6. assistance 7. to hearing 8. yours
Exercise 2
1. Thank you for your assistance.
2. I am looking forward to hearing from you.
3. I would be thankful if you could send me some information about the course.
4. I am interested in your college and would like to get some information.
5. Regarding your ad on New York Times, I would like to request some further
information about the curriculum, professors, and facilities.
Exercise 1
1. Inspection 6. Rework 11. Negotiate
2. Potential 7. Electronics Assembler 12. Assembly
3. Contract 8. Circuit Designer 13. Defective
4. Keep in touch with 9. Modify 14. Replacement
5. Accomplish 10. Stoop 15. Quality Control Engineer
Exercise 2
1. Undertake 6. Establish
2. Assembly 7. Contract
3. Rework 8. Replacement
4. Touch up 9. Electronics Assembler
5. Standard 10. Terms and Conditions
Exercise 3
1. Modify 6. Inspection
2. Breakdown 7. Negotiate
3. Potential 8. Circuit board
4. Assembly 9. Laboratory tests
5. Troubleshoot 10. Recommend
Exercise 1
1. must 6. be able to
2. have to 7. has to
3. designing 8. must
4. grab 9. kneel
5. are in charge of 10. know
Exercise 2
1. C-hire 6. B-have
2. A-apply 7. D-climb
3. D-walk 8. B-interview
4. B-wear 9. B-modifying
5. C-understand 10. D-growing
Exercise 1
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A
Exercise 2
1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T
Exercise 3
1. A 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. B
Exercise 1
1. Electrical tape 6. Wire strippers 11. Twist
2. Measuring tape 7. Soldering iron 12. Hit/ strike
3. Utility knife 8. Drill (bit) 13. Grip/ clamp
4. Screwdriver 9. Blade 14. Hexagonal
5. Diagonal cutters 10. Shaft 15. Wedge-shaped
Exercise 2
1. wrench 5. insulate 9. strike
2. pliers 6. scissors 10. magnifier
3. hammer 7. toolkit 11. loosen
4. hacksaw 8. torch
Exercise 3
1. B - Torch. Torch is a tool, three another words are parts of tools.
2. C - Spanner. Three another words are related to pliers.
3. D - Hammer. Three another words are tools which can be used for cutting.
4. A - Pliers. This word is always in plural form.
5. C - Sharp. This word is an adjective, three another words are verbs.
6. A - Insulation. Three another words are tools.
7. D - Bore. This word is a verb, three another words are adjectives.
Exercise 4
1-A, 2-B, 3-A, 4-A, 5-B
Exercise 1
1. is used to
2. helps
3. allows/ enables
4. are made of
5. is used for
6. allow/ enable
7. uses/ are used to
Exercise 2
1-D, 2-B, 3-C, 4-A, 5-B
Exercise 3
1. I’d like to buy a sharp small utility knife.
2. That heavy black hammer is made of tough steel.
3. I usually have a pair of simple light Chinese scissors in my toolkit.
4. They are useful cylindrical Russian flashlights.
5. Give me the big circular white saw on the table. I need to cut this pipe.
6. My heavy steel wrench is really easy-to-use.
7. Is this well-made blue handle insulated?
8. I have a screwdriver in my toolkit. It has a hard metal shaft.
9. How much is a sticky long black electrical tape?
10. My father just bought a modern steel German drill. It’s very expensive.
Exercise 1
1. Wire strippers C. Remove the insulation off wires
I. Cut the wires
2. Wrench F. Loosen nuts and bolts
3. Utility knife C. Remove the insulation off wires
E. Open boxes when fitting new electrical fixtures
4. Hammer G. Secure boxes equipped with nail-on brackets
K. Drive Romex straps in case of Romex wiring
5. Channel lock pliers A. Take knockouts out of the boxes
Exercise 2
1-B, 2-A, 3-C, 4-B, 5-D
Exercise 3
Part 1: 1-C
Part 2:
1. tool bag
2. electrician’s tools
3. wire-cutter option
4. lineman's pliers
5. hardened
6. length
7. smaller solid wires
Exercise 3
Suggested answer
Good morning ladies and gentlemen! On behalf of Klein company, I’m going to introduce
our new products. We have just launched three different types of pliers. They are long nose
pliers, wire strippers and diagonal cutters. As you know, a pair of pliers has a head with
gripping jaws or cutting edges and handles. Pliers are mainly made of steel, and the handles
are insulated. The first type I want to introduce is long nose pliers. They are used to grip
and cut wires, or make terminal loops of copper wires. They are also called needlenose
pliers, and they can reach tight space or small areas. The second type is wire strippers. They
allow us to remove insulation from wires. Wire strippers are equipped with different sized
cutting teeth for many wire sizes. Finally, I want to introduce diagonal cutters. They enable
us to cut medium and big wires, and remove screws, nails or bolts. Diagonal cutters are
from 4 to 8 inches long. They are also called diagonal cutting pliers or side cutters. That’s
all I want to talk about our new products! Thanks for listening!
