C 20 MY 3 4 Sem

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Government of Karnataka


Curriculum Structure
III Semester Scheme of Studies- Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (Machine Tools)
Hours per week
Marks Marks

Passing (including
Course Category /

Total contact hrs

Assigned Grade


Min Marks for
Course Name

Total Marks

Grade Point
Course Code

CIE marks)
No. L T P Max Min Max Min

Integrated Courses
20MY31P Mechanics of Materials 3 1 4 8 6 60 24 40 16 100 40
PC/MY Industrial Production
2 20MY32P 3 1 4 8 6 60 24 40 16 100 40



3 PC/MY 20MY33P Basics of Machine Tools 3 1 4 8 6 60 24 40 16 100 40

4 PC/MY 20MY34P Machine Tool Metrology 3 1 4 8 6 60 24 40 16 100 40

Audit Course

5 AU/KA 20KA31T 2 0 0 2 2 50 20 - - 50 20

Total 14 4 16 34 26 290 116 160 64 450 180

*PC: Programme Core:: AU-Audit Course:: KA: Kannada:: L: Lecture:: T: Tutorial:: P: Practice

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 1

Government of Karnataka
Curriculum Structure
IV Semester Scheme of Studies- Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (Machine Tools)
Hours per week
Marks Marks

Passing (including
Course Category /

Total contact hrs

Assigned Grade


Min Marks for
Course Name

Total Marks

Grade Point
Course Code

CIE marks)
No. L T P Max Min Max Min

Integrated Courses
1 PC/MY 20MY41P Machine Tool Design 3 1 4 8 6 60 24 40 16 100 40

PC/MY Industrial Production

2 20MY42P 3 1 4 8 6 60 24 40 16 100 40


PC/MY Machine Design & Machine
3 20MY43P 3 1 4 8 6 60 24 40 16 100 40
Tool Drawing

4 PC/MY 20MY44P Press Tool Design 3 1 4 8 6 60 24 40 16 100 40

Audit Course

5 AU/MY 20MY45T Indian Constitution 2 0 0 2 2 50 20 - - 50 20

Total 14 4 16 34 26 290 116 160 64 450 180

*PC: Programme Core:: AU-Audit Course:: L: Lecture:: T: Tutorial:: P: Practice

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 2


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

Government of Karnataka

Mechanical Engineering (Machine Tools)

Programme Semester III

Course Code 20MY31P Type of Course Programme Core

8 hours/week
Course Name Mechanics of Materials Contact Hours
104 hours/semester
Teaching Scheme L:T:P :: 3:1:4 Credits 6
CIE Marks 60 SEE Marks 40

1. Rationale
In this course, Diploma engineers are required to analyze the reasons for failure of components and
select the suitable materials for a given applications. For this purpose, it is essential to study the concepts,
principles, applications and practices covering stress, strain, stress concentration, weak points,
deformations, bending moment and shearing force. The students will also study the basic principles of Finite
Elements Analysis and perform stress strain analysis using Ansys software to understand and quantify the
effects of real-world conditions on a part. These simulations, will allow Diploma engineers to locate potential
problems in a design, including areas of tension and weak spots. FEA becomes a tremendous productivity
tool, helping engineers in reducing product development time and cost. Hence, FEA is introduced in this
course. It is expected that efforts will be made to provide appropriate learning experiences in the use of
basic principles to the solution of applied problems and to develop the required skill and competencies.

2. Course Outcomes: At the end of the Course, the student will be able to:

Analyze Simple Stresses and Strains on given Structural member that is subjected to
Tensile, Compressive and Shear loads by using Destructive Test.
Draw Shear force Diagram (SFD) and Bending moment Diagram (BMD) and Analyze
Bending Stresses in a Beam using Ansys software.
Demonstrate the application of finite element formulations to solve both One dimensional
and Two dimensional Problems.
Demonstrate the application of Ansys software for Validation of both One dimensional and
Two dimensional Problems.

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

3. Course Content
Lecture Tutorial Practice
(Knowledge) (Activity (Skill)
Week CO PO* )
4 hours/week
3 hours/week 1 hour/week (2 hours/batch twice
in a week)
1. Introduction to Force- Types of Resolution of forces
Forces-Resolution of forces by Graphical Method

1 01 01 2. Problems on Resolution of Refer Table 1

Verification of Forces
forces- Analytical Method
by Lami’s Theorem
3. Problems on Resolution of
forces- Analytical Method
1. Types of Loads-Tensile, Determine Impact
Compression, Shear, Impact, Strength of the
Stress- Types- Strain- Types- material by Charpy
- Hooks Law- Young's Modulus Test

2. Stress - Strain Diagram - Elastic

2 01 01 constants Fatigue - Fatigue failures
Refer Table 1 Determine Impact
diagram, Endurance Limit,
Strength of the
3. Stress concentration, FOS, material by Izod Test
Concept of Temperature stress

1. Simple Problems on Stress-

Strain- Yield Stress-
Maximum Stress- Breaking Stress

2.. Simple Problems on Stress- Conduct Tensile test

Strain- Yield Stress- Maximum for the given
3 01 01 Stress- Breaking Stress Refer Table 1 Specimen
3. Simple Problems on Stress-
Strain- Yield Stress-
Maximum Stress- Breaking Stress

1. Problems on Members subjected

to combined Stresses

2. Problems on Members subjected Compression test for

4 01 01 to combined Stresses Refer Table 1 the given specimen

3. Problems on Members subjected

to combined Stresses

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

1. Types of Beams-Types of Loads
acting on Beams- Concept of
Shear force- Bending moment

2 Draw SFD and BMD for

Simply supported and Cantilever
beam subjected to Point Load and Refer Table 1 Conduct Shear test
5 02 02 UDL for the given
3. Draw SFD and BMD for
Simply supported and Cantilever
beam subjected to Point Load and

1.Draw SFD and BMD for Simply

supported and Cantilever beam
subjected to Point Load and UDL

2.Draw SFD and BMD for Simply

supported and Cantilever beam Conduct Bending
subjected to Point Load and UDL test for the given
6 02 02 Refer Table 1 specimen
3 Pure Bending-
Assumptions- Neutral Axis-
Bending Equation

1. Problems on Bending
Equation Conduct Bending
7 02 02 2. Problems on Bending Refer Table 1 test for the given
Equation specimen
3. Problems on Bending
1.Introduction to FEM- Need- Back

2. Methods employed in FEM-

Steps in FEM
8 03,04 01 Refer Table 1 Practice on Ansys
3. Advantages and
Disadvantages, Limitations,
Applications of FEM-Concept of
1. Phases of FEA
Validate Bending
Equation Problems
9 02,03,0 01,02,0 2. Discretization Process Refer Table 1 solved in Week 7
4 4 using Ansys
3. Meshing –Element type

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

1.Stiffness Matrix of a Bar
2.Global Stiffness Matrix- Validate Bending
Properties of stiffness matrix Equation Problems
10 02,03,0 01,02,0 3. Boundry Conditions- Refer Table 1 solved in Week 7
4 4 Methods –Types using Ansys
02,04,0 Study the latest Validate using Ansys
11 03,04 Problems on 1-D elements
7 technological
03,04 02,04,0 changes in this Validate using Ansys
12 Problems on 1-D elements
7 course and
present the impact Validate using Ansys
13 03,04 02,04,0 Problems on 2-D elements of these changes
7 on industry
Total in hours 39 13 52
*PO= Program Outcome as listed and defined in year 1 curriculum and PO – CO mapping with
strength (Low/Medium/High) has to be mapped by the course Co-Ordinator. (Above only suggestive)
TABLE 1: Suggestive Activities for Tutorials: (The List is only shared as an Example and not inclusive of
all possible activities of the course. Student and Faculty are encouraged to choose activities that are relevant
to the topic and on the availability of such resources at their institution).
Sl.No. Suggestive Activities for Tutorials
Understand Static Equilibrium using common examples, try to apply the principles and
demonstrate in class the importance of static equilibrium in daily life, at home or at
Study the behavior of Aluminum under the action of Tensile/Compression Load. Plot Stress
02 Strain Diagram and Demonstrate in the class the behavior of Aluminum different from that
of a Cast Iron.
A seesaw is occupied by two children of equal weight “W” N. The center of gravity of each
03 child is x meters from the fulcrum. The length of the board is 3x meters, y mm wide and z mm
Tapered elastic bar subjected to an applied tensile load P at one end and attached to a fixed
04 support at the other end. The cross-sectional area varies linearly from A 0 at the fixed support
at x = 0 to A 0/2 at x = L. Calculate the displacement of the end of the bar (a) by modeling
the bar as a single element having cross-sectional area equal to the area of the actual bar at its
along the length, (b) using two bar elements of equal length and similarly evaluating the area
at the midpoint of each, and compare to the exact solution By FEM.
Identify the type Beam in Traffic Light Post. Determine the displacement field for this
beam subjected to UDL throughout its length.
Discuss procedure using the commercial package available today for solving problems of
FEM. Take a Structural Problem to Demonstrate the same.
In 1989, Jason, a research-type submersible with remote TV monitoring capabilities and
weighing 35 200 N, was lowered to a depth of 646 m in an effort to send back to the
attending surface vessel photographs of a sunken Roman ship offshore from Italy. The
07 submersible was lowered at the end of
a hollow steel cable having an area of 452 × 10–6 m2 and E = 200 GPa. Determine the
extension of the steel cable. Due to the small volume of the entire system, buoyancy may be

Laboratory tests on human teeth indicate that the area effective during chewing is approximately
08 0.25 cm2 and that the tooth length is about 1.1 cm. If the applied load in the vertical
direction is 880 N and the measured shortening is 0.004 cm, determine Young’s modulus.

4. CIE and SEE Assessment Methodologies

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

Sl. Test Week Max
N Assessment marks Conversion
o In minutes
1. CIE-1 Written Test 5 80 30 Average of three
2. CIE-2 Written Test 9 80 30 tests

3 CIE-3 Written Test 13 80 30 30

4. CIE-4 Skill Test-Practice 6 180 100 Average of two skill

5 CIE-5 Skill Test-Practice 12 180 100 test reduced to 20

CIE-6 Portfolio evaluation

6 1-13 10 10
of Activity through Rubrics
Total CIE Marks 60
Semester End Examination (Practice) 180 100 40
Total Marks 100

5. Format for CIE written Test

e Mechanics of Materials Test I/II/III Sem III
Course 20MY31P Duration 80 Min Marks 30
Note: Answer any one full question from each section. Each full question carries 10 marks.
Cognitive Course
Section Assessment Questions Marks
Levels(R/U/A) Outcome
Note for the Course coordinator: Each question may have one, two or three subdivisions. Optional
questions in each section carry the same weightage of marks, Cognitive level and course outcomes.

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

5. (a) For CIE Skill Test -4 Duration :180 Min

SL. CO Particulars/Dimension Marks

1 01 Verification of Forces by Lami’s Theorem 30
• Finding the resultant of forces - Analytical Method –15 Marks
• Verification of Forces by Lami’s Theorem – Practically-15Marks

2 02 Determine the deformation of a given specimen subjected 60

to Tensile/Compressive/Shear loads/Bending using UTM
• Writing observations and Tabular column -- 10 Marks
• Writing Equations required With all notations –- 10 Marks
• Conduction of Experiment --- 20 Marks
• Calculation and Result with Graph if any --- 20 Marks
3 01,02 Portfolio evaluation based on the average of all Practice Sessions (1-6 weeks) 10
Total Marks 100

5.(b)For CIE Skill Test -5 Duration :180 Min

SL. CO Particulars/Dimension Marks

1 02 Calculate and Plot SFD and BMD for the Given Data 40
• Finding Shear force and Bending Moment – (10+15)=25 Marks
• Plot SFD and BMD – 15 Marks

2 Apply finite element formulations to solve the given One dimensional 50

03,04 cases and Validate using Ansys
• Solve by FEM Method —25 Marks
• Validate Using ANSYS ---25 Marks
3 02,03,04 Portfolio evaluation based on the average of all Practice Sessions (7-12 10
Total Marks 100

6. Rubrics for Assessment of Activity (Qualitative Assessment)

Sl. Dimension Beginner Intermediate Good Advanced Expert Students
No. Score
2 4 6 8 10
1 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 8
2 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 6
3 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
4 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
Average Marks= (8+6+2+2)/4=4.5 5
Note: Dimension and Descriptor shall be defined by the respective course coordinator as per the activities

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

7. Reference:
1 Schaum Outlines, “Strength of Materials”, 5th Edition
2 RAMAMURTHAM. S., “Strength of Materials”, 14th Edition, Dhanpat Rai Publications, 2011
3 KHURMI R S, “Applied Mechanics and Strength of Materials”, 5 Edition, S.Chandand
NASH W.A, “Theory and problems in Strength of Materials”, Schaum Outline Series,
McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1995.
5 RYDER G.H, “Strength of Materials”, 3rd Edition, Macmillan India Limited, 2002.
6 BANSAL R. K, “Strength of Materials”, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi, 2012.
7 Schaum series, Strength of Materials
8 TIMOSHENKO S.P, “Elements of Strength of Materials”, Tata McGraw-Hill, Delhi,
Introduction to Finite Elements in engineering by TRIRUPATHI R, CHANDRUPATLA,
ASHOK D BELEGUNDA, Pearson Publications.
Practical Finite Element Analysis by NITIN S GOKHALE,SANJAY S DESHPANDE, Finite
to Infinite Publications
ANSYS free software tutorial((Student version)
667&q=ansys+software+ tutorial&sa=X&ved=0ah


1. www.nptel.iitm.ac.in/courses/.../IIT.../lecture%2023%20and%2024htm
3. www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shear_and_moment_diagram
4. www.freestudy.co.uk/mech%20prin%20h2/stress.pdf
4. www.engineerstudent.co.uk/stress_and_strain.html
5. www.ansys.com/Student
6. http://www.mece.ualberta.ca/tutorials/ansys

