6773 2008 Reff2021

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IS 6773:2008
(Reaffirmed 2016) 
(Reaffirmed 2021)

(Reaffirmed 2015) 

Indian Standard (Reaffirmed 2014) 


SPECIFICATION (Reaffirmed 2013) 

(Second Revision )  

(Reaffirmed 2012) 

lCS 81.080

(Reaffirmed 2011) 

(Reaffirmed 2010) 

(Reaffirmed 2009) 

(Reaffirmed 2008) 

(Reaffirmed 2007) 

(Reaffirmed 2006) 

(Reaffirmed 2005) 

(2 BIS 2008


NEW DELHI 110002

./zf[Y 2008 Price Group 5

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Kolkata(ocschemlab@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

Foundry and Steel Casting Sectional Committee, MTD 14


This standard was first publisiled in 1973 and subsequently revised in 1978. Whiie reviewing the standard in the
iight of experiences gained during these years, the committee decided to revise this standard by merging with tile
requirements inciuded in IS 8785 : 1978 ‘Specification for COI core binder system (binder and break down
agent) for use in foundries’.

Sodium silicate is extensively used in foundry industry as binder for producing mouids, cores, refractory,
briquettes and for other purposes.

[n this revision, the foiiowing changes have been made:

a) Scope of the standard has been eniarged by inciuding the requirements of COZ core binder system.
b) Designation of grades has been made more rationai.
c) Tilree new grades of sodium silicate have been included.

Bureau of [ndian Standards, has also published IS 28i : ]995 ‘Sodium siiicate — Specification’. This
prescribes requirements and method of sampiing for sodium siiicate, in soiid and liquid forms, for use in
various industries.

For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with the final vaiue,
observed or calculated, expressing the resuit of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2:
i 960 ‘Ruies for rounding off numerical values (revise~’. The number of significant places retained in the
rounded off vaiuc shouid be the same as that of the specified vaiue in this standard.
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1S 6773:2008

Indian Standard
(Second Revision )
1 SCOPE as follows:
a) By a letter F designating foundry. lt means
This standard covers the requirements of sodium
sodium silicate for foundry use.
silicate for use in foundry industry for the following
purposes: b) By a letter designating the use of sodium
silicate as follows:
a) CO: core and mould binder;
b) Refractory binder, adhesives, etc; and 1) C for C02 Core and mould binder;
c) Binder for briquettes production of foundry 2) B for briquetting of foundry material and
raw-material and other purposes. other purposes; and
2 REFERENCES 3) R for refractory binder, adhesive, etc.
The following standards contain provisions, which The letter shall be followed by a hyphen (-)
through reference in this text, constitute provisions
of this standard. At the time of publication, the c) By three figures designating hundred times
editions indicated were valid. All standards are of average mass ratio of total soluble silica
subject to revision and parties to agreement based on as SiOz to total alkalinity as Na20; for
this standard are encouraged to investigate the example, if the ratio of Si02 to Na20 is 1.4,
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the the designation would be 140. Then figures
standards indicated below. shall be followed by a stroke (/).
IS No. Title d) By three figures designating ten times
the minimum percentage by mass of Na20,
265 : 1993 Hydrochloric acid ~ourth revision) for example, if the minimum percent by
~b(j : 1993 Sulphuric acid (third revision) mass of Na10 is 14, the designation would
323 : 1959 Rectified spirit (revised) be 140.

1070 : 1992 Reagent grade water (third Example of full designation;

The designation of sodium silicate for COZ core
1387 : 1993 General requirements for the and mould binder having an average mass ratio
supply of metallurgical materials percent Si02 to percent Na20 of 2.2 and minimum
(second revision) percent Na,O of 14 would be FC — 220/140.
1783 (Part 2) Drum, large, fixed ends: Part 2
4.2 Grades
1988 Grade B drums (third revision)
1918 : 1966 Methods of physical tests for Sodium silicate shall be of eight grades as given
foundry sands in Table 1. The grades are overlapping in use.
3018 : 1977 Silica sand for raw material 5 REQUIREMENTS
testing in foundries
5.1 Description
4905:1968 Methods for random sampling
The material shall be in the form of translucent clear
syrupy liquid of watery white or slightly gray colour,
Genera] requirements relating to supply of sodium free from dirt and other visible sediments and
silicate for use in foundries shall be as laid down impurities and free sediment.
in 1S 1387.
5.2 Chemical Requirements
When tested by the methods prescribed in Annex A
4.1 Designation the material shall comply with the requirements given
in Table 2.
The grades of sodium silicate shall be designated