Exercise 1
1. An electrical tape is made of plastic and used to insulate electrical wires.
2. Wire strippers are used for cutting and removing insulation from wires.
3. You can use diagonal cutters to cut the copper wires.
4. I need an allen wrench to loosen the screws in the electrical panel.
5. My hex wrench is made of metal and has a hexagonal head.
Exercise 2
From: Stephanie Simon <stephanie_s@happymorning.com>
To: George Atkinson <george33@nationwide.com>
Date: 03-25-2016
Subject: Ordering some tools
I will pay $129 in cash on delivery. Please deliver the goods by April, 1st.
Please mail the tools to the address below:
6462 Lake Drive East, Bellevue, Washington.
If you need more information, you may contact me on my cell phone at 937-781-9784
or by email at stephanie_s@happymorning.com.
Stephanie Simon
Exercise 2
1. Resolve (v) 6. Package (n)
2. Return (n/v) 7. Pleased (adj)
3. Troubleshooting tip (np) 8. Reasonable (adj)
4. Contact (v) 9. Agreement (n)
5. Inconvenience (n) 10. Apologize for (vp)
Exercise 3
1. complaint 6. pleased
2. compatible 7. jammed
3. flickering 8. reasonable
4. replacement 9. return
Exercise 2
1. Bent 7. Dented
2. Attached 8. Jammed
3. Broken 9. Resolved
4. Burnt 10. Returned
5. Cracked 11. Scratched
6. Crushed
Exercise 3
1. B to complain 6. C dented
2. A am calling 7. D is bent
3. B to hear 8. D is broken
4. B be 9. A is cracked
5. C burnt 10. B scratched
Exercise 1
1. A
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. A
Exercise 2
10 | P a g e
1) December
2) Printer
3) 5 minutes
4) Replace
5) 14 days
Exercise 3
1. Television cabinet
2. Uneven
3. 30 December
4. Formal complaint
5. 123 456 789
Exercise 1
P = Peter L = Linda
P: Good morning, customer service. My name is Peter. How can I help you?
L: Yes, good morning. I wish to complain about the laptop I bought from you.
P: I’m sorry to hear that. What exactly is the problem?
L: The back of the laptop is scratched even though it is a new laptop.
P: Well, I do apologise for that. It must be our fault. What model of the laptop is it?
L: It’s a 1402
P: And could I have your name, please?
L: Yes, my name is Linda Smith.
P: And the order number, please?
L: Errm. Yes, the order number. It’s 240793/19.
P: Well, I’m pleased to tell you that we will replace the laptop with a new one. You
will receive the new laptop by the end of the week. We have your address. We will
collect the old laptop at the same time.
L: Great.
11 | P a g e
P: And I’m happy to say that we’re going to give you 10 dollars discount off the next
L: That’s very reasonable. Thank you.
P: You’re welcome, Ms. Smith. Have a nice day
Exercise 2
Yesterday, a customer named Linda Smith called to complain about a problem with her
laptop. The order number is 240793/19 and the model number is 1402. The cursor can’t be
moved by using the touchpad. I think we can take the laptop back and repair it as well as
offer $10 discount off next purchase.
Exercise 1
1. Dear 2. writing to 3. would like
4. attached 5. contact 6. sincerely
Exercise 1
1. detect 6. Artificial 10. mimic 15. perform
2. command Intelligence 11. interact 16. recognize
3. wheel 7. Applications 12. improve 17. protect
4. processor 8. sensors 13. benefit 18. serve
5. controller 9. automated 14. replace 19. affordable
Exercise 2
1. robot 8. interact
2. robotics 9. improve
3. artificial intelligence 10. benefit
4. application 11. replace
5. sensor 12. perform
6. automated 13. recognize
12 | P a g e
7. mimic
Exercise 3
1. robot 6. processor
2. robotics 7. activator
3. application 8. Artificial Intelligence
4. detect 9. automated
5. sensor 10. controller
Exercise 1
1. A 6. C
2. B 7. C
3. B 8. B
4. B 9. A
5. C 10. B
Exercise 2
1. Robotic lawn mowers contain rain sensors if necessary.
2. Wakamaru’s sensors help detect self-position, and collisions.
3. Using robots helps explore dangerous places.
4. How far can this robot go?
5. Robots can be controlled by computer.
6. What parts does this robot consist of?
7. How heavy is Asimo?
8. How high can this robot reach?
9. Most robots can allow maintenance to take place during operations.
10. Robot fish is shaped like a fish.
Exercise 3
1. consist of 6. to explore
2. are shaped 7. are controlled
13 | P a g e
3. to interact 8. detect
4. clean/to clean 9. develop/to develop
5. are powered 10. to collect
Exercise 1
1-T, 2-F, 3-F, 4-F, 5-T
Exercise 2
1A – 2C – 5A – 3B – 4C
Exercise 3
1. sensors, effectors, controller.
2. sensors
3. supersonic sensors
4. grippers, spikes, hammers, and screw-drivers.
5. by giving a list of commands.
