Dry Sump: Design Advantages Disadvantages Common Engine Applications See Also References External Links

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Dry sump

A dry-sump system is a method to manage the lubricating

motor oil in four-stroke and large two-stroke piston driven
internal combustion engines. The dry-sump system uses two or
more oil pumps and a separate oil reservoir, as opposed to a
conventional wet-sump system, which uses only the main
sump (U.S.: oil pan) below the engine and a single pump. A
dry-sump engine requires a pressure relief valve to regulate
negative pressure inside the engine, so internal seals are not

Dry-sumps are common on larger diesel engines such as those

Schematic diagram of a basic dry-sump
used in ships, as well as gasoline engines used in racing cars,
engine lubrication system. The oil collects
aerobatic aircraft, high-performance personal watercraft and
in sump (1), is withdrawn continuously by
motorcycles. Dry sump lubrication may be chosen for these
scavenge pump (2) and travels to the oil
applications due to increased reliability, oil capacity, reduction
tank (3), where gases entrained in the oil
of oil starvation under high g-loads and/or other technical or
separate and the oil cools. Gases (6) are
performance reasons. Dry sump systems may not be suitable
returned to the engine sump. Pressure
for all applications due to increased cost, complexity, and/or
pump (4) forces the de-gassed and cooled
bulk, among other factors. oil (5) back to the engine's lubrication
points (7).

Common engine applications
Motorcycle engines
See also
External links

Engines are both lubricated and cooled by oil that circulates throughout the engine, feeding various
bearings and other moving parts and then draining, via gravity, into the sump at the base of the engine. In
the wet-sump system of most production automobile engines, the oil that's not actively circulating is stored
in the sump, which is large enough for this purpose. A pump collects oil from the sump and directly
circulates it back through the engine. In a dry-sump system, the oil still falls to the base of the engine, but
into a much shallower sump, where one or more scavenge pumps draw it away and transfer it to a (usually
external) reservoir, where it is both cooled and de-aerated before being recirculated through the engine by a
pressure pump. The sump in a dry-sump system is not actually dry; it is still wet from oil draining from the
engine. The reservoir is usually tall and narrow and specially designed with internal baffles, and an oil
outlet (supply) at the very bottom for uninhibited oil supply even during sloshing.

A dry-sump system requires at least two pumps - one pressure and one scavenge - and sometimes as many
as four or five scavenge pumps are used to minimize the amount of oil in the engine. Dry-sump designs
frequently mount the pressure pump and scavenge pumps on a common crankshaft, so that one pulley at
the front of the system can run as many pumps as the engine design requires. It is common practice to have
one scavenge pump per crankcase section, however in the case of inverted engines (aircraft engine) it is
necessary to employ separate scavenge pumps for each cylinder bank. Therefore, an inverted V engine
would have a minimum of two scavenge pumps and a pressure pump in the pump stack. Although the term
"stages" is commonly used to describe multiple scavenge pumps, they typically run in parallel, rather than
in series as the term might imply. The pressure stage draws oil from the bottom of the reservoir, and along
with an adjustable pressure regulator, supplies the oil under pressure through the filter and into the engine.

Dry sump systems may optionally be designed to keep the engine's crankcase at lower than atmospheric
pressure (vacuum), by sealing the crankcase and allowing the scavenge pumps to draw out both oil and
gases.[1][2] An equilibrium pressure will be reached when the rate of gases entering the crankcase (blow-by
gases past the piston rings, but also air leaks and oil vapor) equals the rate of gas removal from the
scavenge pump capacity beyond what's required to remove just the oil. Alternatively, the crankcase may be
kept near atmospheric pressure by venting it to the oil reservoir, which in turn is vented into the engine's air
intake, or to outside air.