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IS 6773:2008

Tablel Grades of Sodium Silicate

(C/ause 4.2)

Grade Type lJse Other Properties

(1) (2) (3) (4)

CO, mooids High mass ratio silicate has better
Fc-2oo/145 Alkaline CO, cores collapsibility in comparison to low mass
f3riqucttcs ratios ilicate

l;c.220/140 Low viscosity silicate hardness faster

than the high viscositysi1icatc



F&260/105 Proves to be t“riablecores and moulds.

but collapsible

lc-33tJ/85 Neutral Refractory adhesives, gums and paste


5.3 Sodiu]m silicate for C02 cores and mottlds (Part 2). The quantity may vary from 250 to
binders shall be tested for the requirements as 300 kgldrum.
a(~ivell ill 5. I and 5.2. It shall also be tested for the
8.2 Mode of packing other than that specified in 8.1
requirements as given in Annex B, if required by
may be mutually agreed upon at the time of enquiry
{he purchase t-.
and order.
5.4 Sodium silicate for refractory, briquetting and
other purposes shall be tested for the requiretnents
as given in 5.1 and 5.2. It shall also be tested for 9.1 Each container shall be marked with the following.
standard mix requirements as per mutual
agreement between the purchaser and the a) Indication of source of manufacture;
supplier. b) Production details number and/or date of
6 SAMPLING manufacture;

Representative samples from each batch of the c) Net and gross mass, in kg; and
material manufactured shall be drawn as described d) Grade of the material.
ill Annex C,
9.2 BIS Certification Marking
The containers may also be marked with the
7. I [f the tests results on individual as well as Standard Mark, details for which may be obtained
composite sample(s) satisfy the requirements from the Bureau of Indian Standards.
given in 5, the lot shall be declared acceptable.
9.2.1 The use of the Standard Mark is governed by
7.2 A test certificate shall be issued by the supplier the provision of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act,
giving details of the material and its corresponding 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made
test results, thereunder. The details of the conditions under
8 PACKING which the Iicence for use of the Standard Mark may
be granted to manufacturer or producer may be
8.1 Sodium silicate shall be packed in 200 Iitre obtained from Bureau of Indian Standards.
air tight steel drums conforming to IS 1783
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Table 2 Chemical Requirements for Sodium Silicate for Use in Faundries

(Clause 5.2)

s] No, Characteristic Requirements of Grades as givenin Table1 }lcthod of Test,

Ref to Cl No.
/ \
FC-2;0/155 FC-200/145 FC-220/140 FC-220/135 FC-240/120 FC-260/105 FC-330/85 Fc-350/70

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (lo) (11)

Total soluble silica as SiO, 295-32.5 27.5-30.5 29.5-32.0 28.5-31.0 28.0-30.0 26.5-28.5 27.0-29.0 24.0-25.0 A-3
percent,by mass

ii) Total alkalinity as N’a10 15.5 i4.5 14.0 13.5 12.0 10.5 8.5 7.0 A-4
percentby mass, Mm

iii) Mass ratio oftotal soluble silica 2.0+ 0.1 2.0 + 0.1 2.2 + 0,1 2.2 + 0.1 2.4 + 0.1 2.6 + 0.1 3.3+0.1 3.5+0. I A-5
as SiOzto total alkalinty

iv) Totalsoluble silicate 45.0-48.5 42.0-45.5 43.5-46,5 42.0-45.0 400-42.5 37.0-395 35.5-38.0 31.0-33.0 A-5
(as percent SiO,+ Na,O)
v) Solid content percent by mass, Max -+----Maximum permissible impurities ar5percentent overthetotal-----+ A-8

