Sword of Caine STV v1

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Chapter of the Book

The Sword of Caine

DEVELOPED BYRaymond Jenkins
COV ER A RT: Fernando Cortes, edited by Nathan Siever
Entertainment, Chapter Five Image by Mark Kelly
Play Testers: Brandon Winters, Chris Knuth, Jeff
Meisinger, Jessi Quigley, Phil Montano
Character Sheets: Chris “Mr. Gone” Leland

World of Darkness, Vampire: The Masquerade, Vampire: The Dark Ages, Victorian Age: Vampire, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Werewolf:
The Wild West, Mage: The Ascension, Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade, Wraith: The Oblivion, Wraith: The Great War, Changeling: The
Dreaming, Hunter: The Reckoning, Demon: The Fallen, Mummy: The Resurrection, Orpheus, Exalted, Chronicles of Darkness, Vampire:
The Requiem, Werewolf: The Forsaken, Mage: The Awakening, Changeling: The Lost, Hunter: The Vigil, Geist: The Sin Eaters, Demon:
The Descent, Mummy: The Curse, Beast: The Primordial, Promethean: The Created, Storyteller System™, Storytelling System™, and
Storytellers Vault™ and their respective logos, icons and symbols are trade- marks or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB.
All rights reserved.

This work contains material that is copyright of Paradox Interactive AB. Such material is used with permission under the Community
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Introduction……………………………………………………….5 Chapter Five: Of Faith and Fire…………………...105

Auctoritas Ritae…………………………………..107
Chapter One: Origins…………………………………….8
Ignobilis Ritae……………………………………..114
Chapter Two: The Warzone…………………………..17
Chapter Six: For the Glory of Caine…………...116
Chapter Three: Sabbat in the Modern World..23 Sabbat in V5………………………………………..116
Organization…………………………………………26 Sabbat Character Creation……………………117
Crime and Punishment…………………………..30 Unlife in the Sabbat……………………………..119
Warzones and Respite…………………………….34 Backgrounds……………………………………..…120
Predator Types………………………………...…..121
Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood……………….38 Paths of Enlightenment…………………………122
Assamite Antitribu …………………………………41 Loresheets…………………………………………….133
Brujah Antitribu…...………………………………..44
Gangrel Antitribu……………………………………47 Chapter Seven: Antagonists…………………………140
Lasombra………………………………………………..50 The Ancients………………………………………..140
Malkavian Antitribu………………………………..53 The Ashirra………………………………………….141
Nosferatu Antitribu…………………………………57 The Camarilla………………………………………141
Panders………………………………………………….61 The Children of Haqim………………………….141
Salubri Antitribu……………………………………65 Cults of the Ancients……………………………..142
Serpents of the Light……………………………….74 Lupines………………………………………………..142
Toreador Antitribu…………………………………77 The Second Inquisition………………………….142
Tremere Antitribu………………………………….81
Ventrue Antitribu………………………………….101

“This calls for a very special blend of psychology and extreme violence.”
— Ben Elton, Bachelor Boys: The Young Ones Book

The Sabbat has been through many changes In this packet, I will share my vision for the
logical advancement of the Sabbat, keeping its
over the centuries since its inception. Multiple changes in line with the theme of the Sabbat’s
Civil Wars, the initiation of the Gehenna War, history and the new conflict of the Gehenna
the addition and loss of clans, and the recent War. Within these pages, I will detail the
Reformation. Through it all, the Sabbat has Sabbat’s theories on the beckoning, their new
held to its mission of ridding the world of the structure, and what events led to the sudden
Antediluvians and their servants, the and drastic change in the sect’s modus operandi
Camarilla. and current political landscape.
As a sect that dedicated itself to both war and
The Price of Freedom
freedom, it was only natural that certain
The Sword of Caine will detail out the history
hypocrisies would boil over and cause conflict
of the Sabbat and the story behind its
within the Sabbat. In modern nights, the sect
Reformation. Some clans have left the fold of
has seen devastating change wrack its structure,
the Sword and some have returned in new
and reorganization utterly shift its power
ways. This packet will allow for a new take on
dynamics—and goals.
the Sabbat to be used in your V5 games and
help you figure out what works best in your
In nights past, the Sabbat fought quiet wars
with the Camarilla for control of various cities,
such as Chicago and New York. Numerous
Chapter One: Origins—Details the history of
Sabbat and Camarilla lives were lost in their
the Sabbat from the Anarch Revolt up to the
struggles and, in the end, nothing ever really
modern nights and the Reformation that
changed. The status quo remained—the sects in
changed everything. The newly Revised Code
relative equilibrium.
of Milan is also detailed in this chapter.
Then, the Sabbat began the Gehenna War and
Chapter Two: The Warzone—This chapter is a
the Camarilla conquered Mexico City. While
rough and fast introduction to the current
the Camarilla has been blissfully ignorant of
ranks and state of the sect for the Sabbat.
what changes were wrought within the Sword
Changes to leadership and titles will be
to make such things occur, the Sabbat has been
discussed and explained.
moving and furthering their agenda with
almost impunity.

Chapter Three: Sabbat in the Modern World— will also find alternative rules for Tzimisce and
This chapter explains the basic operations and Salubri, as well as the disciplines of Valeren
theatres of war in the modern nights for the and Vicissitude.
Sabbat, discusses the sect’s view on the
Beckoning, the Church of Caine, and addresses Chapter Five: Of Faith and Fire—Observe the
the application of justice within the Sabbat. Holy Ritae of the Sabbat. This chapter
We also examine the new duties and official discusses and explains changes in the Sabbat’s
responsibilities of Sabbat titles in the modern ritae in modern nights.
nights and get a look at locations of note to the
Sword. Chapter Six: For the Glory of Caine—— These
chapter details ideas for running V5 Sabbat
Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood—The clans Chronicles. New Backgrounds, Loresheets, and
of the Sabbat, described in all their glory, from Predator Types are discussed in this chapter, as
newly returned bloodlines to the core clans, all well as recommendations for Loresheets that
can be found here. In this chapter, severe have been included in other V5 publications.
changes occurring in the Lasombra, Tzimisce,
and other clans are detailed and explained. You

“You can have peace.

Or you can have freedom.

Don't ever count on having both at once.”

― Robert A. Heinlein
Chapter One: Origins

Chapter One:

“The ending is nearer than you think, and it is already written. All that we have left to
choose is the correct moment to begin.”
― Alan Moore, V for Vendetta

A History of Revolution
By Bishop Anthony Rigoli, Salubri Antitribu

Those initiated into the Sabbat are often told fraught with changes and revisions of our
stories of how our sect formed and came to be beliefs.
in its current state. Some have hints of truth,
and some others are pure fabrications. A great Formation of the Sabbat
deal of care was given to constructing allegories To understand what prompted the formation
and lessons of cainite strength and of our Sect, you must understand the Anarch
perseverance in our old histories. Revolt.

Unfortunately, some stories also fed into the The Revolt began during the days of the
egotistical leanings of would-be monsters and Inquisition. Yes, that Inquisition. As mortals
tyrants. To be plain, the Sabbat is about grew wiser to the predators and supernatural in
freedom. Freedom from the tyranny of elders their midst, the elders of the clans used their
and the looming threat of the Antediluvians childer as distractions. Throwing them to the
rising. In theory, the Sabbat should be unified fires of Inquisitors to save their own lives.
in purpose and methods. In reality, it varies. Propelled on by the power of blood bonds,
these childer could not save themselves. They
In modern times, the sect has streamlined itself danced on the strings of their elder masters,
remarkably by excising dead weight from our unable to deny the strength of their bonds.
ranks. While our recent nights have been
tumultuous, our history has always been

Chapter One: Origins

As a result, Patricia of Bolingbrook sought to In cases such as the Lasombra and Tzimisce,
take matters into her own hands. Espousing even Antediluvians were destroyed. The chains
belief in bringing the fight to the mortals, the of servitude were shattered within both clans,
elders and she clashed. At least they did until their founders were hunted down and
she destroyed a prominent Ventrue elder via devoured.
diablerie. This led to a series of Brujah in Spain
turning against their elders and changed While the results of such bold acts of amaranth
everything. are in dispute (a conversation for another
time), the two founding clans of the Sabbat
I believe Patricia was a natural result of what have worn the destruction of their
was being done to young cainites at the time. Antediluvians as badges of honor. Despite the
She was a consolidation of their rage and recent disgrace of the Lasombra, one should
betrayal… and her actions gave legitimacy to all not ignore their former commitment to the
methods of attack on elders. The commonality sect’s ideals.
between all the revolting Brujah was that they
held a belief that the systems of blood bonds, The Convention of Thorns
loyalty to clan over oneself, and feudal When all was said and done, cainite society was
consolidation of power in the hands of Princes never going to be the same. With childer
were simply methods of control to maintain striking at elders, Prince, and Primogen alike,
everlasting power for elders on the backs of there was no going back to the status quo.
The battles between cainites resulted in more
What started was a wave of fire across Europe. instances of hunter activity and purges. The
Fed by the Inquisition’s attacks and the elders’ revolt was taking a heavy toll on both sides.
insistence that their children die for them, this When mortals used these battles to burn both
Revolt struck fear into the hearts of ancient elder and childer to ash, it became only
creatures. Who would have ever imagined that reasonable that some sort of ceasefire would
childer would rise and devour their sires? How have to be arranged.
could a weak-blooded fledgling possibly
compete with the potent vitae of their betters? Along comes the Convention of Thorns.

The answer? In groups. Held in October of 1493, the Convention of

Thorns promised forgiveness of all acts
Waves of childer cast down the false idolatry of committed against clan elders in exchange for
their grandsires and took a stand for their membership in the rising Camarilla. All one
freedoms. The Tzimisce came to the fore, had to do to be forgiven and welcomed back
bringing a method by which to dilute and into the fold was to return all that was taken
destroy the bonds of blood placed upon childer. from elders and agree never again to wage war
Once freed from the false love of the blood against them. The Traditions were formulated
bond, younger vampires reacted in ways that to keep peace and consolidate power within the
were only natural—they destroyed those who hands of Princes and representatives of the
had enslaved them. Inner Circle—a governing body of the
Camarilla whose justice would be delivered by
Justicars (representatives of each of the

Chapter One: Origins

founding clans). The Assamites would be The First Sabbat Civil War and the Code
“forever” barred from committing amaranth or of Milan
drinking cainite vitae—a provision enforced by When the New World became open to
a Tremere-created blood curse. settlement, the Sabbat flowed into it with an
eagerness unmatched. Here was a world where
Not all clans were welcomed to the table of the no elder had established ties or set up a legacy
Camarilla. Not all clans cared for their to contend with; for new Sabbat, it was a
“forgiveness,” either. As a result, roaming potential paradise. It was also a potential
“sabbats” of cainites sacked the nearby town of disaster. It proved to be a mixture of both.
Silchester, led by Myca Vykos. These cainites
refused to partake in the Camarilla and became Of course, Camarilla vampires would view the
the beginnings of the Sabbat. New World in the same way as the Sabbat
viewed its shores… as a land of opportunity.
The Sabbat is Formed While elders scoffed at crossing the ocean to
In the fires of Silchester, the Sabbat found its the frontier, younger, more enterprising
common cause. Freedom from the continued cainites jumped at the chance to carve out
machinations of the elders, and through them, dynasties of their own.
their Antediluvian masters. The Camarilla was
the consolidation of the elders’ power and its As the American Revolution began, it mirrored
Inner Circle a cancer of old blood dominating a war in the shadows fought between the
the young. Camarilla and the Sabbat. At this time, one
would think that the organization and
Not all those who refused to sign the Treaty of structure of the Sabbat would protect the sect
Thorns or refused the Convention’s from infighting and self-destruction. While I
stipulations became Sabbat. Some remained would agree, you must understand that, at this
Anarch, seeking to carve out what freedom time, these rules and organizational controls
they could in the nights to come. The Sabbat, were never in place. Sabbat could and did
however, took their due by force, striking back strike out at one another over territory, herds,
brutally against holdings of the elders and the and sway in mortal society.
At the same time as we fought the Camarilla,
As the fires of the Inquisition continued to we fought ourselves. The two founding clans of
take cainite lives, the Sabbat and Camarilla the Sabbat, the Tzimisce and the Lasombra,
battled viciously against one another across were in a battle for dominance in the New
Europe. Slowly, lines began to form, with more World, packs striking out against one
cainites joining either side and swearing their another—and the Camarilla sat by to pick us
allegiance to whichever sect they identified off after we weakened ourselves.
with as the war raged on. Once power began to
consolidate across Europe, things began to Once the two-front war began to take a toll,
slow. Active battles grew rarer as each sect the Sabbat had lost much of the territory
sought to rebuild and solidify itself. Despite the gained along the East Coast to the Camarilla.
public end of the Inquisition, cainites still This was unforgivable. As a result, the Purchase
burned on pyres and in the light of day, victims Pact was signed in 1803, quashing all internal
of their hatred for one another. grievances and barring internal conflict. From

Chapter One: Origins

that night forward, all Sabbat who would go to The Third Sabbat Civil War and the
war with other Sabbat would be required to be creation of the Panders
destroyed by their fellows. As you can see by now, the Sabbat has
constantly gone through revisions to its
At this time, the Code of Milan was already in conduct codes and has often fallen into
existence, but adherence to it was minimal in struggle. The most recent internal war before
many ways. After the signing of the Purchase the Reformation of modern nights was the
Pact, the Code of Milan became a guidepost for Third Sabbat Civil War that occurred in 1957.
Sabbat behaviors and means of addressing While brief (the war did not outlast the year),
grievances for many, though not adopted this conflict occurred when the Brujah
overall. attempted to overthrow Lasombra and
Tzimisce leadership of the sect.
The Second Sabbat Civil War and
Revision of the Code of Milan While the latter two clans often held
Nothing is perfect and no good document goes themselves as superior to the others within the
unedited. During the late 19th century, the Sabbat, this series of conflicts forced them to
Sabbat once more found itself at odds with its be more diplomatic with their peers, finally
own. Regent Gorchist was assassinated in recognizing all Sabbat as equally worthy and
Mexico City in the year 1863, prompting an respected. In addition, the caitiff who had
escalation of tension and conflict in both united under the banner of Joseph Pander were
Mexico and Canada. acknowledged as their own clan within the
sect, holding all rights and duties as any other.
This war lasted until December 1933. After a Thus, the Panders were formally acknowledged
revision, the Code of Milan was adopted sect- as an honorary clan within the Sabbat.
wide as a mandated code of conduct for all
Sabbat. The Code of Milan has seen many
challenges over the years but has remained the
most valued document that our sect has
created. In many ways, the Code of Milan is the
only series of principles that many could agree

After the war settled into dust and Mexico

City became the new capital of the Sabbat, the
new code of Milan was approved by Regent
Melinda Galbraith and the Seraphim of the
Black Hand.

Chapter One: Origins

The Revised Code of Milan

I. The Sabbat shall remain united in its support of the sect's leaders. If necessary, new leaders shall
be elected. The Sabbat’s leaders shall support relief from tyranny, granting all Sabbat freedom.

II. All Sabbat shall do their best to serve their leaders provided said leaders serve the will of the

III. All Sabbat shall faithfully observe all the Auctoritas Ritae.

IV. All Sabbat shall keep their word of honor to one another.

V. All Sabbat shall treat their peers fairly and equally, upholding the strength and unity of the
Sabbat. If necessary, they shall provide for the needs of their brethren.

VI. All Sabbat must put the good of the sect before their personal needs, despite all costs.

VII. Those who are not honorable under this code will be considered less than equal and therefore
unworthy of assistance.

VIII. As it has always been, so it shall always be. The Lextalionis shall be the model for immortal
justice by which all Sabbat shall abide.

IX. All Sabbat shall protect one another from the enemies of the Sect. Personal enemies shall
remain personal responsibility unless they undermine Sect security.

X. All sect members shall protect Sabbat territory from all other powers.

XI. The spirit of freedom from the machinations of the ancients shall be the fundamental principle
of the Sect. All Sabbat shall expect and demand reasonable autonomy from their leaders.

XII. The ritae of Contrition and Monomacy shall be used to settle disputes among all Sabbat.

XIII. All Sabbat shall support the Black Hand and the Council of Cardinals.

XIV. All Sabbat have the right to monitor the behavior and activities of their fellow Sect members
to maintain freedom and security.

XV. All Sabbat possess the right to call a council of their peers and their immediate leaders.

XVI. All Sabbat shall act against Sect members who use the powers and authority the Sabbat has
given them for personal gain at the expense of the Sabbat. This action shall be taken only through
accepted means, approved by a quorum of Prisci.

Chapter One: Origins

The Reformation of the Sabbat Early in the 21st century, Seraph Jalan-Aajav
Modern nights saw the Sabbat in constant flux. was killed by the Second Inquisition. His
Our sect traded cities with the Camarilla, we protégé, Kazimir Savostin took his place as
lost and gained individual cainites through Seraph of the Black Hand. In many ways, this
defection, and we gained new allies. The late should have been a wake-up call to the sect.
20th century saw a revitalization of the sect in
many ways. As we reeled from the shock of the However, we rarely considered mortals worth
Ravnos Antitribu devouring one another, we our fear. This is interesting to me. As much as
were able to lean on new resources: the Salubri we can murder on a whim or may view humans
Antitribu and the Harbingers of Skulls. The as mobile food sources, we still adhered to a
coming of the Salubri Antitribu would be version of the Masquerade—keeping ourselves
another major change. somewhat hidden from mortals. The arrival of
the Second Inquisition, by all rights, should
A Sabbat pack found Adonai, the leader of have shaken us from such dismissive thinking.
what would become the antitribu, in a mine
outside of Prague. Once he discovered the state By 2004, rumors began to swirl about potential
of clan Salubri, he readily joined the Sabbat in challenges to Merlinda’s claim on the position
exchange for vengeance against the hated of Regent. Several packs in Russia were
Camarilla. With Adonai came a small army of exterminated by the Second Inquisition and no
warriors ready to slake their anger in battle. I true reprisal or changes were made to how the
was one of those warriors. Adonai guided us Sabbat was advised to operate in the new
and, in time, we became one of the backbones hostile environment. Many questioned if the
of the sect. Regent were truly effective at being a guide for
the sect.
Rumor has it that the Harbingers of Skulls
descended from a family of death scholars that It was not until 2005, that Kazimir stepped
were betrayed and nearly driven to extinction. forth. The Seraph claimed that the Regent had
But, of course, none of this was substantiated. led the Sabbat astray. Kazimir claimed that
instead of taking the fight to the Antediluvians
The Harbingers brought a skill in necromancy and the sect’s enemies that the Regent was
that our sect never possessed. They were obsessing over reclaiming lost cities from the
instrumental in several battles against the Camarilla while putting forth no good faith
Camarilla and other enemies but always effort to advance the sect. With the shocking
seemed to have their own goals in mind. At the support of Cardinals Polonia and Radu,
time, the Sabbat was fine with being paid lip Kazimir effectively declared Monomacy against
service if we gained access to the Harbingers’ the Regent of the Sabbat.
abilities for the war effort.
Many viewed the Regent as being trapped.
When the Second Inquisition began, however, Kazimir’s allies and those of Polonia and Radu
everything changed once more. For the Sabbat had backed her into a corner with no way out
and all cainites. other than to accept the challenge. Whispers at
the time suggest that one of the Cardinals had
their own eyes on the Regency.

Chapter One: Origins

Kazimir and Merlinda met at midnight in the sect had abandoned its mission of fighting
Mexico City, surrounded by members of the the Antediluvians for too long. With staunch
clergy as Witnesses. The battle, however, was support by the Ultra Conservatives, the sect
surprisingly short. Merlinda was cut down by began preparations for war.
the Seraph within seconds. At that point,
rumors had begun to spread that Merlinda Those who wished to remain away from the
tricked the Seraph and faked her death. It battle were welcomed to do so and would be
wasn’t until a week later when investigations granted Sabbat territories to protect as their
were completed, that it was revealed the part of the war effort. The Loyalists and Status
Regent had been replaced by a weak-blooded Quo accepted this concession as payment for
Tzimisce. The real Merlinda had died, it their approval of the new governmental
seemed, and no one in the upper echelons of structure. What they did not know, however, is
the Sabbat had realized the charade. that the Cardinals and Black Hand had no
intention of supporting said cities. In close
Within four months, Kazimir and his circles, many spoke of reforming the Sabbat
colleagues had met with the Cardinals of the into a true Sword of Caine, taking the battle
Sabbat. During this time, the sect languished directly to the ancients on their own territory.
without direct leadership, forced into a more While the Cardinals and Seraphim did nothing
reactionary role in the fight with the Second to acknowledge these whispers, they also did
Inquisition and Camarilla. nothing to stop them.

When the Cardinals and Black Hand emerged By 2006, the Sabbat had been mobilized and
from their conference, everything changed. sent to the Gehenna War. Our opening salvos
Representing the Cardinals of the Sabbat, and victories paved the way for our new
newly appointed Cardinal Lucita de Aragon organization. As we gained ground against the
along with Francisco Domingo de Polonia, ancients, their servants struck back—as we
Sascha Vykos, Kyle Strathcona, and Radu Bistri knew they would.
supported a new form of governance with
representatives from the Seraphim. From the Across the globe, Sabbat cities burned. Second
Black Hand, Yazid Tamari, Kazimir Savostin, Inquisition and Camarilla reclaimed even
and Teresita came forth and voiced their Mexico City. Through it all, our enemies played
support for the same council rule. into our hands. They wasted resources on cities
and places no longer viewed as vital to the
Political affiliations and factions within the Sword’s mission… and in the process weeded
Sabbat exploded with activity and bickering. out the weak in the Sabbat.
The Status Quo were shaken to their core and
Loyalists were ready to march upon Mexico Once the summer of 2006 had begun, the
City to demand freedom from the Black Hand’s Status Quo and Loyalists were no longer in
meddling in politics. For weeks it seemed that a existence within the Sabbat. Political factions
fourth civil war was on the horizon. began to dissolve, and new ones emerged as the
Sword adapted to its new reality.
The powers that be staved off conflict within
the sect by issuing a call to arms in late 2005. The Reformation was complete.
The Cardinals and Black Hand declared that

Chapter One: Origins

Sabbat Factions

Ecclesiarch: The role of clergy in the Gehenna War Scholars Emeritus: The Scholars Emeritus emerged
has evolved from one of spiritual guidance to one of as a faction following a brutal defeat at the hands of
support and revitalizing the fighters of the Sabbat. a Banu Haqim ancient outside of Kuwait. A pack
In the past, Sabbat bathed in combat, but not at the had accidentally stumbled upon what they thought
scale of the Gehenna War. The toils that constant was simply an empty crypt and awoke something
battle can take in a hostile, often alien environment, ancient and hungry. While one member survived,
are grave. It is the responsibility of the clergy to see the deaths of her fellows prompted a resurgence in
to the needs of their brethren. As a result, they gathering lore and the linguistic skill to best track
banded together to form the Ecclesiarch faction to and surveil targets of the Sword.
assist in the training and support of other Priests.
The Faction was recognized by the Cardinals and
While not all Priests belong to the Ecclesiarch given the blessing of Cardinal Radu Bistri after their
faction, many were trained by those who were. efforts uncovered a sleeping methuselah deep within
Their abilities and expertise with ritae and spiritual the ruins of old Sumer.
matters remain unchallenged in the Sword.
Sword Militant: The Sword Militant was forged
Moderates: The Moderates of the Sabbat are the from the old Ultra Conservative faction. As all
only Faction that maintained their existence after Sabbat now marched to war, they felt a need for
the Reformation. This was not due to any true rebranding into the elite of the elite among the
political power or affiliations they maintained Sword of Caine. Accepting those truly dedicated to
before the turn of the millennium, but due to their taking the fight directly to the ancients, these
sheer numbers. cainites specialize in all forms of armed combat.
They often lead strikes and serve as front-line
While all Sabbat have come to war in one way or warriors in the Gehenna War.
another, the Moderates of the Sabbat act as the
conscience for their brethren. They are often While some rivalry can exist in the faction’s mind
mediators within the sect because of their between them and the Black Hand, the Hand views
impartiality to any extreme within the war effort. them as a potential recruitment source to replenish
their ranks.
Nomads: Not all Sabbat fit neatly into Factions. In
many ways, Nomads reflect some factions of old, The Inquisition: Maintaining a function similar to
such as Loyalists. They seek to maintain their own its duties pre-Gehenna War, the Inquisition of the
freedom while still following the orders of the Sabbat dedicates itself to hunting down and
Sword. They hold no real political power within the eradicating the infernal within the ranks of the
sect and are often viewed as disposable—but can be Sword of Caine.
very resourceful Sabbat.
Membership in this exclusive faction is by invite
Nomads are often well-versed in methods of travel only and once a cainite enters its ranks, they can
and survival in the harsh environments of the only leave upon final death.
Gehenna War and are usually called on for the
delivery of messages or individuals across different
geographical regions.

Chapter Two: The Warzone

Chapter Two: The Warzone

Chapter Two:

“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Welcome to Hell
A pep talk by Samir St. James, Abbot of the Waking Sun pack.

Welcome to the war, motherfucker. While you’ve Let me guess, back in your day licks weren’t told
been suckling down suburbanite blood outside of too much and were just sent off like good old
a local diner, we’ve been here bleeding and killing soldiers to die in the field, yeah? Well, these days,
for the Sword. Now you get to come and play we’re more streamlined… more efficient. Every
with the big boys. Yeah, yeah, I know that you did pack has a purpose, yeah? Every soldier is a
some “important work for the Sabbat” back in the brother or sister. The Camarilla may insist we’re a
States. Probably hanging outside some crappy bunch of unorganized, bloodthirsty savages (well,
theatre waiting to bag and tag an influential they’re not wrong on the bloodthirsty, really) with
Cammie or some shit like that. Those little joy no purpose but violence. They couldn’t be more
rides aren’t shit compared to what you get to deal wrong. We’re here for the glory of Caine and to
with out here. tear down his errant childer.

Johanna says you were some cool nomadic badass Each pack gets its marching orders from a Bishop
back in the States before we all moved out to go or Archbishop, and they get their directives from
to War… must have been fucking nice. Yeah, hey, the Cardinals and the Black Hand. So, you have
don’t look at me like that. Shit’s done switched up the Council and Seraphs on top, then
a bit since we kicked this party off and it’s my job Archbishops over specific areas beneath them,
to make sure you know about it. Bishops over certain areas of importance beneath
Archbishops, and Packs beneath them.

Chapter Two: The Warzone

Cardinals and Seraphs

First off, since you woke up and have been put to
task hunting the occasional Cammie and tracking
targets, you haven’t been brought up to speed.
That shit changes now. You might have noticed
we don’t hold cities anymore. There’s a reason for
that—anything of worth to the Sword is now in
this shitstorm of a war. The Regent fucked our
mission for too long. Now, we take our marching
orders from the Council of Cardinals and the
Black Hand Seraphs.

The Regent may have been the original guiding

voice of the Sabbat (though that’s up for debate),
but the Cardinals were still charged with
important duties. These nights, they sit on the
council that plots the Sabbat’s overall course.

Cardinals have to oversee major geographical

areas—we’re not talking states or cities here, we’re
talking entire countries or larger areas in some
cases. For example, if you ever travel around the
Mediterranean, you’re on Cardinal Lucita’s turf…
so mind your damn manners.

There’s a Cardinal over nearly every major

warzone and hotspot we have. Some take care of
areas outside of the war to maintain a presence
and organize efforts outside of hot zones. They
keep tabs on major Camarilla movements and
track individuals who have left the war—to keep
information about what is happening here a bit
scarce and to stifle Camarilla reinforcements or
Ashirra resources.

Cardinals consider all operating Archbishoprics

in their territories under their control and issue
them directives. They then coordinate with the
Black Hand to allocate resources for operations.

The Seraphs? Well, people don’t have as much

face time with them. Not that licks chill with
Cardinals. I know a handful of names. For
example, everyone knows about Kazmir exposing
the former Regent during Monomacy, so there’s

Chapter Two: The Warzone

The Seraphs run the hand. They plan regional

strategy, confer with the Cardinals they work
with, and relay it down the chain. Dominions are
beneath them—kind of like executive officers.
They relay assignments to specific Watch
Commanders, which are then filtered down to
Columns for execution. It sounds a lot more fluid
on paper than it is in reality. A Seraph’s word is
ironclad to the Hand, but it is not uncommon for
local Watch Commanders and Archbishops to
bicker about the specifics of action. If you ever get
the chance, sit back and watch a few arguments.

Archbishops and Bishops

Beneath the Cardinals, we have Archbishops, who
function kind of like you’re used to—they run a
geographical area and coordinate the Sword in
their boundaries. Bishops had a change in duties;
these nights, they run over specific towns or areas
of affluence for Archbishops. Kinda like
micromanagers. Most are alright, some are
fucking out there. If you ever swing by Khatt, the
Bishop of Intelligence in the area has a real
hardon for ancient translations. You want to
make a friend? Help her with translations.

The Archbishop of Dhofar in Oman, for example,

keeps a Bishop of Transportation and a Bishop of
Military Action. Ever since a Nos elder and his
brood were bagged outside of Salalah, the
Archbishop’s been a bit tense on what enters and
leaves the area. The local Watch Commander
works with the Bishop of Military Action to
coordinate efforts to both expand territory and
search for any other buried ancients.

A Sabbat Priscus is… a difficult thing to nail
down. A Priscus (plural Prisci) is an advisor to
Archbishops and above. While they generally have
little power, they know many who wield great
influence among the Sword. It is normally
thought that Prisci have little actual authority—
after all, they are advisors… but in practice, it is
rare for them not to be counsel for those who
would readily exercise power upon their behalf.

Chapter Two: The Warzone

In the war, it is common for Prisci to assist in them one of their own.
coordination and advisement on military issues
and the value of targets. They are often the Once you go Paladin, you don’t usually go back.
“impartial” third party in the room when a Most are sworn into service of a Sabbat official
Cardinal and Seraph or Archbishop and Watch for unlife. Cardinals and Archbishops often have
Commander are discussing overarching strategy. at least a handful of skilled Paladins to protect
them, and thereby the interests of the Sword.
Becoming a Priscus is a matter of trust and honor.
It isn’t often that an inexperienced Sabbat makes The Pack
the cut to be pulled into their ranks—most have Packs… man, talk about the foundation of the
some Bishop or Archbishop experience under Sabbat, right? You already know how your pack is
their belts. set up. There hasn’t been much change in pack
structure or duties in centuries. The pack is our
Templars and Paladins basic unit of organization—get a bunch of licks
Templars have seen a change in recent nights. that work well together, get a vaulderie going, and
Templars aren’t assigned anywhere particular set up a hierarchy. While packs can be assembled
these days and are pretty much roaming assassins. to handle specific needs (like a group of
They can go fully nomadic to pursue targets that infiltrators sneaking into a military camp to get
they want. Templars have earned the right to intel), the longest standing tend to be those that
choose their targets by combat and number of gather naturally. Meet a few licks, find out you got
enemy kills—though some say you can get a sweet goals and other shit in common, and forge bonds.
gig as a Templar for getting in the favor of certain In short, the pack becomes a family of sorts—a
Archbishops (but you didn’t hear that from me). band of brothers and sisters under Caine who see
to the needs of the Sword and the death of
The charter of a Templar is to hunt down ancients.
powerful enemies of the sect and servants of the
Antediluvians. Provided they are actively hunting Every pack has three common positions to be
a target, they can go where they please. If a local filled to be a fully functioning unit—a Ductus, a
Bishop takes offense, it’s one of those rare times Priest, and an Abbot.
they can be told to shove it. If the Templar can
provide evidence that their target is in an area, A Ductus leads each pack. They’re the decision-
they have a blank check to go and do whatever makers and final arbiters of how orders are
they want as long as it doesn’t threaten the Sword interpreted. They have a responsibility to their
in the area. The only time they get pulled to heel packmates, however. If they don’t perform up to
is if the local Watch Commander needs them to snuff, they can be ousted and replaced.
back off for Black Hand operations—or they irk
an Archbishop. Pack Priests see to the spiritual wellbeing and
ritae needed for each pack to grow strong and
Templars who abuse their power and do not thrive within the sword. Some packs have a
produce results often find themselves on the primary Priest and a Priest in training so that
wrong end of a Monomacy—or at least a really should the Priest fall, they have someone ready to
shitty re-assignment. see to the needs of their brothers and sisters.