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 0

9. SEE Scheme of Evaluation

SL. Particulars/Dimension Marks

No. CO
Determine the deformation of a given specimen subjected 30
to Tensile/Compressive/Shear loads using UTM
1 01 • Writing observations and Tabular column -- 05 Marks
• Writing Equations required With all notations –- 10 Marks
• Conduction of Experiment --- 05 Marks
• Calculation and Result with Graph if any --- 10 Marks

Calculate and Plot SFD and BMD for the Given Data 30

2 02 • Finding Shear force and Bending Moment – 10 Marks

• Plot SFD and BMD – 10 Marks
• Validate Using ANSYS ---10 Marks
Apply finite element formulations to solve the given One 30
3 03 & dimensional /Two dimensional cases and Validate using
04 Ansys-15marks
• Solve by FEM Method —15 Marks
4 01,02,03 Portfolio evaluation based on the average of all Practice Sessions 10
Total Marks 100

10. Equipment/software list with Specification for a batch of 20 students

Sl. Particulars Specification Quantit

Computerized 100 Ton
01 Universal testing machine Capacity With all 01
attachments to conduct shear,
bending , compression and
02 Izod and Charpy tester Standard size 01
03 Ansys software 20 user
04 Desktop Computer Latest configuration 10 nos

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 1

Government of Karnataka

Programme Mechanical Engineering (Machine Tools) Semester III

Course Code 20MY32P Type of Course Programme Core

Course Name Industrial Production Engineering-I Contact Hours 8 hours/week

104 hours/semester

Teaching L:T:P :: 3:1:4 Credits 6

CIE Marks 60 SEE Marks 40

1. Rationale: Diploma Engineers are responsible for supervising production processes to achieve production
targets and for optimal utilization of resources. For this purpose, knowledge about various manufacturing
processes is essential. This requires training the students in casting and metal forming domain so as to equip
them with adequate theoretical and practical knowledge about the various metal casting and forming processes
like rolling, forging, drawing, extrusion, Sheet metal work etc. Rapid prototyping (RP) is a family of
technologies used to fabricate engineering prototypes parts in minimum possible lead time based on a CAD.
Hence this course is introduced to provide hands on experience on various manufacturing processes.

2. Course Outcomes: at the end of the Course, the student will be able to
CO-01 Understand to patterns, and allowances for casting and metal forming processes

CO-02 Understand & Demonstrate various operations & estimation of forging components.

CO-03 Understand the various operation of sheet metal and rapid prototyping

CO-04 Demonstrate the soldering &brazing operation

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 2

3. Course Content
Week CO PO Lecture (Knowledge Criteria) Tutorial Practice (Performance
(Activity Criteria)

3 hours/week 1 hour/week 4 hours/week(2 hours/batch

twice in a week)

1 01 01,05 1. Introduction to foundry -Explain 1. Instructor has to show

the safety Precautions to be taken in all the safety precaution
foundries. Introduction to Pattern - charts, tools, machineries
Types of Pattern. Prepare the and measuring
layout of the instruments used in the
2 Sketch &explain Solid or Single foundry shop. foundry shop.
Piece pattern, Split Pattern, Loose
Piece Pattern. 2. Preparation of a Pattern
(single Piece Pattern).
3. Functions of Pattern -Allowances-
Materials used for Pattern.
2 01 01,04 1. Introduction-Moulding Sand
Types of Molding Sand Prepare layout
Constituents of moulding sand for gating 1.Prepare a moulding sand
system &
2. Properties of moulding sand mention the
Preparation of mold parts of gating
Basic steps in making sand castings. system. 2. Practice and Prepare
sand mould using the
3. The normal characteristics -Core cylinder pattern
Sands-Types of Cores
Gating system.

3 01 01,04 Write a report

1. Sketch &Explain Shell moulding. on working of 1. To prepare a casting of
cupola a T-joint from the pattern
2. Sketch &Explain investing provided.
furnace &
moulding. 2. Practice and Prepare
3. Defects in casting. inspection of sand mould using the
casting. dumb-bell
4 02 01,04 1.Introduction to basic Metal 1. Convert the given
Forming Process Write a report circular rod in to L shape
-Metal forming-Definition on steps in by bending processes.
Classification of forming manufacturing
Hot working-Classification of seamless
2. Principles of rolling. Three, Four tube. 2.Conduct an experiment
& cluster Rolling. Hot piercing. to on given rod to bend in
to U shape
3.Cold Working- Types Cold
-advantages and applications.

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 3

5 02 01,04 1. Safety Precautions to be followed 1.Firing of furnace
,05 in smithy Shop-Types of forging
Write a report &hammering practice
Uses of Forging equipment and Tools
on advantages
and 2.Conversion of Circular
2. Introduction-smith forging
disadvantages rod in to Square for the
of forging. given job in smithy shop
3. Forging losses and its Defects.
6 02 01,03 1. Estimation of Length of Raw 1. Prepare a model a
,04 material required for the forging cylindrical M.S rod in to a
component by menstruation concept. Refer table 1 hexagonal headed bolt.
2.Problems on forging 2. Prepare a model a
3.Problems on forging cylindrical M.S rod in to a
square headed bolt..
7 02 01,03 1.Estimation of Length of Raw
04 material required for the forging
component by menstruation concept 1. To make a square head
bolt of given dimension as
2.Estimation of total Production cost per M.S. bar.
for the finished forging component
by suitable assumptions of direct and Refer table 1 2. To make a square head
indirect expenses (4 to5 Components) bolt of given dimension as
per M.S. bar.
3. Estimation of total Production cost
for the finished forging component
by suitable assumptions of direct and
indirect expenses (4to 5 Components)
8 03 01,04 1.Introduction to sheet metal-
1. Identify and
-Sheet metal materials
Demonstrate the various
-Standard Gauges of sheet -
tools used for sheet metal
Specification of Sheet
Refer table 1 measure gauges of sheet.
2.Tools used in sheet metal
2.Demonstrate the
operation of Shearing
3.Shet metal joints, Sheet metal
9 03 01,03 1.Introduction to Development of Prepare & 1. Create the development
04 Surfaces- Cone, cylinder, prism, Submit the of sheet metal frustum of
development cone.
the surfaces 2.Preapre the
2.Development of a right circular
done in the 9th development, bend and
form to final frustum of
cone shape
3.Development of funnel and tray
10 03 01,03 1.Development of transition piece-
04 find the total production cost of a
sheet metal components like open Prepare &
container, Submit the
2. Development of transition piece-
development 1.Create a model of funnel
find the total production cost of a
the surfaces 2.Create a model of tray
sheet metal components like
cylindrical drum done in the
3.Development of transition piece- 10th week
find the total production cost of a
sheet metal component like transition
Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 4
11 03 01,04 1.Introduction to additive Study the
,07 manufacturing latest
Additive manufacturing application technological 1.Create a model by 3D
2. Additive manufacturing processes. changes in printing
a) Liquid based system this course
-Stereo lithography 2.Create a model by 3D
and present
b) Powder based system printing
-Three dimension (3D) printing. the impact of
these changes
on industry

12 04 01,04 1.
07 Introduction to brazing and soldering
Objectives- Principle of Brazing- 1.Conduct an experiment
Principle of Soldering- on soldering of Funnel
Different Types of Solders – Submit a
2.Types of Soldering Fluxes report on 2.Conduct an experiment
Soldering Methods – soldering & on soldering of Tray
Soldering Tools- Soldering its uses in the
Procedure- industry
3.Soldering defects and their
remedies ,safety precautions in
13 04 01,04 1.Brazing Processes – Submit a 1. Practice brazing
07 Brazing Joints and Surface report on operation
2.Preparation-Brazing Fluxes and brazing
Equipments and Filler Metal- 2. Conduct an experiment
soldering &
3.Comparison of Soldering, Brazing on brazing.
and Welding its uses in the

Total in hours 39 13 52

*PO= Program Outcome as listed and defined in year 1 curriculum and PO – CO mapping with strength
(Low/Medium/High) has to be mapped by the course coordinator. (Above only suggestive)

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 5

Table 1: Suggestive Activities for Tutorials: (The List is only shared as an Example and not inclusive of all
possible activities of the course. Student and Faculty are encouraged to choose activities that are relevant to
the topic and on the availability of such resources at their institution)

Sl.No. Suggestive Activities for Tutorials

01 Prepare the layout of the foundry shop.

02 Prepare layout for gating system &mention the parts of gating system.

03 Write a report on working of cupola furnace & inspection casting.

04 Write a report on steps in manufacturing of seamless tube.

05 Write a report on advantages and disadvantages of forging.

From heavy casting of 300Kg to small casting of 30 kg, investment casting method is used for as
wide for hi-tech industrial applications. Investment casting is largely relied on for complicated
06 designs that cannot be casted using any other method. Discuss. Also, Present the Preparation of
Patterns for the Process. Compare the relative surface finish of this process with other Casting
Processes. (06 week)

07 Visit sheet metal shop and practice the cutting of sheet metal.( 07 week)

Discuss the forging defects commonly occurring in forgings, their causes and Remedies. Present
the methodology for measuring Forging defects. https:// studentlesson.com

A Gas cylinder is produced by Sheet metal operations. Prepare the development and Present the
procedure involved in making the given component.

Identify the forming process adopted in making Tooth Paste Tubes. Present the process. List the
limitations involved and solutions to overcome these limitations

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 6

4. CIE and SEE Assessment Methodologies
Sl. Duration Max
Assessment Test Week Conversion
No In minutes marks

1. CIE-1 Written Test 5 80 30 Average of three

2. CIE-2Written Test 9 80 30 tests

3 CIE-3Written Test 13 80 30 30

4. CIE-4 Skill Test-Practice 6 180 100 Average of two

skill tests
5 CIE-5 Skill Test-Practice 12 180 100

CIE-6 Portfolio evaluation of

6 1-13 10 10
Activity through Rubrics

Total CIE Marks 60

Semester End Examination(Practice) 180 100 40

Total Marks 100

5. Format for CIE written Test


20MY32P Duration 80 Min Marks 30

Note: Answer any one full question from each section. Each full question carries 10 marks.

Cognitive Course
Section Assessment Questions Marks
Levels Outcome




Note for the Course coordinator: Each question may have one, two or three subdivisions. Optional
questions in each section carry the same weightage of marks, Cognitive level and course outcomes.

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 7

6. (a) For CIE Skill Test - 4 Duration :180 Min
CO Particulars/Dimension Marks

1. To prepare a hexagonal headed bolt using the given cylindrical M.S rod.
Tool selection =15 marks
Preparation of model =45 marks
1 02 90
Operation Performance& finish of model=15 marks
Dimensional accuracy =15 marks

2 01,02 Portfolio evaluation based on the average of all Practice Sessions (1-6 weeks) 10

Total Mark 100

6. (b) For CIE Skill Test -5 Duration :180 Min

CO Particulars/Dimension Marks

A).Create the development of sheet metal for model tray.

Development =25marks
Tool selection =10 marks
1 Operation Performance& finish of model =30 marks 90
03,04 Dimensional accuracy =05 marks
b). Performance of soldering =20 marks

2 03,04 Portfolio evaluation based on the average of all Practice Sessions (7-13 weeks) 10

Total Mark 100

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 8

7. CIE Skill Test and SEE Scheme of Evaluation
CO Particulars/Dimension Marks

A) Prepare a sand mould using the given pattern

Tool selection =15 marks

Preparation of model =45 marks
Operation Performance& finish of model =15 marks
Dimensional accuracy =15 marks

B) To prepare a hexagonal headed bolt using the given cylindrical M.S

Tool selection =15 marks
01,02,03, Preparation of model =45 marks
1 90
04 Operation Performance& finish of model =15 marks
Dimensional accuracy =15 marks
A) Create the development of sheet metal for model tray.

Development =25marks
Tool selection =10 marks
Operation Performance& finish of model =30 marks
Dimensional accuracy =05 marks
C) Performance of soldering =20 marks

2 Portfolio evaluation based on the average of all Practice Sessions 10

Total Marks 100

8. Rubrics for Assessment of Activity (Qualitative Assessment)

Sl. Dimension Beginner Intermediate Good Advanced Expert Students
No. Score
2 4 6 8 10

1 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 8

2 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 6

3 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2

4 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2

Average Marks=(8+6+2+2)/4=4.5 5

Note: Dimension and Descriptor shall be defined by the respective course coordinator as per the activities

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 9

9. Reference:
Sl. No. Description

1 Elements of Workshop Technology (Vols. 1 and II) by Hajra Chaudhary

2 Production Techonology By R.K. Jain

3 Foundry Technology By O.P.Khanna

4 Engineering Drawing Vol-2 By K.R.Gopala Krishna

5 Engineering Drawing By N.D.Bhat

6 Principle of Modern manufacturing by Mickell.P.Groover

10. Equipment/software list with Specification for a batch of 20 students

Sl. No. Particulars Specification Quantity

1 Moulding box 300*300*100mm 20
2 Moulding Rammer Standard size 20
3 Moulding tool kit Standard size 20
Electric furnace for melting (Wax/Low melting point
4 Standard size 04
metal with crucible and ladder for pouring)
5 Portable grinder for cleaning of casting Standard size 02
6 Sand Blaster Standard size 04
7 Ball peen Hammer ½ Lb 05
8 Pattern Making Tool kit Standard size 10
9 Anvil For Forging Standard size 05
10 Sledge hammer 2 LB 10
11 Hand hammer 1 Lb 10
12 Flatteners Standard size 20
13 Flat Tongs Standard size 20
14 Round Tongs Standard size 20
15 Steel scale 300mm 20
16 G I Bucket for Quenching 15 lits capacity 10
17 Open Heart Furnace with stand and Blower Standard size 04
18 Hot Chisel 24mm size 10
19 Sheet shearing Machine(Manual or M/c type) Standard size 04
20 Sniper for cutting sheet Standard size 20
21 Metal stake Standard size 10
22 Wooden mallet Standard size 20
23 Plastic Hammer Standard size 20
24 Bench vice for Bending of sheet Standard size 05
25 Brazing Gun Standard size 10
26 solder Gun Standard size 10

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 0

Government of Karnataka

Programme Mechanical Engineering (Machine Tools) Semester III

Course Code 20MY33P Type of Course Programme Core

Course Name Basics of machine Tools Contact Hours 8 hours/week

104 hours/semester
Teaching L:T:P :: 3:1:4 Credits 6
CIE Marks 60 SEE Marks 40

1. Rationale: Diploma Engineers are responsible for supervising production processes involving cutting tool
materials, cutting fluids, manufacturing methods in dimensioning and tolerance to achieve production targets
and for optimal utilization of resources. For this purpose, knowledge about various machining processes
and machine tools knowledge is required to be imparted. The students are to be trained and equipped with
adequate theoretical and practical knowledge about, mechanisms, power transmission on machine tools, Metal
Cutting Phenomenon and various cutting tool materials, cutting fluids and material removal process, the
knowledge on manufacturing product in the field of dimensioning of tolerance rule and the Specifications of
various machine tools etc. Hence, this course is introduced to provide hands on experience on various
machine tools and mechanisms used in the manufacturing stream and to provide foundation for diploma
engineers who want to further specialize in the field of manufacturing methods by using basic elements of
machine tools.

