The Teaching of Science
The Teaching of Science
The Teaching of Science
1. “Science does not know its debt to imagination.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Imagination can create questions which lead to curiosity and can create new
investigation and with that you can create questions for science and by doing such you
have the urge to investigate and you will learn something with the imagination you have.
When studying science, it required a lot of strong and wild imagination. Because there
are things that you think is easy or simple but through the use of science it will blow your
mind. Science and imagination is like a twin, if you have a lot of curiosity you will start to
have a questions in your mind and later you will have some hypothesis on something,
and that’s the first step of your imagination.
2. “The important thing in science is not much to obtain new facts as to discover new ways
of thinking about them.” ~ William Lawrence Bragg
Maybe what you have discovered today could change tomorrow. As you discovered
a lot of things and it happens that those things are not what you have concluded and
change your perception about the information you obtain. According to William
Lawrence Bragg to his quotes is that the important of science is not obtaining new
facts about something like in our world, instead science change our view in our world
to make it understand why some phenomena is happening, it explained everything
and through science all the question in our mind is answered.
3. Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity of imagination”.
~ John Dewey, The Quest for Certainty, 1929
Great people like Einstein risk his own learning or discoveries in order to prove
what’s in his mind which is proven to be fact, because of the imagination of great
people we have learned and discovered a lot of things that could be useful in the
future. One reason why people tend to stock with curiosity that eventually leads to
discovery with science is because of imagination. Everything that has discovered or
evented is because of imagination that leads to discovery and implementing with the
effectively use of science. So meaning, every great advance is a product of audacity
of imagination.
4. “Men love to wonder, and that is the seed of science.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
On my own understanding, because of curiosity of a man they starts to wonder what’s
happening around them which they discovered new things and by that discoveries we
have learned so much about science. Humans are unique, although we are belong to
the animal kingdom but we are more special than any animals on earth. Because we
have the ability to think and to imagine what may possible if something is happen, and
that thinking is the reason why science is present in our mind.
1. Science is a wonderful world. It deals with nature and natural phenomena. Science leads
you to discover the mystery of a thin electric wire, why the cells of your eyes are not on
your lips, why you can communicate with a loved one across the miles through
Facetime, why An-225 Mriya, the world’s largest aircraft with its more than five hundred
(500) passengers, can fly up in the air.
2. Science is evidence-based. It deals with the observable, the verifiable. It deals with
empirical data. It accepts as true only that which has been positively and empirically
proven to be true. “To see is to believe.” That is science. It generates knowledge through
the scientific method.
3. Science has limits. Not all of reality is verifiable by the physical senses. The things of the
spirit cannot be proven by the physical senses and yet are real as material reality. God’s
existence cannot be proven by looking through even the most powerful electron
microscope. Antoine Exupery of The Little Prince said: It is only with the heart that one
can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye.”
4. Science knowledge is inherently uncertain. Scientific knowledge is tentative. Although
scientific knowledge is supported by a wealth of hard data from repeated trials, it is not
considered the final word. The laws of science are never viewed as fixed eternal truths.
Even the most established and universal laws of science are always regarded as
temporary, subject to modification in the light of new observations, experiments and
5. This fundamental uncertainty makes science a dynamic and expanding body of
knowledge. Science is a field of scientific inquiry.
6. Science is both a product and a process. It is information presented and also the way in
which the information has been collected.
7. As a field of study, science demands eyes keen for observing, analytical, synthesizing
and bias-free minds, traits such as perseverance, diligence and sacrifice. A scientific
study means long hours of meticulous study, arduous research, sleepless nights, etc.
Yes, I should experiment before I can draw conclusions in the reasons that science
should be proved by scientific inquiry. Before you can conclude something, you must
present what you have collected in your experiment to be proven. You should observe
what you have collected as your evidence to avoid bias. Through experiment your
hypothesis is being answered whether it is true or false, and once you have data from
you experiment you can already draw your concusion.
