1068 1993 Reff2021

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Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to yoginder saini -
ludhiana(yoginder785@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use  only].

(Reaffirmed 2012) 
IS 1068:1993
( Superseding Is 4827, I8 4828 and IS 4842 )
( Reaffirmed 2006 )
(Reaffirmed 2011) 
(Reaffirmed 2016) 
(Reaffirmed 2021)
(Reaffirmed 2010) 
(Reaffirmed 2015) 
(Reaffirmed 2009) 
(Reaffirmed 2014) 
Indian Standard  
(Reaffirmed 2007) 
(, Third Revision ) (Reaffirmed 2012) 
Second Reprint APRIL 1998  
(Reaffirmed 2006) 
(Reaffirmed 2011) 
669’248’7’26 + 669’387’24’25 : 621’357’7  
(Reaffirmed 2005) 
(Reaffirmed 2010) 

(Reaffirmed 2009) 

(Reaffirmed 2008) 

(Reaffirmed 2007) 

(Reaffirmed 2006) 

(Reaffirmed 2005) 
8 BIS 1993  
NEW DELHI 110002

July 1993 Price Group 7

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to yoginder saini -
ludhiana(yoginder785@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

Metallic and Non-Metallic Sectional Commi(tee, MTD 20


This Indian Standard (Third Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the
draft finalized by the M,etallic and Non-Metallic Firlis!les Sectional Committee had been approved
by the Metallurgical Engineering Division Council.

This standard was first published in 1958 and subsequently revised in 1968 and 1985, respectively.
Electrodeposited coatings of Ni plus Cr and Cu + Ni + Cr that are applied to zinc alloys, copper
and copper alloys, and aluminium and aluminium alloys which are presently covered in IS 4827,
IS 4828 and IS 4942 respectively, have now been incorporated in this revision to have unification
of the requirements of these coatings on line with International Standards.

After the publication of this standard, IS 4827 : 1983 ‘Electroplated coatings of nickel and chromium
on copper and copper alloys (jirst revision )‘, IS 4828 : 1983 ‘Electroplated coatings of copper,
nickel and chromium on zinc alloys (first revision )’ and IS 4942 : 1983 ‘Electroplating coating of
nickel and chromium on aluminium and aluminium alloys (Jim revision )’ shall be withdrawn.

In the preparation of this standard considerable assistance has been derived from IS0 1456 : 1988
Metallic coatings - Electroplated coatings of nickel plus chromium and of copper plus nickel PIUS

For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the
final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off
in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised )‘. The number
of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified
value in this standard.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to yoginder saini -
ludhiana(yoginder785@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 1068:. 1993

Indian Standard
( Third Revision )

1.1 This standard covers requirements for nickel plus 3.1 For the purpose of this standard, a significant
chromium and for copper plus nickel plus chromium surface is defined as the part of surface of an article
electrodeposited coatings that are applied to iron, which being essential to the appearance or service-
steel, zinc alloys, copper and copper alloys, and ability of that article is required to be coated by a
aluminium and aluminium alloys to provide an specil”red thickness of copper, nickel and chromium,
attractive appearance and corrosion resistance. Several in the stipulated combinations as specified in
classes of coatings are provided that differ in thickness Tables 1A to 4.
and type and guidance is given in selecting the coating
class appropriate to the service conditions to which 3.1.1 When necessary, the significant surface should
the coated product will be exposed. be the subject of agreement, and should be indicated
on drawings, or by the provision of suitably marked
1.2 This standard does not specify the surface samples.
condition required by the basis metal prior to the
1.3 This standard is not applicable to coatings on
sheet, strip or wire in the unfabricated form nor to 4.1 Essential Information
threaded fasteners or coil springs.
When ordering articles to be electroplated in
2 REFERENCES accordance with this standard, the purchaser shall
provide the following information.
2.1 The standards given below are necessary adjuncts
to this standard: 4.1.1 The number of this standard.
IS No. Title 4.1.2 The basis metal and either the service condition
number (See 5.1) denoting the severity of the
3203 : 1982 Methods of testing local thickness conditions to be withstood by the coated arl.icle or
of electroplated coatings ( first the classification code (see 5.2) of the particular coating
revision ) required.
5528 : 1985 Method of testing corrosion If the basis metal and the service condition number
resistance of electroplated and are quoted and not the classification code, the
anodized aluminium coating by electroplater is free to supply any of the classes of
copper accelerated acetic acid salt coating corresponding to the service condition
spray (CASS) test (first revision ) number, but he shall inform the purchaser of the
classification code of the coating which he has selected
6009 : 1970 Method for evaluation of results of (see also 7.2).
accelerated corrosion tests
6910 : 1985 Method of testing corrosion 4.1.3 The finish required, for example, bright, dull,
resistance of electroplated and or satin (see 7.2). Alternatively samples showing the
anodized aluminium coatings by required finish or range of finish shall be supplied
acetic acid salt spray test ( first or approved by the purchaser.
revision )
4.1.4 Significant surfaces, to be indicated on drawings
8038 : 1985 Method of testing corrosion. of the parts, or by the provision of suitably marked
resistance of metallic and non- specimens.
organic coatings by corrodkote test
( first revision ) 4.1.5 The type of corrosion test to be used.

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to yoginder saini -
ludhiana(yoginder785@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 1068 : 1993

4.1.6 The type of adhesion test to be used. 4 A number indicating the minimum local
thickness, in micmmetres, of the copper coating
4.1.7 The extent to which defects shall be tolerated where applicable.
on non-significant surfaces.
4 The chemical symbol for nickel (Ni).
4.1.8 The positions on the significant surface for 4 A number indicating the minimum local
rack or contact marks, where such marks are thickness, in micrometres, of the nickel coating.
0 A letter designating the type of nickel coating
4.1.9 Sampling methods and acceptance levels. (see

4.2 Additional Information

g) The chemical symbol for chromium (Cr).
hl A letter or letters designating the type of
The following additional information may be provided chromium coating and its minimum thickness.
by the purchaser, when appropriate.
Example of complete classification code : A coating
4.2.1 The tensile strength of the steel and any on steel comprising 20 urn copper (minimum) plus
requirement for heat treatment either before or after 30 m bright nickel (minimum) plus 0.3 urn micro-
electroplating. cracked chromium (minimum) has the classification
4.2.2 Thickness requirements on those areas, that Fe/Cu%O Ni30b Cr mc
cannot be touched by a ball 20 mm in diameter.
NOTE - For nickel plus chromium and copper plus nickel
4.23 Whetber or not a copper undercoat is required. plus chromium coatings, the minimum thickness requirements
apply only to those portions of the significant surface that can
be toucbed by a ball 20 mm in diameter unless otherwise
5 CLASSIFXCATION~ specified by the purchaser.