Paladins are bodyguards, as usual. Primarily to Abbots see to the haven and feeding needs of the
Archbishops and above. Bishops don’t use them pack. While some licks tend to shit on Abbots, I
often unless they are in a heavy warzone, in which think that’s one of the dumbest things you can do.
case their Archbishop will temporarily assign The Abbot isn’t your bitch. They’re the badass
member of your pack that can see to security and
Chapter Two: The Warzone

gets you food when you can’t get out yourself. You Fuck that. We’re taking the fight to them… and
piss off your Abbot, you’re likely to be sucking it’s undeniable that we’re making progress. This
down some drugged-up bastard or the scraps from bullshit “calling” or “beckoning” or whatever some
everyone else. of the licks are calling it? I think it’s the ancients
realizing their asses are in trouble—so they’re
Packmates are your brothers and sisters. The pulling their elders to them for protection, or to
closest thing to family you’ll ever have. Treat them be lambs to the slaughter to buy them time to
right and you might just make it. gain strength. Either way, we’re making an
Politics and Ancients
Look, when it comes down to it, we’re all in it for The problem with that impact is that there is
the same reason: to kill the damn Antediluvians always someone looking to get a leg up on their
and their lackeys. It’s why we went to war, and it’s fellows. Politics in our sect have always been
what we do on a nightly basis. While we have our cutthroat. While we may reserve the Monomacy
goals firmly in mind and know what we need to ritae as sacred and may not use it as frequently as
do, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t some some would believe, it is still an option when
bastards sitting in the back, manipulating events someone has grossly overstepped their bounds.
and scheming. Sometimes, when I think of it, it’s Piss off an Archbishop by talking shit at an esbat?
like plotting against one another is a compulsion Not Monomacy worthy. Killing said Archbishop’s
in our blood. kid because you demo’d a building without
making sure fellow Sabbat were evacuated? Might
We all had a glimpse of what could come when catch some hands.
the damn Ravnos ancient woke up and caused all
sorts of hell. Remember that? Yeah, hidden as a Thing is, even in the violence of war, some
typhoon or some bullshit to the mortals. What cainites will always be playing politics. Resources
happened? That’s right… the remaining Ravnos all get redistributed, sometimes they get denied. The
went batshit crazy and started eating one another. game of who you know and what you can do for
Now, you’re lucky if you run into one (or unlucky, each other still plays out. Some Bishops want their
really). own Archbishoprics, some Archbishops have eyes
on a Cardinal seat… scheming just comes naturally
That’s the kind of horror we’re all in for if we let to us, so expect it.
the bastards wake up and put us to the sword.

Chapter Three: Sabbat in the Modern World

Chapter Three:

“He is a weapon, a killer. Do not forget it. You can use a spear as a walking stick, but
that will not change its nature.”
― Madeline Miller, The Song of Achilles

State of the Sect The Gehenna War

The Sabbat has changed dramatically in the last Once the Sabbat rededicated itself to the
few decades, transforming significantly since destruction of ancients, the sect began to
the late 20th century. Gone are Sabbat-held remove itself from its long-held territories
cities across the world. Replacing them are across the globe. Resettling in the Middle East,
operating theatres and warzones of the the Sabbat found a new home among the ruins
Gehenna War. These changes have impacted of ancient civilizations and forgotten crypts.
the very nature of the sect, despite its
adherence to its original ideas of freedom and As more and more Sabbat abandoned their
death of the ancients. cities to Loyalists and Status Quo, the
Camarilla took notice and began to strike
In these nights, the Sabbat has been reformed against its enemy’s former strongholds. The
into a weapon against Caine’s errant childer. activity drew the attention of the Second
Ancients have fallen beneath the fangs of the Inquisition and the two forces, though
Sword and more remain to be destroyed; the opposing, began to eradicate nearly every trace
ultimate goal being the destruction of the of Sabbat territory across Europe and the
remaining Antediluvians. Americas. This act allowed the Sabbat that

Chapter Three: Sabbat in the Modern World

remained to fade into the background across Operatives outside of the War
the globe. While the Gehenna War is consuming the
majority of the Sabbat’s efforts, the Council of
In the Middle East, the Sword of Caine Cardinals and Seraphim understand the value
established its theatres of war and diligently of agents acting outside of the warzones of the
began to grow its operations across numerous Middle East. In their wisdom, the upper
regions. In the early days, the Sabbat’s presence echelons of the sect have acted to stifle
and numbers shocked the Ashirra and what few information flow from their theatres of war to
Camarilla members traveled across the region. the larger cities and decision-makers of the
As activities increased, the two enemy sects Camarilla and Ashirra.
began to ally out of convenience, their holdings
attacked, and their elders destroyed by the Given the Camarilla’s prohibition against
reinvigorated Sabbat. electronic communication, the Sabbat realizes
that their enemy relies more on dead drops and
The focus and precision of the sect were also couriers. As a result, the Sabbat seeks to
unexpected to its enemies. The Ashirra and assassinate such operatives and compromise
Camarilla did not expect such organization and dead drop locations and ciphers to scramble
devastating violence. Gone were quiet battles the Camarilla’s abilities to receive solid
in the dead of night and chess moves through intelligence on the Sword’s movements and
mortal pawns and revenants. The Sabbat numbers.
embraced its violent nature, leveling entire
villages just to strike out at opponents, To aid in these endeavors, the Sabbat
demolishing everything in its path. maintains networks of nomadic packs that
travel Europe and the Americas. These packs
As the War progressed, the Beckoning brought are tasked with observing Camarilla
new opponents to the Sabbat. More potent movements and gathering intelligence on what
elders were drawn into the conflict and it the Camarilla knows of Sabbat operations.
forced the Sabbat to adapt its strategy. When required, they eliminate spymasters or
Archbishops and Watch Commanders were arrivals from the Middle East that seem to
redistributed, and more in-depth strategies know too much about the efforts of the Sword
were developed. The Sabbat embraced or made in the Gehenna War.
ghouls of more capable tacticians, taking the
fighting to a new level in the desert. Aside from assassination and spying, packs
stationed outside of the Gehenna War are also
Currently, the Sabbat views their efforts as tasked with recruiting potential converts and
successful. Elders regularly die to the fangs and embraces. While locals in the Gehenna War are
claws of the Sword of Caine’s members and the just as skilled as those outside of its boundaries,
occasional ancient is unearthed and devoured. there are occasional resources that can be best
Higher-ranking Sabbat do everything they can gathered elsewhere.
to feed into the momentum of the Sword,
maintaining tension in the region that has not
been felt in centuries.

Chapter Three: Sabbat in the Modern World

Duties Outside of the Warzone

Sabbat packs that are positioned away from the Camarilla Disruption: The Camarilla knows
primary warzones of the Gehenna War can the Sabbat maintains a presence outside of the
have a wide variety of duties. Some of those Gehenna War. The Sabbat realize this and, on
may include… occasion, seek to remind the Camarilla of that
fact. Disruption assignments usually occur as a
Escort Duty: Escorting officials with sensitive red herring or simply to distract Camarilla
information to other Sabbat agents or taking efforts from more important Sabbat
recruits to the warzone. movements outside of the War.

Intelligence Gathering: Spying on the Elimination of Elders: Some elders escape the
Camarilla and Ashirra to gauge their beckoning or return from the Gehenna War—
knowledge of Sabbat activity. These how this is done doesn’t matter to the Sabbat.
assignments could include abduction and What matters is that they understand that they
torture or murder of cainite targets. cannot escape the Sword of Caine. As a result,
the occasional War Party manifests to
Targeted Assassination: On occasion, an enemy eliminate such elders. One of the more
of the sect can escape the Gehenna War with prestigious assignments, the Sabbat uses these
knowledge that can disrupt Sabbat efforts in types of missions to keep Camarilla and elder
the region. When these people escape to efforts divided between the warzones of the
Camarilla or Ashirra holdings, agents outside War and their own territories while sewing fear
of the warzones are tasked with their of the sect.
elimination to minimize the impact of their

Chapter Three: Sabbat in the Modern World

View from the Ground ritae. It is the responsibility of the
Sabbat cainites are a collection of vampires ductus to ensure the compliance of
that thrive off conflict. To enforce a level of their packmates.
control over some of its more murderous • COMPLETION OF ASSIGNMENTS.
members, the sect has instituted a set of When a pack is given assignments by
responsibilities that are assigned to trusted those of higher station, or when they
members. This is done to ensure that the safety take it upon themselves to create a
of the sect and the accomplishment of its goals mission for their pack, it is the
are paramount. responsibility of the Ductus to ensure
that all mission objectives are
The foundation of the Sabbat’s order comes in completed to satisfaction. The Ductus
the form of the pack. Each pack is lead by a delegates duties and responsibilities to
Ductus (plural: Ducti) who oversees its the members of his pack.
assignments, sees to the training of its • TRAINING OF PACKMATES. It is
members, and ensures loyalty to the Sabbat is the responsibility of the Ductus to
maintained. Each pack possesses a Priest that maintain the skill levels of his
performs ritae and tends to the spiritual needs packmates and to ensure they are
of the pack’s members. Abbots are used to properly trained and equipped for
secure havens and see to the feeding of pack their missions.
members. Each has its responsibilities and • MAINTAINING PACK
duties to the pack. Black Hand Columns RELATIONS. The Ductus is often the
function identically to a traditional pack, spokesperson for their pack. It is on
including holding the same positions. Though the shoulders of the Ductus to
their degree of skill and martial prowess may maintain proper relations with other
differ from normal packs, their operation packs so that the smooth flow of
remains the same. communications and coordination of
efforts are ensured.
It is common for a pack to make its name based When one or more Sabbat packs
on the reputation of its Ductus. A well- gather to celebrate the ritae, it is the
respected Ductus often leads to a well- responsibility of the hosting Ductus to
respected pack. Once a Sabbat member ascends ensure that the esbat is secure and safe
to the position of Ductus, either through for all to attend.
assignment, death of the previous Ductus, or • APPOINTMENT OF PACK
challenge, they have a new host of POSITIONS. Ducti have the final
responsibilities to the sect. word on who holds a position within
their packs. While some may use a
Duties of the Ductus more democratic method by which to
• MAINTAINING ORDER IN THE select Priests or Abbots, Ducti have
PACK. The Ductus oversees all pack the final word in the assignment of
relations and discipline outside of roles.

Chapter Three: Sabbat in the Modern World

The Priest
Priests within the Sabbat are given special
duties to see to the spiritual needs of their
packmates. In this, they monitor their brothers
and sisters for lapses in loyalty and the
insidious advance of the beast. These duties
require the Priest to know their packmates very
well and have a bond of trust with them. If a
packmate is struggling with the encroaching
talons of the beast within, it is the Priest who
must recognize it and put together a plan of
action to pull their packmate back from the

Duties of the Priest

most sacred duty of the pack Priest is
to see to the performance of the sect’s
holy ritae. From the Auctoritas to the
Ignobilis, the Priest is responsible for
knowing the proper rites to allow his
pack to function within the sect.
second most important duty of the
Priest is to ensure that members of the
pack are not in danger of succumbing
to their beast. This often involves
understanding the behaviors of their
packmates to detect when something is
not quite right.
Priests must maintain a healthy
knowledge of the Sabbat’s ritae. In
addition, they must ensure that
someone is prepared to take over
responsibilities for the ritae in the
event they are incapacitated or killed.

The Abbot
Each pack has an Abbot that sees to the needs
of their pack regarding feeding and haven
security. These are the cainites that appropriate
a haven (sometimes with assistance from their

Chapter Three: Sabbat in the Modern World

fellows) and see to its nightly security. This can • TENDING TO THE SPIRITUAL
involve setting up a security system, laying HEALTH OF THEIR REGION.
traps for would-be intruders, and even Bishops function like Priests when it
dissuading people from looking too closely at comes to the wellbeing of those within
the haven. their area of authority, though it may
not be their primary responsibility. In
Duties of the Abbot regions that have multiple Bishops, this
• MAINTAINING HAVEN responsibility can overlap through
SECURITY. The pack Abbot holds them all.
the burden of ensuring that their • SECURING OBJECTIVES FOR THE
pack’s haven is utterly secure from SABBAT. In areas that have Bishops
both detection and invasion. over specific spheres of mortal ties or
• HUNTING FOR THE PACK. When specific responsibilities, the Bishops
the pack is unable to hunt due to are solely responsible for seeing to the
mission constraints or injury, the completion of objectives within their
Abbot sees to the gathering of food spheres of specialty.
and other resources for their use. • TENDING TO THE NEEDS OF THE
While the Abbot is not required to ARCHBISHOP. Almost all Bishops
feed each pack member every night, it report to an Archbishop. In these
is their responsibility to ensure that cases, their final duty is to see to the
there are backup food sources needs of the Archbishop. These needs
available. may be spiritual, or more mundane—
such as the securing of a specific esbat
Bishops location.
Bishops are ministers and mid-tier executives • APPOINTMENT OF TEMPLARS. In
for the Sabbat. Assigned to either an regions where there are no
Archbishop or a region, Bishops usually have an Archbishops, Bishops may appoint
area of expertise in which they specialize. These Templars to assist in accomplishing
cainites are almost always pulled from the missions for the Sword by virtue of
ranks of the priesthood and many maintain ties deed or prowess.
to the Ecclesiarch, though some accomplished
ducti are elevated to the position. Powerful Archbishops
cainites, Bishops hold a vast array of influence Archbishops are usually the highest-ranking
over Sabbat politics and assignments within official that a pack member will meet within
their regions. the Sabbat—unless they are either very lucky or
very unlucky. Archbishops are given leave to
Duties of the Bishop rule over specific cities or larger areas for the
• ASSIGNMENT OF MISSIONS. Sabbat by the grace of Cardinals and Seraphs.
Within their area of authority or their Each new Archbishop must be given their title
region, Bishops are expected to see to by a Cardinal. The method by which Sabbat
the delegation of duties and specific earn the right to become Archbishops vary
assignments to packs. They are then from Cardinal to Cardinal, but all arise from
responsible for the ultimate the ranks of the priesthood.
completion of said responsibilities.

Chapter Three: Sabbat in the Modern World

Duties of Archbishops Black Hand Columns. They are also responsible

• EXECUTION OF DIRECTIVES BY for coordinating efforts with local Bishops or
REGION. Archbishops must Archbishops when needed. Watch
successfully see to the completion of Commanders observe, report, and adjust
mission objectives and strategic goals situations on the ground for Black Hand
given to them by Cardinals and missions.
Seraphim for their regions. It is
ultimately the responsibility of the Duties of Watch Commanders
Archbishop to assign the proper packs • COORDINATION OF COLUMNS.
to accomplish tasks or requisition aid Watch Commanders are responsible,
when needed. like Bishops, for the execution of
• APPOINTMENT OF BISHOPS. The missions within their regions. They are
appointment of Bishops is seen as an given the burden and honor of seeing
intelligent move to delegate to mission completion and overcoming
responsibility and tasks to capable obstacles to strategic goals.
hands. While some Archbishops grow • COORDINATION WITH LOCAL
wary of Bishops who seek their power, AUTHORITIES. The first real
nearly all have appointed a Bishop or connection that Bishops and
two to oversee operations in matters Archbishops may have are mission
beyond their personal expertise. briefings and goal assignments with
• APPOINTMENT OF PALADINS. Black Hand Watch Commanders. The
Archbishops are the lowest ranking onus for coordination in such cases is
Sabbat authority able to appoint on the specific Watch Commander
Paladins. Used as bodyguards for assigned to the region.
Archbishops and Bishops alike, • RECRUITMENT OF POTENTIAL
Paladins are sworn into service for HAND MEMBERS. As authorities on-
unlife, willing to give their own lives in site, it falls upon Watch Commanders
protection of the Sword’s hierarchy. to identify individuals that could
• APPOINTMENT OF TEMPLARS. potentially be recruited into the Black
Like Bishops, Archbishops can appoint Hand as operatives should they meet
Templars in service to the Sword. certain criteria of expertise and
• ENFORCEMENT OF THE CODE confirmed enemy kills.
OF MILAN. Archbishops are
entrusted with being the final word in Dominions
local disputes over the Code of Milan. Dominions for the Black Hand are akin to
When Sabbat violate the Code or have Archbishops for normal Sabbat. They oversee
news of potential violations, it is up to regional operations and mission functionality
the Archbishop to ensure such for all Black Hand Columns within their
concerns are addressed and handled authority. These individuals are always drawn
accordingly. from Watch Commanders and are placed in a
position of great respect and responsibility.
Watch Commanders They often work from the shadows, sending
Watch Commanders are on-site coordinators, Watch Commanders to negotiate coordination
logistics support, and strategic advisors for efforts or to inform Bishops of priority targets

Chapter Three: Sabbat in the Modern World

and opportunities within their regions. responsibility of Dominions to see to

proper collective action.
Duties of Dominions • APPOINTMENT OF WATCH
REGION. Like Archbishops, charged with assigning the title of
Dominions are responsible for Watch Commander to effective
operations within entire regions. individuals, allowing the Black Hand
Dominions are ultimately responsible to delegate responsibilities for ease of
for the completion of Black Hand execution.
missions and strategic directives • MILITARY JUSTICE. Dominions are
within their areas of authority. responsible for seeing to the
• COORDINATION WITH LOCAL punishment, reprimand, or death of
AUTHORITIES. While many those beneath their authority who
Dominions place Watch Commanders either abuse their positions, endanger
in charge of local coordination, in the the mission of the Black Hand, or
eyes of the Seraphim, it is the cause harm to the overall goals of the

“Criminals do not die by the hands of the law. They die by the hands of other men.”
― George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman

Crime and Punishment in War

By Jonathan Blake, Tzimisce Ductus of the Wolves of Wallstreet

Military justice is something that just… doesn’t accomplished, the Sabbat doesn’t give a shit.
really work in the Sabbat. For all our fighting The age-old rule of “nothing is forbidden as
and tactics, we operate on a distinctly unique long as you don’t get caught” is in full use, to be
wavelength when compared to humanity. honest.
Therefore, human punishments often quite
miss the mark in correcting inhuman behavior. However, as a Ductus, I see shit on the ground
that sometimes must be addressed. A pack
We don’t operate under the Geneva actively endangering another because of a petty
Convention. We aren’t governed by a list of rivalry between ducti? This puts the rest of the
war crimes or human scales of right and wrong. Sword at risk and should be stopped.
This means we need to make our own rules.
Luckily, we have the revised Code of Milan to The problem is that in the shifting fields of
guide us. This is where it gets tricky. battle, applying the Code is usually left to the
survivors. This isn’t a situation where we have
See, shit happens in war. Cainites tend to use permanent holdings or cities (for the most
the cover of battle to eliminate rivals and to part). We have operational theatres on the
silence potential witnesses. In the overall front lines. While we have roaming assets
scheme of things? If the mission is across the globe, our strength is truly focused

Chapter Three: Sabbat in the Modern World

on various warzones. This means that we often

must survive before we can report activities to
our betters or can find an impartial Priest to
handle Monomacy challenges. Since packs can
be in the field together for weeks or months at
a time, letting rivalries or issues brew for that
long can be deadly. As a result, packs have
begun using the contrition ritus as a stand-in to
resolve matters in the field.

The Contrition ritus has moved on to become
one of the Auctoritas Ritae due to the new
realities of life in the Sword. This was not
without some resistance, to be certain.
Formerly an Ignobilis Ritae, Contrition’s uses
became more and more widespread once the
Hand and Cardinals sent us to active war. By
2010, Contrition’s status had been changed and
it was considered a must-learn Auctoritas for
all Priests in the field.

Contrition is one of the ritae that tend to be

very pack specific. That is, most packs have
their own special twist on the rite and how it is
performed. At its core, Contrition is about the
admission of guilt for having wronged a fellow
Sabbat—or several Sabbat. The offending party
makes a ritualized show of guilt and accepts a
punishment deemed appropriate by both his
Priest and the Priest of the offended party or
parties (this might be new to some of us, but it
is what we have found works best in the
battlefield—if both Priests agree, chances of
resolution improve).

Provided contrition is accepted and the

punishment viewed as appropriate, the matter
is considered settled and all parties involved
move on with their unlives. If it is not
satisfactory, the parties involved have some
serious choices to make. They can either await
a third Priest for a Monomacy challenge to
progress, or another attempt at contrition can

Chapter Three: Sabbat in the Modern World

be made. Given the nature of our work and on being undefeated in Monomacy—and
mission, the latter is usually preferred to the tended to lord it over younger licks.
This caused problems.
Common Contrition Punishments
Despite the varied nature of situations that Monomacy is rarer these nights in the war…
may cause two packs to have issues, because it’s not very often that you have so
punishments are relatively straightforward. many packs around you to find a neutral third-
Some of the examples we run into are usually party Priest to approve and perform the ritae. I
theft, assaulting other Sabbat members, the can’t really express enough that Monomacy
humiliation of fellow Sabbat, or the killing of should be a last-ditch resource for settling
mortal pawns. As we tend to cause a great deal grievances within the Sword. If you’re gun-
of bloodshed, the last happens quite often. happy and think that you’re just going to
challenge and kill everyone over small disputes,
In these cases, something of a similar potency is then you’re missing the damn point. You’ll get
usually placed upon the offender. It can be the a rep… for abusing the ritus.
loss of property, or something more grievous.
For example, I know of one pack that likes to Removal from the Sect
require the removal of a hand as punishment So… here’s the thing. I remember gliding
for theft, leaving the offender under further around the Midwest with my pack years back.
punishment if they regrow the limb before a We ran into an Archbishop who claimed that
certain amount of time passes (usually a week). they were removing members from the Sword
for crimes against their brothers and sisters.
In exchange for killing mortal pawns, one
usually covers the services that the lost mortals I nearly laughed my ass off.
would have performed for a month or so
(which can be incredibly degrading). My pack Do you know how you leave the Sword? As a
tends to remove tongues for the offenses of pile of ash. We don’t strip membership from
humiliation or slander, for example. people. We aren’t the Camarilla. If you ever get
removed from the sect and its protections, it’s
Punishment should be flavored to fit the crime. because you are hunted. There is no going
After all, poetic justice is more memorable gently into that good night.
than bland penalties.

Oh, what a hot topic this is. Monomacy was
once considered one of the most abused Ritae
in our sect. Firebrands would declare
Monomacy challenges at the drop of a hat.
They don’t like your smile? Monomacy. Do
they think your pack name is bad? Monomacy.
They were a powerful lick and just wanted a
good rep—and you looked at them funny?
Monomacy. Cainites built entire reputations

Chapter Three: Sabbat in the Modern World

The one who saw too much

Blood. He could taste it in his mouth. It wasn’t the vibrant, resonating blood of a human, however. That would be
far too convenient. This had a taste of amber and ash… something old and thick like molasses. Lambach swallowed
it down as his eyes slowly opened.

There was smoke in the air, slithering through his vision from a nearby pipe. He could smell the richness of the
blend. It served to awaken the rest of his senses. He could hear voices coming into focus—a couple speaking in
Farsi to his left, two American tourists disputing a bill somewhere to his right, and above it all the customary
noises of a small pub.

For a moment, he imagined he was back in Europe, but it was short-lived. The scents of this place were uniquely
middle eastern. The spices in the air from the kitchen, the smell of the desert whenever the door opened—there was
something primal about the air that refused to be tamed.

With a grunt, he shifted in his seat. His clothes were crumpled, and a few spots of blood marred the white fabric of
his button-up shirt. When he gained his bearings, he identified the booth in which he had awoken. The leather of
the seats was worn in a recognizable pattern, a few small tears at its seams having been patched poorly. The
wooden backing between booths was aged and a bit splintered at the joints. It was why he liked this place—it felt
old and used, much like him. It was a damn joke for him to wake up in this place in such a way.

Once he felt himself on familiar ground, the elder dragon tried to compose himself. He smoothed his shirt and
wiped his lips with a napkin, bringing it away with a few drops of blood. Lambach sniffed it briefly, raising the
cloth to his nose.

“Fucking Nosferatu,” he spat under his breath. His nose wrinkled as he crumpled the napkin in his hand before
stuffing it into one of his pockets.

“The hell have you been having me do?” he asked quietly. While he addressed no one in particular, he knew his
target audience was listening. The Eldest was always listening.

Lambach could feel it, writhing quietly behind his eyes and stirring in his blood. He had escaped to this country
because, for a time, it was the one place he felt alone. The Eldest Fiend had left him to his solitude in this desert,
contented to let him feed off drunkards and opium addicts to try to escape his own memories.

Apparently, it had changed its mind.

Checking his watch, Lambach frowned at the date. Three nights. He had been out of control of his own form for
three nights and awoke with Nosferatu blood on his lips and in his mouth. What game was being played was
beyond him, but he knew that before long he would be thrust back into the Eldest’s machinations.
“Why won’t you let me fucking die?” he sighed, resting his head in his hands as the sounds of mortals around him
began to blissfully overtake his thoughts. Somewhere, in the back of his mind, he thought he heard laughter.

Chapter Three: Sabbat in the Modern World

Warzones and Respite

The Sabbat has waged war across the Middle traitor, Talley the fucking Hound retreated to
East for over a decade. The sect has gained to try to petition for the Lasombra to become
ground through fire and blood, burning and part of the Camarilla. This city? It’s the site of
devouring elders where they are found. In all his betrayal. I say we burn the fucker to the
this chaos, some cities and mountains have ground.
become a common refuge for the Sword while
others have become hotbeds of activity where The issue is that the Camarilla is just too damn
battles between the Sword, the Camarilla, and strong in the city. Any time we try to slip
Ashirra have grown to nearly epic proportions. through, we almost inevitably get busted. We
don’t always die, but it’s never good. If you
The following are warzones of importance and show up here, lay low and try to pick off
areas of respite for Sabbat in the Gehenna War Talley’s lackeys. Just know that they’re likely
and across the globe. expecting us. You don’t show up and try to get
an entire clan into your sect and not expect the
Baghdad, Iraq sect they’re leaving to come knocking.
This place is a goddamn warzone when the --Vincent Edwards, Lasombra Ductus
lights go out. We’re here because it just reeks of of the Knights Errant pack.
elder blood. That, and the temptation to fuck
with the small Camarilla presence and the Damascus, Syria
Ashirra is just too great to ignore. We’ve taken Damascus is an incredibly ancient city. Within
over much of the area outside of the city over its walls and hidden beneath its streets are
the years. For us, our operational strength in secrets that no mortal could ever comprehend.
the area is just overpowering. In some ways, I The place reeks of blood both new and ancient.
feel bad for the Cammies. They really have no I have uncovered the secrets of elders and
idea how deeply entrenched we are here. locations of precious havens by simply walking
its streets night after night and keeping my
We thrive in chaos…and, to be real, Baghdad senses about me.
has been chaotic from a mortal standpoint—
and we’ve exploited that for our ends. The Camarilla uses Damascus as a pit stop in
their travels. We allow them this because from
On the flip side, it’s a cool place to visit. Swing here we can track them with ease. Our eyes and
by some time. It’s full of culture, ancient ears are everywhere in Damascus. While we
history, and amazing blood. maintain a loud presence outside of the city, we
--Danielle Diamond, Gangrel member trick the Camarilla into thinking the city is
of the Abyssal Hounds pack. outside of our grasp.

Chicago, United States If they knew the truth, they’d never travel to
Alright, all things being equal? Fuck Chicago. the city—and really, that would be a mistake. If
We’ve had a bad history with this city and it you haven’t tasted Camarilla blood, it is
just hasn’t gotten any better. Now, we hate it positively saturated with naivete.
for different reasons. It’s the city that the

Chapter Three: Sabbat in the Modern World

Come to the city sometime and we will hunt

one together.
--Asaam Sarraf, Tremere Priest of the
Living Prophets pack.

Khatt, United Arab Emirates

I don’t know what the fuck went down in this
city, but it’s hit the map of some serious players
in the sect. We had some Scholars Emeritus in
the area for a small time, exploring ruins from
ancient Sumer, but everything hit the fan a few
months ago. A local pack was sent to watch
over incoming Camarilla members—and went
missing. The last transmission we received was
that a pack needed backup. Somewhere in the
tunnels under the city, some ancient Nosferatu
woke up, apparently.

Since then, the pack vanished, the city’s been

cordoned off, and tourism has fallen like a rock.
A damn shame. They have great hot springs
and feeding would be a trip. Still, you have to
wonder what’s there. Camarilla stays away now,
and any Nos that gets anywhere near the place
starts feeling creeped out.

Me? I’m keeping an eye on it from a distance.

--Gene Five, Tzimisce Abbot of the
Reaver’s Claw pack.

The Ruins of Petra, Jordan

I’m not one to give any stock to claims of
ancient beings at tourist sites… but this place
just creeps me the fuck out. Petra is one of
those series of ruins that just makes you feel
weird when you walk among them. You’ve
probably seen it in a movie or recognize it from
pop culture. Don’t bring any of that baggage
here. Trust me. Tourists bring enough.

There’s something about the ruins, though…

something unsettling.
--“Fin,” Nosferatu member of the Glass
Eaters pack.

Chapter Three: Sabbat in the Modern World

Sharjah, United Arab Emirates Many Scholars Emeritus pass through to

Talk about a rough assignment. I’m not sure if examine its ruins and to perform research into
it’s just me or if surveillance has just grown ancient cities that dotted the area.
more boring over the years, but babysitting
packs in Sharjah is just… goddamn boring. While there are numerous tourist sites within
While Sharjah is an important city for the the city, locals can take you off the beaten path
Sabbat, we don’t overtly rule or have any real to barely recognizable sites and talk about
presence in the area. We’re only there because rumors and local culture—for a small fee.
of Dubai.
Shiraz has been a blessing for future planning
Dubai has a very restrictive view of who is that cannot be denied.
allowed in the city. It’s primarily Ashirra, but --Lynn Walker, Pander Priest of the
the occasional Camarilla delegate has stayed a Ebon Pathway pack.
small spell in its confines. Because of this, and
because of the prominence of the city and those Yalova, Turkey
who visit, the Black Hand has decided to keep a Being posted at Yalova is a thankless job filled
close eye on the comings and goings of with nights of revelry and incredible feeding
dignitaries. Hence, my Column gets stuck opportunities. We have a station in Yalova to
watching the licks sent to do the watching. watch passage from Istanbul—and whatever
passes from the Black Sea to the Sea of
The city is nice, though. A bit pompous, but Marmara and to the Aegean. We maintain a
there is a large industrial area, and the minimal presence for intelligence—and a series
affluence (and blood) of those who frequent it of havens for a potential influx of Sabbat to
can make it bearable from time to time. handle assassinations in Istanbul proper.
--Mikhail Rustov, Brujah Ductus of the
Obsidian Spear Black Hand Column Our job here is incredibly important and has
led to several of our members establishing deep
Shiraz, Iran ties with local smugglers and shipwrights.
Close to the World Heritage Site of Persepolis, Yalova is situated quite nicely for our purpose.
this city is a great spot for the beginnings of --Feriha, Toreador member of the
research into potential target sites in Iran. Velvet Blade Black Hand Column.

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

Chapter Four:

The Clans of the Sabbat
By La Senorita, Ventrue Priestess of the Vivid Dream pack.

The history of our sect is rife with violence. Over time, more joined our fight. The Salubri-
Should it be any surprise that our membership Antitribu and the Harbingers of Skulls. As well
would wax and wane over the centuries? I don’t as other bloodlines and offshoots from our
think it’s a question of “if” clan numbers rise clans.
and fall, but “how.” In the time I have been
Sabbat, I have seen entire clans join the The Bloodlines and Clans that once were
righteous cause and leave it once more. Some There were once bloodlines that called the
have left of their own accord, others have Sabbat home. This is no longer the case. The
vanished through violence and become nothing first casualty in the Gehenna War happened to
more than ash. be the Blood Brothers. Created through
Tzimisce alchemy and magic, the Blood
When the Sabbat came into being, we had two Brothers were often seen as a tool of brute
founding clans—the Lasombra and Tzimisce. force. They weren’t bred for intelligence, and it
Following them after the Anarch Revolt came was clear. Still, they were a testament to the
members of the Banu Haqim, Brujah, Caitiff, Tzimisce ingenuity of the time.
Gangrel, Ministry, Nosferatu, Ravnos,
Toreador, Tremere, and Ventrue. The numbers The last pack of Blood Brothers found their
were on our side… and they remain that way. end sometime in 2009. An elder Toreador
We host a greater collection of clans than the awoke from slumber feasted upon them before
Camarilla ever has. being put to the sword by their accompanying

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

Black Hand Column.