1. Course Outcomes/Skill Sets /students able to

CO-01 Analyze Machine tool elements and mechanisms, power transmission by conducting the test
on machine tools
CO-02 Understand and Demonstrate the different cutting tool materials, cutting fluids and material
removal process
CO-03 Analyze and apply the knowledge on manufacturing product in the field of dimensioning of
tolerance rule
CO-04 Demonstrate and Analyze the Specifications of various machine tools.

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 1

2. Course content.

Lecture Practice (Performance criteria)
Week CO PO (knowledge criteria) 4 hours/week (2 hours/batch
3 hours/week twice in a week
1 hour/week
Theory of machine tools. Draw the 1.Identify and study the
1.Introduction-kinematic link- neat sketch different types of kinematic
kinematic pair-types & submit links and pairs in your machine
2.Kinematic chain-mechanism- report on shop and make the sketches
1 01 01
machine-structure-difference Watt’s 2. Identify the differences
between the above indicator between structure, machine and
3.Inversions of four bar chain mechanism mechanisms.

1.Inversions of single slider crank 1. Make the model of pendulum

chain Understand pump by suitable materials.
-Pendulum pump &submit
-Oscillating cylinder engine report on 2. Conduct an experiment on
2 01 01,04
2.Crank and slotted lever quick double slider shaper to find the different
return motion mechanism crank chain stroke lengths.
3. Whitworth quick return motion mechanism
1.Inversions of Double slider 1.Visit the machine shop
Study the
crank chain indentify the different types of
drives of
-Elliptical trammels driving mechanism and make
flour mills
2. Scotch yoke mechanism with a neat sketch
nearer to
3 01 01 Oldham`s coupling
your house
3. Introduction to belt drives- 2.Study and make report on
and submit a
factors considered for the amount radial drilling machine belt
report on
of power transmitted, Selection of a drive in your machine shop
Belt Drive, Types of Belts.
1.Types of flat belt drives, 1. Conduct an experiment on
-Open belt drives, lathe to find the velocity ratio of
-Crossed or twist belt drives the drive by considering all
- Compound belt drives arrangements of the lathe.
2. Stepped or cone belt drives, Fast
Draw the
and loose pulley drive. 2. Conduct an experiment on
sketch of
Length of open belt drive. drilling machine to find the
stepped cone
Velocity Ratio of Belt Drive, velocity ratio of the drive by
4 01 01,02,04 pulley belt
Slip of belt drives(Without considering all arrangements of
drives of
derivation) the Drilling machine.
3.Ratio between belt tensions,
Power transmitted by belt drive,
Tension in the belts, Condition for
the transmission of Maximum
power, V-belt drives(Without
1.Solve simple problems on belt 1. Conduct an experiment on
drives drilling machine to find the
velocity ratio of the V-belt
2. Solve simple problems on belt drive.
5 01 01,02,04 drives. Refer table 1 2.Change the driven pulley and
Conduct an experiment on
3.Solve simple problems on belt drilling machine to find the
drives velocity ratio of the V-belt drive

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 2

Gear drives Visit 1.Study and make the report on
1.-Introduction- Study of gears Inspection & lathe gear box
-Gear classification metrology
2.Gear trains-Velocity ratio lab or 2.Find out the gear ratios
-Types of gear trains Google available in your lathe and
6 01 01,02,03 -Simple gear train- search to conduct experiment on gear
-Compound gear train study the trains
3.Epicyclic gear train different
Reverted gear train-Differential types gauges
gear and submit a
Metal removal process and cutting 1. By using a different material,
tool nomenclature Study and make report on
1.Classification of metal removal different types of chip
process formation while turning
-Cutting tool technology operation in lathe.
Tool life, 2. Resharp the single point
Tool wear cutting tool and draw to find the
Prepare &
Tool materials nomenclature.
submit a
2.Types of cutting tools
7 02 01,04 report on
-Single point cutting tools-Brief
economics of
tool life
-Multi point cutting tools
- Single point cutting tool
3. Types of chips –
Continuous, continuous with
built up edge and
Orthogonal and Oblique cutting.
1.Mechanics of Chip formation,
chip-breakers, Nomenclature of 1. Find out the hardness of HSS
twist drill tools.
2.Cutting Fluids
Introduction -Functions of cutting Visit market 2. Find out the viscosity number
fluids & prepare of the cutting fluids.
8 02 01,02,04 Lubrication in metal cutting report on
Properties of cutting fluids different
3.Types of cutting fluids cutting fluids
-Petroleum based or mineral oil
-Emulsified cutting fluids.
-Synthetic cutting fluids.
1.Additives of cutting fluids Study and 1. Find out the flash and fire
Selection and application make report point of petroleum based
Cutting fluids for different on selection cutting fluids(kerosene)
materials. and
9 02 01,02,04
2.Fits ,Tolerances and gauges application 2.Find out the flash and fire
Introduction, Terminology used of cutting point of petroleum based
3.Fits, types of fits, fluids cutting fluids.(diesel)
Hole basis and shaft basis for fits
1.Selective assembly– Study 1.Conduct an experiment with
Interchangeability &prepare a different types gauges available
10 03 01,02,04
-Repeatability and report on in your lab
re-produce ability Taylor’s
Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 3
-Dimensioning of tolerances rules principle of
gauges 2.Determine the circular
2. Limit gauges, Go-limit, No GO diameter and width of the given
limit. job by Adjusting the snap gauge
-Plug gauge, Snap gauge
3.Maximum material condition
Least material condition
1.Common symbols of GD&T 1. Make a chart on symbols of
2.Machining symbols GD&T.
11 03 01,02,07 -Indication of surface roughness Refer table 1 2.Draw the sketches of
3. Methods of placing machining machined part and apply the
symbols machining symbols
1.Specifications of machine tools 1. Find out the actual
Draw the line diagram &explain Collect specifications of the lathe by
detailed specification of Lathe &submit precision measuring instruments
2.Draw the line diagram &explain report on the in your machine shop.
detailed specification of Milling different
12 04 01,02,04 specifications
machine 2.Find out the actual
for machine
3.Draw the line diagram &explain specifications of drilling
tools from
detailed specification of power machine by precision measuring
press instruments in your machine
1.Specifications of machine tools 1.Find out the actual
Draw the line diagram &explain specifications of the Drilling
detailed specification of Drilling Collect machine by precision
machine &submit measuring instruments in your
report on the machine shop
2.Draw the line diagram &explain different
13 04 01,02,04 specifications
detailed specification of shaping 2.Find out the actual
for machine
machine specifications of the shaping
tools from
machine by precision measuring
3.Draw the line diagram &explain instruments in your machine
detailed specification of grinding shop

Total in hours 39 13 52

*PO= Program Outcome as listed and defined in year 1 curriculum and PO – CO mapping with strength
(Low/Medium/High) has to be mapped by the course Co-Ordinator. (Above only suggestive)

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 4

TABLE 1: Suggestive Activities for Tutorials: (The List is only shared as an Example and not inclusive of all
possible activities of the course. Student and Faculty are encouraged to choose activities that are relevant to
the topic and on the availability of such resources at their institution).

Sl Suggestive Activities for Tutorials

1 Understand the actual diagram of double slider crank chain mechanism
2 Study the drives of flour mills nearer to your house and submit a report on drives.
3 Understand the actual diagram of Stepped or cone belt drives of lathe machine
4 Understand the actual uses of belt drives by visiting flour mill or a small scale industry nearer to our
house and submit a report on it.
5 Visit machine shop in an machine shop study the gear drives and belt drives submit a report
6 Visit Inspection & metrology lab or Google search to study the different types gauges and submit a
7 Prepare a report on tool materials and geometry by Google search
8 Prepare a report on surface roughness symbol used in machined parts
9 Visit cutting fluid seller to find the different types of cutting fluids with their properties
10 Collect the different specifications for lathe, drilling machine and shaping machine from different
11 Collect the different specifications for milling , grinding machine and planning machine from different

4. CIE and SEE Assessment Methodologies

Sl. Assessment Test Week Duration Max Conversion
No In minutes marks
1. CIE-1 Written Test 5 80 30 Average of three tests
2. CIE-2Written Test 9 80 30 30
3 CIE-3Written Test 13 80 30
4. CIE-4 Skill Test-Practice 6 180 100 Average of two skill tests
5 CIE-5 Skill Test-Practice 12 180 100 20
6 CIE-6 Portfolio evaluation of 1-13 10 10
Activity through Rubrics
Total CIE Marks 60
Semester End Examination(Practice) 180 100 40
Total Marks 100

5. Format for CIE written Test

Course Name Basics of machine Tools Test I/II/III Sem III
Course Code 20MY33P Duration 80 Min Marks 30

Note: Answer any one full question from each section. Each full question carries 10 marks.
Section Assessment Questions Cognitive Course Marks
Levels Outcome
I 1
II 3
Note for the Course coordinator: Each question may have one, two or three subdivisions. Optional
questions in each section carry the same weightage of marks, Cognitive level and course outcomes.

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 5

6. Rubrics for Assessment of Activity (Qualitative Assessment)
Sl. Dimension Beginner Intermediate Good Advanced Expert Students
No. Score
2 4 6 8 10
1 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 8
2 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 6
3 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
4 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
Average Marks=(8+6+2+2)/4=4.5 5
Note: Dimension and Descriptor shall be defined by the respective course coordinator as per the activities

7. CIE 4 Skill Test Scheme of Evaluation

SL. CO Particulars/Dimension Marks
1 02,03 1. Conduct experiment on Drilling machine
a) Data collection from machine = 10 Marks
b) Find out the velocity, Length of the belt and power transmitted
by belt drive. (10+10+15)= 35 Marks
2. Conduct experiment on flash and fire point forgiven oil
Apparatus required, calculation/table and conduction
= (10+10+15)= 35 Marks
Results = 10 Marks
2 01,02 Portfolio evaluation based on the average of all Practice Sessions
Total Marks 100

8.CIE Skill Test Scheme of Evaluation

SL. CO Particulars/Dimension Marks
1 03,04 1. Find out the hardness of the given cutting tool
Apparatus required, procedure, conduction = (10+10+15)=35
Results = 10
2. Find out the actual specifications of the lathe by precision
measuring instruments 90
Apparatus required, procedure, conduction = (10+10+15)=35
Results = 10

2 03,04 Portfolio evaluation based on the average of all Practice Sessions 10

Total Marks

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 6

9. SEE Scheme of Evaluation
SL. CO Particulars/Dimension Marks
1 03, 3. Determine the circular diameter/width of given job by
using adjustable snap gauge
Apparatus required, procedure, conduction = (10+10+15)=35
Results = 10
4. Find out the hardness of the given cutting tool
Apparatus required, procedure, conduction = (10+10+15)=35
Results = 10

2 01,02,03 Portfolio evaluation based on the average of all Practice Sessions

Total Marks 100

10. Reference:
Sl. No. Description
1 Theory of machine by R S Khurmi and J K Gupta Chand publication
2 Theory of machine by R K Bansal
3 Theory of machine by S S Rathan
4 Metrology and inspection by R K Jain
5 Work shop technology by hajra chaudhary
6 Metal cutting and tool design by Dr.BJ Ranganath
7 Fundamentals of Machine Drawing. Sadhu Sing and P.L sah
8 Workshop Technology by R S Khurmi and J K Gupta Chand publication
9 Principles of modern manufacturing by Mikell P. Groover

11. Equipment/software list with Specification for a batch of 20 students

Sl. Particulars Specification Quantity

1 Machine tool/Models of quick return motion Standard size 05
2 Machine tools using in machine shop standard -
3 Machine tool/models of belt, v-belt, gear drive system Standard size 2 each
4 All types gauges and instruments Standard size 4 sets
5 Different types of cutting fluids standard 10 liters
6 Different types of cutting tools Standard size 10 each

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 7

Government of Karnataka


Mechanical Engineering (MachineTools)
Programme Semester III

Course Code 20MY34P Type of Course Programme Core

8 hours/week
Course Name Machine Tool Metrology Contact Hours
Teaching Scheme L:T:P :: 3:1:4 Credits 6
CIE Marks 60 SEE Marks 40

1. Rationale: Diploma Engineers are responsible for supervising metrological instrument uses and
their inspection processes in the production shops and for utilization of resources to achieve the
production target. For this purpose, knowledge about various metrology instruments used in
machining processes is required to be imparted. The students are to be trained and equipped with
adequate theoretical and practical knowledge machine tool metrology and various methods of
measurements techniques. Hence, this course is introduced to provide hands on experience on
various machine tool metrology equipment’s and instruments are used in the manufacturing stream
and to provide foundation for diploma engineers who want to further specialize in the field of
machine tool production processes.