5.1 Service Condition Number 5.3 Coating Appropriate to Each Service Condition
The service condition number is used by the
purchaser to specify the degree of protection Tables 1A to 4 show, for various basis metals, the
required, as related to the severity of the conditions coating classification codes appropriate for each
to which a product is to be subjected, in accordance service condition number.
with the fdlOWinlj scale:
4 = Extremely severe
3 = Severe 6.1 If the purchaser specifies tbat heat treatment is
necessary before and/or after electroplating, it shall
2 = Moderate bc carried out in accordance with the appropriate
1 = Mild recommendations given in Annex B.
0 = Bxceptionally mild
Typical service conditions for which the various 7.1 Appearance
service con&ion numbers are appropriate are listed
in Annex A. Over the significant surface, there shall be no clearly
visible plating defects such as blisters, pits, roughness,
5.2 Coating Classification Code cracks, unplated areas, stains or discoloration. The
extent to which defects may occur on non-significant
?be coating classification code comprise the following: surfaces shall be specified by the purchaser. Where
rack marks on the significant surface are unavoidable,
4 The chemical symbol for the basis metal (or their position shall be specified by the purchaser.
for the principal metal if an alloy) followed
by a ’ stroke, as follows: 7.2 Thickness and Type of Coatings

- Fe / for iron or‘ steel 7.2.1 General

- Zn I for zinc alloys For a specified service condition number, the
- Cu / for copper or copper alloys thickness and type of coating shall correspond to the
classification codes given in Tables 1A to 4. The
- Al / for aluminium or aluminiunt alloys minimum allowable thickness for the metal coatings
shall be required on any point of the significant
b) The chemical symbol for copper (Cu), if surface that can -be touched by a ball 20 mm in
copper or brass containing greater than 50 diameter and the purchaser may also specify that
percent copper, is used as an undercoat other points shall meet those thickness requirements.

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to yoginder saini -
ludhiana(yoginder785@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 1068 : 1993

Test methods for detemtining coating thickness are Table 2A Nickel Plus Chromium Coatings on
specified in 9.1. Zinc Alloys
(Clauses 3.1, 5.3, 7.2.1, 7.2.2 and
Table 1A Nickel Plus Chmmium Coatin@
on Iron or Steel h-vice Comditiom CIasaUlat&m
Number ’ Code
(Clauses 3.1, 5.3, 7.2.1 and
Service ComdlUom ClmssUhUom Zn/Cu Ni 35d Cr r
Namtbcr Code ZtQCu Ni 25d Cr mc
4 FeiTVi 4Od Cr I ZnKu Ni 25d Cr mp
Fe/Ni 306 Cr mc
Fe/T% 30d Cr mp Z&u Ni 35p Cr r
Z&u Ni 25p Cr mc
Fe/M 4Op Cr r
4 ZtuCu Ni 25p Cr mp
Fe/Ni 3op Cr mc
Fe/Ni 3@ Cr mp
Zn/Cu Ni 35b Cr mc
Fe/Ni 30d Cr r Zn/Cu Ni 35b Cr mp
FeJNi 2Sd Cr mc
Fe-/Ni 2M Cr mp
Zm’Cu Ni 25d Cr r
FefTVi 30p Cr r Zn/Cu Ni 20d Cr mc
Fe/M 25p Cr mc Zn/Cu Ni 206 Cr mp
Fe/Ni 25p Cr mp
Fe/Ni 4Ob Cr r Z&u Ni 25p Cr r
Fe/Ni 30b Cr mc Zn/Cu Ni 2Op Cr mc
FeiNi 30b Cr mp Z&u Ni 20p Cr mp

2 FeiNi 2Ob Cr r
Zn/Cu Ni 35b Cr r
i Fe/Ni 10b Cr r ZnKu Ni 25b Cr mc
0 Fe/Ni 05b Cr r Z&u Ni 25b Cr mp

NOTE - s Nickel may be substituted for b nickel, and mc 2 Zn/Cu Ni 15b Cr r

or mp chromium may be substituted for r chromium for service
conditions 3, 2, 1 and 0. p and d nickel may be substituted
for b nickel for service conditions 2 and 1. 0 and 1 Zn/Cu Ni Oftb Cr r

Table 1B Copper Plus Nickel Plus Chromium NOTES

Coatings on Iron or Steel 1 s nickel may be substituted for b nickel, and mc or mp
(C&/ties 3.1, 5.3, 7.2.1, 7.2.2 and chromium may be substituted for r chromium for service
conditions 3, 2 and 1. p and d nickel may be substituted for
Service Comditiom ClmssUiatIom b nickel for service condition 2.
NUlllbW Code
2 Thinner coatings than those given for service condition 1
Fe/Cu 20 Ni 3Od Cr r are not specified for service condition 0.
Fe/Cu 20 Ni 25d Cr mc
FeKu 20 Ni 25d Cr mp 3 A copper undercoat of at least 8 pm shall be given in all
the cases.
4 Fe/Cu 20 Ni 3Op Cr r
Fe/Cu 20 Ni 25p Cr mc
Fe/Cu 20 Ni 25p Cr mp
7.2.2 Thickness of Copper Coating
Fe/Cu 20 Ni 30b Cr mc
Fe/Cu 20 Ni 30b Cr mp
For copper plus nickel plus chromium coatings,
the minimum thickness for copper is indicated in
Fe/Cu 15 Ni 25d Cr r the classification codes given in Tables 1B and 2B.
Fe/C% 15 Ni 2Od Cr mc
The minimum copper thickness. for a system of
Fe/Cu 15 Ni 20d Cr mp
nickel plus chromium on zinc alloys is 8 pm (see
Fe/Cu 15 Ni 25p Cr r Table 2A).
3 Fe/Cu 15 Ni 2% Cr mc
Fe/Cu 15 Ni 20p Cr mp NOTE -All the nickel coatings given in Table 2A are applied
over an undercoat of cdpper having a thickness of at least 8
Fe/Cu 20 Ni 35b Cr r pm [see 5.2(b) and 7.221. However, for articles of complex
FeKu 20 Ni 25b Cr mc shape, the minimum thickness of copper on the significant
Fe/Cu 20 Ni 25b Cr mp surface may need to he increased to 10 pm or 12 pm in order
to achieve adequate coverage on low-current areas outside the
2 Fe/Cu 20 Ni lob Cr r significant surfaces.