Truly Gone?
The Kiasyd, the other bloodline that called the Players may ask if the Blood Brothers and Kiasyd
Sabbat home, are also no longer truly within are really, really gone from the Sabbat. The
our ranks to any appreciable degree. The fae- answer is yes. The Blood Brothers had their run
like creatures were always a rarity within packs, and met their end in the opening years of the
but once we went to war, they virtually Gehenna War. They were tools to be used and
vanished from all activities. they were used to their last. There are no “last
survivors of the massacre” or final members
Now, the Kiasyd are primarily considered off- remaining. Also, with the loss of blood magic
limits for contact. Only those of high stature from the Tzimisce, there is no ability to create
know where they reside or how to contact more.
them, and they only do so in exchange for
The Kiasyd are likewise unplayable. Those few
translation services or knowledge of ancient
that remain are hidden away in private
sanctuaries. In the first year of the Gehenna War,
two Kiasyd were destroyed searching for ancient
The Harbingers of Skulls departed from us of crypts. Since the Kiasyd were already rare by any
their own accord. They left no explanation and accounting, this sudden loss shocked the
offered no parting words. Their packs reported remaining into keeping their distance from the
them missing and as the number of absences Sabbat as a whole. While they are still considered
increased, the Sword read the writing on the Sabbat, they do not partake of any activities in
wall. Of course, you may hear them tell of us the War outside of those involving scholarship—
moving on without them—but is their refusal and even then, it is only as a last resort.
to join in our war not abandonment?
Kiasyd are not suitable for player characters.
These traitors fled the Sword’s cause and likely
joined with the other Necromancers as Hecata. The Ravnos are an odd situation. While they are
The question now has been: what do we do rare, they are still within the sect and active.
about it? The answer from higher up for now However, their bane forces them to move more
has been silence. To some Sabbat, this is not often than even some nomadic packs are
acceptable. While the Hecata may not be very comfortable with…
active in the Gehenna War, we do have
operatives around the world in places that they
are active. Some Sabbat have taken it upon
themselves to go traitor hunting. I can’t say I
blame them.

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

Then you got the Ravnos. What a strange set of

circumstances they have. As we all know, the It prompted the isolation of Ravnos within the
Week of Nightmares prompted the demise of Sect. If they had turned on their own, how long
the vast majority of Ravnos across the world. before their madness led them to act against
They ate one another almost to extinction. their packs? As a result, they have become an
After that, nothing was ever really the same. incredibly rare sight within the warzones we
While our Ravnos embraced to fill the void, it populate. If you meet one, consider yourself
seemed that some lingering hunger remained lucky—and check your pockets.
within them. Several Sabbat met their ends at
the fangs of other Ravnos.

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

Assamite Antitribu
Having forsaken their parent clan’s elder
worship, the Unconquered were among the
boldest of their clan at the time of the
Convention of Thorns. Refusing to bow before
Assassins the curse of the blood magi of the Tremere,
these Assamites risked their very souls to be
Angels of Caine free of the chains of bondage that would be
placed upon them. They found a welcome
Unconquered home in the Sabbat.
While time would see to the majority of their
ilk returning to the fabled “Eagle’s Nest,” those
pure of intention and loyal to the Sabbat
remained with the sect, continuing their
tradition of being some of the deadliest
operatives the sect has ever seen. The Angels of
Caine call themselves “Assamites” as a contrast
to their parent clan’s preference of “Banu

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

“It’s the easiest thing in the world. Just point, pull the trigger, and people go away.”
― Obie Williams, The Crimes of Orphans
Of Blood Gods and Cainites would emerge from his exile and lead us on a
By Maalik Dhofar, Assamite abbot of the holy crusade against the get of Khayyin.
Heaven’s Anger pack.
Many listened and our presence in the Sword
The Unconquered have an honored history was devastated. Those within the Hand saw the
within the Sabbat. We refused to bow to the desertion of our representative Seraphim
indignities placed upon our clan by the treasonous. They called us betrayers as we left
warlocks of the Camarilla. We earned the name our packs to pilgrimage back to the Mountain.
Angels of Caine through our dedication and by
devouring enemies of the sect. We were the They were right.
stuff of nightmares to our enemies. We were
the backbone of the Black Hand and its most Though many of us left, some of us remained.
successful agents. We refused, once again, to bow to the powers
of the ancients. While our founder may have
And then It arose. The demon-child who sits been noble at one point, he is a creature of
upon the Black Throne. death and destruction. Though we follow in his
footsteps, we will brook no competition.
A creature of myth and blood called to the Should Haqim cross our path he will meet with
clan. We all heard its voice. We all dreamt of its the same fate as any other ancient.
charred visage. It called, promising to reignite
the glory of Haqim. The founder of our clan

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

Who are the Assamite Antitribu? interactions with mortals. It’s funny, when you
The Unconquered reigned for centuries as the think of it, how we must rely so heavily upon
deadliest members of the Sword of Caine. They mortals despite being inherently superior to
prided themselves on the triumphs of their clan them. That’s where people like me come in. I’m
and were included in the Black Hand in into logistics. I arrange transport of materiel
incredible numbers. and persons across the war effort. My job
requires me to have a great deal of interaction
Then, a blood god from the clan’s history with mortals and their businesses.
awoke… and called them home.
In this, we tend to feel that mortals who end up
The Black Hand and the Sword were being worthwhile or able to benefit the cause
devastated by an almost clan-wide are spared our wrath and the indulgence of
abandonment of assassins. Assamites flocked to other Sabbat. We don’t protect them, exactly…
their eldritch mountain in the Middle East and we just remind our brothers and sisters that
severed all ties to their packs and the Sword. our job will be much harder without certain
Those who remained in the Sabbat suffered individuals. Sure, accidents happen, but we
under suspicion and distrust for years. need to keep some semblance of a network
together to get our job done.
Assamite Antitribu in Cainite Society
By Rahim al’Badr, Assamite Archbishop of Most licks will get the hint after a knife to the
Shiraz throat. Others… well… let’s just say I’ve had to
be involved in a lot of contrition ritae.
We have been fighting a war against our own
ruined reputation for far too long. With the Sins of the Assamite Antitribu
resurgence of the Sword’s true mission—the “Betrayal is the only truth that sticks.”
death of the Antediluvians—we have once ― Arthur Miller
more found our place. Our blood has once
more begun to populate the ranks of the Black The Assamite Antitribu have had a reputation
Hand. Our operatives uncover intel, arrange for being unreliable. This reputation stems
logistics, commit to targeted assassinations, from the multitudes of Unconquered that
and operational disruption. returned to their parent clan when the blood
god, Ur-Shulgi called from the Eagle’s Nest. In
We select professionals for the embrace and we response, waves of Assamites returned to their
expect them to only grow more deadly as they ancestral home and began to work beneath the
learn our ways. We are often placed in creature. The result was a devastating blow to
positions of authority or strategy. Our more both the Sword and the Angels of Caine.
conflict-oriented lead packs or work as force
multipliers for packs in the field. Now, they are fighting against the tide of this
reputation, seeking to prove themselves in
Assamite Antitribu in Mortal Society sometimes foolhardy ways to be truly faithful
By Lisa O’Malley, Assamite member of the to the sect. The solution is a simple one, in
Fallen Eyes pack their eyes… they will simply leave such a trail of
ash in their wake that none can doubt the
It’s fallen to me to talk to you about the clan’s dedication of those who remain.

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

Brujah Antitribu

Rabble Rousers Revolution has always been the clarion call of the
Brujah clan. Ever since Patricia of Bolingbrook
Firebrands lead the clan to revolt against its elders, there has
been a burning desire within the bloodline to
Converters push toward the toppling of idols and systems of
Brutes authority. While they may talk of ancient cities of
peace and betrayals, at the core of their being, the
Brujah are just angry. The best way to channel
that anger is to find an external problem to focus
on to the exclusion of all else.

In the Sabbat, the Brujah are focused—as focused

as a wave of destruction and rage can be, anyway.
Their target? Servants of the ancients and tools of
the Antediluvians. While the Anarchs may rail
against the Camarilla and overbearing elders, the
Sabbat are doing things about it… and making

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

“Better to die fighting for freedom then be a prisoner all the days of your life.”
― Bob Marley

Badasses being Badass

By Rictor Wiess, Brujah Abbot of the Unearthed
Rage pack

Someone once asked me “what do Brujah really

do?” So, I hit him so hard that I tore his jaw off.

End of story, right?

I mean, I think so. Fucker had it coming.

In all seriousness, though, we have been called

brutes and looked at like mindless weapons for a
long fucking time. We started changing that shit.
Brujah can talk as slick as any Ventrue and can
politic just as well as any Tzimisce. We fight as
well as Assamites and punch a shit ton harder, to

So, we kick ass. It’s our job. Kicking ass for Caine.

I dig it.

Who are the Brujah Antitribu?

The Brujah of the Sabbat are a surprisingly well-
rounded clan. While they have a (well deserved)
reputation for being violent cainites filled with
unreasoning rage, they are also able to hold their
own politically and have often been the source of
invigorating speeches and rousing oratory.

The passion of the clan is not lost in the Sabbat.

Some of the most prominent Priests outside of the
Tzimisce tend to be either from the rabble-
rousers or the Salubri Antitribu. With a powerful
focus, the passion and rage of the Brujah are used
as a devastatingly effective tool for the Sword of

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

The Brujah Antitribu in Cainite Society and-tumble areas of the war, but it's not like a
By Spark, Brujah Antitribu Priest of the Toreador love affair.
Firewalkers pack
Sins of the Brujah Antitribu
We Brujah are both the beat stick of the Sabbat “It is human to be angry, but childish to be
and the voice of temptation for non-Sabbat. Let controlled by anger.”
the Toreador talk about how they can manipulate ― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
marks and fool other licks. We, however, back up
our words with passion and belief. It makes us Wrath. The obvious sin carried by the Brujah
amazing at conversion and luring others away Antitribu is that of wrath. Their passion grows
from the machinations of the ancients and onto heated and is often unleashed. Their beast boils
their first steps toward freedom. beneath the surface of their skin, seeking to feast
and tear apart its enemies.
When all else fails, we can always hold our own in
a fight. We tend to be really good at it. Unlike their Anarch members or those few
remaining Camarilla Brujah, the Antitribu
In truth, our place in the Sabbat is in limbo. We embrace this part of themselves. They weaponize
don’t have the organization of the Tzimisce to it and funnel their passion against the enemies of
step up and replace the Lasombra, and we don’t the Sword. While it can sometimes make them
have the singular focus of the Assamites or the unpredictable even to their allies, the anger of a
Salubri to stand out on a larger scale. Brujah unleashed can be a great benefit on the
field of battle.
Sounds like shit when I diss my blood like that,
doesn’t it? Feels like it, too. But, it’s true. Right
now, we’re gathering our strength and building
our power base. We will rise in the Sabbat. We’ve
earned positions and titles… and now it’s time we
use them to make our mark on the Sword.

The Brujah Antitribu in Mortal Society

By Lindsay Hightower, Abbot of the Sisters of
Shadow pack

Mortals. Got to fucking love them. I mean, we all

came from them, yeah? And they make the coolest
shit. Mortals are our source of everything we need
to wage war. The beautiful, fragile things make
the best tools for killing our kind. Those Second
Inquisition fuckers especially.

We use them for what we need. We don’t go

walking hand in hand or singing kumbaya. If you
think you need to infiltrate a gang or some militia
cell, fucking do it. But just get in and get out. No
need to linger. We view them as a means to an
end. Like most Sabbat. We keep an eye out for
prospective childer in some of the more rough-

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

Gangrel Antitribu

The Sabbat has always welcomed the Gangrel

clan. In the years of the revolt, hardy trackers
Clan of the Beast and those who understood how to travel safely
Savages across Europe were in demand as havens
burned. When the industrial revolution came
Survivors and the Gangrel blood adapted to more urban
environments… the Sabbat welcomed them.
Hunters When the Gangrel left the Camarilla in disgust,
the Sabbat welcomed those who refused the

Considered some of the most proficient

warriors the Sabbat have in the field, Gangrel
are a vital asset in the Gehenna War. Whether
inclined toward urban environments or the
harsh realities of desert life, Gangrel have
always found valuable places within packs.

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

“Man is the only creature who refuses to be what he is.”

― Albert Camus
Freeing the Beast and they possess innate savagery that some feel
By Scratch, Gangrel Ductus of the Midnight is a requirement to survive and thrive in the
Talons pack hostile lands the Sabbat seek to exploit.

We are more than the bestial weapons of the What is interesting about the Sabbat Gangrel is
Sword. Our blood has a strength that has that they generally fall into two separate
carried us through centuries of hardship. Our groups. The Country Gangrel roam the barren
instincts have guided packs to safety and lands and outskirts of society, relying on their
ensured survival. Our closeness to our beasts innate hardiness and skills with beasts to
allows us to understand the crimson call of our survive with their packs. The City Gangrel are
savage natures more intimately than any other more at home hunting the cityscapes that
cainite could ever comprehend. sprawl across the deserts of the Middle East.
Both share the same drawbacks, though the
Both sides of our clan—the rugged and the abilities inherent in their blood vary.
urbane—hold within them a ferocity and
power that can leave the most hardened Each “bloodline” in the clan is considered fully
speechless. It’s simply a matter of knowing Sabbat, but the City Gangrel are purely a
when to relinquish control. In that red rage, in Sabbat phenomenon. Since the 1800s, the
the beast’s need to dominate and destroy, we bloodline has called the Sabbat home and
can find a purity that no spiritualist can even finding any outside of the Sect is exceedingly
imagine. difficult.

Who are the Gangrel Antitribu?

Gangrel within the Sabbat fall naturally into The Gangrel Antitribu in Cainite Society
survivalist and tracking roles. Their abilities to By Vienna Sky, Gangrel member of the Last
control animals, their hardiness, and their Dance pack
shapeshifting allow them to survive where
other kindred would wither and die. You might have noticed by now that I’m not
much like my brothers and sisters. I’m more
On top of this, the clan has always held its adapted to urban environments. Bazaars, resort
beast close to their hearts, as evidenced by how towns, tourist traps… decrepit industrial sites…
it manifests itself in their flesh when they these are the environments I stalk and hunt.
frenzy. You’ll notice that about us—the division in the
blood. It’s not enough for us to be two separate
In battle, Gangrel are truly fierce opponents. clans, but we all have our specialties,
They are difficult to destroy and possess preference, and blood-born advantages.
abilities that can outright murder fellow
cainites with relative ease. For the Sword of Because of our different skill sets, we are even
Caine, the Gangrel Antitribu are nigh perfect more useful to the Sword. And we intend to
warriors for the theatres of the Gehenna War. take advantage of it. Most of us City Gangrel
were always part of the Sabbat… we haven’t
They can easily survive in the harsh seen any Camarilla deserters or Anarch
environments that the Sabbat regularly travel, sympathizers with our abilities. And we like it
they can gather information from local animals, that way. It allows us to ply our skills on behalf

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

of the Sword and to get a bit ahead of the others. And they’re scary fucking good at it. I
competition. don’t. And that’s really gonna be the line you’ll
see over and over. But the one thing that is
We don’t have clan heads or shit like that. We almost constant—we find the humans as
just appreciate one another. No one else can do unworthy prey most of the time. It’s too easy.
the things we can. No one can survive where we Oh, there’s no pity for us. It’s more contempt.
can. The Sabbat needs us. All of us. It’s a better Humanity did this to itself. We’re just the
strategy for us to leverage that together than as reapers coming to take what is offered.
a clan divided along bloodlines. We’re all
Gangrel. Sins of the Gangrel Antitribu
“To insult someone we call him 'bestial'. For
The Gangrel in Mortal Society deliberate cruelty and nature, 'human' might
By Freddy the Claw, Priest of the God’s be the greater insult.”
Humvee pack ― Isaac Asimov

Alright, I’m gonna drop this on you real. We The beast writhes beneath the flesh of the
don’t much like humans. And it’s not really for Gangrel Antitribu much as it does in their
the usual reasons. Yeah, they’re fragile and Camarilla and Anarch cousins. Each time they
juicy… but that’s not something we hold frenzy, the beast imprints itself upon their
against them. Before I became a killing machine body as animalistic features. While the
for the Sword, I was fragile and juicy too. Well, occasional Gangrel may find shame in these
maybe not fragile… and juicy is a weird word to features of the beast made manifest, Sabbat
use to describe yourself… you know what, let’s Gangrel tend to embrace the change.
start over.
Some end up resembling an animal more than a
I don’t like humans because I don’t like human.
civilization. Herding people into cities and
taking away their ability to subsist on their The whispers of the beast are heard by every
own… they’re becoming willing sheep to the Gangrel. How far they embrace it will
slaughter. They created rules on top of rules to determine how long they can maintain any
slowly kill themselves. I don’t like them because semblance of their human form and, perhaps,
they’ve culled themselves. human thought.

Now, some of us deal more with cities than

Alternate Disciplines
The City and Country Gangrel in the Sabbat suffer from the same banes and compulsions but
have different innate disciplines. The default bloodline for Gangrel Antitribu are the Country
Gangrel, which use the standard Disciplines of Animalism, Fortitude, and Protean.

At their storyteller’s discretion, the player of a Gangrel may select to be a City Gangrel. If they
do so, they possess the following in-clan Disciplines: Celerity, Obfuscate, and Protean.

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

Lasombra within the Sword of Caine have seen
better nights. After the “defection” of Talley
the Hound and the exposure of the Friends of
Night having direct involvement in
Keepers approaching the Camarilla, the Keepers were
Clan of Shadows cast down from their place of prominence in
the Sabbat. Eager rivals, such as the Ventrue
The Traitorous Antitribu and Tzimisce pounced upon the
clan’s weakened state. As a result, the
Abyss Mystics Lasombra hold a mere ghost of their former
glory within the sect.

While the Friends of Night have been torn

down from their position of leadership over
Sabbat Lasombra, younger, more eager blood
has taken their place. The Lasombra of these
nights are ambitious and dangerous, carving a
new legacy for their clan within the Sabbat.
Unphased by the hatred that may fill the gazes
of other cainites, these Lasombra have become
adaptable, deadly opponents in politics and
war. Unrestrained by the Friends of Night, the
Keepers of modern nights can be unpredictable
and are utterly driven.

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

“A man must dream a long time in order to act with

grandeur, and dreaming is nursed in darkness.”
― Jean Genet
Magisters no More
By Malcom Belacosi, Lasombra Templar of the
Broken Scepter pack

We are not what we once were. No wishful

thinking, no amount of spin can change the
ruin brought upon us by the Friends of the
Night. By placing their bets on the Camarilla
gambit, the Friends brought us disgrace when
their machinations were brought to light.

An uprising was inevitable. Our losing station

within the Sabbat was inevitable. The actions
of the Friends were sloppy and transparent…
and they nearly led to our destruction.

We found ourselves beset on all sides by

centuries of enemies. Envious Tzimisce,
Ventrue, and others leaped upon our weakened
state and tore from us almost every modicum
of power that we once possessed. They used the
actions of Talley and the Friends to cast us
down and declare us dangerous to the sect and
unworthy of our station.

Those dedicated to the Sword fought back,

however. We purged the Friends from our
ranks, casting them out to be burned and
hunted. We turned our back on the
overbearing institution that had led us to the
brink of extinction.

Now, we fight back. Every victory won by a

Lasombra is a victory for the clan. We will re-
establish ourselves as the backbone of this sect
and no Tzimisce warlord or would-be Ventrue
conqueror can keep us down.

Who are the Lasombra?

Once the most potent clan within the Sabbat,
the Lasombra have fallen from grace. To be a
Lasombra within the Sword in these nights is
to be constantly outperforming other members

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

of the Sabbat simply to be on equal footing. The Lasombra in Mortal Society

By Micah, Lasombra member of the Devil’s Kiss
The stain upon their clan has not quite faded. pack
The wounds cut into the clan will be slow in
healing, but those loyal to the Sword above Do you understand how much of a pain in the
clan politics are fighting tooth and nail to ass grooming yourself is without the ability to
ensure that they are once more recognized as a see your own reflection in a mirror—or only see
pillar of the sect. it distorted as it stares back at you? I’m serious.
Would you wake up as a human and walk
Lasombra habits have not changed much in around without ever looking at yourself or
terms of embrace and training new members of fixing your hair without some way of seeing
the clan—they are ruthless, value efficacy and yourself? Imagine walking into a board meeting
ingenuity. They cull the weak and test their with bed head. Add to this the unreliable
fledglings mercilessly to ensure that only those nature of technology in our hands.
worthy of being called Lasombra continue the
clan. Appearances and technology are important in
all walks of life—and unlife. To help us with
Their steadfastness and ruthless pursuit of their these small endeavors of importance, we recruit
ambitions still leave the clan one not to be worthwhile mortals as ghouls. We have relied
taken lightly. upon them to see to our businesses and other
affairs for millennia. I see no reason for us to
The Lasombra in Cainite Society stop now.
By Selena Jimenez, Lasombra Abbot of the
Obsidian Spear pack Sins of the Lasombra
"Once you reach the top, take care as the only
The Sabbat has cast us down from our rightly way left to go is down" -Darren Bateman
earned positions of strength. I do not view this
as a bad thing, however. Our loyalty was found As much as they may say otherwise, the
wanting and now we must earn back our place Lasombra have learned little from their fall.
at the table. As Lasombra, we constantly test They still view themselves as the epitome of
ourselves for weakness. We abhor it. Our Caine’s children, the powerful that will rule
weakness was found in our highest ruling body. over the weak. This viewpoint has not changed
since the clan’s branding as traitors to the sect.
So, we destroyed it.
In its place, determination to prove others
Have no doubt, the Friends are gone within the wrong and reestablish their importance has
Sabbat. We will not condone their return. only made the clan more prideful. The
Now, we take this opportunity to push Lasombra do not view this as a drawback. They
ourselves further. Let our fellow Sabbat follow view this as simply being a part of who they
in the wake of our glory. They will once again are: the fact that they are Lasombra should be
understand why we once held so many places of enough for others to recognize their worth.
honor in the Sword.

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

Malkavian Antitribu

The Fractured Ones Malkavians of the Sabbat are madness

Seers unrestrained. Unlike their brethren in the
Camarilla and Anarchs, these childer of Malkav
Bloody Prophets are encouraged to express their beasts and
Boogey Men follow their instincts—wherever they may lead.

Often bathing in blood and seeking out new

visions, the Malkavians of the Sabbat are a
primal force of foresight and madness. They are
a breeding ground for change and chaos,
pushing their packmates to think outside of
their own preconceived notions and,
sometimes, the bounds of sanity.

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

“It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to

go insane.”
― Philip K. Dick, VALIS
Did you hear that? abilities of foresight and empathy, these skills
By Gus Krause, Malkavian member of the are twisted into weapons of war for the Sword.
Forward Dawn pack
The Malkavian Antitribu in Cainite
Three. Is there really any more perfect number? Society
Three is magical and things in threes go easier. By Wilson, Malkavian Priest of the Blunted
The third death is the final one. I’m on two. Fangs pack
Two is not a good number. It precedes three
and is a bad omen. How much we remember It is nice to have someone to talk to in these
while dead is what really colors our nights that has a genuine curiosity in their
perceptions, though. I remember a lot. I heart. So often people ask about our clan and
remember what looked back at me. I remember end up not truly listening. Usually, you have to
the barbs of vitae. hurt them to gain their attention. I think it’s an
issue with the times, really. Too much
It’s all connected, really. All of us. Why do you distraction. It’s far too permitted to “listen” to
think we get pulled to these places? Why does someone while focusing on something else.
our blood burn, ripple, and peel away from us
when we come so close to what made us? I blame cellphones.
Because our blood is hungry.
But, since you’re here, we can talk without
I know what waits over that hill, brothers and interruption. My family is a series of gifted
sisters. I know that it sees each of us in turn. individuals that have seen things you cannot
possibly comprehend. We see the cracks in the
We were meant to be here and many of us were mirror. We see the way that sanity covers
meant to die here. reality—and we reject it. We see the truth.

Who are the Malkvanian Antitribu? It can often make others uncomfortable around
Seers and madmen. These are the stereotypes us. Personally, I’m fine with that. Still, when
applied to Malkavians across sect lines. The the Sabbat needs to terrorize a militia cell or
clan has always held a reputation for foresight, demoralize a Camarilla outpost, we are called
observation, and sheer insanity. While many of in. Boogeymen, some have called us. “Let the
the clan within the Anarchs and Camarilla try crazies loose and allow them to wreak havoc,”
to contain their madness and sometimes police oh how often I’ve heard that one.
their own, the Malkavians of the Sabbat can
revel in their enlightenment. Don’t… don’t touch that display, please. That
face belonged to an Ashirra and I rather like it.
Without restraint, the Malkavian Antitribu
find a more primal connection with the insight Now, then... some of us see the strands of
that runs in their blood, finding patterns in possibility that tie one place to another. One
chaos and acting as eerie seers and bloody event to another. If you pluck one, at just the
augurs for the Sword of Caine. right time, you can make things happen. This
While they still embrace those with uncanny means we have added value to the sect.

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

Sometimes, focusing on what the Sword needs

can stop the call in the back of our minds. That
low-level noise that just drones on and on and
on and on and on and…

Oh, leaving already? Very well. There is the

matter of payment for my time. You don’t wear
much makeup, do you? It smears sometimes
when you drill the skin to the placard.

The Malkavian Antitribu in Mortal

By Betty Grulier, Malkavian Bishop of Shiraz

We don’t all bathe in blood and cast

divinations with intestines… or bones… or
whatever else is used. That’s a painful
stereotype and I’d appreciate you not bringing
it up again.

What we do all see, though, is the potential in

humanity to deliver us… well, whatever we
need. Humans can be a resource to be
cultivated. And while we don’t generally all
view humans as merely food, we don’t consider
them equals. Let’s be honest about that.

So, we tend to manage our little corners of the

War, cultivating herds and cults—whatever we
need to deliver the goods to the rest of the
Sword. After all, one militia unknowingly
working for the cause is one more weapon to
have at our disposal, yeah?

We’re not all good with humans, though. Some

of our more… distant or disturbed members
have issues keeping things going in casual

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

You’ve met Wilson, yeah? Right. Now imagine understanding of the world places them under.
that guy taking some human’s face after a chat
about a good place to get an expresso in Prague. As a result, some Malkavians have a habit of
remaining silent for extended periods of time,
Exactly. as if examining their own consciousnesses or
communing internally with some hidden
There can be difficulties. voice… and it utterly unnerves Sabbat that are
inexperienced in their ways.
Sins of the Malkavian Antitribu
“Crazy people are considered mad by the rest The Malkavian Antitribu embrace this
of the society only because their intelligence unnerving aura. They sometimes feed into it.
isn't understood.” Some Malkavians act more unhinged than they
― Wei Hui truly are to cultivate a feeling of unease in their
presence. Keeping even undead monsters on
Madness is not addictive, per se. However, the their toes is something that amuses them.
Malkavians of the Sabbat delve into their own
neuroses so powerfully that it can be to the
exclusion of all else. The newly embraced see a
fractured world fully revealed to them… the
experience is so potent that their mind begins
to cave under the stresses that an enhanced

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

Nosferatu Antitribu
The Nosferatu are a clan seeking to fill a void
within themselves. For centuries, the sewer rats
worked together—across sect lines, for the
overall good of the clan. However, with the
The Hidden start of the Gehenna War, everything changed.
No longer do they talk through back-end
Shadow Lurkers channels. They have ceased communication
with their compatriots in the Camarilla and
The Rotted Anarchs. While there are many theories as to
Sewer Rats why the truth is that it does not matter. The
clan will never be united as it once was in the

In modern nights, the Nosferatu excel at

gathering information. They do not follow the
Camarilla rules against electronic
communications or data storing. While
dangerous, the Nosferatu of the Sabbat
maintain a network of their own, buried deep
within the dark web. To the Sabbat, the clan
has never been more valuable.

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

“I hate mankind, for I think myself one of the best of them, and I know how bad I
― Samuel Johnson

The more things change…

By Red Phineas, Nosferatu member of the
Howling Wind pack

The Sword of Caine wouldn’t be shit without

us and they know it. We’ve always been the
spymasters and intelligence officers of the
Sabbat. Let the Assamites and the Gangrel talk
about infiltration and animal spies all they
want. We really embody all the best aspects of
getting intel.

We handle animals better than Gangrel.

We are stealthier than the Assamites.

We are stronger, physically, than both.

We. Get. Shit. Done.

Despite our recent drawbacks in intel gathering

(really, we shouldn’t have relied on non-Sabbat
Nos in the past), we still excel in the art of
information gathering. And if push comes to
shove, we can beat ass with the best of them.

So maybe we got a bit more ruthless. Who

cares? Without us, the Sword would be lost.

Who are the Nosferatu Antitribu?

The stereotypical Nosferatu is a broker of
information and secrets. Within the Sabbat,
this is no different. While the clan in the
Camarilla and Anarchs may charge exuberant
fees, the Sabbat usually work for more tangible
benefit—blood and equipment. Working in the
harsh conditions of the Gehenna War tends to
wear out gear fast. Electronics, weapons,
surveillance equipment… all these things are of
high value to Nosferatu.

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

As they ply their trade for the Sabbat as The Nosferatu Antitribu in Mortal Society
intelligence officers, the Nosferatu can be as By Felicia Scarapelli, Nosferatu of the Obsidian
varied as any other clan—some of the most Spear pack
potent assassins in the Sabbat are Nosferatu
who focus on a more conflict-based skillset Yeah, no. I don’t deal with mortals.
than stealth and intelligence gathering.
A lot of my brothers and sisters feel the same if
The Nosferatu Antitribu in Cainite I’m to be so bold as to speak for them. There’s a
Society lot behind that. Some think it's about being
By Mittens, Nosferatu Templar of the Bitten face to face with everything we’ve lost. I think
Tongue pack that’s kind of on the nose, but that’s just me.
We’re embraced for all kinds of reasons. And, if
Why do I wear these gloves? The bottoms of you’ve met a handful of us, you might pick up
my fingers don’t have skin. I wear them for that we can get rightfully fucking petty about
traction so I can pick shit up. Next dumb tearing pretty things down.
question? What? Okay, that qualifies as a dumb
question, but I’ll tell you about the Nos and the Now think of being something pretty… and
Sabbat. twisted into, well, something like me. It makes
you bitter.
I’m what you call a field asset for the clan.
Others find targets and I take a group in, Some get better. Some fall into depression.
unseen, and take the targets out. We work in Some lash out.
tandem. The brains in the clan peel back layer
after layer of elder bullshit—shell companies, The easiest targets are mortals. Still, you get
cover families, all the shit the Ashirra and Cam the occasional Nos who gets a bit stalkerish.
do to cover their tracks, and I go in and ruin Watching humans from afar. Just to watch
their nights. them. It's fucking depressing.

You see, most of the operations that the Sabbat So, no thanks on the mortals. Rather have
runs? They work off Nosferatu intel. We someone else deal with them.
confirm or verify what others bring to the table
or end up as sole providers. We then make sure
that shit gets done. We don’t have the flashiest
of jobs, usually, but we are known as reliable.

The time is coming, though. The Nosferatu will

be more prominent than ever. We know the
secret paths and are experts at finding the
hidden. We’re so used to hiding ourselves that
discovering other hiding places is only natural
to us.

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

Sins of the Nosferatu Antitribu against those who flaunt their looks or take
“Beauty is me, ugliness is me. It is all matter of pride in their appearances.
― Akshmala Sharma This is not universal, however. Some well-
adjusted Nosferatu take their hideous
Some Nosferatu grow into bitter, envious appearances as a blessing, something to free
creatures. Given the nature of the clan’s them from the bondage of vanity.
embraces and how their bodies twist and warp
after the blood of their sires brings them into Overall, the clan suffers from those who strike
undeath, it is not hard to see why. This can out against the beautiful and well-maintained,
make them incredibly petty, or even vindictive wallowing in their own appearance and new

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood


While the Camarilla shuns and exiles Caitiff,

Mongrels the Sabbat have recognized orphans of the
blood as their own clan. Under the banner of
The Lost and Forgotten Joseph Pander, the Caitiff have found family
Collection of Misfits and acceptance. While some “real clans” may
scoff at the mongrels and their claims to
equality, the dedication of Panders to the
Sword’s goals have never been in question.

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

“An orphan is not weak because reality makes them stronger than a beast”
― Remon Rakibul

Every dog has its day. even possible for Panders to achieve titles of
By Jimmy Upton, Pander Ductus of the Spears prestige and respect within the Sabbat (though
of Ahriman pack rare).