vi) Specific gravity at 20 “C 1.54-1.59 1.53-1.58 1.53-1.58 1.53-1.58 L50-1,54 1.41-1.47 133-1.38 1.26-1.32 A-7
(51.0-54.0) (50.0-53.0) (50.0-53.0) (50.0-53,0) (48.0-51,0) (42.0-46.0) (36.0-40.0) (30.0-35.0)

vii) Vkcosity at 27 “Cby Food B4 220 180 170 160 140 110 90 70 —
Cup in second, Min

viii) Waterin solublespercent by mass, 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 02 0.2 0.2 0.2 A-9

ix) pH 12 12 11 11 10 10 9 9 —

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IS 6773:2008

(Clause 5.2)

A-1 QUALITY OF REAGENTS chlorides test by dilute AgNO~ solution. Keep the
residue on the filter paper and collect the filtrate
A-1. 1 Unless otherwise specified, analytical grade and washings in the original dish.
chemicals shall be employed in tests and distilled
water (see IS 1070) shall be used where the use A- Evaporate to dryness the filtrate and
of water as a reagent is intended. washings on the water-bath. Moisten the
residue with 10 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid and
A-2 PREPARATION OF SAMPLE SOLUTION again evaporate to dryness. Heat at 110 + 5°C for
A-2.1 Sodium Silicate, Liquid an hour. Add to the residue 10 ml of dilute
hydrochloric acid and 20 ml of dilute of water
Weigh accurately about 30 g of the material and and digest as before to dissolve the soluble salts.
dissolve it in fresh boiled distilled water. Filter Filter any additional silica separated on a separate
and thoroughly wash the filter paper with freshly filter paper and wash it free from chlorides as
boiled distilled water. Transfer both the filtrate before.
nnd the washing to a 500 ml volumetric flask and
dilute up to the mark, Keep this prepared sample A-3.1 .2.2 Transfer both the filter papers and
solution for test purpose. residues to a platinum crucible previously ignited
and weighed without cover. Ignite it in a muffle
A-3 DETERMINATION OF TOTAL SOLUBLE furnace, slowly raising its temperature until free
SILICA (as Si02) from carbon. Cover the crucible with a platinum
cover, heat to the highest temperature of blow
TWO methods, namely method A (Gravimetric) and
lamp for 15 min. Cool in a desiccator and weigh
method B (Titrimetric) have been prescribed for
without the crucible cover.
the determination of total soluble silica. If no
specific option is mentioned by the customer A-3.1 .2.3 Moisten the contents of the crucible with
method B (Titrimetric) shall be followed. about 5 ml of water and add 2 to 3 drops of
concentrated sulphuric acid. Slowly add 10 ml of
A-3.1 Method A — Gravimetric
hydroflouric acid. Evaporate to a small volume
A-3. 1.1 Reagents on the water-bath; add another portion of about
10 ml of hydrofluoric acid and evaporate to fumes
A-3. 1.1.1 Concentrated hydrochloric acid — sp the sulphuric acid. Heat the crucible gently at
gr ] ,16 (see IS 265). first over an open flame to drive off sulphuric acid
A-3. 1.1.2 Dilute hydrochloric acid — 1 : 1(v/v). and finally at a red heat. Cool in a desiccators and
weigh. Repeat the heating, if necessary, till
A-3. 1.1.3 Concentrated sulphuric acid — sp gr 1.84 constant mass is obtained.
(see 1S 266).
A-3. 1.3 Calculation
A-3. 1.1.4 11)’drofluoric acid — about 50 percent
From the loss in mass, calculate the percentage
of total soluble silica (as Si02) as follows:
A-3. 1.2 Procedure
Take 50 ml of the prepared sample solution in a Total soluble = 1000 x — percent, by mass
150 ml porcelain-evaporating dish, add 25 ml of silica (as SiO)
concentrated hydrochloric acid and evaporate to
dryness on a water bath. Moisten the residue with where
10 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid and again
mass of the residue and crucible as obtained
evaporate to dryness on the water bath. Heat the
under A-, in g;
dish for lh on a suitable sand-bath or hot plate
maintained at 100 + 5°C. To dissolve the soluble mass of the residue and crucible after
salts add 10 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid and treatment with hydrofluoric acid (see A-,
20 m! of water to the residue and digest for in g; and
5 min on the water-bath. Filter the residue, which
is mainly silica through a Whatman filter paper mass of the material taken for the prepared
No. 40 (or equivalent) and wash the residue on sample solution, in g.
the filter paper with hot water tiil it is free from
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IS 6773:2008