A dry-sump system offers many advantages over a wet-sump. The primary advantages include:[1][3][4]

Prevention of the engine experiencing oil starvation during high g-loads when oil sloshes,
which improves engine reliability. Most engines can be damaged by even brief periods of oil
starvation. This is the reason why dry-sumps were invented, and is particularly valuable in
racing cars, high performance sports cars, and aerobatic aircraft that regularly experience
high accelerations. Oil slosh occurs in dry-sump systems too, but it is much easier to design
a remote reservoir to tolerate high amounts of slosh, by being tall and narrow, and having
large baffles.
Increased oil capacity by using a large external reservoir, which would be impractical in a
wet-sump system.
Improvements to vehicle handling and stability. The vehicle's center of gravity can be
lowered by mounting the (typically very heavy) engine lower in the chassis due to a shallow
sump profile. A vehicle's overall weight distribution can be modified by locating the external
oil reservoir away from the engine.
Improved oil temperature control. This is due to increased oil volume providing resistance to
heat saturation, the positioning of the oil reservoir away from the hot engine, and the ability
to include cooling capabilities between the scavenger pumps and oil reservoir and also
within the reservoir itself.
Improved oil quality. When oil sloshes against the crankshaft and other high-speed spinning
parts, it causes a "hurricane that whips the oil in a wet-sump engine into an aerated froth like
a milkshake in a blender".[5] Aerated oil protects engine components far less effectively. A
dry-sump system minimizes oil aeration, and also de-aerates oil far more effectively by
pumping it first into a remote reservoir.
Increased engine power. In a wet-sump engine, oil slosh against spinning parts causes
substantial viscous drag which creates parasitic power loss.[5][6] A dry-sump system
removes oil from the crankcase, along with the possibility of such viscous drag. More
complex dry-sump systems may scavenge oil from other areas where oil may pool, such as
in the valvetrain. Power can be further increased if the dry-sump system is designed to
create a vacuum inside the crankcase, which reduces air drag (or 'windage') on moving
parts as well.
Improved pump efficiency to maintain oil supply to the engine. Since scavenge pumps are
typically mounted at the lowest point on the engine, the oil flows into the pump intake by
gravity rather than having to be lifted up into the intake of the pump as in a wet-sump.
Furthermore, scavenge pumps can be of a design that is more tolerant of entrapped gasses
than the typical pressure pump, which can lose suction if too much air mixes into the oil.
Since the pressure pump is typically lower than the external oil tank, it always has a positive
pressure on its suction regardless of cornering forces.[7]
Having the pumps external to the engine makes them easier to maintain or replace.

Dry-sump engines have several disadvantages compared to wet-sump engines, including;[1] [8] [9][10]

Dry-sump systems add cost, complexity, and weight.

The extra pumps and lines in dry-sump engines require additional oil and maintenance.
The performance-enhancing features of dry-sump lubrication can hurt a car's day-to-day
driveability. A good example is the classic Mercedes-Benz 300SL, a car that was designed
for racing but sold to the general public and used on-road. The car had high oil capacity and
a dry-sump system to cope with continuous high-speed running while racing. Owners found
in general use, however, that the oil never achieved the correct operating temperature
because the system was so effective at cooling the oil. A makeshift solution was devised to
deliberately block the oil cooler airflow to boost the oil temperature.
The large external reservoir and pumps can be tricky to position around the engine and
within the engine bay due to their size.
As wrist pins and pistons rely for lubrication and cooling respectively, on the oil being
splashed around in the crankcase, these parts might have inadequate oiling if too much oil
is pulled away by the pump. Installing piston oilers can circumvent this issue, but do so with
additional cost and complexity for the engine.[10]
Inadequate upper valvetrain lubrication can also become an issue if too much oil vapor is
being pulled out from the area, especially with multi-staged pumps.[10]

Common engine applications

Dry-sumps are common on larger diesel engines such as those used for ship propulsion, largely due to
increased reliability and serviceability. They are also commonly used in racing cars and aerobatic aircraft,
due to problems with g-forces, reliable oil supply, power output and vehicle handling. The Chevrolet
Corvette Z06 has a dry sump engine which requires initial oil change after 500 miles.

Motorcycle engines

The dry-sump lubrication is particularly applicable to motorcycles, which tend to be operated more
vigorously than other road vehicles. Although motorcycles such as the Honda CB750 (1969) feature a dry-
sump engine, modern motorcycles tend to use a wet-sump design. This is understandable with across-the-
frame inline four-cylinder engines, since these wide engines must be mounted fairly high in the frame (for
ground clearance), so the space below may as well be used for a wet-sump. However, narrower engines
can be mounted lower and ideally should use dry-sump lubrication.