I want to start off by saying that just because Panders in Cainite Society
the Sabbat says we’re a “clan” doesn’t mean we By Joey Dives, Pander Ductus of the Flayed
get respected as one. That’s some shit that Skull pack
needs to be acknowledged right fucking quick.
We fought our asses off in the time before the You need to listen the fuck up and listen good.
War to get recognized… and all it did was just This War? It’s the perfect opportunity for the
give the powers that be a new category to lump “higher clans” to throw us to the wolves as meat
us in as. shields. We need to stick together. We need to
stand up for our right to have every
Sure, we get more respect than the Camarilla opportunity that the others have within the
gives their “Caitiff.” And the Anarchs don’t Sabbat. Who gives a shit about clan when we’re
give a shit about clans at all from what I hear, all fighting the ancients?
so our kind are cool there. But it’s still not love
and roses in the Sabbat if you get my drift. The truth is that we have the most versatile
blood in the world. Panders can adapt. We can
We still have to fight to get shit done. But we equally learn every gift of Caine. Don’t let the
also get the satisfaction of some of the big dogs other clans in the Sabbat see you as anything
getting their comeuppance. Lasombra, anyone? other than what you are: a badass. Remind
That shit was hilarious to watch. They almost them that we’re every bit as Sabbat as they are.
fell to our level and it just pisses them off right
proper. Panders in Mortal Society
By X, Pander member of the Rotting Darkness
Who are Panders? pack,
Caitiff were recognized as their own clan
within the Sabbat due to the efforts of Joseph We come from all over the place. Seriously.
Pander and the results of the Third Sabbat You’d be kinda hard-pressed to set up a
Civil War. Since then, they have been united as “standard” view of humanity for all panders.
a single clan within the Sword of Caine and The Lasombra pull strings, the Toreador play
offered more autonomy and respect when with emotions, the Ventrue order people
compared to their non-Sabbat brothers and around and break minds. Us? Depends on the
sisters within the Camarilla. individual Pander, if we’re being honest.

This doesn’t mean, however, that the Panders Personally, I think mortals are great. I go to
are given the same amount of respect as other parties to feed; I toss some cash to locals to
“real clans.” They are still viewed as mutts and keep an eye out for weird shit… they’re useful.
mongrels, the result of lazy sires or thin blood. My buddy Zed? Hates them. Like… I mean
The true difference is that they have a united HATES them.
front against the prejudices of other clans. It is

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

Just goes to show—ain’t no “standard” Pander. the Sabbat who value bloodline and lineage
more than loyal membership in the Sword of
Sins of the Panders Caine.
Despite their inclusion as a clan of the Sabbat,
the Panders still suffer under an inferiority As a result, many Panders suffer under the
complex. They know they will never be truly impression that they must constantly prove
respected as much as the other clans. Even as themselves—and while doing so, drag others
the Gehenna War rages, there are those within down so that the Panders can rise above them.

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

Decades ago, an elder Salubri by the name of

Adonai approached the Sabbat with a
proposition: ally with the Salubri and they will
aid in the destruction of the Camarilla and
their elders. Adonai made good on his side of
Furies the bargain. The Salubri Antitribu assisted in
the murder of several Camarilla members and
Zealots their elders while the Sabbat sheltered and
helped the fractured bloodline grow in
Diablerists numbers.
Holy Warriors
The Salubri brought with them a mysterious
new discipline that they called Valeren. This
discipline was known by some of the Sabbat’s
eldest members and was recognized as the
legacy of Saulot’s fallen childer. While the
Salubri who joined the Sabbat and were
embraced within its ranks may not have known
the details of their clan’s fall from grace, not
many seemed to care. The clan understood they
had reason to be angry but had little
explanation as to why.

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

“Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It burns it all
― Maya Angelou

Fury of the Righteous ritae showed me a level of togetherness that I

By Miguel Salvatore, Pack Priest of the had never dreamed existed outside of my own
Wayward Blades. pack. We were all preparing for the next
evening’s assault on the haven of a Ventrue
You can feel it, can’t you? Something in the elder, but in those moments, we were also a
blood. Something that calls to you, that family working together to strike back at those
demands your attention and stirs your rage. I that had wronged us.
feel it. We all do. Let the Brujah daydream that
they know what anger truly is. They have a It was the most amazing feeling. We had come
temper. We have a rage. A righteous rage. from all walks of life, but we all held within us
the righteous fury of a lineage that had been
There is a difference. wronged for millennia… and we were
agonizingly close to striking at one of those
You have been brought into undeath… into a who had turned on us.
clan that holds within their veins the burning
blood of the fallen. Our kind were once hunted We spoke praises for warriors lost and
to near extinction by the Camarilla and their recounted their deeds. We gave thanks to
lackeys. They called us diablerists, infernalists, Adonai and Caine for giving us purpose. And
and thralls to our beasts. We were run out into in the end, there was a solemn moment for the
the sun and burned out of our homes. Our Founder who was… Saulot. I had never heard
peaceful brethren were killed in their temples the name before, but I will never forget the
and murdered while seeing to the hurts of the reverence with which it was spoken. Betrayed
injured and the needy. by his fellows, the vile Antediluvians, and his
childer hunted by the Camarilla. We were to be
Our people were hounded to the brink of righteous agents of vengeance… just as we were
destruction—and were it not for Adonai, our meant to be…
fallen savior, we would have faded into history.
Adonai taught us to take our rage to the Who are the Salubri Antitribu?
Camarilla; showed us how to turn the powers When they joined the Sabbat, the Salubri
of our blood against the enemies that had long Antitribu embraced the lost and disenchanted,
persecuted us simply for being different. granting the anger and frustration of these new
childer legitimacy and stoking the fires that
Now, you have it within you—the power of burned within them. In time, Adonai had an
fallen gods and the anger of slaughtered army of vampires burning with righteous
innocents. Feel that rage. Let it surge within anger… and those flames were constantly fed
you… and I will teach you how to turn it through conflict and war with the Camarilla.
against those that would hunt your brothers
and sisters like animals. Over time, the anger of the Furies would have
likely engulfed them, ending the line in a blaze
I couldn’t bring into words the level of of righteous glory. However, Adonai had the
comradery I witnessed at tonight’s esbat. A foresight to elevate those among the clan who
meeting of my blood, the Salubri, after the holy survived and distinguished themselves, granting

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

them some sense of knowledge as to the true

fate of their former numbers and fall from

As time hardened the Salubri and tempered

their rage, their members ascended into various
positions of power and authority within the

Where are they now?

Since the beginning of the Gehenna War, the
Salubri Antitribu have followed their Sect into
battle. Driving into the front lines of conflict,
many of the clan fell in the opening exchanges,
but the Salubri Antitribu have been a
determined, if not adaptive foe on the field of
battle. Learning quickly from the first theatres
of the war, the clan has become a force to be
reckoned with in the field.

What has surprised many within the Sabbat is

that those of the clan in nomadic packs across
the world, who were of sufficient generation,
have been pulled toward the region. The
beckoning having an impact on the clan was
something that caused a bit of surprise… and to
this night, none know what it means for them.

Since the fall of Adonai in the War, some of

the clan’s more studious members posit that
their long-dead founder, Saulot, calls them to
battle, fostering odd theories and birthing
beliefs in the clan that perhaps their founder
has somehow returned—or that there are still
elders potent enough to stir the blood that

Now, the clan fights as much to gain knowledge

as they do to destroy the Antediluvians.

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

The Salubri Antitribu in Cainite Society When cases like that arise, I find it easier to
By Edith Hall, Independent Salubri Scholar work with ex-military, police officers, or even
just angry activists.
The state of my brothers and sisters who call
themselves “Antitribu” and revel in the We understand anger. We can speak to that.
mindless violence of the Sabbat could take No worrying about small talk or getting to
many nights to discuss. They belong to the sect know each other’s family… just get in, do what
almost entirely. In twenty years, I have met needs to be done, and get out. In those cases, I
perhaps one or two “independent” Antitribu find flashing a lot of money works best.
that have broken away from their packs or Sect
as a whole. Yes, it seems strange, but given the Now, you might run into some of us that work
actions of the Lasombra seeking refuge in other a bit more closely… but really, we tend not to
organizations… who can be surprised? get too involved with our food, like most
Sabbat. We don’t have the time or inclination
Those that journey outside of the Sabbat have a to get buddy-buddy with our takeout.
difficult unlife. Their feeding habits seem to go
hand and hand with the war that the Sabbat Sins of the Salubri Antitribu
throw themselves into on a nightly basis. Those “Nothing can last forever. There isn't any
that do escape often hide in Anarch gangs. memory, no matter how intense, that doesn't
fade out at last.”
Within the Sabbat, the Salubri are a clan of ― Juan Rulfo
dedicated and passionately furious warriors—
and used to great effect. Now, Salubri As angry as the Salubri Antitribu are about the
Antitribu carve a bloody legacy for themselves wrongs committed against them in their past…
in the Gehenna War. many would be hard-pressed to tell you exactly
what sins were visited upon them. The anger
Those independent Salubri that remain, such as that stirs the Salubri and infuses their speech is
me, tend to avoid them. Misery and rage follow often misplaced. They know they were
in their wake. Should you meet one, I advise betrayed. They know they were hunted. They
you to walk the other way. don’t know the perpetrators or the reasons…
because neither truly matters to most of the
The Salubri Antitribu in Mortal Society Antitribu. Theirs is an anger and fury that was
By Uri, Salubri Antitribu Abbot inherited, not earned.

How do we deal with mortals? That’s a damn Those few that know some semblance of the
good question. I once heard rumors that we truth still only speak of watered down, distilled
used to support and help juicebags on the rumors and opinions. Very few still live that
regular. Fuck that. We do what we need to do recall the truth of the Salubri or what they
and take what we need from the humans. Yeah, once stood for. When words or writings appear
we have to watch out for the Second that call their current behavior into question or
Inquisition—but who doesn’t? Still, packs need suggest that their ancestors would condemn
people who can facilitate havens, their rage and violent ways… it often provokes
transportation, and food. Sometimes that disbelief or anger.
means that we must deal with the “kine.”

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

Salubri Archetypes
Righteous Crusader
The cult-like air of the clan has long encouraged
religious and spiritual warriors to emerge from its
ranks, espousing loyalty to Caine and the Sword while
wading through the ashes of their enemies. Indeed,
the Salubri Antitribu earned the monikers of zealot
and fury several times over by the actions of their
more martial members. Some warriors truly believe in
the religious teachings of their brethren, while some
are merely searching for purpose while embracing the
stereotype of their blood.

Scholar of the Mysteries

After the discovery of the beckoning’s impact on the
clan, many questions were raised. This has prompted
some of the Salubri Antitribu to search for answers.
In the crypts that they raze and the ancients they
assail, they look for clues and truth as to what is
happening to their line. While most of these
individuals brave the horrors of duty to the Gehenna
War, others scour the corners of the world for
answers to the questions that plague them.

Warrior Priest Stoic Sentry

Within the Sword of Caine, the position of Priest Salubri Antitribu are often valued for their
is one that has called to a great deal of Salubri alertness and ability on the battlefield. Those that
Antitribu. Taking responsibility for the spiritual choose a more tempered path often find
wellbeing and development of their packs, these themselves stationed as guardians of Sabbat
vampires soothe the weariness of their brethren Clergy or Hierarchy.
while simultaneously stoking the righteous fire
that burns within them, preparing them for
coming battle and struggles. Those Salubri
Antitribu that take up this path unknowingly
carry on a great tradition of their blood stretching
back through the ages. In this duty, many take up
the less martial powers of their blood… coming
closer to what some of their clan once were, yet
blissfully unaware of what it may come to mean as
the war continues.

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

Disciplines Having been reborn into the savagery of the
Auspex: Adonai taught his followers that Sabbat, the predilections of the Salubri Antitribu
awareness of one’s surroundings and the emotions have embraced the animalistic nature of their
of others lends an advantage upon the battlefield. compatriots. As a result, the furies are unable to
Were it not for Auspex’s security applications, accept blood not taken in the heat of passion or
some of the Salubri Antitribu may have eschewed combat. There is something of the choleric nature
its powers long ago. Now, Auspex allows the of blood taken forcibly that invigorates the
furies to be highly valuable sentries and hunters of Salubri Antitribu.
If a Salubri Antitribu wishes to gain nourishment
Fortitude: Furies often find themselves in the heat from blood not taken by force or in passion, they
of battle. Despite the devastation of their long- must spend a number of Willpower points equal
standing enemies, the Tremere, they still find to their Bane Severity, otherwise, any blood
cause in the Gehenna War to make use of their consumed will fail to slake any hunger.
clan’s resilience and ability to withstand damage.
Clan Compulsion
Valeren: The Salubri Antitribu have practiced a Salubri Antitribu: Righteous Fury
diluted version of their bloodline’s old prowess The Salubri Antitrubi are a clan reborn in the
for decades. Ever since Adonai brought his brood fury of vengeance. As a result, their clan
to the Sabbat, this version of Valeren has compulsion riles their anger and fury in response
prevailed within the clan. While some have fallen to insult or injury done to them.
back on old teachings, the new “warriors” of the
clan have embraced the watered-down versions of For the scene, the vampire must seek vengeance or
Adonai’s teachings. A discipline that grants the apology for any perceived misdeeds or insult
furies knowledge of their targets and directed toward them. This redress of grievances
preternatural abilities to deal and withstand can be social or physical, wherein the target is
damage, Valeren has helped the antitribu carve a made to suffer for the wrongs delivered upon the
destiny for themselves among the Sabbat. vampire. This compulsion is so powerful that if
the Salubri Antitribu fails to address the insult or
misdeeds they are at a -2 dice penalty to all social
and mental actions for each level of their Bane
Severity until the compulsion is satisfied or the
scene ends.

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

New Powers
Once viewed as a great gift of
enlightenment, the discipline, Level 1
and the disfigurement it forces Sense Life/Death
The vampire opens themselves
Valeren upon its practitioners in the
form of a third eye is now up to the flow of life and
I swear, it was like something viewed as a sign of infernal death around a specific
out of a nightmare. I saw the practices or rampant diablerie. individual, allowing them to
bastard get mowed down by sense the general physical
shotguns, but when the smoke all While the abilities of Valeren status of the person they are
cleared, he stood up, this blaring to heal are rarely used in examining. This comes to the
red-eye in the middle of his modern nights, its martial Salubri in a plethora of ways—
forehead fucking GLOWING! I’ve practices see great use in the some have spoken of
never seen anything like it. If I Gehenna War. “smelling” death around an
were still alive, I would have individual while others discuss
pissed myself right there. The Characteristics sensing the degradation of
damn guy just walked toward us Most powers of Valeren are auras and life energies.
like nothing had happened. used upon human or undead
Danica moved fast as I have ever targets, but that does not Cost: Free
seen her, using her Celerity to try mean they cannot be turned Dice Pools: Wits + Awareness.
to escape, but the damned upon ghouls or other living (or
bastard just cut her down. I’ve unliving things). The System: The user focuses on
never seen anything like it—it knowledge imparted by the an individual for a moment,
was like he couldn’t miss. discipline allows the user to studying their mannerisms
I emptied my clip and fucking sense the life and death and appearance while opening
ran. This thing was unstoppable, energies surrounding all themselves up to the flow of
and it went for the weakest of us animate beings. life and death. The character
as if it knew who was most then rolls their Wits +
wounded. You want to fight the Upon learning a power from Awareness. One success allows
damn Salubri? Good fucking luck. the third level of Valeren, the the character to sense how
Just tell me where you want us to user develops a third eye in many health levels a target
spread your ashes. the middle of their forehead. current has remaining. Two
successes give the user his
Nicknames: Warrior Path, When closed, the eye appears target’s current health levels
The Gifts of Saulot, the Paths as a faint scar or deep wrinkle and the target’s current level
of Healer and Warrior, Path on the user’s forehead. of hunger (if a vampire) as
of Vengeance. well as any illnesses or current
Type: Mental diseases they currently possess.
A nigh forgotten discipline, Masquerade Threat: Low to Three successes allow the user
Valeren has been practiced in high. The first two levels of to sense the target’s blood
one form or another by the Valeren generally do not force potency if they are a vampire.
Salubri clan since the days the third eye to open or emit
Saulot returned from the East. light. However, at the third Duration: N/A
Its practitioners develop level and above, the eye opens
preternatural senses of the in the middle of the user’s Sense Resolve
energies of life and death forehead and emits a soft Vampires that utilize this
around other beings and can glow. ability can determine the level
use their awareness to either Blood Resonance: Phlegmatic of mental fortitude and
heal or harm their targets. internal strength of their
Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

targets. By opening their Dice Pool: Wits + Medicine. they are roused physically, or
awareness to the mental the scene ends—additional
energies of their target, the System: After successfully attacks upon the target will
Salubri can assess their target’s touching a willing target, the wake them.
mental state. character rolls their Wits +
Medicine. For each success This power has no effect on
Cost: Free that the user achieves they Kindred targets.
Dice Pools: Wits + Awareness. eliminate one dice penalty
from their target’s impairment Duration: 1 scene or until
System: After concentrating due to damage suffered or awoken.
on their target for a moment, pain.
the user rolls their Wits +
Awareness. With one success, Duration: 1 turn in combat Level 3
the user learns the current per success achieved by the
Copore Sano
Willpower level of their user; this increases to 10
Utilizing their knowledge of
target. If the user rolls two minutes per success if outside
life and death, the user can
successes, they learn of combat situations.
revitalize a target’s life
approximately when their
energies, forcing the healing
target last took Willpower Morphean Blow process within their target to
damage. With three successes, By focusing their will, the kick start with the user’s aid.
the user learns the attribute Salubri can place a target in a Much like Anesthetic Touch,
rating of their target’s Resolve forced slumber, knocking this power often manifests as a
as well as any mental them unconscious with a cool sensation washing over
derangements, delusions, or single blow. A result of the the target’s body while healing
compulsions their target is Salubri’s innate knowledge of energies take effect.
currently suffering under. the flow of life and death
energies, the user of this Cost: 1 Rouse check.
Duration: N/A power can disrupt both flows, Dice Pool: Wits + Medicine.
causing their target to fall into
catatonic slumber. System: After touching their
Level 2 target, the user of this power
Anesthetic Touch Cost: 1 Rouse Check. rolls their Wits + Medicine.
By merely touching a willing Dice Pool: Wits + Resolve vs For each success that the user
target, the user can eliminate Stamina + Resolve. rolls, the target heals 1
all sensation of pain and Superficial Damage. For every
suffering. This touch takes a System: After successfully two successes that the user
mere moment of touching a target (which may rolls, the target heals 1
concentration and a rousing of require a Dexterity + Brawl aggravated damage. This
the blood to activate. A cool attack), the character makes a power can only be used to heal
sensation of calm and ease Rouse check. Once the target physical injury; it cannot be
spreads from the user’s touch, has been touched, the used to heal Willpower
sliding over the target’s body character then rolls their Wits damage.
and forcing all pain and + Resolve versus the target’s
discomfort to fade away for Stamina + Resolve. As long as This power cannot be used on
the duration. the user achieves one success the vampire utilizing it; it may
more than their target, the only be used to heal others.
Cost: 1 Rouse Check. target falls unconscious until

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

Duration: N/A will of the user.

Cost: 1 Rouse Check.
Burning Touch Cost: 1 Rouse Check. Dice Pool: N/A
Instead of healing with a Dice Pool: Willpower vs
simple touch, the user of this Willpower. System: Once activated, this
power can inflict incredible power allows the user to roll 2
pain upon their target. With a System: With a full turn's additional dice in defense
mere touch (or more often a concentration, the user opens against both ranged and melee
strike), the user wracks their their third eye and bathes a 30 physical attacks against them.
target’s body with pain. When x 30-foot area in golden light. This grants no additional dice
activating this ability, the Those within the area of effect on any offensive actions,
user’s third eye opens and are unable to initiate physical merely defensive.
glows a baleful red. or social combat for the
duration of this power unless Duration: 1 scene.
Cost: 1 Rouse Check. they spend a point of
Dice Pool: Wits + Resolve vs Willpower and defeat the user
Stamina + Resolve. in a Willpower versus Level 5
Willpower roll.
Redressing the Sin
System: After successfully The Salubri were once fabled
touching or striking an No roll is needed once this
as healers and scholars. While
opponent, the user rolls their power is activated until
they may have fallen from
Wits + Resolve versus their someone attempts to initiate a
grace, this power allows a
target’s Stamina + Resolve. If hostile action. At that point,
brief glimpse into their once-
the user is successful, any the rolls will be made. If the
noble heritage. By spending a
current impairment penalties user of this power initiates a
scene in conversation and
the target is suffering from are hostile action, their use of the
contemplation with their
doubled for their next action. Shepherd’s Watch
target, the user of this power
If the target is not currently automatically deactivates for
can ease their target’s soul,
suffering from impairment everyone else present in the
allowing them to come to a
penalties, they now suffer scene.
new understanding of their
from a -2 dice impairment state and the consequences of
penalty for their next action. Duration: 1 scene or until
Duration: 1 action. Cost: 1 Willpower.
Armor of Fury Dice Pool: Resolve + Insight.
By focusing their rage and
Level 4 anger through their blood, the System: The user of this power
user of this power surrounds
Shepherd’s Watch must spend at least 1 full scene
themselves with a glowing in conversation with their
By focusing their will into a
aura of power. Their third eye target regarding the state of
shield against harm, the user
open and glowing crimson, the their soul and humanity. As
causes their third eye to open
user becomes a sight out of the scene ends, the user then
an emit a golden light. Those
nightmares. This power, while rolls their Resolve + Insight
in their immediate area are
dramatic in appearance, subtly with a difficulty equal to the
unable to initiate any cause of
deflects and assists the user in number of Stains their target
direct action that will lead to
avoiding the blows of their currently suffers from. If the
the harm of those within the
opponents. character succeeds, all the
area without overcoming the
Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

target’s Stains are eliminated. melee or brawl attack, the Dice Pool: Wits + Survival.
character activates this power.
If the target of this ability Their opponent cannot make System: After touching the
currently has no Stains, the a roll to dodge or defend; blood of their target, the user
difficulty of this power make the attack at difficulty 1. concentrates for one full turn
becomes 4. If the user Even if an opponent possesses and activates this power.
succeeds, they may restore 1 Celerity 5, they cannot Upon a successful Wits +
humanity to the target that actively dodge this power. In Survival roll with a Difficulty
has been lost within the last addition, the character of 1, the character gains a +2
lunar cycle. receives a +2 damage modifier dice bonus to all tracking rolls
for their attack and kindred against their quarry.
A target can only benefit from targets cannot halve any
humanity restoration once per superficial damage dealt by If the target is of the Tremere
lunar cycle. the attack. or Ba’ali clans, the Salubri
gains an additional +2 dice
Duration: N/A Duration: A single attack. bonus to all tracking rolls.
Many users of this power
Vengeance of Samiel suggest that following
By activating the totality of Auspex 4 Tremere or Ba’ali with this
their skill and knowledge of ability leaves them trailing the
Mark of the Tracker
life and death, the user of this scent of brimstone or sulphur.
Amalgam: Valeren 2
power can unerringly strike an With a mere drop of his
opponent, locking on to the Duration: 1 Night
target’s blood, the user of this
very essence of their target’s power can track a target over
being and guiding the user’s the course of a night without
strike. Upon activation, the error. Manifesting as an innate
character’s third eye opens, sense of the general direction
blazing with a malevolent, of the target and proximity
crimson light. (close or distant), this power
allows the user to gain a bonus
Cost: 2 Rouse Checks. to all tracking rolls against a
Dice Pool: N/A single individual.
System: Before making a Cost: Free.

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

Serpents of the Light

The Serpents of the Light separated themselves

from their parent clan nearly a century ago.
Though there are questions as to their ultimate
origins, whispers state that the Sabbat affiliated
members originated with a group of Ministry
cainites that found themselves abandoned in the
Snakes West Indies. There, they adopted local culture
Corruptors and beliefs—and eventually found themselves very
agreeable with the Sabbat’s goals and ideology.
In short order, the newly christened Serpents of
Children of a Dead God the Light were adopted into the Sabbat’s myriad
roster, lending their strength and skills to the
aims of the Sword. The Serpents have proven
themselves as valuable allies, but as the Church of
Set and the Ministry have begun to apparently
fracture, a question of the Serpents’ ultimate
loyalty has begun to gain traction. With the
Ministry’s complete defection to the Anarchs and
the apparent rift between them and the Church of
Set… is there a possibility that the two halves of
the clan can be united?
Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

“Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts... perhaps the

fear of a loss of power.”
― John Steinbeck

Don’t believe everything you hear…

By Jean Stahl, Serpent of the Light Priest of the
Lost Eternity pack

I can’t say I really believe too much in the current

rumors that the Church of Set and the “Ministry”
have a division. It’s more than likely a charade to
allow them to gain control of an entire sect for
the benefit of their rotten god. Newsflash, Set is
dead. He has been for a long time. Time to get
over it and move on.

Really, though, the Setites changing their name to

the “Ministry” is like a girl drastically cutting her
hair after a bad break up. It’s a pretense at control
and a cry for attention. They’re just as morally
bankrupt as they always were, and they’re just as
enslaved to the idea of their Antediluvian being a
god as ever.

Don’t believe it.

Hmm? Why should you trust me? Well, I mean…

why wouldn’t you?

Who are the Serpents of the Light?

The Serpents of the Light are more than just an
offshoot of the Ministry. At least, to hear them
tell of it. It is true that they and their parent clan
have a burning hatred for one another that knows
no bounds—the Ministry views the Serpents as
heretics and traitors while the Serpents view the
Ministry as hopelessly lost and utterly dangerous
in their quest to revive their dead god.

The Serpents, to their credit, have always been

faithful, if not manipulative members of the
Sword of Caine. They have specialized in the
corruption of officials and cainites, bending
institutions and wills to the aims of the Sabbat.
They recruit con men and charismatic individuals.
Those with a more casual relationship with
morality are preferred, as they are more easily
brought into the fold.

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

The Serpents of the Light in Cainite Society say, “manipulate to our purposes.” Either way, it
By Robert Erving, Serpent of the Light member of works for me. We tend to get in close with the
the Unfeeling Gods pack local population wherever we are embedded with
our packs.
If I had to be honest, and I mean only if I really
had to be… I would say that our usual lot in the It doesn’t mean we end up besties or friend each
Sabbat relates to our incredible charisma and other on social media. We still know they’re just
force of personality. We are often the ones with food… but they’re just so much fun. We enjoy
the connections needed to move goods or twisting the tools of the Camarilla against them.
individuals across more sensitive territories. We We enjoy it, even more, when we can get back at
are movers and shakers. Our clan is often some Ministry fucks while we’re at it. It’s… almost
responsible for manipulating mortal society in like a game, really.
ways favorable to the Sword of Caine.
Sins of the Serpents of the Light
In the middle of the Gehenna War, this may seem, “Power-lust is a weed that grows only in the
at first glance, a difficult place for us to exercise vacant lots of an abandoned mind.”
such skills, but in reality, it is the perfect place— ― Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
and a very important one. We can retrieve
information from locals, arrange for militias and The Serpents of the Light play a dangerous game
other groups to look away as we move in on of one-upmanship with Ministry cainites when
territory… we gain the trust of natives, ensure they appear. The sense of superiority they have
their loyalty, and allow the Sword to operate over their parent clan and the rivalry that it has
under the radar as we decimate our enemies. created within its members has had the potential
of endangering the Sword of Caine’s goals
Life is good. numerous times.

The Serpents of the Light in Mortal Society Still, it is almost an addiction to the Serpents…
By Kalima, Serpent of the Light member of the one they will continue to indulge in until it brings
Fading Light pack their own schemes crashing down around their
You know, I actually like my job. I work pretty
closely with mortals for the Sword. Well, most
Sabbat wouldn’t say “work with.” They’d likely

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

Toreador Antitribu

The Toreador of the Camarilla are a degenerate

The Bloody Rose lot of artists and has-beens that infect the very
fabric of their sect. While they may have risen to
Hedonists prominence in recent years, their history is one of
decadence and excess. The Toreador Antitribu…
Prima donnas are not much different. The clan of the bloody
Degenerates rose is far more violent than their parent clan, and
it shows.

These Toreador revel in causing pain and

spreading discontentment with the status quo.
They are seeking more “pure” forms of art, taking
their works to the extreme and beyond. Masters of
both social and artistic arenas, the Toreador
Antitribu are not to be underestimated.

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

“Do not fall in love with people like me.

I will take you to museums, and parks, and monuments,

and kiss you in every beautiful place, so that you can
never go back to them without tasting me like blood in
your mouth.

I will destroy you in the most beautiful way possible. And

when I leave you will finally understand, why storms are
named after people.”
― Caitlyn Siehl, Literary Sexts: A Collection of Short &
Sexy Love Poems
It’s called art, darling…
By Horace, Toreador Priest of the Fading Light

There was a time, years ago, when the Toreador of

the Sabbat were a more cultured sort. At least,
that is what some of my more disenchanted
brothers and sisters will tell you. We drew upon
the dark passions inside of us to create truly
magnificent works—and tore down those who had
a lessor sense of artistic license.

Performing flawless vivisection on stage is a far

better display of skill than attending your local
open mic night at the café--wouldn’t you agree?

Now, with the desolation of warzones around us,

what is a true artist to do? Make an art out of

Let the others in the Sabbat talk down to us. Let

the mendicants grovel at the feet of the local
Bishop or writhe in bliss at the fleeting praise of
an Archbishop. They are below our concern. They
will find our vengeance is slow-burning and

Who are the Toreador Antitribu?

The Toreador Antitribu fill many roles within the
Sabbat. From supernatural speed, senses, and
charisma, the Toreador draw upon a strong core
of innate abilities. This allows them to act as field
agents, spies, and fixers par excellence.

However, not all Toreador appreciate the

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

Gehenna War. Some were dragged away from But they’re missing the point. Artists need to
their bloody studios and morbid art and brought observe suffering so that we may best portray it in
to a desolate wasteland to fight alongside their our works.
brethren in the Sword of Caine.
The Toreador Antitribu in Mortal Society
Others, however, have found a great use for their By Jessica Irene, Toreador Abbot of the Guided
skills in the war effort. They sway local mortals to Blade pack
hide the activities of the Sabbat, they arrange safe
passage, and they can fund the Sword’s activities Mmm. Mortals… such a tasty word, isn’t it? Rolls
through various illicit means. of the tongue. It holds a hint of finality as you
pronounce it. Mortal. Such a beautiful
On the other side, those artists that make the War representation of short, pained lives. In a way, I
their home tend to fully embrace the carnage and envy them. They get to experience us as the divine
bloodshed, creating devastatingly beautiful works creatures of eternity that we are.
of art—from bloody display pieces and
installations to twisted sculptures created from Our cousins in the Camarilla and the Anarchs are
the bodies of their enemies. experts at manipulating mortals. It is only natural
to say that we are as well.
The Toreador Antitribu in Cainite Society
By Vincent Stephens, Toreador Antitribu We toy with emotions, build humans up, feed
member of the Bitten Tongue pack them sweet things, and then dash them to the
flagstones to watch them break. There’s
You have to love warzones. So much material to something achingly beautiful in manipulating
work with for creating art. The very act of lovers into killing each other—especially when
destruction, itself, compels a necessary act of you brought them together in the first place.
creation. So, if you really think about it, us
destroying whatever we come across in this hell Such a magnificent pastime, mortals.
eventually prompts creations to arise. We’re part
of a cycle that I, frankly, consider divine. Sins of the Toreador Antitribu
“I loved her, atom by atom, one burning cell at a
The Gehenna War tore me out of my studio loft. time.”
Back in New York, I worked with blood and ― Kami Garcia, Beautiful Darkness
viscera. Painting lost souls in a canvas of flesh.
Here? The possibilities are endless. There are The Toreador Antitribu can sometimes get too
those mortals who adore such artistic endeavors, involved in their art or mortal society. The small
just so we are on the same page. I love the twisted pettiness, opportunities to inflict emotional or
little bastards. They have good taste. physical pain… these things draw the Toreador of
the Sabbat like a moth to a flame.
Outside of that, however, I get to work with a vast
array of materials. The sadistic nature of the Toreador Antitribu has
long been witnessed as a cruel streak that simply
At the core of it, though, things can be difficult in runs through their blood. In this, they sometimes
the areas we end up working. Some of my have small games among one another about who
brothers and sisters settle in with stationary can eviscerate targets socially to best effect.
packs—playing politics and plying their skills for
Sabbat officials. They get comfortable. They stay
out of the way of bullets.