2.Course Outcomes: At the end of the Course, the student will be able to:
List the various factors to be considered in metrology measurement and explain the
importance inspection and standards of metrology.
Demonstrate the uses of direct and indirect measuring instruments, list the various contact,
CO-02 and contactless measuring instruments, different types of errors in the instruments and real
time measurements by using basic metrological instruments.
Demonstrate and conduct the experiments by using angular, screw and gear
measuring instruments and tabulate the measuring values.
Demonstrate and conduct the alignment test on various machine tools and justify the machine tool
CO-04 performance of various parts for actual production of the machine tool

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 8

3. Course Content
Lecture Practice
(Knowledge) (Skill)
Week CO PO*
4 hours/week (2
3 hours/week 1 hour/week
hours/batch twice in a week)
Knowledge about Measurement
and Metrology.
1. Introduction to Metrology-
Need of Inspection- Precision
and Accuracy, Factors affecting
1. Read and interpret the
2. Material Standard -Imperial Present a Metrology equipment’s and their
1 01 01 Standard Yard-Advantages- report on concepts in the Metrology lab.
International Standard Meter importance of
(Prototype)-Disadvantages of metrology 2. Read and interpret the
Material Standard-Wavelength and Metrology equipment’s and their
Standard inspection in concepts in the Metrology lab.
industries and
3. Subdivision of standards- create a chart
Primary-Standards- on various
Secondary Standards metrology
Tertiary Standards-Working standards.
Standards-Sometimes the
standards are also classified as-
Line and End Measurements-
Line Standards-Characteristics
of Line Standards-End
Standards-Characteristics of
End Standards
Measuring system element
1. Methods of Measurement-
method of measurement-
Indirect method of
measurement-Absolute or
Fundamental method-
2 02 01 Comparative method- Study the 1. Read and interpret the
Transposition method- behavior of Metrology equipment’s and their
Coincidence method-Deflection direct and concepts in the Metrology lab.
method-Complementary indirect
method measuring 2. Read and interpret the
2. Method of measurement by instruments Metrology equipment’s and their
substitution-Method of null and concepts in the Metrology lab.
measurement-Contact method- demonstrate
Contactless method- Errors in the major
Measurement. Absolute Error possible error
and Relative Error occurs in the
3. Types of Error-Static errors- in metrology
Reading errors-Interpolation lab and
error. Parallax error tabulate the
Characteristic Errors-Loading same.
Errors. Environmental Errors
Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 9
Dynamic Errors
Systematic Errors-Calibration
Ambient or Atmospheric
Stylus Pressure-Avoidable
Errors-Random Errors-General
Care of Metrological

Linear Measurement

1. Introduction- The direct

measuring instruments are of
two types-Graduated -Non Discuss and 1.Conduct an experiment to
Graduated, submit a find out the total reading on
Vernier Instruments-Reading report on given specimens by using
3 02 01,02, the Vernier Scale-Types of digital vernier caliper
04 Vernier Calipers measuring
instruments 2. Conduct an experiment to
2. Micrometers- Reading a and their find out the total reading on
Micrometer: Precautions in accuracy given specimens by using
using Micrometer requirements micrometer.
3. Learning the Calculation of le parts
least count for Vernier manufacturin
caliper g.
and micrometer
1.Conduct an experiment to
Linear Measurement
find out the total reading on
1. Vernier height gauge-uses- given specimens by using
important features of Vernier Vernier height gauge & bore
height gauge-Precautions gauge
4 02 01,02,
04 Refer Table-1 2.Conduct an experiment to find
2. Bore gauge, dial indicator and out the total reading on given
dial thickness gauge- Practical specimens by using thickness
applications and uses
gauge and telescopic gauges
3. Slip Gauges and Telescopic
Gauges-uses and applications

Calibration of Linear Measuring 1.Conduct an experiment to

instruments calibrate the given Vernier
Submit a case caliper and Micrometer,
1. Calibration –Introduction study on
Methods of Calibration calibration of 2. Conduct an experiment to
linear measuring calibrate the given Vernier
2. Calibration of Vernier calliper instruments used height gauge and dial
and micrometer. in metrology indicator using given slip
5 02 laboratory gauges for its
3. Calibration of Vanier height progressive and periodic
Gauge and dial indicator. errors.

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 0

Angular Measurement
1. Introduction-Bevel
Protector, Universal Bevel
Protector - Various Submit a report 1. Conduct an experiment to
Components of Bevel on various find the angle of the
Protectors Mechanical bevel angular given specimens by using
protector bevel protractors and
combination set
2. Sine Principle and Sine instruments used
6 03 01,02,0 Bars. Sine center- Use of for angular 2. Conduct an experiment to
4 sine bar- sine center measurements in find the angle of the given
Checking of unknown the machine tool specimens by using Sine
angles-Checking of production bar and sine center
unknown angles of heavy industries.
3. Uses of Angle Gauges and
combination set, Use of
angle gauges with square
Screw thread measurement
1. Thread Form, Screw
Thread Terminology-
Lead-Pitch-Minor diameter 1. Conduct an experiment to
Major diameter find major and effective
Pitch Diameter-Helix angle: diameter of screw thread
Flank angle-Height of by using bench
thread-Depth of thread- micrometer as well as two
Form of thread-External wire method for effective
Thread-Internal Thread- diameter
Angle of the thread-Axis of
the thread 2. Conduct an experiment to
Discuss and find major and effective
2. Screw thread measuring present a report diameter of screw thread
instruments-Screw thread on screw tread by using bench
7 03 01,02, micrometer, Screw Pitch terminology and micrometer as well as
04 gauge, Profile projector, prepare a chart three wire method for
Tool maker’s microscope on different effective diameter
forms of thread.
3. Measurement of Major
Measurement of Effective
Diameter by One Wire
Measurement of Effective
Diameter by Two Wire and
Three wire Method.
Profile projector, Tool
maker’s microscope

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 1

Gear measurement
1. Types of gears-Gear
Surface-Pitch Circle-
Addendum circle-Root (or 1. Conduct an experiment
Dedendum) circle- to find thickness of gear
Addendum-Dedendum- tooth by using Vernier
Clearance-Face of a tooth- Discuss and gear tooth caliper and
Flank of a tooth-Circular present a report on by constant
thickness gear terminology chord method
Tooth space-Backlash- and prepare a chart
Circular pitch p-Diametric on different types
pitch P-Module m-Fillet- of gears used in 2. Conduct an experiment
Pinion: Velocity ratio- manufacturing to find pitch of the
Pitch point-Base circle- industries. gear by base tangent
8 03 01,02,04 Line of action-Path of method
contact-Pressure angle

2. Gear measuring
instrument- Various
methods of measuring the
gear tooth thickness -
Measurement of tooth
thickness by gear tooth
vernier caliper-Constant
Chord Method

3. Base Pitch Measuring

Instrument-Base Tangent
1. Conduct an
1.Introduction to Comparator - experiment to find
Types, Characteristics, uses, the dimensions of
advantages and disadvantages the given specimen
by using mechanical
9 03 2.Mechanical Comparators Discuss and present comparator
01,02,04 a report on different 2.
3.Electrical and Electronics comparators used in 3. Conduct an experiment
comparator, Pneumatic comparators used in to find the dimensions
manufacturing of the given specimen
industries. by using electronics

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 2

Machine Tool Alignment Test
1. Introduction: Importance of
Machine Tool Metrology-
Various tests on machine 1. Conduct an alignment
tool test on lathe and justify
the machine tool
2. Alignment Test on Lathe performance of various
Machine-Leveling of the parts for actual
10 04 01,02,0 machine-True Running of Study the latest production of the
4 main spindle -True Running technological machine.
of Headstock Centre changes in these
tests and 2. Conduct an alignment
3. Parallelism of the Main present the new test on lathe and justify
Spindle to Saddle and advanced the machine tool
Movement-True running of developments performance of various
taper socket in main spindle- parts for production
Parallelism of tailstock activities.
guide ways with the
movement of carriage

Machine Tool Alignment Test-

Milling Machine:
1. True running of the spindle-
Spindle Alignment- 1. Conduct an alignment
Parallelism between the table test on milling machine
and the spindle axis and justify the machine
tool performance of
2. Surface parallel with various parts for
11 04 01,02,04 longitudinal movement, Study the latest production activities
Transverse movement technological
parallel with spindle axis-in changes in these
vertical plane, Centre T slot tests and 2. Conduct an alignment
parallel present the new and test on milling machine
advanced and justify the machine
developments tool performance of
3. Centre T slot square with various parts for
arbor-Column ways for knee production activities
square with table and
inclination front to rear,
Over arm parallel with
spindle-in horizontal and
vertical plane

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 3

Machine Tool Alignment Test-
Drilling Machine:
1. True running of the spindle-
Spindle alignment- 1. Conduct an alignment
Parallelism between the test on drilling machine
column and the spindle axis and justify the machine
tool performance of
2. Flatness of clamping surface various parts for
12 04 01,02,04 base and table, Study the latest production activities
perpendicularity of drill head technological
with table, perpendicularity changes in these
of spindle sleeve with base tests and 2. Conduct an alignment
plate present the new and test on drilling machine
advanced and justify the machine
3. Squareness of clamping developments tool performance of
surface of table to its axis, various parts for
Squareness of spindle axis production activities
with axis, total deflection

Machine Tool Alignment Test-

Shaper :
1. Straightness of ram with table
movements, parallelism of 1.Conduct an alignment test
ram and table, parallelism of on shaper and justify the
ram and base plate machine tool performance
of various parts for
2. Flatness of clamping surface
production activities
13 04 01,02,04 base and table, Study the latest
perpendicularity of tool head technological
with table, perpendicularity changes in these
of tool head with base plate tests and 2. Conduct an alignment
present the new and test on shaper and justify
3. Squareness of clamping the machine tool
surface of table to its performance of various
longitudinal and traverse parts for production
movement, Perpendicularity activities
of clapper box with work
table and base plate, total

Total hours 39 13 52

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 4

*PO= Program Outcome as listed and defined in year 1 curriculum and PO – CO mapping with strength
(Low/Medium/High) has to be mapped by the course coordinator. (Above only suggestive)

Table 1: Suggestive Activities for Tutorials: (The List is only shared as an Example and not inclusive of all
possible activities of the course. Student and Faculty are encouraged to choose activities that are relevant to
the topic and on the availability of such resources at their institution)

Sl.No. Suggestive Activities for Tutorials

Present a report on importance of metrology and inspection in industries and create a chart
on various metrology standards.
Study the behavior of direct and indirect measuring instruments and demonstrate the major
possible error occurs in the instruments in metrology lab and tabulate the same.
Discuss and present a report on digital measuring instruments and their accuracy
requirements in interchangeable parts manufacturing.
Present a report on importance of slip gauges in metrology
measurements, their dimensions, accuracy requirements and their
04 standards

Present a case study on calibration of linear measuring instruments used in metrology

05 laboratory
Present a report on various angular measuring instruments used for angular
measurements in the machine tool production industries.
Discuss and present a report on screw tread terminology and prepare a chart on
07 different forms of thread.
Discuss and present a report on gear terminology and prepare a chart on different types
of gears used in manufacturing industries.
Discuss and present a report on different comparators used in used in manufacturing
09 industries.

4. CIE and SEE Assessment Methodologies

Sl. Duration Max
Assessment Test Week Conversion
No In minutes marks
1. CIE-1 Written Test 5 80 30 Average of
CIE-2 Written Test 9 80 30 three tests
2. 30
3 CIE-3 Written Test 13 80 30
4. CIE-4 Skill Test-Practice 6 180 100 Average of two skill
CIE-5 Skill Test-Practice 12 180 100 test reduced to
5 20
CIE-6 Portfolio evaluation
6 1-13 10 10
of Activity through Rubrics
Total CIE Marks
Semester End Examination (Practice) 180 100 40

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 5

5. Format for CIE written Test
Course Name Machine Tool Metrology Test I/II/III Sem III
Course Code 20MY34P Duration 80 Min Marks 30
Note: Answer any one full question from each section. Each full question carries 10 marks.
Cognitive Course
Section Assessment Questions Marks
Levels(R/U/A) Outcome
Note for the Course coordinator: Each question may have one, two or three subdivisions. Optional questions in each
section carry the same weightage of marks, Cognitive level and course outcomes.