Several motorcycle models that use dry-sumps include;

The classic British parallel twin motorcycles, such as BSA, Triumph and Norton, all used
dry-sump lubrication. Traditionally, the oil tank was a remote item, but some late-model
BSAs, and the Meriden Triumphs, used "oil-in-the-frame" designs.

The Yamaha TRX850 270-degree parallel twin motorcycle has a dry-sump engine. Its oil
reservoir is not remote, but integral to the engine, sitting atop the gearbox. This design
eliminates external oil lines, allowing simpler engine removal and providing faster oil warm
The Yamaha XT660Z (and R/X models) use a dry-sump design where the bike's frame
tubing is used as the oil reservoir and cooling system[11]
The Yamaha SR400/500 uses a dry-sump design where the bike's frame tubing doubles as
the oil reservoir and cooling system.[12]
Harley-Davidson has used dry-sump type lubricating oil systems in their engines since the
The Rotax engined Aprilia RSV Mille, and the Aprilia RST1000 Futura both incorporate a
dry-sump, along with sister bikes, the SL1000 Falco and ETV1000 Caponord.
The Honda NX650, XR500R, XR600R, XR650R and XR650L four-stroke dirt bikes utilize a
dry-sump with the oil in the frame tubing.
The Suzuki DR-Z400 has a 2L dry-sump with oil in the frame tubing.
Chennai built Royal Enfield prior to 2007. Royal Enfield dry sump designs were completely
phased out by 2012.

See also
Wet sump

1. "Technical Description - The Dry Sump System" (http://drysump.com/drysump.htm).
Armstrong Race Engineering, Gary Armstrong, DrySump.com, 08-03-2016.
2. "Dry Sump" (https://www.torquecars.com/tuning/dry-sumps.php). TorqueCars. 6 May 2015.
Retrieved 2016-12-24.
3. Van Valkenburgh,Paul (1976) Race Car Engineering and Mechanics Dodd, Mead &
Company, p. 181
4. "Dry Sump Oil System - Camaro Performers Magazine" (http://www.superchevy.com/how-to/
engines-drivetrain/camp-1109-dry-sump-oil-system/). Super Chevy. 2011-09-01. Retrieved
5. Reher, David (2013-06-25). "Tech Talk #84 – Dry Sumps Save Lives" (http://rehermorrison.c
om/tech-talk-84-dry-sumps-dave-lives/). Reher Morrison Racing Engines. Retrieved
6. "Wet sumps | High Power Media" (https://www.highpowermedia.com/blog/3298/wet-sumps).
www.highpowermedia.com. Retrieved 2016-12-24.
7. Engineering Explained (4 January 2017). "Wet Sump Vs Dry Sump - Engine Oil Systems" (h
ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0lfdUXqV2g). YouTube.com. Retrieved 2 May 2020.
8. "Why do some engines use a dry sump oil system?" (http://auto.howstuffworks.com/fuel-effici
ency/fuel-consumption/question331.htm). HowStuffWorks. 2000-04-01. Retrieved
9. "Dry sumps" (https://www.torquecars.com/tuning/dry-sumps.php). TorqueCars. 6 May 2015.
Retrieved 2016-12-24.
10. Carley, Larry (2012-11-14). "Dry Sump Oiling Systems" (http://www.enginebuildermag.com/2
012/11/dry-sump-oiling-systems/). Engine Builder Mag. Babcox. Retrieved 2017-03-02.
11. "XT660Z | Yamaha Motor Australia" (https://www.yamaha-motor.com.au/products/motorcycl
e/off-road/adventure/xt660z). www.yamaha-motor.com.au. Retrieved 2018-05-06.
12. "The iconic SR400, 35 years heritage" (http://www.yamaha-motor.eu/eu/news/index.aspx?id
=556871). Suzuki Press Release, MCNews.com, 04-11-2013.

External links
"Why do some engines use a dry sump oil system?" (http://auto.howstuffworks.com/question
331.htm). HowStuffWorks. April 2000. Retrieved 2006-11-16.
"Technical Explanation The Dry Sump System" (http://drysump.com/drysump.htm). ARE.
Retrieved 2016-08-03.
"Wet Sump vs Dry Sump - Engine Oil Systems" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0lfdUX
qV2g). YouTube.com. EngineeringExplained. 2017-01-04. Retrieved 2017-01-04.

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