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

Alternative Rules for Toreador Antitribu

Alternative Bane Compulsion: Sadism

If a player wishes and their storyteller approves, Homing in on opportunities to psychologically
the Toreador Antitribu may exchange the torment others is both a pastime and a partial
standard Bane and Compulsion of their clan to obsession for the Toreador Antitribu.
the following:
When this compulsion is active, the Toreador
Bane: Morbid Fascination with Pain must take every opportunity to point out the
Unlike the core Bane of non-Sabbat Toreador, the shortcomings or deliver scathing critique to
habits and surroundings of the Toreador potential victims in their vicinity. These
Antitribu have turned a need for beauty into a observations and commentary can be about
need to be surrounded in some capacity by anything from hairstyle to fighting technique.
misery. They feed off tortured souls and disquiet.
If spoken to, the Toreador is obsessed with
Whenever a Toreador Antitribu is in pointing out the flaws in at least one target
surroundings devoid of unease or some form of around them. In any other action, they are at a -2
unhappiness, they are agitated. To their artistic dice penalty until the end of the scene or until the
minds, individuals who are not suffering are target of their ire leaves.
ignoring the realities of the world. They feel it is
fake and insincere.

As a result, they lose the equivalent of their Bane

Severity in dice from dice pools to use Disciplines
while in such surroundings

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

Tremere Antitribu

Clan Tremere. One of the most despised and

manipulative clans ever to grace the jyhad.
Starting as a collection of mortal wizards
desperately seeking eternal life, the Tremere chose
Devil Touched vampirism in a final gambit for immortality.
What resulted was a series of wars and skirmishes
The Returned that left an Antediluvian devoured and a
bloodline hunted nearly to extinction.
The Broken It was only natural that a clan so baptized in war
would eventually find some of its members
House Céanna joining the Sabbat.

The Tremere of the Sabbat rebelled against the

tyranny of the Council of Seven and chose the
path of freedom within the sect… and were
subsequently burned in the fires of their own
hubris beneath Mexico City years ago. Now,
they’ve returned… and brought with them a new
House and a new agenda. The question is: can
they be trusted?

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

“All gods who receive homage are cruel. All gods dispense suffering without reason. Otherwise, they
would not be worshipped. Through indiscriminate suffering, men know fear and fear is the most divine
emotion. It is the stones for altars and the beginning of wisdom. Half gods are worshipped in wine and
flowers. Real gods require blood.”
― Zora Neale Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God

The More things Change… Who are the Tremere Antitribu?

By Japeth St. Croix, Tremere Ductus of the Regal After the destruction of the Prime Chantry in
Death pack. Vienna by agents of the Second Inquisition, the
Tremere were in disarray. Some would say karma
Some suggest that fate is circular—that what once had delivered a blow to the haughty warlocks,
was will be again. While I tend to disagree with visiting upon them a similar fate that they created
such a silly notion of cyclic fate, I cannot deny for an ancient bloodline. Their arrogance and
that my blood and I have been here before. Let’s presumptions of importance had made them few
be frank… the destruction of Vienna and the allies in their time as kindred… and when they
Council was a call to freedom. While other elders were cast down en masse, their fate was one of
roamed about the land spreading crystal magic obscurity.
and feel-good vibes (yes, you, Carna), the rest of
us were returning from the brink. Returning to peddling their craft for favors and
boons, scraping their way back up from the
Imagine the return of House Goratrix and what it bottom of Camarilla society was to be their price
would bring… of continued existence. Some, however, felt that
this was a ridiculous price to pay for unlife. When
Then imagine when it amounted to nothing. Goratrix returned, presumably from either torpor
or exile, it was expected that he would return to
Such a disappointment. Not all the change we the fold of the Sabbat and lead his House to
have encountered has been bad, however. The prominence. When he did not, it left the few
breaking of our chains has freed us. New Houses scattered survivors of the Sabbat Tremere bitter
of Tremere emerged from the ashes of the old. and enraged.
Carna’s House… the Anarch House…and now, us.
However, House Goratrix’s return (as
It was no powerful ancient or former Pontifex underwhelming as it was) prompted a group of
that brought us back from the brink. No, they ancilla led by Connor O’Shae to go fully rogue.
were childer who languished in servitude to the Deciding to turn from the stifling Camarilla and
clan. United by a charismatic ancilla, House what he viewed as the baby rebellion of the
Céanna took root. Our founder sought out the Anarchs, O’Shae led his charges directly to the
Sabbat after the defection of the Gangrel and Sabbat.
Brujah. He knew that our future would not lie
with the stagnant blood of the Camarilla. And, he It is rumored that he met with Cardinal Vykos
wagered, that given the changes sweeping through outside of Istanbul alongside Yasmin the Black,
the world of cainites (such as the loss of the offering to bring himself and the coteries who
Koldun), the Sabbat would welcome blood followed him into the Gehenna War. Whether or
magicians once more into the fold. not such a meeting ever occurred, or what terms
might have been agreed to, the Tremere Antitribu
He was right. of House Céanna have been steadily growing in
power and affluence in the Sabbat since mid-2009.

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

Embracing those with a knack for the occult or

keen powers of observation, the House has
specialized in bringing young, enterprising
occultists into the Sabbat. While some practices
of the House skirt the edge of truly dark magics,
their bloody rites have turned the tide in many
battles in the Gehenna War, winning the respect
of their fellows.

The Tremere Antitribu in Cainite Society

By Connor O’Shae, Tremere Ductus of the
Crimson Spire pack.

When we came to the Sword there was serious

discussion as to whether the Tzimisce would
simply devour us or enslave us to secure new
knowledge of blood sorcery. When a relationship
starts on the brink of conflict, there is never really
good common ground. Save one… the Tremere no
longer have a founder. We were freed from the
shackles of our ancient tyrant, and the one we
devoured as well. On this, we and the Tzimisce
share similar experiences. Clans freed of their

We, the Tzimisce, and the Lasombra share a

common strength—we are unchained from
devouring beasts of myth. The Sabbat needed a
morale boost. We gladly came along. Uniting clans
that could show the greatness that could be
accomplished when the ancients were killed, we,
Tzimisce, and the Lasombra delivered a series of
crushing defeats to the Camarilla across the
Persian Gulf.

I will not deny that should we have failed, our

gambit to join the Sabbat also would have failed…
but combined with our skill in blood magic and
our allies’ own gifts, we were like angels of death
moving across the fields of battle. With those
skirmishes, we won our place at the table.

Of course, the Lasombra have fallen on hard times

since. That is no longer our problem. We have our
place; they can fight to regain theirs.

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

Now, we take up our duties as occult just cognizant of their value. I don’t mind gunning
reinforcement and ritual enhancement for the down a few Camarilla ghouls or mind-fucked
Sword. Our battle magi fight alongside those lackeys, but I’m not going to go drain my herd dry
other clans who would have once sought our very to help a lick who just wants to top off, you know
heartsblood. The Banu Haqim and Salubri what I mean?
Antitribu have been forced to put aside whatever
imagined or real grievances they have with us and Aside from that, we try to keep abreast of new
have become our brothers and sisters. The discoveries in various academic topics—both for
Tzimisce have accepted our presence (despite our our own work and the goals of the Sabbat. So, in a
well-documented history), and we are now here to way, we have a “cozier” relationship with our food
place our own stamp on the Sabbat. than most.

The only thing left for us is to ascend to Sins of the Tremere

prominence in station… but centuries of scheming “Arrogance on the part of the meritorious is even
in the Camarilla have left us well prepared for more offensive to us than the arrogance of those
back-alley deals and negotiation. We will have without merit: for merit itself is offensive.”
power over our own fates, and damnation will be ― Friedrich Nietzsche
upon those who would deny us.
The Tremere Antitribu suffer from the same
Tremere Antitribu in Mortal Society arrogance that has damaged their parent clan.
By Trina Vryce, Tremere member of the Sanguine However, in the Sabbat, their arrogance is fueled
Nines pack. by thinking that they know exactly how the end
game will play out. Those who have joined the
Mortals are incredibly important to us. As blood Sabbat are often aloof to their packmates, and
magicians, they fuel not only our bodies but our even those who are not can seem to be silently
powers. Without a proper supply of blood to flow judging those around them.
into our experiments and rituals, we would be
dead in the water. As a result, we tend to be more The power of the Tremere Antitribu blood magic
careful when we feed and lean toward sustainable has gained them potent allies, as well as potent
herds. enemies. Unfortunately, they view themselves as
superior to any potential threat that could be
This isn’t to say that we love the juicebags; we’re arrayed against them.

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

in their own blood. Battle for cainites knowing the age of

magi tend to work with a series of catacombs or how
packs that specialize in to decipher ancient script is
close-quarters warfare so sometimes a matter of life and
that they can best utilize death. For more series
their skills in vitae incursions against the
manipulation. For those ancients, knowledge of local
that they fight alongside, history and cainite history is
these Tremere are viewed priceless. Tremere Antitribu
as equal parts valuable and who specialize in such matters
dangerous. often work alongside ducti or
others to assist in strategy
Advisor formulation and logistical
Specializing in information support. When not in the
gathering and Auspex- field, they are often
based scouting, Advisors researching new areas of
are often tacticians or interest to keep their packs on
consultants for their ducti. the front line of intelligence.
Advisors are commonly found
Tremere in support roles during Sanguine Warlock
operations. While they may While battle magi live for the
Antitribu have martial skills, their heat of combat, sanguine
Archetypes specialty lies not in combat
but in uncovering enemy
warlocks are focused on ritual
knowledge. These Tremere
fortifications, hidden assets, Antitribu apply their magics
Battle Mage and weaknesses. These to ward havens, imbue
The Gehenna War demands Tremere Antitribu are not weapons for their packmates,
that all Sabbat have at least likely to become ducti, and otherwise enhance the
some comfortability with preferring to spend their time efforts of their brothers and
violence. The battle magi of investigating leads and sisters. Their knowledge of
the Tremere Antitribu feed following up on rumors to arcane practices and defenses
off violence… literally. They best serve the Sword. are often of great use when
burn through vitae almost as uncovering ancient tombs of
quickly as they consume it, Cainite Historian sorcerers or defeating the
stealing it from their The Gehenna War has proven protections of Camarilla assets
adversaries and using their to the Sabbat time and time in the field. As the Ashirra
own essence to fuel spells and again that knowledge of their and Camarilla join forces with
rituals against them. These enemies is vital to their increasing frequency in the
cainites are often itching for success in the field. While theatres of war, these Tremere
their next battle, eager to knowledge of ancient history are often in high demand.
devour their opponents on the is not always useful in
field of battle or to boil them frontlines battle for mortals,

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

valued positions within their sect.

Dominate: Bending minds has long been a valued
Auspex: The Tremere Antitribu, like their skill among the Tremere—of any sect. Warping
Camarilla and Anarch counterparts, utilize memories, covering up messy operations, or even
Auspex to examine individuals and places, sense simply forcing compliance in a target has always
mystical energies, and gather intelligence on been considered a potent weapon in the Tremere
rivals. In the Gehenna War, the Tremere have arsenal. Within the Sabbat, it is the same.
utilized teams of Auspex-specialized clanmates to Tremere Antitribu often learn at least the
delve into secret vaults and read glimpses of the rudimentary powers of Dominate to assist with
past from ancient artifacts. the gathering of lore, interrogation, or enforced
Blood Sorcery: The ability to wield blood sorcery
in a sect that had lost not one, but two sources of Bane
mystical prowess has given the Tremere Antitribu Like their Camarilla and Anarch counterparts,
the ability to show their value repeatedly. the Tremere Antitribu are not able to force blood
Whether a sorcerer is skilled in rituals or combat bonds upon others and have difficulty bonding
applications of spells, Tremere skilled in Blood mortals and ghouls. However, a properly
Sorcery rites that may evade the grasp of their performed Vaulderie still forges Vinculum of
Assamite sectmates have many opportunities for proper strength, allowing the Tremere Antitribu
advancement within the Sabbat. Blood sorcery to benefit from the ritus.
has, as in the past, fueled clan Tremere’s rise to

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

successive attempts to heal are next time they

New Powers successful. activate the Auspex
power of Sense the
Blood Sorcery Duration: One scene for each Unseen, they gain a +1
margin of success. dice bonus to their
Level 4 rolls to detect blood
magic, rituals, or
Infirm Inert
The Tremere can strip a Rituals other mystical effects
(at the Storyteller’s
cainite of part of their
immortality—rendering their Level 1 discretion) for the
rest of the scene. The
supernatural ability to heal Sense the Mystical
effects of this ritual
damage completely inert. By The Tremere Antitribu can
last for one night
infecting the target cainite enhance their abilities to
until used.
with a mere touch and detect mystical resonance and
whispered curse, the Tremere properties with their powers
Antitribu causes the target’s of Auspex. By opening
blood to resist the call to themselves up to the power of Level 3
mend wounds or reknit flesh their own blood, they heighten Essence of Shadow
and bone. their proficiency in sensing The blood magician enhances
magical energies in objects his own ability to move
Cost: 1 Rouse Check and people around them. undetected as well as those of
Dice Pool: Wits + Blood • Ingredients: An open his choosing. This ritual makes
Sorcery vs Resolve + Blood flame and several it more difficult to detect the
Potency drops of the caster’s beneficiaries both audibly and
blood. visibly as shadows deepen
System: The user must first • Process: The caster where they walk and muffle
touch their target successfully. lights a candle drips a the sounds of their footsteps.
If the target is unwilling or few droplets of their • Ingredients: 1 Rouse
actively attempting to avoid own blood onto the check worth of blood
the touch, the blood sorcerer flame. The black ash for every 3
must make a brawl challenge that forms out of the participants
to establish contact. Once the droplets is then (minimum 1 rouse
target has been successfully spread across the check)
touched, the Tremere eyelids of the blood • Process: The blood
whispers a small curse and magician while magician incants a
infects the target, prompting intoning a spell of brief spell calling
the opposed roll of Wits + clarity. The next time upon entities of
Blood Sorcery vs the target’s the caster utilizes darkness and silence,
Resolve + Blood Potency. Sense the Unseen, beseeching their aid
they gain the benefits in keeping himself
If the blood sorcerer is of this ritual. and compatriots of
successful, the next time their • System: Once the ash his choosing from
target attempts to Rouse the has been spread across prying eyes. Over the
blood to heal, they cannot do their eyelids, the course of ten minutes,
so. The target still attempts to blood sorcerer makes the blood sorcerer
Rouse the blood, but no a Ritual roll. If chants, speaking
damage is healed. All successful, the very softly over himself
Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

and those he wishes to imbues the runes with The magician coats
include in the ritual, mystical energy, their hands with the
anointing them with calling upon ancient mixture while
his own blood. forces to protect the chanting a prayer to
• System: A successful sanctity of the haven. entities of disease and
Ritual roll allows the • System: Once famine. To activate
caster and those he successfully the mystical
wishes to include to performed, the properties of the
gain a +2 dice bonus caster’s haven gains a ritual, the caster
on all stealth rolls for bonus +2 in Security invokes the power of
the scene immediately System for one lunar the prayer after
following the month. If acts of touching a target,
completion of the malicious violence transferring the spell
ritual. Recipients of occur within the physically.
this bonus must be haven during this • System: Once the
present at the casting time, the effects of mixture has been
of the ritual. this ritual are lost prepared, the caster
immediately. makes a Ritual roll. If
successful, the
Level 4 Blood Allergy enchantment lasts for
The blood magician infects one night. Upon
Sanctity of the Haven
their target’s body with a touching a target of
The blood sorcerer inscribes
mystical disease. This disease their choosing, the
sigils of protection and
causes a violent reaction the magician invokes the
warding at key locations in his
next time the target ingests power of the spell and
pack’s haven. Once performed
blood. Once feeding is infects their target
successfully, the haven is more
completed (no matter how with the ritual’s
difficult for invaders to breach
much hunger is slaked), the effects. The next time
as subtle forces obstruct their
target vomits up the blood the target feeds
efforts to gain entry.
they have ingested. successfully, they
• Ingredients: Blood of
• Ingredients: spend three turns
the caster (two Rouse
Powdered nightshade vomiting up all the
checks worth)
and the caster’s blood blood they ingested in
• Process: The blood a bloody display. All
(1 Rouse check worth)
magician inscribes successive attempts to
runes of protection • Process: The caster
grinds nightshade feed are handled
and safety at points normally. This ritual’s
on the inside of the with a mortar and
pestle. Once the plant effects last for up to
haven facing the three nights once
cardinal directions. is reduced to a
powder, the caster activated on a target.
Once this is done, the
caster meditates for then pours in their
an evening and blood, making a paste.

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

What Happened to Goratrix?

By Connor O’Shae, Tremere Ductus of the Crimson Spire pack

No one really understands or knows what happened to Goratrix. What we do know is that sometime in the
late 90s, all the Sabbat Tremere Antitribu were summoned to some sort of high ritual beneath Mexico City.
Virtually all were killed. A few scattered members survived and escaped the purge. Stories conflict, but in the
end, the result is that Goratrix was either killed, placed in torpor, or otherwise vanished.

Now, after the destruction of Vienna and the death of the Council of Seven along with most of the higher
echelons of the Pyramid, Goratrix—or someone pretending to be him—returned to a more active role.
Whatever the truth behind the return of House Goratrix, the remaining Clan welcomed the House back into
the Camarilla.

We’re not sure if it was Goratrix or just the weakening of the blood, but those of us that participate in the
Vaulderie no longer manifest the brand of the betrayer on our foreheads. If it was Goratrix, perhaps it is a
hint that he still has plans for us in the Sabbat (and if he does, he will find himself having to earn our
cooperation—we bow to no one, now). Otherwise, we can assume that it is a side effect of our new mutation
in the blood.

Whether or not it truly is Goratrix who brought his House back into the Camarilla and the Pyramid, we
don’t consider them brothers and sisters any more than we would any other Camarilla member.

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood


A clan of elegant decadence and unrestrained

Flesh Crafters violence, the Tzimisce of the Sabbat are powerful
figures that hold within them a great capacity for
Fiends both refined hospitality and revolting acts of
torment. In nights passed, they would modify
Vivodes their bodies to be profoundly alien in beauty or
Dragons strangeness, using their powers to twist flesh to
intimidate their enemies and to evolve themselves
into higher states.

Now, in the fires of conflict, the masquerade of

the clan has come to an end. Forged in battle and
awash in stolen vitae, the vampires of the
Tzimisce once more rise to prominence and
authority, commanding the Sabbat from the front
lines of battle while the treacherous Lasombra
parlays with the Camarilla.

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

“Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.”

― Carl Sagan desiccated husk within their pack’s haven.
Requiem for the Koldun
By Lakir, Ductus of the Twisted Mirror You could say the check came due on the
Koldun… and they all ended up paying.
Who among us truly weeps for the decline of the
Koldun? For ages, our blood ruled from the peaks Who are the Tzimisce
of mountains, worshipped as dark gods by By Kezia Bratu, Priestess of Caine
peasants who flocked to our banners. We were
barons and lords, men and beasts. We were In the days of my sire, our blood embraced those
dragons among men. And then we fell to the way of noble heritage and regal bearing. We embraced
of the Koldun. Sorcerers leeching power off the the intelligence and quick of wit… as well as those
spirits of the land and milking secret words of fire willing to sacrifice whatever needed in order to
and wind from the teet of the demon Kapula. emerge victorious in their struggles. In short, we
embraced humans who could be rulers if they but
At least, that’s what the stories say. had the proper power at their fingertips.

In truth, we were rulers that used terror and raw Then, we began to explore the boundaries of
power to maintain control of our lands. At some cainite flesh. We embraced the sadistic and
point, an ancient demon or spirit (depending on masochistic, those who dabbled in immoral
who you ask) granted us a type of magic—magic sciences and experimented with morality and the
we called Koldunism. For centuries, it flourished human condition. Scientists, hedonists,
among the clan, then declined, and later saw a decadently elegant mortals… all of them found a
resurgence before the Gehenna War. place within the blood.

Our initial assaults relied heavily on the magical As the Sabbat experiment flourished, we receded
prowess of our brethren. We assailed tombs and into the background, keeping the sect alive
catacombs, devastating sleeping elders and those through our ritae and spiritualism. We tended to
who were shaking off the sleep of the ages. Our the souls of our packs and, as such, we became the
sorcerers took this as a sign that they were truly heart of the Sabbat.
meant to rule the clan as Vivodes.
Things have changed. While you will still find all
This did not go over well with the rest of the clan. manner of fiends within the clan, we will be
However, the prowess of the sorcerers could not known once more as the dragons of old. It has
be denied. At least, until IT woke up again. fallen upon us to lead the Gehenna War now that
we cannot rely so fully upon the Lasombra. Now,
The beast Kapula finally paid attention once more we search for those with the strength of will to do
to our Koldun… and when it turned its gaze to what must be done. It doesn’t matter if they are
those of us who practiced the arts taught through sadistic murderers or quiet monsters… we will
bargain and whispered pact, nothing was ever the take them and forge them into excellence… or
same. break them and use their parts for our more
deadly creations.
You may hear some of us talk about attacks upon
the beast’s home, or terms of our deal not being
honored by one side or the other… but the truth
is, it doesn’t matter. Within the span of a year,
nearly every Tzimisce descended from the lines of
Kolduns or who practiced the art was found as a

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

The Tzimisce in Cainite Society

By Thomas St. Lucas, Tzimisce Templar

Knowing my family is about as close as you can

get to being trapped in an asylum for the
criminally insane. Think of every creepy uncle,
every violent abuser, every tweaker, and every
mad scientist stereotype that you’ve ever heard
of... chances are, there are at least a few dozen
Tzimsice across the planet that can fill each one of
them. Almost to a “T.”

When the mystics died, it got even worse, from

my point of view. Think of it this way, when the
sorcerers were around, the more demented and
deranged aspects of the clan had a natural buffer.
Maybe the Kolduns kept them in check, or maybe
they just provided enough of a variance that it
kind of balanced out the insanity in the rest of the
clan. Whatever the case, shit went off the deep
end a few years ago.

When the Kolduns were turned into beef jerky by

whatever the hell it was that sucked them dry, the
clan felt a void. We had always a reputation for
being a bit on the… the extreme side of things.
Being able to mess with bodies as if they were a
child’s putty can do that to a person. You tend to
get bored and start… well, experimenting. To
make a long story short, there was a small conflict
behind closed doors as to the path the clan would
take. We still had to contend with the Lasombra
in leadership positions and to be fair, they were
always a bit wary of our power over the sect due
to our creation of the ritae. So, they started to
push at us.

We pushed back.

What emerged was a family of dragons. The more

powerful and charismatic of us took to the fore,
reforming the clan into a force to be reckoned
with. We stood as equals with the Lasombra, lords
and dark monarchs of our domains, warriors
forged from the fires of our loss.

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

Then, recently, the Lasombra were caught now they are finding themselves once more.
petitioning the Camarilla for admittance. We
heard of this in whispers, but when it was fully Add the Sabbat’s loss of confidence in the
revealed, the Lasombra were pulled down from Lasombra and the Tzimisce are savagely fighting
their pedestals, and in their place, we began to for every inch of political ground they can muster
emerge as pack leaders, war party organizers, and during the trials of the Gehenna War. While they
the backbone of the Sabbat. have carved a path for themselves into the bloody
nights ahead, they are still just finding their true
The Tzimisce in Mortal Society strength.
By Edwin von Hochadel
In a sect made primarily of traitors and antitribu,
Hmm? The blood feast was particularly refreshing the Tzimisce remain the only clan fully
tonight, thank you for asking. committed to the war against the ancients and
their pawns. This has placed an incredible burden
Sins of the Tzimisce upon the Tzimisce—and to be fair, it is a burden
“Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way.” they took upon themselves with fang and bloody
— General George Patton talon.

The Tzimisce are a clan making up for lost time. In the end, the greatest sin of the Tzimisce is that
While they were ruthless nobility in millennia of hollow arrogance. They have worked to0
past, they were twisted into hedonists and fiercely to establish their dominance that they are
torturers, mad scientists, and elemental sorcerers. still trying to figure out exactly what it means for
So much of what they once were was lost… and both themselves and the Sabbat.

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

The Priest of Pain crumbling manors of the Old

Tzimisce These Tzimisce take the idea World, establishing vast tracts
of “pain being the greatest of land wherein they ruled
Archetypes teacher” to the extreme. They with absolute power. In the
seek to enlighten others Gehenna War, these vampires
The Extremist through misery and often establish bunkers and
True unlife is lived by suffering—both physically and bases of operation, hosting
experiencing everything that it mentally. They play games nomadic packs while they rest
has to offer. From the savage with their prey, often between missions in the field.
reaches of pain to mind- eradicating all hope before While in their domains, their
numbing pleasure. Experience either devouring them or word is the law and their
is everything. Extremists releasing them—just to see rights absolute.
generally use their powers of what the results may be.
Vicissitude to create freakish Knight of the Dragon
alterations of bone and flesh While they sometimes A new movement among the
to shock and amaze, finding function as pack Priests and fiends, the knights of the
amusement and power in the occasionally side with the dragon seek to bring the
discomfort of others. Bahari, these Tzimisce see bloody glory of conquest to
pain as a calling and the the Tzimisce clan. They hone
While many extremists may means to a higher power. their martial skills alongside
have delved into body other clans and lead packs
alteration as mortals, just as Neo-Feudalist from the front lines of battle.
many discover it through There was once a Tzimisce Utilizing their clan disciplines
experimentation with tradition of ruling over a as effective weapons across the
Vicissitude or other methods domain and isolating oneself fields of battle, these warriors
of mutilating the undead from other concerns—focusing stride like blood-soaked
frame. on the land a vampire could knights through smoke and
rule over and slowly fire, bringing their wrath to
expanding over time. These agents of the ancients.
feudalists thought themselves
the inheritors of the

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

Disciplines Tzmisce have always been bound tightly to the
lands of their birth. As a result, Tzimisce must
Animalism: Fashioning themselves as lords, the sleep each day with at least two handfuls of their
Tzimisce use their ability to communicate and native soil. This soil must be from the town or
command animals to better fortify their holdings. city of the vampire’s birth or embrace. If the
The clan’s affinity for Animalism is viewed like vampire does not sleep with the soil near them,
any other tool: a useful ability among a variety of they suffer from unease and slight disorientation
others at the vampire’s disposal. As rulers of the that grows more intense with each day that passes
land, they use Animalism as a method of until they are able to rest during the day with the
control—using beasts to terrorize the unruly, or proper soil.
simply dominating the creatures that live around
them and forcing them to submit to the vampire’s For each day that a Tzimisce sleeps or rests
will. without the required soil, they suffer a -1 dice
penalty to all actions for each level of their Bane
Auspex: The Tzimisce value insight—both into Severity. This penalty is cumulative, increasing by
guests and into their enemies. The abilities of the vampire’s Bane Severity each day without soil.
Auspex to peel back layers of an individual’s Once the vampire does once again rest with native
emotional being are enjoyed by the clan to an soil, the penalty is reduced to zero and starts over
almost perverse degree. Reading Auras, skimming again the next day they rest without it.
thoughts, and projecting their spirit from their
body to better survey their lands… all of these uses Clan Compulsion
of Auspex have great value to the discerning Tzimisce: Vivodes of Vivodes
Tzimisce. For the more monstrous Fiends, Auspex The Tzimisce were once viewed as lords of
can be used to track their prey or to interrogate manors and estates. They ruled from decadent
captives. For rulers and Vivodes, Auspex allows castles and fortresses, overseeing vast fields of
them insight into their territories that can only land and pliable peasants. While the Ventrue of
strengthen their control. the modern world have become more merchant
than king, the Tzimisce never ceased holding
Vicissitude: Monstrous and elegant are the words titles of lordship.
that most would use to describe the Tzimisce
ability to shape and twist flesh and bone. As a As a result, their clan compulsion calls upon them
sculptor molds his work, so do Tzimisce twist the to assert their authority upon those around them.
forms of the living. With but a touch, a fiend can The blood within the Tzimisce calls for a balance
remove entire sections of skin, flaying an enemy of the powerful against the submissive. To this
with nothing more than a graceful caress or they end, it demands that the Tzimisce place
can warp their own bodies into engines of themselves at the forefront of leadership.
destruction. The possibilities of Vicissitude allow
the fiends to be absolute masters of the flesh. For the scene, the fiend must seek an avenue to
gain power or authority over others in their
vicinity. This can be either social power, physical
power, or emotional power. They must attempt to
maneuver themselves into a position of power or
suffer a two-dice penalty to all actions for the
remainder of the scene.