6. For CIE Skill Test -4 Duration :180 Min

SL. CO Particulars/Dimension Marks

1 02, Question on calibration of vernier caliper by using slip gauges
• List of equipment’s, Conducting procedure, Least count,
Tabular column, Equations, specimen calculation and typical
result =20marks 90
• Conducting Experiment =30marks
• Reading tabulation, substitution in equations and calculations
(05+10+20)=35 marks
• Final Result =05 Marks

2 01,02,03 Portfolio evaluation based on the average of all Practice Sessions (1- 10
6 weeks)
Total Marks 100

7 . For CIE Skill Test -5 Duration: 180 Min

SL. CO Particulars/Dimension Marks

Question on Alignment Test on Lathe Machine-Leveling of the
machine-True Running of main spindle -True Running of Headstock
1 04 Centre with procedure and justification.
• List of equipment’s, Conducting procedure, Least count of the
instruments used, Tabular column=20marks 90
• Conducting Experiment =30marks
• Reading tabulation, substitution in equations and calculations
(15+15+5)=35 marks
• Final Result =05 Marks
2 03,04 Portfolio evaluation based on the average of all Practice Sessions (7- 10
12 Weeks)
Total Marks 100

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 36

8.SEE Scheme of Evaluation
SL. CO Particulars/Dimension Mark
No. s
Question on calibration of vernier height gauge by using slip gauges
• List of equipment’s, Conducting procedure, Least count,
Tabular column, Equations, specimen calculation and typical
1 02 result =05marks
• Conducting Experiment =20marks 45
• Reading tabulation, substitution in equations and calculations
(05+05+05)=15 marks
• Final Result =05 Marks
Question on Alignment Test on Milling Machine-True running of the
spindle-Spindle Alignment-Parallelism between the table and the spindle
2 04 • List of equipment’s, Conducting procedure, Least count of the 45
instruments used, Tabular column=05marks
• Conducting Experiment =20marks
• Reading tabulation, substitution in equations and calculations
(05+05+05)=15 marks
• Final Result =05 Marks
3 01,02, Portfolio evaluation based on the average of all Practice Sessions 10
Total Marks 100

9.Rubrics for Assessment of Activity (Qualitative Assessment)

Sl. Dimension Beginner Intermediate Good Advanced Expert Students
No. Score
2 4 6 8 10
1 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 8
2 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 6
3 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
4 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
Average Marks= 5
Note: Dimension and Descriptor shall be defined by the respective course coordinator as per the activities

Sl. No. Description
1 Engineering Metrology,R. K. Jain, Khanna Publishers
2 Mechanical Measurements,R K Jain, Khanna Publishers
Engineering Metrology,I C Gupta, Dhanpat Rai Publications
4 Engineering Metrology,Anand Bewoor,Tata McGraw Hill
5 A Text Book of Metrology, M. Mahajan,Dhanpat Rai Publications
6 Hand book of Industrial metrology, John W. Greve, Frank W. Wilson,PHI ,New Delhi
Engineering Metrology,D.M.Anthony,Pergamon Press
Dimensional Metrology,Khare MK, Oxford-IBHPublishers
Engineering Metrology and Measurements, N.V.Raghavendra and L. Krishnamurthy Oxford
9 University Press
10 Engineering Metrology and Measurements, Bentley Pearson Education

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 37

1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112/106/112106179/
2. https://www.mitutoyo.com/
4. https://www.threadcheck.com/
5. www.freevideolectures.com

12.Equipment list with Specification for a batch of 20 students

No. Particulars Specification Quantity
0-200mm 20
01 Venier caliper
02 Micrometer 0-25mm, 25- 20
03 Vernier height gauge (mechanical and digital) 0-300mm 10
04 Depth micrometer 0-150mm 10
05 Vernier depth gauge 0-150mm 10
06 Slip gauges Grade 1, 87 10
07 Universal bevel protractor 5min.(0- 90- 0) 10
Blade 150, 300
08 Dial gauge, magnetic stand and V block 0-25mm 20
09 Sine bar 100mm,200mm 10
10 Sine center 100mm,200mm 10
Standard Size
11 Combination set 10
for Practice
12 Inside micrometer 0-25mm,
Standard Size
13 Telescopic gauges set 10
for Practice
Standard Size for
14 Bore gauge set Practice 10
15 Screw thread measurement by using Two wire set Standard Size for 10
16 Screw thread measurement by using Three wire set Standard Size for 10
17 Progressive gauge Standard Size for 10
18 Ring gauge Grade A/X 1 5-2, 10
2-4, 4-12, 12-20
19 Snap gauge adjustable/ double 10
ended (3piece)
Grade A/X
20 Thread gauge 0-25mm. 10
21 Digital vernier caliper 10
22 Dial Micrometer 0-25mm, 10
23 Surface Plate Standard Size for 10

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 38

24 Gear tooth vernier caliper 10
plug (3piece)
25 Plug gauge Grade A/X 10
Standard Size
26 Spirit Level 10
for Practice
27 Angle gauges Grade 1 10
28 Feeler gauge 0.01 to 19mm 10
0.01mm to
29 Radius gauge 14mm. 10
30 Mechanical comparator 0-50mm 10
21 Digital vernier caliper 10
31 Electronics comparator Standard Size 10

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 39

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 1

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 2

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 3


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 40

Government of Karnataka

Programme Mechanical Engineering (Machine Tools) Semester IV

Course Code 20MY41P Type of Course Programme Core

8 hours/week
Course Name Machine Tool Design Contact Hours
104 hours/semester
Teaching L:T:P :: 3:1:4 Credits 6
CIE Marks 60 SEE Marks 40

1. Rationale: In recent year the manufacturing environment has undergone dramatic change for
achieving market goals it is essential to produce quality parts less time, verity manufacturing
concepts with zero lead time. Diploma Engineers are responsible for d e s i g n and
d e v e l o p m e n t o f m a c h i n e t o o l s . To develop comprehensive knowledge and understanding
of working principle of machine tools. Students will able to analyse speed and feed regulation
mechanisms of machine tools. Design machine structure, spindles and spindle support, columns and
guideways for better stability and precision. Hence, this course is introduced to provide hands on
experience on various machine tools used in the design stream and to provide foundation for
diploma engineers who want to further specialize in the field of machine tool design.

2. Course Outcomes/Skill Sets/Students able to

CO-01 Understand and analyze design of machining parameter during machining processes.

CO-02 Understand and analyze the design of machine tool structure

CO-03 Understand the design of machine tool structure like column, housing.

CO-04 Understand the design of spindle and spindle support, and guideways

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 41

3. Course Content
Lecture Tutorial
Week CO PO (Knowledge Criteria) Criteria) (Performance Criteria)

3 hours/week 1 hour/week 4 hours/week(2 hours/batch

twice in a week)
Introduction of machine tool Visit to the 1.Visit the machine shop and
design shop (machine identify the different parts of
1. Classification of machine tool seller) lathe, and drilling machine and
tool draw the sketches and submit
take the
2. General requirements of the report
1 01 01 catalogs of 2. Classify available different
machine tool design
different machine tools in your machine
3. Steps involved in design machine tools, shop based on weight,
study and write specialization and submit the
a report and report.
1. Shank design of a single Case study on 1. Conduct an experiment on
point cutting tool -Power different types lathe to calculate the cutting
consumed in metal cutting of cutting force on single point cutting
2. Problems on design of tools/inserts of tool using actual dimensions of
01,02, Shank of a single point different the cutting tool shank.
2 01
03,04 cutting tool (Square and
companies and
Rectangular) 2. Conduct an experiment to
submit the
3. Problems on design of calculate the moment of inertia
Shank of a single point report. for the single point cutting tool
cutting tool (Square and shank.
1. Determination of forces acting 1. Conduct an experiment to
on a single point cutting tool. find different forces acting on
Case study on single point cutting tool by
2. Problems on the forces acting the different using lathe tool dynamometer,
and power consumption on types of drill
01, and sketch the line diagram of
3 01 single point cutting tool. bits of different forces.
3. Forces and power and submit the 2.Conduct an experiment on
consumption on drill bit. report. lathe to find out cutting force,
power transmitted, turning
moment by assuming the
required parameters
1.Problems on forces acting on Submit a report 1. Conduct an experiment on
drill bit on different drilling machine to find out the
types of forces and power transmitted
01,02, 2.Forces and power milling cutters by the drill bit.
4 01
04 consumption on milling from different
manufacturers. 2. Conduct an experiment on
milling machine to find out the
3.Problems on forces acting on forces and power transmitted
milling cutter. by the milling cutter.

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 42

Design of machine tool Study and 1.Conduct an experiment on
structures Submit a report selection criteria for cast iron
1.Introduction- Functions of on different and steel based on height ,
machine tool structure and
materials used weight and thickness for
their requirements.
2. Materials for Machine Tool for different constant strength and stiffness
01,02, Structure- Material machine tool requirements of machine tool
5 02
03,04 properties-Manufacturing structures with structure
Problems-Economy respect to cost,
3.Design criteria for machine 2. Conduct an experiment to
weight and
tool structure find out hardness of the
strength ratio. materials like cast Iron, Mild
steel, and composite materials.
Used for construction of
machine tool structure.
1.Problems on Design criteria Collect the 1. Conduct an experiment to
for machine tool structure. data on calculate static stiffness and
stiffness of compliance for springs
2.Problems on Design criteria connected in series for the
01,02, for machine tool structure given load.
6 02 materials used
3.Introduction to static and for making of 2. Conduct an experiment to
dynamic stiffness- spring and calculate static stiffness and
Static Stiffness, Compliance submit a compliance for springs
and Dynamic stiffness report. connected in series for the
given load.
1. Conduct an experiment to
Study and calculate static stiffness and
1. Profiles of machine tool
structure Submit a report compliance for springs
on various connected in parallel for the
2. Basic Design Procedure
01,02, given load.
7 03 of Machine Tool columns and 2.Conduct an experiment on
04 Structures profiles of two different materials other
3. Design of columns machine tool than cast iron and mild steel to
structures. find out volumes of two beams
and optimum design ratio

1. Conduct an experiment on
the column (milling) to
determine the deflection.
Submit a report
on a circular 2.Conduct an experiment on
1. Problems on design of base type the column (drilling), find the
column various parameters and
01,02, column and
8 03 2. Problems on design of calculate the area,
04 column find out
3. Design of housing deflection due
to shearing

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 43

1. Conduct an experiment on
the design of housing, base and
1.Design of bases and tables table to measure the various
dimensions and draw the
2.Design of cross rails-arms- Write a report
01,02, on Model different views of the same.
9 03 saddles-carriages-design of arms
03,04 techniques in
2.Conduct an experiment on
3. Model techniques in design of design of
the design of cross rails-arms-
machine tool structure. machine tool
saddles, carriage and measure
the various dimensions and
draw the different views of the
Compute and
1. Problems on Model submit a report
techniques on prototype 1. Conduct an experiment on
01,02, 2. Problems on Model and model Perspex model and find the
10 04 techniques various parameters.
03,04 studies on
3. Design of spindle and
spindle support Perspex and 2.Conduct an experiments on
Functions-requirements- methyl metha methyl metha crylyte model
materials crylyte

Design of spindle and spindle 1. Conduct an experiment on

support milling machine arbor
1. Design calculations of (spindle) to find the various
spindle and Deflection of parameters concern with the
spindle axis due to Derive an
spindle support and calculate
bending(y1) equation for
the deflection (y1) of the
01,02, 2. Deflection of spindle axis bending,
11 04 due to compliance of spindle.
03,04 compliance
spindle support(y2) and total 2.Conduct an experiment on
3. Problems on design of deflection. grinding machine arbor
spindles (spindle) to find the various
parameters concern with the
spindle support and calculate
the deflection(y1) of the
By considering 1. Conduct an experiment on
1. Problems on design of length between Lathe machine spindle to find
spindles supports and the outer and inner diameter of
2. Problems on outer and cantilever hollow spindle.
inner diameter of hollow length,
01,02, spindle calculate y1 2. Conduct an experiment on
12 04
04 3. Optimum spacing and y2, and drilling machine spindle to
between the spindle draw a graph find the outer and inner
support. of Optimum diameter of hollow spindle.
between the

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 44

Introduction to Machine tool
Slide ways 1. Conduct an experiment to
1. Requirements, types for Visit machine determine pulling force on two
slideways shop and flat cast iron sideways of equal
submit a report width and height half of the
13 04 01,04 2. Materials for slideways width.
on different
shapes of
2.Case study on slideways of
3. Aerostatic slideways. slideways. different manufacturers with
Advantages and respect to different materials
disadvantages of Plastic and properties
Total in hours 39 13 52

4. CIE and SEE Assessment Methodologies

Sl. Duration Max
Assessment Test Week Conversion
No In minutes marks

1. CIE-1 Written Test 5 80 30

Average of three tests
2. CIE-2Written Test 9 80 30
3 CIE-3Written Test 13 80 30

4. CIE-4 Skill Test-Practice 6 180 100 Average of two skill tests

5 CIE-5 Skill Test-Practice 12 180 100 20

CIE-6 Portfolio evaluation of

6 1-13 10 10
Activity through Rubrics

Total CIE Marks 60

Semester End Examination(Practice) 180 100 40

Total Marks 100

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 45

5. Format for CIE written Test
Course Name Machine Tool Design Test I/II/III Sem III/IV

Course Code 20MY41P Duration 80 Min Marks 30

Note: Answer any one full question from each section. Each full question carries 10 marks.

Cognitive Course
Section Assessment Questions Marks
Levels Outcome




Note for the Course coordinator: Each question may have one, two or three subdivisions. Optional
questions in each section carry the same weightage of marks, Cognitive level and course outcomes.