1 Fe/Cu 10 Ni 05b Cr r
7.2.3 Thickness- and Type of Nickel Coatings
0 Fe/Cu 05 Ni 05b Cr r Thickness of nickel coating
NOTE - s Nickel may he substituted for b nickel, and mc
or mp chromium may be substituted for r chromium for service The total minimum thickness of nickel shall be that
conditions 3, 2, 1 and 0. p and d nickel may be substituted
designated by the classification code (see 5.2).
for b nickel for service condition 2.

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to yoginder saini -
ludhiana(yoginder785@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 1068 : 1993

Table 2B Copper Plus Nickel Plus Chromium Table 4 Coatings of Nickel Plus Chromium on
Coatings on Zinc Alloys [see also 5.2(b)] Aluminium or Aluminium Alloys
(Clauses 3.1, 5.3, 7.2.1, 7.2.2 and (Clauses 3.1, 5.3, 7.2.1 and
sa-vice condition classulcauon
Service Condition CIassf5catfon
Nlllllber Code
NUtllber Code
Al/Ni 5Od Cr r
Zn/Cu 20 Ni 3Od Cr I Al/Ni 35d Cr mc
ZtKu 20 Ni 20d Cr mc AilNi 35d Cr mp
Z&u 20 Ni 2Od Cr mp
4 AIM 30d Cr r
Zn!Cu 20 Ni 30~ Cr r AVNi 25d Cr mc
Zn/Cu 20 Ni 20~ Cr mc AWNi 25d Cr mp
Zn/Cu 20 Ni 20~ Cr mp
3 AUNi Up Cr r
Audi 30~ Cr mc
Zn/Cu 20 Ni 30d Cr mc
AbNi 3Op Cr mp
Zn/Cu 20 Ni 30d Cr mp
2 At/f% 20b Cr r
Zn/Cu 15 Ni 20d Cr r
3 Zn/Cu 15 Ni 15d Cr mc 0 and 1 At/Ni 10b Cr r
ZtVCu 15 Ni 15d Cr mp
ZKu 20 Ni 30b Cr r 1 A copper undercoat in addition to the specified nickel
Zn/Cu 20 Ni 20b Cr mc coatings may be used on certain alloys and the certain
Zn/Cu 20 Ni 20b Cr mp applications.

Zn/Cu 15 Ni 20~ Cr r 2 Q, d or s nickel may be substituted for b nickel, and mc or

Zn/Cu 15 Ni 15~ Cr mc mp chromium may be substituted for r chromium for service
Zn/Cu 15 Ni 15~ Cr mp conditions numbers 2 and 1.

2 Zn/Cu 20 Ni lob Cr r Type of nickel coating

0 and 1 This coating systems given in The typ of nickel coating shall be designated by
Table 2A for service condition the following symbols:
number 1 shall apply here.
‘b’ for nickel deposited in the fully bright
NOTE - s nickel may be substituted for b nickel, and mc condition;
or mp chromium may be substituted for r chromium for service 6 , for dull or semi-bright nickel which has been
conditions 3, 2 and 1: Q and d nickel may be substituted for P
b nickel for service condition 2. mechanically polished;
‘ ,
S for dull satin, or semi-bright nickel which
Table 3 Nickel Plus Chromium Coatings on shall not have been mechanically polished;
Copper or Copper Alloys and
(Clauses 3.1, 5.3, 7.2.1 and ‘d’ for double or triple-layer coatings; the
requirements for such coatings are given in
sa-vke conduion ClaasiflatIon Table 5.
NUlEbcr COdC
Cu/Ni 30d Cr r
1 The test method for the determination of specific elongation
Cu/Ni sd Cr mc is specified in Annex C.
Cu/Ni 2Sd Cr mp
2 The sutphur contents are specified in order to indicate the
Cu/Ni 30p Cr r type of nickel plating solution that is to be used. No simple
4 Cu/Ni 25p Cr mc method exists for determioiog the sulQhur content of a nickel
Cu/Ni 25p Cr mp deposit on a coated article. However, an accurate determination
is Qossibte 00 a specialty prepared test specimen using either
Cu/Ni 30b Cr mc of the methods specified in Annex D.
I Cu/Ni 30b Cr mp
3 It will usually be possible to identify the type and to
determine the ratios of thicknesses of nickel layers by
Cu/Ni 25b Cr r
microscopical examination of a polished and etched section
Cu/Ni lob Cr r of an article prepared in accordance with IS 3203 : 1982.

Cu/Ni 05b Cr r 7.2.4 Thickness and Type of Chromium Conting

CuMi 03b Cr r ’ Thickness of chromium coating
The thickness of the chromium coatings shall be as
NOTE - s nickel may be substituted for b nickel, aod mc
or mp chromium may be substituted for r chromium for service
conditions 3, 2, 1 and 0. Q and d nickel may be substituted - Regular (conventional) chromium (designated
for b nickel for service conditions 3 and 2.
Cr r) - minimum thickness 0.3 pm

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to yoginder saini -
ludhiana(yoginder785@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 1068 : 1993

- Micro-cracked chromium (designated Cr 7.3 Adhesion

mc) - minimum thickness of 0.3 pm (see
The coating shall be sufficiently adherent to the basis
Notes 1 and 2)
metal, and the separate layers of a multilayer coating
- Micro-cracked chromium (designated Cr mc shall be sufficiently adherent to each other, to pass
0.5) - minimum thickness 0.5 pm (see Note the appropriate test specified in 9.2.
2 and Note under
7.4 Corrosion Resistance
- Micro-cracked chromium (designated Cr
Coated articles shall be sufficiently corrosion-resistant
mp) - minimum thickness 0.3 pm (see
and pore-free to pass the appropriate test specified
Note 2)
in 9.3 for the particular service condition number.
- Micro-porous chromium (designated Cr mp The performance rating shall be determined in
0.5) - minimum thickness 0.5 pm (see accordance with IS 6009. The minimum acceptance
Note 2) rating, after testing in accordance with 9.3 shall be
a rating of 9.
NOTE - For a quick identification for performance of
pore free Ni, modified ferroxyl test may be used, as given in
1 With some processes a substantially greater mickness,
Annex F.
approximately 0.8 pm, may be required to achieve the necessary
crack pattern.
2 There may be some loss of lustre after a period of service in
the case of mp or mc chromium deposits which may be 8.1 Out of each lot of similar parts, a number of
unacceptable in some applications. This tendency may be reduced
by increasing the minimum chromium coating thickness to 0.5 pm samples shall be selected at random. The size of the
in every case where micro-porous or micro-cracked chromium is lot and the number of samples to be selected shall
specified in Tables 1A to 4. be agreed upon between the manufacturer and the
purchaser. All of the samples selected shall be visually Type of chromium coating examined for any defects referred to in 7.1.

