Sci 325 Lecture Note
Sci 325 Lecture Note
Sci 325 Lecture Note
1. “Science does not know its debt to imagination.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
2. “The important thing in science is not much to obtain new facts as to discover new ways
of thinking about them.” ~ William Lawrence Bragg
3. Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity of imagination”.
~ John Dewey, The Quest for Certainty, 1929
4. “Men love to wonder, and that is the seed of science.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Based on the K to 12 Curriculum Guide for Science, the main goal of Science teaching is
scientific literacy. Study this rubric and identify the indicators of scientific literacy. Score
yourself. Reflect on your score.
10. Responsibility. A scientist actively participates in the task of making this world more
safe and more human by caring for the environment. He/she also dutifully performs
tasks assigned to him/her.
Identify the sequence of subject matter for science in the K-12 Curriculum. Does it follow
the spiral progression approach?
Grade Level
G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10
2. Science teaching in the K-12 Curriculum is a rich opportunity for value integration. Select
content and performance standards from the Science Curriculum Guide where you can
integrate values inherent in the teaching of the natural sciences.
3. Would you go for spiral progression approach in Science teaching? Why or why not?
4. With the use of the Science Curriculum Guide, give examples/competencies that can be
taught with the thirteen (13) science process skills from the Science Curriculum Guide.
Bandura’s (1986) social learning theory states that learning as a cognitive process takes
place in a social context and can occur through observation or direct instruction. This
emphasizes the importance of observation and modelling in instruction. This implies that
science teachers must model scientific literacy or do science processes for science students to
learn and develop scientific literacy and science processes.
Learning styles theory explains that students have preferential individual learning styles
and therefore people may vary in their response to learning opportunities and how they learn
(Kolb, 1984; Honey & Mumford, 1992).
Learners perform best when teaching style fits the learning style. The number of learning
styles is as many as the number of students in class. This does not mean, however, that the
Science teacher will cater to every learning style at one time in the classroom. This is next to
impossible. What is expected is that Science teachers make use of a variety of teaching
activities to cater to various learning styles.
Thematic and integrative teachings are based on this principle of looking for patterns
and seeing interrelated patterns. One topic can be related to all kinds of different topics,
and when we do this, the brain tends to remember many more things. The K to 12
Curriculum Guide offers a lot of opportunities for thematic teaching.
4. Emotions are critical to patterning. In the brain you can’t separate emotion from cognition.
It is an interacting web of factors. Everything has some emotion to it. In fact, many brain
researchers now believe there is no memory without emotion. Emotions are what
motivate us to learn, to create. They are in our moods. They are our passion. They are a
part of who we are as human beings. We need to understand more about them and
accept them. Give your Science lessons an emotional touch.
5. Learning is enhanced by a challenge and inhibited by threat. Then make your learning
task challenging but not threatening. If it is too easy, it may not be challenging. If you
make it very difficult, it may turn off or threaten students’ desire to succeed.
Experiential learning as advocated by David Kolb (1975) is learning that occur by making
sense of direct everyday experiences. According to Kolb, concrete experience provides the
information that serves as a basis for reflection. From these reflections, we assimilate the
information and form abstract concepts. We then use these concepts to develop new theories
about the world, which we then actively test. Through the testing of our ideas, we once again
gather information through experiences, cycling back to the beginning of the process.
Situated learning, theorized by Lave and Wenger (1990), is learning in the same context
in which concepts and theories are applied. Workshops, kitchens, gardens and farms are used
in classrooms. Research has shown that real-life applied activities and problem-solving activities
establish a contextual setting for many lessons, providing motivation and encouraging curiosity
(Hiebert and Carpenter, 1992)
Discovery learning takes place in problem solving situations where the learner draws on
his/her own experience and prior knowledge to solve a problem. As a method of instruction,
teacher makes students interact with one another, with instructional materials or with their
environment by exploring and manipulating objects, wrestling with questions and controversies,
or performing experiments.
3. Brain-based principles – Teach for meaning. Make your teaching meaningful. Integrative
and thematic teaching is more meaningful than teaching facts and concepts in isolation.
Give your lesson an emotional touch. Keep learning atmosphere challenging but non
threatening. According to brain-based learning theory all these practices make students
4. Make students work together. Encourage collaborative learning. It is less threatening. 5.
Consider multiple intelligences and learning styles. Make use of varied teaching methods
and activities. Make use of cooperative learning but opportunity for twinning or individual
By providing time for students to share their answers/explanations, others can ask
questions, examine the evidence, identify errors and point out alternative explanations or
conclusions that are not justified by evidence – just as real scientists do.
Structured – Teacher gives students problems to investigate during hands-on activities as well
as procedures and materials. Students determine the outcomes. Here, teacher specifies
laboratory activities, materials and questions.
Guided – Teacher gives students the problem or question and materials. Students have to
determine the processes and outcomes.
Example: Students are given half-ripe bananas, a box and old newspapers. Students are
asked to pack the half-ripe bananas to be transported from Ilocos to Manila in such a way that
they remain intact after an eight-hour land trip.
Open – Students determine the problems, investigations, procedures and outcomes. Example:
Students are taken to a vegetable garden. Teacher gives them several minutes to explore the
vegetable garden. Working with partners, students formulate researchable problems and
conduct investigations based on their observations.