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

allow for the appearance of a

New Powers The discipline of Vicissitude bulkier musculature or alter
has allowed the Tzimisce to be their gait. While the vampire
Vicissitude valued as infiltrators and may not mimic the
interrogators, the versatility of appearance of others exactly
I don’t know what came out of the discipline fueling their (doing so would require
the darkness. There were three of reputation as monsters and altering bone structure as well
us—me, Lucretia, and Walker. fiends. as skin and muscle), they can
All ready to assault a pack effectively disguise themselves.
outside of the village. The first While it was once widespread
thing that got us were the among the Sabbat to various Vampires may also use this
shadows that enveloped the degrees, in modern nights, the ability upon others, leading to
area—writhing and moving as if Tzimisce are much more a variety of uses for
they were alive. Then, some selective with who can learn infiltration and subterfuge.
monstrous beast right out of a its secrets, utilizing it as
horror movie charged out of the another method of control in Cost: 1 Rouse Check
black ichor. their fight for supremacy in Dice Pool: Dexterity + Crafts
the Sabbat. (Body)
It looked like spikes made from
bone and twisted sinew had burst Characteristics System: The vampire makes a
out of its skin. Its fingers and Type: Physical rouse check and then rolls
limbs were corded in black muscle Masquerade threat: Low to their Dexterity + Crafts
and spikey protrusions. And the High. Many of Vicissitude’s (Body). While simple
howl. Jesus fuck. The unholy effects can be hidden and alterations such as a slight
screams that came from a remain unseen. However, once change of pigment or erasure
multitude of mouths… they are fully activated, they of moles or birthmarks only
cause the body to behave in have a difficulty of 1, more
I’m not going back. Fuck it. Stake impossible ways. difficult alterations may
me if you want. I’m not facing Blood Resonance: Choleric require meeting higher
that thing again. difficulties at the Storyteller’s
Nicknames: Flesh Crafters,
Sculptors, Fiends,
Level 1 This power takes the totality
Fleshcraft of the vampire’s
The very basics of Vicissitude concentration, preventing its
allow the vampire to alter use in combat.
The ability of the Tzimisce to
their appearance. By working
alter their own bodies and the
their flesh as if it were clay, Simple alterations may only
bodies of others has been a
the Tzimisce may completely take a few minutes while more
hallmark of the clan. They
change the way they look. By complex adjustments may take
have used this skill to rise to
utilizing this power, a vampire a scene or more to complete.
prominence as body crafters
can alter the pigment in their
and artisans. Sabbat have
skin to look darker or lighter Duration: Until used again, or
come to them for tattoos or
than normal. They may also a rouse check is made to
ritual scarification, or even to
shift and adjust masses of restore the vampire’s original
remove limbs as punishment
muscle, fat, and tendons to appearance.
for contrition ritae.
Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

Note: When altering the flesh the target, leaving the subject
of an unwilling target, each a mass of ravaged flesh and
alteration made to targets can bone. This power deals 3
be “healed” as if it were superficial damage to the
Superficial Damage. The total target of a feeding in addition
amount of “damage” to be to the damage dealt from
healed to eliminate alterations blood loss.
is at the Storyteller’s
discretion. If a vampire utilizes this
power on another vampire, no
Siphon damage is dealt.
In a shocking display, the
Tzimisce can extend piercing Duration: N/A
tendrils of flesh and veins
from their hands or mouth.
These feeding tubes can pierce Level 2
muscle and bone, allowing the Bone Crafting
Tzimisce to slake their hunger By utilizing this power, the
with incredible speed. vampire can alter details of
their body such as height and
A victim fed from in this way bone density, making
is utterly ravaged, pierced by themselves appear larger in
dozens of small teeth and frame, or smaller. This level of
stingers, their bodies drained mastery over the physical form
of vitae to sate the vampire. allows the Tzimisce to mimic
a rough approximation of
Cost: Free other individuals as well as
Dice Pool: None. force changes upon others that
can disfigure or mutilate them
System: The vampire simply until healed.
wills the change to occur when
feeding. The Tzimisce’s flesh Cost: 1 Rouse Check
twists and forges the necessary Dice Polls: Dexterity + Crafts
alterations without a need to (body); Dexterity + Crafts
rouse the blood. This power (Body) vs. Stamina + Blood
can only be activated when Potency for unwilling targets.
the vampire is feeding and
requires a grapple to be System: Like with Fleshcraft,
successfully enacted upon the the vampire must physically
target. When active, it allows touch and mold his target’s
the vampire to reduce the body into the desired shapes.
time it takes to slake hunger The Tzimisce can make
by one half, to a minimum of serious alterations to their
one turn. forms, such as changing their
height or bone structure.
When this power is used to Combined with Fleshcraft and
feed, it mutilates the body of with a Dexterity + Crafts
Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

(Body) roll at a difficulty of 3, Dice Pools: N/A mortal’s body.

they can attempt to mimic
another individual. This System: The character makes a Cost: 1 Rouse Check
resemblance is only rouse check and spends one Dice Pool: N/A
approximate and those who turn wrenching and shaping
know the individual copied or their own bones in System: This power allows the
who scrutinize the disguise preparation for combat. While Tzimisce to apply the effects
can tell that something is this process is painful, it deals of Osseous Weaponry or Bone
amiss. This ability of bone no damage to the vampire as it Crafting to Ghouls and other
craft cannot be used on other is activated. This process vampires.
targets. cannot be enacted upon other
vampires or ghouls. This level of ability also allows
Additionally, by hardening the character to conceal their
their bones or extending small For the duration of this own bone weaponry
spurs from their body, the power, the vampire deals alterations. When the vampire
vampire can choose to deal +1 aggravated damage in close or anyone else given the
superficial damage in melee combat to mortals. Superficial benefits of hidden Osseous
combat. damage dealt to vampires with Weaponry activates their
these weapons is not halved weapons, they receive a point
To use this power on per normal. of aggravated damage as the
unwilling targets, the vampire spurs and spikes rip out of
must successfully strike their In order to return their bones their skin and flesh.
target as with normal to normal, the vampire must
unarmed combat. If they reactivate this power. Duration: Until Undone.
successfully strike their target,
they then roll Dexterity + Duration: Until undone. Flesh like Water
Crafts (Body) versus their Utilizing their mastery over
target’s Stamina + Blood their own flesh, the Tzimisce
Potency. Success for the Level 3 has learned to allow their
vampire disfigures their muscles and skin to absorb
Mastery of the Flesh
target, causing a one-dice attacks and flow around
At this level of skill, the
penalty to social rolls for each sources of potentially serious
Tzimisce can now alter ghouls
successful use. This penalty injury. When active, the
for combat by turning their
can be reduced as if it were vampire’s skin and muscles
bones into weaponry. The
superficial damage to be ripple and recoil from attacks,
vampire can make ghouls
healed. shifting and moving
appear more monstrous,
granting them a single bonus instinctively to avoid damage.
Osseous Weaponry dice to intimidate mortal This power can be incredibly
With this power, the vampire targets, or they can grant them disturbing to witness being
literally turns their body into the ability to deal aggravated used.
a weapon. By extending their damage in close combat, as per
bones into savage spikes and Osseous Weaponry. These Cost: 1 Rouse check.
spurs, the Tzimisce can deliver changes can be hidden Dice Pool: Special—See
grievous wounds to their beneath the ghoul’s flesh, only System
opponents in close combat. to burst forward at will,
revealing the gruesome System: Once this power is
Cost: 1 Rouse Check alterations made to the activated with a Rouse Check,

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

the vampire can choose to receives while in Horrid Form gain 1 hunger for each
substitute the lowest of their is first applied to their bonus successful use of this power on
Dexterity or Athletics when health levels. These health them as blood pours out of
rolling their defense with the levels cannot be healed, and their patchy flesh.
highest of either their damage done to them does not
Vicissitude level or Stamina. transfer to the vampire’s For each level of damage this
normal form. power deals to its target, they
Duration: 1 Scene suffer a one-dice penalty on all
Duration: One Scene social rolls. Each damage
healed removes a single
Level 4 Corrupt the Flesh penalty dice.
Horrid Form With but a touch, the
Tzimisce can flay the flesh Duration: N/A
When this power is activated,
the Tzimisce erupts into a from their enemy’s bones. By
monstrous form. The beast focusing their talents through
that they become is nearly their fingertips, the vampire Level 5
eight feet in height. Their skin can simply graze an opponent Acid Blood
blackens and thickens to an and cause them serious harm. The vampire focuses their
almost chitinous armor as In the trail of the touch, the transmutative power on their
spikes and spurs of jagged victim’s flesh and muscle blood, creating a type of
bone burst out of their joints. slough off their body, falling biological acid. While the
Fingernails elongate into to the ground in splattering vampire is granted immunity
vicious talons and their face piles of blood and skin. from the effects of this acid,
twists into a demonic visage. others are not so lucky. Should
Jagged spines erupt from the Cost: 1 Rouse Check the vampire be bitten or
vampire’s vertebrae and ichor Dice Pool: Dexterity + Crafts purposefully spill their blood
leaks from their skin. (Body) vs Stamina + Blood on individuals or items, the
Potency acid begins to burn and sizzle.
Cost: 2 Rouse checks
Dice Pool: N/A System: To utilize this power, Cost: Special—see System
the vampire must first strike Dice Pools: None
System: After making the their target in unarmed
required Rouse Checks, the combat. Once the target is System: With a moment’s
vampire’s form increases in successfully hit, instead of concentration, the Tzimisce
both stature and strength. The calculating damage, the concentrates their blood into
Tzimisce gains two bonus dice vampire makes a roll of his an acidic form. If someone
to all Strength and Stamina Dexterity + Crafts (Body) bites the vampire, they
rolls, their health increases by versus the Target’s Stamina + immediately take 1 aggravated
two, and they gain a +1 bonus Blood Potency. For each damage as the acid burns their
to all damage in unarmed success achieved by the mouth. For each hunger
combat. In addition, all Tzimisce, their target takes slacked from a vampire under
unarmed strikes the vampire one level of superficial damage the effects of this power, the
performs deal aggravated (not halved for vampires) as drinker receives 3 aggravated
damage to both mortals and their skin is made to slough damage.
vampires. off their body in the wake of
the vampire’s touch. If the If the vampire sheds their
Any damage the Tzimisce target is a vampire, they also blood on an individual or
Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

object, each Rouse Check Scales of the Dragon System: Upon making a
worth of blood deals one Amalgam: Fortitude 3 successful Rouse Check, the
aggravated damage. At the Combining their knowledge of vampire hardens their skin
Storyteller’s discretion, the Vicissitude and their and deadens their nerves. For
acid may eventually corrode or understanding of Fortitude, the duration of this power,
dissolve material. the Tzimisce can harden their they will not suffer the effects
body against all forms of of impairment due to damage
The vampire’s vitae retains its hindering damage. The or pain of any type.
acidic properties for only one vampire deadens their nerves,
turn once it leaves the temporarily searing away their In addition, the user of this
Tzimisce’s body. ability to feel pain. power negates the first
aggravated damage they
Duration: One Scene Cost: 1 Rouse Check receive each turn.
Dice Pools: N/A
Duration: 1 Scene

Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

Ventrue Antitribu
The Ventrue were once a clan of warrior kings,
leading their armies and people from the very
front lines of battle. Then, things changed. The
Anarch Revolt ended and the Ventrue were kings
only in name, becoming merchants and
Warrior Kings moneychangers.

The Vengeful The Ventrue of the Sabbat find this the gravest of
insults to their line. They lead the charge against
Knights the enemies of the Sword from the front lines,
Would-be-Rulers their skill at leadership and their natural
resilience making them powerful generals on the
field of battle.

Now, with their longtime rivals, the Lasombra,

reeling from their own betrayal, the Ventrue are
ready to take command of the Sabbat to lead it
toward victory.
Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.”

— Warren Bennis

The Burden of Command

By Ramon Delgato, Ventrue Antitribu Ductus of
the Acheron’s Tears pack

Who among us is more fit to lead than a Ventrue?

Others may laugh, but the question is a serious

one. Our clan has been on the front lines of every
major conflict in the history of our sect. While the
Lasombra and Tzimisce have taken credit for our
victories, we have carried on the fight, not
stopping to pat ourselves on the backs or hold
self-congratulatory parties and blood feasts.

A true leader is down in the muck and the blood

with his charges. And that is where we operate
best. We were made to be leaders and the
Gehenna War gives us the opportunity to forge
our own destinies. With the Lasombra disgraced,
these nights are our opportunity to rise up and
take the reins of leadership.

The Tzimisce are passable warlords—since their

magicians have vanished, but they cannot
command in the ways that we do. They cannot
inspire in the ways that we do. It is our
bloodborne burden—to command when others
cannot or will not.

Who are the Ventrue Antitribu

The Ventrue Antitribu are front-line
commanders for the Sword of Caine. They take
their duty to lead very seriously and view
themselves as the most qualified candidates to
lead the Sabbat to victory. While many clans are
maneuvering themselves to emerge as leaders
within the Sword, the Ventrue have been building
support throughout the various theatres of the
Gehenna War.

Having positioned themselves as willing to take

on difficult assignments and take charge in battle,
the Ventrue of the Sabbat are truly attempting to
emerge as bloody kings in the aftermath of the
Chapter Four: Blood Calls to Blood

The Ventrue Antitribu in Cainite Society bestowing ghouldom or even the embrace upon
By Erica Salvatore, Ventrue Priest of the Imperial promising individuals. However, we prefer to not
Blades pack get directly involved. We work through agents
and other ghouls, utilizing their ties to society for
Imagine you’re in the middle of a building caught our own benefit and the overall war effort.
ablaze. Burning embers sting your eyes. Smoke
fills the air to obscure your surroundings. You Those humans that stand out and rise up we claim
know the enemy is near, but you cannot find as our own. Ventrue blood demands only the best
them. You lash out, wildly, striking at everything specimens and we will not waste the embrace on
in your path, praying, hoping that your enemy those who are not worthy of our attention.
will be the next to fall.
Sins of the Ventrue Antitribu
Now imagine a voice in that chaos. Guiding you. “He who wishes to be obeyed must know how to
Telling you where to strike. Clearing the smoke command”
from your eyes so that you may see more clearly. ― Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince
That voice? It belongs to the Ventrue Antitribu.
The wild swinging? The Sabbat. We will be the The Ventrue Antitribu have been maneuvering to
leadership that the Sword needs to earn victory in become leaders in the Sabbat for centuries. Long
the War. stifled by the Lasombra and Tzimisce, the current
power vacuums due to the fall of the Lasombra
Many clans expected us to rise up and have given them ample opportunity to elevate
immediately take charge after the disgrace of the their positions within the Sword.
Lasombra. That would have been rash. To take
charge without the support of your troops only Numerous Ventrue Ducti and Templars have
leads to disaster. We understand war. We risen to prominence and respect within the
understand politics. We will not make the same Sabbat, but as the Ventrue rise, they also sew the
mistakes the Lasombra have made. seeds for their own downfall. As they rise above
their fellows, they cannot help but take vengeance
When the Ventrue take charge, it will be to the for years of stifled growth, subtly (and sometimes
thunderous support of the Sabbat as a whole. not so subtly) striking back as the Lasombra and
Tzimisce clans as well as any who had tried to
The Ventrue Antitribu in Mortal Society dare hold them back in the past. Their wrath is
By Lydia Thomas, Ventrue Antitribu member of gradually laying the groundwork for their own
the Hellfire Dancers pack fall.

Our relationship with humanity is a complex one.

We appreciate and reward successful warriors—

Chapter Five: Of Faith and Fire

Chapter Five: Of Faith and Fire

Chapter Five:

Caine’s Faithful
The Sabbat is a sect based around faith and the sect to one another. The general order in
bloodshed. Priests and other members of the which ritae are performed in a gathering varies
ecclesiarch branches of the Sword use ritae to from pack to pack, but most include numerous
keep the Sabbat unified and invigorated. Autoritas Ritae and some pack-specific Ignoblis
Ritae are typically performed by packs during
weekly esbats—meetings wherein all members of The Ritae of the Sabbat
the pack come to report back to one another. The cainites of the Sabbat utilize mystical ritae
While packs live together in the same haven, these developed over the existence of the sect in order
weekly meetings are official progress reports that to bind themselves together in service to destroy
are shared with all members of the pack. During the Antediluvians, resolve disputes, and celebrate
an esbat, ritae are performed and duties are given their holy days.
to members of the pack.
Priests are trained to execute the ritae faithfully
More significant ritae that impact many Sabbat in and to teach others the mysteries of their
an area are usually held during a collective workings. Only Sabbat cainites are ever taught the
gathering where many packs meet up to perform holy ritae, as teaching an outsider is considered
ritae and see to other business. Some of these heresy and grounds for destruction. The Sword
meetings are purely celebratory in nature, while guards its secrets well, after all, the ritae freed
others can be to disseminate battle plans, them from the shackles of the ancients and united
strategies, or even to introduce new members of the Sabbat after the Anarch Revolt.
Chapter Five: Of Faith and Fire

While Priests may defect from the Sabbat (a an individual is not considered a Priest until they
rarity, given the bonds of the Vaulderie and the have learned at least this small selection of ritae
closeness of packs), teaching others anything other and can perform them reliably.
than the most basic understanding of the ritae is
relatively pointless. Some cults and religions have The Binding
their own versions of some of the Sabbat ritae Participation in the Auctoritas Ritae brings the
(such as Sermons of Caine being utilized by the Sabbat together, but the Binding ritus was made
Church of Caine in the Camarilla and other to specifically renew the bonds a pack holds with
sects), these ritae are looked down upon by one another. Over the course of the Binding, the
Sabbat Priests and are viewed as perversions of Priest leads his pack through the group’s
the holy ritae. interpretation of the goals and mission of the
Sabbat. The idea is to have all members of the
pack participate in a group recitation to affirm
Auctoritas Ritae their dedication and belief in the Sabbat’s ideals.
The Auctoritas Ritae are the most sacred of the
Sabbat’s holy rites. These are the high ceremony Commonly performed on the night of the Winter
ritae that evoke themes that guide the Sabbat in Solstice, the Binding usually draws numerous
modern nights. Auctoritas Ritae strengthen the packs from the local area to participate. If a
bonds between Sabbat members, resolve conflicts, higher-ranking member of the ecclesiarch is
celebrate success, punish dissension, and assist in present above a pack Priest, they will usually
the creation and conversion of new Sabbat. While preside over the ritus.
there has generally been little change in ritae that
are considered Autoritas, the modern nights have Symbolism plays a large role in the Binding, and
seen a shift in importance. the ritus typically features some iconography or
representation of water. This representation is
As a sect embroiled in the Gehenna War, the meant to portray the adaptable nature of the
Sabbat have seldom celebrated High Holidays Sabbat and its ability to overcome all obstacles
while hunting the ancients. Due to this, ritae that that might fall within its path.
call for the opening of holiday celebrations have
been shifted from Autoritas Ritae to Ignoblis At the conclusion of the Binding, it is customary
Ritae and have become far more personal for each to perform a Vaulderie involving the Sabbat
pack involved in them. Most High Holidays are present for the Binding.
still celebrated in areas across the globe that are
not stifled or threatened by outright conflict. System: The presiding Priest rolls their Resolve +
Occult with a difficulty of 4. If the Ritus is
To be a successful Priest, a Sabbat member must successful, all Sabbat present heal all superficial
know numerous Auctoritas Ritae so that they may Willpower Damage they currently possess and can
be faithfully observed by the pack in accordance eliminate all stains they currently possess as long
with the Revised Code of Milan. as they were gained in service to the ideals and
goals of the sect. In addition, all Sabbat treat their
Rituals that are deemed as necessary for a Priest vinculum rating as if it were one level higher for
to properly perform their duties are as follows: the next lunar month. If the ritus fails, no
The Vaulderie, Creation Rites, Sermons of Caine, attending members of the Sabbat gain any of its
Monomacy, Contrition, Blood Feast, Fire Dance, benefits.
and Games of Instinct. These select ritae allow a
Priest to see to the needs of their pack in the short
term. Other ritae may be learned over time, but
Chapter Five: Of Faith and Fire

Blood Bath or other ritae that will be performed throughout

Whenever a Sabbat member rises to prominence the evening at an esbat or other gatherings.
and is awarded a position such as Bishop, To properly execute a Blood Feast, a Priest and his
Archbishop, or higher, a Blood Bath is performed. chosen assistants gather several mortals. The exact
The ritus is executed by the Priest presiding over number varies—often on availability and expected
the affair to officially anoint the new appointee in attendance numbers (one victim per three cainites
the presence of their peers. is considered a good ratio). Once humans have
been gathered, they are sequestered as the location
Since this ritus is performed for positions of is being prepared. Priests keep mortals gathered
importance, it is common for many Sabbat for such purposes alive until the beginning of the
members to gather and participate in the ritus, feast.
both to show respect for the accomplishment of
the cainite being elevated in standing and to show Once the Priest is prepared to consecrate the
their support and unity with their fellows. Blood Feast, the mortals are brought forth and
hung upside down from the ceiling of the
The ritus is performed by each member in location. Often, this includes the use of chains and
attendance, starting with the presiding Priest, various restraints. After the victims for the feast
kneeling before the new appointee and granting are in place, the Priest presiding then dedicates
the cainite their endorsement or displaying their the blood within them, and their lives, to the
allegiance to the cainite. The member then spills a Sword of Caine. The exact nature of the
quantity of their own blood into a large vessel. consecration varies from Priest to Priest, with
some using ironic materials such as sage or other
It is customary for the newly titled cainite to incense to “purify” the offerings as part of the
praise or give advice to the cainites present, consecration, while others simply recite a speech
displaying that the Sabbat will benefit from of sacrifice to sate the hunger of Caine’s chosen
elevating an individual of wisdom and faith. The childer.
appointee then bathes in the blood from the
vessel. Once the Priest has finished, the attendees are
then given leave to feed on the vessels as they will.
At the conclusion of the ceremony, all attendees Methods of feeding vary, as some Sabbat prefer to
drink from the bathing vessel—which is drain blood from their victims into glasses, while
customarily consecrated with the Vaulderie as others prefer to simply drink directly from the
well—to showcase their unity. suspended mortals.

System: The presiding Priest rolls their Resolve + System: The presiding Priest rolls their Resolve +
Occult with a difficulty of 2. A failure indicates Occult with a difficulty of 2. Success allows a
that the Priest has made a misstep in the ritus and cainite to sate twice as much hunger from their
it is not considered a “proper” blood bath. While drinking than normal, including the ability to
this has no mechanical penalties for the Priest or reduce hunger of participants to 0 without
the appointee, the ritus is considered tainted and necessitating the murder of a vessel. Failure
an embarrassment to both parties. indicates a flaw in the execution of the ritus, with
the vessels only sating the normal amount of
Blood Feast hunger for the feeding vampires.
Considered a staple ritus at formal Sabbat
gatherings, the Blood Feast represents the sect’s Contrition
predatory nature. Blood Feasts are a type of ritual In a sect as aggressive as the Sabbat, it is
feeding that is often offered before a Blood Bath inevitable that sect mates will come into conflict

Chapter Five: Of Faith and Fire

and wrong one another. Whether this is through willing to fight and die beside the individual if
verbal insults, destruction of another pack’s necessary. In this, there can be no room for doubt.
property, invading another pack’s territory, or The Sabbat is a sect at war and considers its
other matters, Contrition allows a way to satisfy recruits very carefully.
those involved with the dispute and allow them to
put their grudges aside. Once a candidate has been cleared for the
embrace or conversion, the preparation truly
In addition to settling inter-pack disputes, the begins. Regarding the embrace of new members,
Contrition ritus can also be performed when a prospective sires often watch their would-be
fellow Sabbat is found to have violated a precept childer for months or years. Upon the embrace,
of the sect or an item of the Code of Milan. they allow the new cainite to adjust to their
condition. During this time, the new vampire is
To perform the Contrition ritus, the presiding not considered Sabbat, they are not welcome to
Priest must hear the grievances between parties, participate in ritae nor are afforded protections
or the wrongs committed by the Sabbat member under the Code of Milan. During this time, the
before them. If the Priest finds the Sabbat worthiness of the candidate is again assessed. If
truthful in their confession or grievances, they they are found wanting, the new childe is
assign what they feel is to be appropriate destroyed. If they are found worthy, the ritus can
punishment or recompense in the case of pack be performed.
The candidate is brought before the Priest at the
Often, these punishments are in some way related beginning of the ritus, presented ceremoniously
to the offenses caused. For example, a Sabbat who by the sire or sponsor (if a convert). At that point,
had destroyed the property of another pack or the candidate kneels before the Priest and is
stolen from a brother or sister may have a hand branded on the forehead with the ankh of the
removed for a period of time. A pack member Sabbat. This is usually done with a ritual brand,
who has inadvertently endangered a mission by or, barring one being present, having the ankh
leaking information may have their tongue carved into the candidate’s forehead by hand.
removed, and so on. While the brand sizzles against their flesh, the
candidate is told to recite an oath of undying
If the ritus does not resolve the issue at hand, it is allegiance to the Sword and its war against the
commonly elevated to the level of Monomacy or ancients.
more harsh punishments are enforced as part of
Contrition. At the conclusion of the oath, many packs hold an
additional ceremony to welcome the newcomer
System: No mechanical system is required for the into their pack. Some packs proceed with a gang-
Contrition Ritus. However, if the Priest wishes to like initiation ceremony while others have the
make their execution of the ritus seem more new childe or recruit presented to each member
impressive, they may make a performance skill in the back in ritual fashion.
roll at the Storyteller’s discretion.
Always following every successful Creation Rites
Creation Rites ceremony is the completion of the initiate’s first
Bringing a new cainite into the Sword of Caine is Vaulderie to bind them to their pack and
never taken lightly. Those recruits that are sought officially welcome them to the Sabbat.
after for conversion or embrace must be studied
thoroughly for worthiness. After all, those that System: There is no necessary system for the
initiate the newcomers into the Sabbat must be Priest to properly perform the Creation Rites,
however, the candidate for the ritual may have to
Chapter Five: Of Faith and Fire

pass a frenzy test while they are being branded or frenzy due to fire for the three nights following
marked with the sect’s ankh. If branded, the the ritus.
initiate receives 1 aggravated level of damage that To successfully approach the flames and summon
must be healed normally. If the ankh is carved the courage to jump through them, each cainite
into the initiate’s forehead, it deals 1 superficial must resist a terror frenzy (per the rules in
damage that is healed per normal, but it is Vampire: The Masquerade). If they fail, they do
customary for the candidate to bear the marking not frenzy, but cannot jump through the flames
for the rest of the evening. nor make another attempt to do so for five
Fire Dance
As a sect at War, the Sabbat often find themselves Jumping through the flames generally only
face to face with one of the deadliest of vampiric requires an Athletics roll if the character is
banes—fire. The mere presence of fire can drive attempting a risky or daring maneuver (which
cainites to a frenzy before they are even touched, usually gains them respect if performed well). The
the beast recoiling in fear to protect its continued difficulty of the Athletics roll is at the
existence. Over the course of battle, it is almost Storyteller’s discretion based on the intricacies of
inevitable that a pack will encounter fire being the maneuvers attempted. Failure (or even success
used against them in one way or another. in the case of more daring leaps through the fire)
may result in aggravated damage from the fire.
The Fire Dance allows a Priest to prepare their
pack for such instances, steeling their beasts Games of Instinct
against the primal fear that fire can provoke. Games of Instinct can take many forms and are
often particular to each pack. Common themes
To properly perform the Fire Dance ritus, the among games are that they exemplify the
Priest prepares a bonfire. While the fire is lit and predatory nature of the Sabbat and act as an
the blaze begins to grow, the Priest speaks to their exercise to allow them to test their mettle against
pack about the unity of the Sabbat being strong their fellow Sabbat in competitive events.
enough to surpass any limitation—including their
own weaknesses and fears. The Priest affirms that Common games of instinct are competitions such
the pack, together, can face their most primal as Capture the Ductus, The Rat Race, or
fears and emerge unscathed. Demolition Racing. These games commonly
involve multiple packs, but only require one Priest
Once the Priest completes his call to the pack, the to preside over them.
participants enter a trance-like state. This is often
done while chanting rhythmically in unison or In Capture the Ductus, two or more packs are set
beating of ceremonial drums. Once they have against one another. Each side is given a short
achieved a trance state, the cainites dance wildly period of time to secure and hide their own
around the fire and begin to jump over or through Ductus. Opposing teams then set out to both find
the blaze as their ritus reaches a fevered peak. and capture the Ducti of other teams. Once
captured, a Ductus must be presented to the
The Fire Dance is complete when the last cainite presiding Priest for a point to be awarded. At the
present leaps through the flames. end of the game, the team with the most points
wins the competition.
System: The presiding Priest rolls their Resolve +
Occult with a difficulty of 2. If the roll is During this game, Sabbat may be harmed and
successful and each cainite passes through the placed in harm’s way provided that the conflict
flames, the characters gain 3 bonus dice to resist does not result in final death.

Chapter Five: Of Faith and Fire

The Rat Race is an interesting game in that it approached agrees that the challenge merits the
actively involves human or ghoul participants. potential death of a sect mate, the Monomacy
Each pack participating secures a human or two proceeds.
for the games that they feel would be an
entertaining opponent for their fellow Sabbat to The presiding Priest informs the pack Priest of
face in combat. The gathered humans are then put the challenger and of the offending cainite. They
in a building or maze from which they cannot then decide upon a time and place for ritual
escape. In addition, the humans gathered are given combat to occur. At this time, the offending
weapons that are capable of harming vampires. cainite is given the opportunity to accept the
Monomacy challenge or decline. If they decline,
The cainites then enter the maze from different the presiding Priest decides whether the reasons
locations and proceed to hunt the humans. The provided are sufficient. If the reasons are not
pack that kills and drains the most humans wins adequate and the offending party still declines to
the competition. As with Capture the Ductus, participate in the Monomacy ritus, they
maiming or incapacitating competition is allowed, immediately are stripped of standing within the
provided no injured cainites reach final death at sect and branded as a coward until recompense is
the hands of other Sabbat. made or they survive a subsequent Monomacy
An alternate version of the Rat Race involves
captured Camarilla kindred but follows the same If the challenge is accepted, the two parties agree
rules otherwise. upon terms for the combat to follow. What
weapons are allowed, types of disciplines to be
Demolition Racing involves a pack or more of allowed, and other factors are determined and
cainites stealing vehicles in a settlement or city. finalized by the presiding Priest. Both the
They then race to a specified location while trying challenger and the offending party have the right
to disable or prevent their competition from to demand a champion, who must be willing, to
reaching the finish line. fight in their stead.

System: No roll is required to perform the Games Once all terms are settled, a fight to the death
of Instinct ritus, but those who win a Game of then occurs. If a champion is selected and is
Instinct are considered to have one more active killed, the Monomacy participant who selected
status than normal until the next time they the champion is then slain. If the participant flees
participate in a Game of Instinct. before the sentence is carried out, they are often
the subject of a Wild Hunt.
When Contrition cannot resolve the dispute System: There is no roll required to successfully
between two Sabbat, Monomacy is the next preside over a Monomacy challenge. Those who
natural step. Additionally, Monomacy can be the decline a rightful challenge gain the flaw: Coward.
first step taken if the insult or behavior warrants This flaw represents a negative view of the
the death of a sect mate in the eyes of the cainites character by all those Sabbat who honor the ritae.
involved. A character marked as a Coward is rarely given
assistance by other Sabbat and is often ostracized
To properly enact a Monomacy challenge, a by their fellows. This flaw cannot be bought off
cainite must find a neutral Priest (one who has no with experience and lasts until the character
packmates involved in the dispute). The participates in the Monomacy challenge or wins
challenging cainite then lays out their grievances another Monomacy challenge.
against the offending cainite. If the Priest

Chapter Five: Of Faith and Fire

Sermons of Caine among each pack, and as a result, unifying them in

Much like a Blood Feast, Sermons of Caine are the Sabbat’s mission.
often performed at official Sabbat gatherings or
esbats. Used to reinvigorate Sabbat and help them To perform a Vaulderie, the Priest requires a
unite around the Dark Father’s legends, Sermons chalice. The chalice does not have to be incredibly
of Caine are opportunities for a pack Priest to large but must be suitable to hold blood from
shine, displaying his knowledge of Noddist lore each of the participants. A great deal of care is
and his application of ancient stories to current usually put into creating or finding a chalice
challenges facing the Sword of Caine. appropriate for the ritus. Some cainites have
custom vessels created for the Vaulderie while
While many stories are often viewed as metaphors others go to great expense at commissioning one
or allegory about the nature of the Sabbat’s to be created. While the quality of the vessel does
struggles, linking stories from Noddist lore to the not impact the ritus itself, Priests can take a great
Gehenna War or the Sabbat’s faithfulness is a deal of pride in their chosen chalice.
celebrated pastime of many priests.
While performing the Vaulderie, the pack’s Priest
Each Priest explores stories of Caine’s travels with slices their wrist with an athame or another ritual
his pack in different ways, however, there are tool (one uses specifically for the Vaulderie and
common threads utilized in most sermons. The nothing else) and bleeds into the chalice. The
most prevalent is that the Priest attempts to work Priest then passes the vessel and ritual blade to
in the pack’s current struggles, triumphs, and each participant, who then cut themselves and
tragedies to the travels of Caine through Nod and bleed into the vessel. As each member of the pack
of the Dark Father’s various trials with his childer. trickles their blood into the chalice, it is often
In order to reaffirm their faith in both Caine and accompanied by the Priest blessing the dark
their brothers and sisters. sacrament in Caine’s name.

System: The presiding Priest rolls their Resolve + Once all participants have bled into the cup, the
Occult with a difficulty of 2. If successful, all Priest bestows Caine’s blessing upon the bloody
Sabbat members present heal all superficial chalice. The priest then drinks from the chalice
Willpower damage. Failure offers no penalty to before passing it to each participant, who also
the presiding Priest aside from the embarrassment drink from the vessel.
of failing to perform the ritae properly.
System: The first time a character participates in
The Vaulderie the Vaulderie, they roll a dice for each character
The quintessential ritus that unifies and whose blood was part of the ritus. The result (1-
strengthens the Sabbat is the Vaulderie. Much like 10) is the vinculum rating they have for the
the pack is the foundation of the Sabbat’s individual. Each time that they participate in a
organization, the Vaulderie is the foundation of Vaulderie going forward, they roll a dice for each
the sect’s ritae. In addition to creating a sort of member. If they already possess a vinculum rating
communal bond between the participants, the to a participant, the rating only increases if they
Vaulderie, when performed properly, can erode roll higher than their current vinculum rating on
blood bonds and free cainites from the false love the dice. If the dice roll requires a vinculum
they impose. While the bond formed by the increase, the person’s vinculum to the individual
Vaulderie, known as the vinculum, is very similar increases by 1 point (to a maximum of 10). If the
to the blood bond—though no Sabbat would ever result rolled is a 1, the vinculum is reduced by 1
refer to it in such a way. The vinculum is a shared point (to a minimum of 1).
bond among all participants, forging closes ties

Chapter Five: Of Faith and Fire

To perform the Vaulderie, the Priest rolls their

Resolve + Occult with a difficulty of 2. If the
Priest fails, the Vaulderie has no effect.

To actively pursue activities that would harm or

harass any individual to which a Sabbat member
holds a vinculum, they must roll to defy the
equivalent level of blood bond (as listed on the
Vinculum Rating table). Unlike a blood bond, the
Vinculum does not generally fade over time or
erode with defiant activity without the
Storyteller’s discretion.

If a character participates in a Vaulderie but holds

a blood bond rating to another vampire outside of
the vinculum, the bond level erodes by 1 point for
each time the character participates in the ritus.
Participating in the Vaulderie can reduce a blood
bond to a rating of zero in such a way.

Vinculum Rating
Vinculum Blood Bond Effect
Level Equivalent
1-2 1 Vinculum of this level creates a level of camaraderie, but not a
particularly strong bond.
3-4 2 Bonds at this level create a degree of loyalty and willingness to assist an
individual, but nothing that would greatly inconvenience a character or
risk harm.
5-6 3 Bonds at this level create a degree of loyalty and willingness to assist an
individual, but nothing that would greatly inconvenience a character or
risk harm.
7-8 4 Characters with this level of a bond will put themselves at risk for the
person to which they have a bond and will expend considerable
resources to aid the individual.
9-10 5 Vinculum of this degree leave an individual willing to die for the person
they hold such a high rating to; they will kill and place themselves at
great risk for the individual.