The type of chromium coating is designated by placing 9 METHODS OF TEST

symbols after the chemical symbol, Cr as follows:
9.1 Thickness
Cr r for regular chromium;
9.1.1 The thickness of a coating and its various layers
Cr mc for micro-cracked chromium which, shall be measured at any part of the significant surface
when tested by the method described in that can be touched by a ball 20 mm diameter. The
Annex EZ, has more than 250 cracks per coulometric method described in Annex G may be
centimetre in any direction and form a closed used to measure the thickness of the chromium, the
network over the whole significant total thickness of the nickel, the thickness of the
surface; copper and the thickness of a copper alloy undercoat,
if its composition is known, In case the instrument
Cr mp for micro-porous chromium which, specified in Annex G is not available, the method
when tested by the method specified in given in IS 3203 : 1982 may be used.
Annex E, contains at least 10 000 pores per
square centimetre (see Note). 9.1.2 The microscopical method specified in IS 3203 :
1982 may be used to measure the thickness of each
NOTE -This type of coating is often achieved by depositing
chromium over a special thin nickel layer which cohtains inert nickel layer where the minimum thickness is 10 pm,
non-conducting particles, the special nickel layer being applied and of a copper or copper alloy undercoat, when
on top of b, s, p or d nickel. present ( see 7.2 ).

Table 5 Requirements for Double or T.tiple Layer Nickel Coatings

Layer SpedtlC Sulphur Thickness,IISP Percentage
flYFo.,,,kel Elongation content of Total Nickel Thickness
Percent Percent (m/m) (see Note 3)
(see Note 1) (see Note 2) / -
Double Layer Triple Layer

Bottom(s) >8 < 0.005 + 60 L 50

High-sulphur (b) - > 0.15 - 10

Top (b) - > 0.04 S 40 I 40

and 0.15

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to yoginder saini -
ludhiana(yoginder785@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 1068 : 1993

9.1.3 The magnetic method specified in IS 3203 : resulting the corrosion of the basis metal ( see 7.4 ).
1982 may be used to measure the total thickness of The rating shall be at least 9.
b, d, s or p nickel on zinc alloys and copper alloys
and on ferrous materials. if an appropriate calibration 9.3.3 Corrosion Test
is made.
Corrosion tests, when carried out in accordance with
NOTE - Other meluods may also be used if il can be
demonstrated that the uncertainly of the measurement is less the test prescribed in 7.4 are meant for controlling
than 10 percent continuity of the coating and the duration of the tests
does not necessarily have a fixed. relationship with
9.1.4 In case of dispute, coulometric method shall the service life of the finished article.
be used for measuring the thickness of the chromium
coating and for nickel coatings of the thickness less NOTES
rhn 10 pm and the microscope method shall be used
1 The duration of tests is less when the basis metal fs copper
!or measuring the thickness of nickel coatings and or copper alloy than when it is iron or steel, zinc alloy or
‘1~ undercoat of thickness 10 pm and above. aluminium alloy. This is necessary since, for the same service
condition number, the nickel deposits on copper and copper
9.2 Adhesion alloy are thinner than those on iron or s-1, zinc alloy’or
aluminium alloy. The use of these thinner and less corrosion-
resistant coatings is justified by the slower corrosion of copper
Adhesion of the coating shall be tested by either the ?nd copper alloys when the coating are penetrated.
tile test or the quenching methods specifiedin
Annexes I-I and J. There shall not be any detachment 2 Dashes indicate that *here is no test requirement.
of the coating from the substrate, or any separation 3 No corrosion test is specified for service condition 0.
between layers of the coating.

9.3 Cotrosion Resistance 9.4 Ductihflity

9.3.1 Coated articles shall be subjected to one of The ductility shall be ~ucn that the elongation will
the corrosion tests given in Table 6, appropriate for be not less than specified in for nickel when
the particular service grade number. tested in accordance with the method specified in
Annex C.
9.3.2 After the articles have been subjected to the
Pppropriate corrosion test the ratingshall be assigned, 10 MARKING
.rsing the method described in IS 6009 : 1970, to
each tested article represe&g .ttherizlative freedom 10.1 .The material, may also & marked with the
from defects at which the coating is penetrated, with Standard Mar‘k.

Table 6 Corrosion Tests Appropriate for Each Service Condition Number

( CIawe 9.3.1 )
Be& Metal Service CASS Teat Duration of Corrosion Test, h
CondiUon (IS 5528 : 1985) v A
Corrodkote Acetic Acid
Test Salt Spray Test
(IS 8038 : 1985) (IS 6910 : 1985)

Steel 4 24 2x16 144

7 lb 16 96
i -8 -8 488

Zinc alloy 4 24 2x16 144

3 16 16 96
2 8 8 48
1 - - 8

copper or copper 4 16 - 96
alloy 3 - - 24
2 - - 8
1 - - -

Aluminium or 4 24 2x16 144

aluminium alroy ? 16 16 96
2 8 8 48
1 - - 8

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to yoginder saini -
ludhiana(yoginder785@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 1068 : 1993

( Clause 5.1)



A-l Examples of service conditions for which the Service condition 2. Service indoors in places
various service condition numbers are appropriate are where condensation may
as follows: occur
Service condition 4. Service outdoors in Service indoors in warm
Service condition 1.
extremely severe corrosive dry atmospheres
Service condition 3. Service outdoors in severe Service condition 0. Purely cosmetic
temperate conditions applications

( Clause 6.1 )


B-l Heat treatment is normally necessary for some b) beat treatment after electroplating.
steels to reduce the risk of damage by hydrogen
embrittlement and can comprise: Recommendations for such treatment are summarized
in Table 7.
a) stress relief before electroplating; and

Table 7 Recommendations For Heat Treatment of Steels

( Chrrse 6, and Annex B )

