Defining Flow Simulation Method For Existing Zulu Multiphase Pipelines Operated in Turndown Rate
Defining Flow Simulation Method For Existing Zulu Multiphase Pipelines Operated in Turndown Rate
Defining Flow Simulation Method For Existing Zulu Multiphase Pipelines Operated in Turndown Rate
Putri Dwithasari*
Dian Nurlita Kusuma*
Harris Grenaldi Panaiputra*
Arif Rakhmawan*
o PIPESIM: spot data of pressure mapping o Real maximum pressure from OLGA is 110
and flowrate psig, while actual pressure data from record
(80 psig) is located in graph shoulder area.
o OLGA: limited recordable pressure data This discrepancy might be caused by record
(taken every 3 hours in average) with time duration of 3 hours. However, from
average flowrate (liquid, GOR & water cut) dedicated barton chart record, it is
and fact that slug are experienced in ZUJ1 confirmed that maximum pressure in ZUG
production header. is reaching 110 psig.
Adjustment of roughness and internal diameter In general, OLGA is able to fully capture
parameter are made in simulation in order to pipeline behavior hence able to benchmark
match the actual data. Once it is matched, those actual condition.
parameters will be considered as validation
parameters. With the same analogy, simulation is performed
for other active pipelines, with validation result
Forecast simulation is run by using validated as follow:
pipeline ID and forecast flowrate
o ZUD – ZUJ1 pipeline size is reduced to
10.75” ID
o ZUA – ZUD pipeline size is reduced to
Pipeline network simulation is validated by using 10.75”
two softwares as listed with different results as
follow: To be noted that validation process is very
important to represent actual pipeline condition and
PIPESIM Simulation possible bottleneck in existing or even in future
condition. Hence, further analysis and
recommendation can be more specific and solve the o Below turndown area itself is a dynamic
right issue. phenomenon, not a steady state
o PIPESIM will indicates un-correct
PIPESIM is then utilized to simulate hydraulic pipeline parameter result
backpressure using OLGA validated ID for future
production rate without any distinction since the • OLGA (transient state software) is able to
flowrate located far above the turndown rate. Thus, fully capture pipeline behavior in multiphase
resulting infill wells production incremental up to pipeline below turndown area. However,
14,000 BOPD can be comingled through existing longer simulation duration is required since it
pipeline without any significant bottleneck since will give detail simulation and analysis.
simulated backpressure are still below ESP
discharge pressure. • PIPESIM is recommended to be used in
multiphase pipeline above turndown area. It is
CONCLUSIONS suitable for future adequacy check with high
flowrate and many scenarios.
Summary of simulation and analysis are:
• PIPESIM (steady state software) is not Prima, M. I., Sakti, C. A. P., Ilona, S., Dwithasari,
recommended to be used in multiphase below P., Diinillah, F., Rahmadona, D., et al: POFD
turndown area, due to this specific reasons: Pengembangan Lapangan Zulu, 2016