Metaphors in Mentorship

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Metaphors in Mentorship

Determine what characteristics of these models you prefer and identify what
you must be aware of in an intercultural context. Expanding on what you have
found, formulate an original metaphor that represents your approach, or
desired approach, to mentoring or coaching.

According to what I know about mentoring, I know that a mentor is

someone that a person can go to for advice or training. Everyone has the option
of getting a mentor including teachers and students. The characteristics of a
mentor include the the following: good listener/sounding board, flexible, value
diversity of perspectives, knowledgeable, non-judgemental, able to give
constructive feedback, honest and candid, able to network and find resources,
willing/able to devote time to developing others and eager to learn
(Characteristics of excellent mentors). Mentors and their mentees will have
differences in their backgrounds and cultures and mentors will have to
respect/adapt to the differences in the cultural differences between the two.
I identified with the GROW model found in our readings this week. GROW is
a coaching model that stands for: G- Goal (Aspirations), R-Reality (current
obstacles and situations), O-Options (strengths, resources), W-Way forward or
Will (Accountability and personal actions -what, when, by whom, and the will to
do it) (What is the grow coaching model? (incl.. questions + examples) 2022). This
model has the ability to promote “confidence and self-motivation, leading to
increased productivity and personal satisfaction” (The grow model 2022). With
ELL learners, mentoring students with this model allows them to set goals that are
related directly to their learning of English and their gradual introduction to life
here in Canada. This model and way of setting goals with the student allows them
to gradually adapt to their situation and to bypass culture shock.
If I were to choose a metaphor, I would choose: Mentors are gardeners.
What I kept on thinking about was a bonsai gardener and how they wrap wire
around the branches of a bonsai tree to guide it and shape it in a particular way so
that the tree has a unique shape. Connecting this to the GROW model, teachers
are there as mentors to their students, working with them to create goals and to
keep them accountable to their goals in the learning of English and their
integration into Canadian Society. The teacher is there to guide the student as
they work to achieve their goals through a process. Just like the gardener shaping
the bonsai tree, the teacher is guiding the student towards their goal.


American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (n.d.). Characteristics of

excellent mentors. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
Retrieved July 24, 2022, from 

The grow model. Performance Consultants. (2022, April 19). Retrieved July 24,
2022, from 

What is the grow coaching model? (incl.. questions + examples). (2022, July 7). Retrieved July 24, 2022, from 

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