Doing Science
Science is a process. Teachers are advised to teach Science by doing science not only
by knowing science concepts. The following process skills may be of help in developing science
process skills and literacy – the goal of Science teaching.
1. Observing
∙ Observe objects or events in a variety of ways, using one or more of the senses. ∙
Identify properties of an object (e.g., shape, color, size and texture).
Count the number of legs on a bug; compare sand to potting soil; estimate the
number of steps it takes to get to the playground and then count them; measure
student height at the beginning of each year; practice measuring and counting with
nearly every science lesson.
2. Classifying
∙ Identify properties useful for classifying objects.
∙ Group objects by their properties or similarities and differences.
∙ Construct and use classification system.
e.g. Given several different vegetables and fruits, have students come up with
several ways to group them (color, flavour, seeds or no seeds, edible outside, etc.).
Figure out how many ways students can be grouped (gender, month of birth,
eye/hair/skin color/likes/dislikes, athletic or not, musical or not.
3. Inferring
∙ Suggest explanations for events based on observation.
∙ Distinguish between an observation and an inference.
e.g. Explain why the moon seems to change shape, what causes the seasons, how a
battery or magnet works, why some people are tall/blue-eyed/have small feet, or why
birds can fly.
4. Predicting
∙ Forecast a future event based on prior experience, e.g., observations, or
e.g. Predict what would happen to a toy car if it was run down a ramp at a 5-, 45- or
90-degree angles; guess the weather within a one-hour time period; predict the
outcome of a time-dependent experiment if you ran it twice as long or half as long.
5. Measuring
∙ Compare and order objects by length, area, weight, volume, etc.
∙ Measure properties of objects or events by using standardized units of measure.
e.g. Give students different-sized containers and compare which one holds the most
liquid or rice. (Rice is less messy to measure.)
6. Communicating
∙ Construct and use written reports, diagrams, graphs or charts to transmit
information learned from science experiences.
∙ Verbally ask questions about, discuss, explain, or report observations.
e.g. Groups report on their findings to the whole class. Include discussion about their
Students draw pictures illustrating how to wire batteries to make light bulbs light up,
explaining how they determined the correct way to make them light.
e.g. Sketch a picture of a flowering plant (roots, leaves, etc.) and describe where
each part of the plant is located.
Sketch the position of each planet in the solar system with regards to the sun (not to
scale!) and describe which ones are closest to Earth.
8. Defining operationally
∙ State definitions of objects or events in terms of what the object is doing or what are
occurring in the event.
∙ State definitions of objects or events based on observable characteristics.
e.g. State what is happening to the ocean during high tide and low tide by explaining
what the moon, sun and Earth are doing.
Explain how you can tell the differences between a plant and an animal cell under
9. Formulating hypotheses
∙ Identify questions or statements which can and cannot be tested.
∙ Design statements (e.g., questions, inferences and predictions) which can be
tested by an experiment.
e.g. Generate a list of questions that are based on opinions (Who should be our next
president? Which TV show is the best? Which type of music is the worst?)
Students write testable statements before beginning an experiment (Too little light is
more harmful to plants than too little water.)
10. Experimenting
∙ Design an investigation to test a hypothesis.
∙ Conduct simple experiments.
∙ Recognize limitations of methods and tools used in experiments (e.g., experimental
e.g. Develop a testable question and design a way to test it (Does a magnet make a
compass needle move toward the north?)
Question the students about how they know their measurements are accurate (e.g.,
Can they measure something less than 1/16 of a inch long using regular rulers?)
e.g. Have each student build a paper airplane and throw them to see which one flies
longest; ask students how to improve their airplanes; list things to test for improving
flight time; type of paper, number of folds, shape of airplane, length of wings, force of
throwing arm, age of student, ect., ask students how to test which variable makes the
biggest different. (Speciifying the independent and dependent variables in more
appropriate for upper elementary and middle grades than lower-elementary students.
For lower-elementary students, discuss the idea that you can only test one change at
a time.)
e.g. Write a letter to a grandparent explaining why earthquakes happen. Explain how
fluorescent light bulbs use less energy than incandescent light bulbs.
Assessment Tasks
1. By a PowerPoint presentation, discuss the educational theories on which the teaching
of Science is anchored. Cite the implications of these educational theories to the
teaching of Science. Submit your output in Google classroom with class code:
2. Explain at least three guiding principles in the teaching of Science.
3. Give examples of at least 2 competencies that can be taught with the thirteen (13)
science process skills from the Science Curriculum Guide.
Activity: Look for a certain topic in the curriculum guide and supply the
1. Engagement
What is the focus of the lesson?
2. Exploration
Which skills will be used?
What will students do?
3. Explanation
What is the main idea (concept) ? How will the main idea (concept) be constructed?
4. Expansion
Which process skills will be used?
How will the idea be expanded?
5. Evaluation
How will the students show what they have learned?
Ask from a teacher (preferably active in service and is at least 5 years in teaching
profession) a lesson plan using 7 E’s. Read and analyze how the teacher crafted the lesson
plan. Afterwards, write your own lesson plan using 7 E’s approach. Please submit your output in
Google classroom.