2. Compose a song expressing the wonderful world of science. A song involves taking a
popular song everyone knows (like Old McDonald) and changing the words to fit your
own content. Kindly upload your song on my FB Page Aubrey Ginelle Marasigan
Portillo Rallos.
Based on the K to 12 Curriculum Guide for Science, the main goal of Science teaching is
scientific literacy. Study this rubric and identify the indicators of scientific literacy. Score
yourself. Reflect on your score.
This goal of scientific literacy or science teaching is reflected in the learning area/program
The learner demonstrates understanding of basic science concepts and application of
science inquiry skills. They exhibit scientific attitudes and values to solve problems critically,
innovate beneficial products, protect the environment and conserve resources, enhance the
integrity and wellness of people, make informed decisions, and engage in discussions of
relevant issues that involve science, technology and environment.
The learning area standard for science teaching is wholistic. It embraces the cognitive
(understanding of basic science concepts), psychomotor (application of science inquiry skills)
and affective domains (exhibit scientific attitudes and values). Scientific attitudes and values
that Science teaching wants to integrate are: 1) critical problem solving, 2) innovation of
beneficial products, 3) environmental care, 4) conservation of resources, 5) enhancement of
integrity and wellness, 6) informed decision-making and 7) discussions of relevant issues that
involve science, technology and environment. Science teaching wants the students become
critical problem solvers, innovative, wellness-conscious, informed decision-makers, care for the
environment, conserve resources and are involved in the discussions of relevant scientific ,
technological and environmental issues. These attitudes and values are those of the person
with scientific literacy.
Science teaching is also expected to develop in the students’ scientific attitudes and values
such as:
1. Beliefs. A scientist believes that everything that happens in this world has a cause or
2. Curiosity. A scientist shows interest to dig into the “why” of phenomena. He/she pays
particular attention to objects or events. He/she asks questions and seeks answers.
3. Objectivity. A scientist is objective. She/he does not allow his/her feelings and biases to
influence his/her recording of observations, interpretation of data, and formulation of
4. Critical-mindedness. A scientist bases suggestions and conclusions on evidence.
When in doubt, he/she questions the veracity of a statement in relation to the evidence
5. Open-mindedness. A scientist listens to and respects the ideas of others. He/she
accepts criticism and changes his/her mind if reliable evidence contradicts his/her
6. Inventiveness. A scientist can generate new and original ideas.
7. Risk-taking. a scientist is willing to take risks but calculated risks. He/she expresses his
opinions and tries new ideas even at the risk of failure or criticism.
8. Intellectual honesty. A scientist gives a truthful report of observations. He/she does not
withhold important information just to please himself/herself or others. He/she does not
sanitize reports. He/she reports them as they were found.
9. Humility. A scientist is humble when he/she admits that he/she is not free from
committing errors. He/she recognizes that there may be better ideas and realizes that
there are individuals whom he/she may have to consult to arrive at correct observations
and conclusions.
10. Responsibility. A scientist actively participates in the task of making this world more
safe and more human by caring for the environment. He/she also dutifully performs
tasks assigned to him/her.
Grade Level Standards
The learners will demonstrate an emerging understanding of the parts of their body and
their general functions; plants, animals and varied materials in their environment and
their observable characteristics; general weather conditions and how these influence
K what they wear; and other things in their environment. Understanding of their bodies
and what is around them is acquired through exploration, questioning, and careful
observation as they infer patterns, similarities, and differences that will allow them to
make sound conclusions.
1 At the end of Grade 1, learners will use their senses to locate and describe the external
parts of their body; to identify, external parts of animals and plants; to tell the shape,
color, texture, taste, and size of things around them; to describe similarities and
differences given two objects; to differentiate sounds produced by animals, vehicles
cars, and musical instruments; to illustrate how things move; to, describe the weather
and what to do in different situations; to use appropriate terms or vocabulary to describe
these features; to collect, sort, count, draw, take things apart, or make something out of
the things; to practice healthy habits (e.g., washing hands properly, choosing nutritious
food) and safety measures (e.g., helping to clean or pack away toys, asking questions
and giving simple answers/ descriptions to probing questions).