Before ICkdroplaliug Afler qeckroplaltng

Steel Components Normally Components that have been severely cold Components hat are ma& from severely cold-worked
Requiring Heat Treatment worked or that are made from steel of tensile steels or from sleels of tensile strength of 1000 MPa (or
strength of 1 000 MPa (or correspondink corresponding hardness*) and that are subjec1 IO
hardness*)orgreater, that havebeenground fatigue or sustained loading stress in service.
or subjected to severe machining after

Heat treatment:

a) General 30 min at the highest temperature within the Tensile Maximum Mbrimrtm Period
recommendations limit imposed hy the tempering temperature Strargrh Thickness nl IW
but not higher than 5oOC below the of Componetrr IO 21ooc’
tempering temperature
MPa mm h

or >1OflOandc150 Less than I.! 2

12.10 ‘5 4
1 h minimum at a temperature of behvcen Over ‘5 8
190” and 21oOC > I 150 and < 1400 Less Ihan 13 4
12 IO 25 1’
Over 25 24

Healing IO
commence within
16 hours of plating
b) Restrictions If the components have &n surface-hardened, they
Steels Ihat have heen carburixcd. flame - or
induction-hardened shall be hcaced at a shall be heated a1 a lower Iemperaturc for a longer
lower Iemperature for a longer period, for period. provided 1haI these condilions have been shown
example more than I h at a temperature of IO be effective for a particular component and are
17ooc acceptable IO the purchaser
‘30 HRC. 295 IN, 280 HB (approximate values).

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to yoginder saini -
ludhiana(yoginder785@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 1068 : 1993

( Clauses ad 9.4 )


C-l SCOPE AND FIELD OF APPLICATION the test strip to be cut from if after trimming off
a border at least 2.5 mm wide all round.
This annex specifies a method for determining the
specific elongation of the coating on an electrocoated Electroplate the polished side of the sheet with nickel
test piece and provides a means of assessing the to a thickness of 25 mm under the same conditions
ductility of the coating. and in the same bath as used with the corresponding
Cut the test piece from the coated sheet with a guillotine
or flat shear. Round or chamfer the longer edges of
Bending a nickel coated test piece around a mandrel
the test strip, at least on the plated side, by careful
in order to produce a minimum elongation in the
filing or grinding.
coating of 8 percent and visual examination to observe
whether or not cracking has taken place in the
C-4.2 Test
Bend the test piece (C-4.1) with the coated side in
C-3 APPARATUS tension, by steadily applied pressure, through 1800
over the mandrel (C-3) until the two ends of the test
Mandrel, diameter 11.5 + 1.0 mm. piece are parallel. Ensure that contact between the
test piece and the mandrel is maintained during
bending. Examine the convex side of the bent test
C-4 PROCEDURE piece visual1.y for cracks.
C-4.1 Preparation of Test Piece C-5 EXPRESSION OF RESULTS

Prepare a coated test piece 150 mm long, 10 mm If there are no cracks in the nickel. coating on the
wide and 1.0 t 0.1 mm thick as follows. test piece which have propagated completely over
the convex surface ( see Note ), the coating is deemed
Polish a sheet .of the appropriate basis metal, similar- to have a specific elongation of 8 percent or greater
to that of the articles being coated, except that the and is deemed to have passed the test.
sheet may be of soft brass if the basis metal is zinc NOTE - Short cracks in the nickel coating at the edges of
alloy. Use a sheet that is sufficiently large to allow the test piece do not indicate failure.

( Clause )


D-O GENERAL titrimetric method for the determination of the sulphur

content of electrodeposited nickel. It is applicable
Two methods are given for the drtcrmination of IOproducts having sulphur contents, expressed as S,
sulphur, to be used for testing compliance of the type in the range 0.005 to 0.5 percent (m/m).
of nickel deposit with the appropriate requirements
of For routine purpose, alternative methods D-l.2 Principle
or variations of these methods may be used, by
Combustion of a test portion in stream of oxygen
agreement between the purchaser and the supplier.
in an induction furnace. Absorption of sulphur dioxide
evolved in acidified potassium iodide/starch solution.
Titration with potassium iodate solution which has
been freshly standardized against steel of known
D-l.1 Scope and Field of Application
sulphur content to compensate for the characteristics
of the apparatus and for day-to-day variation in
This part of this annex specifies a combustion/ sulphur dioxide recovery. Compensation is made for

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IS 106.8 : 1*3

the blank to allow for the effects of crucibles and Induction heating apparatus, comprising
accelerators. essentially:

D-l.3 Interferences 9 oxygen purifying tubes, to remove any

residual impurities from the oxygen
The elements nomrally present in electrodeposited (D-1.4.8) leading to
nickel do not interfere.
ii) valve, for controlling oxygen flow rate
through the heating tube, leading to
D-l.4 Reagents
iii) heating tube, located in the induction
During the analysis, use only reagents of recognized
furnace, leading to
analytical grade and only distilled water or water of
equivalent purity. iv) sulphur dioxide absorption vessel, filled
with a burette,
D-1.4.1 Dilute Hydrochloric Acti 3 percent (v/v).
v) induction furnace.
D-1.4.2 Iron (Low-Sulphur)Accelerator, in chip form.
D-1.4.3 Iron (Low-Sulphur) Accelerator, in powder CAUTIONS IN USING THB INDUCTION
form. FURNACE.
c) Crucible, fitted with lid, to contain the test
D-1.4.4 Potassium Zodate, standard solution A, portion.
equivalent to 0.10 g of S per litre.
D-l.7 Procedure
Dissolve 0.222 5 g of potassium iodate (KIO,) in
900 ml of water in a volumetric flask. D-1.7.1 Nickle Test Foil Preparation

