PollingMemo Page1
PollingMemo Page1
PollingMemo Page1
Likely General Election Voters Max. Margin of Error: 4.8% (929) 388-6585
Conducted 10/30/22 – 11/1/22 Sample Size: 500 (IVR) info@victory-insights.com
US Senator from Florida Do you believe that Governor Ron [REPUBLICANS] Who would you prefer
DeSantis's administration has done a to be the Republican nominee for
Rubio (R-Inc.) 49.7%
good job responding to Hurricane Ian? President of the United States in 2024 -
Demings (D) 45.7%
Ron DeSantis or Donald Trump?*
Undecided 4.6% Yes 57.6%
Rubio + 4.0% No 22.9% DeSantis 49.6%
84.78% Simulated Win Pct. Undecided 19.6% Trump 50.4%
Florida Governor On the issue of abortion, do you [DEMOCRATS] Do you want Biden to
consider yourself pro-choice, pro-life, or be the Democratic nominee for
DeSantis (R-Inc.) 54.1% somewhere in between? President of the United States in 2024,
Crist (D) 41.4% or would you prefer someone else?*
Undecided 4.5% Pro-Choice 40.2%
Pro-Life 34.9% Biden 54.9%
DeSantis + 12.7%
In Between 24.8% Someone Else 45.1%
99.99% Simulated Win Pct.
Which political party do you feel is more [OTHERS] Which one of the two major
Generic Congressional Ballot
responsible for rapid inflation and political parties do you tend to support
Republican 45.4% increased consumer prices - the more often?*
Democrat 39.5% Democratic Party or the Republican
Undecided 15.1% Party? Democratic Party 37.0%
Republican Party 25.2%
Republican + 5.9% Democratic Party 52.8% Neither One 37.8%
Republican Party 47.2%
*Questions marked by an asterisk have a higher margin of error than the others, since only certain respondents were surveyed.
Not commissioned by any candidate or political committee. Intended for research purposes only.