At the end of Grade 2, learners will use their senses to explore and describe the
functions of their senses, compare two or more objects and using two or more
properties , sort things in different ways and give a reason for doing so, describe the
kind of weather or certain events in the home or school and express how these are
affecting them, do simple measurements of length, tell why some things around them
are important , decide if what they do is safe or dangerous; give suggestions on how to
prevent accidents at home, practice electricity, water, and paper conservation, help take
care of pets or of plants , and tell short stories about what they do, what they have
seen, or what they feel.
At the end of Grade 3, learners can describe the functions of the different parts of the
body and things that make up their surroundings --- rocks and soil, plants and animals,
the Sun, Moon and stars. They can also classify these things as solid, liquid or gas.
They can describe how objects move and what makes them move. They can also
identify sources and describe uses of light, heat, sound, and electricity.
Learners can describe changes in the conditions of their surroundings. These would
lead learners to become more curious about their surroundings, appreciate nature, and
practice health and safety measures.
At the end of Grade 4, learners can investigate changes in some observable properties of
materials when mixed with other materials or when force is applied on them. They can identify
materials that do not decay and use this knowledge to help minimize waste at home, school, and
in the community.
Learners can describe the functions of the different internal parts of the body in order to practice
ways to maintain good health. They can classify plants and animals according to where they live
and observe interactions among living things and their environment. They can infer that plants
and animals have traits that help them survive in their environment.
Learners can investigate the effects of push or pull on the size, shape, and movement of an
Learners can investigate which type of soil is best for certain plants and infer the importance of
water in daily activities. They learned about what makes up weather and apply their knowledge
of weather conditions in making decisions for the day. They can infer the importance of the Sun
to life on Earth.
At the end of Grade 5, learners can decide whether materials are safe and useful by
investigating about some of their properties. They can infer that new materials may form
when there are changes in properties due to certain conditions.
Learners have developed healthful and hygienic practices related to the reproductive
system after describing changes that accompany puberty. They can compare different
modes of reproduction among plant and animal groups and conduct an investigation on
pollination. They have become aware of the importance of estuaries and intertidal
5 zones and help in their preservation.
Learners can describe the movement of objects in terms of distance and time travelled.
Learners recognize that different materials react differently with heat, light, and sound.
They can relate these abilities of materials to their specific uses.
Learners can describe the changes that earth materials undergo. They can make
emergency plans with their families in preparation for typhoons. They can observe
patterns in the natural events by observing the appearance of the Moon.
At the end of Grade 6, learners recognize that when mixed together, materials may not
form new ones thus these materials may be recovered using different separation
techniques. They can prepare useful mixtures such as food, drinks and herbal
Learners understand how the different organ systems of the human body work
together. They can classify plants based on reproductive structures, and animals based
on the presence or lack of backbone. They can design and conduct an investigation on
plant propagation. They can describe larger ecosystems such as rainforests, coral
reefs, and mangrove swamps.
Learners can infer that friction and gravity affect how people and objects move. They
have found out that heat, light, sound, electricity, and motion studied earlier are forms of
energy and these undergo transformation.
Learners can describe what happens during earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and
demonstrate what to do when they occur. They can infer that the weather follows a
pattern in the course of a year. They have learned about the solar system, with
emphasis on the motions of the Earth as prerequisite to the study of seasons in another
grade level.
At the end of Grade 7, learners can distinguish mixtures from substances through
semi-guided investigations. They realize the importance of air testing when conducting
investigations. After studying how organ systems work together in plants and animals in
the lower grade levels, learners can use a microscope when observing very small
organisms and structures. They recognize that living things are organized into different
levels: Cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and organisms. These organisms
comprise populations and communities, which interact with non-living things in
7 ecosystems.
Learners can describe the motion of objects in terms of distance and speed, and
represent this in tables, graphs, charts, and equations. They can describe how various
forms of energy travel through different mediums.
Learners describe what makes up the Philippines as a whole and the resources found in
the archipelago. They can explain the occurrence of breezes, monsoons, and ITCZ, and
how these weather systems affect people. They can explain why seasons change and
demonstrate how eclipses occur.