A-3.2 Method B —Titrimetric Method B shall be followed only when xylene

cyanol FF is not available.
Titrimetric method for determination of total
soluble silica (as SiOz) and total alkalinity A-4.2 Method A
(as Na20).
A-4.2.1 Reagents
A-3.2. 1 Principle
A- Standard hydrochloric acid —
Both free alkalinity and soluble silica are approximately 0.5 N.
determined simultaneously. First free alkalinity
determined as described in A-4.2 using only methyl A- Indicator — Dissolve 0.2 g of methyl
orange indicator. The same solution is used for orange powder in 100 ml of rectified spirit (see IS 323)
determination of solution silica in the following 50 percent (v/v).
manner. The alkali equivalent of sodium silicate is
titrated with hydrochloric acid using methyl red A-4.2.2 Procedure
indicator. Subsequently the sodium hydroxide released
Transfer 50 ml of the prepared sample solution by
by treating the silica acid produced in the above
means of a pipette into a conical flask and titrate with
titration with sodium fluoride can be found out by
standard hydrochloric acid, using the indicators
treatment with hydrochloric acid according to the
specified in A-, till the colour changes fi-om
followin~ equations:
green to grey.
a) Na2SiOl + 2HCl = H~SiOJ + 2NaCl — ‘l-iter ‘a’
A-4.2.3 Calculation
using methyl red as indicator
Calculate the total alkalinity (as NazO) on the basis
b) Ft,SiO, + 6NaF + H,O = Na,SiFe + 4NaOH that 1 ml of normal hydrochloric acid is equivalent to
0.031 g of sodium monoxide.
c) 4NaOH + 4HC1 = 4NaCl + 4HZ0

NOTE — Usc excess hydrochloric acid and back titrate 31x AxN
excess hydrochloricacid with sodium hydroxide. Total alkalinity (as Na,O) =
‘1’has,1 more of Na,SiO, = 1 mole of H,SiO, = 4 moles of percent by mass
Xrdiomhydroxide. -
A-3.2.2 Procedure
A = volume of standard hydrochloric acid required
Take 20 g of sample of sodium silicate, dilute it
for the titration, in ml;
and make the volume to 1 000 ml. Take an aliquot
so that titrate contains approximately. 1 g of the N.
normality of hydrochloric acid; and
material of 50 ml, add 0.5 ml of methyl red indicator W.
mass of the material taken for the prepared
and titrate with 1 N hydrochloric acid till the
sample solution, in g.
colour changes from yellow to red. Let this titer be
‘a’, Now add 4 g of sodium fluoride, agitate to A-4.3 Method B
dissolve and then add 25 ml of methyl alcohol. Titrate
with 1 N hydrochloric acid and note the volume of A-4.3. 1 Reagents
hydrochloride acid added as ‘b’ ml. Add 0.5 ml of
A- Phenolphthalein indicator — Dissolve
methyl red and xylene cyanol FF indicator 28 g
0.5 g of phenolphthalein in 100 ml of rectified
100 ml. Titrate the excess hydrochloric acid with
spirit (see IS 323) 50 percent (v/v), that has previously
I N sodium hydroxide till the colour changes
been neutralized to the indicator.
from violet passing grey to green. Note this titer
as ‘c’. A- Standard sodium hydroxide solution —
approximately 0.5 N.
A-3.2.3 Calculations
A-4.3.2 Procedure
Percent, SiO, = [(b) – (a + c)] (0.015 02 X 100)
Transfer 50 ml of the prepared sample solution
Percent, Na,O = (a) – (0.031 00 x 100)
by means of a pipette into a conical flask and add a
A-4 DETERMINATION OF TOTAL few drops of phenolphthalein indicator. Add in excess
ALKALINITY (as NazO) TITRIMETRIC a known volume of standard sulphuric acid. Boil
METHOD for some time taking care that no spurting Jakes place
and titrate the excess acid with standard sodium
A-4. 1 Two methods, namely, Method A and Method hydroxide solution until a delicate pink colour persists
B, have been prescribed for this determination, for 1 min.

