ME 218 - Spring 2018 - Week05 Handout

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ME218 Torsional Shear Stress, Strain & Deformation in Shafts Page 1




~- ~)
(b) (c)

Torsion in a Screwdriver due to a Circular bar subjected to torsion by

torque T applied to the handle torques T 1 and T2


At any point in a cross section the shear stress is:

T = Shear Force/Area = dF/dA or dF = T dA

The resultant moment of the force dF about the shaft center 0 is:

dMx = dT = P dF = P T dA

The sum of the shear forces dF over entire cross sectional area is zero.
( dF 's are in pairs, equal and opposite).

The integral of dT over entire cross sectional area must be equal to applied torque Tor:

Other relevant formulas:

Shear Strain: y = 't / G or T = GY

Polar Moment ofInertia of a circular cross section: 10 = fA p2dA

ME 218 Torsional Shear Stress, Strain & Deformation in Shafts Page 2

When a torque T is applied to a circular shaft of length L and radius C, the shaft will go through an
angular deformation or angular twist <po The relations between shearing strain y and angular twist <p
can be written as follows:

in triangle BAA' tan y = y = AA'/L

in triangle OAA' tan <p = <p = AA'I P

Therefore: Y L = <p p or:

(2) y = <p p/L

Note at the center of the shaft where p = 0,

y = 0 Therefore no Strain and no Stress

At the outer surface of the shaft where p = C

. . (b)
Y IS maximum or:

(3) Ymax = <p C/L

Dividing equation (2) by equation (3) we obtain:

Y I Ymax = pic or Y = Ymax piC.

Multiply both sides of this equation by G, modulus of rigidity, we get:

Again note at the center of the shaft p = 0 ,'t = 0 no Shear Stress.

At the outer surface of the shaft p = C , r = 'tmax

Replace r in equation (1) by equation (4):

T = fA P r dA = fAP ('tmax piC) dA = ('tmax/C) L p2dA = 'tmax Jol C

Or'tmax Stress on the outer surface of the shaft is: I 'tmax = TC IJ I

From equation (4), the stress 't at any other point in the cross section: 1 't=Tp/J l
Multiplying both sides of equation (3) by G we get: G Ymax = G <p C/L or 'tmax = TC I J = G <p C/L

,.--... Or <p Angular twist at the end of the shaft is: 1 'P~TL/GJ I
ME218 Torsional Shear Stress, Strain & Deformation in Shafts Page 3


Shear stress in a circular bar in torsion ~


---- '?r

~) y
J = 1t r4/2 b'
d c

t") c'

(b) (c)

Shear stress in a circular tube in torsion


Bar in non-uniform torsion

T 1, T 2, T 3 and T 4 are external torques
TAB, T BCand T CDare internal torques, or the reaction
of the bars AB, BC and CD to extemalloading. (a)

T +T -T +T
1 2 3 CD
= 0 T
= -T -T +T
1 2 3

e T,


T 1+ T 2 + T BC= 0 TBC = -Tl -T2




T1+TAB=O TAB = -Tl .~

~ A
ME218 Torsional Shear Stress, Strain & Deformation in Shafts Page 4

~, Example:
r "

Questions 1 and 2:
A Shaft is loaded with several torques as shown;
a- Find required torque reaction at support A for equilibrium.
b-Determine the maximum torque transmitted by any transverse cross section of the shaft (torque in AB, Be, etc.)

t~ 40 kN.m 10 kN-m

(1) (2)

Gear Systems:

Question 3: Sample Quiz

A torque TE = 4,300 lb-in is applied at the end E of the two shaft and gear system shown. Find:
a-Maximum value of shear stress in shafts DE and AR-
b- The relative angle of rotation of point E with respect to A.
6 •
Assume' 'D r = 3-in rB = 5-in d AB'= 1 8-in dDE = lA-in L = 2-ft G = 12xlO -pSI
ME 218 Shafts Page 5
Sample Quizzes

Question 1: Gear System

Three torques are applied to the 3-parts solid circular shaft ABCD as shown.
All parts of the shaft are made of aluminum with G = 11,000-ksi.
Given lengths AB = BC = CD = 10-in, determine: 1000lb • in
a- The maximum shear stress in the shaft.
b-The relative angular twist of point A with respect to D.
c- Show state of stress for each part. 2400 lb • in. s

SIX) lb • in.

Question 2: Gear System

A torque of T = 8-kips-in applied at the end of the shaft CD. Both shafts are
made of steel with G = 10,000-ksi. Knowing shaft AB has diameter of
d = 2.25-in and length of L = 1.5-ft and shaft CD has diameter of d = 1.75-in
and length of L = 2-ft, determine:
a- The shear stress in each shaft.
b-The relative angular deformation of point D with respect to A.

QuestionS: Composite Shaft

The composite shaft shown consists of a 5-mm thick brass jacket
(Gbrass= 39-GPa) bonded to a 40-mm diameter steel core (GSteci = 77.2-Gpa).
When torque T = 600-N-m is applied at A, determine:
a- The shear stress in steel and brass.
b-The relative angular deformation of point B with respect to A.

Brass jacket

40 Dim

Steel core
ME 218 Sample Quizzes Page 6


Question 4:
The motor shown develops 120-HP at a speed of 360-rpm. Gears A and B each delivers 50% of the power to the respective
operating units in the factory. If maximum shearing stress T in the shafts is limited to 12-ksi, determine:
a-The minimum required diameter of the motor shaft.
b-The minimum required diameter of the power shaft.
c-The relative angle of rotation at B with respect to motor, if shafts are made of steel with G = 12,000 ksi.

Question 5:
A motor applies a torque T to the shafts shown through gears D and C. Gears A and B each delivers 12 kips-in and 48 kips-in
power to the respective operating units in the factory. Determine:
a-The maximum shearing stresses in the shafts AB and BC.
b-The relative rotation of gear A with respect to Gear C.
c-The required power in HP generated by the motor if it is operating at 240-rpm, and gear D has 1/3 diameter of gear C.
Assume: L! = 4-ft , D! = 2-in 1^ = 2-ft , D2 = 3-in
G= 12,000 ksi

Date: 5-14-'13

400 Ib-ft
Question 6: 20 Points)
A solid 1 .5-in diameter brass shaft ABCD (G = 6,000-ksi) is stiffened A (3) 400 Ib-fi
between B to C by a stainless steel tube (4) with G = 12,000-ksi. \^
The tube has outside diameter of 3 .5-in and the thickness of t = 0. 12-in. 1 I
The tube is attached to the brass by means of rigid flanges. Determine: <*~- 12 -
a-The max.shear stress in segments 1 , 2 and 3 of the shaft, and in tube 4.
b-The angular rotation of D relative to A. 12 in.

= TL/GJ J =

1.50 in. 3.50 in.

Cross Section Through Tube

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