At the end of Grade 8, learners can describe the factors that affect the motion of an
object based on the Laws of Motion. They can differentiate the concept of work as used
in science and in layman’s language. They know the factors that affect the transfer of
energy, such as temperature difference, and the type (solid, liquid, or gas) of the
Learners can explain how active faults generate earthquakes and how tropical cyclones
originate from warm ocean waters. They recognize other members of the solar system.
Learners can explain the behaviour of matter in terms of the particles it is made of. They
8 recognize that ingredients in food and medical products are made up of these particles
and are absorbed by the body in the form of ions.
Learners recognize reproduction as a process of cell division resulting in growth of
organisms. They have delved deeper into the process of digestion as studied in the
lower grades, giving emphasis on proper nutrition for overall wellness. They can
participate in activities that protect and conserve economically important species used
for food.
At the end of Grade 9, learners have gained a a deeper understanding of the digestive,
respiratory, and circulatory systems to promote overall health. They have become familiar with
some technologies that introduce desired traits in economically important plants and animals.
Learners can explain how new materials are formed when atoms are rearranged. They
recognize that a wide variety of useful compounds may arise from such rearrangements.
Learners can identify volcanoes and distinguish between active and inactive ones. They can
explain how energy from volcanoes may be tapped for human use. They are familiar with
climatic phenomena that occur on a global scale. They can explain why certain constellations
can be seen only at certain times of the year.
Learners can predict the outcomes of interactions among objects in real life applying the laws of
conservation of energy and momentum.
At the end of Grade 10, learners realize that volcanoes and earthquakes occur in the
same places in the world and that these are related to plate boundaries. They can
demonstrate ways to ensure safety and reduce damage during earthquakes, tsunamis,
and volcanic eruptions. Learners can explain the factors affecting the balance and
stability of an object to help them practice appropriate positions and movements to
achieve efficiency and safety such as in sports and dancing. They can analyze
situations in which energy is harnessed for human use whereby heat is released,
10 affecting the physical and biological components of the environment. Learners will have
completed the study of the entire organism with their deeper study of the excretory and
reproductive systems. They can explain in greater detail how genetic information is
passed from parents to offspring, and how diversity of species increases the probability
of adaptation and survival in changing environments. Learners can explain the
importance of controlling the conditions under which a chemical reaction occurs. They
recognize that cells and tissues of the human body are made up of water, a few kinds of
ions, and biomolecules. These biomolecules may also be found in the food they eat.
Identify the sequence of subject matter for science in the K-12 Curriculum. Does it follow the
spiral progression approach?
Grade Level
G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10
1st Matter Matter Matter Matter Matter Force, Living Earth &
Q Motion,& Things and Space
Energy Their
2nd Living Living Living Living Living Earth & Matter Force,
Things Things and Things and Things and Things and Space Motion,
and Their Their Their Their &
Their Environment Environment Environment Environment Energy
3rd Force, Force, Force, Force, Force, Matter Earth & Living
Q Motion, Motion,& Motion,& Motion,& Motion,& Space Things
& Energy Energy Energy Energy and
Energy Their
4th Earth & Earth & Earth & Earth & Earth & Living Force, Matter
Q Space Space Space Space Space Things Motion,&
and Their Energy
Yes, The k-12 Curriculum follow the spiral progress approach. As I observed on the lesson
in every grade level are discuss the same topic but as the grade level getting higher the lesson
be more complex than the lower grade.
In spiral progression approach, teaching begins with the basics but these basics become more
complex in treatment as they are taught across the grades. The basic science concepts are
revisited again and again as teacher teaches science across the grades.
For me, I will consider the science standard developmentally appropriate. Because the
k-12 curriculum are started from the very basic lessons up to the complex. The lessons
are taught spirally from grade 1 to 10, so the students revisit the same topic from grade 1
to grade 10 but have different complex as the grade level is getting higher. Maybe they
are hard lessons for some student but I believe that science subject is very interesting
especially when it’s taught by the right teacher, because according to Prof. Feynman “ If
you find science boring, you’re learning it from a wrong teacher”.