1 ml of this standard solution is equivalent to D-1.7.f.l Prepare a suitably dimensioned test panel
0.10 mg of S. of cold-rolled steel, for example, 150 mm long x
100 mm wide x 1 mm thick. Clean and acid-dip
D-1.4.5 Potassium Zodate, standard solution B, the panel, electroplate it with approximately 7.5 mm
equivalent to 0.02 g of S per litre. of an adherent nickel deposit and thoroughly rinse.
Buffed nickel or buffed stainless steel may also
. Transfer 200 ml of the potassium iodate be used as alternatives to steel electroplated with
solution A (D-1.4.4) to a 1 000 ml one mark nickel.
volumetric flask, dilute to the mark and mix. D- Passivate the test panel anodically at 3V
for 5 to 10 s in an alkaline cleaner solution
1 ml of this standard solution is equivalent to 0.02 maintained at 70” to ,80°C and containing either
of s.
30 g/l of sodium hydroxide (Na0I-I) and 30 gil of
trisodium orthophosphate (Na,PO,), or 60 g/l of any
NOTE - The sulphur equivalent ,assumes complele
conversion of sulphur IO sulphur dioxide. However, the other suitable anodic alkaline cleaner.
recovery of sulphur as sulphur dioxide may be less than 100
percent. It is nevertheless consistent if the temperature and the
D- Coat the passivated test panel with 25 to
rate of oxygen flow in the furnace remain ,mnstant. II is 37 m of nickel deposited from the same solution and
therefore necessary to determine an analysis factor by analysis using the same conditions as for the coated articles,
of a standard sample. to ensure that the test portion will be representative
of the coated article.
D-1.4.6 Starch, iodide solution.
D- Remove the edge of the electroplated test
Transfer 1 g of soluble starch to small beaker, add panel with a hand or power shear or by any other
2 ml of water and stir until a smooth paste is obtained. convenient method that pemrits ready separation of
Pour the water into 50 ml of boiling water. Cool, the test foil.
add 1.5 g of potassium iodide (Kl) and stir until it
is dissolved. Dilute to 100 ml and stir. D- Separate the test foil from the test panel,
wash it with water to remove any electrolyte and
D-1.4.7 Tin (Low Sulphur) Accelerator, Granular dry by dabbing with, for example, filter paper. Cut
the foil into pieces 2 to 3 mm square with a scissors.
D-1.4.8 Oxygen, pure. Transfer the pieces to a 100 ml beaker, cover with
water, and heat to boiling. Pour off the water, wash
D-1.5 Standards the pieces with methanol and allow them to dry in
the atmosphere, on filter paper.
Certified standard steel. of appropriate sulphur content,
shall be used. D-1.7.2 Test Portion and Standard Material
D-l.6 Apparatus Depending on the expected sulphur content of the
product, weigh, separately, to the nearest 0.000 1 g,
a) Ordinary laboratory apparatus; the amount of the nickel test foil (D-1.7.1) and the
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ludhiana(yoginder785@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 1068 : 1993

appropriate standard materials ( we D-1.7.3 ) indicated D-l.8 I3lank Test

Carry out a blank test immediately after the
&pected Sulpliur Mass of Test Portion determination, following the same procedure and using
Content or Standard Material the same quantities of reagents but omitting the test
percent (m/m) portion. Use a pre-ignited crucible for this test.
From 0.005 up to 1.00 + 0.02 D-1.9 Expressioa of Results
and including 0.10
D-%9.1 Sulphur Factor of Potassium Iodate Solution
Above 0.110 to 0.50 0.2Q f 0.02
The sulphur factor P, expressed as grams of sulphur
D-1.7.3 Calibration (S) per millimetre of potassium iodate solution, is
given by the equation:
Select a minimum of two standards with sulphur
contents near the upper and lower limits of the m, x a
expected range for the test portion and also one near F= x 100
the mean. The mean standard may be prepared, if (v, - V,)
necessary, by taking equal amounts of each of the where
other two, Weigh out appropriate amounts of each
standard and determine their sulphur contents using m, = mass, in grams, of the standard used in
the same procedure as specified in D-1.7.4. the calibration determination;
a = sulpbur content, expressed as a percentage
-1.76 Determination by mass, of the standard;
D-lr7.4.P Add 1 g of the iron chips (D-1.4.2), v, = volume, in millilitres, of the standard
0.8 g of the iron powder (D-1.4.3), and 0.9 g of the potassium iodate solution used in the
tin (D-1.4.7) to the crucible (D-1.6). Add the test calibration determination; and
portion (D-1.7.2) and close the crucible with its lid.
v* = volume, in millilitres, of the standard
potassium iodate solution used in the
D- Assemble the heating apparatus (see
corresponding blank test.
D-1.6). Switch on the induction furnace and allow
it to attain .its operating temperature. Pass the
oxygen (D-1.4.8) through the apparatus at a rate of D-1.9.2 Sulphur Content
1.0 to 1.5 l/min ( see Note 1 ) and full the sulphur
dioxide absorption vessel to a predetermined point The sulphur content expressed as a percentage by
with the hydrochloric acid (D-1.4.1) (see Note 2). mass as sulphur (S), is given by the formula:
Add 2 ml of the starch-iodide solution (D-1.4.6).
Continuing the oxygen flow, add the appropriate (v, - V,) x F xl00
potassium iodate solution (D-1.4.4) or (D-1.45) m
from the burette until a faint blue colour, to be
taken as the end-point, is produced. Refill. the where
v, = volume, in millilitres, of the standard
NOTES potassium iodate solution used in the
1 Tbe oxygen flow rate may be adjusted to meet the
requirements of individual operators or equipment; however, v4 = volume, in millilitres, of the standard
the flow rate has to be the same for the-test samples and the
standard samples.
potassium iodate solution used in the blank
2 Always fill the titration vessel to the same point.
F = mean sulphur factor ( see D-1.9.1 ) for
D- After the furnace has been at operating the standard used; and
temperature for at least 45 s, place the covered m= mass, in grams, of the test portion.
crucible containing the test portion and accelerators
on the furnace pedestal, with the oxygen flow
adjusted to 1.0 to 1.5 l/min, raise the crucible, close
the furnace, and switch on the power. Heat the sample FORMATION AND IODATE TITRIMETRY
for 8 to 10 min, titrating continuously with the
appropriate potassium iodate standard solution at such D-2.1 Scope and Field of Application
a rate to maintain the original intensity of the blue This part of this annex specifies a titrimetric method
colour as constant as possible. The end-point is reached for the determination of the sulphur content of
when this blue colour is stable for 1 min. Record electrodeposited nickel. It is applicable to products
the final burette reading and empty the titration vessel having sulphur contents, expressed as S, in the range
through the exhaust stopcock. 0.005 to 0.2 percent (m/m).

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IS 1068 : 1993

D-2.2 Principle D-2.4 Apparatus

Conversion of sulpbide sulpbnr to hydrogen sulpbide D-2.4.1 Hydrogen Sulphide Evolution Apparatus
by treatment with hydrochloric acid containing (Fig. l), comprising :
dissolved bexacbloroplatinic acid, as an accelerator
for dissolution. Reaction of hydrogen sulpbide with 4 Erlemneyer flask, of capacity 250 ml;
ammoniacal zinc sulpbate and titration of zinc sulpbide
formed with standard volumetric potassium iodate b> a wash bottle fitting with an exit tube, leading
solution. Results are based on potassium iodate as
the primary standard. 4 a receiving flask.