6. Rubrics for Assessment of Activity (Qualitative Assessment)

Sl. Dimension Beginner Intermediate Good Advanced Expert Students
No. Score
2 4 6 8 10

1 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 8

2 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 6

3 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2

4 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2

Average Marks=(8+6+2+2)/4=4.5 5

Note: Dimension and Descriptor shall be defined by the respective course coordinator as per the activities

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 46

7. Reference:
Sl. No. Description

1 Machine tool design and numerical control N K Mehta, Mcgraw Hill

2 Tool Design by Nagpal

3 Machine tool design hand Book –Cmti, Mcgraw Hill

4 Design of machine tools by D K Pal and S K Basu,oxford and IBH publishing

5 Production Engg design (tool Design) by Dr. Surendra kumar and Dr. Umeshchandra

6 Text book of machine Tools & Tool Design by P C Sharma S Chand Publications

7 Principles of machine Tools ,G C.Sen, A Bhattacharya,New central agent

8. CIE Skill Test 4

Particulars/Dimension Marks

Conduct an experiment to find different forces acting on single point

cutting tool by using lathe tool dynamometer
1. Tools and apparatus required = 10 Marks
2. Conduction = 40Marks
3. Calculations = 30 Marks
4. Results = 10 Marks
1 OR 90
Conduct an experiment on drill bit to find out the different forces
acting on the drill bit.
1. Tools and apparatus required = 10 Marks
2. Conduction = 40Marks
3. Calculations = 30 Marks
4. Results = 10 Marks

2 Portfolio evaluation based on the average of all Practice Sessions(1-6weeks) 10

Total marks 100

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 47

9. CIE Skill Test5
Particulars/Dimension Marks

Conduct and calculate the pulling force having two flat cast iron slide ways
of equal width and height half of the width on Lathe

1 1. Tools and apparatus required = 10 Marks 90

2. Conduction = 40Marks
3. Calculations = 30 Marks
4. Results = 10 Marks

2 Portfolio evaluation based on the average of all Practice Sessions(7-13weeks) 10

Total marks 100

10. SEE Scheme of Evaluation

Particulars/Dimension Marks

Conduct an experiment to determine the deflection of spindle axis due to


1 1. Tools and apparatus required = 10 Marks 90

2. Conduction = 40Marks
3. Calculations = 30 Marks
4. Results = 10 Marks

2 Portfolio evaluation based on the average of all Practice Sessions(1-13weeks) 10

Total marks 100

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 48

11. Equipment/software list with Specification for a batch of 20 students

Particulars Specification Quantity

1 HSS Single point Cutting tool Standard 20

2 HSS Drill bit Standard 20

Piezo electric type/Strain Gauge based Lathe tool

3 Standard 4 Sets
Dynamometer with Digital Display(full set)

Springs in series and Springs in parallel experimental

4 Standard 4 sets
setup including mass

5 Digital Speedometer Standard 6

6 Digital Vernier caliper 0-150 LC -0.02 mm 4

7 Digital Micrometer 0-50 LC- 0.001mm 4

8 Dial Indicator with Magnetic Stand Standard 4

9 Perspex and methyle metha crylyte model Standard 4

10 Engine Lathe Standard 2

11 Column and knee type milling machine Standard 2

12 Radial Drilling Machine Standard 2

13 Tool and Cutter Grinder Standard 2

14 Inside caliper 0-150mm 2

15 Bore gauge Standard 2 Sets

16 Measuring Tape Standard 1

17 Force and Load Sensors Standard 1

18 Tool Dynamometer for Drilling Machine Standard 1

19 Tool Dynamometer for Milling Machine Standard 1

20 Tool Dynamometer for shaping Machine Standard 1

21 Tool Deflection sensor for Drilling Standard 1

22 Tool Deflection sensor for Milling Standard 1

23 Push-Pull Meter (Force Measuring Device) Standard 1

24 Spirit Level Standard 4

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 49

Government of Karnataka

Programme Mechanical Engineering (Machine tools) Semester IV

Course Code 20MY42P Type of Course Programme Core
8 hours/week
Course Name Industrial Production Engineering-II Contact Hours
104 hours/semester
Teaching Scheme L:T:P :: 3:1:4 Credits 6
CIE Marks 60 SEE Marks 40

1. Rationale: Diploma Engineers are responsible for supervising production processes to achieve
production targets and for optimal utilization of resources. For this purpose, knowledge about
various machining processes is required to be imparted. The students are to be trained and equipped
with adequate theoretical and practical knowledge about Metal Cutting Phenomenon and various
processes like turning, drilling, milling, grinding and shaping etc. Hence, this course is introduced
to provide hands on experience on various machine tools used in the manufacturing stream and to
provide foundation for diploma engineers who want to further specialize in the field of precision

2. Course Outcomes/Skill Sets/Learner will able to

Demonstrate various working operations, construction and specifications of lathe, and
estimate the cost the products
CO-02 Describe various drilling operations pertaining to relative motions between tool & work piece
Demonstrate and Apply knowledge on milling machine operations, construction and
specification and evaluate machining time.
Demonstrate the operations, construction and specifications of various shaper and grinding

3. Course Content
Lecture Practice
(Knowledge Criteria) (Performance Criteria)
Week CO PO Criteria)
4 hours/week(2 hours/batch
3 hours/week 1 hour/week
twice in a week)
1. Identify the each parts
1.Lathe- Introduction, functions of
Visit your of lathe and its functions,
machine shop Raw materials used in
2. Types of lathes-Speed lathe, Engine and prepare a machine shop, all the
1 01 01 lathe, Tool room lathe, Capstan and chart on safety precaution charts,
Turret lathe (Brief discussion) machine shop tools, machineries and
3. Bench lathe. Special purpose lathe layout measuring instruments
and automatic lathe (Brief discussion) used in the machine shop
and Record in the Dairy.

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 50

2..Identify the movements
in lathe parts- carriage,
crossslide and tailstock,
use the 3 jaw and 4 jaw
chuck, Set the spindle
speed, feed, lever position
and practice.

Practice the idle run of

lathe clockwise and
counter clockwise

Construction of lathe-
Study and
1. Bed, Guideways, Head stock, tail submit the 1. Study the lubrication
stock. construction and coolant system in
and its lathe.
2. Carriage and its parts.
2 01 01 specificatio
n of lathe 2.Practice the feed and
3. Feed mechanism, screw cutting
(draw neat lead screw mechanism
mechanism diagram of

1.Lathe accessories 1. List out the lathe

accessories and
Draw and attachments available
2.Lathe attachments
explain the in your machine shop
Counter and practice how to use
3. Lathe operations - Counter boring, them.
3 1 01 boring,
facing, Plain
facing, Plain turning and chamfering.
turning and 2. Practice Counter
chamfering. boring, facing, Plain
turning, knurling and
chamfering Operations.
Lathe operations-

1.Grooving, knurling and filing 1. Practice the step

Taper turning, Methods of taper turning Visit turning and measure all
a) Nose form tool machine the dimensions.
b) Setting over tailstock shop and
2. Taper turning methods submit a
c) Swiveling the compound rest report on 2. Find out the taper angle
4 1 01,04 the and prepare the model by
d) By combining feed
differences using taper turning
3. By taper turning attachments between methods.
center lathe
Difference between center lathe and and turret
turret lathe. lathe.

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 51

1. Lathe operations-Principle of thread
1. Identify
cutting. 1.Practice thread (LH)
and submit
2. Difference between capstan lathe cutting operations
a report on
5 01 01,04
and turret lathe. turret
2.Practice thread (RH)
3.Turret indexing mechanism indexing
cutting operations
Speed, feed and Depth of cut mechanism
1.Drilling- Introduction, 1. Study and 1. Identify the each parts
list the Types of drilling machines, submit a of drilling machine and its
Radial drilling machine report on functions, safety points to
types of be observed while
drilling working on drilling
2. Drilling machine operations machine.
Drilling, reaming, boring, Demonstrate the
available in
Counter sinking. your working Principle of
6 02 01,04 Drilling machine
3. Counter boring and tapping. And Set the Vice and
shop and
Job on the Table of
Speed, feed and Depth of cut draw neat Drilling machine
Work holding devices. sketch with
parts of 2. Set the different drill
Radial bit on the spindle. prepare
drilling the model as per the given
machine drawing.
1.Milling,Introduction,working 1. Identify the each parts
principle of milling machine of milling machine and its
functions, Illustrate the
safety points to be
2.List the types of milling machines
observed while working
Principle parts of column and knee type on milling machine.
milling machine. Study the
concept of Demonstrate the working
milling Principle of milling
7 03 01 3.Horizontal milling machine and machine and setting of
machine and
Vertical milling machine its speed, feed and Depth of
construction cut.
2.Practice how to work
on column and knee
type milling machine

1.Methods of feeding work piece/Table

feed in milling-up milling and down
milling Write a
brief 1. Ppractice X , Y & Z
2. Milling machine operations and directions movements in
report on
types of milling cutters - plain milling, how to milling machines
8 03 01,04 face milling, slot and groove milling, set and
end milling, gear milling, side milling, fix the 2. Prepare the models by
thread milling. cutter in converting round to
milling square.
3.Uses the dividing head and indexing machine

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 52

1.Indexing methods-
1. Identify the various
Direct indexing, Study the milling machine
simple indexing different attachments and practice
01,02, indexing
9 03
04 2. Milling machine attachments. mechanism
of milling 2. Prepare the models-
3.Cutiing speed, feed and depth of cut, machine spur gear and key ways
and Machining time
1. Shaping machine, Introduction,
1.Identify the each parts
Principle parts of shaper. of shaping machine and
2. Classification of shaper, Submit a
report on its functions,
Shaper mechanisms -crank and slotted hydraulic Illustrate the safety
01,02, lever mechanism and points to be observed
10 04 while working on
04 3. Shaper operations-Machining whitwort
h motion shaping machine
horizontal surfaces, Machining vertical
surfaces, machining angular surfaces 2. Practice and prepare
and v or keyway curved surfaces. the models. example- v-
Speed, feed and Depth of cut block/slot/key way
1. Grinding, Introduction-working
principle of grinding machine.
1. Find out the standard
Submit a
2.Types of grinding machines marking system of the
report on
Standard marking system of the grinding wheel.
11 04 01,04 types of
grinding wheel. surface
2. Practice on surface
grinding machine.
3. Cylindrical grinder and
Surface grinder
1. Common grinding wheel shapes. 1. Identify the different
Submit a
grinding wheels available
report on
2.Selection of grinding wheels, in your machine shop
12 04 01,04 Mounting of grinding wheel. used in
2.Practice on Tool and
cutter grinding machine
3. Tool and cutter grinding machine grinding
Truing and dressing of grinding wheels wheel.

1. Calculate the
Machining time
Estimation in Machine shop
allowance, labour and
1.Estimation of machining time and material cost for the given
allowance time job.
Refer table
13 01 01,02 2.Estimation on labour and material
cost 2. Find out the total cost
3.Estimation on total cost of the of the product for what
product you have made in
machine shop

Total in hours 39 13 52

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 53

PO= Program Outcome as listed and defined in year 1 curriculum and PO – CO mapping with
strength (Low/Medium/High) has to be mapped by the course coordinator. (Above only

Table 1: Suggestive Activities for Tutorials: (The List is only shared as an Example and not
inclusive of all possible activities of the course. Student and Faculty are encouraged to choose
activities that are relevant to the topic and on the availability of such resources at the institution)

Suggestive Activities for Tutorials
1 Visit your machine shop and prepare a chart on machine shop layout

2 Study the construction and its specification of lathe –draw neat diagram of lathe

3 List the lathe accessories and tool available in your machine shop

4 List the types of lathes available in your machine shop

5 Study the concept of drilling machine and its construction

6 List the types of drilling machines available in your machine shop

7 Study the concept of shaper mechanism and its construction

8 List the types of shaper machines available in your machine shop

9 Study the concept of milling machine and its construction

10 List the types of milling machines available in your machine shop

11 List the types of milling machines attachments available in your machine shop
Visit your machine shop and draw sketches of available milling machines in your
machine shop
13 Write a brief report on how to set and fix the cutter in milling machine

14 Study the different indexing mechanism of milling machine

15 Study and write report on x ,y and z axis movement in milling machine
16 List the types of grinding machines available in your machine shop
17 Study the construction and its specification of tool and cutter grinder
Study and write a report on properties and uses of cutting fluids and coolants used in
your machine shop
19 Visit near machines tools industries and write report on the same
20 Simple problem on estimation and costing

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 54

4. CIE and SEE Assessment Methodologies
Sl. Duration Max
Assessment Test Week Conversion
No In minutes marks
1. CIE-1 Written Test 5 80 30 Average of three
2. CIE-2Written Test 9 80 30 tests
3 CIE-3Written Test 13 80 30 30
4. CIE-4 Skill Test-Practice 6 180 100 Average of two
skill tests
5 CIE-5 Skill Test-Practice 12 180 100
CIE-6 Portfolio evaluation of
6 1-13 10 10
Activity through Rubrics
Total CIE Marks 60
Semester End Examination(Practice) 180 100 40
Total Marks 100

5. Format for CIE written Test

Course Name Industrial Production Engineering - II Test I/II/III Sem III/IV
Course Code 20MY42P Duration 80 Min Marks 30
Note: Answer any one full question from each section. Each full question carries 10 marks.
Cognitive Course
Section Assessment Questions Marks
Levels Outcome
Note for the Course coordinator: Each question may have one, two or three subdivisions. Optional
questions in each section carry the same weightage of marks, Cognitive level and course outcomes.

6. CIE-4 Skill Test-Practice Duration:180 Min

Sl no CO Particulars/Description Marks
Question on lathe-Prepare the model as per given sketch
Operations, tools and major equipments required.=10 Marks
 Performance of step turning =15 Marks
1 01  Calculations on taper turning angle and performance 90
=(10+20) =30 Marks
 Performance of thread cutting = 30 Marks
 Dimensional accuracy = 05 Marks
Portfolio evaluation based on the average of all Practice Sessions (1-6
2 01,02 10
Total marks 100

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 55

7. CIE-5 Skill Test-Practice Duration: 180 Min

Sl no CO Particulars/Description Marks
Question on Milling operations- as per the given
1. Operations, tools and major equipments required. = 10 Marks
2.Calculations on indexing for given gear/hexagon bolt/ squire bolt
1 03 90
= 20 Marks
3.Performance of the model = 50 Marks
4.Dimensional accuracy = 10 Marks
Portfolio evaluation based on the average of all Practice Sessions (7-13
2 03,04 10
3 Total marks 100

8. Rubrics for Assessment of Activity (Qualitative Assessment)

Sl. Dimension Beginner Intermediate Good Advanced Expert Students
No. Score
2 4 6 8 10
1 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 8
2 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 6
3 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
4 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
Average Marks=(8+6+2+2)/4=4.5 5
Note: Dimension and Descriptor shall be defined by the respective course coordinator as per the activities

9. Reference:

1 Principles of Machine Tools, Bhattacharyya A and Sen.G.C / New Central Book Agency.
Sharma, P.C., A Textbook Of Production Technology – Vol I And II, S. Chand &
Company Ltd., New Delhi, 1996
Rao, P.N., Manufacturing Technology, Vol I & II, Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing Co.,
New Delhi, 1998
4 HMT – “Production Technology”, Tata Mcgraw-Hill, 1998
5 Mechanical estimation and costing T.R.Banga and S.C.Sharma Khanna publishers
6 Workshop Technology Vol-I S.K Hajara Choudhury.A.K. Hajara Choudhury


1. http://calculatoredge.com/index.htm#mechanical
2. www.nptel.ac.in/courses/1121051/36