2. Would you go for spiral progression approach in Science teaching? Why or why not?
Yes. Because in teaching science is might be hard for some student, so through the use
of spiral progression approach we can revisit the topic until they can master it by
discussing the lesson again and again, but with different level of complexity according to
their grade level.
3. With the use of the Science Curriculum Guide, give examples/competencies that can be taught
with the thirteen (13) science process skills from the Science Curriculum Guide.
With the use of K – 12 science curriculum guide, the example/competencies that can be
taught with the 13 science process skilled are the Grade 7 class. One of the example of
the topic is Matter, and the learning competencies are the learners should be able to: 1.
describe the components of a scientific investigation; 2. investigate properties of
unsaturated or saturated solutions; 3. express concentrations of solutions quantitatively
by preparing different concentrations of mixtures according to uses and availability of
materials; 4.istinguish mixtures from substances based on a set of properties; 5.
recognize that substances are classified into elements and compounds; 6. investigate
properties of acidic and basic mixtures using natural indicators; and 7. describe some
properties of metals and non-metals such as luster, malleability, ductility, and
Bandura’s (1986) social learning theory states that learning as a cognitive process takes
place in a social context and can occur through observation or direct instruction. This
emphasizes the importance of observation and modelling in instruction. This implies that
science teachers must model scientific literacy or do science processes for science students to
learn and develop scientific literacy and science processes.
Learning styles theory explains that students have preferential individual learning styles and
therefore people may vary in their response to learning opportunities and how they learn (Kolb,
1984; Honey & Mumford, 1992).
Learners perform best when teaching style fits the learning style. The number of learning
styles is as many as the number of students in class. This does not mean, however, that the
Science teacher will cater to every learning style at one time in the classroom. This is next to
impossible. What is expected is that Science teachers make use of a variety of teaching
activities to cater to various learning styles.
Thematic and integrative teachings are based on this principle of looking for patterns
and seeing interrelated patterns. One topic can be related to all kinds of different topics,
and when we do this, the brain tends to remember many more things. The K to 12
Curriculum Guide offers a lot of opportunities for thematic teaching.
4. Emotions are critical to patterning. In the brain you can’t separate emotion from
cognition. It is an interacting web of factors. Everything has some emotion to it. In fact,
many brain researchers now believe there is no memory without emotion. Emotions are
what motivate us to learn, to create. They are in our moods. They are our passion. They
are a part of who we are as human beings. We need to understand more about them
and accept them. Give your Science lessons an emotional touch.
5. Learning is enhanced by a challenge and inhibited by threat. Then make your learning
task challenging but not threatening. If it is too easy, it may not be challenging. If you
make it very difficult, it may turn off or threaten students’ desire to succeed.
Experiential learning as advocated by David Kolb (1975) is learning that occur by making
sense of direct everyday experiences. According to Kolb, concrete experience provides the
information that serves as a basis for reflection. From these reflections, we assimilate the
information and form abstract concepts. We then use these concepts to develop new theories
about the world, which we then actively test. Through the testing of our ideas, we once again
gather information through experiences, cycling back to the beginning of the process.
Situated learning, theorized by Lave and Wenger (1990), is learning in the same context in
which concepts and theories are applied. Workshops, kitchens, gardens and farms are used in
classrooms. Research has shown that real-life applied activities and problem-solving activities
establish a contextual setting for many lessons, providing motivation and encouraging curiosity
(Hiebert and Carpenter, 1992)
Reflective learning refers to learning that is facilitated by reflective thinking. It is not enough that
learners encounter real-life situations. Deeper learning occurs when learners are able to think
about their experiences and process these, allowing them the opportunity to make sense of and
derive meaning from their experiences.
Discovery learning takes place in problem solving situations where the learner draws on his/her
own experience and prior knowledge to solve a problem. As a method of instruction, teacher
makes students interact with one another, with instructional materials or with their environment
by exploring and manipulating objects, wrestling with questions and controversies, or
performing experiments.