Suggested answer
A: What’s its developer?
B: Its developer is Honda. What shape is it?/ What’s its shape?
A: It’s shaped like a human/ It has the shape of a human. How heavy is it?/ What’s its
B: It weighs/is 53 kg. How tall is it?/ What’s its height?
A: It’s 130 cm tall. How wide is it?/ What’s its width?
B: It’s 42 cm wide. What color is it?
A: It’s white. What elements/parts does this robot consist of/have?
B: It consists of/has body parts like a human, sensors, a computer processor. How do we
control it?
A: It is controlled by/ We control it by a wireless control system through an iPad
application. How is it powered?
14 | P a g e
B: It’s powered by rechargeable batteries. How much is it?/ How much does it cost?
A: It’s $850,000/ It costs $850,000 per unit.
Exercise 1
1. Burn 6. Damage 11. Manufacturer
2. Convert 7. Combine 12. Defect
3. Examine 8. Possible 13. Assume
4. Corrode 9. Desolder 14. Be in operation
5. Incident 10. Relevant 15. Effectively
Exercise 2
1. Failure 6. Remark
2. Damage 7. Fatality
3. Injury 8. Corrosion
4. Manufacture 9. Assume
5. Possibility 10. Procedure
Exercise 3
1. examining 6. assumed
2. identify 7. defects
3. convert 8. retrieve
4. fatal 9. incident
5. expose 10. effectively
Exercise 1
1. A 5. B
2. B 6. B
3. A 7. A
4. A 8. A
15 | P a g e
Exercise 2
1. took 5. stopped 9. was cut
2. put 6. forgot 10. needed
3. was doing 7. tripped 11. was taken
4. rang 8. were
Exercise 1
1. It was torn.
2. 08.30-09.25
3. The insider / Warehouse worker
4. It was not carried out
5. Review all CCTV footage in relevant areas.
Exercise 2
1. On March 4th, 2016.
2. It was not enough to flow.
3. It was clean and in good condition.
4. The flow meter
5. At least once a month.
Exercise 2
1. Construction period estimation
2. Quotation
3. Equipment price
4. Efficiency
5. Suggest
16 | P a g e
Exercise 3
1. Estimate 6. Predicted
2. Quotation 7. Expects
3. Purchase 8. Deadline
4. Operation 9. Report
5. Budget 10. Inspection
Exercise 3
1. The project is going to be started at the beginning of new year.
2. We need a high-quality diesel engine to drive the electricity generator for electrical
3. For digital inverter compressor model, the compressor is warranted for 10 years).
4. The new switches are much lighter than the old ones because of new materials.
5. A circuit is usually made by linking electrical components together with pieces of
wire cable.
6. You can easily calculate the equivalent resistance when you have two identical
resistors in parallel.
7. In an electric motor, an electric current and magnetic field produce a turning
8. The switch signals the control unit that the door is closed and locked.
Exercise 1
1. Inside
2. Remove solder
3. Wire strippers
4. Copper tracks
5. Steel wool
Exercise 2
17 | P a g e
1. refrigerant
2. pipes
3. evaporator
4. under high pressure
5. second fan
Exercise 1
Contract sign 5th, Jan, 2017 – 17th, Jan, 2017
Understanding document 10th, Jan, 2017 – 26th, Jan, 2017
Design and estimation 24th, Jan, 2017 – 28th, Fed, 2017
Equipment order and delivery 7th, Feb, 2017 – 6th, Mar, 2017
Equipment instalaltion 28th,Feb, 2017 – 6th, Mar, 2017
Start supply power From 27th, Mar, 2017
Guarantee and maintenance 3 weeks after starting supplying power
Exercise 2
1. The contract will be signed on 17th, January, 2017.
2. The design and estimation phase will last from the last week of January to the last
week of February.
3. Phase design and estimation will be broken down into 5 tasks: preparation, design the
drawings, estimate equipment and materials, make quotation and estimate
construction period.
4. The equipment will be supplied and installed from February, 7th to the third week of
5. The project will start supplying power on 27th, March, 2017 after commissioning and
test running and making handover to customer.
6. The guarantee and maintenance work will last nearly 1 month from 27th, March to 17th
Exercise 2
1. expect 6. break
2. budgets 7. operating
3. launch 8. forsee
4. efficiency 9. handle
5. generator 10. blackout
Exercise 1
1. will be fixed 6. is going to fly
2. will have 7. is going to be broken down
3. are you going to make/ will be rented 8. will occur
4. are going to finish 9. will not start
5. will prepare 10. will send
Exercise 2
1. B tougher
2. B cheapest
3. C more
4. C more
5. C batteries
6. A a
7. C flow
8. B part
9. C talk
10. B current
Part 1: 5 – 4 – 7 – 1 – 6 – 2 – 3
19 | P a g e
Part 2:
1. Around the central heating system and the hot water storage cylinder.
2. Air
3. Tubes of cast iron or copper.
4. In the boiler.
5. Provide room heating
20 | P a g e