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1S 6773:2008

A-4.3.3 Calculation A-6.1.2 Pipette out 5 ml each of standard fehling

solution A and B and pour into 500 ml conical flask,
Calculate the total alkalinity (as NazO) on the basis add 50 ml water and titrate the solution in hot
that I ml of normal sulphuric acid is equivalent to conditions against the made up solution (S). The
0.031 gofsodium monoxide. end point is detected by testing a drop from the
conical flask with a drop from the conical flask
AN - BM with a drop of 1 percent sodium-diethyl-diphenyl
Total alkalinity (as Na20), =3.1 x
W carbonate solution on filter paper indicates
percent by mass
incomplete titration and further addition of solution
where (S) required (burette reading) by ‘Y’ ml to reach
the end point.
2 = volume ofstandard su]phuric acid add, in ml;
A-6. 1.3 Calculations
N== normality of standard sulphuric acid;
5 ml each of Fehling solutions A and B = 0.05 sugar
B = volume of standard sodium hydroxide
solution required to neutralize the excess of 0.05 X 250
acid, in ml; 250 ml of made up solution (S) - ~ g sugar
Lf = normality of standard sodium hydroxide
solution; and 0.05 X 250 ~ 2.5
Sugar in X g of binder =
IV= mass of the material taken for the prepared Y Xg
sample, in g.
Percent sugar =
0.05 X 250 X 2.5 ~ 100 ~ 3125

A-5. 1 Mass Ratio

Determine total soiuble silica and total alkalinity
as under A-3 and A-4 and find out the ratio of these A-7.1 Specific gravity shall be measured by
two components: hydrometers at 20 + 0.5”C. Measuring cylinders
having an effective capacity of 500 ml and an out
Total mass of SiO, side diameter of approximately 50 mm shall be
Mass ratio = used.
Total mass Na10
A-7.2 Procedure
A-5.2 Total Soluble Silicates
Adjust the temperature of approximately 500 ml of
Determine total soluble silicate by adding the the test sample to 20 + 0.5°C. Pour this sample
total Solubie silica and total alkalinity as under into the measuring cylinder and then slowly insert
A-3 and A-4. the appropriate hydrometers. When hydrometer is
reached the equilibrium position, depress it slightly,
A-6 DETERMINATION OF TOTAL INVERT wait for its return to the equilibrium position and record
SUGAR CONTENTS the production mark.
i’JO”r~— [t’ sogar is added to sodium silicate as per
agreement \vIththe porchaser. The reading is the density of sample expressed
gram per millimetre, result should be nearest to
A-6. 1 Procedure 0.001 g/ml experience has shown that accuracy of
Add 15/20 g binder
sample in a previously this method is within 0.02 g/ml.
weighed 100 ml beaker. Let the mass of the binder A-8 DETERMINATION OF TOTAL SOLID
be ‘X’ g. The binder should be poured into the CONTENTS
beaker using a clean and dried glass rod to avoid any
moisture pick up from the atmosphere. Add A-8.1 Principle
distilled water and stir to make up the volume to
Drying of a test portion followed by beating to
250 ml.
between 600 and 650°C. Weighing of the residue.
A-6.1.1 Pipette out 100 ml from the above made up
A-8.2 Procedure
solution in a 250 ml beaker and keep it for boiling
with a glass rod inserted in it. Add exactly 3 ml A-8.2. 1 Test Portion
hydrochloric acid while boiling. Cool and make the
volume to exactly 250 ml (S). Heat the platinum or silica dish which is having a