1. Constructivist principle – Find out leaner’s idea and consider them in your teaching. Give
contextual setting for lessons, providing motivation and encouraging curiosity (Hiebert
and Carpenter, 1992).
2. Discovery principle; learning by doing principle – Don’t tell the answer. Make children
learn science by doing science not teaching about science. Make children discover
answers to their own questions with your guidance. Make them do “hands-on-minds-
onhearts-on” activities.
3. Brain-based principles – Teach for meaning. Make your teaching meaningful. Integrative
and thematic teaching is more meaningful than teaching facts and concepts in isolation.
Give your lesson an emotional touch. Keep learning atmosphere challenging but
nonthreatening. According to brain-based learning theory all these practices make
students perform.
4. Make students work together. Encourage collaborative learning. It is less threatening.
5. Consider multiple intelligences and learning styles. Make use of varied teaching
methods and activities. Make use of cooperative learning but opportunity for twinning or
individual work.
inquire. “How do clouds form?” “How does sunlight affect plants?” Students are engaged
in inquiry when they form testable questions.
2. Learner gives priority to evidence in responding to questions. Science uses
evidence from observations as the basis for explanations about how the natural world is.
To make observations, scientists take measurements in natural settings or in
laboratories. The accuracy of the evidence collected is verified by checking
measurements, repeating the observations. Evidence collected is subjected to
questioning and further investigations.
3. Learner formulates explanations from evidence. Scientific explanations are based on
reason. They provide evidence collected to support their conclusions. Students develop
answers to questions based on their actual observations, not on textbooks.
4. Learner connects explanations to scientific evidence. Explanations can be revised
or even discarded as new evidence is uncovered.
5. Learner communicates and justifies explanations. Scientists communicate their
explanations and evidence with one another through scientific journals.
By providing time for students to share their answers/explanations, others can ask
questions, examine the evidence, identify errors and point out alternative explanations or
conclusions that are not justified by evidence – just as real scientists do.
Structured – Teacher gives students problems to investigate during hands-on activities as well
as procedures and materials. Students determine the outcomes. Here, teacher specifies
laboratory activities, materials and questions.
Guided – Teacher gives students the problem or question and materials. Students have to
determine the processes and outcomes.
Example: Students are given half-ripe bananas, a box and old newspapers. Students are asked
to pack the half-ripe bananas to be transported from Ilocos to Manila in such a way that they
remain intact after an eight-hour land trip.
differences between this method and the scientific method are the guidelines are not as
strict and you do not have to follow them precisely. Hypothesis/experiment may lead you
to more questions and therefore further experiments. Sharing your results and
analyzations with others throughout the experiment is key.
Scientific method and inquiry method may have a lot of differences but they also have
similarities those are they both form a hypothesis from observations. Conduct an
experiment, evaluate the data and procedure, analyze the results and form conclusions.
2. Do scientists follow the scientific method step by step? Do they always arrive at
answers? Explain your answer.
The scientific method is used in all sciences including chemistry, physics,
geology, and psychology. The scientists in these fields ask different questions and
perform different tests. However, they use the same core approach to find answers that
are logical and supported by evidence. Yes, when the scientist performed an experiment
the scientist follows a step by step scientific method to get the answer with evidence.
Doing Science
Science is a process. Teachers are advised to teach Science by doing science not only by
knowing science concepts. The following process skills may be of help in developing science
process skills and literacy – the goal of Science teaching.
1. Observing
• Observe objects or events in a variety of ways, using one or more of the senses.
Count the number of legs on a bug; compare sand to potting soil; estimate the
number of steps it takes to get to the playground and then count them; measure
student height at the beginning of each year; practice measuring and counting with
nearly every science lesson.
2. Classifying
• Identify properties useful for classifying objects.
• Group objects by their properties or similarities and differences.
Construct and use classification system.
e.g. Given several different vegetables and fruits, have students come up with
several ways to group them (color, flavour, seeds or no seeds, edible outside, etc.).