Chapter Five: Of Faith and Fire

War Party Party or offer contrition to the War Chief. A

The War Party ritus has become a regular staple character marked as a Coward is rarely given
of nightly Sabbat affairs. Used to target and assistance by other Sabbat and is often ostracized
initiate the hunt for elder enemies of the sect, or by their fellows. This flaw cannot be bought off
the ancients the Sabbat seek to destroy, the War with experience.
Party gathers multiple packs in an area to
encourage them to compete for the blood of the For the pack that wins the competition and has a
named elder. member that diablerizes the subject of the War
Party, all members gain a temporary dot in Sabbat
What ensues is a collective of predators all seeking status for the rest of the Chapter or until they
the blood of the same individual. The goal of the participate in another War Party (unless they win,
War Party is to destroy and devour the named of course), whichever comes first.
non-Sabbat vampire, culminating in the
amaranth. While in the field, packs are obviously Wild Hunt
competing to reach and destroy the target before When a member of the Sabbat commits grievous
their peers. As a result, a conflict between packs sins against the sect (such as revealing sect secrets
can occur but is barred from having deadly to enemies of the Sabbat), a Priest may call for a
consequences. Though accidents happen, Wild Hunt against the individual. Wild Hunts are
inflicting the final death on fellow sect members severe calls to action that place a Sabbat member
is looked down upon. outside of the protection of his brothers and
sisters. Much like a Blood Hunt in a Camarilla
The War Party ritus is often accompanied by city, the Wild Hunt forsakes an individual and
Sermons of Caine, Blood Feast, and the Fire calls for all loyal members of the Sabbat to hunt
Dance ritae. During the revelry before the and capture the offending party.
declaration, Sabbat are informed of the target and
a War Chief is selected from the participants. The In the cases of high-profile traitors or sins, the
War Chief is typically the most accomplished of Hunt is often called by a Bishop or above.
the Priests, Bishops, or other clergy members in
attendance. Once the hunted Sabbat has been captured and
staked, he is brought before the Priest or other
Once the identity of the Sabbat’s target is officials who called for the Wild Hunt. The
revealed, the War Chief then approaches the Sabbat member’s crimes are then recited, and the
Ductus of each pack present. As part of the individual is tortured by whatever means the
ceremony, the War Chief asks each Ductus if they Priest feels appropriate. At the end of the bloody
are committed to the War Party and will hunt the affair, the staked and immobilized individual is
enemy of the Sabbat no matter the cost. After hurled onto a specially constructed and blessed
each Ductus confirms (usually accompanied by pyre until they are burned to ash.
oaths or boastful claims of action), the War Party
has officially started. The Sabbat then proceed to hunt and kill any who
participated in the individual’s sins against the
System: No roll is needed for the successful sect. If secrets were revealed to non-Sabbat, those
completion of the War Party ritus. individuals are then sought out. If the individual
had compatriots who assisted in their actions,
If a pack backs out of the War Party, refuses to they are also hunted and killed.
participate, or declines to affirm their dedication
to the hunt, they are gain the negative status System: Individuals who are Wild Hunted lose all
Coward until they participate in another War standing within the sect and are not afforded

Chapter Five: Of Faith and Fire

assistance or aid by any Sabbat. The offending East, packs due tend to settle in locations that
party is considered removed from the sect. In they can inhabit for the duration of a mission or
some rare cases, offered contrition may be deemed an assignment.
acceptable by the Priest or other parties who
called for the Wild Hunt. In these circumstances, The Consecration ritus allows a pack to bless a
the hunt is called off only under conditions location in the eyes of Caine, invoking the Dark
provided by the Sabbat member who presided Father to grace those faithful who rest in the
over the initial ritus—or one of higher standing home or facility. The performance of the
than the individual that initiated the Wild Hunt. Consecration ritus typically involves cleansing the
location with burnt offerings and marking the
No roll is necessary to initiate the Wild Hunt. cardinal directions with sacrificial blood blessed
in the name of the Dark Father.
Ignobilis Ritae
The Ignobilis Ritae are considered “low” ritae Festivo Dello Estinto
whose execution varies widely from pack to pack. The “Festival of the Dead” takes during the second
Sabbat packs are encouraged to create ritae to week of March. Before the Gehenna War, entire
assist in binding their packs together and to foster cities worth of cainites would gather to revel in a
cooperation and camaraderie. Many custom week-long celebration full of ritae and other
rituals have been created as a result, but the below challenges. After the War began, time for such
represent a selection of Ignobilis Ritae that are celebration became scarce. As the Camarilla and
commonly known around the sect. Ashirra joined forces to defend their ancient
masters and the Beckoning began pulling more
The players of Priests are encouraged to potent adversaries into the Gehenna War, the
customize the below ritae to represent their pack’s Sabbat officially ended all sect-wide celebrations.
interpretation of the ritae and to develop new
Ignobilis Ritae that their pack may practice. While Festivo Dello Estinto is still celebrated
Ignobilis Ritae generally do not have mechanical outside of the Gehenna War, it is on a far smaller
benefits or drawbacks for their performance. scale than it once was; most celebrations are held
by one or two packs together at most. Instances of
Baptism the Festivo ritus being performed in the warzones
Packs developed the Baptism ritus to celebrate a of the Middle East are relatively rare.
member’s first worthy kill in the name of the
Sword. Rumored to be created by a Salubri Palla Grande
Antitribu Priest, this ritae highlights the Hosted on All Hallow’s Eve, Palla Grande used to
individual’s success in truly cementing their place be the preeminent Sabbat celebration of the year.
in the Sword by the murder of its enemies. Mexico City and all Sabbat-held territories held
grand affairs presided over by high-ranking
The Baptism ritae typically involves a blood feast officials. Packs habitually traveled to the nearest
and the anointing of the Sabbat member being Sabbat-held city to partake in the celebration and
baptized with sacrificial blood blessed by the pack ritae.
However, like with Festivo Dello Estinto, the
Consecration Sabbat has largely abandoned the regular usage of
The Consecration ritus is a new development that this particular holiday and ritus. Also, like
has begun to spread as the Gehenna War has Festivo, the only regular adherents to the holidays
waged. While the Sabbat do not officially hold are those packs that make their homes outside of
cities or permanent residences across the Middle the Gehenna War.

Chapter Five: Of Faith and Fire

Chapter Six: For the Glory of Caine

Chapter Six:



Sabbat In V5
Running a Sabbat game has always been a At first glance, this would make a Sabbat game
delicate dance between giving players difficult to run—given that Humanity is the
opportunities for political play and the default morality system in place, how can
gruesome reality of the Sabbat’s war against the Sabbat perform their duties and indulge in
Camarilla and their other enemies. Sabbat their bloody pastimes without devolving into
games tend to be bloody affairs, with equal wights?
parts cut-throat maneuvering and wanton
violence. Keeping a balance between the two To reduce this, in addition to the use of Paths,
has always been a difficulty. you can use Chronicle Tenants.

In the past, Sabbat games had a plethora of Of course, there are certain things that prompt
Paths and alternate enlightenment to secure stains automatically (torture of innocents and
their morality across heinous acts against murder, for example). For Sabbat, however, it
humanity and to highlight them as alien and is advised that Storytellers utilize this
inhumane. In V5, however, that security sparingly. For example, a set of Chronicle
blanket is gone. Not all paths survived into the Tenants for Sabbat could include the following:
Reformation as the ranks were culled and the
Sword of Caine forged into a proper blade 1) Faithfully observe the ritae of your sect
against its enemies. 2) Faithfully execute the duties of your station
3) Eliminate the enemies of your sect
Certain paths are simply not commonly found
within the Sabbat in modern nights. These three tenants give express permission to

Chapter Six: For the Glory of Caine

observe even bloody ritae, gather humans for When starting on a Path, Sabbat vampires
food (the Abbot position) and kill other begin with a rating of six.
vampires (enemies of the Sabbat). In these
situations, I would suggest not granting stains Touchstones
to Sabbat members. Yes, Sabbat on Humanity have touchstones. All
Sabbat feel the pull of the beast and
Wanton torture and killing should always understand that they need some sort of frame
prompt stains, however. Very few paths of reference to continue, lest the beast
specifically condoned them in previous editions overcome them and turn them into true
of vampire and this trend can be continued in monsters. Sabbat that have converted to a Path
V5 by working within the Humanity system. of Enlightenment do not require Touchstones,
Paths are described later in this chapter. but have additional rules described later in this
Sabbat Character Creation
All Sabbat clans work identically in terms of “Coteries”
mechanics to their parent clans in the core The Sabbat coterie is called a Pack. The bonds
Vampire: The Masquerade book and other V5 of a pack are far deeper than those in a
material. When exceptions are given, they can standard coterie of vampires. This is, in part,
be found under the clan’s description in due to the vinculum bond that forms between
Chapter Four. them after partaking in the Vaulderie.

All Sabbat characters are created given the When a Sabbat character is first made, they
standard rules in Vampire: The Masquerade. must be sure to include their starting vinculum
However, there are some distinctions that must ratings to their pack mates. In addition, players
be made and minor rules alterations for certain must decide who will be taking on roles in the
parts of the creation process. pack. After all, a pack needs a Ductus, a Priest,
and an Abbot to be fully functional as a group.
Humanity While these positions offer little in terms of
If a Sabbat vampire is on Humanity, they start mechanical bonuses, they do confer roleplaying
at Humanity 5 as their base level. This benefits and allow the group to have a cohesion
represents the nightly existence of the Sabbat that they would not otherwise have.
being more visceral and violent than their
counterparts. In addition, no Sabbat member Theme and Mood
can elevate their Humanity above 6 at A Sabbat game in the Gehenna War should
character creation. generally have a feeling of triumphant
desperation. The Sabbat firmly believe they are
Paths winning the War against the ancients—after
With the permission of the Storyteller, a newly all, why else would the clan methuselahs and
created Sabbat character can begin on one of potent elders be initiating the Beckoning if not
the Paths of Enlightenment. Players can choose to protect themselves from the Sabbat’s
from the Path of Caine, Path of Cathari, Path impending victories?
of Honorable Accord, Path of the Feral Heart,
Path of Power and the Inner Voice, or the Path In truth, no one knows what is prompting the
of Metamorphosis. Beckoning, but the Sabbat have co-opted it as a

Chapter Six: For the Glory of Caine

sign that they are winning. At the same point,

they are fighting against three different
opponents (and sometimes more) in the
warzones of the Middle East.

They are battling the ancients and elders, tools

of the hated Antediluvians, in addition to
bringing battles to the Camarilla and Ashirra
as the two sects unite against them.

There is also the occasional scuffle with the

Assamites of Alamut and other cainite groups
across the regions of the War.

These things all combined make the Middle

East a pressure cooker for the Sabbat and packs
stationed there. The Sabbat know they must be
smarter and more deadly than their opponents
and it can create an air of desperation at times.

In addition, political maneuvering in the

Sabbat has never ceased. Though the avenues
have changed, and higher levels of authority
have shifted, politics in the Sabbat remain a
deadly affair. More ruthless and without
remorse than Camarilla politics, missteps in
the Sabbat can end a life in the space of a

All of this collides to make the Sabbat deal

heavily with political and violent conflict. It is
a setting for predators of all types, which makes
it a milieu ripe with the opportunity to explore
many different avenues of play.

Unlife in the Sabbat

The Sabbat in V5 are a far more nomadic lot

Chapter Six: For the Glory of Caine

than they ever were in previous editions. As a This can lead to a feeling of division within the
result, they hold very few permanent Sabbat. However, it is done to maintain tiers in
territories. In the Gehenna War, theatres of the ranks of title as well as to ensure that an
operation shift dramatically at times, leaving errant Sabbat member cannot get too close to a
Bishops and Archbishops rarely chained to a position holder… after all, trust among
specific location for more than a handful of monsters is a difficult thing to develop.
This also allows cainites of position to make an
To their credit, the Sabbat have adapted rather impact when they appear, as it becomes more
well to this type of deployment. They remain of a memorable occasion than a commonplace
mobile, setting up networks of havens and one. It maintains an air of mystique around the
infrastructure for communication. They make higher stations that allows their presence to be
do with what they have and when they cannot, more impactful when they are involved directly
they steal it from other sects. with lower position holders. This does mean
that certain abilities that allow for characters
The average Sabbat member can only call upon to call upon or gain an audience with position
their pack reliably. Seeking an audience with holders are quite potent. For a character to be
higher authorities, while somewhat promised in able to arrange an audience with an
the Code of Milan, is rarely able to be done. Archbishop outside of an esbat can be an
Because of the nature of the war effort, incredible thing.
Archbishops and Bishops generally only make
themselves available at esbats or other In the end, however, Sabbat are still expected
gatherings of importance. A typical Sabbat to be able to hold their own in all arenas, both
member will not be having a casual political and martial. The sect has no room or
conversation with those of high station. patience for layabouts or the inept. If the War
doesn’t weed out such individuals, the natural
political processes within the Sabbat will do so.

Chapter Six: For the Glory of Caine

Sabbat Specific Traits

While Sabbat can be created using standard ●●●●● The character is considered
traits out of the Core Rulebook, there are some incredibly well versed in the ritae and has likely
things, such as predator types, that are developed one or two Ignobilis Ritae for their
relatively specific to the Sabbat and their pack. They gain Status (●●) Priest.
lifestyles. Below are new Backgrounds, Predator
Types, suggested Loresheets for Sabbat
characters, as well as Sabbat-specific Loresheets
Loresheets, and Paths of Enlightenment. There are several new Loresheets for Sabbat
vampires detailed later in this chapter,
however, they are not the only Loresheets that
New Backgrounds are appropriate for Sabbat characters. Some
Ritae Loresheets from Vampire: The Masquerade 5th
Knowledge of the ritae a necessity for any edition, as well as the Camarilla and the
trained Priest to effectively perform the duties Anarch books, are also appropriate.
of their station. The ritae background
represents how many ritae the Priest knows at Loresheets for Sabbat Characters
character creation. While ritae can be learned V:tM: 5th Edition
after character creation, this background The Bahari
represents the character’s initial journey into Cainite Heresy
the priesthood. The Circulatory System
Convention of Thorns
Learning Ritae after character creation does The First Inquisition
not require the expenditure of experience Sect War Veteran
points, but each ritae learned takes several The Week of Nightmares
nights to master. Descendant of Zelios
Descendant of Vasantasena
● The character knows the Creation Rites, the Descendant of Xaviar
Vaulderie, and three other ritae of their choice.
●● The character knows the Vaulderie, Blood Plagued
Creation Rites, Sermons of Caine, Monomacy,
Contrition, Blood Feast, Fire Dance, and Chicago by Night
Games of Instinct. The Cobweb
Kindred Iconography
●●● The character knows all of the Lupine Expert
Auctoritas Ritae and two Ignobilis Ritae of
their choice.

●●●● The character knows all of the

Auctoritas Ritae and Ignobilis Ritae listed.

Chapter Six: For the Glory of Caine

Predator Types
Ravager Sorority Sister Pack Feeder
Subtly is not your strong You are a social chameleon Not for you is the messy
point. As a human, you were when you are out on the business of hunting humans
likely brash and forceful. As hunt. You understand how for their blood. You prefer
a cainite, your method of to spot potential targets in a to feed on your pack
feeding has taken on a sea of humanity, singling out directly. To you, it is the
decidedly violent tone. the weak and vulnerable and safest and easiest solution to
While Alleycats stick up or stealing them away to feast replenish your vitae. Your
blitz attack individuals, you upon their blood. preference for pack feeding
overpower them entirely, may be due to a phobia of
ripping your victims apart Bars, clubs, and social hunting, insecurity, or
during the savage act of gatherings are your hunting simply preferring the taste
sating your hunger. grounds; blending in with of your pack’s blood above
the locals and isolating all others.
● Add a specialty: Brawl targets from their friends to
(Grappling) or Stealth drain them of their precious ● Lose 1 dot of Humanity
(Stalking) vitae. ● Increase Blood Potency by
● Gain 1 dot of Potence 1
● Lose 1 dot of Humanity ● Add a specialty: Insight ● Increase Vinculum ratings
● Gain 1 dot of Brawl and 1 (Desires), Persuasion (Fast to your pack by 1
dot of Survival Talk), or Streetwise (Gangs) ● Gain the feeding flaw
● Add 1 dot of Insight (●●) Prey Exclusion,
● Gain Advantage Blood Mortals
Hound ● Gain 1 dot from any 1
● Gain 1 Dot of Dominate discipline possessed by a
or 1 dot of Presence member of your pack
● Gain 2 dots of Contacts
(Club Goers)

Chapter Six: For the Glory of Caine

Paths of Enlightenment
Over the course of the Reformation, the Sabbat Willpower point to re-attempt the roll at their
was forced to abandon factions, movements, new Willpower rating. Previously earned
and even Paths of Enlightenment in their quest successes are lost and the results of the new roll
to become a true weapon against the ancients. must be used. A vampire can spend permanent
As the Second Inquisition pruned away the Willpower in this way until they only have 1
weak or less proactive of the Sabbat, certain permanent Willpower remaining—after all,
paths of morality fell out of favor and became they must retain some force of will to adjust to
more and more rare as time progressed. In the their new code of ethics. If the vampire fails
theatres of war, certain paths have thrived and does not, or cannot, re-roll, they fall
while others have been all but forgotten. immediately into Wassail.

Converting to a Path Sabbat characters that choose to start upon a

The process of converting to a Path of Path are considered to have successfully
Enlightenment is not for the faint of heart. completed their conversion and no rolls are
Paths are alien, inhumane structures of belief required. However, they must still select an
and morality that require a vampire embrace Ethic of the Path of Enlightenment they have
their nature and divest themselves of all it is to chosen. This Ethic takes the place of their
be human. In nights past, an initiate would Convictions.
have their humanity stripped from them over
time as they learn the basic tenets of their No Touchstones, Ethics
future path, allowing teachers (usually a pack Vampires on Paths of Enlightenment do not
Priest) to instill proper values and systems of possess Touchstones. They have divested
morality within them while peeling away themselves of all it means to be human and no
human emotion and sentiment. Much like longer relate to humanity. As a result,
being indoctrinated into a cult, being placed on characters on Paths follow different rules. The
a Path of Enlightenment can become an all- Ethics of a Path of Enlightenment act as
consuming goal for a new initiate as they anchors for the vampire’s morality. If a vampire
uncover more “truths” of their existence as acts in accordance with the Ethics of their Path
espoused by their chosen Path. and gains stains as a result, they may reduce the
total number of stains received in the session
In game terms, a character must be reduced to by one.
Humanity 1 before attempting to convert fully
to a Path of Enlightenment. Once they reach If a vampire goes against the Ethics of their
this level of Humanity, they must choose one of path, they may gain a stain depending on the
the Ethics of the Path of Enlightenment to severity of their violation as seen on the table
which they are attempting to convert. This below.
Ethic replaces their Convictions. Then, the
vampire must succeed at a difficulty 4 VIOLATION ADDITIONAL STAINS GAINED
Willpower roll. If the would-be adherent fails MINOR +1
this roll, they may spend a permanent MAJOR +2

Chapter Six: For the Glory of Caine

Path of Caine out of their way to test themselves as worthy of

Caine’s blood physically as well mentally.
Followers of the Path of Caine hold the
Noddists are often the most learned of the
mythical first vampire as the ideal to which
Sabbat in terms of the legends of Caine and his
they should aspire. They view Caine not only as
childer and are often put to use as leaders or
a dark father figure, but also as the epitome of
vampiric existence. Noddists, as they are often
called, seek to emulate Caine in all things. They
Ethics of the Path of Caine
strive to prove themselves worthy of being his
The Ethics of the Path of Caine focus on
childer, seeking to draw closer to his strength
maintaining a strong mind and body. They
through diablerie and pushing the limits of
push the cainite to strengthen their blood
their vampiric forms. Noddist value lore of the
through diablerie of humane enemies and those
cainite condition and often isolate themselves
they consider weaker than themselves.
in research.
The Ethics of the path are as follows:
A path that focuses on personal growth and
evolution through knowledge of Caine and by
Never give into your Beast
pushing one’s vampiric nature to the very
The bestial nature of your soul should be your
limits. Noddists often focus on honing their
weapon, not your master. Maintain your hold
disciplines and skill in hunting both mortals
over the beast lest it render you unworthy.
and kindred.
Caine demands a strong will.
Viewing humane vampires as both missing the
Always take the blood of those who are
point of their existence and unworthy of their
unworthy to become closer to Caine
blood, cainites that follow the Path of Caine
By devouring the weak, you draw closer to the
are often at the forefront of any effort to
Dark Father. Diablerie is a sacrament that can
diablerize enemies of the sect.
bring you strength and awaken your true
Roles in the Sabbat
Adherents of the Path of Caine are often found
Never pass up the opportunity to learn about
within the ranks of the priesthood. They lead
vampiric history and Caine
sermons of Caine and grand ritae. They are also
It takes a strong mind as well as a strong body
some of the sect’s most successful warriors,
to be worthy of the Dark Father. By learning of
leading packs to victory against the hated
his legend and the history of the cainite species
ancients and pressing them to their very
you grow more capable of defeating your
limits—often accomplishing tasks others view
enemies and showing Caine your worth.
as impossible.
Never deny your hunger or your vampiric
Roleplaying the Path of Caine
The Path of Caine attracts a wide variety of
By denying your true self, you become
cainites. From seekers of knowledge to savage
unworthy of the blood in your veins.
warriors that hone themselves into deadly
Pretending to be mortal—or worse, wishing to
instruments for the Sword of Caine. They go
be so—is a crime against the Dark Father.

Chapter Six: For the Glory of Caine

Path of Cathari
Ethics of the Path of Cathari
Followers of the Path of Cathari view creation
Hedonists who follow the Path of Cathari are
as the product of dueling powers. These powers
taught that they are the embodiment of sin and
include a creator that is the source of all that is
vice. Their roles as dark angels of corruption
“good” and virtuous. This deity rules over the
guide them through the material world to great
realms of the spirit and soul. The other creator
purpose—to weed out those weak of will and
is the stem of all that is “evil” and corrupt,
ruling over the material, physical world.
Hedonists that follow the Path of Cathari view
The Ethics of the Path of Cathari are as follows:
vampires as belonging wholly to the evil,
materialistic world. They consider themselves
Always indulge in vice when possible.
divine forces within the physical world,
Only by having intimate knowledge of all the
immortal demigods that are put in place to
tools at your disposal can you ever seek to
tempt and test others, pruning away those
tempt the unworthy from the light. By
impure and unworthy of the higher, spiritual
experiencing each vice, you increase your
abilities to lure the weak away from the path of
As agents of temptation, Catharists take it
upon themselves to master the physical world
Always lead others to temptation
and become perfect demigods of sin. By
It is your purpose to ensure that only the truly
tempting mortals and other creatures to
worthy ascend into the spiritual realms. Each
debased pleasures or instincts, they leave those
soul you lead into damnation prevents the
worthy of spiritual ascension without those
pollution of the spiritual world and increases
that would pollute their divine essences.
the strength of darkness. By weeding out the
weak, you serve creation.
Roles in the Sabbat
Much like Noddists, Catharists make excellent
Never hesitate to kill a mortal if it serves your
Priests. They often find themselves ascending
through the Ecclesiarch ranks and becoming
When a mortal dies, their soul reincarnates,
Bishops or Archbishops. Cainites that walk this
gaining another chance at perfection and
path also make rather good intelligence agents
purity. As you preen the tree of life, you help
and facilitators, using their knowledge of vice
distill weak souls into pure ones. However,
and desire to see to the needs of their pack and
indiscriminately killing robs souls of their
sect mates.
potential for light or darkness. When you take
a life, do so purposefully, not carelessly.
Roleplaying the Path of Cathari
Cainites on the Path of Cathari see themselves
Always accept your role as a creature of evil.
as divine servants of wickedness and vice.
You are a damned creature locked eternally out
While they often indulge in pleasures and
of the realms of spiritual perfection. It is better
sublime experiences, they far prefer to lead
to learn to reign in the physical world than
others down into damnation with such physical
aspire to heights of purity you will never reach.
delights. Catharists seek out new experiences
You are an angel of darkness, denying it is
and pleasures to better understand them and
denying reality.
their potential uses as weapons in their arsenal.

Chapter Six: For the Glory of Caine

Path of the Feral Heart They embrace the bestial nature of their souls
while tempering it with the mind of a rational
Followers of the Path of the Feral Heart strive
being. To guide them along their way, and to
to become the ultimate apex predators.
ensure they do not plunge into wassail, they
Cainites are undying, their senses are
have encoded a set of behaviors that bind them
sharpened above those of normal mortals, and
to their pack and temper their instincts even as
they prey upon the dominant species on the
they embrace their beast’s prowess.
planet. By embracing their vampiric powers
and bestial natures, vampires can become the
The Ethics of the Path of the Feral Heart as are
ultimate hunters in any environment. Beasts
that embrace this path are not rampaging
monsters, however. They balance their feral
Never give into your fear
natures and instincts with the sharp mind of a
While your fear can heighten your reactions
rational, thinking being.
and make you more alert, allowing it to control
you places you below both man and beast. You
While adherents to this path rely more upon
must sharpen your will against Rötschreck, lest
their powers and vampiric natures than the
it weaken you.
tools of man, they understand that technology
and humans have their uses.
Always keep your loyalties absolute and
demand the same in return.
Roles in the Sabbat
The foundation of the Sabbat is the pack—and
Beasts, as followers of this Path are often called,
it is kept functioning by the bonds of loyalty.
work best as hunters and trackers for the sect.
You owe your loyalty to the fellow hunters you
These types of roles, such as Abbot, allow them
have joined with—and they owe you theirs in
to hone their senses and prowess as predators
return. The pack is the most powerful hunting
while serving the sect. They are also used to
formation in the Sabbat; it must be valued.
great effect in war parties and assaults on
enemy territories.
Never kill without need.
Even a beast knows not to kill when it isn’t
Roleplaying the Path of the Feral Heart
necessary. By killing without need or reason,
Those that follow the Path of the Feral Heart
you can alert other prey to your presence or
must indulge their vampiric instincts. They
rob yourself of a hunt in the future. When you
seek to perfect their skills as hunters, leaning
kill, do so only when needed. But, when you do
more and more upon their Caine-given gifts
kill, see to it without mercy or regret.
than the trappings of man as they grow older.
They embrace their feral natures but balance it
Always hunt with your vampiric powers as
with a cunning mind, striving to become a
your primary tools.
perfect synthesis of beast and man.
Your most powerful tools are those you have as
part of your nature. The tools of humans may
Ethics of the Path of the Feral Heart
assist from time to time, but a true hunter
Those that would become Beasts throw
requires no weapon other than themselves.
themselves headlong into their roles as hunters.

Chapter Six: For the Glory of Caine

Path of Honorable Accord

Ethics of the Path of Honorable Accord
Followers of the Path of Honorable Accord
The guidelines of behavior for Knights are
consider themselves knights of the Sabbat.
detailed by the Code of Milan, but they hold
Rumored to have evolved from a path of
several ethics close to their unbeating hearts.
chivalry and courtly behavior in the Middle
These ethics form the core pillars of their
Ages, the Path of Honorable Accord shares
ability to maintain their sense of self despite
little with the benevolence of human
the monstrous acts they and their sect perform
knighthood or traditional codes of honor that
in the pursuit of their goals.
living warriors held dear.
It is worth noting that humans are not afforded
The Knights that follow this Path bind
protection from Knights under this path—they
themselves to the Revised Code of Milan, using
are viewed as unworthy of the honor of a
it as their code of ethics. By this Code, the
Knight keeping their vows or of any
Knights are given leeway to do whatever is
protections unless decreed to be by a higher
necessary to ensure the survival of the Sword of
authority in the sect.
Caine. Above all, adherents to this path serve
the Sabbat and actively prune the weak and
The Ethics of the Path of Honorable Accord
treacherous from its ranks.
are as follows:
Roles in the Sabbat
Never show cowardice.
Followers of the Path of Honorable Accord
A Knight must never show fear. Cowardice is a
often find employ in the service of Bishops or
sign of weakness, and no follower of this path
Archbishops as Paladins or roam, serving the
can be seen as weak by their enemies—or their
Sword as Templars. In the pack, they often
place themselves in charge of security or
martial training for their packmates.
Always tend to duty over personal matters.
One of the tenets of the Code of Milan, a
However, other Sabbat know that if they prove
Knight must be able to put aside their own
themselves unworthy of their positions or
aspirations to keep the Sabbat strong.
disloyal to the sect, the Knights will seek out
their destruction without mercy.
Always stay true to the Code of Milan.
The Code is the only reason the Sabbat has
Roleplaying the Path of Honorable Accord
survived into the modern nights. Without it,
Cainites that follow this path come from all
civil war would have destroyed the Sabbat from
walks of unlife and attitudes. Some embrace
the inside and the ancients would win.
the path for its clear and concise guidelines,
some come to the path to serve a purpose by
Never break your word.
keeping the Sword strong. Whether they are
If a Knight cannot be trusted, they fail in their
casual with their fellows or strict
purpose. The Sword must trust Knights to live
disciplinarians, they all seek to keep the Sabbat
by their word—and those that break their vows
sharp and pointed at its enemies instead of
must be dealt with harshly.

Chapter Six: For the Glory of Caine

Path of Power and the Inner for survival and support; not even the Unifiers
push against this, they simply seek to use those
Voice bonds to forge a way into the upper echelons for
Followers of the Path of Power and the Inner themselves.
Voice are often known as Unifiers by their fellows
in the Sabbat. Those that follow this path strive to
gather power and influence for themselves, Ethics of the Path of Power and the Inner Voice
seeking to rise above the rank and file of the Unifiers approach unlife strategically. They do
Sword of Caine to become a dominating force in not hold themselves as tightly to the Code of
the night. Unifiers view the vampiric condition as Milan as Knights, but they understand its
best suited for one thing: cultivation of power. usefulness as a tool to keep the Sabbat a cohesive
They seek out knowledge and wisdom as much as force. The Ethics they strive to live by involve
they cultivate political connections and hone their respect and control. They respect those above
martial prowess. Everything can be of potential them that have earned their station, but do not
use to the Unifers, giving them an opportunity to shy away from working to replace leaders that
grow in strength. have failed. In the grand scheme of things, failure
is not an option for followers of this path. They
However, control is nothing if it cannot be either succeed or die.
maintained. As such, Unifiers tend to use more
brutal methods of control such as fear, desire, The Ethics of the Path of Power and the Inner
rage, and respect. When a tool is in danger of Voice are as follows:
sliding out of control, they would rather destroy it
than see it turned against them. Never tolerate failure (including your own).
If you are to be a leader, you cannot allow failure
Roles in the Sabbat to taint your efforts. If you should fail in your
Cainites that follow the Path of Power and the duties, you must make it clear that you admit to
Inner Voice aspire to be at the top of whatever them and eliminate them. By peeling away your
social structure they find themselves in—be it the mistakes you leave yourself a more perfect leader.
pack, a faction, or the Sabbat, itself. However,
they understand that they must build themselves Always strive for control by any means necessary.
up to achieve their goals. Because of this, Unifiers Not all cainites in the Sword are meant to be in
work in all aspects of the Sabbat, mastering duties control. They do not understand the burden, nor
as they are assigned to them, building their the power needed to maintain order across the
network of allies and favors to eventually take Gehenna War, or through sparring ideologies.
control, themselves.
Control must be established. It is your
Roleplaying the Path of Power and the Inner responsibility to seek out order and control over
Voice the chaos that threatens to destroy the Sword of
At first glance, Power and the Inner Voice seems Caine.
like it could be disruptive to pack play. The thing
to remember is that Unifiers may aspire to be the Never show weakness.
top of the chain, they understand that they must A weak leader can attract no followers, nor do
work to get there. Unifiers make allies as other they deserve them. Purge yourself of weakness and
cainites do, and they understand that working never, ever allow your weakness to be seen by
relationships must be maintained to progress. others. You must be a confident, powerful cainite
After all, the Sabbat must rely upon one another above reproach.
Chapter Six: For the Glory of Caine

Always respect those above you but replace them responsibility to step forward and rectify the
when they falter. situation. You may not have to act directly, but
Those in positions of authority over you have you must address the failure of your leaders by
earned their place and your respect—until they replacing them with the strong.
lose it. Should a leader falter or fail, it is your

Chapter Six: For the Glory of Caine

Path of Metamorphosis Ethics of the Path of Metamorphosis

Followers of the Path of Metamorphosis are
As one would expect, the Path of Metamorphosis
mostly found within clan Tzimisce. Their ability
directs cainites to push the limits of their forms so
to alter their form and the forms of others grants
that they can understand every stage of life and
them a special connection to this path. Indeed,
death through their undead experience. As
the first metamorphosists were of the Tzimisce.
scholarly beings, they are loathe to give
information to those who have not worked for it
Adherents to this path seek out a sort of
or earned it in some way. While these things can
apotheosis—a mythical state of enlightenment
push the cainite who follows this path into
that they call Azhi Dahaka. By changing their
isolation from time to time, it also leaves them
forms and by that, their spirits, they believe that
invaluable to the Sword when their skills are
they are unlocking the keys to an ultimate state of
being some say may be similar to the fabled tales
of Golconda.
The Ethics of the Path of Metamorphosis are as
The exact steps along the path to this
enlightenment are unique to each
Always take the opportunity to study all stages of
metamorphosist, prompting them to indulge in
death and life.
experimentation of both the physical and
Only by understanding the limits and functions of
metaphysical. They are lore masters, scientists,
the various stages of life, death, and undeath, can
torturers, and inhuman explorers.
you being to elevate your undead flesh to its
Metamorphosists shun almost no experience,
pinnacle of evolution.
seeking out the brief flickers of expanded
awareness that can unlock their path to
Never concern yourself with mortals, they are
beneath you.
While they are useful for experimentation,
Roles in the Sabbat
mortals are ultimately unable to glimpse the glory
Metamorphosists often fill many roles in the
of your path. In their blindness, mortals are
Sword of Caine. They take to any role they are
beneath you They are food and subjects, nothing
given with inhuman precision, allowing
themselves to adapt to new situations and
Always take the opportunity to modify your body
when possible.
Roleplaying the Path of Metamorphosis
Only by pushing your form to its limits and
The Path of Metamorphosis is one that mixes
examining the impact on your physical form and
scientific precision and metaphysical goals. Those
spiritual journey can you hope to glimpse the path
that follow this path believe that by forcing
of Azhi Dahaka.
themselves to evolve, both physically (often
through Vicissitude) and spiritually, they will
Never grant knowledge to those who have not
achieve enlightenment that transcends their
earned it.
undead natures. The pursuit of Azhi Dahaka is
Knowledge is a journey that changes those who
not for the faint of heart as metamorphosists are
experience it. By merely granting wisdom to those
as like to experiment on others as they are on
who have done nothing to earn it, you rob them of
this transformation.