D-2.3 Reagents Tbe Erlenmeyer flask can be heated by an eleclric

During the analysis, use only reagents of recognized
analytical grade and only distilled water or water of D-2.4.2 Burette, of capacity 10 ml.
equivalent purity.
D-2.5 Procedure
D-2.3.1 Ammoniacal Zinc Sulphate Solution
D-2.5.1 Nickel Test Foil
Dissolve 50 g of zinc sulpbate (ZnSO, . 7H 0) in
250 ml of $vater, add 250 ml of ammonia so fution, Prepare test sample as specified in D-1.7.1.
(rd = 0.9 g/ml) 0.90 g/ml and mix. Transfer the
solution to a flask and allow to stand for approximately D-2.5.2 Test Portion
24 b; filter it into a polyethylene bottle. Depending on the expected sulpbur content of the
product, weigh to the nearest 0.000 1 g, the amount
D-2.3.2 Hexachloroplatinic Acid, 10 gll Solution of the nickel test foil (D-2.5.1) indicated below:
Dissolve ‘0.5 g of bexacbloroplatinic acid (H,PtC!,.
6%0) in about 40 ml of water, add 5 ml of bydrochlonc Expected Sulphur Mass of Sample
acid solution (D-1.4.1), dilute to 50 ml and mix. Content g
percent (m/m)
D-2.3.3 Hydrochloric Acid -Htxachloroplatinic Acid 0.005 to 0.07 1.00 -c 0.02
Solution 0.05 to 0.2 0.40 2 0.02
Prepare 500 ml of a solution containing 1 volume
D-2.5.3 Determination
of hydrochloric acid (D-1.4.1) and 1 volume of water.
Add 2.5 ml of the bexacbloroplatinic acid solution D- Transfer the test portion (D-2.5.2) to the
(D-2.3.2) and mix. 250 ml evolution flask [D-2.4.1 (a)] and add 25 ml
of water.
D-2.3.4 Standard Potassium Iodate Solution, 0.1 m.
D- Add 20 ml of water and 3 ml of the
Dry some crystals of potassium iodate (KIO,) at
ammoniacal zinc sulpbate solution (D-2.3.1) to the
100% for ,l b. Dissolve 3.570 g of the dried
receiving flask (D-2.4.1 c).
potassium iodate in about 200 ml of water, transfer
to a 1 000 ml one-mark volumetric flask, dilute to
D- Adjust the hot-plate to maintain the
the mark and mix.
temperature of the water in the evolution flask at
D- Standardpotassium iodate, standard solution
(0.005 m).
D- Add 15 ml of the hydrochloric acid
Transfer 25 ml of the standard volumetric potassium bexacbloroplatinic acid solution (D-2.3.3) to the
iodate solutiou (D-2.3.4) to a 500 ml one-mark evolution flask. Quickly assemble the apparatus as
volumetric flask with a pipette, dilute to the mark shown in the figure and pass a very gentle stream
and mix. of the nitrogen (D-2.3.7) through the apparatus.

D-2.3.5 Starch-Iodide Solution NOTE-Flow of about 30 ml/min is satisfactory. If the sample

dissolves rapidly, the flow should be decreased during the time
Add about 5 ml of water to 1 g of soluble starch that hydrogen is freely liberated.
with stirring until a paste is formed. Add the paste
to 100 ml of boiling water and mix. Cool the solution, D- Continue the heating and flow of nitrogen
add 5 g of potassium iodide (KI) and stir until the until the samples is completely dissolved, and for
potassium iodide is dissolved. a further 5 min. Detach the gas delivery tube from
the evolution bead and remove the receiving flask
D-2.3.6 Dilute Hydrochloric Acid, (1:l) (V/V). with the delivery tube.
NOTE - The solution in the receiving flask will remain
D-2.3.7 Nitrogen, supplied from cylinder, fitted with alkaline throughout the dissolution period if the hot-plate
valves and pressure regulator. temperature and the nitrogen flow are properly adjusted.

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ludhiana(yoginder785@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 1068 : 1993




Addifional ammoniacal zinc sulphate solution (D-2.3.1) may cbloric acid solution (D-2.3.6) in a 250 ml Erlemneyer
be added, if necessary, but the test portionshould be discarded flask.
if the receiving solution becomes acidic (less thanpH 7 to test
D-2.7 Expression of Results
D- Add 1 ml of the starch-iodide The sulpbur content, expressed as a percentage by
solution (D-2.3.5), and 5 ml of the hydrochloric acid mass as sulpbur (S), is given by the formula:
solution (D-2.3.6) to the receiving flask and mix.
Titrate immediately with the standard potassium iodate (VI - I’,) x 0.005 x 0.016
solution (D- from the 10 ml burette (D-2.4.2), x loo
to the first blue colour. Draw some of the solution m
into the delivery tube with a rubber bulb and release
along the neck of the flask to wash down any adhering =
cv,- V,) x 0.008
zinc sulphate. Swirl the solution of the flask to wash m
the outside of the tube. Continue the titration to a where
permanent blue colour. v, = volume, in millilitres, of the standard
volumetric potassium iodate solution
D-2.6 Blank Test (D- used for determination;
v2 = volume, in millilitres, of the standard
Carry out a blank test to the same starch - iodine
volumetric potassium iodate solution
colour on a mixture of 20 ml of water, 3 ml of the
(D- used for the determination;
ammoniacal zinc sulphate (D-2.3.1), 1 ml of the starch
- iodate solution (D-2.3.5) and 5 ml of the bydro- m = mass, in grams, of the test portion.




E-l SCOPE AND FIELD OF APPLICATION part, wbereby copper is deposited only on the
underlying nickel that is exposed through disconti-
This amtex specifies a method for determining the nuities in the chromium. Assessment of the
number of discontinuities in chromium coatings on discontinuities in the terms of the number of copper
production parts. nodules deposited with a given area or the number
of cracks revealed in a given length.
Cathodic deposition of copper under defined
conditions on a representative area of a production Ordinary laboratory apparatus and plating bath, by

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ludhiana(yoginder785@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 1068 : 1993

JneaJJs of which copper nlay be deposited cathodically 65OC before the copper deposition stage, to help reveal
on the test piece-. the cracks or pores.