Figure out how many ways students can be grouped (gender, month of birth,
eye/hair/skin color/likes/dislikes, athletic or not, musical or not.
3. Inferring
• Suggest explanations for events based on observation.
• Distinguish between an observation and an inference.
e.g. Explain why the moon seems to change shape, what causes the seasons, how a
battery or magnet works, why some people are tall/blue-eyed/have small feet, or why
birds can fly.
4. Predicting
Forecast a future event based on prior experience, e.g., observations, or
e.g. Predict what would happen to a toy car if it was run down a ramp at a 5-, 45- or
90-degree angles; guess the weather within a one-hour time period; predict the
outcome of a time-dependent experiment if you ran it twice as long or half as long.
5. Measuring
• Compare and order objects by length, area, weight, volume, etc.
• Measure properties of objects or events by using standardized units of measure.
e.g. Give students different-sized containers and compare which one holds the most
liquid or rice. (Rice is less messy to measure.)
6. Communicating
• Construct and use written reports, diagrams, graphs or charts to transmit
information learned from science experiences.
• Verbally ask questions about, discuss, explain, or report observations.
e.g. Groups report on their findings to the whole class. Include discussion about their
Students draw pictures illustrating how to wire batteries to make light bulbs light up,
explaining how they determined the correct way to make them light.
e.g. Sketch a picture of a flowering plant (roots, leaves, etc.) and describe where
each part of the plant is located.
Sketch the position of each planet in the solar system with regards to the sun (not to
scale!) and describe which ones are closest to Earth.
8. Defining operationally
• State definitions of objects or events in terms of what the object is doing or what
are occurring in the event.
• State definitions of objects or events based on observable characteristics.
e.g. State what is happening to the ocean during high tide and low tide by explaining
what the moon, sun and Earth are doing.
Explain how you can tell the differences between a plant and an animal cell under
9. Formulating hypotheses
• Identify questions or statements which can and cannot be tested.
• Design statements (e.g., questions, inferences and predictions) which can be
tested by an experiment.
e.g. Generate a list of questions that are based on opinions (Who should be our next
president? Which TV show is the best? Which type of music is the worst?)
Students write testable statements before beginning an experiment (Too little light is
more harmful to plants than too little water.)
10. Experimenting
• Design an investigation to test a hypothesis.
• Conduct simple experiments.
• Recognize limitations of methods and tools used in experiments (e.g.,
experimental error).
e.g. Develop a testable question and design a way to test it (Does a magnet make a
compass needle move toward the north?)
Question the students about how they know their measurements are accurate (e.g.,
Can they measure something less than 1/16 of a inch long using regular rulers?)
e.g. Have each student build a paper airplane and throw them to see which one flies
longest; ask students how to improve their airplanes; list things to test for improving
flight time; type of paper, number of folds, shape of airplane, length of wings, force of
throwing arm, age of student, ect., ask students how to test which variable makes the
biggest different. (Speciifying the independent and dependent variables in more
appropriate for upper elementary and middle grades than lower-elementary
students. For lower-elementary students, discuss the idea that you can only test one
change at a time.)
e.g. Write a letter to a grandparent explaining why earthquakes happen. Explain how
fluorescent light bulbs use less energy than incandescent light bulbs.
3. Give examples of at least 2 competencies that can be taught with the thirteen (13)
science process skills from the Science Curriculum Guide.
With the use of K-12 curriculum guide the possible 2 competencies that can be taught with the
13 science process skills in the topic of Living things and their environment are The learners
should be able to: 1. identify parts of the microscope and their functions; and 2. focus
specimens using the compound microscope. This learning competencies are the competencies
of Grade 7.
Activity: Look for a certain topic in the curriculum guide and supply the following:
4. Expansion
Ask from a teacher (preferably active in service and is at least 5 years in teaching profession) a
lesson plan using 7 E’s. Read and analyze how the teacher crafted the lesson plan. Afterwards,
write your own lesson plan using 7 E’s approach. Please submit your output in Google