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Kolkata(ocschemlab@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 6773:2008

capacity of 30 to 3S tml and an upper dia]meter of free water is filtered through a tared filter crucible
approximately 75 mm, for a few minutes in the and the mass of the water insoluble residue is
electric furnace controlled between 600 and 650°C obtained.
allow to cool to ambient temperature in a desiccator
A-9.2 Reagents
and weigh to the nearest 0.001 g.
A-9.2.1 Distilled Water (Analytical Quality),
Weigh into the tared dish to the nearest 0.001 g,
freshly boiled to free in from carbon dioxide.
a test portion of 1 to 2 g of the test sample.
A-9.2.2 Phenolphthalein indicator 1 percent (m/v)
A-8.2.2 First gently heat the dish containing the
solution in aqueous ethanol. Dissolve 1 g of
test portion in order to remove most of the water,
w]~i]e avoiding losses of matter due to splashing. phenolphthalein in 60 ml of 95 percent (v/v) ethanol
and dilute to 10 ml with water.
For this purpose use a device which heats the lower
part of the vessel (heating plate) or the upper A-9.3 Procedure
part (inferred radiation lamp or other source of
heat not in contact with the dish). A-9.3.1 Weigh to the nearest 0.1 g about 25 g of the
Gradually increase the temperature to between
600 and 650°C and maintain for 10 min. A-9.3.2 Transfer the weighed sample to a 400 ml
beaker. Add 250 ml of water and warm, if necessary
Allow to cool in a desiccators to ambient until dissolution of all soluble matter is complete.
temperature and weigh to the nearest 0.001 g. Repeat Allow standing for 1 h and filtering the solution
the operation until the difference between the through the sintered glass or porous porcelain
results of two successive weighing does not exceed crucible previously dried for 1 h in the oven
0.001 g. controlled at 100”C to 105”C and weighed to
A-8.3 Results the nearest milligram transferring any insoluble
matter from the breaker to the crucible with a jet of
The dry matter content expressed as a percentage by water. Wash the filter with 5 ml of distilled water
mass is given by the formula. until the filtrate is no longer alkaline to the
phenolphthalein indicator. Dry the crucible in the
MIX 100”
Sol id content, percent = oven controlled at 100°C to I05°C forl h allow it
)720 to cool in a desiccator and weigh to the nearest
where milligram.
/?1, = mass of the weighed dry residue, in g; and A-9.4 Results
m. = mass of the test portion, in g.
The matter insoluble in water, expressed as a
A-8.4 Accuracy percentage by mass, is given by the formula:

Practice has shown that the maximum deviation

between results obtained using this method is 0.6 m,
Matter insoluble in water, = — x 100
percent (ndm) in absolute value. mO
in percent

A-9.1 Principle i710= mass of the test sample, in g; and

A solution of the test sample in carbon dioxide ml = mass of the matter insoluble in water, in g.
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1S 6773:2008

(Clause 5.3)

B-1 Sodium silicate for COl cores and mould binder specimen, Contained in the split specimen tube or a
shall be tested for the requirements given in Table 3, fixture (see Fig. 1). Pass C02 gas for 30 s with the
in addition to the requirements given in 4 of this specimen at the bottom and for another 30 s after
standard. The test shall be carried out on the test pieces inverting the specimen tube. The gas pressure is
prepared from the standard sand mix. maintained at 0.035 MPa (0.35 kgflcmz) at the cylinder
B-2.4 Test for Gassed Strength
B-2.1 Take 5 kg of the standard silica sand
conforming to IS 3018 in a paddle type laboratory Test the strength of the gassed specimens after keeping
sand mixer. Add 100 g (2 percent by mass of sand) them in open air (see Table 3). The test procedure
of coal dust, 50 to 100 g (1 to 2 percent by mass of shall be as given in IS 1918.
sand) of the breakdown agent and water as
per requirement. Mix it for 2 min and thereafter B-2.5 Test for Break-down Properties
add 250 to 275 g sodium silicate (5 to 5.5 percent by
mass of sand) mix it again for 3 min and discharge Six specimens after gassing as given in A-2.3 are
the mixed sand into a polythene bag, close it air tight selected. Three of them are heated in a furnace at
and preserve the sand for testing. 1 OOO°C for 3 min and other three for 10 min.
Specimens are allowed to cool to room temperature
NOTE — Breakdown agent could be bauxite powder;
liquid sugar, a proprietary product or any other product and tested for compressive strength as specified in
which can incrcasc [he breakdown properties of the CO1 IS 1918. Cracks may appear on the specimen after
hardened sodium silicate cores/moulds, tiring. Retained strengths are given in Table 3.
B-2.2 Prepare standard 50 x 50 mml three ram
B-2.6 Test for Gas Content
cylindrical specimen in a split specimen tube (see 5 of
IS 1918). Dry to constant mass at 110”C * 5“C, a give
quantity of standard mixed sand (see B-2). Test
B-2.3 Gassing with CO, Gas
the gas content in accordance with the procedure
Carbon dioxide gas is passed through the given in IS 1918.