Chapter Six: For the Glory of Caine

Path of Death and the Soul

Discarded Paths Practiced originally by a bloodline of
Not all Paths of Enlightenment survived the necromancers and scholars of death in the Dark
Reformation. Several began to fall into disuse Ages, the Path of Death and the Soul evolved
simply because of the changing state of the from what it once was into a rigid structure of
Gehenna War—teachers being killed before behavior and belief. Those that practiced the
passing on their knowledge, or other paths tenets of this path often kill deliberately and
appearing more attractive given local creatively to observe not only the act of death, but
circumstances. Some of these paths were pruned the aftereffects of the deed.
purposefully, such as the Path of Lilith and the
Path of Evil Revelations, but others such as Death As the Gehenna War began in earnest and the
and the Soul simply fell out of favor and faded Harbingers of Skulls left to form the Hecata with
into obscure practice. other necromancers, the primary practitioners of
this path left the sect, leaving only a few scattered
Path of the Beast pockets of adherents throughout the entirety of
The Path of the Beast shuns the trappings of the Sword of Caine. As these individuals met their
civilization and embraces the feral nature of the own ends in the War, there were fewer and fewer
vampire. Those that followed this path sought to to teach the path’s ethics to new initiates, and
strike a balance between the conscious mind and thus, it fell into obscurity.
the instinctive Beast but allowed the Beast to
override the mind when its needs were to be met. Ethics of the Path of Death and the Soul
Embracing frenzy, ignoring political Always study the transition of life and death.
entanglements, and becoming merciless predators Never fail to study the aftereffects of death that you
are all common for those that practiced this path’s cause.
ethics. Never fear death.
Always seek to understand as much as possible.
Unfortunately, seeing the enormity of the task
before the Sabbat and the sheer danger of hunting Path of Evil Revelations
the ancients in their own territories propelled Rumored to have been founded by infernal Brujah
many followers to abandon the Gehenna War in the 1600s, the Path of Evil Revelations was once
where they were able. Acting against survival a scourge to the Sabbat. Adherents to this path
instinct was a sin to this path and, when it comes ally themselves with the forces of Hell. This
down to it, many Sabbat view the Gehenna War heretical belief structure infiltrated the Sabbat
as an all-or-nothing battle that will see them and left an insidious shadow within the sect. The
victorious or ash. former Sabbat Inquisition battled these heretics
at the behest of the sect. Submission to infernal
Ethics of the Path of the Beast powers was no better in the eyes of the Sabbat
Always heed your Beast. The needs of the Beast than suckling at the teat of the Antediluvians.
supersede all.
Never dabble in politics. The Inquisition continues to hunt those that
Always consider your survival paramount. follow the beliefs of this path even during the
Never show mercy. Gehenna War. The Sword of Caine needs warriors
to fight the ancients, not fools selling their souls
to demonic forces.

Chapter Six: For the Glory of Caine

Ethics of the Path of Evil Revelations

Always remember that you are meant to serve the
powers of Hell.
Never reveal your true motives.
Never betray your infernal lord.
Always seek out ways to serve the powers of Hell and
convince others to do so as well.

Path of Lilith
The Path of Lilith was considered heretical within
the Sabbat even before the Gehenna War.
Actively denying the supremacy of the Dark
Father and instead raising up Lilith, adherents of
this path often came to blows (both physical and
social) with followers of the Path of Caine and
others who feel Caine is the ideal vampire.

As the Gehenna War loomed on the horizon,

followers of the Path of Lilith found themselves
staying in Sabbat-held territories, seeking to gain
sway over Sabbat domains as the more militant of
the sect filtered into the Middle East in search of
the ancients. Instead, they found themselves
burned out of the cities by hunters and enemies of
the Sword.

The Sabbat eliminated the followers of this path

within its ranks almost completely. While the
occasional cult to Lilith may slither through the
cracks of the Sword’s façade, the Ecclesiarch
faction often roots them out and burns them as
traitors to the Sabbat.

Ethics of the Path of Lilith

Never shy away from pain. Indulge it.
Always seek out those willing to learn the lessons of the
Dark Mother.
Never fail to practice what you learn. Knowledge
without action is meaningless.
Always take the opportunity to learn about Lilith and
the treacherous Caine.

Chapter Six: For the Glory of Caine

Path of Night Path of the Scorched Heart

No path’s fall from prominence and use has been An ancient path followed by a splinter of the
as dramatic as the Path of Night’s. Primarily Brujah Clan according to legend, this path saw
found among the Lasombra, this path was almost adherents divorcing themselves of all emotion—
synonymous with the clan of shadowcrafters. As viewing such things chaos incarnate. They sought
the Friends of Night took most of the clan away to eliminate emotion so that they could become
from the Sabbat in their gambit to join the more perfect beings, establishing utter control
Camarilla, all eyes turn to those who remained. over their beasts through iron-clad shackles of
Unfortunately, the very tenets of the Path of
Night damned those that remained. They were While such a path may seem useful for the Sabbat,
bound by their ethics to never bow to the will of by separating oneself from the righteous fury the
other cainites or to repent for their behaviors and Sword of Caine uses to wage war against the
evil. In the eyes of Bishops and Sabbat seeking ancients, one weakens resolve in the face of the
vengeance for betrayal, these strictures were enormity of the Gehenna War. This path slowly
damning. Some adherents survived, either feeling fell out of favor with Bishops and Archbishops,
their souls erode as they were forced to deny their who began to ostracize those who practiced it on
own ethics, or by fleeing more fervent of their the front lines of the war. In time, its number of
detractors. adherents dwindled (though there never were
many), and now it is merely another lost set of
Now, the path is very rarely practiced as the beliefs.
Lasombra within the Sabbat seek to forge a new
legacy for themselves outside of their history. Ethics of the Path of the Scorched Heart
Always think logically.
Ethics of the Path of Night Always resist the Beast
Never repent for your behavior. Never allow yourself to feel emotion. Replace emotion
Always tempt and horrify those around you. This will with reason, for emotion is of the Beast.
weed out the weak from the strong. Never trust anything that you cannot perceive, and
Always encourage others to accept their inner darkness. even then, remember that your perceptions can be
Never bow to another kindred’s will. fooled.


The Black Hand is comprised of the most efficient Black Hand members can either be assigned to a full
and successful killers in all the Sabbat. They are column or can be agents working within their own
strategists, operatives, assassins, and battlefield packs. If a member of the Black Hand is found to
officers. Membership in the Black Hand is never place the security of the Sword at risk through
taken lightly, and prospective recruits have only one inaction or other means, they rarely have a chance to
chance to impress the hand once evaluation begins. make a second mistake.

Having passed the initial stages of evaluation, a Unlike other factions, once a character is a member
character that takes this Loresheet is restricted from of the Black Hand, they can only leave the faction by
attaining the rankings of Bishop or above. In suffering the final death.
addition, Black Hand members are not allowed to
become Paladins or Templars due to the nature of
their duties.

● Initiate: You have only begun also trusted with deeper secrets security. In addition, the Black
to scratch the surface of your and influences. Once per Story, Hand will provide any reasonable
training with the Black Hand. you can call an immediate weaponry or vehicles to you in
You have been identified as a meeting with a local Bishop or order to complete assignments or
recruit of some potential and are Archbishop without penalty or ill a mission important to sect
given guidance through your will provided it directly relates to security. The level of armament
testing process. You can access to the security of the sect. You also delivered is at the Storyteller’s
a Mawla (●●) representing the gain Status (●●) Black Hand and discretion.
Black Hand soldier responsible a free specialty in either Brawl,
for your training. Melee, or Politics. ●●●●● Independent
Operative: Your dependability as
●● Soldier: Having passed your ●●●● Commander: Your an operative has afforded you the
initial test for full membership, reputation within the Black opportunity to travel without
you have assassinated a target Hand is immaculate. You have restriction. Akin to a Templar,
deemed dangerous to the Sword either eliminated numerous you and your pack are able to
of equal or greater potency than targets for the Black Hand or travel between territories
yourself. As a result, you gain one achieved great acclaim in other without consequence to pursue
additional Sabbat status and efforts that have assisted your your own targets. This immunity
Status (●) Black Hand. superiors in the organization. As extends to protect you from the
a result, you can call upon Black effects of any collateral damage
●●● Expert Operative: Your Hand backup once per Story. The on Sabbat holdings—provided
skill within the hand has caught backup that arrives to assist you that your actions can be justified
the attention of your superiors. are usually soldiers in rank or as being for the good of the sect.
While you are required to below and will follow your You gain Status (●●●) Black
occasionally train initiates for an directions provided that they are Hand.
evening or two at a time, you are in service to the sect and its

While Sabbat do not have to join a faction to serve A character does not need to possess this Loresheet
the Sword, many do find common cause with to be a member of a specific faction, but this
individuals with whom they share ideological Loresheet does grant them the benefits of rank and
viewpoints and long-term goals. The individual recognition within their chosen faction. Status and
factions all have their own aims and viewpoints, as other benefits may be gained at the storyteller’s
discussed earlier in this packet. Each allows discretion—as well as taken away due to the actions
membership to Sabbat who have proven themselves of the character.
and who can be relied upon to further their own
If a character who possesses this Loresheet leaves
When this Loresheet is purchased, the character their faction, they immediately lose all benefits
must select which a faction to which it applies. This associated with their levels in this Loresheet and
is the faction that considers the character a member. their points are not refunded.

● Initiate: You have moved ●●● Confidant: Your efforts meeting of your immediate
beyond being simply a Sabbat within your faction and your faction members within a
member who claims membership involvement in its growth have territory you choose once per
within a faction. At this stage, earned you an increased level of Story.
you have begun to make a name trust. You are always a welcome
for yourself. Some of your local guest at esbats consisting of your ●●●●● Regionally Important
faction members may recognize faction mates and are considered Member: At this level of
you or know your name without a steadfast comrade by many reputation within your faction,
an introduction, but it is clear within your faction. By drawing you are considered to be within
that you still have a long way to upon your reputation and the an entire region. You are granted
go to gain real respect. At this grace of fellow faction members, the ability to call on allies in your
level of involvement, you gain you can access a Herd (●●) and faction as well as request
Status (●) in your faction. temporary Haven (●●) once per specialized services. You can
story. make a call to arms to your
●● Trusted Member: You are Faction, summoning Allies
now considered a member of ●●●● Local Celebrity: Due to (●●●●) for one endeavor once
good standing within your your actions within the Sword per Story, alternatively, you can
faction. Local individuals know and your faction, you have gain access, once per Story, to
your name and recognize you at accumulated a reputation for specialized equipment that your
esbat. Your connections to your yourself. As a result, lower- faction could have access to
faction have grown and as a ranking members of your faction (Weapons for Sword Militant,
result, you gain a Malwa (●) from tend to look up to you and tell rare research materials for
your faction and access to Allies tales of your exploits. You gain Scholars Emeritus, etc.). You gain
(●●) once per story. Status (●●●) in your faction as a (●) Sabbat status bonus.
well as the ability to call a



When Connor O’Shae defected to the Sabbat with a climbing in rank and learning more secrets of Blood
handful of fellow Tremere, it was questionable if his Sorcery stolen from House Tremere before O’Shae’s
gambit would pay off. In the last several years, defection.
however, clan Tremere has begun to flourish within
the sect. While all Sabbat members of clan Tremere are
considered family, those who possess this loresheet
Those who dedicate themselves to advancing the have risen above the rank and file to carve a bloody
goals of the clan and the House find themselves name for themselves within the House.

● Initiate of the House: You have has gained the attention of those allowing you to gain +2 dice on
dedicated yourself as a member of higher station in House any one use of Blood Sorcery
of House Céanna. Your name is Céanna and you have been once per Story.
known to local members of the supplied with additional
House and you can expect to resources to help foster your ●●●●● Sanguine Emeritus:
receive at least a modicum of growth. To purchase this level of Whether due to a combination of
respect from other House the House Céanna’s loresheet, lineage and skill or some other
members. While they will not go you must possess at least Blood quality, you are viewed as one of
out of their way or take risks to Sorcery (●●) and one ritual of the most skilled (or potentially
assist you, they will offer you your choosing. You gain Library skilled) practitioners in House
advice and camaraderie. At this (●●) permanently for your Céanna. Even more potent
level, you gain Status (●) House haven and can access a Haven (●) sorcerers are impressed with your
Céanna. once per Story for temporary finesse with blood sorcery.
shelter. Alternatively, you may have
●● Secrets Revealed: As your simply gained the support of a
efforts to increase the holdings ●●●● Master Mage: Your high-ranking magus at some
and advance the agenda of the reputation has earned you point in your training, allowing
House have become noticed, you tutelage from some of the most you to claim benefits of their
have been inducted into a circle potent sorcerers of House reputation. You are considered
of magi who have more mysteries Céanna. While the House is often an authority on matters regarding
of the arcane revealed to them scattered across different blood magic whether your skill
above the common blood warzones in the Middle East, a qualifies you or not—though
magician. As a result, once per skilled blood magician has giving false information or
Chapter, you can automatically offered their mentorship. You making grave errors may still
succeed in casting a ritual of your can call upon this blood sorcerer negatively impact your
choosing. Gain Status (●●) for advice or assistance in occult- reputation. As a result, you gain
House Céanna. based activities once per Story. Retainers (●●) and three dots in
This aid can be in the form of Haven distributed as desired.
●●● Disciple of the Blood: You translations, ritual casting, or These represent gifts given to you
are acknowledged as an aspiring advice. Additionally, due to the by other members of House
blood magician and an asset. skill you possess, you have been Céanna. You also gain Status
Your aptitude in Blood Sorcery taught further secrets of sorcery, (●●●) House Céanna.




Whether you were recently embraced or have been warriors. While many outside the clan may assume
involved with the Knights of the Dragon since they that they embrace values of honor and stereotypes of
began to emerge, you are involved with the up-and- what knighthood used to represent… they could not
coming force of Tzimisce. Training with the new be more wrong.
Tzimisce warlords can be daunting and fraught with
pain and bloodshed. The Knights of the Dragon are Knights in name
only. They are fearsome and merciless terrors on the
The Knights have begun to establish a power base battlefield, giving no quarter and asking of none.
for themselves among the Tzimisce clan, attempting They allow their enemies no honor because the tools
to embody both their nature as leaders and savage of the ancients are not deserving of it.

● Squire of the Dragon: Having your opponent’s eyes. Once per sleeping in safety. In addition,
begun your journey to Chapter, you can re-roll three once per Story, you may call
knighthood, you have studied dice from any one attack against upon another Knight for aid,
with another of the Dragon’s an opponent that is afraid of you gaining Allies (●●●).
chosen and are learning their (Storyteller’s discretion) without
ways of battle. You gain the spending a Willpower. You ●●●●● Lord Commander:
equivalent of a Mawla (●), cannot re-roll hunger dice with Reaching a peak in your training
representing a Knight of the this benefit. You may also gain an and time with the Knights of the
Dragon. audience with any Tzimisce of up Dragon, you gain the benefit of
to Bishop in status due to your Status (●●●) Knights of the
●● Knight of the Dragon: Your reputation once per Story. Dragon. In addition, you
reputation among the Knights understand that sometimes a
has been solidified, allowing you ●●●● Scion of Fire: Word of battlefield commander must
to gain the benefit of Status your deeds has spread, affording make difficult decisions for the
(●●) Knights of the Dragon. you safe haven and passage when overall good of the mission. Once
Once per Story, you can call on you and your pack travel. Once per story, you can remove up to
the aid of another Tzimisce as an per Story, you can gain the five stains from your track before
Ally (●). benefit of a Haven (●●) making a remorse roll.
relatively near your location. This
●●● Blooded Knight: As a represents the clan making
warrior of the Tzimisce clan, you arrangements for your benefit,
are taught the value of fear in allowing you to spend a day



Ever since the betrayal of the Lasombra, those who

remain in the Sabbat have been fighting an uphill The Redeemers are beginning to create a name for
battle to cleanse the name of their clan. The so- themselves within the clan for their willingness to go
called “Redeemers” take such a responsibility deadly to extreme lengths in order to restore the Lasombra
seriously. They have backed the destruction of the to glory within the Sabbat. In hushed tones,
Friends of the Night and have hunted down those of however, it is said that the Redeemers have gone so
their own clan that would dare tarnish the name of far as to murder even Sabbat who would oppress the
Lasombra. clan or attempt to keep them down.

● Reclaiming what is ours: You outmaneuvered them or twisted abyss if fickle, if the action results
have begun to establish yourself their aims to your own benefit in failure, you receive 2
as an individual that other and acclaim. Your cunning and superficial damage as the raw
Lasombra consider to have great guile have earned you increased energies of Oblivion devastate
potential. You gain the use of standing within your clan. You your form.
Allies (●●) once per Chapter. gain Status (●●) Clan Lasombra
These allies can either be newly and can call a meeting of local ●●●●● Herald of Greatness:
embraced Lasombra who want to Lasombra once per Story. All Your dedication to the clan has
work with fellow clanmates to available Lasombra in the area been proven time and time again.
restore the Lasombra to glory, or will attend to your call or send a You have defeated enemies of the
retainers borrowed from other representative. While this does Lasombra and have gained
clanmates. not guarantee action that benefits ground for the clan in the wake
you, they will at least listen to of the betrayal. Your efforts have
●● Brother’s Keeper: Your your words and give them not gone unnoticed by the rest of
efforts to assist the clan have consideration. the clan and you are considered a
earned you a gift from more cainite in pursuit of greatness.
prestigious members. As a reward ●●●● Abyssal Scholar: You can call for an audience with
for your service, you gain a Herd Through your actions, you have any Lasombra up to Archbishop
(●) and Retainer (●). attracted the attention of in ranking once per Story. In
members of the clan that display addition, you can gain access to a
●●● Magister: As a tested great expertise in the temporary Haven (●●) once per
Lasombra, you have survived and manipulation of abyssal energies. story and can call upon Resources
thrived under the scrutiny of Due to your deeds, they have (●●●) once per story. These
other members of your clan. The taught you secrets of bonuses represent the clan
road to this level of prestige has commanding Oblivion. As a offering their gratitude for your
not been an easy one. You may result, you gain +3 dice for any efforts.
have earned the ire of other use of Oblivion once per
Lasombra as you have Chapter. However, since the



Assamites of the Sabbat are a highly ritualized clan. many of its number to the blood god Ur-Shulgi, the
Lead by an Antitribu titled the Hulul, the assassins group still carries this tradition on into the modern
work within the Sabbat to improve their skills and nights.
to put an end to the ancients. Assamites who consider themselves Unconquered as
expected to act as mentors and assistants when
Though all Antitribu look up to the Hulul, the needed and in return are provided with enhanced
position is temporary. Once a century, the Hulul is training and materiel for the war effort.
murdered via ritual diablerie. Despite the loss of

● Traveler of the Path: Whether ●●● Ace: Your kill record and you to turn your clan’s bane into
a new member of the clan or one expertise have elevated you above a benefit. Upon drinking the
who recently begun to follow the typical members of the blood of another cainite, you can
steps of their heritage, you are an Unconquered. You are now direct your beast against them,
initiate into the Unconquered trusted with more difficult using the hunger prompted by
and receive training and assignments, and as a result, have cainite vitae to guide your
guidance. You are considered an been given more specialized actions. Once per story, when
initiate into the Clan. You gain training. You are viewed as an your bane is triggered against
Status (●) Assamite Antitribu asset to the clan and have gained another vampire, you gain +2 dice
and a Mawla (●●) from the sway with other members in your next melee roll against
Assamite Antitribu. accordingly. You gain status that cainite.
(●●) Assamite Antitribu. As a
●● Tempered Warrior: Having reflection of your specialized ●●●●● Servant of the Hulul:
surpassed the basic trials needed training, you may re-roll 1 dice in Your value to the Unconquered
to be brought into the fold as a any Blood Sorcery test once per cannot be understated. You have
true warrior of the clan, you are Chapter without requiring been called into the presence and
viewed as a dependable member willpower. occasional service of the Hulul,
of the Unconquered. Your skills allowing you to gain the benefit
are called upon by the clan from ●●●● Dervish: As a veteran of the potent cainite’s prestige
time to time, which may member of the Unconquered, you and sway over the clan. While
necessitate you spending are often called upon to assist you are sometimes called away
downtime fulfilling the needs of more inexperienced Assamite for important missions for the
the clan. You gain 1 free Melee, Antitribu. You may be a mentor Hulul, you gain Status (●●●)
Brawl, Stealth, or Larceny or the occasional guide, but your Assamite Antitribu. You also
Specialty. You also gain access to experience is valued in the clan earn the ability to call upon
Haven (●), which represents an and your words are well heeded Allies (●●●) once per Story,
emergency haven granted to you by members of the clan. You gain represented by fellow Assamite
by your brothers and sisters in +2 dice in social rolls involving Antitribu. You are also able to
the clan. Assamite Antitribu as a result. In requisition a Haven (●●●) once
addition, your skill has allowed per Story.

Chapter Seven: Antagonists

Chapter Seven: Antagonists

Chapter Seven:

Sabbat Antagonists
The obvious antagonists for the Sabbat are the As they have realized their singular focus on the
Camarilla, Ashirra, and the ancients. However, in Middle East has been in vain, the Gehenna War
the Gehenna War, many forces are at play, leaving has begun to engulf the world at large.
the Sabbat capable of running into unexpected
enemies and allies. Ancients can be found beneath heavily populated
cities and in abandoned wilderness the world
If your game is being run in the War itself, we over. Chicago is rumored to have at least two
would recommend utilizing one or two of the active methuselahs, not to mention the known
above as foci for each story. If you add too many variable of Critias, childe of Meneleus.
antagonists, the threat can seem overwhelming
and chaotic. Since you want your players to Wherever these threats can be located, the Sabbat
become engaged, keeping the number of will hunt them.
antagonists to one or two main groups allows
them to maintain focus more easily.
The Ancients Taking a leaf from the Sabbat: The Black Hand,
The focus of the Gehenna War. Methuselahs and we suggest that the Gehenna War not be confined
Antediluvians, puppet masters, and nigh just to the Middle East if your game prefers to
demigods. These beings are hunted across the play in more familiar places. There are many
Middle East as the War rages. However, as the stories across the history of the World of
Sabbat have raided tombs, they have found many Darkness of ancients sleeping beneath large cities
empty, as if their inhabitants had long since and influencing events even as they slumber.
moved on.
If your Sabbat want to stick closer to home, we
In recent nights, the Sword of Caine has expanded suggest using one of these threads to keep them
its search for these powerful creatures and has occupied out of the traditional “front lines” in the
found them in places they never would have Middle East.
Chapter Seven: Antagonists

The Ashirra
The Ashirra are a sect of vampires who have made
their homes in the Middle East and North Africa
for centuries. The sect staunched Camarilla
efforts to control the area and maintained their
own independence from the European vampires
successfully since its inception. While the two
sects conflicted in the past, with the Vermillion
Wedding, the two have found common cause and

The Ashirra can be notoriously more difficult to

assault than Camarilla assets in the War due to
their home advantage. Long before the Sabbat
began to invade the Middle East for the Gehenna
War, the Ashirra were established in the region
and cultivated a vast base of power and influence.
Now, the Sabbat must deal with Ashirra resources
and cainites as they expand their operational

The Camarilla
The Camarilla has seen the threat of the Sabbat
shift and grow in modern nights. Despite the fact
that Sabbat cities have been either reclaimed by
the Camarilla or abandoned by the Sabbat, the
Camarilla still views the Sabbat as an existential
threat to its very being.

Having allied with the Ashirra to fight against the

Sabbat in the Middle East as its elders are being
drawn into the Gehenna War, the Camarilla has a
vested interest in defeating the Sabbat.

The Camarilla has great resources in mortal

society and financial assets that can make even
their indirect intervention in Sabbat affairs
problematic. However, there are also physical
assets on the ground in the form of Camarilla
members and elders that can directly strike
against the Sword of Caine—and often do.

The Children of Haqim

The blood cult of Ur-Shulgi hides in the
mountains of the Middle East, striking out from
their hidden fortress of the Eagle’s Nest to destroy
all vampiric life that does not worship Haqim or
his principles.
Chapter Seven: Antagonists

Not much is known of the cult—the Banu Haqim Lupines

and the Unconquered do not tend to discuss their While there are not many “tribes” of werewolves
clan’s divisions very much. What is understood, that claim the Middle East as their home, the
however, is that an ancient from the clan’s oldest lupines still maintain a presence in the region.
stories appeared to the Assamites and gave them a
choice—a choice not unlike the terms of the As beings that consider vampires anathema, it is
Treaty of Thorns: come home and be forgiven or without a doubt that lupines can make themselves
stay ostracized and be counted among our known at any time to threaten Sabbat endeavors
enemies. or simply to hunt them to best eliminate them
from the Earth. No sect is safe from the lupine
While many Assamites returned to the fold under threat and they will kill either side without mercy.
Ur-Shulgi’s guidance and adopted the worship of
their mythical founder, others remained or even There is no reasoning with lupines, there is no
fled the clan’s historical home. negotiating. They do not tolerate the undead and
do not make friends or allies out of them.
Now, Ur-Shulgi’s cult lashes out against those
cainites (of any sect) that disrupt its dealings or The Second Inquisition
tread upon its holdings. The Second Inquisition is not sequestered to
Europe and the United States. Its agents and
Cults of the Ancients institutions span the globe. Their dedication to
Vampires are not the only creatures who worship finding a solution to the blank body problem is
ancient vampires. Across history, cults have all-consuming.
formed around the worship of undying deities.
While not all of them worship Antediluvians or Given intelligence agency interest in the Middle
methuselahs, a surprising amount of them do— East, it is highly likely that agents on the ground
chief among them the Mithras cult. are aware of the blank body conflict occurring all
around them. For the most part, the SI seems
In remote regions of the world and isolated content in letting the opposing vampires kill one
warzones, cults could have easily sprung up another, however, they are not above giving one
around the worship of various forces and side or another a push—or sweeping into a battle
creatures that are masks or avatars of sleeping in the aftermath to wipe out the survivors or
methuselahs. When the Sabbat enter these lands abduct them for interrogations or testing.
looking to kill the focus of worship, these cults
can mobilize to strike back against the invaders.


A Salubri Antitribu 65 Ravager 121
Abbot 27 Serpents of the Light 74 Sorority Sister 121
Antagonists 140 Toreador Antitribu 77 Priest 27
The Ancients 140 Alternate Rules 80 Priscus 19
The Ashirra 141 Tremere Antitribu 81 R
The Camarilla 141 Tzimisce 90 Reformation 13
The Children of Haqim 141 Ventrue Antitribu 101 S
Cults of the Ancients 142 Code of Milan 10
Sabbat Civil War 10, 11
Lupines 142 Revised 12
Sabbat Factions 15
The Second Inquisition 142 Convention of Thorns 9
Ecclesiarch 15
Archbishop 19, 28 D Moderates 15
Auctoritas Ritae 107 Dominion 29 Nomads 15
The Binding 107 Ductus 26 Scholars Emeritus 15
Blood Bath 107 I Sword Militant 15
Blood Feast 107 Ignobilis Ritae 114 The Inquisition 15
Contrition 31, 107 Baptism 114 Seraph 18
Creation Rites 108 Consecration 114 T
Fire Dance 109 Festivo Dello Estinto 114 Templar 20
Games of Instinct 109 Palla Grande 114 Touchstones 117, 122
Monomacy 110 L
Sermons of Caine 111 V
Loresheets 120,133 Valeren 70
The Vaulderie 111
Black Hand Membership 133 Sense Life/Death 70
War Party 113
Faction Membership 134 Sense Resolve 70
Wild Hunt 113
House Ceanna 135 Anesthetic Touch 71
B Knight of the Dragon 136 Morphean Blow 71
Backgrounds 120 Redeemer 137 Copore Sano 71
Bishop 19, 28 The Unconquered 138 Burning Touch 72
Blood Sorcery 88 P Shepherd’s Watch 72
Infirm Inert 88
Pack 20 Armor of Fury 72
Rituals 88
Paladin 20 Redressing the Sin 72
Sense the Mystical 88
Path of Enlightenment 122 Vengeance of Samiel 73
Essence of Shadow 88
Ethics 122 Mark of the Tracker 73
Sanctity of the Haven 88
Path of Caine 123 Vicissitude
Blood Allergy 88
Path of Cathari 124 Fleshcraft 96
C Path of the Feral Heart 125 Siphon 98
Cardinal 18 Path of Honorable Accord 126 Bone Crafting 98
Clans of the Sabbat 38 Power and the Inner Voice 127 Osseus Weaponry 98
Assamite Antitribu 41 Path of Metamorphosis 129 Mastery of the Flesh 98
Brujah Antitribu 44 Path of the Beast 130 Flesh like Water 98
Gangrel Antitribu 47 Path of Evil Revelations 130 Horrid Form 99
Alternate Disciplines 49 Path of Lilith 131 Corrupt the Flesh 99
Lasombra 50 Path of Night 132 Acid Blood 99
Malkavian Antitribu 53 Path of the Scorched Heart 132 Scales of the Dragon 100
Nosferatu Antitribu 57 Predator Type 121
Panders 61 Pack Feeder 121

The Gehenna War Calls
The Sword of Caine has often been viewed by the Camarilla as monstrous beasts that
live only to diablerize and destroy. Like all good antagonists, there is another side to the
Sabbat. While they harbor murderers and diablerists of all types, they are, at their core,
a spiritual sect on a Holy War against ancient beings of terrible power and unfathomable

In this book, the Sabbat are laid bare. From a breakdown of the sect’s history and
hierarchy to their current state as a lean, honed weapon against the tools of the ancients,
everything you need to play Sabbat in Vampire: the Masquerade 5th Edition is here.

It’s time you joined the War.

This book contains:
^ An alternative history and Reformation of the Sabbat in modern nights.
^ New rules for Paths of Enlightenment and descriptions of 12 different
Paths—Six active in the Sabbat and six fallen into obscurity.
^ Alternate rules for Tzimisce and Salubri Antitribu
^ A New Tremere House of Antitribu
^ New Ritae, Blood Sorcery Rituals, Backgrounds, Predator Types, Clan
and Faction-specific Loresheets
^ Custom Character Sheets from Chris “Mr. Gone” Leland


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