The bath solution contaiJJs 200 g/l of copper sulphate E-4.2 Determination
(CuSO, .5H,O) and 20 g/l of sulphuric acid (H2S04)
and shall be maintained at a temperalure of 18O to Connect the. test piece and the anode to the current
24oC throughout the detenlJiJJalion. The cathode current supply before imnlersion. ImnJerse both electrodes
density used is 30A/JJJ*. in the plating bath (E-3) and deposit copper
cathodically on the prepared test piece with a
E-4 PROCEDURE cathode current density 30 A/n?. Use an immersion
time of approximately 1 to 5 Jnin at a tenlperalure
E-4.1 Preparation of the Test Piece of lS” to 24OC. The copper will deposit only on the
underlaying nickel that is exposed through
Prepare the test piece as follows. discontinuities ( pores and cracks ) in the chrontium.

Mask all edges not covered by the chrolniunl coatiJJg Carefully renlove the test piece, riJlse in cold and
with a non-conductivity paint or pressure seJu+itive then in hot water and air-dry (do not use conlpressed
tape, including the wire used to nlake contact to the air). The test piece shall not be wiped where pores
cathode bar of the plating bath. Clean by immersion or cracks are to be counted.
in a hot alkaline cleaner at a temperature not
exceeding 65OC until the surface is homogeneously !%nlate the number of discontinuides in the chromiunl
wetted. A gentle scrubbing with a soft brush is by counting the copper J~odules deposited within a
helpful. Thoroughly rinse in cold running waler, and known area or the number of cracks in a known
then imnlerse for 5 to 10 s in approximalely 5 percent length of the test piece. These determinations Jnay
(nr/m) sulphuric acJd solution. In cases where the test be carried out using either a nletallurgical microscope
is applied several days after chromium deposition, fitted with a calibrated reticle in the eyepiece, or
imnlerse the test piece in a solution containing 10 from microphotographs taken of a representative field
to 20 g of nitric acid per Ii&e for 4 min at approximately of Lhe test piece.

(Clause 7.4 )

F-l GENERAL tested. Allow 10 min contact time for the test period
( see Note ). If the filler paper should become dry
This method reveals disconlinuities such as pores, during the test, moisten again with solution B. Remove
in electroplated nickel on iron or steel. the papers at the end of the contact period, and place
at once into solution C. Sharply defined blue markings
F-2 TEST SOLUTION will appear on the papers indicating basis metal
corrosion or porosity.
F-2.1 Solution A is prepared by dissolving 50 g of
white gelatine and 50 g of sodium chloride in one NOIE - l%lhislest is slightly corrosive IO nickel particularly
if the test period is extended appreciably (3 minutes or more)
litre of wann (45OC) distilled waler.
beyond the 10 minutes period. The test is very sensitive IO
the superficial pressure of iron that is, blue spots can occur
F-2.2 Solution B is prepared by dissolvirlg 50 g of on an elecrrodeposifed nickel surface that has been in sufficient
sodium chloride and 1 g of non-ionic welling agent contact with a piece of iron to leave a trace of the irons on
Ihe nickel surface.
in one litre of distilled water.

F-2.3 Soluiion C is prepared by dissolviJJg 10 g of F-4 REPORT

potassium ferricyaJJide in one litrc of distilled water.
The following information shall bc included in the
V-3 PROCEDURE report.

Filter paper strips are imnierscd in solution A, which The area of surface tested.
is kept sufficiently wart11 to keep the gelatine dissolved,
and then allowed to dry. Just before use, immerse The total JlUmber aJJd diaJneter of all spols on the
the dry filter paper strips in solutioJJ B just long filter paper used for surface area tested.
enough to thoroughly wet all of the filler paper. Firndy
press the filter paper against the thoroughly rlcaned The highest JJumber of spots visible within a square
and degreased electroplated nickel surface lo be area as defined aad speritied by the pl!rcti;!%:r.

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IS 1068 : 1993

( Clause 9.1.1 )


G-l PRINCIPLE G-3.3 Make the electrical connections with the

specimen being anodic. Continue electrolysis until
The method is based on the measurement of the dissolution of the chromium coating is complete, as
quantity of electricity required to dissolve anodicslly indicated by sudden change in anode potential, and
an electrodeposited coating over a known area. record the quantity of electricity consumed.

G-2 TEST SOLUTION G-3.4 Examine the specimen ana ensure that
chromium removal is complete over the area of the
Dilute 62 ml of orthophosphoric acid (sp-gr 1.75) cell.
to 1 litre.
G-3 PROCEDURE Calculate the thickness of the chromium coating from
the following formula assuming 100 percent current
G-3.1 Clean the area to be tested with a cloth, wetted efficiency:
with an organic solvent for grease removal, if
necessary. Q
Thickness, pm = - x 12.6
G-3.2 Press an electrolytic cell, fitted with a flexible
sealing ring an incorporating an annular cathode on where
the coating so that a circle of known area is exposed
Q k quantity of electricity consumed (columbs),
to the test solution. Introduce ihe test solution into
the cell; insert the stirrer if appropriate to the instrument and
used and the. thickness of .the deposit. A = area tested (mm’).

( Clause 9.2 )


H-l The file test shall be carried out as follows: from the basis metal to the coating at an angle of
approximately 45O to the coated surface.
H-l.1 Saw piece off a plated article, hold it in a H-l.2 There shall be no separation between the
vice and apply a coarse file to the outer edge in such coating and the basis metal nor between the layers
a manner as to raise the deposit. File with direction of a multiple coating.

( Clause 9.2 )


J-l PROCEDURE Table 8 Recommended Quenching Test.

J-l.1 Heat a plated article for a sufficient time in ( &use J-l.1 )
an oven for it to reach the temperature shown in
Table 8 with a tolerance of +lO°C. Then quench the subsrnte Temperaturq Oc

part in water at room temperature. The appearance S&l 250

of blisters or peeling shall give evidence of inadequate Zinc alloys 150
Copper and copper alloys 250
adhesion. Aluminium and aluminium alloy 220

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ludhiana(yoginder785@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau oflndian Standards Act, 1986 to promote harmonious
development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to
connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without
the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the
standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to
copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that. no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue
of ‘BIS Handbook’ and ‘Standaids : Monthly Additions’.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Dot : No. MTD 20 ( 3734 ).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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