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 56

11. SEE Scheme of Evaluation

Particulars/Dimension Marks

Question on lathe-Prepare the model as per given sketch

 Operations, tools and major equipments required. = 10 Marks
 Calculations on taper turning angle and performance = (10+25) = 35Marks
 Performance of thread cutting = 40 Marks
 Dimensional accuracy = 05 Marks
1 90
Question on Milling operations- prepare the model per the given drawing.
 Operations, tools and major equipments required. = 10 Marks
 Calculations on indexing for given gear/hexagon bolt/ squire bolt = 20 Marks
 Performance of the model = 50 Marks
 Dimensional accuracy = 10 Marks
2 Portfolio evaluation based on the average of all Practice Sessions 10
3 Total marks 100

12. Equipment/software list with Specification for a batch of 20 students

Particulars Specification Quantity
Max 50mm Dia Holding
Center lathe With all accessories and capacity 500mm Center
attachments(Gear driven) distance .Swing over dia
01 200mm 20
02 HSS cutting tool 20*20*150MM 40
03 HSS cutting tool 10*10*150MM 20
04 Cemented carbide tipped tools with holder brazed For turning 20
05 Knurling tool Rough Standard 10
06 Knurling tool Smooth Standard 10
07 Vernier calipers 300mm 20
08 Outer caliper 5omm OD 20
09 Steel scale 300mm 20
10 Dial gauge with stand for setting of work Standard 10
6mm Taper shank
11 Counter sunk Drill Bit 20
Upto 24mm drill With
12 Upright Drilling Machine all attachament
Upto 18mm drill
13 Sensitive Drilling Machine 01
120mm Jaw Gap
14 Machine Vice (To hold Job) 05
15 Drill Bit set 6mm to 24mm 10 set
16 Marking Divider 200mm dia

17 Marking punch Standard 20nos

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 57

18 Combination Set Square Standard 10 nos
19 Surface plate 300*300mm 01 no
.Table Travel of 800mm
Column and Knee type Vertical MILLING
.24mm cutters Bore dia
machine With all attachments (ID)
20 01no
Standard Size for Practice
21 Plain milling Cutter 24mm ID/Slab milling 05
22 Key way cutter 6mm 10
23 Key way cutter/Slot cutter 12 10
Standard Size for practice
24 Gear cutter (Spur teeth) 10
Standard for Size
25 Concave Milling cutter 10
Standard Size for Practice
26 Convex Milling cutter 10
27 Key way Milling cutter 40mm dia 10
28 End Milling Cutter 24mm dia 10
Bench Grinder 300mm wheel dia Rough
29 and Smooth 02
Tool and cutter grinder with all accessories and
30 LxWxH –mm 01
Horizontal travel of table
31 Shaping machine with attachments max- 450mm 01
Table size -470x330 mm
Grinding head
Size of grinding wheel
32 Surface grinding machine with attachments 50x50x127 mm
5hp,1400 RPM

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 58

Government of Karnataka

Programme Mechanical Engineering (Machine tools) Semester IV

Course Code 20MY43P Type of Course Programme Core
Course Name Machine Design And Machine Tool Drawing Contact Hours 8 hours/week
104 hours/semester
Teaching Scheme L:T:P :: 3:1:4 Credits 6
CIE Marks 60 SEE Marks 40

1. Rationale: In the present industrial scenario it is necessary to study on the design &drawing these are
act of formalizing an idea or concept into concrete information. It includes the processes of conception,
invention, visualization, calculation, refinement and specification of details that determine the form of a
product. Design may be defined as an iterative decision making process to formulate a plan by which
resources are optimally converted in to systems, processes or device in order to solve a specific problem
or to fulfil a specific need. It begins with a need, a problem, an idea or a concept and ends with concrete
information, in the form of drawing, computer representation or in any other form, which helps in
manufacturing and utilization of a product. Importance of drawing (both formal, Drafting and informal
sketching) during the process of mechanical design. Focused on the types of drawing, their necessity in
mechanical problem solving and their relation to external representation medium are presented and

2. Course Outcomes/Skill Sets/students able to

CO-01 Define the principle and concept of machine design
CO-02 Design the simple elements like shaft, key, & couplings and Analyze, Read and interpret
the drawing.
CO-03 Create detailed drawing into assembly drawing conventionally
CO-04 Create detailed drawing into assembly drawing by 3D modelling software

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 59

3. Course Content
Lecture Tutorial (Activity Practice
(Knowledge Criteria) Criteria) (Performance Criteria)
Week CO PO
4 hours/week(2 hours/batch
3 hours/week 1 hour/week
twice in a week)
Introduction to Machine
1.General Considerations in
Machine Design
General Procedure in
Machine design

2.Introduction to Shafts- 1.Discuss Case study

• Types of Shafts about design of shaft
• Material Used for Refer Table 1
1 01 01,02,03 Shafts- 2. Find out twisting
• Standard Sizes of moment of the given
Transmission Shafts shaft specimen.

3. Design of Shafts-
subjected to twisting moment
or torque only
• Problems on design of
shaft subjected to
twisting moment only
1.Shafts Subjected to Bending
Moment Only –
Problems on design of shaft
subjected to bending moment 1. Find out bending
only. moment of the given
2. Problems on design of shaft shaft specimen.
subjected to bending moment
2 01 01,02,03,04
only. Refer Table 1 2. Conduct Bending test
for the given specimen
3. Problems on design of shaft in UTM
subjected to bending moment

1.Design of keys
• Introduction- Types of 1. Draw the different
keys types of keys.
• Force acting on a sunk
key 2.According to design
• Strength of a sunk key data draw the Assembly
3 02 01,02,04, 2.Problems on design of key Refer Table 1 drawing of Muff
coupling (conventional)
Types of shaft couplings
Design of Sleeve or muff

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 60

1. Problems on Sleeve or 1.According to design
Muff-coupling. data- draw the Assembly
drawing of Muff
2. Design of unprotected coupling (conventional)
4 flange coupling.
2. Draw the Assembly
02 01,02,03,04 Refer Table 1
3.Problems on design of drawing of unprotected
unprotected flange coupling Flange coupling
1. Introduction to machine 1.Practice and prepare
tool drawing. Introduction to sectional view on
Sectional view mechanical elements
5 2.Classification of sectional Prepare and submit
03 01,04,07 2.Practice and prepare
view a report types of
sectional view on
sectional view mechanical elements
3.Hatching of section
1.Introduction to Tail stock 1.Draw the detailed front
assembly Watch views of the assembly
virtual drawing of Tail stock to
2. The detailed Part drawing a suitable scale
videos on
of the Tail stock and BOM (conventional)
6 03 & 2.Draw the detailed top
3.Assembly of tail stock
01,04 dismantling &side views of the
of tailstock assembly drawing of Tail
stock to a suitable scale

1. Introduction to top view of Visit machine 1.Draw the detailed three

tailstock. shop. study views of the assembly
detailed drawing of Tail stock to
03 01,04 2. The detailed Part drawing dismantling a suitable scale
of the Tail stock and BOM. &assembly of (conventional)
tailstock 2..Draw the detailed
3.Assembly of tail stock three views of the
assembly drawing of Tail
stock to a suitable scale
1. Introduction to machine Visit machine 1.Draw the detailed three
vice. shop study detailed views of the assembly
dismantling drawing of Machine vice
2. The detailed Part drawing &assembly of to a suitable scale
03 01,04 of the machine vice. and machine vice (conventional)
BOM 2.Draw the detailed three
views of the assembly
3.Assembly of machine vice drawing of Machine vice
to a suitable scale

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 61

1. Introduction to Four way 1.Draw the detailed three
tool post Visit the machine views of the assembly
2. The detailed Part drawing study detailed drawing of Four way tool
of the Four way tool post .and disassembly post to a suitable scale
BOM &assembly of Four (conventional)
9 3. Assembly of Four way way tool post
03 01,04
tool post 2.Draw the detailed three
views of the assembly
drawing of Four way tool
post to a suitable scale
1. Introduction to 3D 1.Recap of 3D modelling
modelling software. Commands. Practice on
Prepare &submit commands Prepare
2.Introduction to use of part report on drawing simple 3D models and
10 04 01,04 commands commands convert to 2D.

3.Introduction to use of 2. Create parts drawings

assembly & drawing of muff coupling.
commands (3D- modelling software)
1. Introduction to detailed 1. Create parts drawings
parts drawing of knuckle Prepare &submit of Knuckle joint.
joint. report on editing Assemble the parts of
2. Introduction to detailed commands Knuckle joint.
parts drawing of knuckle
11 04 01,04 joint. Create parts drawings of
3. Introduction to detailed socket and spigot joint
parts drawing socket and Assemble the parts of
spigot joint socket and spigot joint
(3D- modelling software)
1.Introduction to detailed Create parts drawings of
parts drawing of Plumber Plummer block
block Prepare &submit
2.Introduction to detailed report on Assemble the parts of
parts drawing of Plumber dimensioning Plummer block by using
12 04 01,02 block &text commands (3D-modeling software)
3..Introduction to detailed
parts drawing of Plumber

1.Introduction to detailed Create parts drawings of

parts drawing of screw jack Prepare &submit screw jack
2.Introduction to detailed report on -Assemble the parts of
parts dimensioning screw jack by using
13 04 01,02 3.drawing of screw jack assembly (3D-modeling software)
Introduction to detailed parts commands
drawing of screw jack

Total in hours 39 13 52

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 62

TABLE 1: Suggestive Activities for Tutorials: (The List is only shared as an Example and not
inclusive of all possible activities of the course. Student and Faculty are encouraged to choose activities
that are relevant to the topic and on the availability of such resources at their institution).
Sl.No Suggestive Activities for Tutorials
A shaft running at 400 r.p.m. transmits 10 kW. Assuming allowable shear stress in shaft as 40 MPa,
01 find the diameter of the shaft.
A line shaft rotating at 200 r.p.m. is to transmit 20 kW. The shaft may be assumed to be made of
mild steel with an allowable shear stress of 42 MPa. Determine the diameter of the shaft,
02 neglecting the bending moment on the shaft
A solid shaft is transmitting 1 MW at 240 r.p.m. Determine the diameter of the shaft if the maximum
torque transmitted exceeds the mean torque by 20%. Take the maximum allowable shear stress as 60
Find the diameter of a solid steel shaft to transmit 20 kW at 200 r.p.m. The ultimate shear stress
for the steel may be taken as 360 MPa and a factor of safety as 8. If a hollow shaft is to be used in
04 place of the solid shaft, find the inside and outside diameter when the ratio of inside to outside
diameters is 0.5.
A shaft made of mild steel is required to transmit 100 kW at 300 r.p.m. The supported length of
05 the shaft is 3 meters. It carries two pulleys each weighing 1500 N supported at a distance of 1
meter from the ends respectively. Assuming the safe value of stress, determine the diameter of
the shaft.
Design the rectangular key for a shaft of 50 mm diameter. The shearing and crushing stresses for
06 the key material are 42 MPa and 70 MPa
Design and make a neat dimensioned sketch of a muff coupling which is used to connect two
steel shafts transmitting 40 kW at 350 r.p.m. The material for the shafts and key is plain carbon
steel for which allowable shear and crushing stresses may be taken as 40 MPa and 80 MPa
respectively. The material for the muff is cast iron for which the allowable shear stress may be
assumed as 15 MPa
Design a cast iron protective type flange coupling to transmit 15 kW at 900 r.p.m. from an
08 electric motor to a compressor. The service factor may be assumed as 1.35. The following
permissible stresses may be used : Shear stress for shaft, bolt and key material = 40 MPa
Crushing stress for bolt and key = 80 MPa Shear stress for cast iron = 8 MPa Draw a neat sketch
of the coupling
09 Draw the parts of the machine parts by conventionally.

Practice the different commands of the modeling software.

11 Prepare simple mechanical elements by using the modeling software.

12 Practice on assembly command of the software.

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 63

4. CIE and SEE Assessment Methodologies.
Sl. Assessment Test Week Duration Max Conversion
No In minutes marks
1. CIE-1 Written Test 5 80 30 Average of three
2. CIE-2Written Test 9 80 30 tests
3 CIE-3Written Test 13 80 30 30
4. CIE-4 Skill Test-Practice 6 180 100 Average of two
5 CIE-5 Skill Test-Practice 12 180 100 skill tests
6 CIE-6 Portfolio evaluation of 1-13 10 10
Activity through Rubrics
Total CIE Marks 60
Semester End Examination(Practice) 180 100 40
Total Marks 100

8. For CIE Skill Test -4 Duration: 180 Min

SL. CO Particulars/Dimension Marks
1 Draw the assembly drawing of the tail stock and show the all dimension and BOM of
the drawing
1. Front view in section =40 marks
03 2. Top view = 25 marks 90
3. Side view =15 marks
4. Dimensioning, BOM &neatness =10 marks

2 01,02, Portfolio evaluation based on the average of all Practice Sessions (1-6 weeks) 10
Total Marks 100

9. For CIE Skill Test -5 Duration: 180 Min

SL CO Particulars/Dimension Marks
1 Create the assembly drawing of screw jack by using any 3D modelling software and
represting 2D.
04 90
3D Part drawing =50 marks
Assembly =20 marks
2D drawing =20 marks
2 03,04 Portfolio evaluation based on the average of all Practice Sessions (7-13 weeks) 10

Total Marks 100

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 64

7. Format for CIE written Test.
Course Name Machine Design And Machine Tool Test I/II/III Sem III/IV
Course Code 20MY43P Duration 80 Min Marks 30

Note: Answer any one full question from each section. Each full question carries 10 marks.
Section Assessment Questions Cognitive Course Marks
Levels Outcome
I 1
II 3
Note for the Course coordinator: Each question may have one, two or three subdivisions. Optional
questions in each section carry the same weightage of marks, Cognitive level and course outcomes.