64X L8T 35inm



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Kolkata(ocschemlab@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 6773:2008

Table 3 Gassed Strength and Breakdown Properties of Sodium

Silicate for COZ Cores and Mould Binders

(Clauses B-1, B-2.4 und B-2,5)

s] Requirements hliaimrrm Gassed Minimum Rctaincel

No. Strength in kgf/cm’ Strength After
(J’ariation +2 kgf/cm2) (Variation +2 kgf/cn~2)

Immediate in 24 h 3 min IOmin

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

1) Compressivestrength 14.0 18.0 24.0 8,0 6.0

i!) ‘Ikosilcstrcagth 2,5 4.0 7.0 —

Iii) Gas coolent 9 m 30 IllI/g

;\/) Friability Gassed sample storwt up to 48 h in an atmosphere of 40-60 percent relative

humidity shotdd not be friable

v) Bcncb Ilfe 411to 6 II. Bench Iifccan be increased ifit is covered with moist gunny bags

vi) F’lo\vability lntricatc cavities of cores and rmouldsshould be compactly tilled easily under
normal shooting conditions.Core boxes and moolds should be properlyvented to
avoid air pockets

(Clause 6)

C-1 SAMPLING OF SODIUM SILICATE be taken from each drum selected as per procedure
given in C-4. Minimum 3 samples shall be taken from
C-1. 1 Representative samples ffom each batch of the
each drum.
material produced shall be drawn from drums after
thoroughly mixing the material. Precautions shall be C-4 The number (n) of drums to be chosen from a lot
taken to protect the sample, sampling instruments and depend on the size (N) of the lot and shall be in
containers for samples from contamination. accordance with CO12 and CO13 of Table 4. The drums
to be selected for sampling shall be chosen as random
C-1.2 Each sample container shall be closed air tight in accordance with 1S 4905.
after filling and marked with details of sampling.
C-5 From each drum 300 g sample shall be drained
C-2 LOT SIZE and stored in separate sample containers. These filled
All the containers in a single consignment of the containers are termed as individual samples. Test
material of one grade, type and drum from a single sample of about 500 g shall be drain from the composite
lot shall be separated and grouped before drawing sample, prepared by thoroughly mixing the individual
sample. samples. However tests for the total soluble silicates
and the ratio for total alkalinity shall be carried out on
C-3 Vertical column by a burette or sampling tube of any three of the individual samples drawn as above.
30 mm internal diameter made of glass or metal shall Same samples shall be used for both tests.

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Tanmay Haldar -
Kolkata(ocschemlab@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 6773:2008

Table 4 Number of Drums to be Selected

(Clause C-4)

StNo. Lot Size Number of Drums to be Selected

N n

(1) (2) (3)

O Uptolo 3

ii) 11-20 5

lil) 2]-30 7

iv) 31-50 10

v) 51 and above 15

NOTE — !n dIe case of tanker, sample shall be drawn from each compartment and tested separately as well as afier making it a

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Tanmay Haldar -
Kolkata(ocschemlab@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

Bureau of Indian Standards

B[S is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certitlcation of goods and
attending to connected matters in the country.


BJS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications maybe reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing
the standard, of necessa~ details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to
copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
‘BI S Catalogue’ and’ Standards: Monthly Additions’.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Dot: No. MTD 14 (3852).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected



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