College Roommate Agreement

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College Roommate Agreement

[Jane December] and [John Smithington] agree to all of the rules and requirements as stated in this roommate
agreement. As of [Date of Move In], until [Date of Move Out], we both agree to all of the following:

1. The furniture will be provided on equal terms. [_____________________] will provide living room furniture
and [_____________________] will provide dining room, outside, and office furniture. Both parties agree to
purchase furniture for their individual bedrooms.
2. Mutually agreed times for visitors are as follows: Monday through Thursday, 11:00 AM until 10:00 PM.
Friday through Sunday, all day until 1:00 AM. Both roommates agree that “overnight” guests are allowed. If
there are to be three or more visitors after 11:00 PM on the weekends, the roommates agree to consult one
3. [_____________________]‘s class schedule is as follows: [_____________________________________].
[_____________________]‘s class schedule is as follows: [_____________________________________].
There are to be Quiet Hours during the week from 6:00 PM until 8:00 PM for studying.
4. Both roommates will provide their own food, beverages, and kitchen utensils.
5. Both parties have access to the printer but agree to share the costs of printer paper and ink.
6. Both roommates agree to pay the rent and utilities at least [Number of days] before they are due. Both
roommates agree to share equal parts of both the rent and the utilities.
7. If one roommate needs to borrow the property of another, they are to ask before using it. If property is
broken, or not returned, the borrowing roommate will replace it within a week.
8. Vehicles are owned by: Vehicles can only be borrowed by the other respective roommate if that
roommate has purchased adequate insurance and asks for permission at least 24 hours in advance.
9. Both roommates agree to keep the audio from music, movies, and internet videos to a minimal level. When
the television is being used in the living room, the volume maximum is [Volume level].

I, [Jane December], agree to all the rules and regulations of this roommate agreement.


I, [John Smithington], agree to all the rules and regulations of this roommate agreement.

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