8. Rubrics for Assessment of Activity (Qualitative Assessment)

Sl. Dimension Beginner Intermediate Good Advanced Expert Students
No. Score
2 4 6 8 10
1 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 8
2 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 6
3 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
4 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
Average Marks=(8+6+2+2)/4=4.5 5
Note: Dimension and Descriptor shall be defined by the respective course coordinator as per the activities

9. Reference:
Sl. Description
1 R.S. Khurmi. J.K.Gupta, “Machine design”, EURASIA PUBLISHING HOUSE (PVT.)
2 T .Krishana Rao, “Design of Machine elements”, volume -I I.K.Internatinal Publishing
House Pvt Ltd .2012
3 KC Jhon , “Machine drawing”, 5th Edition, PHI Learning private limited
4 Fundaments of machine drawing sadhu singh-PHI
5 K.R Gopal krishana ”machine Drawing”,

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 65

10. CIE Skill Test and SEE Scheme of Evaluation
SL. Particulars/Dimension Marks

1 Create the part drawing and show the assembly of the model and also show the three
views of the assembly by using any 3D modelling software.
a) Part drawing of assembly. = 40 marks
b) Assembly modeling. = 30 marks
c) Three views of Part drawing of assembly. = 20
2 Portfolio evaluation based on the average of all Practice Sessions(1 to 13) 10

Total Marks 100

11. Equipment/software list with Specification for a batch of 20 students

Sl. Particulars Specification Quantity


1. 3D modelling software Latest version 20

2. Desktop computers Latest version 20

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 66

Government of Karnataka

Mechanical Engineering (Machine Tools)

Programme Semester IV

Course Code 20MY44P Type of Programme Core

8 hours/week
Course Name Press Tool Design Contact
104 hours/semester
Teaching Scheme L:T:P :: 3:1:4 Credits 6
CIE Marks 60 SEE Marks 40

1. Rationale: In this course, Diploma engineers are required to study metal forming, it is one of the
manufacturing processes which are almost chipless. These operations are mainly carried out by the
help of presses and press tools. It includes deformation of metal work pieces to the desired size and
shape by applying pressure or force. Presses and press tools facilitate mass production work. These
are considered fastest and most efficient way to form a sheet metal into finished products. Hence,
this course is introduced to provide hands on experience on various press tools used in the
manufacturing stream and to provide foundation for diploma engineers who want to further
specialize in the field of precision manufacturing.

2. Course Outcomes: At the end of the Course, the student will be able to:

Identify press tool requirements to build concepts pertaining to design of press tools & mass
production of sheet metal parts.
Demonstrate various press working operations for mass production of sheet metal parts.
Select suitable materials and software for solve the problem in the bent & different holding
elements of press tools
Illustrate the principles and blank development, drawn &Forming components and new trends
in metal forming process.

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 67

3. Course Content

Lecture Tutorial Practice (Skill)

(Knowledge) (Activity
Week CO PO* )
4 hours/week
3 hours/week 1 hour/week (2 hours/batch twice in a
1.Introduction to press 1. Demonstrate safety
Types of presses, Power press Precautions to be followed in
Power press. Instructor has to
2. Power press driving mechanisms. Refer Table 1 show various Safety sign charts
1 01 01 & give safety procedures.

3. Press size, Press Tool, important 2. Identify the Parts and driving
factors for Selection of press mechanisms of the power press
in the workshop.

1.Methods of punches support 1.Prepare report on punch &die

2 01 01 2.Methods of die supports Submit a
report on die 2. Case study about punch
3.Die accessories used in press accessories support.

Introduction to Types of dies- 1.Practice shearing operation on

Classification based on operations- Submit a sheet metal using different
Shearing report on shearing tools
3 02 01,04 2. Bending, Drawing. manufacturing
of the coins 2Practice Bending operation on
3. Squeezing- sheet metal using different
Classification based on construction. bending tools & dies
Simple die
1.Progressive die, Combination die 1. Conduct Piercing &
2. Cutting force in shearing. Refer Table 1 blanking operations using
hand press.
4 02 01,02,04 3. Calculation of size of blank required
for drawing. 2. Conduct experiment to
Problems on determine size of blank. manufacturing a washer.

1.Introduction -Design of Punch and Die 1. Design & create a punch by

Clearance between punch and die. Submit a using 3D modelling software.
Angular clearance on die. report on
problems of 2.Design & create a die by
5 02 01,02,04 2. Punches characteristics.
Smallest hole that can be punched. punch &die using 3D modelling software.
3. Punch Design. Die block Design.

1.Introduction-Jigs and fixtures 1. Create Jigs by using 3D

definition of Jigs and fixtures modelling software.
Application of Jigs and fixtures. Submit a

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 68

6 03 01,04 2.Advantages & comparison of Jigs report case 2.Create Fixture by using 3D
and fixtures study of modelling software
principles of
3.Introduction-Location location

1.Introduction To Design Of Bending 1.Submit

Types of bending dies a report on 1. Conduct experiment on
spring back bending the sheet metal by
2. Bending forces. effect on using suitable die.
7 03 01,04 Bending allowance. bending
operation. 2. Create bending of sheet
metal part in 3D modeling
3.Spring back effect 2.Refer

1.Design of Drawing Dies

Factors affecting drawing 1.Problems on stock strip
2.Determining blank sizes, wall layout

8 04 01,02,04 thickness, drawing force, Reduction Refer table1 2. Conduct Drawing

in wall thickness ,draw ratio operation using hand press by
,thickness ratio following proper press safety
3. Scrap strip layout. simple problem

1.Introduction to Forming dies, 1. Conduct experiments on

Solid form dies Submit a coining and embossing
9 04 01,04 2.Embossing die report on
Coining dies
bulging die 2. Create a coining and
3.Bulging dies embossing operation by using
3D modelling software.
1.Introduction to Die sets-Types of Submit a 1. Create die sets by using
die sets reports on 3D modelling software.
10 04 01,04 2. Introduction-Types of Dowels and dowels and
screws. 2. Create dowels &screw by
screw used
using 3D modelling
3. Characteristics of Dowels and in punch
&die software.
1.Location-Basic rules for location Prepare &
submit a
2.Principles of location report on
1. Create a location points for
11 03 01,04 degree of
given block by using 3D
3.Six point location of rectangular freedom for modelling software.
block. rectangular

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 69

1.Introduction to Rubber die
Submit a 1. Conduct an experiment on
Types of Rubber die
report bending by using rubber die.
12 04 01,04 Marform process
2. Guerian process
required for 2.Conduct an experiment on
3.Hydro forming rubber die rubber die forming by using rubber die

1.High energy rate forming Give the

-Explosive forming presentation
1. Vedio and virtual explores
-Electro hydraulic forming on latest
technologies on Advances in sheet metal
2. Electromagnetic Forming Process
(EMF) changes in forming technologies.
13 04 01 3.Advanced sheet metal forming sheet
technology forming and
2. Submit the Case study
-Sheet hydro forming (SHF) how it
influence on about Advances in sheet
-Incremental Forming (IF) Industry. metal forming technologies.

Table 1: Suggestive Activities for Tutorials: (The List is only shared as an Example and not inclusive of
all possible activities of the course. Student and Faculty are encouraged to choose activities that are
relevant to the topic and on the availability of such resources at their institution)
Sl.No. Suggestive Activities for Tutorials
Case study about power press and submit the report on Power press and its driving mechanisms.
Find Total pressure Dimensions of tools to produce a washer 5 cm outside diameter with a 2.4
cm diameter hole, from material 4mm thick, having a shear strength of 360 N/mm2
Calculate scrap & strip utilization (in percentage) for a rectangular blank (10 X 20) to be produced
from strip (width of 25mm and thickness of 1mm)
Calculate the bending force for channel bending for the fallowing data thickness of blank=3.2mm,
bending length=900mm, Die radius=punch radius=9.5mm, ultimate tensile strength of the
04 material=400 N/mm2.
Preparation of utility article using hand press.
Discuss the various press tool operations that can be performed using hand press.
05 Present a report on Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards of press safety to be
followed in press tool shop.https://www.mechanicalengineer.com
Perform Piercing /Perforating/Spoon article/Washer using die set.
Discuss about automating press, applications & limitations.
06 https://studentlesson.com
Discuss the importance of clearance in punch and die.
Design the new punch and die for special purpose application.

Present a report by conduct studies on producing cup, bending and strip layout.
08 https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/etools/machineguarding/presses.html

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 70

4. CIE and SEE Assessment Methodologies
Sl. Test Week Max
N Assessment marks Conversion
o In minutes
1. CIE-1 Written Test 5 80 30 Average of three
2. CIE-2 Written Test 9 80 30 tests

3 CIE-3 Written Test 13 80 30 30

4. CIE-4 Skill Test-Practice 6 180 100 Average of two skill

5 CIE-5 Skill Test-Practice 12 180 100 test reduced to 20

CIE-6 Portfolio evaluation

6 1-13 10 10
of Activity through Rubrics
Total CIE Marks 60
Semester End Examination (Practice) 180 100 40
Total Marks 100

5. Format for CIE written Test

Course Name Press Tool Design Test I/II/III Sem III/IV

Course Code 20MY44P Duration 80 Min Marks 30
Note: Answer any one full question from each section. Each full question carries 10 marks.
Cognitive Course
Section Assessment Questions Marks
Levels Outcome
Note for the Course coordinator: Each question may have one, two or three subdivisions. Optional questions in each
section carry the same weightage of marks, Cognitive level and course outcomes.

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 71

6. For CIE Skill Test - 4 Duration :180 Min

SL. CO Particulars/Dimension Marks

• Design & create a punch by using 3D modelling software.
-Selection tools =05 marks
-Calculation +Conduction/ Creatation +Result =(10+20+10) 45

1 02
• Create Jig by using any 3D modeling software
-Selection tools =05 marks
-Calculation + Conduction/ Creatation +Result =(10+20+10)
2 01,02 Portfolio evaluation based on the average of all Practice Sessions (1-6 weeks) 10
Total Marks 100

7. For CIE Skill Test - 5 Duration: 180 Min

SL. CO Particulars/Dimension Marks


• Conduct experiments on bending operation

-Selection tools and equipments =05 marks 45
-Calculation + Conduction/ Creatation +Result =(10+20+10)
1 03
• Create Fixture by using 3D modelling software
-Selection tools and equipments =05 marks
-Calculation + Conduction/ Creatation +Result =(10+20+10)
2 03,04 Portfolio evaluation based on the average of all Practice Sessions (7-13 weeks) 10
Total Marks 100

8. Rubrics for Assessment of Activity (Qualitative Assessment)

Sl. Dimension Beginner Intermediate Good Advanced Expert Student
No. s Score
2 4 6 8 10
1 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 8
2 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 6
3 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
4 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
Average Marks= (8+6+2+2)/4=4.5 5
Note: Dimension and Descriptor shall be defined by the respective course coordinator as per the

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 72

9. Reference:

1 G.S.Sawhney.,“Manufacturing science”, Volume I ,I.K.Internatinal Publishing House Pvt.Ltd-2015
2 S K. Hazara choudary.,“Workshop Technology”, Volume-II ,Media Promotion &Publishers Pvt.Ltd-
3 G.R Nagpal., “Tool Engineering & Design”, 6th Edition , Khanna Publishers Pvt.ltd-2000

Dr.P.C.Sharma., “Production engineering”, S Chand &Company Ltd-2013



1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112/106/112106153/#
2. www.wikipedia.org
3. www.freestudy.co.uk
4. https://www.ptc.com/en/products/creo/pro-engineer

11. SEE Scheme of Evaluation

SL. CO Particulars/Dimension Marks

1. Conduct experiments on bending operation 45
-Selection tools and equipments =05 marks
1 02 -Calculation + Conduction/ Creatation +Result =(10+20+10)

1. Create Fixture by using 3D modelling software

-Selection tools and equipments =05 marks
2 04 45
-Calculation + Conduction/ Creatation +Result =(10+20+10)

3 01,02,03 Portfolio evaluation based on the average of all Practice Sessions 10

Total Marks 100

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 73

12. Equipment/software list with Specification for a batch of 20 students

Sl. Particulars Specification Quantity

01 Power press Power house 10 ton 01
Power house 10 ton
02 Hand power press hydraulic shop press 04
with gauge
03 Bending machine standard 01
04 Progressive die Standard 04
05 Bending die Standard 04
06 Combination die Standard 01 set

07 Rubber die Standard Set

08 Turning and milling fixtures(models) Standard 01

09 Drill jigs(model) Standard 01

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 74

Functions of state legislature, Structure of state executive-Powers and

9 1,3 positions of Governor, Speaker, Deputy Speaker, Chief Minister and council of 2
Local self-government- meaning-Three tier system, Village Panchayat-Taluk
10 4 panchayat Zilla panchayat, Local bodies-Municipalities and Corporations, 2
Bruhath Mahanagara Palike, Functions of Election commission, UPSC, KPSC.
Amendment of the constitution, Human Rights-Definition-constitutional
provisions-right to life and liberty-Human Rights of Women-Discrimination
11 4 against women 2
steps that are to be taken to eliminate discrimination against women in
Education, employment, health care, Economic and social life,
Status of Women in India - Women in rural areas, Constitutional Safeguards -
Dowry Prohibition act 1961- Domestic violence act 2005- Sexual harassment
12 4 at work place bill 2006. 2
Human Rights of Children- Who is a child- list the Rights of the Child- Right to
education, Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO)-2012-
National Human Rights Commission Constitution- Powers and function of the
Commission-Employee rights- Provisions made, Contractual-Non contractual
13 1,4 employee rights-Whistle blowing-definition-Aspects-Intellectual Property
Rights (IPR)–Meaning-Need for protection- Briefly description of concept of
patents, Copy right, Trademark

Total in Hours 26 Hrs


1. Introduction to the Constitution of India- Dr. Durga Das Basu

2. Empowerment of rural women in India-Hemalatha H.M and Rameshwari Varma, Hema Prakashana.

4. CIE and SEE Assessment Methodologies
Sl. Test Max
Assessment Conversion
No Week marks
In minutes

1. CIE-1 Written Test 5 80 30 Average of three

2. CIE-2 Written Test 9 80 30 tests

3 CIE-3 Written Test 13 80 30

4. CIE-4 MCQ 6 60 20 Average of two

5 CIE-5 Open Book Test 12 60 20 CIE = 20

Total CIE Marks 50

Semester End Examination (Practice) - - -

Total Marks 50

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 2

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